NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
                                               The Sunny side of the Mountain -
                                              FLUORIDE FREE NGONGOTAHA
                                              Editor Ann Henderson
                                              Mob: 027 2379 204
                                              NEXT DEADLINE: Tue 16 October 11am - September 2018 Issue

The Meeting house Te Purei, a family name, is recorded in a newspaper obituary, Hot Lakes Chronicle dated 12 February 1896,
headed "The Death of Wi Maihi - The Tangi at Awahou", who died on 2nd February 1896. Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke was
a famous chief of Ngati Rangiwhewehi Awahou, and his funeral was attended by large numbers of both Maori and European
mourners. Part of the article reads - "The usual salutations having been exchanged here Mr Malfroy's party were invited to enter
the house Te Purei where a repast cooked in native fashion had been prepared for them on a most elaborate scale........." The large
turnout of guests to the marae for the tangi possibly necessitated Te Purei being used as a dining hall (wharekai) on this occasion
when it was generally used as a meeting house (wharenui). Normally Maori culture prohibits the eating of food in the same
building where a tangi is held. Further information on Te Rangikaheke may be found at the Rotorua Public Library along with a
copy of his manuscripts which were handed over to the library by his descendants after being received from Auckland University in
February, 1997.
From Interviews with Awahou residents and the Bidois family it was learned that the land and meeting house belonged to Mrs
Rangikahiwa Eva Bidois (need Pitini). Rangikahiwa Bidois is a descendant of Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikaheke and also Hune Pitini,
a famous carver of Ngati Rangiwewehi. Te Purei the house is confirmed as that mentioned in 1896 as the same building being
used as the SCOUT HALL. With the death of Rangikahiwa and Harry Bidois the circumstances regarding the selling of the family
meeting house considered by Maori as taonga (treasure) may never be known. In March 1943, the opening of the meeting house
Tawakeheimoa at Awahou. Where the car park is now there once was an old dining hall. In December 1968, a new dining hall
Te Aongahoro was opened. The 50th anniversary of the opening of Tawakaheimoa and the 25th anniversary of the opening of
Te Aongahoro Dining Hall took place in celebrations at Awahou in December 1993.           It was generally felt that with the opening
of Tawakeheimoa in 1943 and for unity on the marae this rendered Te Purei surplus. The building began to fall into disrepair and
local children used it for playing in. In removing the building to its present site in Ngongotaha, it has continued on with its proud
beginning as a meeting place for a wider part of the community and where still today, children play.
Below is a photo of the new Te Aongahoro (Dining Room at Awahou). This was achieved through a lot of hard work by Louis
Bidois and his team after a promise he made on the day of his Dad's (Stubbie) funeral. Well done Louis and your team, you can be
very proud of your achievements.

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
Dayna (who is the
                                                                                      grandson of Louis
                                                                                      and Gaelene Bidois,
                                                                                      and son of Matthew
                                                                                      and Jean Bidois) all
                                                                                      of Ngongotaha, was
                                                                                      part of the NZRL
                                                                                      Talent Development
                                                                                      U16 Programme
                                                                                      in the Central area.
                                                                                      He then gained
                                                                                      selection for the
                                                                                      New Zealand U16
                                                                                      Resident team as
                                                                                      hooker (no 9).

                                                                                      Well done Dayna

     A B DIGGER HIRE                                                Kim’s Bees
       Zero turn 1.5t digger for hire - Section clearing
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                Call 0279110619                                        from the hive.
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   Residental and rural fencing, Retaining wall’s
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       Reasonable hourly rate or can quote for job
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               Tel/Fax 07-357-4129

CHARLES STURT                                                   CASUAL STAFF WANTED
                                                                               at the
P: 07 349 3315                                                            Kaharoa Kennels
M: 027 483 6306
E:                                       Phone Kelly on 021362405
4 Davidson Street, Glenholme, Rotorua 3010

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
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07 348 7444
NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
Worker wanted
School Road, Ngongotaha
Sunday: 9.45am Eucharist followed by coffee and fellowship.
Thursday: 9.45am Contemplative Eucharist followed by coffee
and fellowship. 11.00am Bible Study                                     Wendys Angels are looking for a new angel
Wednesday 1st & 3rd: 1.30pm Games afternoon (Scrabble,
Rumikub, 500 etc)                                                        to help with house cleaning and gardens
Friday: 9.30am during term time. Music and Movement for                         Must have car and phone
preschoolers. All Welcome, an hour of fun and fellowship
10.00am.Walking Group – meet outside St. Barnabas for a 1 – 1
                                                                        Work part time must be able to work some
½ hr gentle walk.                                                             weekends and school holidays
4th Friday: 7.00pm Games Evening (Scrabble, Rumikub etc.)
all welcome MESSY CHURCH: Sunday 28th October 4pm
– 6pm Come and experience fun activities, story, meal – for
                                                                          Please call Wendy 0274795483
Ngongotaha Friendship Club will meet at 9.45am at St
Barnabas Church Hall, School Road. Interesting Speakers,
Morning tea.$3.00 Contact R.Michie (07) 362 4755
After approximately 27 years of advertising in the Ngongotaha
News, the time has come to throw the main switch and close
the workshop door. I am just short of 84 years, and the medical
boffins tell me I have had a heart attack, news to me, but I
need to heed their advice and ease up. I would like to take this       Electrical systems, Electronics, Gensets, Batteries, Inverters, Solar •
opportunity to thank you for your service with your excellent                        Buses, Campers, Caravans & Recreactional Vehicles •
news paper over the the years. Wishing you all the best for the
future Kind Regards, Vern McCracken
                                                                                                         Marine & RV Mobile Satellite TV •
Kakahi Village Electronics                                                                                   Boats of all sizes and types •
ps Thank you Vern for your years of support, and I wish you
well in your retirement, Ann Henderson
                                                                       Contact Ken 021 946 554 A/h 07 332 2480

                                                                                     332 3575 OR 0275 865 757 (Duncan)

                                                                                     Always check the LBP Register to ensure your building practitioner is licensed.

                                                                                     HONEST QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED

                                                                              Glass Supplies               D & J Josephs
                                                                       24 HOUR SERVICE                                 ► Town, Rural, Lake areas &
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                                                                                   We’ll fix                                       Dave or Joanna
                                                                           it for you day or night                 07 332 2980 or 027 291 1517

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
For Sale

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2.6 Hectares                                                                                                                                            By negotiation

Who Wouldn’t Want to Share This With the World. ‘The Badgers’ welcome you to 269 Te Waerenga Road. This substantial                                     Inspection
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       *Terms and Conditions apply. Promotion is valid from 1st August until 31st December 2018.
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  Licensed under REAA 2008

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
Ngongotaha Indoor Bowls
                                  19th August was the BOP Champ of Champ Triples where we
                                  had Murray Harris, Cheryl Wiggins and Nicole Ruthe come
                                  runner up. They did very well. Congratulations to them all. I’m

NGONGOTAHA                        sure they all went home and slept well.
                                  20th August Over and Under 60’s. We had quite a few members
                                  play for the over 60’s. There were some close games but
                                  the winner for the night was Delwyn Hughes and runner up

                                  was Murray Harris. The under 60’s Helen White had some
                                  competition. We had three members Nicole Ruthe, Wayne
                                  Hitchens and Helen White. It was a battle between Wayne

     7 days                       Hitchens and Helen White. It was the last bowl that was the
                                  deciding factor. The winner was Helen White and runner
                                  up was Wayne Hitchens. I don’t think Wayne expected this
                                  outcome. I sure didn’t expect to win. But I was very pleased
                                  with myself and was smiling all the way home. Another
                                  member of the club was also smiling, but for a different reason.
                                  He had just got a new set of teeth. I think they look really good,
                                  taken 10 years off his age. All and all everyone had a good
     Mon - Sat                    27th August Trophy. Had a new bowler come along Bill Lynch.
     7:00am – 7:30pm              Hope he enjoyed his night and will join our club next year.
     Sunday                       Some good bowls were played and a very close win for Kevin
     7:30am – 7:30pm              Whyte and Nicole Ruthe with 24 points and runner up Cheryl
                                  Wiggins and Brian Ruthe with 23 points.
                                  3rd September Buttons well no change since we last played
     1 Hall Road,                 buttons. Colin Hanson and Brian Ruthe still hold them. It was
     Ngongotaha                   a shame that John Rayner and Helen White didn’t get to play
     T: 07 357 4475               them. Well done anyway. Well done also goes to John Rayner
                                  for runner up in the BOP Champion of Champion Singles.
                                  Good on John.
        Find us on facebook
                                  10th September RSA Challenge. RSA members came to
                                  Ngongotaha club to play against the Ngonotaha members to
                                  win the trophy. This year we saw RSA win for the night and
                                  take the trophy home. Last year it was a draw. They seemed to
                                  play one better than us. Was a good fun night had by all. One
                                  of the Ngongotaha members who is our Patron had a birthday
                                  over the weekend. Mr Eddie Dibbley turned ninety years young.
                                  Congratulations to Eddie and I’m sure he will have many
                                  more birthdays and still be playing good bowls when he turns
                                  hundred years old.
                                  17th September Aggregate. We had some members away so
                                  was a very quiet night. The winners for the night were Wayne
                                  Hitchens and Martin Bertling with three wins.
                                  Anyone looking at playing bowls can contact:
                                  Cheryl Wiggins       07 3488118.
                                  Kevin Whyte          07 3574766
                                  Patient to his doctor: I have forgotten so many things lately,
                                  and it’s getting worse. What can I do?
                                  Doctor: Yes, this is a known illness, unfortunately it has no
                                  cure. I’d also like to remind you about the 800 USD that you
                                  owe me?
                                  A camel meets an elephant. The elephant asks jokingly: “Why
                                  do you have two breasts on your back?” The camel replies:
                                  “With a face like yours, I’d just shut up.”
                                  Judge: “Why did you steal the car?” Man: “I had to get to
                                  work.” Judge: “Why didn’t you take the bus?”
                                  Man: I don’t have a driver’s license for the bus.
                                  I’m not happy with this and I’d like to exchange it please.
                                  Come again? That’s your bank statement Sir.
                                   I said exchange it!!!

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
Ngongotaha School
Aim High, Stand Proud
Kia ora koutou,
This will be the last entry I pen
for the Ngongotaha Journal. I’d                               LAWN SPRAYING
like to start by mentioning some
of the exciting things that have
                                           SPRING INTO ACTION - SPRING IS THE TIME - ACT NOW!
and are taking place at school
at the moment. All of our Year                                   Tired of
3-6 students are currently taking                                ▪ white daisies appearing the day after mowing?
part in the Unison River Safety                                  ▪ clover filling your catcher?
Programme run at the Aquatics                                    ▪ bees stinging the kids?
Centre. Students are learning                                     RID them and ONEHUNGA WEED (the prickly
valuable skills that will hopefully                                                  one) TODAY!!!
keep them safe in and around our
local waterways.                                  Spraying to create a great lawn for all to enjoy and enhance your garden
We have had a pair of local artists                                    *Approved Handlers Certificate* ( Chemical )
in working with a group of students                                               *References available
on a mural, depicting Ngongotaha,
that will grace the walls of            304 Central Road                                             Phone          33 22 755
Lakeview Golf Club. I have also
worked with our senior students at      Julian Hughes                                                Mobile 027 2606 755
school to create some artworks to
brighten up the school office and
entry, these give a subtle nod to our
connections with Ngati Te Ngakau,
Ngati Tura, Ngati Ngararanui and
Ngati Rangiwewehi. Continuing the
artistic theme we will be putting on             BACK IN TAUI STREET, NGONGOTAHA
an art display in the school Whare
and office over the last week of
term (24-28 September). The art on
display has been created by students
over the term as they have studied
cultures from around the world. The
displays will be open all week for
your viewing.
On Friday the 28th at 11:00am                     TAUI STREET
the school will be having a formal                NGONGOTAHA
powhiri to welcome our new
principal Mr Craig McFadyen.
All members of the community                      Shop: 07 357 4206 ● Mobile: 027 496 1508
are welcome to attend as tangata
Sadly, Friday the 28th will also mark the last day of school for three staff members. Mata Daniels, affectionately known as Nanny
Mata, will be moving on to Rotorua Primary School. Nan has worked in our senior rumaki class sharing her knowledge and
expertise of te reo and te ao Maori. Friday is also the last day for Hannah Last (nee Mildon). Hannah has worked in our junior
school for two years, she is moving to follow her husband who has accepted an out of town job. Hannah has a caring nature and is a
supportive and nurturing teacher. Hannah and Mata have shown genuine care and interest in our students and we thank them for their
hard work and dedicated service.
After eleven years at the school the end of term also marks my final time at school. In light of recent events I have decided to take
some time off and won’t be returning next year. There have been Henderson’s at Ngongotaha School, either as staff or students, for
almost a century and to know I’m probably the last fills me with sadness. I will miss the comradery of the staff and the amazing
students the school has. There is an old saying that “It takes a village to raise a child” and I think our village raises some of the best
children in the world. Thank you for all of your support over the years,
Kia ora rawa atu, Dean Henderson (Acting Principal)

The Chapter meets monthly at the Ngongotaha Bowling Domain Avenue on the first Wednesday of each month at
7pm and the evening ends 9pm. Dinner is served.
The next scheduled meetings are WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 3 - Speaker Doug Wilson and WEDNESDAY
NOVEMBER 7 - Guest Speaker from Uganda. For catering purposes please RSVP to Secretary/Treasurer Martin
Johnston 0272715878 or 07 3323235 by Monday October 1 or Monday 5 November.

NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
DON’T PUT UP WITH YOUR                                                                                                                                                             Why is the Great Wall of China
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              in your home exactly how you want it!                                                                                                                                            The farmer says, “Sure, go right
                           See the friendly locals at                                                     LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED                                                           ahead. And if my bull sees you,
                                                                                                                                                                                               you’ll even catch the 4:11 one.”
                                           The              Top Place 2004 Ltd                                                                                                                 My dog used to chase people on a
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                                                                                                                                                                                   3890680AA   bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I
                                                                                                                                                                                               had to take his bike away.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mother: "How was school today,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Patrick?" Patrick: "It was really
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          great mum! Today we made
Fairfax Media makes every effort to create advertisements to meet your specific needs. Please note in some instances we may be unable to supply additional proofs due to complexity of the request or deadline constraints.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mother: "Ooh, they
 © This advertisement has been created as a service of Fairfax Media. It cannot be reproduced without permission. If you wish to use this material elsewhere, please contact your advertising consultant. Charges will apply.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          do very fancy stuff with you these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          days. And what will you do at
                       Servicing the Rotorua Area since 1978                                                                                                                                                              school tomorrow?"
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Patrick: "What school?"
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                                                                                     A married man and his secretary
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        Quality Products/Great Service/Value for money When they were finished, they fell
                                 Finance Available                                   asleep, not waking until 8 o'clock
                                                                                     that night.
                                                                                     They got dressed quickly. Then the
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                                                                                     man asked his secretary to take his
                                                                                     shoes outside and rub them on the
                                                                                     lawn. Bewildered, she did as he
         7.5 ton excavator work available              asked, thinking him pretty weird. The man finally got home and
                                                       his wife met him at the door. Upset, she asked where he'd been.
                   Able to cut new tracks              The man replied, "I can not tell a lie. My secretary and I are
                                                       having an affair. Today we left work early, went to her place,
                             or                        spent the afternoon making love, and then fell asleep. That's
                     Fix /reclaim any:                 why I'm late." The wife looked at him, took notice of his shoes,
                damaged tracks or driveways            and yelled, "I can see those are grass stains on your shoes.
                                                       YOU LIAR! You've been playing golf again, haven't you?"
                                General clean up digger but
                                  Soil must stay on site                     A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite
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                                                                             husband -- who was a big burly man -- tossed his trousers to
                       Call Matt on 0273056190                               his bride and said, "Here, put these on." She put them on and
                                                                             the waist was twice the size of her body. "I cant wear your
                                                                             trousers," she said. "That's right, said the husband, "and don't
                                                                             you ever forget it. I'm the man who wears the pants in this
      family." With that she flipped him her panties and said, "Try these on." He tried them on and found he could only get them on as
      far as his kneecaps. "Hell," he said. I cant get into your panties!" She replied, "That's right, and that's the way its going to stay
      until your attitude changes."
NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
NGONGOTAHA NEWS The Sunny side of the Mountain
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                                    KAHAROA SCHOOL ENROLMENTS - September 2018

The Board invites applications from parents who wish to enrol their sons and daughters at Kaharoa School for Term 1 2019.
Enrolment at the school is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available from the school office.
Next year there will be 4 enrolment periods. The first enrolment period runs from 30 January 2019 to 13 April 2019.
The Board has determined places are likely to be available for out of zone students next year in the first enrolment period.
The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home
For students seeking enrolment within the first enrolment period, the deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone places is 26
October 2018.
  Written applications to The Board of Trustees for out of zone places should be made on the schools out of zone enrolment
 form. These forms can be obtained from or in the handbook section of our website www.kaharoa.
                                   and returned to the school office.

Applications from out of zone students will be processed in the following order of priority:
         ● First priority will be given to students who have been accepted for enrolment in an approved special programme.
                                (This category is not applicable at our school).
         ● Second priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of current students.
         ● Third priority will be given to applicants who are siblings of former students.
         ● Fourth priority will be given to applicants who are a child of a former student.
         ● Fifth priority will be given to applicants who are either a child of an employee of the board or a child of a member of the
         ● Sixth priority will be given to all other applicants.

        If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot.
                                    If a ballot is required it will be held on Monday 29 October 2018.
                Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
                   If you live in the home zone and have not yet signalled your intention to enrol your child, please
                                     contact the school immediately to assist us to plan appropriately.

Landfill transfer station open for business
The Rotorua landfill will be officially capped from this week but
user experience won’t be affected by the changes.
Rotorua Lakes Council together with landfill operator Waste
Management have been reviewing options for the future of the
landfill following findings in the 2015 Waste Assessment that
highlighted a reduced annual income, health and safety risks to
staff and users, and the need to reduce environmental risks.
                                                                                    kitchens & cabinets
During recent months a transfer station building has been
constructed which will allow users to dump waste away from an
                                                                                                                       bathrooms •
open tip face as well as creating a space that is cleaner and easier                                                     furniture •
to maintain.                                                                                                          commercial •
Infrastructure General Manager Stavros Michael says the move
to a transfer station type system is part of the action plan that                                                          timber •
was adopted by council in 2016 as part of Council’s Waste                                                        windows & doors
Minimisation Strategy.                                                                                                    bi-folds •
“Our aim is to enhance landfill health and safety standards for                                                    double glazing •
both staff and the customers, reduce the environmental impact of
an open landfill and investigate sustainable long-term options for                                                           stairs •
the cost of running the landfill.                                                                                     balustrades •
The transfer station building, which is similar to Waste
Management’s in-town facility on Te Ngae Road, allows users
to dump their rubbish onto a concrete floor. The rubbish is then
loaded into a truck and taken away to Tirohia landfill.
The current landfill area will be capped from 14 September using
a process that works to keep gas in and water out by layering                                            phone 07 348 0620
earth, special geotextile membrane and grass on top of the                                               joinery@lee
rubbish.                                                                                                 120 View Road, Rotorua
Waste Management New Zealand as the landfill operator is                                       
responsible for any capital investment and covered the cost of
the construction of the new transfer station building.
Pricing and the types of waste accepted at the landfill will remain                                                                57B Ward Rd
                                                                          021 961 397                                              RD2
the same.                                                                                                                          Rotorua
Why review the landfill?
-      Volumes of waste going to landfill have decreased
       in recent years and capped with additional environmental
       obligations this resulted in an unsustainable business
       model.                                                                                      ROTORUA
-      The introduction of kerbside recycling has resulted in                                       Allan Mc Allister
        more waste diverted from landfill and the need to
       upgrade the facility.                                                         Tree Surgery
                                                                           * Tree Surgery              Specialised
                                                                                             * Specialised            & Controlled
                                                                                                            & Controlled   Felling * felling
                                                                                                                                      Total Removal
                                                                                      Total Removal
                                                                          * Stump Grinding     * Mulching Stump
                                                                                                            * HedgeGrinding
                                                                                                                     Trimming  Mulching
                                                                                                                                  * Section Clearing
-      Significant health and safety risk in having people                        Hedge
                                                                           * Aualified Staff Trimming    Section
                                                                                              * Fully Insured       Clearing
                                                                                                               * Free  Quotes *Qualified Staff
                                                                                                                                   Pensioner    Rates
       near the tip face of the landfill and close to heavy                       Fully Insured Free Quotes Pensioner Rates 24 Hour Service
                                                                                        *24 Hour Service * Member NZ Arb Assn
       machinery necessitated a complete review of the
       operation of the landfill
-       Environmental risks – further investment needed to
        ensure the landfill meets environmental standards and to
        address historical poor infrastructure
-      Limited space capacity at the current site which would
       require significant investment to create future capacity
       and a more in depth business analysis                                    Book a podiatry appointment at
Two immigrants from Africa arrive in the United States and are                 Ngongotaha Medical Centre today.
discussing the difference between their country and the U.S. One              Podiatry clinic open on a Wednesday.
of them mentions he's heard that people in the U.S. eat dogs, and                        Call: 07-357 1030
if they're going to fit in, they better eat dogs as well. So they head           “Don’t be deFEETed, book your
to the nearest hot dog stand and order two 'dogs.' The first guy
                                                                                       appointment today”
unwraps his, looks at it, and nervously looks at his friend.
“Which part did you get?”
               ȋ    Ȍ

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Ray White Rotorua 07 348 8333
  Amtos Realty Services Licensed REAA 2008

 Ngongotaha 12 Waikuta Road
 Widespread views across the water. Fishing, boating and kayaking a few steps away, across the reserve at the foot of your lawn. Ambient dining accompanied by the sound of the water gently
 lapping on the shores. Not far off the beaten track, the property exudes a relaxed holiday feeling and ½ share in a jetty. Set on 1011m2 section (approx) the three bedro home offers a light and
 well-presented interior with a spacious living area overlooking the water. A separate wing including the third bedroom plus a lounge and bathroom is just perfect for your guests! Only a select few
 properties enjoy lakeside living and holiday ambience that’s this good! Call today!
 For Sale By Deadline: 18/10/18 (unless sold prior) Tim O’Sullivan 0274 974 986 and Anita Martelli 027 552 6482

   Boundaries are indicative only

 Hamurana 424 Oturoa Road
 An immaculate home, triple garaging and powered workshop, set on 1.0456 ha (more or less). Offering a practical and peaceful retreat with spacious living areas and a
 spectacular flow to the outdoors where a long patio stretches from the formal lounge at one end of the home to the master bedroom suite on the other. Accessed directly
 off the family living area there’s a covered outdoor area that faces the land and lake. Modern day living extends to a well-equipped kitchen, modern bathroom and a master
 bedroom with ensuite and walk-in-wardrobe. The property enjoys easy access to the 5 paddocks, each with its own water trough. The perfect family lifestyle!
 For Sale By Negotiation Tim O’Sullivan 0274 974 986 and Anita Martelli AREINZ 027 552 6482



Ngongotaha 4c Domain Ave                                            Hamurana 633 Hamurana Road                                          Ngongotaha Lot 1,16 Parawai Road
Tucked neatly away this well presented three bedroom                Your chance to own the well known Hamurana Store.                   Stroll to the lake’s edge, from this bare section. Located
home with both garage and carport will greatly appeal is            This is a fantastic opportunity to have a business, lifestyle and   with the reserve and boat ramp nearby. World-class trout
north facing and enjoys sunny decking off the lounge. The           home all in one as it comes with an attached 3 bedroom house.       fishing and the cycleway in your neighbourhood. With a
small flat easy care section is surrounded by good fencing           Amazing views of Lake Rotorua in a very popular and growing         scenic view of the mountain, the section is flat and has easy
and village shopping, school, public transport are within a         community as it’s located on the main road of Hamurana.             access directly off the street. Subject to title.
very short walking distance.

                                                                    By Negotiation                                                      By Negotiation
SOLD                                                                Sarah Coatsworth 027 632 9956                                       Tim O’Sullivan 0274 974 986
John Piercy 027 446 4549                                            Phill Rivers 027 610 9090                                           Anita Martelli 027 552 6482


                                                                                                                   Kelly Lelieveld B Bus, CA
 If you think you could be getting more for your accounting dollar, for
 example a service that:                                                                                  

                                                                                                                   021 804 544
~ Has someone local that you can talk to      ~ Understands business
~ Can save you valuable time                  ~ Doesn’t cost the earth
~ Has the highest professional standards       ~ Can assess if Xero is right for you

Then contact Kelly Lelieveld at Money Metrics. Kelly is a Chartered Accountant with extensive experience over many industries.
Kelly is passionate about business & would love the opportunity to talk with you so, for a free no-obligation meeting, contact
Kelly now!

                      Ngongotaha Medical Centre Limited
                      Doctors: Simon Firth, Jane Carman, Genevieve Matthews, Kingsley Aneke, Jorgelina Ferreira, Ben McHale

 Have No Fear                                                                                                   Ngongotaha staff
Smear Your Mea!                                                                                                  are sporting a
                                                                                                                   new style!
  We linked arms with                                                                                           We are placing greater
  the #smearyourmea                                                                                                emphasis on the
      campaign, to                                                                                               importance of cervical
 encourage our wahine                                                                                           health and you may see
  (woman) to build up                                                                                           the team sporting new
    their courage and                                                                                              #smearyourmea
 come in for a cervical                                                                                                 T-Shirts.
   smear. If you don’t                                 Shingles Vaccine                                         Come on in Ladies, and
  want to do it for you,                                                                                          get your next smear
 do it for your whanau!                 New stocks of the Shingles Vaccine                                               today!
   A simple 5 minute                  have at last been received. Please book
 procedure could save                   a nurse appointment to have your                                           This service may be free.
                                                                                                                  Please phone reception to
         your life.                                 vaccination.                                                    check and to make an
                                                                                                                 appointment with one of our
                                      The Vaccination is Free for those patients aged 65
      #smearyourmea                                                                                                         nurses.
                                                         to 80 years.
Fletcher Tabuteau NZ First MP
Spring is here along with the            New Holland
differing weather patterns and the
influenza bug. I hope everyone is        tractor and 8
keeping warm and managing to
stay fit and healthy.
                                         tonne trailer
My condolences firstly to the
                                         for hire with
whanau of Aunty Bea Yates.                experienced
A tireless loving human being,
a community worker, teacher,           Operator for race
entertainer, mother, nanny and
“aunty” to all of Rotorua. Moe mai      work and earth
ra e wahine toa, moe mai ra.
My responsibilities as Under-
Secretary has meant a very busy
few months. In August I attended
the annual Bay of Connections           Brian Aislabie
Forum in support of the Bay of
Connection’s vision they’ve had           07 3322770
since their inception 10 years
ago, to create a prosperous region     Or 027 274 1159
supported by sustainable sectors.
Later in the month I accompanied
Ministers Phil Twyford, Grant
Robertson, and Willie Jackson,
and MPs Tamati Coffey and
Kiritapu Allan on a visit to the
Eastern Bay of Plenty to hear
from local stakeholders who have
identified key regional economic
development opportunities. It
was also an honour to partake
in and speak at the Hope Walk
Rotorua event to raise Depression
and Suicide awareness on 15
With our New Zealand First
convention in Tauranga just around
the corner, I’m really excited to
celebrate what a pivotal difference
we are making in this current
Government. In just 12 months,
in conjunction with our coalition
partner, have delivered multiple
announcements from the Provincial
Growth Fund, including significant
investment in regional rail and forestry, an increase in Research & Development spending in the form of tax credits to businesses,
and an energised focus on tourism to adapt for a surge in regional tourism growth.
Despite reports of low business confidence, we currently have the lowest unemployment we’ve seen in a long time, low Government
debt, a strong Government surplus, and forecasted growth of around 3 percent a year over the next five years.
A big win for New Zealand First in August was the Overseas Investment Amendment Bill passing of its third reading. It ensures
investments made by overseas persons in New Zealand will have genuine benefits for the country and this includes a ban on overseas
buyers buying existing homes. The dream of home ownership is now a reality for more New Zealanders.
A full-scale review into retail power pricing was one of our commitments in the Labour-New Zealand First Coalition Government
agreement and phase one is now complete. More info, including how to make a submission, can be found here https://www.mbie.
I’m also pleased to say the Government has taken seriously the issues raised by my KiwiFund Bill and Ministers have agreed
look into a number of matters of concern in two upcoming reviews including fees and investment practices, and default provider
arrangements. There is therefore no need to progress the Bill further and I have asked for it to be withdrawn. I am pleased the issues
that needed to be urgently addressed will be put under a microscope.
New Zealand First is a strong and stable coalition partner in this government, working in the best interests of New Zealanders. For
my part, I will to continue to serve as the Deputy Leader of New Zealand First and MP based in Rotorua, and as the Under Secretary
for Foreign Affairs, Disarmament and Arms Control and Regional Economic Development, during this exciting and important time
in New Zealand’s political history. Fletcher Tabuteau MP
Rotorua Plumbing
                                                                                                   Next winter is the last winter
                                                                                                   Rotorua residents will have to
                                                                                                   use their old wood burners before

            Services Ltd
                                                                                                   regulations are enforced.
                                                                                                   Old wood burners, multi-fuel
                                                                                                   burners and coal burners installed
                                                                                                   before September 2005 will
                   For all your Gasfitting,Plumbing,                                               become illegal to use in the
                                                                                                   Rotorua Airshed from 2020.
                  Drainage and Heating Requirements                                                Old wood burners emit smoky
•         New Work                                                                                 particles into the air causing air
•         Maintenance                                                                              pollution across the city and
•         Blocked Drains                                                                           contribute to people’s health
•         Repairs                                                                                  problems like respiratory issues
                                                                                                   and asthma.
Call Ross on 0273576772
Ah/fax 073574418                                                                                   Although air quality is improving
                                                                                                   residents with old wood or coal                                                                          burners still need to upgrade them
22 Stembridge Rd Ngongotaha                                                                        to allow Rotorua to meet the
                                                                                                   National Environment Standards
                                                                                                   for Air Quality.
Bay of Plenty Regional Council Councillor Lyall Thurston said every old fire replaced with newer technology made a difference to
the health of Rotorua residents, especially those who suffer from respiratory illnesses.
“It is vital for residents living in the Rotorua Airshed to understand the implications of having old wood burners in their homes.
“They spit out smoke particles into the air and contribute to people’s health issues.
“Our most vulnerable are being affected by these old fires and everybody in the community has to do their part if we are going to fix
this issue.”                                                           contd overpage...............................

Toi Te Ora Medical Officer of Health Dr Phil Shoemack said
smoke from household fires has had a major effect on the health                             Hamurana Playcentre
of people in Rotorua.
“Smoke affects how our lungs work and is a particular concern
for young children, the elderly and people with underlying lung
                                                                                   Spring Fair
conditions like chronic bronchitis and asthma.                                                                         And
                                                                                          GRAND AUCTION
“Every household that converts to a clean source of heating
contributes to improving air quality across Rotorua and to the
health of everyone in our community.”
                                                                                             SUNDAY 30th September – 10 AM TO 2 PM
Dr Shoemack said it was cheaper to heat an insulated home with
a heat pump than buying firewood.                                                                     GRAND AUCTION @ 1PM
Freestanding LPG heaters were cheap to buy but they were                                    NGONGOTAHA DOMAIN (BEAUMONT ROAD, NGONGOTAHA)

expensive to run and had the added problem that they produce             Fun for all the family! Market stalls including art, craft, food, wooden toys, toys, stationery,

highly dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, he said.                      jewellery, quilting, pony rides, face painting, Sparky the mini fire engine children’s rides,
                                                                                        Ngongotaha Volunteer Fire Brigade, bouncy castle and more!
They also add a significant amount of water vapour into the room                     ** Buy your Playcentre tickets at the cake stall for the following**
which can result in dampness and mould.                                    Playcentre children’s games, golf tee-off, cake stall, yummy sausage and patty sizzle,
                                                                                  raffles, quick fire raffles, jumble sale, mystery bags, and Auction items.
Dr Shoemack said cold damp homes led to poor health and there
                                                                                !!!!! EFTPOS AVAILABLE AT TICKET SALES & AT AUCTION !!!!!
were solutions to warm them up with the Regional Council’s low-
income heating grant scheme.                                                                A HUGE THANK YOU TO OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS:
                                                                            3D Trick Art Gallery 4 Square Ngongotaha Agrodome All a Buzz Design Andy’s Party hire
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council has two schemes set up to                  Blue Baths Bunnings Rotorua Buried Village Rotorua Canopy Tours Capers Epicurean
help residents replace heating in their homes.                            Chipmunks Countdown Fairy Springs Golds Health and Fitness Hell’s Gate (Waiora Group) Just
                                                                           Built It NZ Kylie Day Photography Lady Janes Ice Cream Palour Lakeview Golf Lloyd Akroyd
                                                                                    Mamaku Blue McDonalds Fairy Springs Mcleods Bookseller Mitre 10 Rotorua
The Hot Swap Scheme                                                      Ngongotaha Landscape Supplies Ngongotaha Pharmacy Michelle Sampson (Norwex) Off Road NZ
You can use the Hot Swap Scheme to warm up your house with                OGO Rotorua Paradise Valley Springs Pig and Whistle Pita Pit Rotorua Polynesian Spa Rotorua
                                                                             RailCrusing Rainbow Springs Reading Cinemas Rotorua Redwoods Treewalk River Rats
replacement heating and/or insulation.                                      Rock n Ropes Taupo Rotorua Heating Solutions Sancra Farms Scope Rotorua Shaaki Heat
To improve Rotorua’s air quality old wood burners can be                      Skyline Skyrides Springwaters Lodge The Body Shop Rotorua Touch Massage Therapy
                                                                                  Vetora Rotorua Volcanic Air Waikite Valley Hot Pools Waimangu Volcanic Valley
“swapped” for heat pumps, infrared heaters, gas and pellet fires,
low and ultra-low emission wood burners.                                               For full details of auction items and prizes please see our Facebook pages;
                                                                                           Hamurana Playcentre and Hamurana Playcentre Spring Fair 2018
Appliance supply and installation cost goes onto the property                               OR TURN OVER TO SEE A LIST OF THE AUCTION PACKAGES
rates and can be paid back over ten years. Some loans are                                      All enquiries please phone Elizabeth on 027 757 5507

interest-free and some are interest-bearing.
The Low Income Heating Grant
The Low-Income Heating Grant assists homeowners who have
limited means to upgrade an old fire to cleaner technology for
free with either a heat pump or an ultra-low emission burner.
If you own a property in the Rotorua Airshed you may qualify
for the Low Income Heating Grant if you meet the following                                         BERT WILLIAMSON
eligibility criteria:
• The property is located in the Rotorua Airshed
• You are the legal property owner(s) and you live (permanently)
  in the property. Holiday homes, rental properties, Estates and
  Trusts are excluded
• The occupants must have a combined annual household income
  of $50,000 (gross) or less
• There must be a non-compliant wood, multi-fuel or coal burner
  in the property
• The solid fuel burner must be in safe, working condition
• The solid fuel burner should be the property’s only form of
• Agree to remove any other non-compliant appliances that burn
  wood or coal i.e. chip heaters
To find out more about the schemes please call the Bay of Plenty
Regional Council between 8:30 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday on
0800 884 880

I took my mother-in-law out yesterday morning.
Being a sniper is awesome.

I asked the stewardess to switch my seat on a plane
because I was seated right next to a screaming baby.
Apparently that's not something they let you do if the
baby is your own.

LAWN MOWING SERVICE                                                                 NGĀ MIHI MAHANA Spring is here! After weeks of rain and
                                                                                    cold weather the daffodils are out, freesias are blooming and
                                                                                    lambs are gambolling!
►       HONEST                                                                      Key Competency:A Can Do Kid-‘Give it a go’’ Cornerstone
                                                                                    Value: Consideration-Whai Whakaarotanga
►       RELIABLE
                                                                                    Thank you to everyone who has donated items or donated a box
►       PROFESSIONAL                                                                full of goodies for our annual Operation Christmas Child project.
                                                                                    This certainly demonstrates the Cornerstone Value of considering
DAVE & ANNA MAY                                                                     and thinking of others. Last day for these to be delivered to school
                                                                                    will be Wednesday 26th September.
     0274 472 424 OR                                                                Electives: Thank you to all the fabulous parents and teachers
         3478419                                                                    who held 4 elective Friday afternoons this term. The children
                                                                                    thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to learn and/or further
                                                                                    develop a particular craft or hobby. Children always returned to
                                                                                    class beaming at the end of these sessions.
                                                                                    Chess Tournament: Kaharoa hosted the Chess Power Regional
                                                                                    tournament with 93 children from Rotorua schools competing.

 Rotorua-Ngongotaha Rail Trust                                                      Congratulations to the junior players who qualified to enter a
                                                                                    team of 5 (TBC) and to Amber, Sulis and Oscar who qualified as
                                                                                    individuals in the Intermediate Division. These children will be
  Come visit us and have a picnic in the park and                                   competing in the Chess Power Nationals in Auckland in October.
enjoy a ride on our minature Trains and our motor                                   Kapahaka: On Friday 24th August we welcomed Nanny Rauroha,
                     Trolley’s                                                      Whaea Rauroha (Ngati Rangiwewehi) and Whaea Mercia (Nga
                                                                                    Pumanawa e Waru) to our kura. Nanny and Whaea Rauroha are
We have hobby supplies and a model train room,                                      from Awahou. Whaea Rauroha is our kapahaka tutor and teaches
           library plus a Museum.                                                   our tamariki every Friday. We have been learning different haka
                                                                                    and waiata/action items. Kia ora Whaea!
        We also sell shavings and sleepers.                                         Chinese Speeches:
                                                                                    Zhù hè nǐmen! Laoshi Zhu was very proud of our representatives
      For further enquires: Phone 07-3575484                                        in the recent Rotorua Chinese Speech competition. In Yr 5 &
      All Proceeds go to further developments                                       6 - Meg, Finley, Ana, Lucy, Jessica; Yr 7- Mila, Amber, Sulis,
                                                                                    Katrina, Lucy; Yr 8- Aimee, Oliver, Phillipa, Charlotte and
                                                                                    Joshua. Another example of our ‘Can Do’ Kaharoa attitude!
                                                                                    AP/DP Speech Competition: Charlotte’s speech was about Global

 Prime Homekills
                                                                                    Warming. She won 1st place for the Intermediate division in the
                                                                                    first ever AP/DP Speech Competition on Tuesday 11 September.
                                                                                    Ka rawe Charlotte!
               49a Depot St, Rotorua                                                Junior School Emu Walk: As part of Keeping New Zealand
                                                                                    Beautiful week children from the junior team donned hi-vis vests
     For all of your Homekill and Butchery                                          and with volunteer parents, picked up litter along Kaharoa and
                      needs                                                         Kapukapu Roads on Wednesday 12 September. Although these
                Competitive Rates                                                   roads looked clean there was plenty of rubbish collected. Thank
    Slaughter on site, Free removal of offal                                        you Mrs Hale for your organisation and to our fabulous parents
                                                                                    for your supervision and help.
      Phone Jason Riedinger                                                         AIMS Games: Congratulations to the hockey team who were part
                                                                                    of the AIMS hockey tournament. What a great experience. Mrs
          027 617 8237                                                              Vernon-you have been a fabulous coach who has given so much
                                                                                    of your personal time to coach the children every week. To all the
        or (07) 332 5949                                                            parents who transported the children to and from Tauranga daily
                                                                                    for these games-the children and school are very fortunate to have
                                                                                    your support. We’d also like thank Megan Horton for stepping in
                                                                                    when Mrs Vernon was away earlier in the term.
                                                                                    Hair Off! Hugo from Rm Tōtara wants to make a difference. He
         Established Ngongotaha 1965 - Member of Master Plumbers Association
                                                                                    will be shaving his hair off to raise funds for the Cancer Society.
             PHONE: (07) 348 5939                                                   Joining him will be Mr Shoebridge, our fabulous caretaker and
             Fax:    (07) 348 5937                                                  Mrs Powley our Deputy Principal. If we raise over $500 Mr
                                                                                    Moyle-Principal - will also shave his hair off. We all know
                  or 027 493 5986                                                   someone who has lost a loved one to cancer. Whatever you are
                                                                                    able to donate will go towards finding a cure for this disease.
   Repairs & Alterations                                                           Please google
   Spouting Repair & Renewal                     WORKMANSHIP                       hairoff to donate or alternatively send money in a sealed named
   Bathroom Design & Build                       GUARANTEED                        envelope to the school office and Heidi will deposit this into the
   Drainage & Septic Tank                          Free Quotes                     Cancer Society account. ‘Hair Off!’ will take place on Friday 28th
   Fireplace Installation                         Prompt Service                   September at 2:15pm in the Kōkako Centre. Please bring a gold
   Water Pump Servicing                                                            coin to donate!
                                                                                                            Kaharoa School contd overpage............

Art Week: Last week was
Art Week. We welcomed
Joanne Black who was
our guest artist. Joanne
worked with 28 children
throughout the week.
Children were selected to
work with Joanne. Tōtara
children produced artwork-
learning and using various
photography processes;
Tawa children learnt about
3D Construction Box Art
and Rimu children learnt
about the artist Sandra
                                    Looking for quality in-home childcare?
Selerzweig and produced               Licensed by the Ministry of Education, Nurtured at Home Educators provide
flags plus print art. Every           flexible education and childcare in their own homes for up to four children at any
class was engaged in                  one time. These small ratios allow your child to receive individualised care.
creating artwork which
were displayed in our                 Our Educators are supported by registered Early Childhood Visiting Teachers.
Kōkako Centre. Whānau                 You receive daily information on your child’s care and education, and our
and community are warmly              programme is supplemented with regular outings, an extensive toy library, free
invited to attend our art             workshops and free nursery equipment.
exhibition which will be              Nurtured at Home provides quality care and
held on Tuesday 25th                  education in a nurturing home environment. Here are
September-5:30-6:30pm.                more reasons to choose one of our Educators:
Gold coin donation entry.
If I had to tell a friend                We offer WINZ subsidies
about our school what                    20 hours ECE FREE for ages 3 and over
would I tell them? (3                    Great rates
comments from our Y 7 &                  6 hours free ‘settle in’ time (conditions apply)
8 chn)                                   Free playgroups and excursions
*Our school has great
manners. Our school
has lots of opportunities
for people to learn new
                                                    Nurturing, educational and fun!
skills, e.g. Electives. Our
school has something for
everyone. Our school is                              Call us now on 0800 22 11 77 to discuss your
multi-cultured. Our school                    childcare needs. For more information, visit our website
is the best.                                       
*I would tell them that
this is the best school I’ve
ever been to. I love how
friendly it is and how academically amazing this school is. All the     We are in the Business
teachers have a good understanding of what you need help on and
that they help each student to be the best they can be. I love how           to help you
people treat each other here. I love it.
*That it is primary and intermediate. There are no bullies that I            Audit of Companies, Trusts, Clubs, Child care
know of. That we have an awesome teacher.                                       Centres, Schools & Real Estate Agents
                                                                             Business Financing
Term 3 dates: Monday 23 July-Friday 28 September
                                                                             Business Structures
Tues 25/9: Art Exhibition Opening 5:30-6:30pm                                Preparation of Financial Statements & GST Returns
26/9-27/9: Art Exhibition open - Kōkako Centre                               Tax Advice
Wed 26/9: Band Auditions
Fri 28/9:     9am Assembly - Winter Sports Prizegiving                      For prompt affordable service from a friendly firm
Fri 28/9:     Hair Off! (Cancer fundraiser) 2:15pm - Term 3 ends            who speaks your language
Mon 15/10: First day of Term 4                                                     Macmillan Accountants
Tues 16/10: Lamb, Kid and Chicken Day                                                            31 WhiteAccountants
                                                                                                           St. 350-1018
Fri 19/10: Group Day                                                                   Accountants       with
                                                                                               FREE Initial     a difference!
Mon 22/10: Labour Day
Remember our Kaharoa School website
                                                                     * Taxation Advice
is our main source of information. If you can’t find the information you require please contact Kaharoa School office directly, phone
                                                                     * Management Advice
                                                                     * Preparation of Financial Statements Inc. Farming
Ngā mihi mahana - The Kaharoa Team                                   * Finance Applications
                                                                    * Business Health Checks & Restructuring
                                                                  19* Farm Ratio Analysis
                                                                    * We can come to you!
Hon Todd McClay MP Rotorua
                                                               A MPs job can be extremely rewarding and it often comes with
                                                               a few challenges. There is none more rewarding than being
                                                               the Member of Parliament for Rotorua. Parliament meets from
  Quality Workmanship                                          Tuesday to Thursday most weeks -you might have seen question
  Free Measure & Quote                                         time or parliamentary debates on TV. The rest of the time there
  ●Floor & Wall Tiling                                         are select committee meetings as well as many other meetings
                                                               and discussions to talk about draft laws and the views of
  ●Alterations & more                                          constituents as well as a lot of focus on what’s happening in the
  More than 20 years experience
                                                               Rotorua electorate.
  Call John Foster                                             Visits to the electorate
  07 357 41 64 or                                              At home my time is spent meeting with constituents, businesses
  027 652 08 04                                                and community groups in Rotorua and Te Puke and the rural
  Waterproofing certified,                                     areas of the electorate. Part of my role allows me
                                                               to introduce visitors to our wonderful city. Over the last few
                                                               weeks I’ve hosted a group of young political leaders from
                                                               America who are traveling New Zealand learning about how
                                                               our political system works. I also invited the United States

                 DAVE HOWES                                    Ambassador Scott Brown to meet Rotorua businesses, and to
                                                               enjoy the wonderful mountain biking tracks available here in
             MECHANICAL & ENGINEERING                          the mountain bike capital of the world. A highlight was visiting
             186 Tauranga Direct Road, RD6,                    Kilwell to see the high-tech manufacturing they export to all
                                                               parts of the world.
                      Rotorua 3096
                                                                Thanks to SPCA for their hard work.
                 Telephone (07) 332 3923                       I recently visited the SPCA on Old Taupō Road to thank
                       Fax (07) 332 3924                       them for the important work they do. The SPCA is a mix of
Vehicle Servicing & Cambelts - WOF repairs - Trailer           professionals and volunteers who care for a wide variety of
repairs - Farm Machinery rebuilds and repairs - Welding        animals in Rotorua. They’re always looking for support and
and lathe work - All types of light engineering                a helping hand. If you’ve a few hours spare or would like to
                                      REASONABLE RATES         foster an animal please give them a call.
                                                                Finally I hold regular constituent clinics in my Rotorua
                                                               electorate office each week. If there’s something you’d like to
                                                               make me aware of or an issue we can help with please give us a
                                                               call to arrange a time to talk.

Hon Todd McClay                                                Hon Todd McClay Electorate office. 1301 Amohau Street,
MP for Rotorua                                                 The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees
                                                               was absent, but had not phoned in. Needing to have an urgent
Stop by my office, make an                                     work problem resolved, he dialed the employee's home phone
appointment, or call for a chat                                number and was greeted by a child's whispered, "Hello." "Is
                                                               your Daddy home?" he asked. "Yes," whispered the small
                                                               voice. "May I talk with him?" The child whispered, "No."
                                                               Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked,
                        "Is your Mommy there?"
 A         1301 Amohau Street                                  "Yes." "May I talk with her?" Again the small voice
                                                               whispered, "No." Hoping there was someone with whom
 P         07 348 5871                                         he could leave a message, the boss asked, "Is anyone else
                                                               there?" "Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman." Wondering                                               what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss
                                                               asked, "May I speak with the policeman?" "No, he's busy,"
                                                               whispered the child.
                                                               "Busy doing what?" "Talking to Mommy and Daddy and
                                                               the Fireman," came the whispered answer. Growing more
                                                               worried as he heard a loud noise through the earpiece on the
                                                               phone, the boss asked, "What is that noise?" "A helicopter,"
                                                               answered the whispering voice. "What is going on there?"
                                                               demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive. Again,
                                                               whispering, the child answered, "The search team just landed
Authorised by T. McClay, Parliament
                                                               a helicopter." Alarmed, confused, and a little frustrated, the
Buildings, Wellington.
                                                               boss asked, "What are they searching for?" Still whispering,
                                                               the young voice replied with a muffled giggle..."Me!"
Extra Mile
                                                                                                          Age Concern
                                                                                                          At the heart of everything Age
                                                                                                          Concern does is a passion to
                                                                                                          see older people experience
                                                                                                          wellbeing, respect, dignity, and
                                                                                                          to be included and valued.
                                                                                                          Age Concern is a charity
                                                                                                          and relies on the support of
                                                                                                          volunteers and public donations
                                                                                                          to do much of the work we do.
                                                                                                          To help us help older people,
                                                                                                          please consider donating your
                                                                                                          time or money. Volunteers
                                                                                                          are the life blood of our
     WE SERVICE AND                                                         MODERN & TIDY                 organisation and without them
                                                                      WORKSHOP WITH LATEST                we would not be able to deliver
    REPAIR ALL MAKES                                                  DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT                the many programmes and
          & MODELS                                                                                        activities we provide.
       EUROPEAN, JAPANESE,                                               FREE ELECTRONIC                   People who do volunteer report
     KOREAN, AMERICAN ETC.                                                                                a greater sense of wellbeing and
                                                                        SHOCK ABSORBER
                                                                                                          are happier in themselves and
       WE CARRY OUT                                                               TEST
                                              WOFs                                                        are of all ages and ethnicities.
                                                                                                          We now have a full team on
                                                                      FREE BATTERY TEST &                 board; Susan White our AVS
         INSPECTIONS                                                   CHARGING SYSTEM                    Coordinator, Jody Langdon our
                                          SERVICES                                TEST                    Shopping Service Coordinator,
                                                                                                          Lyn Rasmussen our Office
                                                                           FREE COOLANT                   Administrator and me our
           REPAIRS &                          TYRES                      CONDITION TEST                   Manager.
        SERVICES FOR:                                                                                     We will be holding our AGM
                                                                                                          on October 9th starting at
                                            SHOCKS                    FREE VEHICLE PICKUP
                                                                                                          5:00pm with tea and crackers
                                                                             & DELIVERY                   and starting at 5:30pm. The
                                                                                                          event will be held at the
                                            BRAKES                         OBLIGATION FREE
                                                                         QUOTES, INCLUDING
                                                                                                          Recreation Room at Glenbrae.
                                                                                                          We are governed by a voluntary
                                                                           WINZ QUOTES                    Council and we have several
                                         BATTERIES                     NEXT TIME YOU COME IN              vacancies which will be
                                                                          FOR A WOF OR FULL               indicted at the meeting. If you
                                                                                                          would like to be involved with
                                         EXHAUSTS                         SERVICE & MENTION
                                                                                                          the future development of the
                                                                                                          elderly in Rotorua please come
                                                                        OR A CHARITY OF YOUR
                                   OPEN SATURDAYS                     CHOICE, WE’LL DONATE $10
                                                                                                          along and put your hand up.
                                                                                                          Age Concern Nationally
                                                                                                          is pleased to announce a
            140 MAIN RD, NGONGOTAHA                                                                       partnership with ASB to host a
                                                                                                          series of seminars throughout
                                        (NEXT TO GULL)                                                    the country to coincide with the

                                 PHONE: 357 2060                                                          International Day of the Older
                                                                                                          Person on the 1st October. The
                                                                                                          seminar for Rotorua will be
                                                                                                          held at ASB on Tuesday 9th
October from 10:00am. The primary messages of the seminars will be around Financial Safety, covering financial abuse, scamming,
personal on-line safety and security. There will also be three calls to action for the public: Get in touch with your local Age Concern,
join us as a Dignity Champion to combat Ageism and donate to show your support.
If you are over 65 and like to become a member of Age Concern, it only costs $15 single person and $20 a household to join and you
can take advantage of the many programmes we offer as well as our joining package of goodies which includes a Life Tube ($5:00),
a personal audio alarm and torch ($20:00), LED light bulbs ($5:00) , seminars and regular newsletters.
The reason for the Audio Alarms is to give our clients a way of attracting attention should they find themselves in an at-risk
situation. Recently there have been some incidents in other provinces where elderly have been virtually kidnapped and made to
withdraw money from ATM’s.
As a member, you will also be able to take advantage of our many programmes designed specifically for our elderly. The
programme that has been extremely popular is our Supergold Skills Programme where we match up members who want some sort
of maintenance done with our retired tradespeople and handypersons. This is normally a great deal less cost than hiring a normal
tradesperson.            									                                                                       contd overpage........................
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