Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton

Page created by Pauline Lynch
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
Saint Paul Parish
                             The Catholic Community of Princeton
                                                                                    TRUE PROPHETS
                                                                                    In Deuteronomy today we hear
                                                                                    that God's very words will fill the
                                                                                    mouth of a true prophet, but a
                                                                                    false prophet will, in a manner of
                                                                                    speaking, put mere mortal words
                                                                                    into God's mouth. In Mark's
                                                                                    Gospel, we see Jesus teaching and
                                                                                    healing as a true prophet, one
                                                                                    filled with the authority of God's
                                                                                    own voice. The whole history of
                                                                                    our church is filled with both true
                                                                                    and false prophets. Some false
                                                                                    prophets were extremely popular
                                                                                    and quite well-versed in scripture,
                                                                                    and even held positions of
                                                                                    authority. But in today's Gospel
                                                                                    we learn that Jesus' fame spread
                                                                                    because he taught with authority;
                                                                                    he wasn't an authority because he
                                                                                    was popular or famous.
                                                                                    Elsewhere, we also learn from
                                                                                    him, in his desert temptation
                                                                                    confrontations with Satan, that
                                                                                    anyone can quote scripture, even
                                                                                    against God's purposes. Today we
                                                                                    hear that his authority was not
                                                                                    like that of the scribes, who held
                                                                                    the official positions of religious
                                                                                    authority in his day. Our work is
                                                                                    to do our best to discern the true
                                                                                    prophets in our midst, and to be
                                                                                    true prophets as well. The
                                                                                    psalmist tells us how to do this:
                                                                                    by not hardening our hearts when
                                                                                    God speaks. If we truly listen to
                                                                                    God, it will be God's very words
                                                                                    filling our mouths.
                                                                                    Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
                                                                                             INSIDE THIS WEEK
                                                                                    Announcements .................. page 2
                                                                                    Faith Formation ................... page 8
                                                                                    Mass Intentions .................... page 7
                                                                                    Parish School ........................ page 9
                                                                                    Parish Staff/Ministries ......... page 4
                                                                                    Pastoral Hispana ................ page 12
                                                                                    Sacrament Life ...................... page 3
                                                                                    Student Ministry ................. page 11
                                                                                    This Week............................. page 3
                                                                                    Worship Aid ......................... page 6
                                                                                    Young Adults ...................... page 11

           Parish Center                        Parish Office Hours                 Saint Paul School
         216 Nassau Street            Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm          218 Nassau Street
   Princeton, New Jersey 08542        closed for lunch 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm    Princeton, New Jersey 08542
     Telephone: (609) 924-1743            Saturday: 9:00 am to 12:00 pm         Telephone: (609) 921-7587
        Fax: (609) 924-7510                                                        Fax: (609) 921-0264                   Parish House                       214 Nassau Street    
                                          Princeton, New Jersey 08542
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
                                               A Message from Msgr. Joe
                C                              On the last two Sundays we heard Jesus calling his first disciples. Over
       Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie              the next three Sundays, we will hear stories of Jesus healing the sick
                 Pastor                        and afflicted. Jesus is invi ng his disciples to learn about the kingdom            not is some abstract teaching, but in the real life experiences of
             (609) 524-0505                    people. He is revealing the kingdom. Jesus is sharing the power of
            Rev. Carlo Calisin                 healing—the power of love and mercy. Ul mately, Jesus is sharing
             Parochial Vicar                   with his friends that they too can manifest this kingdom, God’s Reign,           in the sharing of their love and mercy.
             (609) 924-1743                    A final word, scripture today men ons that the people where
            Rev. Miguel Valle                  astonished not only at Jesus’ ac ons, but also how he taught with such authority. The people
             Parochial Vicar                   thought they knew Jesus. He was the carpenter’s son. We know Mary and his family. Their             astonishment demonstrates the power of God’s grace. A grace that empowers all of us to do
             (609) 524-0516                    wonderful things. A grace that opens us to miraculous abili es and our perceived
                 Deacons                       insignificant gi s transformed to greatness. So the ques on becomes for us: how to we
           Mr. Frank Crivello                  reveal this kingdom and love of God? Do we doubt our gi s?           Our faithful and courageous witness is nourished by our support of teaching and learning.
             (609) 216-7576                    Knowledge and wisdom of who God is and who we are enables us to gather in praise of the
            Mr. Jim Knipper                    Lord and empowers us to bring the Lord and the Kingdom of God to our local community.            This week’s celebra on of Catholic Schools Week demonstrates the importance of providing
             (609) 216-7582                                                                                                (Continued on page 7)

Parish Announcements
Early Church Fathers Study Group                scripture; it combines reading the text in its   the Parish Center, Mercy Chapel. Please
The Early Church Fathers Study Group will       context, listening to phrases that speak out     consider spending some time before the
be convening for nine discussions of            to us, medita ng on the text, and engaging       Eucharistic presence of the Lord by signing
readings from the Apostolic Fathers of the      with God in prayer over it. Through the          up for a period of time. The sign‐up sheets
1st and 2nd C Early Church: Pope St Clement     richness of God’s Word, we are calmed,           are located in the vestibule. The church is
of Rome, Saint Igna us of An och,               refreshed, and strengthened. Join us for an      open daily until 9:00 pm for private prayer.
Martyrdom of Polycarp of Smyrna, the            hour of praying with scripture every             Pastoral Council Meeting
Didache, the Apology of Jus n Martyr, a Plea    Tuesday, 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. in the Conference      Our parish’s Pastoral Council will meet on
for the Chris ans by Athenagoras, and Saint     Room in the Parish Center. No prior prac ce      Thursday, February 1 at 7:00 pm in the
Iraneus' masterful demonstra on from Holy       or prepara on necessary. We usually read         Parish House Conference Room.
Scripture of the truth of the Apostolic         over the first reading and Gospel of the
                                                following Sunday. For more info, email Claire    First Friday Café
teachings. We will simultaneously cover the
                                                at:                           Join your friends for home made soup and
history and tradi ons of the Early Church,
                                                                                                 sandwiches on Friday, February 2 after the
from famed historian Henry Chadwick's           Bible Study: The Book of Glory                   12:10 Mass in the Spiritual Center. All are
short and readable paperback. We invite all     This winter the Bible Study groups will read     welcome.
to join us, beginning Monday, January 29,       and discuss the second part of St John’s
and only ask for a maximum of fi y pages of      Gospel. Described as the “Book of Glory”,        Centering Prayer Group
fairly easy reading every two weeks, and        these chapters tell the story of the final days   The Centering Prayer group will meet on
welcome you to par cipate in, or simply         of Jesus’ earthly life: They take us deep into   Saturday, January 12th at 9:30 am in the
a end, the Monday night 7:00‐9:00 pm            the meaning of our celebra on of Easter,         Mercy Chapel. Centering prayer is a method
discussions, in Spiritual Center, to be         2018. You can select either a Wednesday          of praying contempla vely opening us to
moderated by Peter Jezek, of St Gregory the     mee ng from 10:00 to 11:30 am or a               In macy in our rela onship with God. For
Great, Hamilton NJ, who has been a regular      Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. The first          more information, please contact Teresa Ko‐
group par cipant with us for over two years.    mee ng will be January 24, the last March        Davis at or call 908‐907‐
Please contact me at: Shyamoli Plassmann,       22. All are welcome. For more informa on         7129. for more                  and to register contact Chuck Balestri at 609JPII Study Group
informa on, and to be on the mailing list.      ‐921‐0279 or           The JP II Study Group will meet this
This week’s readings are Chadwick, "From                                                     Saturday, February 3 at 4:30 pm in Spiritual
Jerusalem to Rome", pp. 9‐32. Richardson,       Eucharistic Adoration
                                                Eucharistic Adoration is each Friday         Center. This month’s topic is The encyclical
General Introduc on, pp. 13‐30.All are
welcome!                                        following the 8:15 am Mass until 5:00 pm in letter by Pope John Paul II, Laborem
                                                the church chapel. Monthly 24 Hour           Exercens, 1981; available at the Vatican
Lectio Divina: Praying with                     Extended Adoration on the first Thursday     website or from
Scripture                                       into first Friday from 9:00 am to 8:00 am in Presenter: Marzenna James, lecturer at
Lec o Divina is the prac ce of praying with
                                                                                                                          (Continued on page 10)
                                                                   Page 2
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
O      P           M                                                                       W
We, the Catholic Community of Saint Paul in Princeton,                                     S                    L
honor our tradition of welcoming God’s
sons and daughters from different cultures and backgrounds to hear                         Eucharist
and live the Good News of Our Lord Jesus Christ.                                            Saturday Evening Mass:
Baptized and formed into the People of God, we continue                                       5:30 pm
                                                                                            Sunday Masses:
to grow in the Apostolic Tradition of Worship, Word and Service.
                                                                                              7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm
Worship through our participation in the Eucharist and celebration of sacraments;
                                                                                              and 7:00 pm (Spanish)
Word, in our commitment to Catholic identity through Scripture and catechesis; and
                                                                                            Weekday Masses:
Service, as disciples who share God’s love with all by working together
                                                                                              6:45 and 8:15 am Monday to Friday
for peace and justice to advance the coming of the Kingdom of God.
                                                                                              12:10 pm Wednesday and Friday
This Week at St. Paul (continued on page 10)                                                  8:15 am Saturday
Sunday, January 28
                                                                                            Holydays and Holidays as announced
8:40‐9:45 am        Parish Religious Educa on Program         School                       Reconciliation
9:45‐11:15 am       Child Care/Nursery Ministry               Pre‐School                    Saturday 4:00 pm and by appointment
10:00 am            Children’s Liturgy of the Word            Auditorium A
10:00‐11:30 am      RCIA                                      Church/Rooms 1 & 2
                                                                                           Recitation of the Rosary
                                                                                            Monday-Saturday following the 8:15
1:00 pm             Bap sm                                    Church
4:00‐5:00 pm        Teen Music Ministry Rehearsal             Gym
4:00‐5:00 pm        Cub Scouts: Den & Webelos Mee ng          Cafeteria                    Eucharistic Adoration
5:15‐6:45 pm        Hispanic Religious Educa on Program       Cafeteria                     Weekly Adoration on Fridays from 9:00
6:00‐8:00 pm        High School Ministry                      St. Timothy Room              am to 5:00 pm in the church chapel
8:00‐9:00 pm        Hispanic Presenta on of Wage Concern      Auditorium A, B & C           Monthly 24 Hour Extended Adoration on
Monday, January 29                                                                          the first Thursday into first Friday from
8:15‐10:00 am       PTA Shamrock Gala Mee ng                  Mother McAuley Room           9:00 am to 8:00 am in the Parish Center,
5:45‐7:00 pm        Children’s Choir Rehearsal                Choir Lo                      Mercy Chapel
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball                           Gym
7:00‐9:00 pm        Early Church Fathers’ Study Group         Rooms 1 & 2                  Novena in honor of Our Lady of the
8:00‐10:00 pm       Hispanic Charisma c Prayer Group          Mercy Chapel
                                                                                           Miraculous Medal
                                                                                            Saturday Morning following 8:15 Mass
Tuesday, January 30
9:30‐11:00 am       Parish Staff Mee ng                        Parish House Conference Room Baptism
4:15‐5:30 pm        Parish Religious Educa on Program         School                        First, Third and Fourth Sundays of the
6:00‐7:00 pm        Parish Religious Educa on Program         School                        month at 1:00 pm; Second Sunday of the
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball                           Gym                           month in Spanish at 1:00 pm
7:00‐8:00 pm        Hispanic Holy Hour                        Church                        Baptism Preparation: Second Saturday
7:00‐9:00 pm        Young Adult Ministry                      St. Timothy Room              of the month at 9:00 am in St. Timothy
7:30‐8:30 pm        Lec o Divina                              Conference Room               Room, Parish Center; Spanish language
8:00‐10:00 pm       Hispanic Choir #1 Rehearsal               Music Ministry Office           preparation on the first Saturday of the
Wednesday, January 31                                                                        month at 7:00 pm. Pre-registration for
10:00l‐11:30 am     Bible Study                               Rooms 1 & 2                    Baptism and Instructional Session is
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball                           Gym
                                                                                             necessary. Please contact the Parish
7:00‐9:00 pm        Hispanic RCIA                             Rooms 1 & 2
                                                                                             Office for more information.
Thursday, February 1                                                                       Marriage:
8:15‐10:00 am       SPS Marke ng Commi ee Mee ng              Mother McAuley Room           Ideally, couples planning to marry at St.
9:00 am‐12:00 am 24 Hours of Adora on                         Mercy Chapel                  Paul should contact the Parish Office one
6:00‐9:00 pm        SPAC Basketball                           Gym                           year in advance so that they may
6:30‐7:30 pm        Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal                 Choir Lo                      complete the necessary marriage
7:00‐9:00 pm        Parish Pastoral Council Mee ng            Parish House Conference Room  preparation process. Please set date with
7:30‐9:00 pm        Bible Study                               Rooms 1 & 2                   Church before making other plans.
7:30‐9:15 pm        Adult Choir Rehearsal                     Choir Lo                      Please contact the Parish Office.
8:00‐10:00 pm       Lec o Divina (Spanish)                    Conference Room              Anointing of the Sick/Communion to
Friday, February 2                                                                         the Homebound:
12:00‐8:00 am       24 Hours of Adora on                      Mercy Chapel                   Please notify the Parish Office when
9:00 am‐5:00 pm     Eucharis c Adora on                       Church Chapel                  serious illness occurs or when the sick,
12:45‐2:00 pm       First Friday Cafe                         Auditorium B & C               aged, or incapacitated are confined to
5:00‐9:00 pm        One8 Session                              Spiritual Center/School        home for an extended period.
8:00‐9:00 pm        Hispanic Children’s Liturgy Team Mee ng   Conference Room                Arrangements can be made to bring
8:00‐10:00 pm       Hispanic Marian Prayer Group              Mercy Chapel                   communion to those unable to attend
                                                                                             Mass. Please contact the Parish Office.
                                                                  Page 3
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
Parish Staff, Ministries and Organizations
Altar & Rosary Society                           Bereavement Ministry                           Child Care/Nursery Ministry
The ladies of our Altar & Rosary commit to       The Bereavement Ministry seeks to assist       During the 10 am Sunday Morning Mass
praying the Rosary to Our Lady for our           families at the me of the passing of a loved   child care is provided by professionally
parish community and inten ons. They             one with the details of planning a funeral     trained staff for children six months of age
gather monthly for prayer and mee ng.            liturgy. In addi on this ministry organizes    to four years old. The nursery is located in
Together with several parish func ons, they      support groups twice a year for anyone         the pre‐school classroom in the St Paul
assist in the care and cleaning of our parish    grieving the loss of a loved one. Please       School. Please contact the Nursery
church. For more informa on contact              contact John Twamley at 609‐924‐1743 for       Coordinator, Kelly Messick at
Marianne Tamasi 921‐7485.                        more informa on.                     

Stewardship: We Serve, We Give                                                                  Christian Initiation for
                                                                                                Adults (RCIA)
Liturgical Ministers                                                                            Are you interested in learning more about
             Altar Servers             Lectors               Extraordinary Ministers            the Catholic faith and how to become a
Sat, Jan. 27 Claire King          Katelyn Saldanha Chris Gallerani, Rob Gallerani,
                                                                                                member of our community? Do you need to
  5:30 pm Jacqueline King         Suzanne Eberhard David Klucsik, Tina Klucsik,
                                                                                                complete your Sacraments of Ini a on?
             Natalie Zamirowski                     Trisha Saldanha, Kate Skrebutenas
                                                                                                Then RCIA is a process for you. Contact
Sun, Jan. 28                      Steve Mundie      Mary Meyer, Lynda Petrocelli,
                                                                                                Deacon Frank 516‐316‐2500.
  7:00 am                         Linda Dowling     Bhagyam Reddy, Suzanne Richer,
                                                    Mary Slodden                                Food for the Hungry
  8:30 am  Colm Corcoran          Andrea Franz      Jessica Brown, Jack Frost,                  When you are shopping, please remember
           Sean Corcoran          Pat Carroll       Jane Kupin, Donna Murray,                   those less fortunate. Only one can or box
           Liam Corcoran                            Julianna Okupski, Ray Wadsworth             will make a difference and is important (no
  10:00 am Nolan Kaput            Paul Cooke        Sean Gleeson, Andrew Griffin,                 glass containers please). Items can be le in
           Lucia Valencia         Lauren Gleeson    John Italia, Joe Sarubbi,                   the containers at the Church entrances.
           Sofia Valencia                            Laura Sarubbi, Eileen Trombe a              Some items needed include: Boxed cereals,
  11:30 am Andrew Madigan         Dominic Madigan Patricia Giallella, Linda Pi ari,             canned or dried soups, coffee, tea, canned
           Joseph Madigan         Emil E himides    Anthony Sigillito, Thomas Svoboda,          meat and fish, canned vegetables, salt,
           Rachel Relstab                           Linda Toomey, Catherine Vanderpool          macaroni and cheese dinners, cake mixes,
  5:00 pm Jamie Lo                Alexis Geddis     Jeff Broderick, Claire Gmachl,               flour, household and paper products,
           Kevin Lo               Philip Passanante PJ Hansell, Judy O'Brien,                   canned fruits, spaghe and pasta, sugar and
           Andrew Waskin                            Robert Piccione, Loydes Vazquez
Altar Rosary Society Volunteers
                   January 29 to February 3: mary Meyer and Kathleen Fluss                    Knights of Columbus
 Weekly Offering: Thank you for your generous support!                                        The Knights are looking for some men ages
                                       January 20‐21, 2018                                    18+ to join us in serving our parish and the
                 Weekly                                     Year to Date 16‐17 Year to Date community. We do many different things,
 Budget                     $ 23,770 Budget                $    713,100     $     698,900     so there is something for everyone. We
 Identifiable Gifts (436) $ 13,005 Envelops/Loose $             495,358     $     537,788     provide help to the needy, support various
 Loose                      $ 3,456 Online                 $    136,090     $     119,798     family ac vi es such as movie nights, and
 Online Giving              $ 4,258 Actual                 $    631,448     $     657,585     soup and salad for the parish on Fridays
 Total                      $ 20,719                              88.5%             94.1%     during lent. We also support
                  Special Collec on: Notre Dame HS Scholarship Fund: $1,227                   various “Respect Life” events. Most
            Please Note: Tax Le ers for 2017 will be mailed by January 31, 2018.              important is being part of St. Paul and
 On-line Giving Program                                                                       helping where we can. For more
 A new way of giving to the parish weekly offertory. St. Paul Parish is proud to promote       informa on contact Joe Bendas at 609‐
 enhanced stewardship through electronic funds transfer. Electronic Funds Transfer            439‐2708 or
 enables you to have your Sunday Offering automa cally debited from your checking              The Light Ministry
 account or credit card. You choose how much to give, how o en to give and what method The Light Ministry offers help to anyone
 of payment is to be used. We have partnered with Parish Giving to offer this program to all whose life, family or friends have been
 our parishioners. It’s Simple: log on to the parish website (     affected by alcoholism, drug abuse and
 and click Parish Giving and follow the easy registra on instruc ons. It’s Secure: Parish     other addic ons. We are available to listen,
 Giving is PCI compliant and uses the strongest SSL encryp on technology available. For       confiden ally, in a nonjudgmental way, to
 more informa on or to enroll please contact Mary Beth Wells in the parish office or visit      provide a safe support network and to offer
 our parish website.                                                                          referrals to assistance groups and agencies.
 Special Collection Next Weekend: St. Paul School                                             Our goals will be accomplished by sharing
 This collection helps to fund the subsidy to our parish school. Our parish’s commitment to our experience, strength and hope with each
 a catholic school ministry involves the support of our parish to provide funding so that our other. To reach the Light Ministry, please
 parish school is a viable option for those families who choose a catholic school for the     call 609.216.7621.
 education of their child. Thank you for your generous support.
                                                                    Page 4
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
Ministry to the Sick/Homebound:                  service. No work of charity is foreign to the
Please no fy the Parish Office when serious        Society. To quote our patron, St. Vincent de
illness occurs or when the sick, aged, or        Paul: “Charity is infinitely inven ve.” If you                 P         S
incapacitated are confined to home so that        want to recommend someone for an                               Monica Heucke
arrangements can be made to bring                assistance evalua on, or you are interested               Administrative Assistant
communion to those unable to a end Mass.         in learning about SVDP, please contact the   
(609) 924‐1743.                                  SVDP Help Line at (609/924‐1743 ext. 250                       (609) 924-1743
Parish Library                                   English or ext. 251 Spanish) or email us at                     Raquel Eyer
       Open Sundays, 9:30 to 11:30 am   Dona ons              Administrative Assistant Communication
Our parish library has approximately 1,800       can be made at any of the “Offering” boxes    
                                                 located throughout the church.                                 (609) 924-1743
books and is growing. We also have DVDs,
Videos covering Catholicism, Liturgy,            Spiritual Direction                                            Susan Howley
Spirituality, Morality, Scripture, History and                                                       Administrative Assistant Sacraments
                                                         Tending the sacred rela onship
other related subjects. Our children’s
                                                 Spiritual direc on is an on‐going rela onship                  (609) 524-0506
sec on is also growing. For more                 between a “directee” (person seeking) and a
informa on please contact the parish office.       “director” (qualified person giving guidance)                   Ernie Andreoli
                                                                                                         Director of Music Ministries
Rides to Mass                                    wherein a sacred space is created for the
The communal celebra on of Sunday Mass explora on and deepening of the spiritual                                (609) 524-0507
is a joy and a blessing for all of us. But there life. Through conversa on and reflec on,
                                                 the directee becomes more a uned to                             Lee Brennan
are fellow parishioners who do not drive,
                                                                                                              Business Manager
and therefore cannot join in. Please think       God's presence and can respond more fully
about assis ng them. Volunteer to drive a        to the Divine as it is revealed in all areas of                (609) 524-0502
fellow parishioner once a month to               life. Direc on typically takes place in a
                                                                                                                Mynor Arriola
the Sunday Mass of your choice. If you'd like confiden al one‐on‐one se ng and may
                                                                                                              Facilities Manager
to help, please get in touch with Cathy,         include some form of prayer experience to
                                                                                                                 increase awareness of the movement of the                 (609) 924-1743 ext. 136
St. Vincent DePaul Society                       Spirit in the directee’s life. If you are
                                                 interested in more informa on, please                        Mary Beth Wells
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers                                                                      Parish Accountant
tangible assistance to those in need on a        contact Jennifer Hinton at
                                        or 609‐558‐0985(cell) or
person‐to‐person basis. It is this                                                                             (609) 524-0503
personalized involvement that makes the          Teresa Knipper at
work of the Society unique. This aid may or 609‐558‐                    P         T
take the form of interven on, consulta on, 0582(cell). Teresa is available for                       William Ryan        Diane Hoehn
or o en through direct dollar or in‐kind         appointments during the day.

P           M                  D
A           R        S                           K            C           Rides to Mass
 Marianne Tamasi                 921-7485         Joe Bendas                  439-2708              Cathy Vanderpool
B     S                                          L       D                                       
 Chuck Balestri             Claire Gmachl              S        N      M
 Jennifer       L           E             M                        Barbara Conforti            688-6880
B              M                                  Claire Gmachl              S          D
 John Twamley                    924-1743        N P                 W                              Jennifer Hinton             558-0985
C      C     /N        M                          Donna Murray                921-8546              Teresa Knipper              558-0582
 Kelly Messick           P       L                                         S .P      A          C         (SPAC)
E      C         F         S       G              Marianne Marron             924-1743              Christopher Cano
Shyamoli Plassmann                               P        S      M                              
                   Teresa Knipper              558-0582             S .P      S         B
F         C                                      P -C                                               John Wandishin, Facilitator 924-1743
 Frank Ragany, Facilitator       924-1743         Fred and Shelby Tewell      532-4147             S .V             P     S
H                                                P          C                                       Frank Riley                 924-1743
 Jackie Wadsworth                921-6937         Patrick Brown, Facilitator  924-1743             U
C           M                                    PTA                                                Ray Wadsworth               462-2467
 Mary Beth Wells                 524-0503         Elizabeth Thielmann             V            M
J     P     II S      G                          R         L                                        Mary Ann
Dr. Marzenna James                                 Nate Eberle                849-8583             V       F                                                                            Anne Marie Calderone
                                                                     Page 5
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
Worship Aid
G                     S                                                                    P                 F
                           We Are Called (5:30 pm Mass)                             #560     I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and
                          Holy God, We Praise Thy Name                              #377     earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus
G                                                                                            Christ, the Only Bego en Son of God, born of the Father before
        Priest: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and                      all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,
                the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.                            bego en, not made, consubstan al with the Father; through him
        People: And with your spirit.                                                        all things were made. For us men and for our salva on he came
G                                                                                            down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the
                                                                                             Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified
                                                                                             under Pon us Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose
                                                                                             again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He
                                                                                             ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the
                                                                                             Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the
                                                                                             dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy
                                                                                             Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father
                                                                                             and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and
                                                                                             glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one,
                                                                                             holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one bap sm for the
                                                                                             forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrec on of the
                                                                                             dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.
                                                                                           P                S
                                                                                                               Prayer of St. Francis (5:30 pm Mass)           #484
                                                                                                               O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God               #345
                                                                                           L                 E
                                                                                                May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands
                                                                                                for the praise and glory of his name,
                                                                                                for our good and the good of all his holy Church.
                                                                                                   Priest:      The Lord be with you.
                                                                                                   People:      And with your Spirit.
                                                                                                   Priest:      Li up your hearts.
                                                                                                   People:      We li them up to the Lord.
                                                                                                   Priest:      Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
                                                                                                   People:      It is right and just.
                                                                                                Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full
                                                                                                of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who
                                                                                                comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
L                         W                                                                  M            A
    F       R                                              D                 18:15‐20
                I will raise up a prophet and I will put my words into his mouth.
    P                                                                        Psalm 95

    S             R                                            I Corinthians 7:32‐35
           A virgin is anxious about the things of the Lord that she may be holy.
    G                                                                  M       1:21‐28         C               R
                           He taught them as one having authority.                                 Priest:   The peace of the Lord be with you always.
                                                                                                   People:   And with your spirit.
                                                                                                   Priest:   Behold the Lamb of God...the supper of the Lamb.
                                                                                                   People:   Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under
                                                                                                             my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be
          Deacon:         The Lord be with you.                                            C                 S
          People:         And with your spirit.                                                                    Your Words Are Spirit and Life          #408
          Deacon:         A reading from the Holy Gospel according to … .                  S           S
          People:         Glory to you, O Lord.                                                                    Lead Me, Lord (5:30 pm Mass)              #432
                                                                                                                       How Great Thou Art                    #380
                                                                                       Page 6
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
We Pray for One Another
Mass Intentions
Sunday, January 28                                                       Friday, February 2
  7:00 AM Joseph Loughran (Saganowski Family)                                                The Presenta on of the Lord
  8:30 AM Vincenzo Ciccone (Michelina Federico)                            6:45 AM Giulio Ta oli (Walter & Mary Bliss)
 10:00 AM Patrick Marchbank (Irene & Charles McGraw)                       8:15 AM John and Eileen Alford (Alford Family)
 11:30 AM Ida & Rocco Perna (Anthony Perna)                                         Antonio & A lia Mastroianni (Molly Federico)
  5:00 PM Bernice Sejnoski (Bovier & Mar n Families)                      12:10 PM Enrico & Lucia Ruberto (Angelina De Vincenzi)
  7:00 PM See Spanish Sec on                                                        Michael LaFauci (Gra na LaFauci)
Monday, January 29                                                       Saturday, February 3
  6:45 AM Leo J. Chase (Walter & Mary Bliss)                                    Saint Blaise, Bishop and Martyr; Saint Ansgar, Bishop
  8:15 AM Felice Pirone (Lauren & Chris Carey)                             8:15 AM Lowell Arthur Li leton (Sara Cortes)
Tuesday, January 30                                                        5:30 PM Carol Lawrence (Taylor Family)
  6:45 AM Larry Ivan (Walter & Mary Bliss)                               Sunday, February 4
  8:15 AM Lucia Rossi (Maria Pirone)                                       7:00 AM Carmela Armen & An mo Armen (M/M Costan no
Wednesday, January 31                                                                    Procaccini)
                       Saint John Bosco, Priest                            8:30 AM Joseph Merk (Delle Fave Family)
  6:45 AM Fred R. Marcon (Maureen & Pat McLaughlin)                       10:00 AM Ma lde Petrecca (Children)
  8:15 AM Felice and Giiulia Pirone (Antonio & Evelina Tamasi)                      Anne Engrand (Helene Bernay)
 12:10 PM Thomas Kiely (Theresa & Vincent McGann)                         11:30 AM Giulio Ta oli (Alba Cuomo)
           Patricia Clearwater (Todd Coyer)                                5:00 PM Dominic and Maria Guglielmi (John & Caroline DiDonato)
Thursday, February 1                                                       7:00 PM See Spanish Sec on
  6:45 AM Maryann Gawlak
  8:15 AM Ermelinda & Sebas ano Carnevale (Antoine a Sferra)
Our Deceased Sisters and Brothers                                          Williams, MD; Lt. Col. Robert J. Halle , USMC; Major Richard D.
 John Hammond                                                              Halle , USMC; SPC Kevin Cunningham; Lt. Cmdr. Markus Franz,
Our Sisters and Brothers Suffering Illness                                 USN; PFC Kevin Morgan, USMC; Lt. Richard Maia co, USN; SFC
 Daniel Roach, Monica Nathan, Amelita & Augusto Villaruz, Michael          Larry Smith; Patrick David; Cpl Trey Rasmussen, USMC; AFC Asa
 Brennan, David Tierno, Van Nam Nguyen, Pat Bourde e,                      Rodriguez, USAF; Gilberto del Rio, USN; 1st Lt. Thomas Patrick
 Han Eng, Pat Pra co, Agnes Smth, Anthony D. Baldino, Christopher          Gallagher Jr., USMC; Capt. Kelli E. Gallagher, USMC; OC Shamil
 Browne, Christopher & Stephanie Tama, William Torpey, Joseph              Rodriguez; Lt. Marguerite DeHaven NFO; SPS Stephen Stahl; OC
 LaPlaca, Barbara Vahlsing, John Lamb, Flora Maria Comizzoli, Sister       Kevin Jones, USN; Army Sgt. Joseph Jackson; Lt. Stephan K.
 Angela Houston, George Brew, Luznidth Valle, Josephine Venta,             Murphy, USA; Antoine Gordon; 2nd Lieut. Timothy M. Maciag,
 Silvia Masala, Thomas Raybuck, Barbara Wells, Bruce Stout, Arthur         USAF; Cpl. Kevin D. Quinn, USMC; LCpl Robert J. Quinn, USMC;
 Martz                                                                     David Eduardo Calves, USMC 2nd Lt.; LTJG Michael L. Allis, USN;
Our Parishioners Serving in the Military:                                  Brian Gutro, USA; PFC Lauren D. Evanovich, USMC; ENS Bryce
 Kevin Smith, Chief USN; Maj. Ma hew Collier, USMC; LTC.S.F.               Anthony Mayor, USN; SSG Joseph V. Andreacchio, USA.; Lt. Julia
 Michael Stefanchik IV, U.S. Army; Capt. David M. York, USMC; Lt.          Harwood, USCG
 Peter York, USA; Capt. Peter Dixon, USMC; LCDR Michael Pe ola,          Flower Memorials
 USN Reserve; Michael Caponi, Airman 1st Class; , Lt. Col. Sco G.         In memory of Pearl Tamasi requested by her loving family
                                                                                                                 Holy Mass with
Msgr. Joe                  (continued from page 2)                                                           Anointing of the Sick
                                                                                                       Saturday, February 10 at 10:00 am
a faith filled environment that encourages          Simeon and Anna with the infant Jesus and
learning. We give thanks for those who have his parents in the temple on the for eth day            Are  there sick among you? Let the priest
entrusted us with a rich and long tradi on of a er Jesus’ birth. For some Chris ans, the            anoint  them in the name of the Lord. The
a Catholic School ministry. We pray for            Presenta on of the Lord is known as “The        prayer  of faith will save the sick person and
courage to fulfill our responsibility to our        Mee ng,” sugges ng not only the encounter                the Lord will raise them up!
children and future genera ons to learn          in the temple, but also our assembly                  Save the Date: Parish Mission
about God not only in religion class, but to     mee ng at the Lord’s table and our longing                  March 10 to March 14
be able to live and prac ce this faith in        for the kingdom. One story suggests that the
                                                                                                              Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP
liberty seeing the presence of the Lord in all   commo on made by so many candle‐
                                                                                                    “Transforming Our Lives Anew”: Christ in
crea on and the unfolding of its wisdom.         bearing, hymn‐singing faithful in the wintry
                                                                                                        the Eucharist and in One Another
On February 2, we celebrate the feast of the     fields of Germany on their joyful way to
Presenta on of the Lord, and we find yet          Mass s rred the badger from hiberna on to         and winter. What be er reason could there
another reason to celebrate the great            examine the promise of spring me. The             be for candles at dinner tonight as we
incarna on of Jesus Christ. On this day, the     interrupted nap of the groundhog is               celebrate Christ the Light of the World?
Church blesses the candles used during the       amazingly linked to the light of Christ driving   Maybe groundhog day did not start in
liturgy and commemorates the mee ng of           away the shadows of the world’s darkness          Pennsylvania! Have a good week!
                                                                     Page 7
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
Faith Formation
           Mr. John McGuire                     A Message from John Michael McGuire
     Director of Religious Education            Recently I saw and adver sement for a certain insurance company and
           jmcguire@stpaulsof                   it sort of hit me in the gut, it knocked the wind out of me. Instead of
                         directly selling their products, they were suppor ng their charitable
             (609) 524-0509                     work. It drew a en on to the change of season from Christmas into
          Mrs. Kaitlyn Mayer                    what we would call Ordinary Time. This commercial begins in a soup
        Confirmation Coordinator                kitchen, it’s obviously a joyful season and many people are there to               help. If you listen closely, in a doleful tone, there is a cover of a song by Simple Minds
             (609) 524-0511                     playing in the background. What were the lyrics that were sung? Don’t you forget about me
          Mrs. Maureen Sano                     were the words as the scene shi s from a bustling well‐staffed soup kitchen to one where
        Administrative Assistant                there are many more customers than volunteers. I don’t know if the meals were any worse               than during the holiday, but the spirt was definitely more somber. I never in my life thought
             (609)524-0510                      that I would be convicted by a commercial created by an insurance company. However, it
   Oficina de Catecismo en Español              asked a great ques on. How do we spend our ‘Ordinary Time’? It’s pre y clear that Advent
         Ms. María Sara Cortes                  and Christmas are mes of prepara on, of charity, and of togetherness, and Lent and Easter
   Hispanic Religious Ed., Coordinator          are a me for prayer, fas ng, almsgiving, and eventually joyful celebra on. However, during             the remainder of the year, it is easy to forget that those we were helping in the other
         609-924-1743 ext. 153                  seasons weren’t necessarily li ed out of their struggles. This is why I believe that as a
community we con nue to collect food throughout the year, and par cipate in Loaves and Fishes and other programs to help those in
need, and visit the lonely. Perhaps then, this well‐made commercial can serve as a reminder that there is no off season for poverty and
loneliness. This week let’s pray that God reminds us of those in need, and leads us to act in ways that can alleviate the materials and
spiritual poverty of those we interact with every day. God Bless and have a great week!

Save the Date:                                    Religious Ed Alerts                   
First Eucharist Retreat                           Please sign‐up to receive Parish Religious      Summer Academy Dates
All children preparing for First Eucharist are    Education Program Announcements through         Summer Academy for the 2017‐2018 Parish
asked to a end a morning retreat on               your email. Go to                               Religious Educa on Program year will be
Saturday, March 3rd from 9:30 am‐12:30   click on Faith       Monday, July 24 through Friday, August 3.
pm. Each child should be accompanied by           Formation> Religious Education/Formation>       This program covers a year’s catechesis
one parent. We open the retreat in prayer in      Parish Religious Education Program. Click       requirements over 30 hours in a two week
our Church, and then have the opportunity         on the bell icon and follow the instructions.   period, and also provides many liturgical and
for liturgical "show and tell", and "taste and    You will receive all important                  spiritual opportuni es unique to this
see" with unconsecrated hosts. We will then       announcements directly to your email.           program. Families par cipa ng in this
move to the school cafeteria, where children                                                      program are also required to par cipate in
                                                  Vacation Bible Camp
will pick‐up their materials for the day and                                                      three Family Catechesis Sessions and a
                                                  Save the date. St. Paul Parish will host our
banners. Parents will a end their own                                                             Family Life Day.
                                                  annual VBC from Monday, July 9 to Friday,
session where we will answer all of your
                                                  July 13 from 9:00 am un l 12:00 noon. All       Sacrament Policy Reminder
ques ons about First Eucharist and logis cs
                                                  children from 3 1/2 to 9 years old are          It is expected that children begin preparing
for the celebra on. We look forward to
                                                  welcome to par cipate as campers, and           for the Sacrament of First Reconcilia on/
seeing you there!
                                                  teens are welcome as volunteers. This year’s    First Holy Communion in first grade, and
Inclement Weather Procedure                       theme will be Cool Kingdom Party: Mary          that young people begin preparing for
Closing information may be found on the           Leads Me Closer to Jesus. This year             Confirma on in seventh grade. This policy
parish website or by calling our emergency        registra on will be $55 per child, because      allows for a child to receive an adequate
closing number at 609‐216‐7605. Please do         each family will be provided with the Bible     amount of prepara on and catechesis in
not call the parish office. Tuesday classes       Camp Audio CD on the last day. If you would     order to experience and understand the
will be cancelled if St. Paul School is closed.   like more informa on please contact             sacraments they will be celebra ng.
                                     Family Life Days                                             Adult Volunteers
 As you will recall from the Parent Information Orientation at the beginning of the year,         We are looking for adult volunteers for our
according to diocesan policy, all children enrolled in a religious education program are to       religious educa on programs. Roles include
    attend a Family Life Program. St. Paul is sponsoring two retreats one on Saturday,            subs tutes (with the op on to be a catechist
  February 24 for 1st to 4th grade and on Saturday, February 25th for 5th to 7th grade.           in the summer or fall), hall monitors, retreat
                     Both retreats start at 9:00 am and end at 12:00 pm                           teams (dedicated volunteers to set‐up and
There will be parent information meetings about these retreats during the regular Parish          leadership) and those interested in
Religious Education Program sessions on Sunday, January 28nd from 8:45 to 9:45 am) and            beginning a parent group. Please call the
on Tuesday, January 30th from 4:15 to 5:30 pm. Parents of Summer Academy and Family               Office of Religious Educa on or contact us
Home Study are encouraged to attend one of these sessions along with the tradition PREP           by email.
     parents. There will be a presentation and opportunity for questions and answer.
                                                                     Page 8
Saint Paul Parish The Catholic Community of Princeton - St. Paul's of Princeton
Children’s Liturgy of the Word                  the Gifts. New volunteers are always              or John at
Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a special     welcome.                                          Sensitive Mass
opportunity for children at 10:00 am Mass
                                                Volunteers for Children’s Liturgy                 Our Parish welcomes families with special
to share the Word of God in an age
                                                We are looking for several adults and/or          needs to attend our weekly 5:00 pm Sunday
appropriate reflection. Children from 4 years
                                                teens to assist with the Children’s Liturgy for   Mass. Music, sounds, and sights will be
old up to second grade will be invited to
                                                our 4 – 7 year olds during Sunday 10:00 am        welcoming to those with challenges. We
come forward after the Collect to receive a
                                                Mass. Any level of involvement is available,      gather as a community to celebrate
blessing and process to the Spiritual Center
                                                from simply assisting in shepherding the          Successes, Uniqueness, and Challenges of all
where they will celebrate a Liturgy of the
                                                children to leading sessions. If you can help,    God’s Children. For further information
Word accessible to children. They will return
                                                please email Claire at          please contact Barbara Conforti at:
and join their families at the Preparation of

Our Parish School
                      A Message from Dr. Ryan Killeen                                                        A 2012 National Blue Ribbon
                      Each year as we approach Catholic Schools Week I find myself                                  School of Excellence
                      reflec ng on my own years as a Catholic school student. Like all kids                       visit us:
                      when you are in the midst of things you never appreciate how
                      impac ul the experience is.                                                              Dr.  Ryan Killeen
                      I began this journey in Catholic educa on as a first grade student at St.
                      Rose Grammar School in Belmar, NJ. During the twelve years I a ended
                                                                                                           (609) 921-7587 ext. 101
St. Rose Grammar and High School I was blessed with dozens of incredible guides on my
academic journey.                                                                                       Mr. Salvatore Chiaravalloti
One of these very special teachers is Mrs. Mary Burns. I first got to know Mrs. Burns when I                      Vice Principal
entered the sixth grade and had the gi of being in her class for Reading and Language Arts
                                                                                                            609) 921-7587 ext. 142
for the next three years.
In sixth grade I turned a pivotal corner as a student. Reading switched from something I had                 Mrs. Michele Cano
to do to something I wanted to do. For that I owe a hear elt thank you to C.S. Lewis and                Admission and Advancement
Mrs. Burns. In memory it feels like I was perpetually working on a book report for Mrs.
                                                                                                           (609) 921-7587 ext. 149
Burns. A book report doesn't really capture it though. Because you never completed a
simple book report. You created an original book jacket, built a diorama, created a mobile,                Mrs. Karen DelleFave
or produced any number of crea ve, out of the box ac vi es that stretched us as students                   Administrative     Assistant
and captured our imagina on. The excitement that Mrs. Burns demonstrated each day and
                                                                                                           (609) 921-7587 ext. 100
the joy she found in our success was contagious for all of us.
I learned so much from Mrs. Burns and not just the classic teacher tool of referring to                     Mr. John Wandishin
yourself in the third person. ("Mrs. Burns will wait un l our class is quiet and ready for the            School   Board Chairperson
lesson"). I learned to love language and literature. I witnessed her passion for teaching as she tailored her lessons to engage all learners.
Like all my teachers, she reminded me that I was a cherished child of God, blessed with unique gi s and talents and the opportunity to live
my faith each day.
This past Christmas when I unpacked our Christmas decora ons among those treasures was the handmade ornament I received from Mrs.
Burns in 6th grade, a prized possession. It is an ar fact of a very special teachers who gives 100% every day and probably never realizes
the impact she makes. The very special people who answer the call to serve in Catholic schools are who we are and what makes our
communi es so very special.
Looking Ahead                          and click on the             and the St. Paul Parish Tui on Assistance
Monday, Jan. 29 to Friday, Feb. 2: Catholic     “Apply Now” bu on to apply. Please contact        commi ee. All families seeking assistance
  Schools Week                                  us at with            must complete the annual applica on. The
Thursday, Feb. 1: Marke ng Mee ng;              ques ons or for more informa on. St. Paul         applica on is currently available in English ,
  Burble, Fizz, Kaboom Assembly, Grades K       Parishioners are given priority considera on      Spanish, or on the school website on the
  to 5; Upper School Service Ac vi es           for admission but space is limited, so you are    Prospec ve Family page under Tui on
Friday, Feb. 2: Blue & Gold Pep Rally; PTA      encouraged to apply early.                        Assistance. Families will be no fied by le er
  Teacher Apprecia on Luncheon; 11:45 am                                                          of whether they have received financial
                                                Tuition Assistance 2018-2019
  Dismissal; NO A ercare.                                                                         assistance. Please let us know should you
                                                Diocesan Tui on assistance is available to
Saturday, Feb. 3: SPS Skate Night                                                                 need any support in comple ng the forms or
                                                families in Catholic schools based on a
New Application for 2018-2019                   formula designed by Private School Aid            have addi onal ques ons.
School Year Now Open                            Service, Inc. (PSAS). Applica ons will be         "Untapped Potential" Parent Series
Applica ons are now being accepted for the      reviewed for considera on by the Diocese          @ Triumph Brewery Thursday, Feb. 1 from
2018‐2019 school year. Visit our website at                                                                                (Continued on page 10)

                                                                    Page 9
Parish Announcements                                                (continued from page 2)

 This Week at St. Paul (continued from pg. 3)                                                      Sunday Mass. Simply click on the Streamspot
 Saturday, February 3                                                                              media player to start streaming.
 8:00‐4:30 pm      SPAC Basketball                                Gym                              Altar Server Ice Skating Party
 9:30‐11:00 am     Centering Prayer                               Mercy Chapel                     Our Parish Altar Servers are invited to an Ice
 4:00 pm           Confession                                     Church
                                                                                                   Ska ng Party on Saturday, Feb. 24 at Mercer
 4:30‐5:30 pm      John Paul II Reading Group                     Rooms 1 & 2
                                                                                                   County Park off of Hughes Drive. There will
 5:30‐7:00 pm      Girl Scout Cookie Sale                         Parish Lawn
                                                                                                   be opening ska ng at 5:00‐7:00 pm and 8:00
 7:00‐9:00 pm      Hispanic Bap sm Prepara on Gathering           Rooms 1 & 2
                                                                                                   ‐10:00 pm with dinner served at 7:00‐8:00
 Sunday, February 4
                                                                                                   pm. Snacks and drinks will be available
 8:00 am‐1:00 pm Girl Scout Cookie Sale                           Parish Lawn
 8:40‐9:45 am      Parish Religious Educa on Program              School                           throughout the evening. Admission, skate
 9:45‐11:15 am     Child Care/Nursery Ministry                    Pre‐School                       rental (or bring your own), dinner and drinks
 10:00 am          Children’s Liturgy of the Word                 Auditorium A                     are free. Please bring a dessert or snack to
 1:00 pm           Bap sm                                         Church                           share. RSVP to Donna Murray 908‐391‐
 5:15‐6:45 pm      Hispanic Religious Educa on Program            School                           8396 or by
 8:99‐10:00 pm     Hispanic Coffee and Donuts                      Auditorium B & C                 February 22. Family members are welcomed
                                                                                                   too. Please give the number coming and
Princeton University, author of a book            background is welcome, including high            what item you will bring to share.
chapter on Laborem Exercens (in Giovanni          school students
Francesco Calabrese et. al., edts., La Chiesa a                                                    College Scholarships
                                                  Sunday 10:00 am Mass Live Online                 The Polish Arts Club of Trenton announces
servizio dell’uomo e della società tra la         Our parish is now steaming our Sunday
guerra e la pace. Aracne Editrice: Rome and                                                        that availability of $1,500 scholarships to
                                                  10:00 am Mass,live, on our parish website,       qualified high school seniors of Polish
Milan, 2017) will led the 50‐minute               (, for those
discussion. Everyone with academic                                                                 descent to assist in their pursuit of a college
                                                  who are home bound and unable to a end           educa on. For details and an applica on,
                                                                                                   please visit their website
Confirmation                                                                                       www.trentonpolicharts. Org. Applica ons
                                                                                                   must be submi ed by February 20, 2018.
                 Parent Connect                   sponsors in January.
                 Please con nue to check out                                                       Healing the Wounds of Abortion
                                                  Next Session: February
                 this sec on of the bulle n                                                        The psychological and spiritual wounds of
                                                  Friday, February 2, 2018 5:00 pm‐9:00 pm
                 for future updates including                                                      abor on can be sharp, deep and crippling.
                                                  This session includes dinner for candidates.
                 ways to get your Candidate                                                        You do not have to hide in shame and fear.
                                                  Any Given Sunday . The goal of this session is
                 talking about One8 sessions                                                       Rachel’s Vineyard’s Retreat is a chance to
                                                  to help candidates grow in their
                 at home with your family!                                                         focus on this painful me in your life
                                                  understanding of the Mass as the source
                 Parents, if you haven’t                                                           through a suppor ve non‐judgmental
                                                  and summit of our faith. Grace Perfected
already, please don’t forget to subscribe to
                                                  The goal of this session is to help candidates
our email list by tex ng “ParentConnect” to
                                                  understand the Sacrament of Confirma on
84576. Sponsors can also join an email list
                                                  as the perfec on of the grace they received
with support for them by tex ng “Sponsor”
                                                  at Bap sm and as a true gi that invites           Have you ever wished there was a quick
to 84576 ‐ info will begin to go out to
                                                  them to live a life in the Holy Spirit.           and entertaining way to learn more about

Our Parish School
                                                                                                    our Catholic Faith? You're in luck! Saint
                                                    (continued from page 9)                         Paul Parish has invested in,
7:00 to 9:00 pm. Free hors d'oeuvres prior.       Feb. 13 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm in the Spiritual     which is essen ally a Catholic Ne lix and
No cost to a end, just pay for your food &        Center. Please join us to meet the board and      more. You'll find a ton of excellent, in‐
drinks. Topic: "Raising Faith Filled Children"    learn more about ongoing school wide              forma ve, high‐produc on‐value re‐
with Fr. Gabe Zeis, Diocesan Vicar of             ini a ves of the board and its sub‐               sources to learn about your faith today!
Catholic Schools & Chaplain at Princeton          commi ees.                                        Signing up takes mere seconds. Simply go
University.                                                                                         to Visit and
                                                  Save the Date                                     click “Register Now" it’s that simple! No
Warm your heart with Fr. Gabe while                            Annual Shamrock Gala
warming your body with a drink at Triumph.                                                          access code required. This is a free gi for
                                                  Saturday, March 10, 2018 from 6:00 –11:00         you and your family. Try it out! A visit to
While preregistra on is not necessary we          pm at The Boathouse, Mercer County Park.
ask those who know they are able to a end                                                           FORMED is like a visit to the media zoo: All
                                                  Join us for a wonderful evening of friendship     sorts of wonderful things in various shapes
to pre‐register at h ps://                        while suppor ng our school! Honorary                                                                 and sizes await you: There are short vide‐
                                                  Chairs: Bill & Jane Chrnelich. For more           os, full length feature films, Bible Studies,
School Board Open Meeting                         informa on, please contact: Karen Weed:           books, podcasts, lecture series, music, and
The St. Paul School Board will be hos ng an       609.558.8161 or                more... all free!
Open Mee ng and Recep on on Tuesday,
                                                                      Page 10
Student Ministry                                Get on our email list: Email Kait;       Follow us: @spstudmin 
                               Middle School Ministry                  actions as well as
                               Middle School Ministry is back this     what it looks like to      Mrs. Kaitlyn Mayer
                               January with an all‐new series, an all  live a life of virtue       Director of Student
                               ‐new meeting time, and an all‐new       and how the way we             Ministries and
                               team! Meetings will be held in the      live affects society as        Confirmation
                               St. Tim Room on Thursdays from          a whole.                        Coordinator
                               6:00 pm‐7:30 pm every other week                                      (609) 524-0511
                                                                       Road Map
with snacks and drinks always provided. Mark your calendar with all    2/8 @ 6:0pm in the     
our upcoming dates now! Any adults who are interested in getting       St. Tim Room. This
involved and helping out on a regular or intermittent basis, please    week, we'll explore our free will to make choices in life. We'll look at
email Kait, for more information.        how these choices determine where we go in our lives ‐ good or
Choices Series                                                         bad.
All of our decisions in life lead us in one direction or another. Even Build Up or Break Down
choosing not to choose is making a decision. Choices dives into the 2/22 @ 6:0pm in the St. Tim Room. Tonight, we'll come to a greater
very beginning of decision making and morality. It will cover what it understanding of what virtue is and what sin is. We will also learn
means to make a good decision and why humanity has the ability to what it looks like to live a life of virtue and why we should want to
make decisions. The youth will learn about the consequences of         live a life of virtue rather than a life of sin.
                                 Teen Music Ministry                       make one consistent choice to recognize the internet dignity of all
                                 1/28 @ 5:00 pm in the Church. Our         people and treat all people, no ma er the circumstance, as people.
                                 next Youth Mass of the 2017‐2018          This series unpacks what the Church means when she says she is
                                 year is January 28, 2018. We’ll be        pro‐life.
                                 led in worship and song by our Teen
                                                                           One Home
                                 Music Ministry. If you are a high
                                                                           2/11 @ 6:00pm in the St. Tim Room. During One Home, we'll talk
                                 school teen interested in joining
                                                                           about discuss immigra on and reflect on the reality that we are all
TMM, please email Kait ( and/or
                                                                           foreigners on a journey to our final home, heaven.
Mrs. Moore ( for more informa on.
Rehearsals are at 4:00pm prior to Mass. Future dates include: 2/25,        Diocesan Youth Conference
3/25, 4/22, 6/3                                                            2/10 at Chris an Brothers Academy. The Diocesan Youth
Game Night                                                                 Conference (DYC) is our annual gathering for the teens of the
1/28 @ 6:00 pm in the SPS Gym. Join us as a er Teen Music                  Diocese of Trenton. It is an opportunity for teens in grades 8‐12 to
Ministry for an awesome game night with friends! We’ll gather              encounter Jesus through the joyful celebra on of our Catholic faith
following the 5pm Mass for a night of fun, food, and friends. Snacks       with dynamic presenta ons and the chance to connect with other
provided so be sure to come hungry, hungry, hungry!                        young Catholics beyond their parish or school. They will also
                                                                           encounter Jesus personally through Adora on of the Blessed
Upcoming Days Off:
                                                                           Sacrament, the Sacrament of Reconcilia on, and Closing Mass with
Mark your calendars now: There’ll be no HSM on the following
                                                                           Bishop David O’Connell, C.M. Be sure to register by February 1 to
dates: 2/4, 2/18, 3/11, 3/26, 4/1, 5/13, 5/27, 6/17
                                                                           get a special discount only available to our parish! To register, email
One Series
                                                                           Kait (
An authen c pro‐life lifestyle goes beyond babies and requires us to

Princeton Area Young Adults (late teens 18‐19, 20’s & 30’s)
                       General Information : Like us!                       is awakening in the hearts of all those par cipa ng God’s love and
              Get on our email           transforming power. This is a love that has been revealed to us by
                       list! Email: Kait kmayer@Stpaulsof                   Jesus Christ and that leads us to our heavenly Father. As we walk
                                                     through this series, we’ll be praying for the Spirit to breathe life into
                       Theology on Tap                                      our hearts.
                       Jan 30 @ 7:00 pm at Triumph Brewery. We’re           Trivia Night
                       back at the brewery! Join us this month for a        Feb 13 @ 7:00pm at The Ivy Inn. Join us for a night of fun and
night food (and drink!), friends, and fun! Mark your calendar now           fellowship! We’ll meet at the Ivy at 7:00 pm to get our team
and bring some friends ‐ the more the merrier! We hope for this to          together and par cipate in their Quizzo night!
be an opportunity to reach out to young adults in our area who
                                                                            An Evening With Screwtape
aren't involved or are maybe less involved in Church life. Hope to
                                                                            Feb 20 @ 7:00 pm in the St. Tim Room. By examining a chapter or
see you there!
                                                                            two from CS Lewis’ “Screwtape Le ers”, we’ll dive into the
The Wild Goose
                                                                            psychology of tempta on and how to overcome it. No prior reading
Feb 6 @ 7:00 pm in the St. Tim Room. Join us for our next video and
                                                                            necessary ‐ we’ll read and discuss the night of the event.
discussion series! The Wild Goose is a work of the Holy Spirit, which

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Pastoral Hispana
           Padre Miguel Valle                 Mensaje del Padre Miguel Valle           El evangelio nos cuenta el primer milagro de Jesús en el evangelio de San
        (609) 924-1743 ext. 119               Marcos; aunque en realidad, el primer "milagro" del poder de Jesús fue
             Horas de Oficiando               la respuesta generosa de los discípulos, que lo dejaron todo ante la
           Atención: 9:am a 4pm.              llamada e invitación de Jesús. Para los contemporáneos de Jesús, el
     Domingos: con cita previamente           expulsar demonios era señal evidente de la llegada del Reino de Dios, ya
                  establecida                 que en muchos escritos de su empo, que no se llegaron a incluir en la
             Sra. Nidia Beltran               biblia, anunciaban la venida del empo mesiánico como una derrota y
                   Asistente                  evicción de satanás. Por esto, San Marcos repite numerosas veces que Jesús iba por toda la
                      región expulsando demonios; y San Lucas añade que la expulsión de demonios por Jesús y
           Servicios de Secretaria            por los discípulos era señal cierta de que había llegado el Reino de Dios. San Marcos, como la
       Domingos, 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm           semana pasada, enseña que nada puede resis r el poder de la palabra de Jesús. Los
          Lunes, 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm            demonios le obedecen con dolor. Solamente nosotros, aquí en esta vida, tenemos el poder
            en la Oficina Hispana             tremendo de oponer resistencia a Jesús, ya que él nos quiere libres, sin forzarnos. La sección
       Dias en semana: con cita previa.       del evangelio de hoy está escrita con sumo cuidado, formando una inclusión literaria: al
principio y al final se menciona que enseñaba su doctrina con autoridad, y que todos estaban asombrados o estupefactos. La doctrina y el
poder de Jesús siguen expulsando demonios de la vida de los hombres, especialmente de los que creen en él. Jesús no dialogo con el
espíritu impuro, sino que lo expulso sin miramientos, ya que no puede haber dialogo ni compromiso entre el Reino de Dios y el reino del
mal. Los oyentes estaban sorprendidos por la enseñanza de Jesús; no ensenaba como los escribas y maestros de la Ley que trataban de
mostrar su ingenio y sus conocimientos citando muchos textos de la biblia, interpretándolos ingeniosamente, y haciendo referencia
constante a las opiniones de los maestros an guos. Hasta ahora abunda ese po de maestros que constantemente repiten "que la biblia
dice," sacando frecuentemente los textos de su contexto, para hacer la biblia los que ellos quieren que diga, Jesús hablaba de su
experiencia propia, y acompañaba su enseñanza con obras poderosas. Su palabra admiraba y entusiasmaba a los oyentes llenándolos de
Liturgia de La Palabra                                  alegría, porque revelaba sobre todo el amor de un Dios que era Padre bondadoso,
      Primera lectura: Deuteronomio 18:15‐20            misericordioso y salvador.
Yahveh tu Dios suscitará, de en medio de , entre tus Jesús vino a eliminar y expulsar todo lo malo que oprime y posee a las personas; la
hermanos, un profeta como yo, a quien escucharéis. cultura en torno a Jesús atribuía al "demonio" enfermedades y condiciones
                                                        inexplicables de las personas. Hoy nosotros podemos preguntarnos sobre qué
       Salmo Responsorial: Salmo 95:1‐2, 6‐9
                                                        demonios y opresiones de nuestra sociedad nos ene que salvar la palabra de
 Venid, cantemos gozosos a Yahveh, aclamemos a la
                                                        Jesús: Men ras, injus cias, egoísmos, discriminaciones, miseria, manipulaciones,
 Roca de nuestra salvación; con acciones de gracias
                                                        ambiciones de poder y de dinero, desigualdad económica, carrera de armamentos,
     vayamos ante él, aclamémosle con salmos.
                                                        violencias, drogas, abusos....En una ocasión, nos cuenta el evangelio que Jesús
         Segunda Lectura: I Corin os 7:32‐3             expulso a "2000 demonios" de un solo hombre, y los mando a los cerdos. Nuestra
Yo os quisiera libres de preocupaciones. El no casado sociedad está llena de demonios que Jesús y los cris anos deben echar fuera.
se preocupa de las cosas del Señor, de cómo agradar Intenciones:
                                                                                                 coordinado por la Señora Maria Juega. No
                       al Señor.                        Por la Salud de:                         Faltes!
               Evangelio: Marcos 1:21‐2                      Isidro Vasquez y Luznith Valle
                                                                                                 Hora Santa:
 Llegan a Cafarnaúm. Al llegar el sábado entró en la
                                                        Taller de salarios justos:               Son todos los segundos y cuartos Martes de
     sinagoga y se puso a enseñar. Y quedaban
                                                        Se realizara el próximo 28 de enero a cada mes a las 7:00 pm en el templo
  asombrados de su doctrina, porque les enseñaba
                                                        las 8:00 de la noche, en la sección B    parroquial, y las confesiones son todos los
como quien ene autoridad, y no como los escribas.
                                                        & C del sótano de la Iglesia. Taller     Sábados de 4:00 a 5:30 pm y los domingos a
                                                                                                 las 6:30 pm.
                           Catecismo en Español
                                               Las Clases                                     Ayuda con Documentación:
                                               Las Clases enen Lugar todos los                si alguien necesita ayuda de traducción con
                                                                                              algún documento oficiales por favor
                                               domingos.. En la escuela de San Pablo de
                                                                                              contactar a Victoria Pena, trabajadora social,
                        Sra. Sara Cortés       5:15pm‐6:45pm inmediatamente los niños
                          Coordinadora                                                        a o dejar la
                                               caminan al templo con sus catequistas para
                                                                                              información per nente en la oficina con el
                                               la santa misa.
                                                                                              Padre Miguel. Igualmente el Sr. Joel
                                               Fechas importantes:                            Mar nez esta dispuesto en colaborar dentro           Enero 28: Clase                                de esta área, su correo electrónico es
          609-924-1743 ext. 153                Febrero 2: One 8 de 5:00‐9 :00 pm              22joelmar
            Horas de Oficiando                 Febrero 4: Clase
              Lunes y Martes:                                                              Bautismos:
   9:00 am-2:00 pm y 7:00 pm a 10:00 pm        Voluntarios:                                son los segundos domingos de cada mes a la
            Viernes y Sábados:                 Siempre bienvenidos! Llame o visítenos 609‐ 1:00 pm. mientras que la preparación
             9:00 am-12:00 pm                  924‐1743 xt.153                             Bau smal son los primeros sábados de cada

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