PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet

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PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet
  Dads giving their

    your home

PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet

            your life
            12 GROOMING
             Male baldness
           14 RELATIONSHIPS             your family
         Emotional intimacy
               16 MONEY                      25 HEALTH
    Why it’s good to swap services     Your fertility and age
           18 PSYCHOLOGY                   28 PARENTING
     Are you living your parents      Dad’s giving their best
              relationship?            Infants sleep routine
            20 INSPIRATION                42 KIDS CORNER
    Enhle Gabashe – Fashioning            Father’s Day gifts
                her future               46 NALIBALI STORY
              22 LETS TALK                    48 FOOD
        You’re not my mother         Deliciousness for dad’s on
        24 COMMUNITY BUZZ                   Father’s Day
           Tears Foundation
                54 HOME
      Winter-proof your home

          your style
         33 KIDS FASHION
PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet
                 Mens jackets

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PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet


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PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet
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                   *Styles in-store may vary.
PARENTING Dads giving their - YOUR HOME - Jet

*Styles in-store may vary.
**Image shot before social distancing became the norm.

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LIFE   grooming

The ultimate bad-hair day has
to be a no-hair day! If you’re
worried about losing your hair,
you’re not alone – and you can
beat it or at least feel better
about it. TEXT ANNE HAHN

                  Our expert,
         Salon in Cape Town.

A           lthough hair loss does
            increase as men get older
            (by the age of 50, around
85% of men will experience thinning
of hair), it’s not uncommon in
                                        before they turn 21. By the age of
                                        35, about 66% of men will have
                                        noticed some hair loss.

                                        WHAT CAUSES IT?
                                                                               that the hormones that regulate
                                                                               hair growth stop working properly,
                                                                               so the hair follicles shrink and
                                                                               don’t produce new hairs to replace
                                                                               the ones that fall out. Other possible
younger men. In about 25% of men        Hereditary male-pattern baldness       causes of temporary hair loss
who have hereditary male-pattern        is the most common cause. Men          are stress, a sudden shock,
baldness, hair loss starts at the       can inherit baldness genes from        medications or treatments such
crown of the head or the temples        their fathers or mothers. This means   as chemotherapy.

sideburns, baldness can lend                 still grows out the weave becomes
                                       a man a distinguished air! Besides,          looser and therefore needs a reinstall
                                       many men choose to shave their               to keep it secured.’
Some women                             heads today for a sleek, modern                 Lace front weaves are not a
actually find                          look. No hair also means saving
                                       on hair products so it can be a
                                                                                    cheap-fix hair loss solution, but they
                                                                                    do provide a more natural look than
balding men                            win-win. But if your hair loss is            toupees and wigs.
                                       causing you stress or anxiety,
attractive.                            you might need counselling to                MYTHS ABOUT BALDING
Like greying                           help you put it in perspective.                Baldness isn’t caused by the sun
                                                                                    or wearing a hat – unless it’s a
sideburns,                             MAN WEAVES                                   dirty hat (scalp infections can
baldness can                           A newly emerging way to deal with
                                       permanent hair loss is man weaves.
                                                                                    cause hair to fall out temporarily).
                                                                                      Shampoos and gels don’t cause
lend a man a                           Faith Mtabati of An’Bia’Li Salon in          baldness, but harsh products like
                                       Cape Town says that men are ‘still           dyes can damage hair that is
distinguished                          a bit shy’ about following this route.       already thinning.
air!                                   She explains the different options:            Cutting it short won’t make
                                          For a receding hairline: ‘It depends      hair grow, but it might make it
                                       on the length of hair that’s left. If it’s   feel thicker.
                                       long enough to plait, then we can              Although bald men might like
                                       plait and sew the netting and weave          to think they’re more virile, there’s
                                       into your own hair.’ This is secure          no scientific evidence that they
                                       enough to allow swimming.                    have higher levels of testosterone
                                          For completely bald heads:                (even though some women can’t
                                       ‘If there’s no hair at all, we use           resist a balding man!).
                                       a lace frontal which is glued onto
                                       the scalp.’ This is the most expensive       TAKING CARE OF
                                       option, that should be treated               YOUR BALD HEAD
                                       with care and not exposed too                Remember to apply sunscreen to
                                       much to water.                               your bald spots to avoid sunburn.
                                           Faith does a thorough scalp                Ask your pharmacist for advice on
                                       assessment before installing a weave.        the many hair-growth products on
                                       ‘The skin needs to be healthy before         the market (ingredients range from
                                       and during any installation,’ she says.      caffeine to ginger). Minoxidil is a
                                       ‘One would follow an assessment for          widely used over-the-counter cream,
                                       a reinstall after every four weeks, so       but does have side-effects so consult
                                       the scalp is kept healthy and treated        your doctor before taking it.
                                       to minimise any skin disorders. With
                                       the netting option, as your own hair

Modern society places a lot of
emphasis on appearance, so young
men who start balding might feel
less attractive or insecure until
they realise there are many men in
the same situation. But listen up
guys – some women actually find
balding men attractive. Like greying
LIFE   relationships

Most people want to have someone who will love, value
and accept them unconditionally, with all their faults.
Emotional intimacy is a vital ingredient in such
a trusting relationship. So what exactly is it? TEXT VIDA LI SIK

I t’s not about sex – but it is just as
  important. Everyone wants to be
  close to someone and to feel cared
for. We all want someone with whom
we can share our deepest secrets,
                                          enough. There is a right amount
                                          for you, and an absence of such
                                          closeness will affect your life, and
                                          could make you feel unwanted and
                                          even depressed. ‘That’s why open
confident that we can let our guard       and effective communication is
down, and secure in the knowledge         encouraged,’ adds Joshna.
that they won’t laugh at us.                  Women are more likely to
    But, if you and your partner          desire this kind of closeness in a
are distant with one another,             relationship, and to seek and offer
you won’t get much out of your            it. It does not come naturally to
interactions, and that includes the       men. Generally, men struggle with
sexual ones. On the other hand, if        even expressing their emotions, let
you can be open about everything,         alone being vulnerable. But, while
without fear of judgment, you will        they might not understand or be
have a strong connection.                 able to express their need for
                                          emotional intimacy, men can feel
TRUST, ACCEPTANCE                         its absence in their lives. They        start by learning about it at the same
AND SECURITY                              may experience a ‘drift’ in their       time, by reading a book on the topic
So, what does emotional intimacy          relationship and interpret this         together. ‘They can then talk about
feel like? ‘It’s a feeling of trust,      as rejection from their partner.        their understanding of emotional
acceptance and the security that          ‘As a result, they might respond        intimacy and how to raise the level
someone has your back,’ says Joshna       by also distancing themselves in        in their own relationship,’ Lutchman
Lutchman, a senior counselling            the relationship, and engage in         continues.
social worker with The Family Life        external activities such as gambling,      At this stage, you might be
Centre in Johannesburg. Emotional         substance abuse, socialising with       thinking it will be easier to persuade
intimacy is something that develops       buddies or extramarital affairs,’       your husband or partner to finally
over time. The level of your desire for   Lutchman cautions.                      do much-needed chores around the
it differs from person to person, and                                             house, than to get him to sit down
depends on how you experienced            WHAT IF IT’S MISSING?                   and read a book with you. If that’s
closeness with others while growing       So, how can a couple improve on this    the case, another way of developing
up. So there’s no ‘rule’ on what is       closeness between them? They can        emotional closeness is to simply take

time out together every day. ‘Check
in’ with your partner over dinner
                                       in the community. There, you
                                       can both learn creative and fun
or before you go to sleep. Use the     ways to engage in and maintain
time to share how you feel, whether    emotional intimacy. And, lastly,          SOUTH AFRICA
happy or sad, over how your day        if you need help in developing           The Family Life Centre
worked out. Share big news, or your    closeness with your partner,                 +2711 788 4784
disappointments, goals, and even       you can speak to a professional.
fears. This is a time when you can     ‘Counselling offers space where          Families South Africa
be vulnerable and get the emotional    couples can explore emotional        
support you need when life is tough.   intimacy with the help of an expert,’
                                       Lutchman says.                              BOTSWANA
OUTSIDE HELP                               Emotional intimacy is within         Botswana Counselling
For some, it could be more useful      your reach. It will require some              Association
to look for open discussion and        effort, but it can enrich the rest            +267 395 9589
workshops for couples – at church or   of your lives together.

                                                                      JUNE/JULY 2020
In a world where
                                                 money is in shorter
                                                      supply than
                                                  talent, there is an
                                                  opportunity for a
                                                 sharing economy
                                                to flourish – not only
                                                 in terms of goods
                                                  and possessions,
                                                     but also skills.
                                                 DOMINIQUE SWIEGERS
                                                  went in search of
                                                     her share


A         t primary school we
          used to play marbles
          during breaks. As soon
as the bell rang we’d dash outside
and then the battle was on. With
                                      ones. Their breathtaking colours
                                      and great names – comets, cat’s
                                      eyes, bumblebees, gquftis – made
                                      them very popular. I think that was
                                      probably the first time I experienced
                                                                              operate based on a sharing system.
                                                                              For example, it lets a hairstylist and
                                                                              someone who does garden services
                                                                              come to a mutually beneficial
                                                                              arrangement where they can say: ‘I
faces flushed from concentrating      a sharing economy of sorts.             trim your hair, you trim my lawn.’
so hard, dust clouds gathering           Sharing economies have changed
around us and ponytails askew,        a lot over time, largely thanks to      WIN-WIN
we were lost in our own world.        technology. Platforms like the Cape     Both parties benefit from this deal
But the real fun started when you     Town Talent Exchange (CTTE)             because each one has their own
won. Because then you could swap      at is one of the largest    unique talents and skills, as well as
your prize marbles for even fancier   online communities in the world to      tools and equipment. In both cases

16   JUNE/JULY 2020
LIFE   money

their wallets can remain safely           melt the coldest heart of a potential   from their gardens. On one of the
stowed and firmly shut because            employer. It makes one wonder           photos on their Facebook page
there is no money involved. The           what would happen if he offered his     there’s a box of grapefruit with
entire transaction can be conducted       services on something like CTTE.        the message: ‘Take what you need,
online without the need for you to go        Rachel identifies four factors       leave what you don’t, share what
and ‘sell’ yourself or your services.     that play an important role in this     you have.’
                                          new swapping economy: a fresh
SHARED OWNERSHIP                          appreciation of the importance of       A HAIRDO
In her TED Talk entitled ‘The case for    community; the power of social          FOR SOME RECIPES…
collaborative consumption’ Rachel         networks; renewed urgency and           I did an informal survey by asking
Botsman (a leading expert and             interest in environmental issues;       the hairdresser at my local salon
author on trust in the modern world)      and global recession.                   what she’d be interested in if she
highlights this trend with her idea                                               had the opportunity to swap. She
of shared ownership or shared use         THERE’S ENOUGH                          immediately said she’d be keen to
– where people can share or swap          FOR EVERYONE                            collaborate with a good cook who
without money changing hands,             People are tired of wastage. Money,     would be willing to share a few of
thanks to social networks and             talents, belongings, time… Why          their favourite recipes with her.
online communities. It goes even          let things gather dust on shelves          A photographer friend of mine
further with people also sharing          or in cupboards when they could         said she’d be happy to take family
time and skills. Rachel believes          be useful to another person? For        portraits in exchange for having her
that the internet has cut out the         example, groups like Crop Swop on       hair coloured. A graphic artist said
middleman and now everyone from           Facebook arrange to get together        they’d design a logo and all they
a T-shirt designer to a seamstress        and swap out excess food from their     wanted was a manicure. None of
can deal directly with one another.       kitchens, or fruit and vegetables       them were aware of the existence
She believes this economy, based on                                               of CTTE or anything like it.
the belief system that ‘what’s mine is
yours and vice versa’, is here to stay.                                           ARE YOUR TALENTS BURIED
                                                CTTE tips                         BENEATH THE SURFACE?
ARE YOUR WEALTH                               for successful                      Even if you’re not sure what your
                                                                                  talent might be, you can go in
Another online platform, the                    swapping                          search of it and that journey in itself
Community Exchange System                                                         could become an enjoyable and
(, neatly                                                  enlightening experience. As it was
sums up this trend, saying: ‘Your            The ‘seller’ is usually the one      for Ken Robinson, a leader in the
talents are your wealth.’                    who should keep a record             field of creativity and innovation,
   It’s all based on the belief that         of the transaction.                  who says, ‘Human resources are like
each of us has a special talent –            If the seller isn’t computer         the earth’s natural resources; they’re
whether you’re just starting out             literate, the ‘buyer’ can            often buried beneath the surface
or already retired, have a Master’s          conclude the deal on the             and you have to make an effort to
degree or no training at all. It really      mobisite http://cell.ctte.           discover them.’
doesn’t matter because all you                                      The swapping of talents reminds
need is to be good at something.             If someone contacts you              me of the rhinoceros and the
That’s why this trend also builds            for a possible transaction,          oxpecker. One gets food and the
and strengthens communities.                 make sure you know exactly           other is rid of pesky insects. With
Someone recently showed me the               what they are offering.              the South African population
CV of a man who was handing them             Ensure that you regularly            topping 50 million, just think
out at a traffic light. The attention        tweak your offering or add           of all the mutually rewarding
to detail and the amount of trouble          to it, so it will be tagged with     relationships and talents – not to
that he’d gone to in order to put this       that day’s date and is then          mention marbles! – we could
document together were enough to             listed under ‘Recent Posts’.         all be exchanging.

Ever wondered if
you’ve followed
the old cliché of
marrying your
father (or mother)?

 The answer is
probably yes – but
that doesn’t mean
you have to repeat
their mistakes.


                                     they display many of the traits and     Tracy Ziman Jacobs. ‘Before then,
         ineo Xaba’s* father was     qualities present in our parents. In    most of what we know – including
         a workaholic who came       fact, an entire school of psychology,   behaviours and values – is ingrained
         home late in the evenings   known as Imago, is given over to the    in our subconscious from what we’ve
and spent most of his weekends       theory that our parents’ marriage       seen modelled by our parents.’ It’s
catching up on sleep. So is her      shapes our individual development       when these behaviours are abusive
husband – which means that she       experience, creating an ‘unconscious    that problems come into play, she
often feels the same frustrations    image of familiar love’ – or our idea   adds, because you may end up
and resentment her mother            of what we think a marriage should      married to an abuser yourself.
expressed while she was growing      look like.
up.                                                                            Blind spots Life, executive
                                        There’s plenty of science to back    and management coach Debbie
   Not that Dineo’s situation is     this assertion, too. ‘It’s only once    Mankowitz says the situation
particularly unique. Most experts    a child is nine years old that they     doesn’t even need to be very
agree that there’s a lot of truth    start looking to their peer group       dramatic to have a negative impact
in the observation that we tend      as the most important source of         on adult romantic relationships. ‘We
to select our partners because       information,’ says relationship coach   develop a portrait of our parents’
marriage throughout our childhood            For transformational relationship         And if you already find yourself
and teenage years, but it’s based on      coach Philippa Levitt, one of the         acting like your mother? It’s not
a child’s perspective so it’s without     reasons we choose people who              too late, says Levitt. Again, therapy
much depth or context. This means         allow us to play out old patterns is      is the answer: ‘It can help you
that we’re blind to some of the           because they give us the comfort          separate your issues from theirs, and
deeper dynamics between them –            of familiarity. While some of these       shed light on how to stop making
like a passive, dutiful wife who may      could be positive, we might also          disempowering meanings from your
actually have been depressed.’ The        find ourselves with people who            situation.’
danger here is that you may strive        show unresolved qualities that are           Mankowitz, meanwhile, says that
to copy this dynamic in your own          damaging to us – because we hope          the object of any therapy should be
marriage because you believe it to        that, this time around, we’ll be          to help you reframe your thinking.
be positive, ignoring – or not even       able to work on those issues. ‘For
aware of – the giant blind spot of        example, if your father abandoned            A couple can be taught to develop
reality.                                  you, perhaps even emotionally, you        competencies and practice them
                                          might choose someone who will             with immediate effect. They can also
   Unfinished business                    also abandon you so that you relive       be led to reassess their perceptions,
   What does this have to do with         the trauma – this time as an adult,       develop effective communication
your husband or wife? You might           so that you have new resources and        skills, implement accountability
not realise it, says Mankowitz, but       support,’ she says.                       and support each other over the
you could have chosen them out of a                                                 hurdles as they progress along the
subconscious desire to improve on            Awareness is key                       way. Mankowitz also recommends
or complete what was left unfinished         How to stop the pattern before it      fostering a common understanding
in childhood. ‘Our partners usually       develops? Therapy is key, according       of marriage while nurturing
have similar attributes to our            to Levitt. ‘It’s only once you’re aware   individual goals, freedom and
parents, and carry similar hurts          of an issue that you can start to         purpose that allow you both to find
from their childhoods, although they      address it,’ Ziman Jacobs agrees.         meaning potential not only in your
have managed to adapt in a positive       ‘We also need to get conversations        marriage but also outside of it.
way that complements our own              going, so that we create a communal
needs and perceptions.’ And, just         consciousness around how men and
like that, you find yourself living out   women behave in relationships.’
your parents’ marriage.
                        HER FUTURE
     At just 12 years old, Enhle Gabeshe is stirring up Mzansi’s fashion scene with
     her colourful kids’ clothing line. We chatted to her about her achievements
                    and future ambitions. TEXT JULIA LAMBERTI-MORREIRA

L     ike many young girls, Enhle
      Gabeshe always adored pretty
      dresses, fairytale princesses,
bright colours and bling. However,
this talented preteen has taken her
                                        and sprinklings of sparkle, and
                                        is generating big buzz, locally
                                        and abroad. ‘EBC is all about art,
                                        fairytale princesses and African
                                        authenticity,’ says Enhle. ‘I like to tell
                                                                                     in Gauteng. Her dad, Nduduzo,
                                                                                     is a graphic designer and electrician,
                                                                                     while her social-worker mom,
                                                                                     Desiree, also acts as seamstress
                                                                                     and Enhle’s manager. ‘Creativity
passion for fashion and fantasy to      stories through my pieces, making            runs in my blood because my family
the next level, creating her very own   my work original and personal.’              is creative,’ she smiles.
                                                                                                                              IMAGES: SUPPLIED

clothing range. Custom-made for            Born in KwaZulu-Natal, Enhle                 Now in Grade 7, Enhle insists that
girls aged from four to 12, the Enhle   was raised by her grandmother until          it was an innate love of clothing and
Babes Couture (EBC) collection          moving to Johannesburg to be with            creativity that inspired her to start
features stunning African prints        her parents, who were both working           her fashion brand. ‘My gran actually

20   JUNE/JULY 2020
LIFE   inspiration

used to complain about my               she sews most of my orders because       she struggles with bullying and
obsession with clothes shopping,’       I have school.’ Enhle is also making     the pressure of juggling her
she laughs.                             her mark internationally, with her       blossoming business with a
                                        collection available for purchase        demanding school schedule.
DESIGNING A DREAM                       on the UK-based online store,            ‘Bullying has really affected my
Enhle was only 10 when she began        Origin. ‘Origin actually approached      self-esteem, but my strong parents
sketching dresses inspired by what      me through my Instagram page,            and my brand have given me so
she calls her ‘imaginary African        asking if I could sell on their online   much courage and confidence,’
princess life’, creating samples of     store,’ she says.                        she confides. ‘I have also had to
her ideas with Desiree’s assistance.                                             learn to balance keeping my
Her dreamy designs soon garnered        CONQUERING                               creativity alive, while excelling at
attention, thanks to the power of       THROUGH CREATIVITY                       school and dealing with bullies.’
social media. ‘In 2018, my mom          The young entrepreneur has also             With a flair for fashion, inner
posted my designs on a Facebook         received major recognition for           fortitude and eyes focused firmly
page called BrownSense, which           her enterprising spirit. ‘In July        on the future, young Enhle is only
got me more than 1.7k followers in      2019, I was chosen by haircare           starting out on her road to success.
two days,’ recalls Enhle. ‘I now only   brand Stylin’ Dredz to be one of         ‘I would like to eventually see EBC
advertise my clothes on my social       their ‘Creative Conquerors’ and          as a big lifestyle brand for the whole
media pages.’                           ambassadors,’ says Enhle. Last           family and own a family-friendly
   Enhle’s collection currently         October, she also received the           boutique,’ she shares. Keep your
boasts beautiful dresses, skirts,       inaugural ‘My Little Darling’ award      eyes firmly on this space!
suits, jumpers and girly accessories.   from Darling Hair South Africa,
‘With EBC, you are guaranteed           for her accomplishments.                 *For orders and information, follow
proudly South African, handmade            Despite her many accolades            Enhle on Instagram & Facebook:
products,’ she says. ‘I make my own     and her enviable entrepreneurial         @enhlebabescouture
samples, helped by my mom, and          achievements, Enhle admits that          **
It’s not always possible for a birth parent to take care
of their child, so children sometimes grow up believing
that their gogo, aunt or even big sister is their mother. It
can be a great shock to discover the truth, so here are
suggestions on how to lessen the impact. TEXT VIDA LI SIK

T      here are various reasons for
       people hiding the identity of
       a child’s mother. Sometimes
they are financial, sometimes the
mother is not emotionally mature
                                       was born out of wedlock, so they
                                       pretend someone else is the mother.
                                       Whatever the reason, it can come as
                                       an unpleasant surprise if the child
                                       finds out the truth, no matter their
                                                                              it can be. Someone who has lived
                                                                              for 30 years, for example, believing
                                                                              person A to be their mother will
                                                                              be devastated to discover that in
                                                                              fact person B gave birth to them.
enough and sometimes the family        age – but the older they are when      Especially if they have lived apart
feels ashamed because the child        they find out, the more shocking       from their birth mother, it can
LIFE   let’s talk

Our expert, IRENE MOTAUNG,
                                     with The Family Life Centre in
                                     Johannesburg, says there comes
is a counsellor and mediator                                                      The Family Life Centre has
     at The Family Life Centre       a time when you need to tell the
                                     child the truth, and the earlier this        many branches. To find
                                     is done, the better.                         one near you:
                                        ‘Children can be told of their birth
                                     parents at any age, and the role of              +2711 788 4784
                                     the caregiver be introduced from an             FamilyLifeC
                                     early age,’ she says. This will make  
                                     the news less dramatic. For example,
                                     a grandparent can call themselves
                                     exactly that. ‘If a grandmother
                                     allows the child to refer to them         shifting blame, the parent should
                                     as ‘Gogo’ from the beginning, it          show respect, empathy and patience
                                     becomes easier to answer questions        towards the child to help with the
                                     when the child needs to talk about        healing. Listen to them and say
                                     their birth parents. This helps the       something like, ‘I understand that
                                     child with the integration of the         this makes you feel hurt/angry/sad.’
                                     new message, rather than the news         Reassure them that they can talk
                                     being a double blow,’ she adds.           to you whenever they need to.
                                        If you have brought the child             Also be prepared to answer
                                     up to believe that their grandmother,     questions like ‘why didn’t you tell
                                     aunt or anyone else is their birth        me before?’ or ‘why should I trust
                                     mother, Motaung suggests that             you now?’ When adults show less
                                     the caregiver and the birth parent        defensive and blaming behaviour
                                     tell the child together. ‘This allows     this could build trust and help the
                                     the child to feel that the adults are     child cope better in the future.
                                     taking responsibility, and this could
                                     help them with healing and moving         IF IT COMES
                                     forward,’ she says.                       FROM THE BLUE…
                                                                               Unfortunately, it sometimes
                                     GETTING PREPARED                          happens that the child suddenly
                                     If you feel the need to prepare, you      discovers the truth from someone
                                     can create an album or scrapbook          else. In that case, apologise to the
                                     with photos to tell the story of your     child, allow them to express their
                                     lives and how you got to where you        feelings and offer emotional support.
                                     are now. This is handy to rehearse        ‘Create a safe space to share their
                                     how you’ll tell it. Use simple terms      feelings,’ Motaung suggests. ‘This
                                     that are appropriate to the child’s       can be painful, however, so patience
                                     age. Tell the truth and keep the story    and honesty would be very helpful.
                                     and explanations brief. Identify their    Blaming or focusing on the person
                                     real parent by name, or say ‘I’m your     who told the child is unhelpful.’
                                     birth parent’. Have the discussion           Sharing this kind of information
  be very difficult to process the   over a holiday period when you’ll be      will be a life-changing event for
  information and they might feel    on hand to offer further explanations     all of you. Reassure your child of
  betrayed and angry.                or emotional support. This might not      your love and support. It will take
                                     end up being a once-off event but an      time to process the tension caused
  THE EARLIER, THE BETTER            ongoing discussion. Be prepared for       by the revelation. But it could lead
  Irene Motaung, a counsellor and    strong feelings in an older child.        to a stronger, more open bond
  family and divorce mediator            Instead of becoming defensive or      between you and your child.

                                                                       JUNE/JULY 2020    23
COMMUNITY          buzz

                  Get to know:
                  TEARS Foundation is an anti-sexual violence
                  organisation that assists victims nationwide.
                  This is how. TEXT KOKETSO MASHIKA

                  S       outh Africa has an alarming
                          rate of sexual and domestic
                          violence. This is why Mara
                  Glennie, a survivor of gender-
                  based violence (GBV), founded
                                                                Mara holding
                                                              their 2019 MTN
                                                              Award for Social

                  the TEARS Foundation. For years
                  she survived severe torture at the
                  hands of her partner, which nearly
                  cost her life.
                     ‘For eight years, I was so scared,         For help dial
                  and too ashamed to admit my             *143*7355# and follow
                  abuse,’ she says. ‘The violence           the prompts or call
                  I survived changed my life.’ She        TEARS on 010 590 5920
                  now encourages survivors to              Alternatively, send a
                  speak out before it is too late.              message or         helplessness and desperation.
                  For the past eight years, Mara has        That is why Mara ensures
                  worked tirelessly to assist victims     that TEARS offers confidential
                  of GBV. ‘Today, the job I do is                                  services to victims at no charge,
                  the most rewarding I have ever          MALE VICTIMS ARE         nationwide, with a 24-hour free
                  done,’ she says.                          REFERRED TO            SMS service to anyone who has
                     TEARS Foundation provides             MASHILO OF MOSHATE      access to a cell phone. With the
                  access to crisis intervention,              MEN’S RIGHTS         helpline, they can connect victims
                  counselling, and prevention                                      to facilities that offer counselling,
                  education services to the many                                   medical facilities, emergency
                  women affected by domestic                 +2782 397 7873        shelters and support groups as
                  violence and sexual assault, as               mashilo@           well as volunteer opportunities.
                  well as victims of child sexual        They also do follow-ups with the
                  abuse. Mara’s motivation to help                                 police on behalf of victims.
                  other women comes from a deeply           BROTHERS FOR LIFE         In order to keep providing
                  personal place. ‘When I tried                +2712 366 9300      these vital services countrywide
                  to report my abuse at the local                                  at no cost, TEARS relies on
                  police station, I was told to come      SOUTH AFRICAN MALE       donations, fundraising initiatives,
                  back on a Monday between 8am            SURVIVORS OF SEXUAL      CSI requests and grants from

                  and 4pm,’ she says. At the time          ABUSE (SAMSOSA)         organisations and businesses,
                  she was reporting the matter,                                    which isn’t easy. But Mara plans
                  it was 6pm on a Friday. She                  +2771 280 9918      to continue helping women until
                  vividly recalls the feeling of                                   her last breath.

                                                                               JUNE/JULY 2020
LIFE   parenting

Even without complications, conceiving a child
isn’t always as easy as you might have expected.
Arming yourself with the necessary knowledge
will make your journey easier

‘I    n each menstrual cycle,
      even with everything being
      “normal”, there is only a 20%
chance that you’ll fall pregnant,’
says Dr NT Matebese, obstetrician,
                                            Kruger, reproductive specialist at
                                            the Aevitas fertility clinic in Cape
                                            Town. ‘You cannot ageproof your
                                            fertility,’ says Dr Jacobson.
                                               ‘Age is the most critical factor
gynaecologist and reproductive              when it comes to female fertility.
medicine specialist at the Groote           You are born with a finite number
Schuur Fertility Unit in Cape Town.         of eggs – some good quality, others
Add to this statistics that show that       bad – and you start using these up
one in every six couples in South           when you start menstruating. The
Africa has complications that will          percentage of good eggs declines
bring this percentage down even             progressively – it’s a process
further, and it suddenly becomes            that cannot be stopped.’
clear that you cannot take your
ability to conceive for granted.            SO, WHEN IS THE
   ‘Still, people think their fertility     BEST TIME TO
is something they can dictate: they         BECOME
expect to fall pregnant when they           PREGNANT?
want, with ease,’ says Dr Merwyn            ‘Your fertility is
Jacobson, reproductive health               probably at its
specialist at Vitalab fertility clinic in   peak between
Joburg. Together with the fact that         the ages of 24
many people put off having children         and 26,’ says Dr
until their late 30s due to work and        Jacobson. ‘That
other pressures, this results in more       is the best time,
people needing some sort of fertility       physiologically
treatment in order to have children.        speaking,
   ‘The reality is the longer you wait      though there
to have children, the higher the            are social and
chances that you’ll struggle to fall        psychological
pregnant,’ says Professor Thinus            reasons why

                                                                          JUNE/JULY 2020
LIFE   parenting

                                                                                       GOLDEN RULES FOR
                                                                                       FEMALE FERTILITY

                                                                                       1     Whatever your age, if
                                                                                             you’ve had problems
                                                                                       such as irregular, painful or
                                                                                       abnormal periods, pelvic
                                                                                       infections, surgery or pain
                                                                                       during intercourse, you
                                                                                       should seek help when you
                                                                                       decide you want to try to
                                                                                       conceive. If you’re over 35,
                                                                                       seek help after six months
                                                                                       of unsuccessfully trying
                                                                                       to conceive, and if you’re
                                                                                       under 35, try for a year
                                                                                       before visiting a doctor.’

                                                                                       2       Losing just five percent
                                                                                               of your body weight
                                                                                       can increase your fertility
                                                                                       – once you’re at a healthy
                                                                                       weight, maintain it.

it might not be possible or practical
to conceive at that age. From the
                                           without treatment when she was 30.’
                                           Dr Jacobson agrees that it’s difficult
                                                                                       3       For women, drinking
                                                                                               more than two units
                                                                                       of alcohol a day influences
age of 35 the process by which your        to say for sure whether there is an         fertility, says Dr Jacobson (a
eggs decline speeds up, and between        increase in the actual percentage           small glass of wine equals
37 and 38 there is a marked decline        of women with fertility issues, or          about one unit). ‘And
in your fertility.’                        whether it’s just that more people are      available data indicates
                                           seeking treatment. ‘Until recently          that up to 13% of infertility
WHAT IS INFERTILITY?                       fertility wasn’t discussed,’ he says,       may be caused by cigarette
‘As a rule, infertility is the inability   ‘whereas now people are more open           smoking.’
to conceive after a year of trying,’       to talking about it so we hear about
says Dr Matebese. Dr Jacobson adds
that men are just as likely to be the
                                           more cases. There are indications,
                                           however, that changes in our lifestyle
                                                                                       4       If you’re trying to fall
                                                                                               pregnant you should
                                                                                       be having sexual intercourse
cause of infertility as women, if          and the fact that women are leaving         around three times a week,
not more so. Dr Matebese says you          it until later in life to start trying to   says Dr Matebese.
can divide the problem into thirds:        conceive are going to result in an
‘In a third of the cases I see the
problem lies with the male partner,
                                           increase in numbers.’                       5       Practice safe sex –
                                                                                               contracting an STD
                                                                                       such as chlamydia in your
in another third it lies with the          WHAT ARE THE CAUSES                         early 20s, when children
woman, and in the remaining third          When it comes to female infertility,        might not be on the radar,
it is either a combination of male/        there are three main causes – tubal,        can impact on your fertility
female problems or the infertility is      hormonal and structural.                    10 years later.
unexplained,’ he says.                       TUBAL ‘This is where one or both

                                           of the Fallopian tubes are blocked,
                                           either partially or wholly, or where
                                                                                       6       No more than 15%
                                                                                               of infertility couples
                                                                                       need IVF, says Dr Jacobson.
‘The number of women requiring             there is tubal scarring,’ says Dr           ‘A large number of cases
treatment is increasing,’ says Dr          Matebese. ‘This is caused by pelvic         are resolved through other
Matebese, ‘because they are delaying       infection or by endometriosis               methods, such as weight
pregnancy. This isn’t the same thing       (where the tissue that lines the            loss, hormone therapy,
as an increase in infertility. A woman     uterus has spread elsewhere). In            having intercourse at
I see at 37 might have fallen pregnant     Sub-Saharan Africa the major                specific times of the month,
                                                                                       and lifestyle changes.’

LIFE   parenting

                                    cause of infertility is tubal disease,                                   her fertility,’ says Dr Jacobson.
                                    because of the high incidence of                                         There might also have been an
                                    the sexually transmitted diseases                                        infection after the first pregnancy
                                    (STDs) gonorrhoea and chlamydia.’                                        that could affect fertility. Dr
                                    The treatment options for this are in                                    Jacobson advises seeking help after
                                    vitro fertilisation (IVF) or artificial                                  six months if you’ve already had one
                                    insemination (AI).                                                       child but aren’t able to fall pregnant
                                      HORMONAL ‘Here the woman                                               with your second.
                                    isn’t ovulating or her cycle is
                                    irregular and no egg is being                                            CAN YOU BE
                                    released,’ says Dr Jacobson. ‘This                                       BORN INFERTILE?
                                    is often seen in women suffering                                         Yes, says Dr Matebese. ‘Some women
                                    from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome                                           are born unable to conceive without
                                    (PCOS), or where there are                                               help: either they have a congenital
                                    glandular problems or high levels                                        disorder such as a double uterus, or
                                    of stress.’ Treatments such as IVF                                       they were born without a uterus, or
                                    or AI generally aren’t applicable in                                     they have chromosomal problems.
                                    these cases, although under some                                         In these cases the options are either
                                    circumstances your doctor will                                           IVF (where possible), adoption,
                                    advise IVF as the appropriate course                       Halle Berry
                                                                                                             donor eggs or acceptance that she
                                    of action. However, it’s more likely                                     will never have biological children.
                                    that you’ll be advised to undergo                                        In this case counselling is an
                                    hormone therapy such as Clomid.                                          important part of the treatment
                                      STRUCTURAL In these cases
                                    there are problems with the overall
                                                                               Celebs who’ve                 process. You can’t just look at the
                                                                                                             physiological reasons why she can’t
                                    structure of your reproductive            struggled to fall              fall pregnant; you have to look at the
                                    organs, such as ovarian cysts or
                                    fibroid tumours in the uterus. Here,
                                                                                 pregnant                    psycho-social impact, such as her
                                                                                                             feeling that she’s failed as a woman
                                    treatment depends on the nature                                          or the pressure she might be getting
                                    of the structural problem.                                               from her community.’

                                    WHAT ABOUT                                      Celine Dion
                                    CONTRACEPTION?                                     (IVF)
                                    If you have been using the
                                    contraceptive pill, it is reversible        Gabrielle Union-Wade
                                    almost immediately and doesn’t                  (surrogacy)
                                    affect your chances of conceiving.
                                    You could fall pregnant within                   Halle Berry
                                    weeks of stopping taking the pill.                 (IVF)
                                    Contraceptive injections, however,
                                    such as Depo Provera, can delay             Sarah Jessica Parker
                                    fertility because it can take up to             (surrogacy)
                                    a year after stopping the injections

                                    before you start ovulating again.              Nicole Kidman
                                    SECONDARY INFERTILITY
                                    It is possible to conceive your first          Courtney Cox
                                    child easily, only to have difficulty             (IVF)
                                    falling pregnant a second time.
                                    ‘A woman may be several years
                                    older when planning her second
                                    pregnancy, and this could impact on
To celebrate Father’s Day, we spoke to three fathers to find out what it takes to be
a good dad, and what they have learnt along the way. TEXT HEIDI OLIVIER

                                                                                                                             IMAGES, SUPPLIED SOURCES: PARENTING.FIRSTCRY.COM,

                                                                                                                             CHILDCRISISAZ.ORG, PEDIATRICSOFFRANKLIN.COM

      ather – protector, educator          WORK IN PROGRESS                          Ndashe says, ‘she’s a priority in my
      and role model. Studies have         All three men have a special bond      life. I keep my promises and I always
      shown that being a good dad          with their children and are good       look for ways to put a smile on her
results in children who are less likely    fathers, but they admit they have      face. I listen to her and I respect her.
to drop out of school or end up in jail.   also made some mistakes along the      Bopane adds, ‘I’m investing in their
They are also less likely to have sex      way. They all say they have made       education. Kids should go to a good
at a young age and are likely to have      the mistake of expecting too much      school from a young age. My Motto:
good jobs and maintain healthy,            of their children and working long     good foundation, future leaders.’
stable relationships when they get         hours. However, fatherhood is a work   Mahlangu agrees, saying ‘I push for
older. So, how are these super-dads        in progress and all three are doing    a good education so that my children
playing their part?                        their best for their children.         can succeed in life.’

28   JUNE/JULY 2020
FAMILY   parenting

                                        Oupa Bopape is a photographer
                                        and father of two. ‘As a father
For these three dads, fatherhood is
                                        you are a role model,’ he says,
one of the most important things in
                                        ‘and that in itself results in a
their lives. So what would they like
                                        lifestyle change.’
to say to other fathers?
   ‘Be hands on, active and involved,
says Ndashe. ‘Keep your word and
prioritise your kids. They need us to
be involved in their lives. Be their
parent but also their friend.’
   Bopane echoes these sentiments.         Boys & girls
‘Spend time with your kids – they          – what’s the
just need your time. Tell them you
are proud of them and you love
them,’ he says.
   Mahlangu sums it all up by                Boys and girls need
adding, ‘Love them, love them, love       different things from their
them! They are a blessing from God.’       relationships with their

                                                 DADS AND THEIR
                                            Girls look to their fathers
                                          for security and emotional
                                            support. A good father
                                         teaches his daughter what
                                          a good relationship with a        Onias Mahlangu is a general
                                         man is like by being a good        worker and dad of four.
                                            partner to their mother.        ‘Everyone now depends on
                                         She will look for those good       you, and with that comes
                                            qualities in the men she        responsibilities,’ he says.
                                           dates and eventually the
                                                man she marries.

                                              DADS AND THEIR SONS
                                            Boys tend to model their
                                        behaviour and relationships
Sithembiso Ndashe is a                     on that of their father. If a
self-employed father of one.             father is of strong character
‘Being a dad is a life-changing               who treats others with
experience,’ he says. ‘It is                 respect and is a caring
the most beautiful journey a                father and husband, his
man can go through and the                  son will exhibit the same
greatest blessing God can                  behaviour. Boys also seek
bestow on any human being.                        out approval
The feeling of being a father             from their dads, and if they
can never be bought; it must be         don’t receive it they will look
lived, cherished and embraced.’         for it elsewhere – often in the
                                                  wrong places.

                                                                  JUNE/JULY 2020   29
How much
                                                                                           sleep is
                                                                                       Each baby and child has
                                                                                         his or her own unique
                                                                                         metabolism and some
                                                                                         need more sleep than
Any parent whose baby doesn’t sleep well will tell you                                  others, but as a general
                                                                                        guide this is how much
it’s… well, no pun intended – a nightmare! If you’re a
                                                                                         sleep they should get:
sleep-deprived parent praying for a miracle, here’s                                            1 - 3 months:
some practical advice. TEXT LYNNE CLEMENT STAFFORD                                             14-18 hours
                                                                                            (including naps)

                                                                                               4 - 12 months:
      here are as many theories         guilty because they have to leave                       12-16 hours
      on how to get babies to sleep     the child to go to work) trying to                  (including naps)
      as there are parents with         compensate by staying with them
bags under their eyes. But in all       until they fall asleep, or rushing                      1 - 2 years:
seriousness, it’s no joke to have a     to them the minute they hear the                       11-14 hours
baby who doesn’t let you get more       slightest whimper.                                  (including naps)
than a couple of hours’ sleep at a
time. So what’s the solution?           WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT                                     3 - 5 years:
                                        If hunger or thirst is causing your                    10-13 hours
WHY WON’T HE SLEEP?                     baby’s wakefulness, hallelujah – the                (including naps)
Babies don’t sleep well for various     solution is simple! Feed them or give
reasons, so you need to establish the   them a drink, and consider yourself                     6 - 12 years:
reason before you can find a remedy.    one of the lucky ones!                                  9-12 hours
Some common reasons for babies             If your baby doesn’t get enough
not sleeping through the night are:     rest during the day, this could
  Hunger or thirst                      cause her to become overtired and
  Not getting enough sleep during       hyperactive, which means she’s
the day                                 stuck in ‘high gear’ and can’t wind      easy enough to remedy – either add
  Overstimulation during the day,       down to sleep. Let her sleep more        or take away a blanket or item of
especially before bedtime               during the day – when you notice         clothing. And a dirty nappy is a no-
  Being too hot or too cold             her getting drowsy put her down          brainer – just change it with as little
  A dirty nappy                         for a nap. Likewise, if your baby        fuss or interaction as possible (and if
  Teething, an ear infection or other   is overstimulated during the day         possible in low light).
medical reason                          (too many sounds, sights, inter-            If teething is making your baby
  You are making nighttime              actions, activities and just generally   miserable and he’s crying all night,
interactions too much fun!              too much excitement) this can            the good news is that it won’t last
                                        lead to sleeplessness at night, so       very long, and there are various
With older children, bad sleeping       cut down on the level of busyness        products on the market that can
habits can result from learnt           during the day.                          help, from teething rings and collars
behaviour, usually due to over-            When babies are wakeful because       or necklaces to medications to
anxious parents (or parents who feel    they’re too cold or hot, it’s usually    soothe their gums.

FAMILY    parenting

WHEN YOU NEED HELP                      bath helps (go to essentialparent.       BE BORING AT NIGHT!
If none of the above is causing your    com and click on ‘baby crying’, then     Here’s the thing – if you make
baby’s sleeplessness, have him or her   ‘belly massage for colic’). There are    nighttime interactions too
checked by a medical professional.      also medications that might provide      enjoyable, guess what? He’ll kick
It could be an ear or urinary tract     relief, so ask your doctor or clinic     into high gear for some fun! So the
infection, allergies, indigestion or    sister for guidance. If nothing really   trick is to be really, really boring
other medical conditions.               works, know that you are not alone.      at night. Yes, he’s so adorable you
                                        As you sit with your screaming           just want to squish him and kiss
YOU ARE NOT ALONE                       baby in the middle of the night,         his cheeks – but leave the cuddles
‘Colic’ is a problem that’s not fully   feeling that your life is over, remind   for the daytime. Feed and change
understood and the jury’s out on        yourself that there are thousands        him in silence – and preferably in
what causes it or how to manage it.     of others all over the world going       low light. Soon enough he’ll get it –
But some parents find massaging the     through the same thing. And it will      mamma bear is no fun at night so
baby’s abdomen gently after a warm      pass, eventually.                        I might as well go back to sleep.

                                                                             JUNE/JULY 2020
FAMILY   parenting

  Once you’ve ruled out any of
  the above reasons for your
  little one not sleeping, relax.
  You aren’t the first parent who’s
  been desperate for a good
  night’s sleep – and for your
  baby to be happy – and you
  won’t be the last. But there are
  things you can do to establish
  a routine that will get them
  into the habit of sleeping more
  soundly. Every baby is different,
  but experts agree that these
  basic principles are a good
  place to start:                       water, sing or play quiet,            a few minutes until they settle
                                        soothing music – or read              down, then leave the room.
  Very importantly, keep artificial     quietly to them before bed-           (You might find that a pacifier
  lights away for an hour or so         time. Then lead up to bedtime         does the trick – and research
  before, and during bedtime.           with a relaxed half-hour or so        suggests that babies who
  Don’t sit with your baby in           in a quiet room with soft             go to sleep with pacifiers are
  front of the TV, or texting on        lighting, and as soon as they         less at risk of sudden infant
  your phone before bedtime.            seem drowsy put them in their         death syndrome (SIDS).
  Research has shown that               bed with their favourite soft         Again, be very, very boring
  exposure to artificial lights –       toy or blanket.                       when they wake up during the
  especially LED lights – interferes    Expose your baby to daylight          night. Nighttime mom or dad is

                                                                                                                   WHATTOEXPECT,COM, HEALTHLINE.COM, TODAYSPARENT.COM, PARENT24.COM, WEBMD.COM
  with the body’s production of         in the morning and afternoon.         not an interesting person who
  the hormone melatonin, that           This helps their inner body           plays or laughs!
  regulates sleep.                      clock tell the difference
  Feed them a couple of                 between day (awake time)              Lastly, don’t beat yourself up if
  hours before bedtime, and             and night (sleep time).               things aren’t going well. Your

                                                                                                                   SOURCES: ESSENTIALPARENT.COM, HELPGUIDE.ORG, MAYOCINIC.ORG,
  once they’re on solids, make          During the day, let him or her        baby is sensitive to your moods
  sure their last meal is easily        be part of everyday life and          and emotions, so try to radiate
  digestible. Try to avoid ‘topping     activities. Again, this helps their   a calm and soothing energy –
  them up’ with a feed before           body clock adjust to waking           even if you feel like pulling your
  bedtime. (It’s worth mentioning       and sleeping times.                   hair out. Soon enough, you’ll
  here that if feeding formula,         Don’t wait for your little one        be sending your little one off to
  stick strictly to the instructions.   to fall asleep in your arms           school and wishing they were
  Making their feeds richer with        before you put them in bed.           a baby again.
  extra formula will not help their     They should be drowsy, but
  development and could in fact         not asleep, as this helps them
  cause harm.)                          associate bed with falling
  Keep the sleep environment            asleep comfortably.
  and routine consistent and            If they are fussing and crying
  comforting. Bathe them in             at first, stay with them – without
  comfortably warm (not hot)            any exciting interaction – for

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GIFTS FOR YOU,                                         Dad!
                  Make these cute Father’s Day gifts for your dad and he’ll
                     always be reminded of how much you love him!

   If there are gaps
 between some of the
stones, put glue in the
  gap and add sand.
  Once dry, shake off
       any excess.
FAMILY    kids

                                        My Dad rocks                        the size of your frame)
                                                                            Tip: use old wrapping paper
                                                                                                                 to make a nice pattern that
                                                                                                                 fills the whole frame. Once all
                                        frame                                 koki pens (colour of your
                                                                            choice, but should work with
                                                                                                                 the stones are attached to
                                                                                                                 the frame, let it dry overnight
                                                                            the colour of your paper)            before moving it.
                                        The perfect gift that dad can                                            3. Cut a decorative piece of
                                        proudly display on his desk at      How to make                          paper to fit into your frame.
                                        work or on his bedside table.       1. Lay your frame down on a          Hint: Use the paper that is in the
                                                                            flat and protected surface (old      frame as a template.
                                        You Will need                       newspaper underneath works           4. Use a different paper to write
                                         wooden picture frame               perfectly).                          “My Dad Rocks”. Tear or cut and
                                         glue                               2. Put glue on each stone and        attach to the decorative paper
                                         small stones or pebbles            press it onto the frame. Make sure   with glue or tape. Place in frame
                                         decorative paper (at least         you choose the stones carefully      and give to dad.

                                         stick keys
                                         and coins box

                                                                                                                 of these to form a cross frame.
                                         Little kids will get a big sense                                        Do this along the bottom as
                                         of achievement from making                                              well.
                                         Dad this box to keep his coins                                          3. Now layer up the sides of
                                         and keys in.                       How to make                          the box the same way: placing
                                                                            1. Start by laying 11 sticks, side   a stick along each edge
                                         You Will Need                      by side.                             alternately to make a pattern.
                                          approximately 50 coloured         2. Put a row of glue across the      4. Keep going until you have
                                         popsicle sticks                    top edge and stick another single    about six or seven layers up.
                                          glue                              popsicle stick along the top edge    Perfect for keys and coins!

                                                                                                             JUNE/JULY 2020
FAMILY   kids

                                                                                                               SOURCES: HTTPS://MOMMYMOMENT.CA, HTTPS://WWW.KIDSPOT.COM.AU, HTTPS://MUDDYBOOTSANDDIAMONDS.COM, HTTPS://WWW.LIFELOVEANDSUGAR.COM
Hug Monster                          will depend on the length you
                                     want the arms.
                                     2. Make your paper chain arms,
Here you trace your child’s little   fastening the end of the strips of
hands to make a very special         paper with your desired method
gift for Dad!                        (we used glue).                      Made with just 3 ingredients, this
                                     3. Trace your child’s hands and      easy to make fudge has such
You Will Need                        cut those out. Attach to the ends    a rich chocolate flavour! It’s a
 Paper (any colours you have         of each paper chain.                 delicious treat to put together
avalable)                            4. Make your monster’s body! It      for dad!
 Staples, tape, or glue              can be a circle, cloud, heart –
 Pencil                              whatever you want!                   You Will Need
 Marker                              5. Decorate your monster by           2 cups (340g) semi sweet
                                     drawing a face.                      chocolate chips
How to Make                          6. Attach the arms to the body        400g can sweetened
1. Cut several pieces of paper       and Voila! Your very own Hug         condensed milk
into strips. The amount needed       Monster!                              1 tsp vanilla essence

How to Make
1. Line a 22x22cm square pan with parchment paper that covers the sides of the pan.
2. Place the chocolate chips and sweetened condensed milk in a large bowl and microwave for one
3. Stir well to combine and allow the heat to melt the chocolate chips. If needed, microwave for another 30
4. Stir in the vanilla extract, then quickly transfer the mixture to the lined pan and spread evenly.
5. Let the fudge cool completely to room temperature before cutting into squares. You could also
refrigerate it until it’s cool. If you find that your fudge is a little sticky, refrigerate it before cutting into squares.
FAMILY    kids

                                                                            BY KATHERINE GRAHAM

          THE DOG
                                                                            ILLUSTRATIONS BY JIGGS

M             y aunty is a dog walker!
              I know that might
              sound strange, but
that’s what she does for a living!
She walks other people’s dogs!
                                         dog. He bites my heels sometimes
                                         if I don’t watch out. Lucky is a rescue
                                         dog and is full of tricks. His owner
                                         got him from an animal shelter.
                                         Nobody knows for sure what kind
                                                                                   ‘You have quite a few dogs!’ some
                                                                                   of them say.
                                                                                       I just smile and say, ‘Don’t worry
                                                                                   – they’re not ours!’
                                                                                       One day I was helping Aunty
   Sometimes, when I finish school       of dog he is, but he is friendly and      Vanessa. I was holding the leads for
early, Mamma lets me help Aunty          he’s the one I like the most. Dash        Princess and Lucky. Aunty Vanessa
Vanessa. There are five dogs that        and Lady are brother and sister.          was having a hard time keeping
she walks every afternoon. Princess,     They are quite big dogs with light        Dash and Lady under control while
the French poodle, is white. She         brown coats. They are a real handful      avoiding Pepper’s nips. On our way
is very big and walks with her           because they love chasing balls –         to the park, a cat streaked past and
nose stuck up in the air, and she        and squirrels.                            Dash and Lady went bounding after
has a diamond collar. Her owner,             Sometimes when Aunty Vanessa          it, barking their heads off. Pepper,
Ziyanda, is the poshest lady I know.     and I walk down the street with all       Princess and Lucky followed them
Pepper is a small, black, grumpy         five dogs, people stop and stare at us.   and all the dogs’ leads got tangled
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