ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle

Page created by Gregory Lyons
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle
Beautiful Life                   Challenging Times                         American Beauty
 New Chinese Lantern Festival      Franchising family copes with the               Take a roadtrip to
   comes to North Carolina              COVID-19 pandemic                        Sleeping Bear Dunes

 VOLUME 7 / ISSUE 3                                                                  J U LY- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

THE   OFFICIAL          MAGAZINE                                       OF   ULTIMATE     AIR       SHUTTLE


                                     A N D B E T T E R T H A N E V ER !
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle
                 MAKES SENSE
                 (In a time when we crave it most)

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ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle

                                          Ultimate Magazine July/August


    8                                                               30

4   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle
For Information

2020                                                                     on Advertising
                                                                           in any of our
                                                                       publications, please
                                                                       call Keith Sprunk at
                              36                                           513-477-1001
                              Reds Baseball is Back!
                              by Jarrod Rollins

                              44                              ULTIMATE
                              Historic Outdoor Fun                       MAGAZINE
                              Two unique destinations offer

6                             fresh air and sunshine mixed
                              with a little history.
                                                                             JULY - AUGUST 2020
                                                                             VOLUME 7 • ISSUE 3
                              by Max West
It’s Great to Be Back!
Ultimate begins                                                                     PUBLISHER
Phase 1 restart with
Cleveland Shuttle.            54                                                  Tom Anneken

by Rick Pawlak,               Fire Up the Grill –                                   PRESIDENT

Senior Vice President         Fire Up Your Summer!                                 Keith Sprunk
                              by Donna Griffin                                  VICE PRESIDENT
                                                                                   Rick Pawlak
8                             64                                                       EDITOR
Beautiful Life                                                                       Max West
                              Ultimate Word Search
North Carolina’s
Daniel Stowe Botanical                                                          VICE PRESIDENT
Garden hosts an all new
Chinese Lantern Festival
                              65                                                 OF MARKETING
                                                                                    Noel Ripley
                              Ultimate Crossword
October 15 to January 3.
                                                                                   Donna Griffin
22                                                                                  Noel Ripley
It May Be The
Most Beautiful Place                                                             CONTRIBUTING
In America
                                                                          Photographic Memories
Take a roadtrip to Sleeping
Bear Dunes Michigan.                                                             REGIONAL
by Keith Sprunk                                                              ADVERTISING SALES
                                                                                Kenneth R. Back

30                                                                                    PRINTER
                                                                      Premier Direct Marketing, Inc.
Challenging Times
Edible Arrangements                                                         OFFICES LOCATED AT
franchisees close                                                             6 Locust Hill Rd.
Beechmont Ohio location                                                    Cincinnati, Ohio 45245
in the wake of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                              ULTIMATE MAGAZINE, JULY – AUGUST 2020, Volume 7, Number
                                                              3. Published bimonthly 6 times a year. All content copyright
                                                              © 2020 Ultimate Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this
                                                              magazine may be reproduced or reprinted without permission.
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle
It’s Great to Be Back!                               crew
Ultimate begins Phase 1 restart with Cleveland Shuttle. by Rick Pawlak, Senior Vice President

ON MARCH 12, 2020, the Ultimate Jet
leadership team had to make one of the
most difficult decisions, a decision we
thought would never have to been made.
We announced that day the suspension
of the Ultimate Air Shuttle program. The
last flight took place on March 16th. By
the end of the month, the majority of our
charter customers had implemented travel
bans or shut down their businesses due to
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ultimate had
experienced a 98% revenue decline in 2
weeks. However, it could have been worse.
The decision we made a couple weeks ahead
of the Ohio stay-at-home order, protected
Ultimate from severe cash losses. By early
April, the United States was in lockdown.
The entire world was thrown into the worst
economic event in history in a matter of             was built to provide a full workday for our          Each and every one of our employees
weeks. Not the way 2020 was supposed to              customers. Our one of a kind intrastate         are ready to serve our customers again. We
start for Ultimate Jet.                              air service saves Ohio businesses time and      are confident you will be impressed with
     Ultimate made it through the most               money by avoiding overnight hotel stays and     our added services and procedures that will
challenging four months in its 36 years              additional travel expenses. Phase 2 we plan     make your inflight experience stress free
and we are ready to get back to work. Even           on returning Atlanta and Charlotte, Phase 3     and our upgraded facilities will make you
though the first half of the year did not go as      restart Chicago and begin Nashville. Phase      comfortable and safe.

planned, the second half is starting to look         4 will be expansion destinations. Stay tuned.        All of us at Ultimate are grateful for our
strong.                                                  Ultimate JetCharters, our on-demand         customers and our suppliers for supporting
     We are beginning our Phase 1 restart            division, has begun flying again as well.       Ultimate Air Shuttle and Ultimate
starting with the Cleveland Shuttle. We              More than half our fleet is being utilized by   JetCharters throughout these challenging
chose the Cincinnati to Cleveland Shuttle
first to help Ohio businesses get back to
work. The Monday through Friday schedule
                                                     Ultimate’s JetCharters long term customers.
                                                     Summer and Fall trips are filing the calendar
                                                     and we are now scheduling out into 2021.
                                                                                                     times. Because of you, we are still here today
                                                                                                     and will be here tomorrow. Thank you for
                                                                                                     flying us! It’s Great to Be Back! n
6   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0                                                                                                     W
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle

Beautiful Life
North Carolina’s Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden hosts an all new
Chinese Lantern Festival October 15 to January 3.
TWO OR THREE TIMES A YEAR                            cities throughout North America, staging              “We may call these lanterns, but make
George Zhao recruits a dozen or so artisans          several show each year at zoos, fairgrounds      no mistake - these are not the hand-held,
and technicians, a handful of Chinese folk           and botanical gardens. Hanart and the            candle-lit lamps that Chinese artisans
artists and a group of performers to produce         garden, located south of Charlotte, had          began creating centuries ago,” said Zhao.
Hanart Culture’s Chinese Lantern Festival.           planned to present the show beginning in         “From humble beginnings of silk and paper,
In 2020 he’s having to produce a show for            August, but because of Covid-19 and its          the Chinese lantern has evolved into the
Belmont, NC’s Daniel Stowe Botanical                 effects, they rescheduled for Oct. 15 through    wondrous shapes and sizes of this very
Garden during a pandemic that made the               Jan. 3. The Garden will forgo its regular        special Chinese Lantern Festival.”
globe stand still.                                   holiday show in favor of the larger Chinese           The theme of the exhibition is “Beautiful
     Zhao is president of Hanart Culture,            Lantern Festival. It eases the work for garden   Life,” a world of life-size (sometimes larger
which produces the Lantern Festival for              staff, but puts pressure on Zhao.                than life) illuminated flora, fauna and opulent

8   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle
ULTIMATE - Ultimate Air Shuttle

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                                                                                                              representations of Chinese Culture and
                                                                                                              history. Among the exhibits will be baskets
                                                                                                              with flowing bouquets of flowers, birds,
                                                                                                              rabbits and reptiles in garden scenes, stately
                                                                                                              arches and much more.
                                                                                                                   Each of the lanterns – there will be
                                                                                                              hundreds that make up some 50-plus vignettes
                                                                                                              – is made by masters of the craft in Zigong,
                                                                                                              China’s center of lantern heritage. Others are
                                                                                                              made of small glass medicine bottles filled
                                                                                                              with colored liquid. Arranged in the shapes
                                                                                                              of dragons, peacocks, and giant pearls, they
                                                                                                              glimmer like crystal rainbows. Other displays
                                                                                                              are created by carefully arranging hundreds of
                                                                                                              cups, plates and saucers. A 200-foot porcelain
                                                                                                              dragon will stand sentinel over The Canal
                                                                                                              Garden, DSBG’s central attraction.
                                                                                                                   But before all that takes shape, Zhao
                                                                                                              must make his way through a myriad of
                                                                                                              government regulations in China and the
                                                                                                              U.S., obtain visas and work permits, and
                                                                                                              arrange travel with limited flight schedules.
                                                                                                              Those who work the show will travel some
                                                                                                              8,000 miles from China’s Sichuan Province.
                                                                                                              The challenge in getting them to Gaston
                                                                                                              County is as authentic as the show itself.

10    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
The exhibition
is Daniel Stowe
Botanical Garden’s
largest to date
with hundreds of
lanterns filling
more than 12
acres of meadows,
manicured gardens
and lawns.

                     J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   11

12    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
Chart Your

                                                                                To One of Our
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Each of the lanterns – there will
be hundreds that make up some
50-plus vignettes – is made by                                             NASHVILLE
masters of the craft in Zigong,                                                           CHARLOTTE

China’s center of lantern heritage.                                              ATLANTA

    The exhibition is Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden’s largest to date
with hundreds of lanterns filling more than 12 acres of meadows,
manicured gardens and lawns. The Garden worked with Hanart to
produce a similar festival with an animal theme in 2017 and it attracted
more than 100,000 people in eight weeks, effectively doubling the
Garden’s annual attendance. The show in various forms has been to
Dallas, Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale, Huntsville, Vienna, Va. and
Calgary in recent years. Living arts further enhance the Chinese
Lantern Festival. Guests will marvel at acrobat shows, savor Asian
food from local food trucks and browse the marketplace that features
authentic Chinese folk art and crafts.
    Many of the lanterns are produced in Sichuan, shipped to the US
and assembled onsite. The artists will create a show that is unique to
the Garden by molding vignettes to the landscape and creating custom
pieces. “The theme will travel from one city to the next, but we are
able to create a unique display for each venue based on its landscape,”
said Zhao. “Our team works for weeks creating and lighting all our
marvelous vignettes.”

                                                                                       J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   13

     The traditional lantern festival also
known as the Yuan Xiao Festival or Shang
Yuan Festival in China, is celebrated on the
15th day of the first month of the Chinese
lunar calendar. That first month is called
the Yuan month, and in ancient times,
people called the night Xiao; the 15th day
is the first night of a full moon in that lunar
year. It marks the end of the Spring Festival
celebration and is also the first major festival
after Chinese New Year.
     Even in the Western Han period,
about 2,000 years ago, the Lantern Festival
ending the Chinese New Year festivities
had already existed. However, the practice
of appreciating lanterns during this festival
actually originated in the Eastern Han
Dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) under Emperor
Han Mingdi’s reign.
     The Emperor was a big advocate of
Buddhism and on the first lunar month’s 15th
day, Chinese monks would light lanterns to
worship the Buddha. When Mingdi heard of
this custom, he officially decreed all temples

14    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
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                                                  J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   15

and the palace to light lanterns for worshiping
the Buddha on this night. Year after year, this
Buddhist festival came to grow into a grand
folk festival, first from the royal palace to the
people, and then from the Central China
region to the whole of the country.
     Celebration days and customs of the
Lantern Festival gradually developed and
expanded with the development of history.
In the Han Dynasty, it was only a one-day
event. Later, the festival would last three days
in the Tang Dynasty, and five days in the Song
Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the Lantern
Festival came to its climax – it would last 10
days and included lighting lanterns from the
8th day to the 17th day on the first month in
that lunar year.

“We are so excited that
DSBG is hosting a Hanart
Exhibition once again
in 2020 and creating
another unique tourism
draw for our destination
throughout the fall and
Holiday season!”
Mike Applegate, Director of
Gaston County Travel & Tourism

     Legends dealing with the origins of the
lantern festival are abundant, but the most
famous story speaks of a beautiful crane from
heaven. In ancient times, there were once a
large number of fierce and cruel animals in a
village trying to hurt the people and livestock.
The Chinese villagers organized to kill these
animals, but tragically a very beautiful crane
from heaven flying to the earth was wrongly
killed by one of the villagers.
     This angered the Jade Emperor because
the crane was his favorite creature, thus he
ordered the destruction of the village by use
of a storm of fire on the 15th day in the first
lunar month. However, his kind-hearted
daughter alerted the villagers ahead of time of
the Jade Emperor’s plan since she wanted to
save those innocent villagers’ lives.
     The village’s population turned in turmoil
when they heard the news. They had no idea
what they could do to avoid the imminent

16    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
Experience VIP Travel
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        Cincinnati Municipal             7:55 am (8:37am arrival)   7:55 am (8:37am arrival)   7:55 am (8:37am arrival)   7:55 am (8:37am arrival)   7:55 am (8:37am arrival)
        Lunken Airport (LUK)
                                         6:20 pm (7:02pm arrival)   6:20 pm (7:02pm arrival)   6:20 pm (7:02pm arrival)   6:20 pm (7:02pm arrival)   6:20 pm (7:02pm arrival)

                                                                      RETURNING SOON!
        ATLANTA/                         Atlanta to Charlotte       Atlanta to Charlotte       Atlanta to Charlotte       Atlanta to Charlotte       Atlanta to Charlotte
        CHARLOTTE                        Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        STARTING AT                      8:35am (9:20am arrival)    8:35am (9:20am arrival)    8:35am (9:20am arrival)    8:35am (9:20am arrival)    12:30pm (1:15pm arrival)
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        DeKalb Peachtree
        Airport Signature                Charlotte to Atlanta       Charlotte to Atlanta       Charlotte to Atlanta       Charlotte to Atlanta       Departure Times:
        Flight Support (PDK)             Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           2:20pm (3:05pm arrival)*
        Flying to and from               8:40am (9:26am arrival)    8:40am (9:26am arrival)    8:40am (9:26am arrival)    8:40am (9:26am arrival)    The 2:20pm CLT-PDK flight will
        Charlotte/Douglas Airport                                                                                                                    connect to the 3:45pm flight
        Wilson Air Center (CLT)          2:15pm (3:01pm arrival)    2:15pm (3:01pm arrival)    2:15pm (3:01pm arrival)    2:15pm (3:01pm arrival)    PDK-LUK for CLT passengers
                                                                                                                                                     returning to LUK on Fridays.

        ATLANTA/                         Cincinnati to Atlanta      Cincinnati to Atlanta      Cincinnati to Atlanta      Cincinnati to Atlanta      Cincinnati to Atlanta
        CINCINNATI                       Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        STARTING AT                      7:00am (8:05am arrival)    7:00am (8:05am arrival)    7:00am (8:05am arrival)    7:00am (8:05am arrival)    7:00am (8:05am arrival)
        $274 EACH WAY*
        DeKalb Peachtree Airport         Atlanta to Cincinnati      Atlanta to Cincinnati      Atlanta to Cincinnati      Atlanta to Cincinnati      Atlanta to Cincinnati
        Signature Flight Support (PDK)   Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        Flying to and from
        Cincinnati Municipal Lunken
                                         3:45pm (4:50pm arrival)    3:45pm (4:50pm arrival)    3:45pm (4:50pm arrival)    3:45pm (4:50pm arrival)    3:45pm (4:50pm arrival)
        Airport (LUK)

        CHICAGO/                         Cincinnati to Chicago      Cincinnati to Chicago      Cincinnati to Chicago      Cincinnati to Chicago      Cincinnati to Chicago
        CINCINNATI                       Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        STARTING AT                      9:15am (9:15am arrival)    9:15am (9:15am arrival)    9:15am (9:15am arrival)    9:15am (9:15am arrival)    9:15am (9:15am arrival)
        $249 EACH WAY
        Midway International Airport
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        Atlantic Aviation (MDW)          Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        Flying to and from               5:15pm (7:15pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:15pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:15pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:15pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:15pm arrival)
        Cincinnati Municipal
        Lunken Airport (LUK)

        CHARLOTTE/                       Cincinnati to Charlotte    Cincinnati to Charlotte    Cincinnati to Charlotte    Cincinnati to Charlotte
        CINCINNATI                       Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        STARTING AT                      6:25am (7:30am arrival)    6:25am (7:30am arrival)    6:25am (7:30am arrival)    6:25am (7:30am arrival)            No Charlotte
        $299 EACH WAY*
        Charlotte/Douglas Airport        Charlotte to Cincinnati    Charlotte to Cincinnati    Charlotte to Cincinnati    Charlotte to Cincinnati            Friday flights
        Wilson Air Center (CLT)          Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        Flying to and from               5:25pm (6:31pm arrival)    5:25pm (6:31pm arrival)    5:25pm (6:31pm arrival)    5:25pm (6:31pm arrival)
        Cincinnati Municipal
        Lunken Airport (LUK)

        NASHVILLE/                       Cincinnati to Nashville    Cincinnati to Nashville    Cincinnati to Nashville    Cincinnati to Nashville    Cincinnati to Nashville
        CINCINNATI                       Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        STARTING AT                      7:15am (7:15am arrival)    7:15am (7:15am arrival)    7:15am (7:15am arrival)    7:15am (7:15am arrival)    7:15am (7:15am arrival)
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        Nashville International
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        Flying to and from               Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:           Departure Times:
        Cincinnati Municipal
        Lunken Airport (LUK)             7:45am (9:40am arrival)    7:45am (9:40am arrival)    7:45am (9:40am arrival)    7:45am (9:40am arrival)    7:45am (9:40am arrival)
                                         5:15pm (7:10pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:10pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:10pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:10pm arrival)    5:15pm (7:10pm arrival)

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disaster. At last, a wise old man figured out          WANT TO GO?
a solution. He told the villagers on the 14th
day to the 16th day in the first lunar month                The exhibition in Belmont will be open            ABOUT THE GARDEN
to hang lit lanterns in every house and to             Wednesday through Sunday from 6 to                          Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden,
explode firecrackers and fireworks. This               10 p.m. each evening (opening at 5 p.m.                the Carolinas’ Garden for All Seasons,
would make a false appearance to the Jade              beginning Nov. 18). The Garden had already             provides guests a chance to reconnect
Emperor of being burnt. That way, he would             put tickets on sale for the show as it was             with nature. Located within 380
be deceived and might stop carrying out his            schedule previously, but paused sales in order         acres on the banks of Lake Wylie in
plan. The people all agreed it was a good idea         to accommodate ticket holders. Ticket sales            the southeastern corner of Gaston
and did what the old man suggested.                    will resume on Aug. 1 at www.DSBG.org.                 County, spectacular gardens, sparkling
     On that 15th day in the first lunar month,             The Garden will restrict attendance as the        fountains, a children’s garden, a
the Jade Emperor’s troops sent down from               Covid-19 situation dictates at the time, and           conservatory dedicated to the display
heaven were ready to destroy the village but           implement appropriate protocol to protect              of tropical plants and orchids, a visitor
found the whole town was already ablaze.               guests. Visitors can save by purchasing tickets        pavilion, gift shop and nature trails
They thought the village had been burnt and            online in advance at www.DSBG.org where                await the visitor.
returned to heaven to report the situation to          tickets are $23.95 per adult, $21.95 per senior             HGTV named it one of the nation’s
the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor was very            60+, $15.95 per child ages 2 through 12, and           “20 Great Gardens” and Southern Living
satisfied and decided not to continue with his         free for children under the age of two.                called it one of the South’s Best Botanical
retaliatory plan.                                           If tickets are not sold out for an evening,       Gardens. Committed to horticultural
     From that day on, the Chinese people              tickets may also be available at the door for          excellence, Daniel Stowe Botanical
have celebrated this event on the fateful 15th         $26.95 per adult, $23.95 per senior 60+,               Garden is a must-see for all ages. It’s been
day in the first lunar year every year by bring        $16.95 per child ages 2 through 12, and free           welcoming guests for more than 20 years.
out lit lanterns onto the street and exploding         for children under the age of two. Garden                   For more information call (704)
firecrackers and fireworks, creating a most            members receive a 30% discount on tickets              825-4490 or visit www.DSBG.org.
animated and unforgettable atmosphere.                 including up to four guests. n

20    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

22   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
It May Be The Most Beautiful Place In America
Take a roadtrip to Sleeping Bear Dunes Michigan. by Keith Sprunk

               YES, I’M PREJUDICED. I grew up in                The Drive
               Michigan and when I was little, my Mom and
                                                                    Well, it’s not a short drive, that’s for
               Dad (both have moved on to Heaven), would
                                                                sure. From Cincinnati it’s roughly 500
               take me and my two brothers Bobby (now
                                                                miles and will take about seven and a half
               with Mom and Dad) and Alan, and we would
                                                                hours of drive time. But we’re going to
               load up the car in Blissfield, Michigan and go
                                                                make a couple of stops along the way.
               north to the coolest place I had ever seen in
                                                                    Driving north on I-75, it will take about
               my life… The Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes in
                                                                3 hours to get just south of Toledo. Take the
               the northwest corner of the lower peninsula of
                                                                US-23 split towards Michigan / Ann Arbor.
                                                                This way you won’t have to drive through
                   Voted the “Most Beautiful Place in
                                                                downtown Toledo or downtown Detroit.
               America” by viewers of “Good Morning
                                                                We’ll pick I-75 back up just south of Flint,
               America” back in 2011, if you’ve never been
               then jump in the car with me and let’s head
                                                                    Take US-23 into Michigan. You’ll pass
               out on a trip you’ll never forget.
                                                                my old hometown of Blissfield (2nd exit),
                                                                continuing on past Dundee, Milan, Ann
                                                                Arbor, etc. About 2 hours into Michigan,
                                                                we’re going to get off at Exit 136, which is
                                                                the Birch Run / Frankenmuth Exit. Follow
                                                                the signs into Frankenmuth and this might
                                                                be the BEST little town in America.

                                                                J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   23

Stop In Frankenmuth
     Here’s just a few things to do during your
stop in Frankenmuth:
     • Stop at Bronner’s Christmas Store.
This is the largest Christmas Store in the
World. It has acres and acres of indoor and
outdoor gifts. You can literally spend the
entire day in this wonderful store. Anything
that you want you can find at Bronner’s if its
about Christmas.
     • Next stop must be the Bavarian Inn,
in downtown Frankenmuth. This old-style
restaurant has seating for 1,000 people, and
on many Saturday and Sunday’s there’s a
waiting list to get a table. Everything is served
family style. Before you leave, stop downstairs
in the basement and visit their bakery and
     • You might have time to make one or
two more stops before getting back on the
road. I would suggest Grandpa Tiny’s Farm
or the Frankenmuth Fudge Kitchen, or the
Lorenz Lutheran Church. All are historical
sites in this magnificent little community.

ABOVE: Bavarian Inn (top) and giant Santa Claus statue (bottom right) at Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth.

24    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
Back On The Road                                     OUR 18TH LOCATION AT
     Remember that we got off at Mile Marker        THE BANKS IS NOW OPEN!
136 to go into Frankenmuth. We have to
travel to Mile Marker 162 in Bay City, and
that’s where will will exit I-75 / US 23 and
head west on St. Rt. 10 towards Clare.
     It’s about 47 miles from your exit in Bay
City to Clare and that’s where we will pick
up St. Rt. 115. This is a scenic two lane road
that will take you another 112 miles to the
Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes, Glen Arbor and
     OK, we’re finally there – what do we do?
Way back before you left Cincinnati, you
needed to call The Homestead in Glen Arbor.
Their number is 231-334-5201. You can select
from The Inn, Stoney Brook Lodge, Fiddler’s
Pond, condos or rent a private home. So, get
checked in somewhere at The Homestead and
get ready for some fun things to do.

The Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes
     When you see the sand dunes rising
along the Lake Michigan shoreline, some 450           18 Area Locations
feet up in the air, you have catch your breath,
but now you understand why ABC’s Good
Morning America viewers named this the
“Most Beautiful Place In America”.
     OK, the reason we came here was to
explore the Sleeping Bear Sand dunes. So…
     • Take your time and walk up the sand
dunes, and then run as fast as you can back down.
     • I don’t ever remember running back
down and making it all the way to the bottom,
before I fell and rolled part way down the dunes.
     • Remember there are 35 miles of shoreline
and over 32,500 acres at the Sleeping Bear Sand
Dunes National Park to see and explore.
     • Take a bike trip along the dunes. Bikes
can be rented by the hour or by the day.
     • Rent a boat and a captain and head out
onto Lake Michigan, where the water is so clear
there’s areas where you can see 50 feet deep into
the water.
     • Take the ferry to either South or North
Manitou Islands. The ferries leave daily out of
Leland. (Check for possible closings during
     • Explore the Point Betsie Lighthouse
     • Take a canoe trip on the Crystal or
Platte Rivers.
     • Visit the Glen Haven Maritime

                                                               J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   25

    There are dozens of great restaurants, but
here’s a few of them:
    • Cafe Manitou in Glen Arbor
    • Blu Restaurant in Glen Arbor
    • Cherry Public House Restaurant in
Glen Arbor (most everything is cherry)
    • The Cove Restaurant in Leland
    • Riverside Inn in Leland
    • Shipwreck Cafe in Glen Haven

Heading Home
     Now this part of my story might be hard
to believe. You could do this on the way up,
but I would save it for the ride home.
     Remember when we stopped in
Frankenmuth, well I want you to stop again
at Mile Marker Exit 136 southbound as you’re
heading home. You will turn right (heading
west and away from Frankenmuth), heading
into Birch Run. Just a short distance off the
I-75 Interstate, you will see a sign on your left
for a restaurant called Tony’s. You can pull up
their web site and check this out. I’m telling
you the truth. Everyone that orders, gets 1
lb. of bacon. Donna and I took our 2 lbs. of
bacon, ate some of it and boxed the rest up to
take home for our puppies.
     Remember to stay on US. Rt. 23 just south
of Flint. I know you can’t be hungry after just

ABOVE: It’s hard to imagine the IMMENSE scale of Sleeping Bear Dunes if you’ve never been there but hopefully these
photos will give you some idea. It’s a lot of fun to run/roll down those huge dunes but BEWARE! It may take you only a few
minutes to get to the bottom of the dunes but it could take you several HOURS to get back to the top as you try to climb
up while your feet constantly sink into the sand. It is a great workout though!

26    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
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                                                                                   leaving Tony’s Restaurant, but it will take you
 B                                                                                 almost two hours to get to the Ohio State line.
                                                                                         Once you cross into Ohio, get off at the
                                                                                   first exit, which is Monroe St. You make a
                                                                                   little half-circle off the exit, so you need to
                                                                                   turn right. Get in the left hand lane and turn
                                                                                   onto Alexis Rd. About 300 yards down on
                                                                                   the left side you’ll see a restaurant called
                                                                                   Tony Packo’s.
                                                                                         This is the FAMOUS restaurant that
                                                                                   Klinger would always talk about on MASH.
                                                                                   It’s not the original location, but you need to
                                                                                   stop and grab the following:
                                                                                         • Two Tony Packo’s hot dogs.
                                                                                         • A big bowl of Packo’s chili.
                                                                                         • A dish of their famous Packo’s Pickle’s
 C                                                    D
                                                                                   that you can also buy at Krogers.
                                                                                         • Some Apple Struedel for dessert.

                                                                                       Now when you get back in the car,
                                                                                   hopefully you have someone else that can
                                                                                   drive because with all this food you’ve eaten
                                                                                   on the trip, you need to take a good long nap!

                                                                                       PS: If anyone reads this story and
                                                                                   actually takes this trip send me a note at
                                                                                   sprunky@aol.com and let me know if I didn’t
                                                                                   give you the GREATEST trip, sights, and
                                                                                   food you’ve ever had! n

ABOVE: Paddle boarding around the Francisco Morazan shipwreck just off South Manitou Island (A); HIstoric Point Betsie
Lighthouse which began service in 1859 and is still serving as an active navigation aid for this part of the Lake Michigan
shoreline (B); Tony Packo’s Original Hungarian Hot Dog served with mustard, onions, and hot dog sauce (C); Bacon,
Lettuce and Tomato sandwich with one pound of crispy bacon at Tony’s I-75 Restaurant in Birch Run, Michigan (D).

28   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
(513) 841-9999

Challenging Times
Edible Arrangements franchisees close Beechmont Ohio location
in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

IN MANY RETAIL establishments                         Edible Arrangements location at 8080        and Susan Schmidt together with
along the roads these days, lights                    Beechmont Avenue in Anderson. The           their daughter Lauren have operated
are unlit, parking lots are empty                     exception with this location closing is     this location since 2012 crafting and
and signs are posted indicating                       that this closure is a permanent closure.   delivering    beautifully   sculptured
that the establishment is closed                           Although the Covid-19 crisis is the    fruit arrangements and sweet treats
temporarily due to the Covid-19 crisis.               immediate cause for the store closing,      to the neighborhoods surrounding
Unfortunately, this is the case for the               it is not the only factor. Owners Jerry     Anderson. In 2017 several changes took

ABOVE: Members of the Schmid family inside their Beechmont Avenue Edible Arrangements location in Anderson, Ohio.

30   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

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                                                      LEFT: The Schmidt family in 2012
                                                      at the opening of their Beechmont
                                                      Edible Arrangements store location
                                                      in Anderson, Ohio (top); In addition to
                                                      their famous fresh fruit arrangements
                                                      and bouquets, Edible Arrangements
                                                      also offers fruit smooties (middle),
                                                      and platters (bottom) filled with
                                                      treats like chocolate-dipped fruit,
                                                      cookies & other irresistible desserts.

                                                      place causing the performance of this
                                                      location to decline. Edible is a franchise
                                                      and the franchisor had been seeking
                                                      new locations in Cincinnati’s East Side.
                                                      Out of concern of having a new operator
                                                      share part of the Beechmont territory,
                                                      Jerry and Susan launched a new store
                                                      on Edwards Road in Hyde Park. The
                                                      result was not entirely unexpected.
                                                      Sales of two of their existing stores
                                                      declined, the most significant impact
                                                      being on Beechmont.
                                                          Other      unexpected          matters
                                                      complicated things further. After
                                                      the first year of the Hyde Park store
                                                      opening, Susan’s health changed.
                                                      Susan was totally out of Edible for over
                                                      a year, placing almost all of the day-
                                                      to-day operations to daughter Lauren.
                                                      Although, now back on a limited

                                                      Out of concern of
                                                      having a new operator
                                                      share part of the
                                                      Beechmont territory,
                                                      Jerry and Susan
                                                      launched a new store
                                                      on Edwards Road in
                                                      Hyde Park in 2017.

32   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
basis, Susan’s absence significantly

                                                 Fresh gifts
diminished the effective span of
management, marketing and personal
engagement with the enterprise.

                                                 for a sweet
Once the Covid-19 pandemic hit, the
regrettable but necessary decision was
made to close the Beechmont store.

Susan and Jerry’s daughter Kristine
Willike picked up as much slack as
possible on a part-time basis and the
former Beechmont Manager, Kristen
Curtis, is now managing full time
between all three stores in Cincinnati
& Northern Kentucky.
                                              Order now at
Fortunately the                                                                                                                                   Pineapple

Schmidt family was
able to integrate
the great team they
had at Beechmont
into the Hyde Park,
Newport and Florence                           Summer
                                               Fruits Platter


    Fortunately the Schmidt family was
able to integrate the great team they
had at Beechmont into the Hyde Park,
Newport and Florence locations. Edible
and the Schmidt family will continue to
serve the same Greater Cincinnati and
Northern Kentucky areas from those
remaining three locations. The stores
can be reached online at Edible.com
or by direct calling for outstanding
service by their fruit experts. The            FLORENCE                 CINCINNATI/HYDE PARK                                 NEWPORT
                                               8217 US 42                       3441 Edwards Road                        104 Pavilion Pkwy
Schmidt family wishes to thank their
                                              859-746-3456                         513-321-9555                            859-781-2345
customers for their past support and                                                                                   (2 miles from downtown Cincinnati)

hope to continue wowing them with
exceptional gifts and sweet treats. n
                                              Available for a limited time only, while supplies last. Containers may vary. ©2020 Edible IP, LLC. Edible®,
                                          Edible Arrangements®, and the Fruit Basket Logo are registered trademarks of Edible IP, LLC. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                    J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E          33
Welcome home
to Walt’s.

BELOW: Five-time Japanese All-Star Shogo Akiyama. The outfielder is the first Japanese player in Reds history.

Reds Baseball is Back!                                                                               by Jarrod Rollins

                                                                               The COVID-19 pandemic has had an effect
                                                                               on every aspect of life, and sports has been
                                                                               no exception. For the baseball world, the
                                                                               Major Leagues were just two weeks away
                                                                               from Opening Day when Spring Training
                                                                               was halted and the season was put on an
                                                                               indefinite delay.
                                                                                   Thankfully, America’s pastime is back
                                                                               and Cincinnati Reds fans can finally have
                                                                               the season that was so highly anticipated
                                                                               when spring camps first opened up.

36   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

                                                           Due to several marquee signings over the
                                                      offseason, the Reds headed into 2020 as one
                                                      of the favorites to win the National League
                                                      Central. Optimism in Reds Country has been
                                                      palpable, dating all the way back to the end
                                                      of 2019.
                                                           While the players rested and recharged
                                                      through the fall and into the winter, the
                                                      work was just beginning for the Reds’ front
                                                      office. Intent on bringing winning baseball
                                                      back to Cincinnati, the Reds brass entered
                                                      the offseason prepared to improve the club
                                                      at all costs. They delivered on this promise
                                                      by going out and signing four immediate
                                                      impact players which included two four-year
                                                      deals signed by infielder Mike Moustakas
                                                      and outfielder Nick Castellanos that were the
                                                      largest free agent contracts in team history.
                                                           The Reds were active and aggressive
                                                      early, signing Moustakas to a four-year
                                                      contract the first week of December. Two
                                                      weeks later, the Reds inked left-handed
                                                      starting pitcher Wade Miley to a two-year
                                                      deal. The turning of the calendar brought
                                                      more big news as the Reds added Japanese
                                                      outfielder Shogo Akiyama with a three-
                                                      year agreement. Three weeks later the Reds
                                                      landed Castellanos for four years.
                                                           Let’s take a closer look at some of the
                                                      newest members of Reds Country.

                                                      Mike Moustakas
                                                            The 31-year-old joins the Reds after
                                                      making his third career All-Star Game. In
                                                      2019, Moustakas hit 35 home runs with 87
                                                      RBIs with Milwaukee and helped lead the
                                                      Brewers to the postseason. Last year’s home
                                                      run and RBI totals were the second highest of
                                                      his career. Primarily a third baseman over his
                                                      nine years in the Major Leagues, “Moose” slid
                                                      over to second base last year with the Brewers
                                                      out of necessity and is expected to assume
                                                      that role up the middle with the Reds.
                                                            Moustakas brings a much-needed left-
                                                      handed power bat to the Reds lineup and
                                                      fills a void at second base. In addition, he
                                                      brings a championship pedigree to a team

                                                      LEFT: Michael “Moose” Moustakas
                                                      brings a much-needed left-handed
                                                      power bat to the Reds lineup and fills
                                                      a void at second base.

38   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

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with championship aspirations. Moustakas
played on the 2014 World Series runner-up
Kansas City Royals and won the World Series
with the Royals the following year. He has
also been to the postseason the past two years
with the Brewers including the NLCS in 2018
when the Brewers came within one win of the
World Series.
     “The reason I picked this team and this
organization was being on the other side,
playing in Milwaukee, I was able to see what
these guys had and what they were bringing to
the field every single day, and the love and the
passion they played with,” Moustakas said after
being introduced as a Red. “The pitching staff
was incredible. The lineup was incredible.
     “I wanted to be a part of that. I wanted to
make this team a little bit better to help get
to the postseason, which is why we all play
the game.”

RIGHT: Pitcher Wade Allen Miley
brings    experience,    consistency,
durability and a left-handed arm to
the Reds’ starting five.

40    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

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                                                             J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   55

                                                      Wade Miley
                                                           With the addition of Trevor Bauer at
                                                      last year’s trade deadline, the Reds had their
                                                      sights set on rolling out one of baseball’s best
                                                      starting staffs in 2020. Already featuring
                                                      2019 All-Stars Luis Castillo and Sonny Gray,
                                                      acquiring Bauer established a formidable
                                                      trio. And considering Anthony DeSclafani
                                                      is coming off a year where his 3.89 ERA
                                                      bested the likes of Madison Bumgarner, Zack
                                                      Wheeler, Yu Darvish and Noah Syndergaard,
                                                      the Reds were just one arm short. While they
                                                      had some viable candidates for the final spot
                                                      in the rotation, the Reds brought in veteran
                                                      Wade Miley.
                                                           Miley brings experience, consistency,
                                                      durability and a left-handed arm to the
                                                      starting five. The 33-year-old has started at
                                                      least 29 games in every season but one since
                                                      2012. Last season for the Houston Astros,
                                                      Miley was enjoying arguably the best season
                                                      of his career with a 13-4 record and 3.06 after
                                                      28 starts through August. The year prior,
                                                      Miley was teammates with Moustakas in
                                                      Milwaukee where he was under the tutelage of
                                                      current Reds pitching coach Derek Johnson.
                                                      Working with Johnson, Miley was 5-2 with a
                                                      2.57 ERA in 16 starts.

                                                      Shogo Akiyama
                                                          The Reds made history with their
                                                      signing of five-time Japanese All-Star Shogo
                                                      Akiyama. The outfielder is the first Japanese
                                                      player in Reds history which was one of the
                                                      factors the 31-year-old found so appealing
                                                      about Cincinnati. He has been on the club’s
                                                      radar for several years in anticipation of his
                                                      free agency this offseason. So what facets of
                                                      Akiyama’s game caught the Reds’ eye?
                                                          “We like his approach at the plate as well
                                                      as his outfield defense, and we think he will
                                                      complement our team very well,” President of
                                                      Baseball Operations Dick Williams said after
                                                      the signing.
                                                          To Williams’ first point, Akiyama had an
                                                      on-base percentage between .385 and .419

                                                      LEFT: Outfielder Nick Castellanos
                                                      was one of MLB.com’s Top 10 2020
                                                      free agents and highly coveted by a
                                                      number of teams.

42   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
“We like his (Shogo Akiyama’s)                                               PRIMECINCINNATI.COM
approach at the plate as well as his
outfield defense, and we think he will
complement our team very well.”                                                      LUNCH • DINNER
— Dick Williams, President of Baseball Operations                              CURBSIDE • DELIVERY • CARRYOUT
                                                                                      PRIVATE EVENTS
each of the past five seasons overseas. He hit .301 in his nine seasons
with the Seibu Lions and his five All-Star appearances all came in the

last five years. Akiyama also possesses some power, hitting at least 20                                                          O
home runs in each of the previous three years.
                                                                                                                          E AS
     As for his defense, Akiyama was a six-time Pacific League Gold                                                      S
Glove Award winner as a center fielder in Japan. The Reds anticipate
using the outfielder’s versatility to their advantage and playing him at                            EP
                                                                                                 I M
all three spots this season.
                                                                                         IT ’S
Nick Castellanos
     The last of the four signees was certainly not the least. Nick
Castellanos was one of MLB.com’s Top 10 2020 free agents and highly
coveted by a number of teams but ultimately chose Cincinnati as his
new home. The 28-year-old further upgrades an outfield now loaded
with options, and with the National League using the designated hitter
in this revised 2020 season, everyone should see plenty of at-bats.
     Originally a third baseman, the converted outfielder has improved
defensively while playing in right for Detroit and Chicago the last two
seasons. But make no mistake, this acquisition was made to bolster an
offense that ranked 12th among National League teams in runs scored
in 2019.
     In 2019, after spending the first four months with the Tigers before
being traded to the Cubs, Castellanos hit .289 with 27 home runs, 73
RBIs and a Major League-leading 58 doubles. He really heated up upon
arriving to the National League where he hit .321 with 16 homers,
36 RBIs, a .356 on-base percentage and eye-popping .646 slugging
percentage in 51 games. The Reds saw this firsthand last year as
Castellanos had three home runs and five RBIs with two doubles in just
seven games against his new team.
     In addition to the tangible metrics that Castellanos brings, by all
accounts the Reds are getting yet another great guy in the clubhouse.
The Florida native has been lauded by former coaches and teammates
for his infectious hustle and energy, a direct reflection of Castellanos’
self-proclaimed “every day is Opening Day” mentality.
     “I really like this team that we have put together,” Castellanos said
at his introductory press conference. “Coming over here and facing
the starting pitching that the Reds have, I know how dangerous it can
be. Playing with a couple of guys on the Reds throughout the Minor
Leagues and against them in my career, I’m excited. It’s pretty much all
I can say.”
     With players of this caliber joining a team equipped with a third
baseman coming off a 49-homer season, a first baseman named to
ESPN’s 2010s all-decade team, three All-Star starting pitchers, and a
surplus of young talent to complement the roster, it’s easy to understand
what has Reds Country buzzing. n


                                                                                      J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   43

Historic Outdoor Fun
Two unique destinations offer fresh air and sunshine mixed with a little history. by Max West
IN THIS ABNORMAL YEAR OF 2020,                        additional safety precautions in place. Many         Here’s the problem: Golf courses are
we’ve lived a sheltered existence. Literally.         golf courses reopened early, all with green      packed, and you can expect long delays
We’ve spent months staying home, limiting             cups either raised a couple inches out of the    between shots, unless of course you are the
contact with others, and working from home,           ground or with swimming-pool noodles             reason everything is backed up. Talk about
if possible. However, there has been one              stuffed in the cup, making it easier to          pressure! And the parks? Well, everyone and
constant that has allowed us to escape our            retrieve a ball that actually found its way to   their neighbor seems to have their dog out
confinement and help maintain our sanity:             where it was supposed to go. In my case, golf    for a walk to keep them company. Watch
The Great Outdoors.                                   is usually just a walk in the woods and that     where you step.
    In most areas, public parks have remained         means fresh air, communing with nature,              Fortunately, everything is pretty much
open, albeit with closed playgrounds and              and looking for my ball.                         back to normal… right?

ABOVE: Prehistoric bog exhibit at Big Bone Lick State Historic Site which contains sculpture models of a mastodon, a
mammoth, a bison and other ancient creatures who once roamed in the area.

44   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0

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     Not so fast. Admit it. You still prefer
open spaces to crowded rooms where social
distancing means staying away from the
neighbor who loaned you his hedge trimmer.
He undoubtedly will not appreciate that you
sold it on eBay.
     Which brings us to the undeniable fact
that you need to find something unique to do,
if only for a day. And so, I present you with
two simple, easy, inexpensive alternatives to
sitting on the couch, watching gameshow
reruns or replays of sporting events that
happened twenty years ago. It’s time to jump
in the car and take a short trip. Make that two.
Here are a couple outdoor destinations that
might relieve the tedium of being cooped up.
     In Boone County Northern Kentucky,

ABOVE: There are 4.5 miles of hiking trails open year round at Big Bone Lick, each varying in terrain and difficulty. You
can see an abundance of wildlife as the trails meander from forested ridges to the babbling waters of Big Bone Creek.
A map of the trails (BELOW) is available to download in PDF format at parks.ky.gov.

46    U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
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                  stores or at one of our restaurants!
                    Sesame Chicken Recipe
– 1 lb chicken breast, cubed     – 1/2 cup carrots, diced           – 1 cup Oriental Wok®
– 1/2 cup broccoli               – 1/2 cup onion, diced               Sesame Stir-Fry Sauce

       Cook chicken in wok or skillet until done. Add broccoli, carrots and onions. Cook about two
              minutes. Add Oriental Wok® Sesame Stir-Fry Sauce. Toss to coat evenly. Enjoy!

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BELOW LEFT: Big Bone Lick State Historic Site – in cooperation with the Friends of Big Bone and the Cincinnati
Museum Center – recently created new exhibits for the park’s Visitor Center. The exhibits offer interesting information
on paleontology, geology, ice age mammals, Native American history and the research currently underway at the park.

                                                                                 visit the Big Bone Lick State Historic Site. Big
                                                                                 Bone Lick is self-described as the birthplace
                                                                                 of American Vertebrate Paleontology. This is
                                                                                 the study of the fossils of animals that have
                                                                                 backbones. Pretty cut and dried, right? To be a
                                                                                 little more specific about Big Bone Lick’s place
                                                                                 in history, it dates to the Pleistocene Era that
                                                                                 ended almost 12,000 years ago. The area was
                                                                                 home to large animals. Really large animals,
                                                                                 such as mammoths, bison, moose, elk, wild
                                                                                 peccary, ground sloths, and mastodons. They
                                                                                 all came to the sulfur springs found there for
                                                                                 one reason: salt. But why are there a massive
                                                                                 number of fossils found there?
                                                                                       Experts have postulated that early man—
                                                                                 hunters by nature—found the Lick to be a rich
                                                                                 hunting ground where the enormous animals
                                                                                 proved easy prey. When the hunting parties
                                                                                 had completed their task, all that would be
                                                                                 left were the bones, all conveniently found
                                                                                 together in a small plot of land.

48   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
Other paleontologists believe there is
a physical, environmental reason for the
massive fossil collection found there. The area
around the sulfur springs was a bog region,
with soft ground turning to swamp-like
mud. Animals would wander in for the salt,
but never leave, stuck in the thick ooze that
trapped them where they stood.
    Which theory is correct? Probably
both. Fossils are remarkably well preserved.
Sediment gradually covered the bones,
creating the perfect environment for the
preservation of these huge Pleistocene-era
megafauna fossils.
    When you visit, you will find a marsh
bog diorama, complete with recreation of
some of the great animals of the era: a wooly
mammoth, a mastodon, a bison, and a
ground sloth. The visitors center also features

ABOVE: Giant mastodon skull on display in the Big Bone Lick Visitor’s Center. Roaming the area as recently as
10,000 years ago these massive creatures could reach 8-10 feet in height and weigh in at 4-6 tons (top). A heard of
actual bison are viewable every day of the year at Big Bone Lick State Park (bottom). Bison, the largest of all North
American land mammals, once roamed the area in great herds but were hunted to near extinction, the last of the
wild bison was seen in Kentucky around 1800.

                                                                                J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   49
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                                                                               indoor and outdoor exhibits, including a half-
                                                                               ton mastodon skull.
                                                                                   The Park boasts of having something for
                                                                               everyone, so if you are not into fossils, perhaps
                                                                               you might enjoy hiking or fishing. And while
                                                                               you may not be a degreed paleontologist,
                                                                               there are still plenty of smaller fossils for you
                                                                               to discover.
                                                                                   Big Bone Lick may not be as famous as
                                                                               the La Brea Tar Pits of Los Angeles, but it’s
                                                                               a lot closer and chocked full of history and
                                                                               nature. It was added to the U.S. National
                                                                               Register of Historic Places in 1972 and was
                                                                               designated an official U.S. National Natural
                                                                               Landmark in 2009. The cost of admission to
                                                                               the park, museum, and visitor center? It’s free.
                                                                                   Travel east to Adams County Ohio, and
                                                                               you will discover world-famous Serpent
                                                                               Mound. At 1,348 feet in length, Serpent
                                                                               Mound is the largest effigy earthwork in
                                                                               the world. An effigy mound is a structured
ABOVE: Aerial photo of Serpent Mound, an internationally known National        earthwork, formed into the shape of an animal
Historic Landmark built by the ancient American Indian cultures of Ohio. It    or reptile. Serpent Mound is somewhat of an
is an effigy mound (a mound in the shape of an animal) 1,348 feet in length    enigma and presents scientists with two great
representing a snake with a curled tail. Nearby are three burial mounds also   archaeological and anthropologic questions:
created by ancient Native American cultures.                                   Who built it, and why?

50   U L T I M A T E / J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0
J U L Y- A U G U S T 2 0 2 0 / U L T I M A T E   51

ABOVE: A paved walkway winds along side the Serpent Mound. BELOW: Stone marker and observation tower near
Serpent Mound (top). On select summer dates, small concerts and guest lectures are held at the nearby park (bottom).

                                                                                    I’m no fan of snakes. On a one to ten scale
                                                                               of despising them, I rate snakes a twelve, but
                                                                               throughout the world, ancient cultures have
                                                                               been more accepting, even reverent. Snakes
                                                                               were frequently associated with fertility and
                                                                               eternal life in ritual ceremonies. Perhaps this
                                                                               explains the “why” question, but who built
                                                                               the mound?
                                                                                    This is a far more difficult question as there
                                                                               have been no artifacts or burials found in the
                                                                               Serpent. For decades, the origin was credited
                                                                               to the ancient Adena Culture that existed in
                                                                               the region from 800 BC to 100 AD, with the
                                                                               Great Serpent being constructed in the third
                                                                               century BC. Radiocarbon testing of small
                                                                               charcoal pieces supports this date. However,
                                                                               the theory has come under a microscope with
                                                                               a growing school of scientists attributing the
                                                                               structure to the much younger Fort Ancient
                                                                               Culture, with construction circa 1070 AD. To
                                                                               complicate matters further, other charcoal
                                                                               pieces have been dated to this time!
                                                                                    And the conclusion: both cultures did
                                                                               it. Serpent Mound was likely built by the
                                                                               Adena Culture, then reconstituted by the
                                                                               Fort Ancient Culture in response to major
                                                                               astronomical events that occurred around
                                                                               the 1070 AD date, a thousand years after the
                                                                               Adena disappeared. One event was a Crab
                                                                               Nebula supernova and the other was a visit by
                                                                               Halley’s Comet. For an ancient culture steeped
                                                                               in the mysticism of astronomical happenings,
                                                                               these would have been incredible events.
                                                                                    Adding to the mystery of Serpent Mound
                                                                               is the snake’s head. The mouth is wide open,
                                                                               and the snake appears to be eating an egg,

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