Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners

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Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners

Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners
Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners
           HANDY TIPS ON
             DOTTED LINE
            & INCENTIVES
Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners
Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners
Borrowing Capacity

When borrowing, allow for changes to your        It’s Up To You
current circumstances. Keep a ‘rainy day’
reserve by not over committing based on          Allow friends and relatives to give you
your current situation. Be wary of loans that    advice, but be sure that the final decision is
have an increased repayment schedule at          up to you. The occupiers of the home
a later date. Don’t just rely on what your       should be the real decision makers.
current bank is offering. You never know
what the future holds!
                                                 Check It Out

Trust Your Instincts                             Choose certified professionals for building
                                                 and pest reports. Their job is to find faults.
When you find the right home, it should feel     Take note of their findings, but don’t allow
right. Trust that feeling inside your stomach.   minor faults in their report to ruin the
The home that suits you, that is in your price   possibilities of your purchase.
range is the right home. Don’t get too
fixated on price, after all you will be living
there long term.                                 Know What To Expect

                                                 Purchasing a property can be a very
Good Neighbours = Good Friends                   exciting process; however it can also be a
                                                 very confusing time as a prospective buyer.
Time your inspections right. Get familiar with
the area and your potential neighbours.          Different real estate agencies operate
Think beyond your inspection and go to the       under different sets of rules and standards,
area and the street at different times and       so we would like to help you with the
days to see if there are any other factors       buying process should you choose to
you should be aware of. Be aware of sights,      purchase a property through Nolans.
sounds and smells that could influence the
area.                                            If you find your new property with us, we will
                                                 ask you to confirm the following details,
                                                 enabling us to help you in the best possible
External Influences                              way.

Don’t be overly influenced by the market.        1. The purchase price that you will be
There is a saying in real estate that, the          paying for the property.
market is between your ears. Being
influenced by the market is like taking a        2. The payment method of the deposit e.g.
blind gamble on a horse race. But instead           cheque /money order/ bond.
of horses, you’re gambling with yours and
your families’ future. If you find a home that   3. The settlement period that you prefer
you can afford and you feel comfortable
with, then this should be your most              4. The name of your solicitor/conveyancer
influencing factor. A property purchase is a
long term investment that historically has       5. Any special conditions or requests that
always shown long term growth.                      you may have so that we can inform the
                                                    property owner

                                                 6. The full legal names and addresses with
                                                    contact phone numbers of all
Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners
The best way to present a strong offer on
any type of property is to put your offer in    Option One
writing, on a contract and utilise the 5 day
cooling off period. This clearly demonstrates   Unconditional Exchange (no cooling off
to the vendor that you are a serious,           period) means that the purchaser’s solicitor
genuine buyer.                                  has signed a 66W Certificate. This
                                                certificate waives any cooling-off period,
Making too low an offer can offend an           and legally binds both parties immediately
owner and deter them from accepting your        to the sale. This option is sometimes used in
best price. Once an agreement has been          private treaty sales. This is final, and there is
made between a buyer and the vendor on          no turning back for either buyer or seller,
price, settlement and conditions, the sale      similarly a property that is bought at
can proceed. To buy or sell a property, an      auction also has no cooling off rights for the
exchange of contracts must take place.          purchaser. The onus is therefore on the
                                                purchaser to check the property out
The exchange of contracts occurs when           thoroughly prior to exchanging contracts,
the purchaser and the vendor each sign an       however the risk is that while this is being
identical copy of the contract for the          done there is no obligation for the owner to
proposed property. The exchange of              sell to that buyer regardless of what has
contracts can be made according to terms        been agreed verbally.
under either of the following two options:
                                                Option Two

                                                Exchange of Contracts subject to a 5 day
                                                cooling off period. As real estate agents,
                                                we can only exchange contracts with a
                                                cooling off period. The cooling off period
                                                allows 5 business days for the purchaser to
                                                organise inspections and reports and allow
                                                their legal representative to check the
                                                contract. The cooling off period
                                                commences upon exchange and termi-
                                                nates on the fifth working day at 5pm E.S.T.
                                                Weekends and public holidays are not
                                                included as business days.
Nolans - BUYING WITH US - Nolan Partners
                                                       ON BUYING

The signing of a 5 day cooling off period is     Your solicitor will then make contact with
a great way to purchase. This method             the owner’s solicitor and proceed with
helps to protect the purchaser against:          reports and reading of contracts with no
                                                 determined time frame for exchange.
•    The vendor pulling out of the sale
                                                 CAUTION: If a prospective purchaser elects
•    Another purchaser paying more than          not to sign a contract with a 5 day
     their offer for the property                cooling-off, the property will remain on the
     (gazumping)                                 market, and anybody wishing to make an
                                                 offer can do so. The agent and the vendor
With the contract exchanged, the                 are under no obligation to inform the
purchaser has some control and time to           prospective purchaser of other interest
ensure that everything is as expected.           and the property could be sold to
However, this protective method requires         another buyer without any further notice.
commitment by the purchaser by way of a
small deposit, being 0.25% of the purchase

If the buyer elects to rescind or cancel the
contract within the cooling off period, the
purchaser, on rescission or cancellation of
the contract, forfeits the 0.25% deposit. This
is paid to the owner as compensation for
having the property off the market.

When a purchaser does not wish to sign a
contract without their solicitor’s approval,
Nolan Partners will issue the potential buyer
or their solicitor/conveyancer with a copy
of the contract and what is known as a
Sales Advice. This contains all the relevant
details of the sale.
                                                     Weighing Up The Options
 It is a legal requirement of Real Estate Agents
 that every offer put forward by a potential         If you’ve found the right property, are you
 purchaser must be presented to the vendor.          willing to take any risk of missing out?

 Although you may be a day or two ahead with         The necessary checks prior to signing a
 your enquiries regarding a particular property,     contract unconditionally (through the use
 any other interested party is able to sign the      of a 66W certificate) can take some time.
 Contract of Sale, under a cooling off period, as
 described in option 2 on page 5, securing the       Securing a purchase on a 5 day cooling
 property for themselves.                            off period is the most popular choice by
                                                     buyers as it minimises the risk of another
 This then leaves you with no option to              buyer coming along and securing the
 purchase. Your solicitor is powerless to act, as    property before them.
 contracts are exchanged and in the case of a
 cool-off, this can be carried out by the agent,     What Happens If There Are
 the vendor’s solicitor, or the owners themselves.   Multiple Offers?

 The fact is, although some solicitors may not       As a best practice measure, Nolan
 want you to purchase using a cool-off period, it    Partners receive all offers in writing using
 is the only way to actually secure a property       our prescribed form. This form also outlines
 and protect your purchase while you conduct         the terms of your offer.
 necessary research and checks on the
 property.                                           In the event of multiple offers on a
                                                     property, you will be invited to present
                                                     your revised highest and best offer in
                                                     writing, in line with our prescribed process.

                                                     We appreciate this may seem extremely
                                                     precautionary, however Nolan Partners
                                                     follow best practice as outlined by NSW
                                                     Fair Trading.

                                         DID YOU KNOW?
                           … AND PAYING A 0.25% DEPOSIT
                               … TO SECURE THE PROPERTY
monthly repayments at 5% over 30 years principle & interest

     Loan Amount             Monthly Repayment                Loan Amount     Monthly Repayment

        $175,000                     $939                       $675,000           $3,624

        $200,000                    $1,074                      $700,000           $3,758

        $225,000                    $1,208                      $725,000           $3,892

        $250,000                    $1,342                      $750,000           $4,026

        $275,000                    $1,476                      $775,000           $4,160

        $300,000                    $1,610                      $800,000           $4,295

        $325,000                    $1,745                      $825,000           $4,429

        $350,000                    $1,879                      $850,000           $4,563

        $375,000                    $2,013                      $875,000           $4,697

        $400,000                    $2,147                      $900,000           $4,831

        $425,000                    $2,281                      $925,000           $4,966

        $450,000                    $2,416                      $950,000           $5,100

        $475,000                    $2,550                      $975,000           $5,234

        $500,000                    $2,684                     $1,000,000          $5,368

        $525,000                    $2,818                     $1,250,000          $6,710

        $550,000                    $2,953                     $1,500,000          $8,052

        $575,000                    $3,087                     $1,750,000          $9,394

        $600,000                    $3,221                     $2,000,000          $10,736

        $625,000                    $3,355                     $2,250,000          $12,078

        $650,000                    $3,489                     $2,500,000          $13,421

Property Value   Rate Of Duty   Property Value   Rate Of Duty

  $195,000          $5,315        $675,000         $25,865

  $200,000          $5,490        $700,000         $26,990

  $225,000          $6,365        $725,000         $28,115

  $250,000          $7,240        $750,000         $29,240

  $275,000          $8,115        $775,000         $30,365

  $300,000          $8,990        $800,000         $31,490

  $325,000         $10,115        $825,000         $32,615

  $350,000         $11,240        $850,000         $33,740

  $375,000         $12,365        $875,000         $34,865

  $400,000         $13,490        $900,000         $35,990

  $425,000         $14,615        $925,000         $37,115

  $450,000         $15,740        $950,000         $38,240

  $475,000         $16,865        $975,000         $39,365

  $500,000         $17,990        $1,000,000       $40,490

  $525,000         $19,115        $1,250,000       $54,240

  $550,000         $20,240        $1,500,000       $67,990

  $575,000         $21,365        $1,750,000       $81,069

  $600,000         $22,490        $2,000,000       $95,819

  $625,000         $23,615        $2,250,000       $109,240

  $650,000         $24,740        $2,500,000       $122,319
Supporting First Home Buyers                              The government has capped the number of
                                                          home buyers it will support at 10,000 per year
The NSW Government’s comprehensive                        and the property value price cap is
package to improve housing affordability                  determined by your local market. (For the
is focused on helping first home buyers.                  Coffs Coast this is a property value of up to
For first home buyers, this comprehensive
package includes:                                         Stamp Duty Relief

•    abolishing stamp duty on all homes up                The duty paid when buying residential
     to $650,000                                          property can be an obstacle for first home
•    give stamp duty relief for homes up to
     $800,000                                             For those entering the market, the NSW
                                                          Government has abolished this duty on new
•    provide a $10,000 grant for builders of              and existing homes worth up to $650,000.
     new homes up to $750,000 and
     purchasers of new homes up to                        For properties valued at between $650,000
     $600,000                                             and $800,000, the duty concessions are
                                                          gradually reduced.
•    abolish insurance duty on lenders’
     mortgage insurance
                                                          First Home Owners Grant
•    ensure foreign investors pay higher                  (New Homes)
     duties and land taxes
                                                          First home buyers building a new property
•    no longer allow investors to defer                   are entitled to a $10,000 grant on homes
     paying stamp duty on off-the-plan                    worth up to $750,000.
                                                          First home buyers purchasing a new property
                                                          worth up to $600,000 are entitled to a
First Home Loan Deposit Scheme                            $10,000 grant.

The First Home Loan Deposit Scheme will                   This policy aims to provide assistance to first
allow first time buyers to pay a deposit as               home buyers and stimulate the construction
little as 5%, while avoiding lenders mortgage             of new dwellings.
insurance (LMI).
                                                          The $5,000 New Home Grant Scheme, which
The scheme is open to individuals who are                 was available to other buyers
earning up to $125,000 per year, as well as               including investors, has now closed.
couples with combined earnings of up to
$200,000 and will apply to owner-occupied
loans on a principal and interest basis.

To be eligible for the scheme, first home
buyers must show that they have saved at
least 5% of the value of the property they are

                                This information should act only as a guide.
                       Further information can be found at
                               or by contacting your Solicitor/Conveyancer.
Nolan's were great to deal
     with in purchasing our new home. Being a
major purchase and a home we planned on living in
  for a long time - I had lots of questions I needed
answered to help make our decision. They either had
the answer on hand or were quick to sort and source
      the information from the Vendor, great
   communicators. I feel they quickly addressed
concerns we had leading into exchange of contracts
and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to get things
    sorted for a great outcome for both parties.


                                          Thank you Nolan's for a
                                seamless and stress free purchase process.
                           Everything has been handled very professionally! We
                              are so excited with our new project and won't
                                   hesitate to contact you should we be
                                       buying or selling in the future.
                                                Thanks again

                                                Tim & Sharon
My interactions with Nolan Partners
    for my property purchase was very
 pleasant. They were easy to contact and
have great communication skills, while they
were patient in explaining everything to me
as a new home buyer. Their honest opinions
 pertaining to the existing tenant and the
 property, I can vouch as being genuine. I
  found all their advice to be legitimate.


                             Nolan's were a pleasure to deal with from
                           start to finish. Their knowledge of the local area
                        and surrounds gave us the confidence to make a
                              decision that best suited our needs. They
                     communicated with ease between all parties involved
                       which ensured that the entire process ran smoothly.
                       Their approachable nature and obvious enthusiasm
                     and passion for their work is why I think Nolan's was the
                        perfect agency for my family to deal with. We are
                       glad we got the chance to work with Nolan's and I
                           wouldn't hesitate in using their services again.

                                          Morgan & Janelle

                02 6650 0655
nolan partners estate agents
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