Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association

Page created by Tommy Warren
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Northern Will County
                  Special Recreation Association
                                                                Fall 2021

   •   Bolingbrook Park District
   •   Lockport Township Park District
   •   Plainfield Park District
   •   Village of Romeoville
   •   Brookeridge Park District
   •   Justice Park District

*Crest Hill, Homer Township, and Lemont Residents: See Page 4
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Table of Contents

    8          11                             13                                         17
    Youth      Adults                         Events                                     Athletics
                        General Information............. 3-5                    Special Events.................... 13
                                                                                80’s Flash.................................. 13
                        Dinner Dance........................... 6
                                                                                Bags & Burgers......................... 13
                        Family Events.......................... 7               Baseball & BBQ......................... 13
                        Family Bingo....................................7       Bears Bash................................ 13
                        Family Bowling................................7         Costume Party/Pumpkin Dec.... 14
                        Trunk or Treat..................................7       Feed the Hungry........................ 14
                                                                                Friendsgiving............................. 14
                        Youth Weekly Programs........ 8                         Girls Night.................................. 14
                        Friday Friends................................8         Guys Night................................. 14

    7                   Gymnastics.....................................8
                        Junior Chefs...................................8
                                                                                Holiday Cookies........................ 15
                                                                                Konow’s Corn Maze.................. 15

    Family Events       Lifelong Sports...............................9
                        Music Lessons................................9
                                                                                Pajama Party............................. 15
                                                                                Parent Coffee Clutch................. 15
                        Saturday Chill Chums.....................9              Scary Movie Night..................... 15
                        Scuba Diving..................................9         School’s Day Out....................... 15
                        Spare Me........................................10      Sibshops.................................... 16
                        Starter Soccer................................10        Turkey Trot................................ 16
                        Swim Lessons-Bolingbrook............10                  Ugly Sweater Party.................... 16
                        Team Sports...................................10        Winter Break Camps................. 16
                                                                                Sensory Oasis.................... 16
                        Adult Weekly Programs......... 11
                        Adult Day Program.........................11
                                                                                Athletics.............................. 17
                                                                                Bags League............................. 18
                        Artist Inspirations............................11
                                                                                Basketball Team........................ 18
                        Dinner & A Movie............................11
                                                                                Bowling Team............................ 18

                        Restaurant Reviewers....................12
                                                                                Junior Basketball Team............. 18
                        Social Clubs...................................12
                                                                                Pickleball Clinic......................... 19
    Sensory Oasis
                        Spare Me........................................12
                                                                                Powerlifting................................ 19
                                                                                Snowshoeing Team................... 19

                    [			                                                  ]
                                                                                Swim Team................................ 19

                        For a calendar view of                                  Veteran Services................. 19
                          all our programs,                                     Additional Info....................20
                     please visit
                                                                                Registration Form..........21-22

                                                                                Registration Info..................23
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Who We Are
                                                               Northern Will County Special Recreation
                                                             Association (NWCSRA) provides year-round
                                                            recreation programs and services for children,
                                                          teens and adults with special needs and abilities.
           10 Montrose Dr. | Romeoville, IL 60446
       Phone: (815) 407-1819 | Fax: (815) 407-1829         NWCSRA represents the partnership between
                                                            Bolingbrook Park District, Lockport Township
      Office Hours: Monday - Friday | 9:00am-5:00pm
      Office CLOSED: Sept 6, Nov 11, Nov 25 & 26,          Park District, Plainfield Park District, the Village
                       Dec 24-27, Dec 31- Jan 3             of Romeoville, Brookeridge Park District and
                                                                          Justice Park District.
    Phone messages left beyond business hours and on
      weekends are retrieved the next business day.

Mission Statement:
                                   “   To provide meaningful recreational opportunities for individuals
                                           with disabilities that enhance their overall quality of life.
                      Brenda Cresap                                   Ashlee O’Hern, CTRS
N                     Administrative Coordinator                      Adult Services Coordinator
                      Extension: 201                                  Extension: 211
W                     Email:                       Email:

C                     Cathy Davis                                     Gina Petkus, CPRP
S                     Finance Coordinator
                      Extension: 207
                                                                      Staff Development & Outreach Manager
                                                                      Extension: 202

A                     Carrie Gascoigne, CTRS
                      Recreation Services Manager
                                                                      Amber Provancal, CTRS
                                                                      Youth Services & Day Camp Coordinator
                      Extension: 205                                  Extension: 203
                      Email:                    Email:

S                     Carrie Henry, CPRP                              Mike Selep, CPRE, MPS
t                     Athletics Coordinator
                      Extension: 204
                                                                      Executive Director
                                                                      Extension: 208
a                     Email:                        Email:

f                     Jill Mukushina, CTRS
                      Director of Recreation &
                                                                      Megan Siebert, CTRS
                                                                      Marketing & Program Services Coordinator
f                     Facility Operations
                      Extension: 200
                                                                      Extension: 212
                      Email:                                                          3
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
General Information
                   Out of District Policy                                Behavior Expectations
                                                                         Northern Will County Special Recreation Association encourages
    Out of district residents may participate in all programs;
                                                                         and promotes the concept of fun for everyone. However, certain
            however, a fee increase will be charged.                     rules and guidelines have been established to ensure the safety
                                                                         and enjoyment for everyone. Participants, staff, volunteers and
        In addition to our residents, individuals living in              parents/guardians are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior
        Crest Hill and Lemont receive the resident rate.                 at all times. Additional rules may be developed for particular
                                                                         programs and athletic leagues as deemed necessary by staff. Staff,
     Attention Homer Township Residents                                  participants, volunteers and parents/guardians shall:
    Did you know that Homer Township will assist residents               • Show respect to all participants, staff, volunteers and parents.
     with the out-of-district program fees? Contact Homer                • Abstain from using abusive or foul language.
       Township or the NWCSRA office to find out more!                   • Refrain from causing bodily harm to other participants, staff,
                                                                            coaches, volunteers and parents/guardians.
                                                                         • Demonstrate respect to equipment, supplies, uniforms and
Code of Conduct                                                             facilities.
                                                                         • Represent NWCSRA in a manner that is consistent with the
In NWCSRA office, program and services:
                                                                            goals, objectives and ethics of the association.
• Individuals aged 12 and over who have been fully vaccinated            A caring, positive approach will be utilized regarding the use of
   for COVID-19 do not need to wear a face covering (exceptions          disciplinary methods. Additional or individual behavior management
   where face coverings are required below).                             plans may be developed on the advice of parents, guardians, staff
• Unvaccinated adults and children under the age of 12 must              members or other professionals. Northern Will County Special
   continue to wear a face covering.                                     Recreation Association reserves the right to dismiss or suspend a
• Outdoors, face coverings must be worn when social distancing           participant if the above noted procedures are not adhered to and/or
   is not possible for unvaccinated adults and children under 12.        parent/guardian response to a problem situation is not attempted.
• NWCSRA staff who have been vaccinated do not need to wear              Each situation will be evaluated individually and on its own merit.
   face coverings unless they are involved in a program with
   children under the age of 12 or exceptions listed below.
• By entering an SRA facility, program, event or service without         Program Guidelines
   a face covering, you are verifying that you have been fully           • Northern Will County Special Recreation Association provides
   vaccinated.                                                             sufficient staff to participant ratio to ensure a safe and
• Regardless of vaccination status, please refrain from programs           meaningful recreation experience.
   or the facility if you have any signs or symptoms of COVID-19,        • When arriving and departing a program, parents/guardians are
   including fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty     required to “check in” with the program supervisor.
   breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss          • Participants will only be released to designated individuals
   of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea        approved by parents/guardians. Any changes to a participant’s
   or vomiting, or diarrhea.                                               approved list must be submitted to the office in writing.
                                                                         • Participants will not be released to walk unattended after any
Exceptions where face coverings are required:
                                                                           program unless written waiver has been signed from said
• Face coverings are required on all NWCSRA vehicles and other             individual’s parent/guardian.
  forms of enclosed transportation. NWCSRA vehicles will return          • Participants must be picked up at the designated time that is
  to full capacity.                                                        listed in the program guide, flyer or verbally informed by the
• Both participant and staff will wear a face covering and
  personal protective equipment during personal care/support.
                                                                         • Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff will
  Arrangements for personal care/support must be made and
                                                                           not be responsible for participants arriving prior to the scheduled
  approved with full-time NWCSRA staff prior to occurrence at
                                                                           program time.
• NWCSRA will follow guidelines of facilities utilized for programs      • Northern Will County Special Recreation Association reserves
  and services. Face covering requirements may be different                the right to cancel a program or event due to insufficient
  based on federal, state, tribal, or territorial laws, rules and          enrollment.
  regulations, including local business and workplace guidelines.        • Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff will
                                                                           not leave any person unattended after any program unless
NWCSRA reserves the right to:                                              written permission has been received from said individual’s
1. Ask patrons to wear a face covering during SRA programs,                parent/guardian.
services, or while in SRA building or vehicles. Always have a face
covering with you in the event that it will be needed.

2. Ask for verification of vaccination at any time to participate in
SRA program and services.

3. Ask for a pause in participation if any signs or symptoms of
COVID-19 develop.

Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
General Information
Participant Illness Guidelines                                           Transportation
To prevent the spread of contagious illnesses, participants should       For programs with transportation, the following are the drop
not attend programs when any of the following symptoms exist:
• Fever of 100° or higher                                                off and pick up locations.
• Vomiting within the last 24 hours
• Persistent diarrhea
                                                                         Bolingbrook: Bolingbrook Recreation & Aquatic Complex
• Contagious rash or a rash of unknown origin
• Persistent cough and/or cold symptoms                                  (BRAC) – 200 Lindsey Ln, Bolingbrook
• “Pink eye” (conjunctivitis) or discharge from the eye
• Symptoms of mumps, measles, chicken pox, strep throat, flu,            Lockport: Strike N’ Spare II – 811 Northern Drive, Lockport
    Impetigo, Coxsackie virus, head lice, mites and ringworm
• Runny nose with yellow or green discharge, which indicates
    infection                                                            Plainfield: Prairie Activity & Recreation Center (PARC) –
• Fatigue, due to illness, that will hinder participation and            24550 W. Renwick Rd, Plainfield
    enjoyment of the program
Please notify the Northern Will County Special Recreation
Association office if the participant contracts any contagious illness   Romeoville: NWCSRA – 10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville
that will affect his/her attendance at the program. Participants
should return to programs at the recommendation of their doctor,
or, if not under a doctor’s care, when the symptoms have clearly                    Face coverings are required
                                                                                     on all NWCSRA vehicles.

  Safety is our number one concern for
  participants, families, and staff. Please
 monitor your health and if you are feeling                                          Inclusion Services
    sick or experiencing any illness or                                       Northern Will County SRA understands that not
                                                                              every person with a disability needs to participate in
   COVID symptoms, please stay home.                                          special recreation programs. If you feel that a program
                                                                              offered by your park district/recreation department
                                                                              (Bolingbrook, Lockport, Plainfield, Romeoville,
                                                                              Brookeridge or Justice) would better meet the needs
                                                                              of your child, teen or adult; follow these steps for
Program Cancellations Due To Weather                                          inclusion:
Northern Will County Special Recreation Association attempts to
hold programs whenever possible. However, inclement weather
                                                                              1. Register at your local park district/recreation
occasionally makes it difficult for staff and participants to travel
                                                                                 department for the desired program as soon as
to program locations. Northern Will County Special Recreation
                                                                                 possible. Let them know you will be requesting
Association cancellation policies are as follows:
                                                                                 inclusion assistance.
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association staff look
                                                                              2. Through meeting(s), observations, etc., it will be
   at all circumstances three hours prior to the starting time of the
                                                                                 determined if inclusion in the program would be
   program or transportation route, to determine if the program
                                                                                 appropriate and beneficial, and if an inclusion aide is
   should be cancelled. If the program is cancelled, program staff               needed.
   attempt to reach all participants by phone to inform them. You will
   only be called if the program is cancelled.                                Please understand that we will do our very best
• Northern Will County Special Recreation Association attempts                to provide an inclusion aide. However, because of
   to extend programs to make up missed dates. Northern Will                  staffing restrictions or due to notification dates, we
   County Special Recreation Association will call/send an email              are sometimes unable to guarantee an aide. Please
   announcing program extensions.                                             register early so that there is plenty of time to secure
                                                                              the assistance that is needed.
Severe Cold Weather                                                                     For more information contact
• Outdoor programs: Temperature of 0 degrees or less, including
  wind chill.
                                                                                            Carrie Gascoigne at
• Programs with transportation: Temperature of 0 degrees or less,                          (815) 407-1819 x205 or
  including wind chill.                                                         
• All programs (including indoor): Snowstorm situations when
  driving restrictions (winter storm or blizzard warning in which
  authorities have advised not going out unless necessary) and
  emergency accident plans (state and local police) are in effect.

                                                               (815) 407-1819                                                              5
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Recognition Dinner Dance
 Thursday, December 16th
NWCSRA cordially invites participants, staff,
volunteers, member partners, donors and supporters
to celebrate a year of accomplishments. Join us in     the
recognizing all the special individuals who make
what we do possible. A delicious dinner will be
followed by an awards ceremony and entertainment.
More information to follow.
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Family Events
Family Bingo                                                  Trunk or Treat
Age Group: 12 & Older                                         Age Group: All Ages
This could be your lucky night! Come out and enjoy an         NWCSRA is hosting a Trunk or Treat! The NWCSRA staff
evening of great food, wonderful friends and fabulous bingo   will have our cars decorated for Halloween and will hand out
prizes. Bingo cards will be sold the night of for             a treat at each car. Come out in your Halloween costume,
$1 each or 6 for $5.                                          grab a treat, and vote for your favorite car.
*Participants must have at least one family member register
and attend with them.*                                        Program #     Day    Date       Time
                                                              14902         Th     10/21      3:00-5:00pm
Program #     Day    Date       Time
14900         F      11/5       6:00-9:00pm                   Location: NWCSRA
                                                              Res/NR Fee: $5/$8
Location: Romeoville Recreation Center                        Registration Deadline: 10/8
Res/NR Fee: $10/$15                                           Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
Registration Deadline: 10/22
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Family Bowling
Age Group: All Ages
Mark your calendar for our Family Bowling Event! Grab
your bowling ball and a couple of family members and enjoy
two games of bowling and pizza.
*Participants must have at least one family member register
and attend with them.*

Program #     Day    Date       Time
14901         Su     10/3       1:00-3:00pm

Location: Strike N’ Spare II, Lockport
Res/NR Fee: $14/$21
Registration Deadline: 9/17
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
                                                      (815) 407-1819                                                    7
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Youth Programs
Friday Friends                                                    Gymnastics
Age Group: 8-17                                                   Age Group: 3-12
The focus of this program is developing social skills, learning   This introductory class taught by a certified gymnastics
how to interact with peers, and then how to implement these       instructor will teach the basics of gymnastics and tumbling.
skills in recreational activities. Each program will focus on     Using various learning stations, we will focus on fundamental
age-appropriate games, activities, and socializing. The           skills such as jumping, rolling, and balancing all while
program will also consist of fields trips into the community to   learning how to properly use gymnastic equipment.
practice skills worked on. Join us for fun-filled Fridays with
your friends!                                                     Program #       Day     Dates		         Time
                                                                  14110		         Tu      10/19-11/16     4:30-5:15pm
Program #  Day    Dates                   Time
14104-A    F      9/10-10/15              6:00-8:30pm             Location: Romeoville Recreation Center
14104-B    F      11/5-12/17              6:00-8:30pm             Res/NR Fee: $69/$104
*NO PROGRAM 11/26                                                 Registration Deadline: 10/5
                                                                  Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
Location: NWCSRA
Res/NR Fee: $108/$162                                             Junior Chefs
Registration Deadline: 8/27,10/22                                 Age Group: 8-22
Staff Contact: Jim Cassidy                                        Join us in the kitchen for 3 weeks of delicious meals! On
                                                                  9/14 we will make chicken alfredo and on 11/9 we will make
                                                                  chicken noodle soup. During the first cooking session we will
                                                                  vote on what to make for the remaining two dates. Grab your
                                                                  apron and bring your appetite!

                                                                  Program #       Day     Dates		         Time
                                                                  14102-A         Tu      9/14-9/28       5:30-7:00pm
                                                                  14102-B         Tu      11/9-11/23      5:30-7:00pm

                                                                  Location: NWCSRA
                                                                  Res/NR Fee: $92/$138
                                                                  Registration Deadline: 8/31, 10/26
                                                                  Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Youth Programs
Lifelong Sports                                                 Saturday Chill Chums
Age Group: 5-12                                                 Age Group: 7-21
This program is designed to introduce sports that can be        This program is specifically designed for our friends on the
played for a lifetime. These sports emphasize strategy and      Autism spectrum. We will have a variety of fun recreational
focus rather than speed and power. Sports we will focus on      opportunities for participants on every level and from every
include bags, golf, bocce, and badminton.                       interest. Some activities include crafts, music, gross motor
                                                                games, cooperative games, outdoor time, etc. The group
Program #       Day     Dates		          Time                   will take a lunch break from 11-11:30; make sure you have
14107-A         Th      10/21-11/4       5:00-6:00pm            something yummy packed.

Location: Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatic Center             Program #  Day    Dates                  Time
Res/NR Fee: $27/$41                                             14105-A    Sa     9/11-10/16             10:00am-12:30pm
Registration Deadline: 10/7                                     14105-B    Sa     11/6-12/18             10:00am-12:30pm
Staff Contact: Jim Cassidy                                      *NO PROGRAM 11/27

                                                                Location: Annerino Community Center, Bolingbrook
                                                                Res/NR Fee: $95/$143
                                                                Registration Deadline: 8/27
                                                                Staff Contact: Jim Cassidy

                                                                Scuba Diving
                                                                Age Group: 10 & Older
                                                                Scuba Diving is a unique program in collaboration with
                                                                Imagine Diving. This is a one-on-one experience to learn
                                                                about scuba diving with certified instructors. No swimming
                                                                knowledge is required. All participants need additional paper-
                                                                work including a physician’s signature prior to starting scuba
                                                                diving. Paperwork will be sent out once registration has been

Music Lessons                                                   Program #       Day     Dates       Time
Age Group: 6 & Older                                            14112-A         F       9/17        6:00-7:00pm
Want to sing like a rock star or learn a new instrument to      14112-B         F       9/17        7:00-8:00pm
pass the time? Led by a music therapist from Dynamic            14112-C         F       9/17        8:00-9:00pm
Lynks, you will learn to play the instrument of your choice –
voice, ukulele, percussion, guitar, or piano. Our lessons are   14113-A         F       10/8        6:00-7:00pm
adaptable for all ages and abilities!                           14113-B         F       10/8        7:00-8:00pm
                                                                14113-C         F       10/8        8:00-9:00pm
Program #       Day      Dates		         Time
14108-A         W        9/29-11/17      4:30-5:00pm
                                                                14114-A         F       11/12       6:00-7:00pm
14108-B         W        9/29-11/17      5:00-5:30pm
                                                                14114-B         F       11/12       7:00-8:00pm
14108-C         W        9/29-11/17      5:30-6:00pm
                                                                14114-C         F       11/12       8:00-9:00pm
14108-D         W        9/29-11/17      6:00-6:30pm

                                                                Location: Challenge Fitness, Lockport
Location: NWCSRA
                                                                Res/NR Fee: $10/$15
Res/NR Fee: $300/$450
                                                                Registration Deadlines: 8/27, 9/17, 10/22
Registration Deadline: 9/15
                                                                Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal

                                                       (815) 407-1819                                                      9
Northern Will County Fall 2021 Special Recreation Association
Youth Programs
Spare Me                                                         Swim Lessons (Bolingbrook)
Age Group: 5 & Older                                             Age Group: 3 & Older
Bowling is fun for the young or old, the novice or the           Be proactive when it comes to water safety! Work your
seasoned veteran. Each week you will bowl two games with         way from a polliwog to a dolphin through a 1:1 lesson that
your friends and your scores will be recorded.                   is personalized for each swimmer. Learn water safety,
                                                                 basic skills, and stroke development through these fun and
Program #     Day     Dates           Time                       interactive lessons.
14254         M       9/13-11/15      4:30-6:00pm
                                                                 Program #       Day     Dates		          Time
Location: Strike N’ Spare II, Lockport                           14100-A         Su      9/12-10/17       10:00-10:30am
Res/NR Fee: $105/$158                                            14100-B         Su      9/12-10/17       10:40-11:10am
Registration Deadline: 8/30                                      14100-C         Su      9/12-10/17       11:20-11:50am
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
                                                                 14101-A         Su      11/7-12/12       10:00-10:30am
                                                                 14101-B         Su      11/7-12/12       10:40-11:10am
                                                                 14101-B         Su      11/7-12/12       11:20-11:50am

                                                                 Location: Pelican Harbor Indoor Pool, Bolingbrook
                                                                 Res/NR Fee: $93/$140
                                                                 Registration Deadline: 8/30, 10/25
                                                                 Staff Contact: Amber Provancal

                                                                 Team Sports
                                                                 Age Group: 5-12
                                                                 This program is designed to introduce sports that can
                                                                 be played in a team setting. These sports emphasize
                                                                 teamwork, collaboration, focus, and athleticism. Sports we
                                                                 will focus on include basketball, volleyball, and kickball.

                                                                 Program #       Day     Dates		          Time
                                                                 14107-B         Th      12/2-12/16       5:00-6:00pm

Starter Soccer
                                                                 Location: Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatic Center
Age Group: 5-12
                                                                 Res/NR Fee: $27/$41
This is an introductory class for participants interested
                                                                 Registration Deadline: 11/20
in learning the basics of soccer. Using various learning
                                                                 Staff Contact: Jim Cassidy
stations, we will focus on fundamental skills such as passing,
shooting, and defense, all while learning about teamwork
and sportsmanship.

Program #       Day      Dates		         Time
14106-A         T        9/14-10/12      5:00-6:00pm

Location: Bott Park, Plainfield
Res/NR Fee: $42/$63
Registration Deadline: 8/31
Staff Contact: Jim Cassidy

Adult Programs
                                                           Artist Inspirations
                                                           Age Group: 18 & Older
Adult Day Program                                          Let’s spend our Wednesdays being creative! Each week you
                                                           will make a masterpiece to take home and show off to your
NWCSRA’s Adult Day Program is designed to meet             friends and family.
the needs of young adults with disabilities 18 years
and older that are no longer serviced through the          Program #       Day     Dates		           Time
school district. Year-round social and recreational        14250		         W       9/15-9/29         6:00-7:00pm
activities are offered to enhance the quality of life of
our participants. The program focuses on positive          Location: NWCSRA
peer interactions, community integration, leisure          Res/NR Fee: $35/$53
independence, and basic life skills.                       Registration Deadline: 9/1
                                                           Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
New families & participants are welcome to schedule
an appointment to tour and observe the program.            Dinner & A Movie
                                                           Age Group: 16 & Older
                                                           Everyone loves dinner and a movie! Don’t miss out on a
For more information or to schedule a tour, please         delicious dinner and the latest movie release on the big
 contact Ashlee O’Hern at 815-407-1819 ext. 211            screen. The fee includes transportation, staffing, and movie
            or at                       tickets. Please bring $25 for dinner in tens, fives, and
                                                           singles. Dinner location and movie information will be sent
                                                           out no later than the Friday before the program.

                                                           Program #     Day     Dates               Time
                                                           14251         Sa      9/18, 10/9, 11/20   Evening-Varies

                                                           Drop-off: NWCSRA & PARC, Times TBD
                                                           Pickup: NWCSRA & PARC, Times TBD

                                                           Location: Varies
                                                           Res/NR Fee: $131/$197
                                                           Registration Deadline: 9/3
                                                           Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
Adult Programs
Restaurant Reviewers                                               Spare Me
Age Group: 16 & Older                                              Age Group: 5 & Older
Dine at various local restaurants with friends! Enjoy the          Bowling is fun for the young or old, the novice or the
ambiance, the great food, and of course the company. A             seasoned veteran. Each week you will bowl two games with
schedule of restaurants will be sent out to those registered.      your friends and your scores will be recorded.
Lunch is included in the cost of the program.
                                                                   Program #     Day    Dates           Time
Program #       Day     Dates                    Time              14254         M      9/13-11/15      4:30-6:00pm
14252           Su      9/26, 10/17, 11/14       12:30-2:00pm
                                                                   Location: Strike N’ Spare II, Lockport
Drop-off: NWCSRA & PARC, Times TBD                                 Res/NR Fee: $105/$158
Pickup: NWCSRA & PARC, Times TBD                                   Registration Deadline: 8/30
                                                                   Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
Location: Varies
Res/NR Fee: $100/$150
Registration Deadline: 9/10                                        Yoga
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                       Age Group: 12 & Older
                                                                   Yoga helps increase flexibility, balance, and overall physical
Social Club                                                        and mental wellness. In this program, we will learn and
Friday nights were made for fun with friends! Join Social          practice basic yoga poses and breathing techniques that will
Club and enjoy Friday nights hanging out, doing various            benefit us for life.
activities & being social. A list of activities will be sent to
                                                                   Program #     Day     Dates           Time
those registered a week prior to the first program.
                                                                   14255         W       10/6-11/3       5:00-5:45pm

Group A
                                                                   Location: Annerino Community Center, Bolingbrook
Age Group: 21-30
                                                                   Res/NR Fee: $30/$45
                                                                   Registration Deadline: 9/22
Program # Day Dates                          Time
                                                                   Staff Contact: Megan Siebert
14253-A   F   9/10, 9/24,                    Evening-Varies
			10/8, 10/22

Group B                                                            Zumba
Age Group: 31 & Older                                              Age Group: 16 & Older
                                                                   This fitness class will get your heart pumping as you sweat
Program # Day Dates                          Time                  to the music. Danielle will lead the class through this high
14253-B   F   9/17, 10/1,                    Evening-Varies        energy dance/fitness class and get everyone moving. You
			10/15, 10/29                                                    will have so much fun you won’t even know you are working
Drop-off: NWCSRA & PARC, Times TBD
Pickup: NWCSRA & PARC, Times TBD                                   Program #     Day     Dates     		       Time
                                                                   14256         Th      9/23-10/28		       4:00-4:45pm
Location: Varies
Res/NR Fee: $110/$165                                              Location: Prairie Activity & Recreation Center, Plainfield
Registration Deadline: A: 8/27 B: 9/3                              Res/NR Fee: $35/$53
Staff Contact: Megan Siebert                                       Registration Deadline: 9/9
                                                                   Staff Contact: Megan Siebert

Special Events
80’s Flash                                                         Baseball & BBQ
Age Group: 13 & Older                                              Age Group: 18 & Older
SWSRA is hosting their annual 80’s Flash Dance virtually!          Cheer on the Chicago White Sox as they play the Rangers.
There will be a DJ and blow-up rock and roll instruments if        We will enjoy a lunch and afternoon with friends at Station 1
you register by September 3. The Zoom link will be emailed         Smokehouse. Lunch is included in the fee.
prior to the event. Enjoy the evening dancing in your living
room!                                                              Program #       Day     Date     Time
                                                                   14202-A         Su      9/19     1:30-3:00pm
Program #        Day     Date     Time
14200-A          F       10/1     7:00-8:30pm                      Drop-off: 1:00pm at NWCSRA / 1:30pm at Smokehouse
                                                                   Pick-up: 3:00pm at Smokehouse / 3:30pm at NWCSRA
Location: Zoom
Res/NR Fee: $12/$18                                                Location: Station 1 Smokehouse, Plainfield
Registration Deadline: 9/17                                        Res/NR Fee: $44/$66
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern                                       Registration Deadline: 9/3
                                                                   Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern

Bags & Burgers                                                     Bears Bash
Age Group: 18 & Older
                                                                   Age Group: 18 & Older
Join us for a delicious burger at Chili’s! After lunch the group
                                                                   Wear your favorite Bears gear and join your friends to cheer
will return to NWCSRA for a bag’s tournament. Burger, fries,
                                                                   on Chicago! Dinner is included in the fee for the program.
and drink are included in the fee.
                                                                   Program #       Day     Date     Time
Program #        Day     Date     Time
                                                                   14203-A         Su      10/10    3:00-4:30pm
14201-A          Sa      9/25     11:00am-2:00pm
                                                                   Drop-off: 2:30pm at PARC / 3:00pm at Mongo McMichaels
Drop-off: 10:30am at NWCSRA / 11:00am at Chili’s
                                                                   Pick-up: 4:30pm at Mongo McMichaels / 5:00pm at PARC
Pick-up: 2:00pm at NWCSRA
                                                                   Location: Mongo McMichaels, Romeoville
Location: Chili’s, Romeoville/NWCSRA
                                                                   Res/NR Fee: $47/$71
Res/NR Fee: $41/$62
                                                                   Registration Deadline: 9/24
Registration Deadline: 9/10
                                                                   Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
                                                          (815) 407-1819                                                      13
Special Events
Costume Party & Pumpkin Decorating
Age Group: 8-16
Dress up as your favorite character, something scary, or
even something silly and join us for pumpkin decorating,
Halloween themed games, and a spooky treat. We will
be having a costume contest with a variety of categories.
Winners will receive a prize! Pumpkins will be provided by

Program #       Day     Date     Time
14153		         F       10/29    5:00-7:00pm

Location: Annerino Community Center, Bolingbrook
Res/NR Fee: $37/$56
Registration Deadline: 10/15
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal                                   Girls Night
                                                                 Age Group: 18 & Older
Feed the Hungry                                                  Girls just wanna have fun! We will start the evening off with
Age Group: 13 & Older                                            a delicious dinner at Rock Bottom, then shop until we drop!
This is a virtual dance hosted by SWSRA. The evening             Dinner is included in the fee but bring money to shop.
will include a rockin’ DJ and holiday headband for those
registered by November 12. A zoom link will be emailed a         Program #       Day      Date    Time
few days prior to the event.                                     14205-A         Sa       10/23   4:00-7:00pm

Program #       Day      Date    Time                            Drop-off: 3:00pm at NWCSRA / 3:30pm at PARC
14204-A         F        12/10   7:00-8:30pm                     Pick-up: 7:30pm at PARC / 8:00pm at NWCSRA

Location: Zoom                                                   Location: Promenade, Bolingbrook
Res/NR Fee: $15/$23                                              Res/NR Fee: $59/$89
Registration Deadline: 11/23                                     Registration Deadline: 10/8
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern                                     Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern

Age Group: 12-22                                                 Guys Night
Celebrate friendship over a delicious meal at NWCSRA’s           Age Group: 18 & Older
Friendsgiving! Dinner will include rotisserie chicken, mac and   Join us for an epic guy’s night at Plainfield Lanes! We will
cheese, sweet corn, and corn bread, along with lemonade          eat, bowl, and play games. Food and bowling are included in
and water. After dinner we will play Thanksgiving Bingo.         the fee but bring money for games.

Program #       Day     Date     Time                            Program #       Day      Date    Time
14154		         Th      11/18    5:00-7:00pm                     14206-A         Sa       11/6    4:00-7:00pm

Drop-off: 4:30pm at NWCSRA / 5:00pm at PARC                      Drop-off: 3:30pm at NWCSRA / 4:00pm at Plainfield Lanes
Pick-up: 7:00pm at PARC / 7:30pm at NWCSRA                       Pickup: 7:00pm at Plainfield Lanes / 7:30pm at NWCSRA

Location: Plainfield Activity and Recreation Center (PARC)       Location: Plainfield Lanes, Plainfield
Res/NR Fee: $55/$83                                              Res/NR Fee: $66/$99
Registration Deadline: 11/4                                      Registration Deadline: 10/22
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal                                   Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern

Special Events
Holiday Cookies                                                Parent Coffee Clutch
                                                               Age Group: 18 & Older
Age Group: 8-18
                                                               Having a child with special needs can be tough especially as
Come bake and decorate a variety of holiday cookies
                                                               we head into a new school year. Join moms and dads to talk
while listening to some Holiday music and hanging out with
                                                               about the challenges and successes, hopes and dreams and
friends. All bakers will take home a plate of their finished
                                                               share tips and tricks.
product to share with family and friends.
                                                               Program #        Day     Dates    Time
Program #       Day     Date     Time
                                                               14451-A          Sa      9/11     9:00-10:00am
14155		         W       12/15    5:00-7:00pm
                                                               14451-B          Sa      10/9     9:00-10:00am
                                                               14451-C          Sa      11/13    9:00-10:00am
Location: NWCSRA
                                                               14451-D          Sa      12/11    9:00-10:00am
Res/NR Fee: $33/$50
Registration Deadline: 12/1                                    Location: NWCSRA
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal                                 Res/NR Fee: Free
                                                               Registration Deadlines: 8/28, 9/25, 10/30, 11/27
Konow’s Corn Maze                                              Staff Contact: Gina Petkus
Age Group: 8-18
Fall is the perfect time of year for a corn maze! Let’s head   Scary Movie Night
to Konow’s Corn Maze for a day filled with hayrides, mazes,    Age Group: 18 & Older
a petting zoo, and much more. Please eat lunch before          Do you enjoy the thrills of scary movies? Then this program
coming. We will end the day with a visit to Larry the Ice      is perfect for you. Join friends for pizza, popcorn, & a movie.
Cream Guy for a delicious treat.                               Don’t be too afraid to sign up!

                                                               Program #        Day     Date     Time
Program #       Day     Date     Time
                                                               14207-A          Sa      10/30    6:00-9:00pm
14151		         Su      9/26     12:30-3:30pm
                                                               Location: NWCSRA
Drop-offs: 11:30am at NWCSRA / 12:00pm at PARC                 Res/NR Fee: $32/$48
Pick-ups: 4:00pm at PARC / 4:30pm at NWCSRA                    Registration Deadline: 10/15
                                                               Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
Location: Konow’s Corn Maze
Res/NR Fee: $83/$125                                           School’s Day Out
Registration Deadline: 9/10                                    Age Group: 7-22
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal                                 Join us on your day off instead of sitting at home bored. The
                                                               day will consist of bowling, and a movie at the theater to
                                                               catch the newest film! Two games of bowling, a pizza lunch,
Pajama Party                                                   and a movie ticket are included in the fee. Bring money for
Age Group: 6-12                                                snacks at the theater if you would like!
Throw on your favorite pajamas and join us for a PJ party.
We will make friendship bracelets, play a variety of games,    Program #        Day     Date     Time
and have donuts with milk as a treat!                          14152		          M       10/11    9:00am-3:00pm

Program #       Day     Date     Time                          Drop-off:
                                                               8:10am at Strike N’ Spare / 8:35am at PARC / 9:00am at NWCSRA
14150		         Sa      9/18     6:00-8:00pm
Location: NWCSRA                                               3:00pm at Strike N’ Spare / 3:30pm at PARC / 3:55pm at NWCSRA
Res/NR Fee: $33/$50
                                                               Location: NWCSRA
Registration Deadline: 9/3
                                                               Res/NR Fee: $72/$108
Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
                                                               Registration Deadline: 9/27
                                                               Staff Contact: Amber Provancal                               15
Special Events
                                                                 Winter Break Camps
Sibshops                                                         Age Group: 7-22
Age Group: 8-12                                                  Looking for something to do over winter break? NWCSRA is
Siblings of children with special needs have unique needs        here to provide the fun! We will be going on field trips, making
too. This class will be a place where your child can connect     crafts, playing games, and more. A schedule of activities will
with others like them, have time dedicated to them, talk about   be sent out prior to each session of camp.
their brother/sister and most of all have FUN!
Program #       Day     Dates Time                               8:10am at Strike N’ Spare / 8:35am at PARC / 9:00am at NWCSRA
14452-A         F       9/17  4:30-6:00pm                        Pick-up:
14452-B         F       10/15 4:30-6:00pm                        3:00pm at NWCSRA / 3:30pm at PARC / 3:55pm at Strike N’ Spare
14452-C         F       11/19 4:30-6:00pm
                                                                 Program #     Days         Dates		            Time
14452-D         F       12/17 4:30-6:00pm
                                                                 14500-A       Tu-Th        12/21-12/23        9:00am-3:00pm
                                                                 14500-B       Tu-Th        12/28-12/30        9:00am-3:00pm
Location: NWCSRA
Res/NR Fee: $10/$15                                              Location: NWCSRA
Registration Deadlines: 9/3, 10/1, 11/5, 12/3                    Res/NR Fee: $177/$266
Staff Contact: Gina Petkus                                       Registration Deadline: 12/7
                                                                 Staff Contact: Amber Provancal
Turkey Trot

                                                                    Sensory Programs
Age Group: 13 & Older
Join us for our annual Turkey Trot Dance! We will feast on
turkey sandwiches, chips, and of course dessert. Dance the
night away with a DJ!
                                                                           NWCSRA’s Sensory Oasis is a specially-
                                                                          designed, safe, and supportive environment
Program #       Day     Date    Time
                                                                        that allows participants with a variety of ability
14208-A         F       11/12   6:30-8:30pm                               levels to engage their senses, explore, and
                                                                         interact without risk. Every session is tailored
Location: Romeoville Recreation Center                                      by an NWCSRA team member toward a
Res/NR Fee: $37/$56                                                        participant’s goals and responsiveness to
Registration Deadline: 10/29                                                             sensory stimuli.
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern
                                                                     Benefits Include:
Ugly Sweater Party
                                                                      Stress              Improved
Age Group: 18 & Older                                                                                        Improved
It’s that time of year to spread some Holiday cheer in your          Reduction              Social         Concentration
UGLIEST Christmas Sweater! A prize will be awarded to                                       Skills
the ugliest sweater. Get creative and come ready to vote on
the best or worst sweater! The evening will include games,
pizza, and holiday music.                                                     Increased              Improved
                                                                             Communication             Motor
Program #       Day     Date    Time                                                                  Function
14209-A         Sa      12/4    6:00-8:00pm

                                                                              Program #: 13453
Location: NWCSRA
                                                                              Res/NR Fee: $12/$15 per session
Res/NR Fee: $36/$54
Registration Deadline: 11/19                                                Please contact Gina Petkus at
Staff Contact: Ashlee O’Hern                                   to schedule your
                                                                          individualized half hour sessions.

          Fall Special Olympics Sports Dates
Flag Football                                           Bocce
September 11    Region E Flag Football Tournament       October 16     Region E Bocce Tournament
		              Nike Sports Complex, Naperville         		             Roma Sports Complex, Frankfort
November 6-7    State Flag Football Tournament
		              Avanti’s Dome, Pekin
                                                        Floor Hockey
Outdoor Sports Festival (Golf Only)
                                                        Novemeber 20   State Floor Hockey Tournament
September 11-12    State Golf Tournament                		             TBD
		                 Hickory Point Golf Course, Forsyth

September 12      Region E Volleyball Tournament
		                Manteno High School, Manteno
October 10        ITRS Volleyball Tournament
October 23-24     State Volleyball Tournament

          All athletes must complete the Covid-19 Participant Code Of Conduct Form and
           the Athlete Consent Form prior to the start of any program. If you have already
              completed these forms you will NOT have to complete them a second time.

                                              (815) 407-1819                                            17
Bags League                                                    Bowling Team
Age Group: 10 & up                                             Age Group: 8 & up
Who doesn’t like to play Bags or Cornhole? Join NWCSRA         Join the NWCSRA bowling team and show us how you
for a great time socializing and playing America’s favorite    roll! This program is designed to help improve eye-hand
yard game. We will divide into teams by random draw each       coordination, gross motor skills and overall body mechanics.
week so everyone will have the opportunity to socialize with   You will walk away with new friends, a higher average, and
new people. Please bring a water bottle and sunscreen each     a great sense of accomplishment.
                                                               Program #  Day     Dates		               Time
Program #       Day     Dates		         Time                   14321		    Th      9/16-12/9             5:00-6:00pm
14333		         Sa      9/18-10/16      12:00-1:00pm           *NO PROGRAM 11/11 & 11/25

Location: NWCSRA                                               Location: Strike N’ Spare II, Lockport
Res/NR Fee: $29/$44                                            Res/NR Fee: $137/$206
Registration Deadline: 9/3                                     Registration Deadline: 9/2
Staff Contact: Carrie Henry                                    Staff Contact: Carrie Henry

                                                               Junior Basketball Team
                                                               Age Group: 8-14
                                                               Whether you want to try basketball for the first time or are
                                                               a seasoned junior basketball star, this is the opportunity
                                                               for you. Get out and play the sport you love with your
                                                               friends again. This program emphasizes sportsmanship,
                                                               coordination, and learning the game’s fundamentals rules
                                                               and skills. The team will play games against other agencies
                                                               as well as participate in tournaments. A detailed schedule
                                                               of practices and games will be provided the first week of the
Basketball Team                                                season.
Age Group: 16 & up
“Hoop” it up in our popular basketball league and build        Program #       Day    Dates		      Time
teamwork, physical fitness, hand-eye coordination and          14330		         Sa     11/13-2/19   1:30-2:45pm
social skills. The season will consist of games played         *NO PROGRAM 11/27, 12/25, & 1/1
against other agencies, as well as some tournaments. A
detailed schedule of practices and games will be provided      Location: Dellwood Community Center
at the first practice.                                         Res/NR Fee: $203/$305
                                                               Registration Deadline:10/15
Program #  Day    Dates		               Time		                 Staff Contact: Carrie Henry
14331		    Tu     10/19-2/8             6:30-8:00pm

Drop-off: 6:00pm at PARC / 6:30pm at Romeo Rec
Pick-up: 8:00pm at Romeo Rec / 8:30pm at PARC

Location: Romeoville Recreation Center
Res/NR Fee: $230/$345
Registration Deadline:10/5
Staff Contact: Carrie Henry

Pickleball Clinic                                               Snowshoeing Team
Age Group: 13 & up                                              Age Group: 15 & up
Pickleball is a paddleball sport that combines elements of      Join NWCSRA and get steppin’ in those snowshoes! Learn
badminton, table tennis and tennis. We will play two and four   the basics of this chilly sport and prepare to improve each
players. Try something new! You never know, you might find      week. We will have fun socializing while getting a workout at
a sport you love and can’t do without. NWCSRA will provide      the same time. NWCSRA has snowshoes, but if you have a
the equipment.                                                  pair, bring them. Please dress warmly with thick socks, hats,
                                                                scarves and mittens. Note: this program will be held with or
Program #  Day    Dates		               Time                    without snow.
14334		    W      11/10-12/22           4:30-5:30pm
*NO PROGRAM 11/24                                               Program #       Day    Dates		        Time
                                                                14332		         Su     11/7-12/19     2:00-3:00pm
Location: Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatic Center
Res/NR Fee: $37/$56                                             Location: Bolingbrook Recreation and Aquatic Center
Registration Deadline: 10/27                                    Res/NR Fee: $110/$165
Staff Contact: Carrie Henry                                     Registration Deadline:10/22
                                                                Staff Contact: Carrie Henry

                                                                Swim Team
Age Group: 16 & up
                                                                Age Group: 13 & up
NWCSRA’s powerlifting program will focus on keeping
                                                                Come swim with the NWCSRA Swim Team. Swimmers
current powerlifters in top form and discipline. While this
                                                                will improve their overall fitness and perfect existing skills,
program is recommended for current powerlifters, new
                                                                before moving on to flip turns and competitive strokes.
participants who would like to try weight training are
                                                                Swim team is designated for swimmers who want to
welcome. Note: NWCSRA reserves the right to determine if
                                                                compete and can swim at least one full length of the pool
this program is appropriate for an individual.
                                                                independently. New swimmers are always welcome.
                                                                Program #        Day      Dates		           Time
Program #       Day     Dates		         Time
                                                                14318		          Su       9/12-12/5         9:00-10:00am
14326		         Th      9/30-12/16      4:00-5:15pm

                                                                Location: Pelican Harbor Indoor Pool, Bolingbrook
Location: CrossFit, Plainfield
                                                                Res/NR Fee: $134/$201
Res/NR Fee: $195/$293
                                                                Registration Deadline: 8/30
Registration Deadline: 9/16
                                                                Staff Contact: Carrie Henry
Staff Contact: Carrie Henry

                                                                       Check out this FREE program for military
                                                                       veterans of all eras! Qualified veterans
                                                                       will receive a free, one-year fitness
                                                                       membership at their local park district or
                                                                       village fitness center, along with personal
                                                                       training sessions. In addition, free monthly
                                                                       events are provided to network with fellow
                                                                       veterans and family members.
                                                                       Call 815-407-1819 ext. 204 or visit
                                                              for more information.

Additional Information
 Member Agencies & Representatives
 Bolingbrook Park District
 Contact: Ron Oestreich
 (630) 783-6531
 201 Recreation Dr, Bolingbrook, IL 60440

 Lockport Township Park District                                Equine-Assisted Therapeutic Facility
 Contact: Bill Riordan
 (815) 838-1183
 1811 S. Lawrence Ave, Lockport, IL 60441                                        Therapeutic Riding
                                                                    for Children and Adults with Special Needs
 Plainfield Park District
                                                                       (Private and Group Classes available)
 Contact: Carlo Capalbo
 (815) 436-8812 x2703                                                                           And
 24550 W. Renwick Rd, Plainfield, IL 60544
                                                                Additional Equine-Assisted Therapies
 Romeoville Recreation Department                                                  Occupational Therapy
 Contact: Kelly Rajzer                                                               Physical Therapy
 (815) 886-6222                                                                      Speech Pathology
 900 W. Romeo Rd, Romeoville, IL 60446                                             Mental Health Therapy

                                                                        Please contact us for more information about
 Board of Directors Meetings                                          our services, events, birthday parties, and classes
 The public is invited to attend Northern Will County
 Special Recreation Association Board of Directors                or 630-601-8920
 meetings. Meetings are held the fourth Wednesday
 of each month, unless otherwise posted, at 1:30 pm                                  Follow us on:
 at the office: 10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville. You              Facebook @The Legacy Ranch or Instagram @thelegacyranch
 may call NWCSRA at (815) 407-1819 if you would
 like more information regarding these meetings.
                                                                        Or visit our website:

                                                                                 2705 S. Farrell Road, Lockport, IL

                                             Program Locations
Annerino Community Center               CrossFit Plainfield                            Prairie Activity & Recreation Center
201 Recreation Drive, Bolingbrook       24119 Riverwalk Court #137, Plainfield         (PARC)
                                                                                       24550 West Renwick Road, Plainfield
Bolingbrook Rec & Aquatic Complex       Dellwood Park Community Center (DPCC)
200 Lindsey Lane, Bolingbrook           1811 South Lawrence Avenue, Lockport           Plainfield Lanes
                                                                                       15610 Joliet Road, Plainfield
Bott Park                               Konow’s Corn Maze
24550 West Renwick Road, Plainfield     16849 S Cedar Road, Homer Glen                 Promenade Bolingbrook
                                                                                       641 E Boughton Road, Bolingbrook
Buffalo Wild Wings-Bolingbrook          Mongo McMichaels
777 E Boughton Road, Bolingbrook        1101 N Independence Blvd, Romeoville           Romeoville Recreation Center
                                                                                       900 West Romeo Road, Romeoville
Challenge Fitness                       NWCSRA
2021 Lawrence Avenue, Lockport          10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville                  Station One Smokehouse
                                                                                       15025 S Des Plaines Street #1a, Plainfield
Chili’s Romeoville                      Pelican Harbor Aquatic Park
259 S Weber Road, Romeoville            200 Lindsey Lane, Bolingbrook                  Strike N’ Spare II
                                                                                       811 Northern Drive, Lockport

Registration Form
                             Fall 2021 Registration Form
                                                                                                                                  Office Use
                             NWCSRA • 10 Montrose Drive, Romeoville, IL 60446 • P: (815) 407-1819 • F: (815) 407-1829           Date________

Participant’s Name______________________________________________Age______Birthdate____________________Gender________

Address_______________________________________________________City___________________________ Zip_________________

Phone         Home____________________________                Cell____________________________            Work___________________________

E-mail Address_________________________________________________ Disability_________________________________________

Emergency Contact ___________________________________ Emergency Phone ___________________________________________

 NOTE: Registrations will not be processed if a fee remains from a previous season or if a current Annual Information Form is not on file with
  NWCSRA. A new Annual Information Form needs to be completed each year. Annual Information Forms are available at

          Program #                              Program Name                                       Fee        Names of Other Attendees
                                                                                                                   (if applicable)

                                  I would like to make a donation to NWCSRA in the amount of $________

First time participant?:  Yes  No If yes, where did you hear about us?__________________________________________
Transportation permission:  Yes  No                           Photography/Videography Permission  Yes  No

     I have read and fully understand the information on the reverse side of this form - warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver
        and release of all claims. If registering a minor participant, I further attest that I have read the reverse to my minor child/ward.

  CHECK #_____________                 CASH
  MC  VISA               Cardholder Name_____________________________________
 CC #___________________________________ Exp. Date_________ CCVS# (back of card)_______ Total:                                   ______________

_________________________________________                  ________________________________________                  _______________________
Participant’s Name (please print)                           Participant’s Signature                                   Date
                                                           (18 years or older or Parent/Guardian)                                              21
Registration Form

                                          IMPORTANT INFORMATION -
Northern Will County Special Recreation Association is committed to conducting its recreation programs and
activities in a safe manner and holds safety of participants in high regard. Northern Will County Special Recreation
Association continually strives to reduce such risks and insists that all participants follow safety rules and
instructions that are designed to protect the paticipants safety. However, participants and parents/guardians of
minors registering for this program/activity must recognize that there is an inherant risk of injury when choosing
to participate in recreational activities. You are solely responsible for determining if you or your minor child/ward
is physically fit and/or skilled for the activities contemplated by this agreement. It is always advisable, especially if
the participant is pregnant, disabled in any way or has recently suffered an illness, injury or impairment, to consult
a physician before undertaking any physical activity.

                                               WARNING OF RISK -
Despite careful and proper preparation, instruction, medical advice, conditioning and equipment, there is still a
risk of serious injury when participating in any recreational activity/program. Understandably, not all hazards and
dangers can be foreseen. Participants must understand that certain risks, dangers and injuries due to acts of
God, inclement weather, slipping, falling, equipment failure, failure in supervision, premises defects and all other
circumstances inherent to recreational activities/programs exist. In this regard, it must be recognized that it is
impossible for Northern Will County Special Recreation Association to guarantee absolute safety.

Please read this form carefully and be aware that in signing up and participating in Northern Will County Special
Recreation Association activities, you will be expressly assuming the risk and legal liability and waiving and releasing
all claims for injuries, damages or loss which you or your minor child/ward might sustain as a result of participating
in any and all activities connected with and associated with this program/activity (including transportation of
services, when provided). I recognize and acknowledge that certain risks of physical injury to participants in this
program/activity, and I voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any and all injuries, damages, or loss regardless
of severity, that my minor child/ward or I may sustain as a result of said participation. I further agree to waive
and relinquish all claims I or my minor child/ward may have (or accrue to me or my child/ward) as a result in
participating in the program/activity against Northern Will County Special Recreation Association, including its
officials, agents, volunteers and employees. I do hereby fully release and forever discharge Northern Will County
Special Recreation Association from any and all claims for injuries, damages or loss that my minor child/ward or
I may have or which may accrue to me or my minor child/ward and arising out of, connected with, or in any way
associated with this program/activity. I have read and fully understand the above important information, warning
of risk, assumption of risk waiver and release of all claims. If registering a minor participant, I further attest that I
have read the above to my minor child/ward. In the event of an emergency, I understand and authorize Northern
Will County SRA staff and officials to secure from any licensed hospital, physician and/or medical personnel any
treatment deemed necessary for immediate care for myself or minor child/ward and agree that I will be responsible
for payment of any and all medical services rendered. If registering via fax, facsimile signature shall substitute for
and have same legal effect as an original form signature.

                        You must sign and date the bottom of the reverse side of this
                               form before your registration can be processed.
                      Participation will be denied if the signature of an adult participant
                       or parent/guardian and date are not on the front of this waiver.

Registration Information
Registration Dates
Resident Registration Begins Monday, August 9th
Non-Resident Registration Begins Monday, August 16th

Registration Procedures
Choose the Program(s) you want
                                                                         WAYS TO
                                                                                                               Mail your completed
                                                                                                               Registration Form and
                                                                                                               payment to our office.


• Complete the registration form on pages 21 & 22 .
• A current Annual Information Form must be on file with                                                       Fax your completed
  NWCSRA for new and returning participants.
                                                                                                               Registration Form to

• Payment must accompany Registration Form.
• Accepted forms of payment include cash, check or credit cards                                                (815) 407-1829.
  (Mastercard or Visa).

• Signed registrations must be received by the NWCSRA office by
  the deadline date of each individual program registered for.
                                                                                                               Drop Off
• Registration is considered complete when full payment is                                                     Drop off your paperwork

  received.                                                                                                    at our office during regular
• Phone-in registrations will not be accepted and will not “hold
                                                                                                               business hours:
  your place” on a roster.

• NWCSRA staff may not receive payment or registrations during                                                 Monday-Friday
  programs.                                                                                                    9am-5pm.
• There are no prorated fees for late registration. The only
  exception to this policy is if the participant is new to NWCSRA
                                                                               T                               Email
                                                                                                               Email your completed

• All outstanding registration fees must be paid in full prior to
  registering for the next program season.                                                                     Registration Form to

Annual Information Form
All participants must complete a new annual information form                                  An up-to-date Annual Information Form
in January of each year. The form provides staff with valuable                                must be on file to complete registration.
information which allows NWCSRA to conduct its activities in the
safest possible manner and to meet the needs of the participants.
If at any time the form needs to be updated (changes in medication,
behavior, etc.), please inform the NWCSRA office in writing. All
information is kept strictly confidential and enhances successful

The commitment of NWCSRA and the member agencies is to
provide all residents the opportunity for participation in NWCSRA
programs. A scholarship fund has been developed to assist
individuals who may be experiencing financial difficulty. Individuals
seeking financial assistance should contact Mike Selep, Executive
Director, at 815-407-1819 x208 or at for              Refund Procedures
more information regarding the scholarship process. All personal        • Requests for refunds or credits must be requested 14 business
information required for scholarship procedures is kept strictly          days prior to the beginning of the program. NOTE: Programs
confidential. Scholarships must be requested in writing utilizing a       which include daily admissions or tickets to entertainment or
Scholarship Request form each program season.                             sports events, etc. will be a prorated refund based on budgetary
                                                                        • A full or prorated refund will be considered if a medical condition
Outstanding Balances                                                      prohibits participation. NOTE: A doctor’s note must be included
All participants that have a fee balance remaining from a previous        with the refund request.
season will not be allowed to register for new programs until that      • Refunds or credits are not guaranteed for programs NWCSRA
balance is paid in full.                                                  cancels due to weather.
                                                                        • Refunds will be held as a program credit unless prior alternative
                                                                          requests have been made to the Northern Will County Special
                                                                          Recreation Association office.

                                                               (815) 407-1819                                                             23
Community Events

                                                          Join Us for Our

                                                          9/17: Enchanted Ball
                                                          9/25: Autumn Family Fun Fest
                                                          22 & 23: Haunted Hayrides
                                                          27: Grinchmas on the Green

                                                          Register online today at

                                                            JOIN THE FUN
                                                             THIS FALL!
                                                            REGISTRATION FOR OUR YOUTH,
                                                           ADULT, & SENIOR CLASSES STARTS
      Bolingbrook Recreation & Aquatic Complex                AUGUST 16 FOR RESIDENTS
                      200 Lindsey Lane                     & AUGUST 23 FOR NON-RESIDENTS
                   1:00-4:00 pm
         6:00 pm showing of Space Jam (1996)
                                                                   SCAN HERE WITH
               1-ON-1 3-POINT CONTEST                              YOUR PHONE TO
                 ULTIMATE SPORTS CHALLENGE                         LEARN MORE!
              L RN
               EA                        DANCE
                TE R  S P U L L-U  P C O M PETITION
         MON S
               NIN  JA  O B ST A CL E C O U RS E
            1-ON-1 F  IT N E SS  C O M P E TITION
      SPACE BUILD A ROCKET SHIP                   TEST
                        TOUR BRAC
                           AT PELIC
                  SW  I M
           (4:00-7:00                   EQUIRED)
              TAKE  A P ICT U RE WIT H PARKIE!
                           815.886.6222 | WWW.ROMEOVILLE.ORG/RECREATION
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