Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...

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Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...
Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!           

            ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!

            From: New Mexico Acequia Association (
            Date: Friday, December 21, 2018, 4:25 PM MST

              Acequia in the farolito evening -Digitally Altered Image by Donatella Davanzo

              Noticias de las Acequias                                                                  New Mexico Acequia
              €€                                                                                         December 21, 2018

              In This Issue...
              ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias This Holiday Season

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Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...
Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!           

              Congratulations to NMAA's Los Sembradores Farmer Trainee Graduates
              Apply Now! Los Sembradores Farmer Training Program 2019
              2019 Capital Outlay Request Forms Now Available                                                Upcoming Events
              Save The Date: 2019 Acequia Day at the Legislature                                                Acequia Day at the
              Farm Bill Qualifies Acequias & Land Grants for USDA Programs
                                                                                                                 February 5, 2018
              ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias This Holiday Season! €                                     NM State Capital

                                                                                                                  Become a
                                                                                                             Become a member of
                                                                                                               the New Mexico
                                                                                                             Acequia Association!

                                                                                                                  The NMAA is a
                                                                                                              charitable, educational
                                                                                                             non-profit organization
                                                                                                                   that relies on
                                                                                                                 contributions and
                                                                                                                foundations for its
                                                                                                                 general operating
                                                                                                               expenses. We rely on
                                                                                                                 folks who join as
                                                                                                              members to contribute
                                                                                                              membership dues and
                                                                                                               donations to support
                                                                                                              our work. It has never
              Sacando la acequia en el valle de sur -Photo taken by Donatella Davanzo                        been more important to
                                                                                                               have a united front to
              Dear Friends,                                                                                    protect our acequias
                                                                                                             and strengthen our food
              Thank you for being a member and supporter of the New Mexico Acequia Association! As                and agricultural
              2018 comes to a close and we take time to celebrate the holiday season, we also reflect on a           traditions.
              historic year for acequias. Although it was a challenging year of water shortages, acequia
              traditions endured and lessons learned will help us adapt for the future.                          Technical
              As we look to the coming year, we will hope for snow and continue our vital work of
              protecting the precious waters that nurture our communities and adapting to growing food in       HOW DO WE
              ever-challenging conditions. Our work is as important as ever!                                   PROTECT OUR
                                                                                                              WATER RIGHTS?
              During the past year, we were honored to serve acequias through education and advocacy.         HOW DO WE GET
              Our workshops and direct assistance to acequias reached over a thousand community                 FUNDING TO
              members.                                                                                         IMPROVE OUR
                                                                                                              ACEQUIA? WHAT
                     NMAA worked with over 300 acequias to strengthen their capacity to manage and           CAN OUR ACEQUIA
                     protect water in their respective communities.                                           DO TO PROTECT
                                                                                                             OUR EASEMENTS?
                     Over 125 acequias are in some phase of planning, design, or construction of an          WHAT PROGRAMS

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Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...
Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!                    

                    acequia project throughout New Mexico, a sign of a renewed commitment to keeping                  ARE AVAILABLE TO
                    our acequias flowing.                                                                             SUPPORT FARMERS
                                                                                                                      AND RANCHERS?
                    We completed our second year of farm apprenticeships with Los Sembradores Farmer
                    Training project and engaged youth through our Sembrando Semillas program.                          The NMAA offers
                                                                                                                      technical assistance on
              The impact of our work was stronger local governance of water, protection of acequia water               Acequia Governance
              rights, and cultivation of acequia leaders, including youth. During 2019, we hope to build on            and USDA programs
              this work to continue to be a force for change in New Mexico by defending water, training               for landowners. If any
              community leaders, and building a new generation of acequia farmers!                                       of these questions
                                                                                                                       apply to you or your
              Please join the NMAA or renew your membership on our website,                   acequia, please submit
              /product/nmaa-membership/ by calling our office at 505-995-9644. Thank you for all you                              a
              do to keep our acequias vibrant and beautiful!! Que Vivan las Acequias!                                 Request for Technical
              With gratitude,

              Paula Garcia
              Executive Director

              Congratulations to NMAA's Los Sembradores Farmer Trainee
              Graduates!€ €

              Los Sembradores Graduates (L to R:) Edward Gonzales, Farmer Trainer; Augustine Gonzales, Graduate;
              Essence Quintana, Graduate; Emily Arasim, Graduate; Donne Gonzales, Trainer, and Lorenzita Gonzales
              -Photo taken by Juliet Garcia-Gonzales, NMAA Staff

              After a full year of activities and intensive training the NM Acequia Association is proud to
              honor its recent graduates of the Los Sembradores Farmer Trainee Program. These youth
              dug out acequias, built cold storage, high tunnels, and planted traditional vegetables that

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Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...
Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!           

              were marketed for the farm to school program. But more importantly, they cultivated a deep
              love and conciseness for acequias and agriculture.

              Now more than ever it is critical to engage our young people in acequia agriculture and
              mentor the next generation farmers and advocates for our traditional ways of life. Our
              graduates are unafraid and unapologetic farmers that despite the drought still farmed, were
              willing to learn and were vocal in many conferences and gatherings of other young leaders.

              We are proud to celebrate Emily Arasim, Essence Quintana, and Augustine Gonzales for the
              graduating cohort of 2018! Special thanks to Donne Gonzales and Edward Gonzales for
              their countless hours and dedication to training our young farmers!

              Apply Now! Los Sembradores Farmer Training Program 2019

              2019 Capital Outlay Request Forms Now Available!

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Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...
Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!             

              Irrigating fields in SW Albuquerque -Photo taken by Donatella Davanzo

              Does your acequia need infrastructure repairs? New headgates, diversion, lining, or piping?
              Improved infrastructure can improve efficiency, increase participation in your acequia, and
              keeps water rights in agricultural use.

              As political subdivisions, acequias are eligible for Capital Outlay funding from the State
              Legislature. NMAA has worked with numerous acequias on Infrastructure Capital
              Improvement Plans, applications for multiple sources of funding, and with preliminary
              assessments and cost estimates. We highly encourage those acequias who have already done
              some planning and design work to apply for funding. NMAA can assist you in preparing
              your Capital Outlay Request Forms.

              If your acequia has not done any infrastructure planning or prepared other funding requests,
              you can still request funds but we recommend that you at least get some preliminary cost
              estimates. If you need this type of assistance, please contact us ASAP.

              The legislature is accepting the Capital Outlay Request Forms
              NOW. Please let NMAA know if you need assistance with your forms, which are required
              to be signed by your legislators. Each legislator is allocated a certain amount of capital
              funding for his or her district. If you haven't discussed your request with them, please do so

              The final deadline to submit forms is
              February 11, 2018 at 5pm but NMAA strongly urges acequias to submit their forms
              before the legislative session starts on January 14th and to visit your legislator at least
              once during the legislative session to remind them of the importance of your request.

              Please call NMAA if you need assistance in completing Capital Outlay Request Forms or if
              you have any questions! Call (505) 995-9644 or send an email to

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Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!

              Save The Date: 2019 Acequia Day at the Legislature

              Secured Provision for Farm Bill Makes Acequias and Land Grants
              Eligible for USDA Programs

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Noticias de las Acequias - Support NMAA and the Next Generation of Acequia ...
Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!              

               - U.S. Senators Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich announced that they secured a provision
              in the 2018 Farm Bill, which passed the Senate by a vote of 87-13, to make acequias and
              land grant-mercedes eligible for grants and technical assistance from conservation and
              environmental programs through the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Natural Resource
              Conservation Service (NRCS) to increase agricultural water efficiency and further
              conservation of soil, water, and other natural resources...

              The Farm Bill includes two provisions to benefit New Mexico's traditional

              - One provision makes land grants and acequias eligible for funding for the Environmental
              Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) program, allowing NRCS to provide technical assistance
              and infrastructure investments to land grants and acequias by contracting with them to
              support conservation work on lands owned by and lands adjacent to land grants and
              acequias. This provision will enable land grants and acequias to improve water conservation,
              water distribution, conservation of surface or groundwater, aquifer recovery and crop
              rotation. By becoming eligible entities for EQIP, acequias and land grants can work directly
              with NRCS to access this $2 billion a year program which provides financial investment to
              farmers and ranchers in every state.

              - The farm bill also makes acequias directly eligible entities for the Regional Conservation
              Partnership Program (RCPP). In 2014, the New Mexico delegation included a provision in
              the Farm Bill to allow acequias to access Natural Resources Conservation Services' (NRCS)
              grants through partnerships with other eligble entities, such as conservation districts. It has
              been one of the most successful partnerships in the country, giving New Mexico farmers
              access to programs that help them implement conservation practices on their farms to
              conserve water, protect soil and assure that farmers have the tools needed to remain
              productive in the future. This year's provision builds on this success, cutting red tape and
              making acequias directly eligible for RCPP programs. Regional Conservation Partnerships
              are collaborative, watershed-scale projects where eligible producers and landowners of

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Yahoo Mail - ¡Feliz Navidad! Please Support Acequias this Holiday Season!                

              agricultural land may enter into conservation program contracts or easement agreements
              under the framework of a partnership agreement to conserve water, soil and assure economic
              viability for the community. They help to leverage private investment with public money to
              increase the impact of private lands conservation.

              "The inclusion of acequias and land grants in the Farm Bill is an important historical
              milestone," said Paula Garcia, executive director of the New Mexico Acequia
              Association. "We are extremely grateful for the work of our congressional delegation to
              make our communities eligible for conservation programs. This will improve access to
              funding that will support a centuries-old way of life and a long legacy of stewardship of land
              and water in New Mexico."

              "Acequias have been the lifeblood of many New Mexico communities for centuries. Now,
              by being able to access EQIP and RCPP funds, acequias can better invest in the
              infrastructure needed to ensure their survival for centuries to come," said Ralph Vigil,
              chairman of the New Mexico Acequia Commission. "A big thank you to Senators Udall
              and Heinrich for helping to make it possible for acequias obtain the necessary tools to
              expand conservation practices, and for assisting New Mexico's farmers and ranchers to
              provide our state with much needed acequia grown food, all while improving the health and
              economies of our acequia communities."

              "The New Mexico Land Grant Council is very excited that land grant-mercedes and
              acequias have been included as eligible for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program
              (EQIP) under the Farm Bill," said Juan Sanchez, chairman of the New Mexico Land
              Grant Council. "This is a huge milestone for land grants-mercedes in New Mexico, who
              collectively manage over 200,000 acres of common lands throughout the state. Eligibility for
              EQIP funding has been a top legislative priority for the Council for over 4 years. The
              Council is thankful for the leadership of Senator Tom Udall in his advocacy efforts in the
              U.S. Senate and for all of the hard work of the entire New Mexico Congressional Delegation
              in supporting this important policy change in the Farm Bill."

                                New Mexico Acequia Association, 805 Early St. , Building B, Suite 203, Santa
                                                              Fe, NM 87505

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