Page created by Billy Stevenson
Integrated Mountain Management                                     (970) 945-7653
1001 Grand Avenue                                  bob.johnson@integratedmtn.com
Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601                samantha.engen@integratedmtn.com

                      Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM
                           Via Zoom Conferencing

    1. Call to Order
       The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
    2. 2021 Budget Review and Ratification
       Sam Engen presented financials, reporting that as of 02/28/2021 there was $12,368 in
       Operating and the following breakdown for reserves: F3: $46,484, F4: $85,435, and
       F4TH: $143,453. Year to date the association is around $2,000 income over expense.
       The 2021 Approved Budget was presented to the membership. The budget reflects an
       increase to assessments as follows: F3: $112.35/mo, F4: $65/mo, and F4TH: $105/mo.
       This increase is due to the addition of Fire Mitigation to operating expenses. Per the
       governing documents, unless at the meeting a majority of unit owners reject the
       budget, the budget is ratified. The Budget was ratified with lack of veto.
    3. Adjourn
       A motion was made, and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 6:27 p.m.
  Integrated Mountain Management                                          970-945-7653
  1001 Grand Ave                                          bob.johnson@integratedmtn.com
  Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601                     samantha.engen@integratedmtn.com

                          ANNUAL MEETING MINUTES
                          Wednesday, April 7, 2021 at 6:00 PM
                     (Immediately following the Budget Ratification Meeting)
                                    Via Zoom Conferencing

 I.    Call to Order
       The meeting was called to order at 6:28 p.m. Sam Engen and Bob Johnson were present from
 II.   Verification of a Quorum
       A quorum was not established. The members present decided to move forward with the meeting.
       Homeowners present were as follows:
       1. Jill/Dave Anson (proxy)                          14. Scot/Melissa Knutson
       2. William/Toni Bradford                            15. Kathleen Lawlor
       3. Jennifer/Nick Brocker                            16. Nate/Lauren McCormick
       4. Chris Brown/Tracy Stanfield                      17. Bruce/Darlene Milliken
       5. Patty Moralez-Buxman                             18. Ken Neubecker/Paula Fothergill
       6. Joseph/Samantha Casey                            19. Josh/Tisha Neuman
       7. Emil/Patricia Cima                               20. Mark Patrick/Alicia Robb
       8. Lisa Dabrowski/Rikky-Lee Hubbard                 21. Lee/Tobie Powell
       9. Ralph/Elizabeth Delaney (proxy)                  22. Evan/Kim Quint
       10. Michelle (Shelly)/Porter Dobbins                23. Salvatore Rocco
       11. Ladd/Brianne Epp (proxy)                        24. LoAnn Ross
       12. Grant/Jerilyn Gross (proxy)                     25. Jolene/Collin Szewczyk
       13. Jefferson/Tresi Houpt                           26. George/Hanne Thatcher (proxy)

III.   Approval of 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
       Shelly motion to approve the 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes. Tracy seconded, and all were in
IV.    Project Discussion
           a) Fire Mitigation – Fire Chief Gary Tillotson and Greg Bak will be present to speak with
               the community: Both the HOA and individual owners are encouraged to start planning
               ahead for this fire season. A good start is having a fire assessment of your property done
               and investing some funds to create a defensible space. Please contact the Glenwood
Springs Fire Department to schedule your assessment. The HOA will be mowing the
              common space by the playground and areas were fire mitigated work was complete in
              2019 in an effort to continue to create amore defensible space within the subdivision.

              Owners are also encouraged to sign up to receive notice about wildfires, open
              burning and other emergency notifications by email or text by registering at

              The fire department will be walking the community within the next 30 days to begin
              preparing an overall assessment. This will aid in applying for grant money and is an
              essential part of the application to become a FireWise community. Other
              recommendations were for owners to be prepared and plan to have a “Go Bag”
              ready between the months of April – November, see attached brochure. Additional
              information about fire mitigation can be found on the HOA Website.

          b) Mailbox Storage Shed: IMM to send a survey out to the membership with options and a
              cost breakdown to gather feedback for the Board.
 V.    Additional Business
          c) Annual Board Report: see attached.
          d) Annual garage sale date and discussion on other possible community events this year:
              The Annual Garage Sale has been scheduled for the weekend of August 28, 2021. Future
              notices will go out closer to this date.
          e) Other: It was asked if the speed bumps on Haystack could be painted this year. IMM
              informed the membership that his work is scheduled for May.
VI.    Board Election
          f) All 8 position are up for election annually. It is recommended that there is
              representation from each filing on the Board: Current Board members are Emil Cima,
              Tracy Stanfield, Darlene Milliken, Lauren McCormick, Ken Neubecker, and Jolene
              Szewczyk. There are currently (2) positions still needing to be filled. IMM will send an
              email to the membership calling for candidates for the Board to appoint at a future
VII.   Adjourn
       A motion was made, and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:29 p.m.
Dear Oak Meadows Ranch Homeowners
To say that this past year has been challenging would be an understatement. The board switched
from in-person to virtual meetings to socially distance and to help from spreading the COVID
virus. These worked out very well and there seemed to be more homeowners “attending” these
than the in-person ones. Some of the main items that we worked on this year are as follows:
Fire Mitigation
This is probably the most important on-going item. We are working on getting the Fire Wise
Community designation for Oak Meadow and are hoping to have all the requirements met by the
end of this year. We have received a great deal of help from the Glenwood fire department,
especially from Fire Chief Gary Tillotson and Greg Bak. They both attended our Annual Meeting
this year and discussed what steps can be taken to make our properties safer from fire. We
received grant money in the past to supplement HOA funds and help with the initial projects and
are hoping to get additional grant money in the future. Open space mowing and some tree
trimming will again be done this year. Individual homeowners can help in these efforts by keeping
any vegetation on their property trimmed and away from any structures.
Holy Cross VP for Glenwood District Operations Cody O’Neil attended the September meeting
and discussed how they inspect and update their equipment and what precautions they take to
mitigate the chance of fires. The discussion was primarily focused on the two fires that occurred
near and in Oak Meadows. These were caused by the fuses that are currently used in many of
their transformers. When they blow, they shoot sparks down to the ground and can result in a
fire (as we’ve seen). They are updating these but the cost difference is huge – a few dollars for
the old style ones vs over one thousand dollars for the newer/safer ones – and thus the process
is somewhat slow.
Holy Cross also recently trimmed the vegetation from under their power lines. This is done about
every five years.
Mailboxes for Packages
This past year saw numerous cases of packages being stolen, especially around the holidays. We
are looking at ways to prevent this in the future and will be sending out a survey soon to get your
Single Trash Collection Provider
We looked at using just one trash collection provider to try to mitigate the road damage caused
by numerous heavy trash trucks using our roads. We sent out a survey to get your opinions and
it appears that this is not something that is of great urgency at this time.
Dog Waste Stations
We looked at putting up dog waste station around the neighborhood. After some discussions, it
was decided that it would be very difficult to keep these stations supplied with bags and also to
dispose of the waste. Therefore, we ask all dog owners to pick up their dog’s waste and not dirty
other people’s property.
Old Midland Spur
The road settling was repaired and the curb was replaced. Hopefully this will prevent the flooding
that occurred in the past.
Yard Sale
The yard sale that was held last year seemed to work out quite well in spite of the on and off rain.
Numerous items were sold. We will be holding another one this year on Saturday, August 28.
More information will be sent out at a later date.
Community Involvement
We are constantly looking for ways to have the homeowner community be more connected. One
area that people seem to be interested in is group activities such as pot lucks, clean up days, etc.
We will try to schedule more of these once the COVID situation gets better. We will be sending
out quarterly updates in addition to the usual board meeting minutes. The recent survey that
was sent out on the trash collection issue got a fairly decent response so that we will be using
these in the future to obtain your inputs on other issues. A lot of information can be obtained on
the Integrated Mountain Management website and we encourage you to use it. There is contact
information for them and also for the HOA board members. We currently have two openings on
the HOA board. Joining the board is one of the best ways to be actively involved in the


Emil Cima
Oak Meadows Ranch HOA Board of Directors
Emergency Supply Kit - Ready for Wildfire                            https://www.readyforwildfire.org/prepare-for-wildfire/get-set/emergency...

         PREPARE FOR
         Put together your emergency supply kit long before a wildfire or other disaster occurs and keep it easily
         accessible so you can take it with you when you have to evacuate. Plan to be away from your home for an
         extended period of time. Each person should have a readily accessible emergency supply kit. Backpacks work
         great for storing these items (except food and water) and are quick to grab. toring food and water in a tub or
         chest on wheels will make it easier to transport. Keep it light enough to be able to lift it into your car. Ensure
         you plan with COVID-19 in mind.

         Emergency Supply Kit Checklist
              Face masks or coverings
              Three-day supply of non-perishable food and three
              gallons of water per person
              Map marked with at least two evacuation routes
              Prescriptions or special medications
              Change of clothing
              Extra eyeglasses or contact lenses
                                                                                     Always keep a sturdy pair of shoes and a
              An extra set of car keys, credit cards, cash or traveler’s checks
                                                                                     flashlight near your bed and handy in case of
              First aid kit                                                          a sudden evacuation at night.
              Battery-powered radio and extra batteries                              For more information on emergency supplies,

              Sanitation supplies                                                    visit www.ready.gov

              Copies of important documents (birth certificates, passports, etc.)
              Don’t forget pet food and water!
              Easily carried valuables
              Family photos and other irreplaceable items
              Personal computer information on hard drives and disks
              Chargers for cell phones, laptops, etc.
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