OCCUPATIONAL TRENDS - NH Employment Security

Page created by Amber Swanson
VITAL SIGNS 2020 | Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019

    Growing Occupations in the 2018 to
    2028 Projections
    Overall, employment in New Hampshire was                                                       Some newly classified occupations have strong
    projected to grow by 5.3 percent from 2018 to 2028,                                            potential for employment increases between 2018
    adding more than 37,250 jobs. By itself, that number                                           and 2028.1 Some of these emerging occupations
    may be impressive, but is not very useful for many                                             were classified as part of another occupational code
    users of projections reports and related products.                                             in prior SOC classifications, but are now broken out
                                                                                                   into a separate SOC code. This action recognizes
    Career counselors and students, job seekers and job
                                                                                                   the changing scope of occupational duties caused

    changers, education and training specialists, and
                                                                                                   by technology, business practices, or changes in
    policy specialists are more interested in the details of
                                                                                                   demand and consumer behavior.
    which occupations are growing and are expected to
    have the best career prospects in the next ten years.                                          Trends in Healthcare Occupations
    It is also useful to examine the “why” of growth and                                           Employment of nursing assistants is projected to
    what causes an increase in demand for particular                                               grow by nearly eight percent in New Hampshire
    occupations. Examples of factors causing occupational                                          between 2018 and 2028, matching the national
    growth include an aging population, which is a driver                                          trend, adding 650 jobs. More nursing assistants
    in the growth of healthcare and related occupations;                                           will be needed to care for an aging baby-boom
    change in the relative employment of an occupation,                                            population in long-term care facilities, hospitals,
    such as the employment of more physician assistants                                            and in the homes of care recipients, which is
    as a lower-cost alternative to physicians; and changes                                         driven by the shift to home and community-based
    in technology, such as cloud-based applications,                                               long-term care. Additionally, there will be a need
    which require new expertise.                                                                   to replace workers that leave the occupation by
    In looking ahead, it is also useful to look back at                                            retiring, returning to school, caring for family, or
    the labor force of ten years ago. Some occupations                                             changing careers. In fact, most of the openings will
    that had few workers in 2008 have experienced                                                  be for that reason due to the relatively low pay – an
    significant growth, increasing more than two or                                                average of $16.67 per hour in 2020 – and burnout
    threefold. “Trending occupations” are identified                                               found in this occupation.2 Entering this occupation
    as those with an increase of more than 100 percent                                             requires completion of a state-approved education
    from 2008 to 2018 and having better-than-average                                               program and licensure by the New Hampshire
    growth for 2018 to 2028.                                                                       Board of Nursing.

    Another type of occupation to consider is                                                      Classified in the same SOC code as registered nurses
    occupations that did not exist in the 2008                                                     prior to 2010, three occupations were broken out
    occupational classification system. The federal                                                into separate codes as of the 2010 SOC revision: nurse
    government maintains a Standard Occupational                                                   anesthetists, nurse practitioners, and nurse midwives. These
    Coding (SOC) system to classify workers for                                                    occupations are all Advanced Practice Registered
    statistical purposes and disseminating data. Detailed                                          Nurses (ARPN), who must attain a registered nurse
    occupations are grouped by job duties, skills,                                                 license, complete a Master’s degree, and meet advanced
    and education requirements. The 2018 version of                                                educational and clinical practice requirements.
    the SOC includes several new occupations, with                                                 Licensure from the New Hampshire Board of Nursing is
    significant revisions to information technology and                                            also required, including maintaining a New Hampshire
    healthcare occupations.                                                                        registered nurse license.
    1 New Hampshire long-term projections designate four categories of potential job outlook based on projected growth and openings, with “Very Favorable” assigned to occupations with the
      best prospects.
    2 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Nursing Assistants and Orderlies,” https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/nursing-assistants.htm#tab-6

                                                                                                                                                           New Hampshire Employment Security
24 | OCCUPATIONAL TRENDS                                                                                                                              Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau
Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019 | VITAL SIGNS 2020
                                          Projected Openings for Healthcare Occupations, 2018 to 2028












                                  65                                                                    70
                                                                                   45      35                        51                               36     39
                                                                           26                                                                                        23
                  Nursing Assistants           Registered Nurses           Nurse Practitioners    Substance abuse, behavioral   personal care aides   Home health aides
                                                                                                  disorder, and mental health
                                                                                  Exits     Transfers    Growth
       Source: New Hampshire Employment Security, Long-Term Occupational Projections

      Nurse practitioners work independently or as part                                           as strong, and although the occupation is expected
      of the healthcare team in hospitals, clinics,                                               to grow by 19 percent, only four job openings are
      and doctor’s offices and may provide primary                                                projected annually.
      and specialty healthcare.3 Nurse anesthetists
      assist anesthesiologists, other physicians or                                               Opioid abuse remains a problem in
      dentists, and may administer anesthesia and                                                 New Hampshire, creating demand for substance
      oversee patient recovery from anesthesia.4 Nurse                                            abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors
      midwives specialize in childbirth, diagnosing and                                           that is much higher than average, with growth of
      coordinating all aspects of the birthing process,                                           more than 27 percent from 2018 to 2018 projected.
      either independently or as part of a healthcare                                             Total employment in this occupation is projected
      team.5 Nurse practitioners are projected to grow by                                         to increase by more than 510 jobs through 2028.
      30 percent over ten years, much faster than the                                             Demand is expected to continue as states and
      statewide average, driven by their expanded role                                            communities provide treatment and counseling
      in primary healthcare. Overall, more than 100                                               as alternatives to jail time for drug offenders.
      annual openings are projected for 2018 to 2028                                              Treatment programs have been found to be cost-
      for nurse practitioners. Nurse anesthetists, projected                                      effective and can reduce repeat offenses.6 Workers
      to grow by 17 percent, are expected to have 16 job                                          in this occupation are employed in ambulatory health
      openings annually. Demand for nurse midwives is not                                         care services, such as clinics and community health
      3 O*Net Online Summary Report, https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29-1171.00
      4 O*Net Online Summary Report, https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29-1151.00
      5 O*Net Online Summary Report, https://www.onetonline.org/link/summary/29-1161.00

New Hampshire Employment Security
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VITAL SIGNS 2020 | Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019

    centers, nursing and residential care facilities, and social                                     services increases and the need for solutions to
    assistance industries.7 Workers in this occupation                                               cyberattacks grows, workers in this occupation
    must be licensed by the New Hampshire Board                                                      create innovative solutions to prevent hackers from
    of Licensing for Alcohol and Other Drug Use                                                      gaining access to computer systems, and to protect
    Professionals, and educational requirements                                                      resources related to computer networks. Demand
    vary from Associate’s degree to Master’s degree,                                                 for workers in this occupation is projected to
    depending on the employer and type of counseling.                                                increase by 34 percent over the ten-year projection
                                                                                                     period. Generally, a Bachelor’s degree is required,
    Trends in IT Occupations                                                                         along with related work experience. Other
    The SOC coding structure of information                                                          computer-related occupations with very favorable
    technology occupations is constantly changing to

                                                                                                     employment prospects include network architects,
    accommodate new duties and processes performed                                                   network support specialists, and web developers.
    by those employed in this field. One of the
    occupations expected to grow faster than any other                                               Upward Trending Occupations
    occupation between 2018 and 2028 is information                                                  Another occupational trend illustrated in the latest
    security analysts. As the demand for cloud-based                                                 employment projections are those occupations
                                                 Projected Openings for IT Occupations, 2018 to 2028
                                 PROJECTED OPENINGS FOR IT OCCUPATIONS, 2018 TO 2028







                    7           19                                                                           6
                                            4                                             13                                       4
                     Database Administrators                Network and Computer Systems                   Computer Network Architects      Computer User Support Specialists
                                                                                  Exits        Transfers   Growth
     Source: New Hampshire Employment Security, Long-Term Occupational Projections

    6 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Community and Social Service Occupations,” https://www.bls.gov/ooh/community-and-social-service/.
    7 Job Outlook and Locator by Industry and Occupation, https://www.nhes.nh.gov/elmi/products/documents/job-locator-oct2020.pdf.

                                                                                                                                                    New Hampshire Employment Security
26 | OCCUPATIONAL TRENDS                                                                                                                       Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau
Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019 | VITAL SIGNS 2020

      that had a relatively low level of employment in the                                       Factors Influencing Occupational
      2008 projections, but have had substantial growth                                          Change
      in the last ten years and are projected to have high                                       Occupational change occurs for many reasons—
      growth through 2028.                                                                       the need of an aging population for healthcare
      In 2008, there were approximately 3,500 personal                                           that is close to home and affordable is but one
      and home care aides. With the 2010 revision of the                                         reason. These are some of the other factors driving
      Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), this                                           occupational trends in the 2018 to 2028 projections:
      occupation was redefined as personal care aides.                                              Changes in business practices, emergence of
      These workers provide personal care and activities                                             new types of business, and changing consumer
      of daily living support to people impaired by                                                  tastes will have a positive impact on several

      illness or disabilities.                                                                       occupations through 2028. Market research
      Home health aides may provide similar daily living                                             analysts and marketing specialists (22.5 percent
      assistance, but also are qualified to monitor an                                               growth from 2018 to 2028) benefit from the
      individual’s health status under the direction of                                              increased use of large data sets and analytical
      licensed nursing staff, including taking blood                                                 processes to assist in business decision making.
      pressure, temperature, and respiration rates and                                               Increased participation in sports and physical
      may help clients with prescribed exercise and                                                  activities into middle age and beyond, along
      medications. Currently, no occupational license is                                             with demand for sports programs in schools,
      required in New Hampshire, but most workers are                                                has created need for more athletic trainers, with
      employed by a home care or hospice provider. This                                              employment projected to increase from 2018 to
      was a relatively small occupation with fewer than                                              2028.
      600 employed in 2018, but is projected to grow by
      more than 40 percent through 2028.                                                            Industries expected to grow in New Hampshire
                                                                                                     include chemical manufacturing (16.1 percent
      Personal care aides have similar duties but are                                                increase from 2018 to 2028) and scientific research
      generally limited in scope to providing non-medical                                            and development services (18.5 percent increase).
      services such as cleaning, cooking, or providing                                               These industries are the main employers of
      transportation for clients. More than 9,000 workers                                            biological technicians, chemical technicians, and
      were employed in this occupation in 2018. There                                                biochemists and biophysicists. While small in
      will be job openings for more than 1,700 workers                                               number, demand for these occupations is
      annually from 2018 to 2028, due to the need to                                                 expected to grow through 2028.
      replace workers in an occupation with high turnover
      due to low pay - an average of $13.71 per hour in 2020                                                                                        – Michael Argiropolis
      - and high emotional demands.8 Demand for personal
      care aides will be driven by an aging population and
      the desire for families to rely on home care as an
      alternative to a long-term care facility.

      8 Holly, Robert, “Home Health Aides Feel Like ‘Replaceable Parts,’ Lack Agency Emotional Support.” Home Health Care News. https://homehealthcarenews.com/2018/08/home-health-
        aides-feel-like-replaceable-parts-lack- agency-emotional-support/.

New Hampshire Employment Security
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VITAL SIGNS 2020 | Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019

                                                                                                                    Average Annual
     New Hampshire Occupational Employment Projections 2018 - 2028

                                                  2018 Base








                  Occupational Group

               Total, All Occupations             704,622        741,886      37,264         5.3%       0.5%     31,750        50,876           86,352
     11-0000   Management Occupations              46,359         50,052       3,693          8.0%      0.8%       1,253           2,799           4,421
               Business and Financial
     13-0000                                       30,830        33,254        2,424          7.9%      0.8%        889            2,144          3,275
               Operations Occupations
               Computer and Mathematical
     15-0000                                        22,313       25,590        3,277         14.7%      1.4%        388             1,351         2,067

               Architecture and Engineering
     17-0000                                        14,584        15,948       1,364          9.4%      0.9%        363               833          1,332
               Life, Physical, and Social
     19-0000                                           4,412       4,929         517         11.7%       1.1%           88            362           502
               Science Occupations
               Community and Social Services
     21-0000                                        10,453        12,019       1,566         15.0%      1.4%        402               805          1,364
     23-0000   Legal Occupations                      3,993        4,294         301          7.5%      0.7%            107               174           311
               Education, Training, and Library
     25-0000                                       43,828        45,243         1,415        3.2%       0.3%       1,878            2,186         4,206
               Arts, Design, Entertainment,
     27-0000                                           9,651      10,000         349         3.6%       0.4%        389                   705       1,129
               Sports, and Media Occupations
               Healthcare Practitioners and
     29-0000                                       40,589        45,642        5,053         12.4%      1.2%       1,103            1,278         2,886
               Technical Occupations
               Healthcare Support
     31-0000                                          17,514      19,743       2,229         12.7%      1.2%        939              1,179         2,341
     33-0000 Protective Service Occupations           11,972      12,362         390         3.3%       0.3%        455                   674      1,168
               Food Preparation and Serving
     35-0000                                          60,151     65,548        5,397          9.0%      0.9%      4,266           6,535           11,341
               Related Occupations
               Building and Grounds Cleaning
     37-0000                                        25,871         27,641       1,770         6.8%      0.7%       1,452           2,018          3,647
               and Maintenance Occupations
               Personal Care and Service
     39-0000                                       29,866        34,696        4,830         16.2%      1.5%      2,222           2,527           5,232
     41-0000   Sales and Related Occupations        82,601        82,736         135          0.2%      0.0%      4,650               7,114       11,778
               Office and Administrative
     43-0000                                         111,142     109,841       -1,301        -1.2%      -0.1%      5,461           7,626         12,957
               Support Occupations
               Farming, Fishing, and Forestry
     45-0000                                           1,850        1,851             1       0.1%      0.0%            73                227       300
               Construction and Extraction
     47-0000                                        25,621        27,892       2,271          8.9%      0.9%        868           2,064            3,159
               Installation, Maintenance, and
     49-0000                                       26,223         27,689       1,466          5.6%      0.5%        833             1,810         2,790
               Repair Occupations
     51-0000   Production Occupations              46,975         45,275       -1,700        -3.6%     -0.4%       1,838          3,508            5,176
               Transportation and Material
     53-0000                                        37,824        39,641        1,817         4.8%      0.5%       1,832          2,959           4,973
               Moving Occupations

                                                                                                                         New Hampshire Employment Security
28 | OCCUPATIONAL TRENDS                                                                                            Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau
Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019 | VITAL SIGNS 2020

       Top Employment Prospects, 2018 to 2028                                                             Average Annual                          Training
       (Very Favorable with most openings)                                                                  Openings                             Categories

                                              2018 Base


                                                                                                                                            Education |




        SOC            Occupational



                                                                                                                                                Experience |
        Code              Group
                                                                                                                                             On-the-Job Training

                     General and
       11-1021                                  13,272        14,326        1,054        7.9%      0.8%      289          909     1,303       Bachelor's | 5+ yrs | none
                     Operations Managers
                     Accountants and
       13-2011                                    5,892        6,368          476        8.1%      0.8%       173         398       619        Bachelor's | none | none
                     Software Developers,
       15-1132                                   6,663         8,366        1,703      25.6%       2.3%      104          425       699        Bachelor's | none | none

       29-1141       Registered Nurses          13,830        15,582         1,752      12.7%      1.2%      408          377       960       Associate's | none | none
       31-1014       Nursing Assistants           8,207        8,856         649         7.9%      0.8%      459          498      1,022     Postsecondary | none | none
                     First-Line Supervisors
       35-1012       of Food Preparation          4,028        4,383         355        8.8%       0.9%      183          459       678      High School | < 5 yrs | none
                     and Serving Workers
       35-2014       Cooks, Restaurant            6,703        8,064         1,361     20.3%       1.9%      392          653       1,181   none | < 5 yrs | Moderate OJT
                     Food Preparation
       35-2021                                    2,815        3,046          231       8.2%       0.8%      215          292       530        none | none | Short OJT
       35-3011       Bartenders                  4,300         4,601          301        7.0%      0.7%      208          575       813        none | none | Short OJT
                     Combined Food
                     Preparation and
       35-3021                                   15,013       17,067        2,054       13.7%      1.3%     1,279      1,577      3,061        none | none | Short OJT
                     Serving Workers,
                     Including Fast Food
                     Hosts and Hostesses,
       35-9031       Restaurant, Lounge,           1,815       1,985          170       9.4%       0.9%       212         223       452        none | none | Short OJT
                     and Coffee Shop
                     Janitors and Cleaners,
                     Except Maids and
       37-2011                                   10,129        10,791        662        6.5%       0.6%      640          738     1,444        none | none | Short OJT
                     Landscaping and
       37-3011       Groundskeeping                6,781       7,436         655        9.7%       0.9%       291         629       986        none | none | Short OJT
                     Amusement and
       39-3091                                    1,853        2,019          166       9.0%       0.9%      206          240       463        none | none | Short OJT
                     Recreation Attendants
       39-5012       Hairstylists, and            4,702        5,143          441       9.4%       0.9%      299           314      657      Postsecondary | none | none
       39-9021       Personal Care Aides           9,001      11,805        2,804       31.2%      2.8%      769           681     1,730    High School | none | Short OJT
                     Fitness Trainers and
       39-9031                                    2,227        2,573         346        15.5%      1.5%      143          256       434     High School | none | Short OJT
                     Aerobics Instructors
       39-9032       Recreation Workers          2,390         2,608          218        9.1%      0.9%      149          266       437     High School | none | Short OJT
                     Sales Representatives,                                                                                                 High School | none | Moderate
       41-3099                                   3,836         4,223          387       10.1%      1.0%       119          391      549
                     Services, All Other                                                                                                                 OJT
                                                                                                                                            High School | none | Moderate
       43-6013       Medical Secretaries          3,089        3,609         520       16.8%       1.6%       172         203       427
                                                                                                                                                 High School | none |
       47-2031       Carpenters                   4,732        5,039          307       6.5%       0.6%      153          353       537
       47-2061       Construction Laborers       4,000         4,399         399        10.0%      1.0%      140          327       507        none | none | Short OJT
                     Maintenance and
                                                                                                                                            High School | none | Moderate
       49-9071       Repair Workers,              4,832         5,191        359         7.4%      0.7%       176          310      522
       51-9198                                    2,487        2,831         344        13.8%      1.3%       141         250       425     High School | none | Short OJT
                     Heavy and Tractor-                                                                                                     Postsecondary | none | Short
       53-3032                                    7,333        7,790          457       6.2%       0.6%       311         548       905
                     Trailer Truck Drivers                                                                                                             OJT

New Hampshire Employment Security
Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau                                                                                               OCCUPATIONAL TRENDS | 29
VITAL SIGNS 2020 | Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019

     Occupations with the highest number of average annual openings,                                                                 Average Annual
     2018 to 2028, by entry-level education                                                                                            Openings

                                                                2018 Base







                           Occupational Group

     Entry-level education: no formal educational credential
                Combined Food Preparation and Serving
     35-3021                                                        15,013              17,067       2,054          13.7%       1,279              1,577         3,061
                Workers, Including Fast Food
     35-3031    Waiters and Waitresses                             12,923               13,628         705           5.5%            921           1,627         2,618
                Janitors and Cleaners, Except Maids and
     37-2011                                                         10,129             10,791         662           6.5%            640                738      1,444

                Housekeeping Cleaners
     41-2011    Cashiers                                          22,543                21,688        -855          -3.8%        1,974            2,198          4,086
     41-2031    Retail Salespersons                                 24,912             24,632         -280           -1.1%      1,424              2,195         3,591
     Entry-level education: High School Diploma or Equivalent
     39-9021    Personal Care Aides                                   9,001             11,805       2,804          31.2%            769                681       1,730
     43-4051    Customer Service Representatives                    11,299              11,044        -255          -2.3%            536                952      1,462
     43-5081    Stock Clerks and Order Fillers                      14,031              14,568         537           3.8%            724            1,180        1,958
                Secretaries and Administrative Assistants,
     43-6014                                                         12,130              11,138       -992          -8.2%            596                706      1,203
                Except Legal, Medical, and Executive
     43-9061    Office Clerks, General                               16,109             15,793         -316         -2.0%            892           1,018         1,878
     Entry-level education: Some College, No Degree
     15-1151    Computer User Support Specialists                    3,266               3,610         344          10.5%             63                219           316
     25-9041    Teacher Assistants                                   9,324               9,453          129          1.4%            498                491      1,002
                Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing
     43-3031                                                         8,636               8,437         -199         -2.3%            519                475           974
     43-4151    Order Clerks                                                536            528              -8       -1.5%            22                 39           60
                Computer, Automated Teller, and Office
     49-2011                                                                642            646              4        0.6%             18                50            68
                Machine Repairers
     Entry-level education: Postsecondary Non-Degree Award
     31-1014    Nursing Assistants                                   8,207               8,856         649           7.9%            459                498      1,022
     31-9092    Medical Assistants                                   2,577               3,128         551          21.4%             111               203           369
                Hairdressers, Hairstylists, and
     39-5012                                                          4,702              5,143         441           9.4%            299                314           657
                Automotive Service Technicians and
     49-3023                                                         4,092                4,178         86            2.1%           112                290           411
     53-3032    Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers               7,333              7,790         457           6.2%            311                548           905
     Entry-level education: Associate's Degree
     23-2011    Paralegals and Legal Assistants                             1,181        1,326         145          12.3%             42                 91           147
                Preschool Teachers, Except Special
     25-2011                                                          3,218              3,453         235           7.3%            132                203           359
     29-1141    Registered Nurses                                  13,830               15,582        1,752         12.7%            408                377           960
     29-2021    Dental Hygienists                                     1,380              1,520         140           10.1%            60                 37            111
     29-2056    Veterinary Technologists and Technicians                    865          1,048         183          21.2%             28                50             96

                                                                                                                                      New Hampshire Employment Security
30 | OCCUPATIONAL TRENDS                                                                                                         Economic & Labor Market Information Bureau
Economic & Social Indicators for New Hampshire, 2015-2019 | VITAL SIGNS 2020

       Occupations with the highest number of average annual openings,                                                                                 Average Annual
       2018 to 2028, by entry-level education (continued...)                                                                                             Openings

                                                                                    2018 Base







                                Occupational Group

       Entry-level education: Bachelor's Degree
       11-1021       General and Operations Managers                                    13,272            14,326        1,054          7.9%            289               909      1,303
       11-3031       Financial Managers                                                  3,698             4,331         633           17.1%            87               223           373
       13-2011       Accountants and Auditors                                            5,892             6,368         476            8.1%           173               398           619
       15-1132       Software Developers, Applications                                   6,663            8,366         1,703         25.6%            104               425           699

                     Elementary School Teachers, Except Special
       25-2021                                                                            5,577            5,608              31       0.6%            174               238           415
       Entry-level education: Master's Degree
                     Education Administrators, Elementary and
       11-9032                                                                            1,458            1,479              21       1.4%            38                 76           116
                     Secondary School
                     Educational, Guidance, School, and
       21-1012                                                                            1,829            1,966          137          7.5%             62               133           209
                     Vocational Counselors
       25-4021       Librarians                                                                 963        1,006          43           4.5%            53                45            102
       25-9031       Instructional Coordinators                                                 967        1,029          62           6.4%             42                51            99
       29-1171       Nurse Practitioners                                                    1,170          1,520         350          29.9%             26               45            106
       Entry-level education: Doctorate or Professional Degree
       23-1011       Lawyers                                                             2,304             2,459         155           6.7%             51               63            130
       25-1011       Business Teachers, Postsecondary                                           568          657          89          15.7%             22                28            59
       25-1071       Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary                                 742          896         154          20.8%            30                38            83
       29-1069       Physicians and Surgeons, All Other                                   1,446            1,578          132           9.1%            25                19            57
       29-1123       Physical Therapists                                                   1,437            1,727        290          20.2%             29                37           95
       Source: New Hampshire Employment Security, Long-Term Occupational Projections; Updated: 4/22/2021

                                  Prepared by: New Hampshire Employment Security, Economic and Labor Market Information Bureau
                                                                       www.nhes.nh.gov/elmi | (603) 228-4124

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