Page created by Dustin Torres
         Issue no. 3 | 14th June to 20th June, 2020

The Hindu

The Indian Express


Rajya Sabha TV

All India Radio

                                              AT A GLANCE
                                              & IN DEPTH.

                                              Polity and Social Issues


                                              International Relations


                                              Science and Tech


                   CURRENT AFFAIRS WEEKLY
News @ a glance
POLITY ............................................................... 3   6) International Atomic Energy Agency............. 21
1) Child Labour .................................................... 3     7) India and Nepal Border disputes ................... 23
2) Increase in Domestic Violence ........................ 5                SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY .............................. 24
3) Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana .................. 6                     1) Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) ........... 24
4) A.P. Assembly opposes NRC, NPR ................... 7                    2) Chikungunya .................................................. 25
5) Plea to transfer PM CARES funds to NDRF ..... 8                         3) Probiotics....................................................... 25
6) Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan ........................ 10                 4) COVID-19 Vaccine development ................... 25
7) Rule of Law Index .......................................... 10         5) Standard Q COVID-19 Ag ............................... 27
ENVIRONMENT ............................................... 12             6) NavRakshak PPE suit ..................................... 27
1) National Green tribunal ................................ 12             ART & CULTURE ................................................. 28
2) Malabar gliding frog...................................... 12           1) Talamaddale .................................................. 28
3) Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology...... 13                       2) Jagannath Temple, Puri ................................. 28
ECONOMY ........................................................ 14        3) Kodumanal, a megalithic site ........................ 29
1) Wholesale Price Index................................... 14             4) Keeladi excavation......................................... 30
2) BS norms ....................................................... 14     PIB ANAYSIS ..................................................... 32
3) Commercial coal mining ............................... 14               1) BARC .............................................................. 32
4) EAC-PM ......................................................... 15     2) WHO .............................................................. 32
5) Tightening of FDI rules .................................. 16           3) Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS ............................. 17                        (GPAI) ......................................................... 33
1) Initiatives towards Maritime Domain                                     4) Employees Provident Fund Organisation
      Awareness ................................................. 17            (EPFO) ........................................................ 33
2) Aid diplomacy ............................................... 17        5) Khelo India State Centres of Excellence ........ 34
3) Rising nuclear warheads ............................... 18              6) PM SVANidhi - a Special Micro-Credit Facility
4) Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank .......... 19                           for Street Vendors ..................................... 35
5) Pashupatinath Temple complex ................... 20

News in Depth
AIR NEWS......................................................... 36    7) For better conditions of work for migrant
1) United Nations Security Council ................... 36                    labourers .................................................... 45
2) Hydroxychloroquine ..................................... 36          8) Suspension of MPLADS not the right move .. 46
3) Financial Stability and Development Council 37                       9) A Prescription for equitable and effective
4) India - China Relations in the current context37                          care ............................................................ 48
THE HINDU EDITORIALS ................................ 40                INDIAN EXPRESS EXPLAINED ........................ 50
1) COVID-19 and public transport ..................... 40               1) How India tests for Covid-19 ......................... 50
2) GST compensation to states ......................... 41              2) Rapid antigen detection test ......................... 51
3) Remaining non-aligned is good advice ......... 42                    3) Pangolins - Protection upgradation .............. 52
4) Lessons from Lee and Gandhi ...................... 43                4) What is dexamethasone? .............................. 55
5) In pandemic crisis, bridging the gulf with                           5) Why does China trade ban a bad idea?......... 56
      West Asia................................................... 43   RSTV Big Picture ................................................ 58
6) Rural India and COVID-19 ............................. 44            1) Mental Health- Tackling stress and
                                                                             depression: ................................................ 58

News @ a glance
1) Child Labour                                         through traditional bondage or through
GS 2 -Social Empowerment , Issues related               organized crime.
    to Children                                     ▪   The commercial sexual exploitation of
What is Child Labour?                                   children is among the worst forms of child
▪ The term “child labour” is often defined as           labour and in India there are around 1.2
    work that deprives children of their                million children involved in prostitution.
    childhood, their potential and their            Constitutional     Provisions     for    Child
    dignity, and that is harmful to physical           Upliftment
    and mental development. It refers to work       ▪ Article 21 A: Right to Education:The
    that:                                              State shall provide free and compulsory
▪ is mentally, physically, socially or morally         education to all children of the age of 6 to
    dangerous and harmful to children;                 14 years in such manner as the State, by
    and/or                                             law, may determine.
▪ interferes with their schooling by:               ▪ Article 24: Prohibition of employment of
    depriving them of the opportunity to               children in factories, etc.
    attend school; obliging them to leave           ▪ No child below the age fourteen years
    school prematurely; or requiring them to           shall be employed in work in any factory
    attempt to combine school attendance               or mine or engaged in any other
    with excessively long and heavy work.              hazardous employment.
India and Child Labour                              ▪ Article 39: The State shall, in particular,
▪ According to a study by the ILO, the                 direct its policy towards securing
    majority of the world's child labour            ▪ (e) that the health and strength of
    (around 71 percent) is done in the                 workers, men and women, and the tender
    agriculture sector, including cotton               age of children are not abused and that
    plantations and rice fields.                       citizens are not forced by economic
▪ Around 17 percent are employed as                    necessity to enter avocations unsuited to
    service staff, mainly as domestic workers          their age or strength.
    or in restaurants, and another 12 percent
    of child labour is spread across jobs in the    About ILO core conventions related to Child
    industry sector, including dangerous               Labour
    activities in mines.                            ▪ International Labour Organisation is a
▪ Many child labourers in India are working            U.N. agency that was established in
    for starvation wages in textile factories,         1919.
    helping with the processing of carpets, or      ▪ ILO brings together governments,
    doing back breaking work in brick making           employers and workers representatives
    factories and quarries.                            of 187 member States, to set labour
▪ Other child labourers work selling                   standards, develop policies and devise
    cigarettes, called "Bidis", on the street for      programmes promoting decent work for
    the tobacco industry.                              all women and men.
▪ Children are also used for cheap labour in        ▪ The principal means of action in the ILO is
    industries such as steel extraction, gem           the setting up the International Labour
    polishing and carpet manufacturing.                Standards in the form of Conventions and
▪ A staggering number of girls are victims             Recommendations.
    of child trafficking in India, whether          o Conventions are international treaties and
                                                       are instruments, which create legally

binding obligations on the countries that
                                                    o   The use, procuring or offering of a child for
    ratify them.
                                                        illicit activities, in particular of the
o   Recommendations are non-binding and set
                                                        production and trafficking of drugs as
    out guidelines orienting national policies
                                                        defined in the relevant international treaties.
    and actions.
                                                    o   Work which by its nature or the
▪   There are eight Core Conventions of the
                                                        circumstances in which it is carried out is
    ILO (also called fundamental/human
                                                        likely to harm the health, safety or morals of
    rights conventions) The two Core
    Conventions directly related to child
    labour are that of ILO Convention 138
    and 182.
▪   India has ratified both the Core
                                                    Child Labour Laws in India
    Conventions of International Labour
                                                    ▪ The Mines Act of 1952, employment of
    Organization       Conventions       138
                                                        children below the age of 18 years is
    regarding admission of age to
                                                        illegal in mines.
    employment and Convention 182
                                                    ▪ National Policy on Child Labour
    regarding worst forms of Child Labour.
                                                        (1987), with a focus more on
Convention No.138: (Minimum Age)                        rehabilitation of children working in
▪ ILO Convention No. 138 concerning                     hazardous occupations and processes,
   Minimum Age for Entry to Employment &                rather than on prevention.
   Work .Each country ratifying this                ▪ Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of
   Convention undertakes to:                            Children) Act 2000 and amendment of
▪ Pursue a national policy designed to ensure           the JJ Act in 2006: includes the working
   the effective abolition of child labour;             child in the category of children in need of
▪ Specify a minimum age for Entry to                    care and protection, without any
   employment or work which will not be less            limitation of age or type of occupation.
   than the ages of completion of compulsory        ▪ The Right to Education Act, 2009 has
   schooling;                                           made it mandatory for the state to ensure
▪ To raise this progressively to a level                that all children aged 6 to 14 years are in
   consistent with the fullest physical and             school and receive free education. Along
   mental development of young people;                  with Article 21A of the Constitution of
▪ Guarantee that the minimum age of entry to            India recognizing education as a
   any type of employment or work, which is             fundamental right, this constitutes a
   likely to compromise health, safety of morals        timely opportunity to use education to
   of young person’s shall not be less than 18          combat child labour in India.
   years                                            ▪ Child        Labour      (Prohibition     and
▪ Convention No.182 on Worst Forms of                   Regulation) Act, 2016:
   Child Labour:                                    o Employment of children below the age of
▪ For the purpose of this Convention, the term          14 years in any commercial enterprise is
   child shall apply to all persons under the age       illegal.
   of 18.                                           o The Act also bars the employment of
▪ For the purpose of this Convention, the term          adolescents in occupations that deal with
   worst forms of child labour comprises:               hazardous working conditions such as
o All forms of slavery or practices similar to          chemical plants and mines.
   slavery, such as the sale and trafficking of     o The act says that children can only work
   children (debt bondage and serfdom and               after school hours or during holidays and
   forced or compulsory labour), including              that children are allowed to work in
   forced or compulsory recruitment of                  family owned secure sectors.
   children for use in armed conflict.              ▪ Platform for Effective Enforcement for
o The use, procuring or offering of a child for         No Child Labour (PENCIL) Portal is an
   prostitution, for the production of                  electronic platform that aims at involving
   pornography o r for pornographic                     Centre, State, District, Governments, civil
   performances.                                        society and the general public in

achieving the target of child labour free        1.5 times in domestic violence complaints
    society. It has been launched for the            since the nationwide lockdown.
    effective implementation of Child Labour      News in Detail:
    Act and National Child Labour Project         ▪ Between March 25 and May 31, the NCW
    (NCLP) Scheme.                                   received 1,477 complaints of domestic
Statistics of Child Labour across the World          violence. The total complaints during the
▪ Worldwide 218 million children between             68-day period were 1.5 times the 607 of
    5 and 17 years are in employment.                complaints received between March and
    Among them, 152 million are victims of           May last year.
    child labour; almost half of them, 73         ▪ Non-governmental organization Swayam,
    million, work in hazardous child labour.         working in the area of women’s rights, has
▪ In absolute terms, almost half of child            seen a more than two-fold increase in
    labour (72.1 million) is to be found in          domestic violence complaints, which have
    Africa; 62.1 million in the Asia and the         gone up from an average of 22 complaints
    Pacific; 10.7 million in the Americas; 1.2       each month before COVID-19 to an
    million in the Arab States and 5.5 million       average of 57 complaints per month on
    in Europe and Central Asia.                      their helplines or through email.
▪ Almost half of all 152 million children         About National Commission for Women:
    victims of child labour are aged 5-11         ▪ The National Commission for Women was
    years.42 million (28%) are 12-14 years           set up as statutory body in 1992 under
    old; and 37 million (24%) are 15-17 years        the National Commission for Women Act,
    old.                                             1990 to
▪ Hazardous child labour is most prevalent        ▪  review the Constitutional and Legal
    among the 15-17 years old.                       safeguards for women ;
▪ Among 152 million children in child             ▪  recommend remedial legislative measures
    labour, 88 million are boys and 64 million       ;
    are girls.                                    ▪  facilitate redressal of grievances and
▪ 58% of all children in child labour and         ▪  Advise the Government on all policy
    62% of all children in hazardous work are        matters affecting women.
    boys.                                         Composition of National Commission for
▪ Boys appear to face a greater risk of child        Women
    labour than girls, but this may also be a     ▪ The Commission shall consist of
    reflection of an under-reporting of girls’    o A Chairperson, to be nominated by the
    work, particularly in domestic child             Central Government.
    labour.                                       o five Members to be nominated by the
Why in News?                                         Central Government from amongst
▪ The COVID-19 pandemic is likely to push            persons of ability, integrity and standing
    millions of children around the world into       who have had experience in law or
    child labour, while those already                legislation, trade unionism, management
    employed may be forced to work longer            of an industry potential of women,
    hours and under worsening conditions,            women’s        voluntary       organizations
    according to a new brief from the                (including          women           activist),
    International Labour Organisation (ILO)          administration, economic development,
    and the UNICEF.                                  health, education or social welfare;
▪ This could result in the first-ever rise in        Provided that at least one Member each
    child labour in 20 years. Since 2000, child      shall be from amongst persons belonging
    labour decreased by 94 million but this          to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
    gain could soon be reversed warn the two         Tribes respectively;
    multilateral bodies.                          o A Member-Secretary to be nominated by
2) Increase in Domestic Violence                     the Central Government who shall be :-
Why in News?
▪ The National Commission for Women               ▪   an expert in the field of management,
   (NCW) registered an increase of at least           organizational structure or sociological
                                                      movement, or

▪  An officer who is a member of a civil
                                                  About Minor Forest Produce:
   service of the Union or of an all-India
                                                  ▪ 'Minor Forest Produce (MFP)' means all
   service or holds a civil post under the
                                                     non-timber forest produce of plant origin
   Union with appropriate experience.
                                                     and will include bamboo, canes, fodder,
Powers and Functions
                                                     leaves, gums, waxes, dyes, resins and
▪ The commission shall perform all or any            many forms of food including nuts, wild
   of the following functions, namely :-
                                                     fruits, Honey, Lac, Tusser etc. The Minor
▪ Investigate and examine all matters
                                                     Forest      Produces       provide       both
   relating to the safeguards provided for
                                                     subsistence and cash income for people
   women under the Constitution and other
                                                     who live in or near forests.
                                                  ▪ A number of people from Scheduled
▪ present to the Central Government,
                                                     Tribes     and     other      forest-dwelling
   annually and at such other times as the
                                                     communities depend on the collection and
   Commission may deem fit, reports upon
                                                     sale of such items for their livelihood.
   the working of those safeguard;
                                                  ▪ The Minor Forest Produce has significant
▪ make in such reports recommendations
                                                     economic and social value for the forest
   for the effective implementation of those
                                                     dwellers as an estimated 100 Million
   safeguards for the improving the
                                                     people derive their source of livelihood
   conditions of women by the Union or any
                                                     from the collection and marketing of
                                                     Minor Forest Produce (Report of the
▪ take up cases of violation of the
                                                     National Committee on Forest Rights Act,
   provisions of the Constitution and of
   other laws relating to women with the
   appropriate authorities;                       ▪   These tribal enterprises will be in the
▪ look into complaints and take suo moto              form of Van Dhan Self Help Groups (SHGs)
   notice of matters relating to deprivation          which will be a group of 15-20 members
   of women’s rights;                                 and such 15 SHG groups will further be
▪ participate and advice on the planning              federated into a larger group of Van Dhan
   process of socio-economic development              Vikas Kendras (VDVKS) of around 300
   of women;                                          members.
3) Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan                        ▪ TRIFED will support the VDVKs through
                                                      providing them with model business
   Yojana                                             plans, processing plans & tentative list of
About:                                                equipment for carrying out the value
▪ Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Yojana                      addition work of MFPs.
   (PMVDY) is a retail marketing led value        TRIFED
   addition plan for Minor Forest Produce         ▪ The Tribal Cooperative Marketing
   (MFP), meant for forest-based tribes to            Development       Federation    of    India
   optimize the tribal income locally. It seeks       (TRIFED) came into existence in 1987. It
   to improve tribal incomes through value            is a national-level apex organization
   addition of tribal products.                       functioning under the administrative
▪ Under the program, MFP-based tribal                 control of the Ministry of Tribal Affairs.
   groups / enterprises of around 300             ▪ TRIFED has its Head Office located in New
   members are formed for the collection,             Delhi and has a network of 13 Regional
   value addition, packaging & marketing of           Offices located at various places in the
   Minor Forest Produces.                             country.
▪ It is an initiative of the Ministry of Tribal   Objectives
   Affairs and TRIFED.                            ▪ The ultimate objective of TRIFED is socio-
                                                      economic development of tribal people in
                                                      the country by way of marketing
                                                      development of the tribal products such
                                                      as metal craft, tribal textiles, pottery,
                                                      tribal paintings and pottery on which the

Tribals depend heavily for a major                 to reside in that area for the next 6
   portion of their income.                           months or more.
▪ TRIFED acts as a facilitator and service        ▪ NPR cannot be seen as a citizenship
   provider for tribes to sell their product.         registration drive since it would include,
▪ The approach by TRIFED aims to                      for instance, any foreigner residing in a
   empower tribal people with knowledge,              given locality for over six months.
   tools and pool of information so that they     ▪ The data for the NPR were first collected
   can undertake their operations in a more           in 2010 along with the house listing phase
   systematic and scientific manner.                  of Census 2011. In 2015, this data was
▪ It also involves capacity building of the           further updated by conducting a door-to-
   tribal people through sensitization,               door survey.
   formation of SHGs and imparting training       How NPR differs from population census?
   to them for undertaking a particular           ▪ The decennial census is the largest single
   activity.                                          source of a variety of statistical
Main activities to TRIFED include:                    information on different characteristics of
▪ Retail Marketing Development                        all persons in the country. The process
▪ Minor       Forest    Produce       Marketing       began for the first time in 1872 when
   Development                                        India was still under colonial rule.
▪ Skill up-gradation & Capacity Building of       ▪ The Census is carried out under the
   ST Artisans and MFP Gatherers                      Census Act, 1948.
▪ R&D                Development/Intellectual     ▪ As opposed to this, the exercise of
   Proprietary Rights (IPR) Activity                  creating and maintaining a NPR began in
Why in News?                                          the year 2010 to create a registry of usual
▪ Van Dhan Yojna launched with an                     residents of the country. NPR is
   intention to improve the tribal income             conducted under the Citizenship Act
   through value addition of tribal products          1955 and the Citizenship Rules, 2003.
   have benefitted 1,205 tribal enterprises       ▪ The Census data does not aim to collect
   employing 3.6 lakh people through 18,000           information about individuals but to give
   self-help groups that have been set up             an overall picture of the status or
   under the Van Dhan scheme.                         condition of residents of India and the
4) A.P. Assembly opposes NRC,                         overall population trends.
                                                  ▪ The purpose of collecting and analyzing
   NPR                                                Census data is that it informs planning
GS Paper- 2 , Population and Associated
                                                      and policy, and helps in assessing the
                                                      impact of existing government policies.
What is the National Population Register?
                                                  ▪ While the Census Act makes it
▪ The National Population Register (NPR) is
                                                      compulsory for the government to keep
   a Register of usual residents of the
                                                      the data collected during census
                                                      confidential and anonymous, there is no
▪ It is a comprehensive identity database
                                                      such requirement of confidentiality for
   maintained by the Registrar General and
                                                      NPR data under the citizenship rules. The
   Census Commissioner of India under
                                                      NPR is a register that will be in the public
   the Ministry of Home Affairs.
                                                      domain with data of individuals.
▪ It is being prepared at the local
                                                  National Register of Citizens
   (Village/sub-Town), sub-District, District,
                                                  ▪ The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is
   State and National level under provisions
                                                      the register containing names of Indian
   of the Citizenship Act 1955 and the
   Citizenship Rules, 2003.
                                                  ▪ NRC was prepared first in 1951 after the
▪ It is mandatory for every usual
                                                      conduct of the Census of 1951.
   resident of India to register in the NPR.
                                                  ▪ It is being updated and that too only in
▪ A usual resident is defined for the
   purposes of NPR as a person who has
                                                  ▪ Now, it is not linked to census but one has
   resided in a local area for the past 6
                                                      to link oneself to a family member whose
   months or more or a person who intends
                                                      name had appeared either in the NRC of

1951, or to any of the state’s electoral             decide whether a person staying illegally
    rolls prepared till midnight of 24th                 in India is a foreigner or not.
    march 1971.                                       ▪ Earlier, the powers to constitute tribunals
▪ If the applicant’s name is not on any of               were vested only with the Centre.
    these lists, he can produce any of the 12         Why in News?
    other documents dated up to March 24,             ▪ Several ministers of the Andhra Pradesh
    1971.                                                state government opposed the NPR
Why 1971?                                                exercise claiming that data gathered for
The Assam Accord:                                        NPR exercise in 2010 and 2015 were
▪ Popular movements between 1979 and                     different as compared to present details.
    1985 against undocumented immigrants              ▪ They said that now information was also
    in Assam led to the Assam Accord.                    being sought about parents, including
▪ The Assam Accord (1985) was a                          their dates of birth, domicile status and
    Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) signed                mother tongue. This according to the state
    between       representatives       of     the       government was troublesome for the
    Government of India and the leaders of               minorities.
    the Assam Movement in New Delhi on 15             5) Plea to transfer PM CARES
    August 1985.
▪ The Accord agreed that all those
                                                         funds to NDRF
                                                      What is PM CARES Fund?
    foreigners who had entered Assam
                                                      ▪    ‘Prime Minister’s Citizen Assistance and
    between 1951 and 1961 were to be given
                                                          Relief in Emergency Situations Fund’ (PM
    full citizenship, including the right to vote.
                                                          CARES Fund)’ is a dedicated national
▪ Those who had done so after 1971 were
                                                          fund with the primary objective of
    to be deported; the entrants between
                                                          dealing with any kind of emergency or
    1961 and 1971 were to be denied voting
                                                          distress situation, like posed by the
    rights for ten years but would enjoy all
                                                          COVID-19 pandemic, and to provide relief
    other rights of citizenship.
                                                          to the affected.
▪ However, the provisions in the Assam
                                                      ▪ Prime Minister is the ex-officio
    accord were not implemented for a long
                                                          Chairman of the PM CARES Fund and
                                                          Minister of Defence, Minister of Home
▪ Finally the Supreme Court, which is
                                                          Affairs and Minister of Finance,
    supervising the entire process, has set a
                                                          Government of India are ex-officio
    hard deadline of July 31 for the final NRC.
                                                          Trustees of the Fund.
    Deadline was extended to August 31           st

                                                      Key objectives :
                                                      ▪ To undertake and support relief or
Current status:
                                                          assistance of any kind relating to a public
▪ The final draft of NRC was released in
                                                          health emergency or any other kind of
    August 2019 which excluded 19 lakh of
                                                          emergency, calamity or distress, either
    the 3.29 crore applicants in Assam.
                                                          man-made or natural, including the
▪ Each excluded person can file an appeal in
                                                          creation or upgradation of healthcare or
    Foreigners Tribunals.
                                                          pharmaceutical facilities, other necessary
▪ The appellant then has the option of
                                                          infrastructure, funding relevant research
    approaching the High Court and
                                                          or any other type of support.
    Supreme Court.
                                                      ▪ To render financial assistance, provide
Foreigners Tribunal:
                                                          grants of payments of money or take such
▪ The foreigners tribunals are quasi-judicial
                                                          other steps as may be deemed necessary
    bodies, unique to Assam, to determine if a
                                                          by the Board of Trustees to the affected
    person staying illegally is a “foreigner” or
                                                      Tax and other Exemptions:
▪ The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has
                                                      ▪ Donations to PM CARES Fund would
    amended the Foreigners (Tribunals)
                                                          qualify for 100% exemption under the
    Order, 1964, and has empowered
                                                          Income Tax Act, 1961.
    district magistrates in all States and
    Union Territories to set up tribunals to

▪   Donations to the Fund will also qualify to        hospitality by certain individuals or
    be counted as Corporate Social                    associations or companies.
    Responsibility (CSR) expenditure under         ▪ The Acts ensures that the recipients of
    the Companies Act, 2013                           foreign contributions adhere to the stated
                                                      purpose for which such contribution has
▪   The       term       "Corporate       Social
                                                      been obtained.
    Responsibility" in general can be
                                                   Why in News?
    referred to as a corporate initiative to
    assess and take responsibility for the
                                                   ▪ The Supreme Court sought a response
                                                      from the government to a plea that
    company's effects on the environment
                                                      contributions made to the PM CARES
    and impact on social welfare. Few
                                                      Fund to fight COVID-19 should be
    activities, which can be undertaken by a
                                                      transferred entirely to the National
    company under CSR include,
                                                      Disaster Response Fund (NDRF).
▪   Eradicating       hunger,      poverty     &
                                                   About National Disaster Response Fund:
    malnutrition,      promoting      preventive
                                                   ▪ National Disaster Response Fund is
    health care & sanitation & making
                                                      defined in Section 46 of the Disaster
    available safe drinking water;
                                                      Management Act, 2005 (DM Act) as a
▪   Promoting education, including special
                                                      fund managed by the Central Government
    education & employment enhancing
                                                      for meeting the expenses for emergency
    vocational skills especially among
                                                      response, relief and rehabilitation due to
    children, women, elderly & the differently
                                                      any threatening disaster situation or
    unable & livelihood enhancement
                                                   ▪ It is constituted to supplement the
▪   Employment enhancing vocational skills
                                                      funds of the State Disaster Response
▪   Protection of national heritage, art &
                                                      Funds (SDRF) of the states to facilitate
    culture including restoration of buildings
                                                      immediate relief in case of calamities of a
    & sites of historical importance & works
                                                      severe nature.
    of art; setting up public libraries;
                                                   ▪ Definition of a disaster:
▪   promotion & development of traditional
                                                   o The DM Act defines "disaster" to mean ‘a
    arts & handicrafts; etc..
                                                      catastrophe, mishap, calamity or grave
▪   India is the first country in the world to
                                                      occurrence in any area, arising from
    make CSR mandatory, following an
                                                      natural or man-made causes, or by
    amendment to the Company Act, 2013.
                                                      accident or negligence which results in
▪   Any company that has a net worth of at
                                                      substantial loss of life or human suffering
    least Rs 500 crore, a turnover of Rs 1,000
                                                      or damage to, and destruction of,
    crore or a net profit of Rs 5 crore is
                                                      property, or damage to, or degradation of,
    obliged to spend 2% of its average
                                                      environment, and is of such a nature or
    profits over the last three years on CSR.
                                                      magnitude as to be beyond the coping
▪   PM CARES Fund has also got exemption              capacity of the community of the affected
    under    the    Foreign      Contribution         area.
    Regulation Act (FCRA), 2010 and a              ▪ Financing of the fund
    separate account for receiving foreign         o The NDRF is funded through the National
    donations has been opened. This enables           Calamity Contingency Duty (NCCD)
    PM CARES Fund to accept donations and             imposed on specified goods and
    contributions from individuals and                additional budgetary support is provided
    organizations based in foreign countries.         as and when necessary.
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act                o The requirement for funds beyond what is
    (FCRA), 2010                                      available under the NDRF is met through
▪ Foreign       funding       of     voluntary        general budgetary resources.
    organizations in India is regulated under      ▪ Utilisation of funds
    FCRA act and is implemented by the             o NDRF amount can be spent only towards
    Ministry of Home Affairs.                         meeting the expenses for emergency
▪ It regulates the acceptance and utilization         response, relief and rehabilitation.
    of foreign contribution or foreign

o   For projects exclusively for the purpose of   ▪  This scheme will be made available for
    mitigation, i.e, measures aimed at               125 days and extension of the scheme will
    reducing the risk, impact or effect of a         be decided based on the need.
    disaster or threatening disaster situation    Why in News?
    a separate fund called National Disaster      ▪ Prime Minister Narendra Modi has
    Mitigation Fund has to be constituted.           launched Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan, a
▪   NDRF is located in the "Public Accounts"         massive rural public works scheme, in six
    of Government of India under "Reserve            states.
    Funds not bearing interest"                   7) Rule of Law Index
▪   Comptroller and Auditor General of India      About the Index
    (CAG) audit the accounts of NDRF.             ▪ The Rule of Law Index is designed and
                                                      compiled by the World Justice Project.
▪   Note: The Finance Ministry recently gave      ▪ The index is a quantitative assessment
    approval to allow individuals and                 tool which offers a detailed and
    institutions to contribute directly to the        comprehensive picture of the extent to
    National Disaster Relief Fund. This is a          which countries adhere to the rule of law
    significant development at a time when            in practice.
    many have expressed concerns about            Rule of Law Index 2020
    donations sent to the PM CARES Fund or        ▪ The Rule of Law Index 2020 presents a
    the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund,        portrait of the rule of law in 128 countries
    as both claim they are not public                 and jurisdictions by providing scores and
    authorities subject to questions under the        rankings based on eight factors:
    Right to Information Act.                     o Constraints on Government Powers,
6) Garib Kalyan Rojgar Abhiyan                        Absence of Corruption, Open Government,
About the scheme                                      Fundamental Rights, Order and Security,
▪ It aims to offer immediate employment               Regulatory Enforcement, Civil Justice, and
   to migrant workers who have returned               Criminal Justice.
   to their villages because of COVID-19          ▪ Scores range from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating
   lockdown.                                          the strongest adherence to the rule of law.
▪ Out of 1 crore estimated migrant workers        ▪ With a score of 0.90, Denmark is placed at
   who have returned to their villages, 67            the top of the list.
   lakh people are expected to get benefited.     ▪ With a score of 0.51, India secured 69th
▪ A total of 116 Districts with more than 25          position.
   thousand returnee migrant workers              ▪ The Index measures adherence to the rule
   across six States, namely Bihar, Uttar             of law by looking at policy outcomes, such
   Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,                as whether people have access to courts
   Jharkhand and Odisha have been chosen              or whether crime is effectively controlled.
   for the campaign.                              ▪ The Index examines practical, everyday
▪ These districts are estimated to cover              situations, such as whether people can
   about two third of such migrant workers.           access public services and whether a
▪ Public Works worth Rs 50,000 crore                  dispute among neighbours can be
   would be carried out in these districts to         resolved peacefully and cost-effectively by
   provide immediate relief to these                  an independent adjudicator.
   workers.                                       World Justice Project
▪ Workers will be employed in rural               ▪ The World Justice Project (WJP) is an
   housing, rural connectivity including the          independent, multidisciplinary not for
   Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana,                  profit organization working to advance
   national highways, railway works,                  the rule of law worldwide.
   community sanitation complex, gram             ▪ Formed in 2009, it is an initiative of
   panchayats,       anganwadis,       water          American Bar Association with the
   conservation, digging of wells, plantation         support of other partners.
   and horticulture.                              ▪ The World Justice Project defines the rule
                                                      of law as a durable system of laws,

institutions, norms, and community                and enforced are accessible, fair, and
    commitment that delivers:                         efficient.
o   Accountability - The government as well       o   Accessible and Impartial Dispute
    as private actors are accountable under           Resolution - Justice is delivered timely by
    the law.                                          competent, ethical, and independent
o   Just Laws - The laws are clear, publicized,       representatives and neutrals who are
    and stable; are applied evenly; and               accessible, have adequate resources, and
    protect fundamental rights, including the         reflect the makeup of the communities
    security of persons and contract,                 they serve.
    property, and human rights
o   Open Government - The processes by
    which the laws are enacted, administered,

1) National Green tribunal                      ▪   NGT has given direction to Kerala state
About                                               forest department to send a report on
                                                    steps taken for prevention of forest fires.
                                                ▪   In february 2020, a forest fire in kerala
                                                    took the lives of 6 forest guards. In this
                                                    enquiry, NGT has asked the government
                                                    of Kerala to file report .
                                                2) Malabar gliding frog

▪  The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is a
   statutory body that was established in
   2010 by the National Green Tribunal Act.
▪ The principal bench of the NGT is located
   in Delhi, with other benches sitting in
   Bhopal, Pune, Kolkata and Chennai.
▪ The Tribunal's dedicated jurisdiction in
   environmental matters shall provide
   speedy environmental justice and help
   reduce the burden of litigation in the
   higher courts.
▪ The Tribunal is mandated to make and
   endeavour for disposal of applications or
   appeals finally within 6 months of filing
   of the same.                                 ▪  It is a rare amphibian that can glide in the
▪ The Tribunal shall not be bound by the           air up to 10-12 ft in one leap.
   procedure laid down under the Code of        ▪ It is endemic (found only in that region)
   Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be guided      to Western Ghats.
   by principles of natural justice.            ▪ The fingers and toes are like sticks to
▪ The NGT deals with civil cases under the         attach to and walk through tree branches.
   seven laws related to the environment,          Males are smaller than females.
   these include                                ▪ They built foam nests above small pools
▪   The Water (Prevention and Control of           of water, into which the tadpoles drop
   Pollution) Act, 1974                            after hatching. As their body is so soft,
▪ The Water (Prevention and Control of             they can live only in moist forests with
   Pollution) Cess Act, 1977                       streams.
▪   The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980         ▪ Nature enthusiasts have also observed
▪ The Air (Prevention and Control of               interesting behaviour like cannibalism
   Pollution) Act, 1981                            (eating their own species) among
▪   The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986         tadpoles.
▪   The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991    ▪ The Malabar gliding frog population was
   and                                             declining due to deforestation, climate
▪   The Biological Diversity Act, 2002             change, developmental activities, toxic
▪ Two related acts - Wildlife (Protection)         chemicals and so on, he said.
   Act, 1972 and Scheduled Tribes and Other     Why in the news?
   Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition     ▪   Malabar gliding frog was spotted in the
   of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 have been           orchard of a house at Pullad, near
   kept out of NGT’s jurisdiction.                 Kozhencherry in Kerala.
Why in the news?

3) Indian Institute of Tropical                    ▪  The IPCC does not conduct its own
   Meteorology                                     ▪ The IPCC is divided into three Working
                                                      Groups and a Task Force.
▪ The Institute was founded as the Institute
                                                   ▪ Working Group I deals with The Physical
    of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) in 1962 at
                                                      Science Basis of Climate Change, Working
    Pune, as a distinct unit of the India
                                                      Group II with Climate Change Impacts,
    Meteorological Department (IMD).
                                                      Adaptation and Vulnerability and
▪ It is under the Ministry of Earth
                                                      Working Group III with Mitigation of
                                                      Climate Change.
▪ IITM is a premiere research Institute to
                                                   ▪ The main objective of the Task Force on
    generate scientific knowledge in the field
                                                      National Greenhouse Gas Inventories is to
    of meteorology and atmospheric sciences
                                                      develop and refine a methodology for the
    that has potential application in various
                                                      calculation and reporting of national
    fields such as agriculture, economics,
                                                      greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
    health, water resources, transportation,
                                                   Why in the news?
    communications, etc.
                                                   ▪ Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
▪ It functions as a national centre for basic
                                                      has developed a climate forecasting
    and applied research in monsoon
                                                      model to arrive at projections of the
                                                      impact of global warming on the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
                                                      subcontinent in the coming century.
    Change (IPCC)
                                                   ▪ These projections will be part of the next
                                                      report of the Intergovernmental Panel on
                                                      Climate Change, expected to be ready in
                                                   What are the projections?
                                                   ▪ The projections expect annual rainfall to
                                                      increase, along with more severe cyclones
▪   Created in 1988 by the World                      and — paradoxically — more droughts.
    Meteorological Organization (WMO)              ▪ From 1986-2015, the hottest day and
    and the United Nations Environment                coldest night have warmed 0.63°C and
    Programme (UNEP), the objective of the            0.4°C, respectively. By the end of the 21st
    IPCC is to provide governments at all             century these temperatures are projected
    levels with scientific information that they      to rise by approximately 4.7°C and 5.5°C,
    can use to develop climate policies.              respectively,      relative     to      the
▪   IPCC reports are also a key input into            corresponding temperatures in 1976-
    international climate change negotiations.        2005.
▪   The IPCC is an organization of                 ▪ The frequencies of future warm days and
    governments that are members of the               warm nights are projected to increase by
    United Nations or WMO.                            55% and 70%, respectively, relative to
▪   For the assessment reports, IPCC                  the reference period of 1976-2005.
    scientists volunteer their time to assess      ▪ Summer heat waves over India are
    the thousands of scientific papers                projected to be three to four times higher
    published each year to provide a                  by the end of the 21st century.
    comprehensive summary of what is               ▪ The projected rapid changes in India’s
    known about the drivers of climate                climate will place increasing stress on the
    change, its impacts and future risks, and         country’s natural ecosystems, agricultural
    how adaptation and mitigation can reduce          output, and freshwater resources
    those risks.

1) Wholesale Price Index                          ▪  NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) level will be
About WPI                                            brought down by a staggering 70% for
▪ Wholesale Price Index measures and                 Diesel engine and 25% for Petrol Engines.
   tracks the changes in the price of goods in    ▪ The BS6 brings along a plethora of
   the stages before the retail level. It            changes, most significant being the
   provides estimates of inflation at the            mandatory OBD (Onboard Diagnostics)
   wholesale transaction level for the               for all vehicles. OBD device informs the
   economy as a whole.                               vehicle owner or the repair technician
▪ It is released by the Office of Economic           how efficient the systems in the vehicle
   Adviser, Department for Promotion of              are.
   Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry          ▪ RDE (Real Driving Emission) will be
   of Commerce and Industry.                         introduced for the first time that will
▪ The base year is 2011-2012.                        measure the vehicle’s emission in real-
▪ The index basket consists of commodities           world conditions against simulated
   under 3 main categories in decreasing             conditions.
   order of weightage: Manufactured               ▪ Introduction of DPF (Diesel Particulate
   products, Primary Articles and Fuel               Filter) and SCR (Selective Catalytic
   and Power.                                        Reduction) for Diesel engines.
Why in News?                                      ▪ So a transition from BS4 to BS6 requires
▪ According to the latest WPI data, India's          modification both in the fuel and in the
   wholesale prices fell 3.21% in May, the           vehicle engine.
   most since November 2015, as the               Background
   country remained under the lockdown            ▪ In March 2020, the Supreme Court
   imposed to contain the spread of Covid-           extended the March 31, 2020 deadline for
   19.                                               the sale and registration of BS-IV vehicles
▪ It is the first instance of deflation since        because of the extraordinary situation
   June 2016.                                        arising out of the COVID-19 lockdown and
▪ Deflation is a persistent fall in the general      to provide relief to automobile dealers.
   price level of goods and services.             ▪ The apex court allowed sale of 10% of the
                                                     unsold stock of BS IV vehicles within 10
2) BS norms                                          days of the end of the lockdown, except in
What are Bharat Stage norms?
                                                     Delhi and the National Capital Region.
▪ The Bharat Stage norms are standards
                                                     Dealers in Delhi-NCR were denied the
   instituted by the government to regulate
                                                     relief owing to the high levels of the
   the emission of air pollutants from motor
                                                     pollution in the national capital.
                                                  Why in News?
▪ As the stage goes up, the control on
                                                  ▪ The Supreme Court barred the sale and
   emissions becomes stricter.
                                                     registration of BS IV vehicles citing
▪ In India, the BS-IV norm has been in force
                                                     misuse of its earlier order allowing sale of
   since April, 2017. In 2016, the Centre had
                                                     10% of the unsold stock.
   announced that India would skip the BS-V
                                                  ▪ The court also ordered the Centre to
   norms and adopt BS-VI by 2020.
                                                     collect details on how many of them were
▪ These norms are based on similar
                                                     sold and registered after the national
   norms in Europe called Euro 4 and Euro
                                                     lockdown was lifted.
How is BS6 different from BS4?                    3) Commercial coal mining
▪ A vital difference between BS6 and the          Background
   BS4 fuel is that the BS6 fuel contains 5       ▪ As a part of the announcements under the
   times fewer sulphur traces (10 parts per          Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, the
   million) compared to BS4 (50 ppm).                Central government recently announced
                                                     that it would allow commercial mining in
                                                     the coal sector.

▪    Refer Pulse #2 edition for details on              lukewarm response from the private
     Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan.                        sector.
What is commercial mining?                          Why in News?
▪ Commercial mining allows the private              ▪ Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled
     sector to mine coal commercially on a              the auction process of 41 coal blocks -
     revenue-sharing         model       without        spread across five states of Maharashtra,
     placing any end-use restrictions.                  Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha and
▪ A revenue sharing mechanism instead of                Madhya Pradesh - for commercial mining
     the earlier fixed price per tonne will             through video-conference.
     introduce competition, transparency and        Significance
     private sector participation in the market.    ▪ The auction for commercial mining was a
▪ The private firms have the option of                  major step towards making India self-
     either gasification of the coal or exporting       reliant in the energy sector.
     it. They can also use it in their own end-     ▪ The government has also decided to
     use plants or sell them in the markets.            spend Rs 50,000 crore on creating
▪ Further, with 100 per cent foreign                    infrastructure for coal extraction and
     direct investment allowed in the coal              transport. This would also create job
     sector, global companies can also                  opportunities for locals closer to their
     participate in the auctions.                       homes.
▪ The complete freedom to decide on sale,           ▪ Despite India having the world’s fourth
     pricing, and captive utilisation is expected       largest coal reserve and being the
     to attract many private sector firms to            second largest producer, the country
     participate in the auction process.                was the second largest coal importer.
▪ The government expects these steps will               The sector had been kept out of
     generate employment and reduce India’s             competition and devoid of transparency,
     import bill.                                       hampering investment and efficiency.
Was the private sector never allowed in             ▪ Fully opening up the sector would
     mining?                                            increase         competition,     capital,
▪ Private         sector    participation    was        participation and technology. It would
     permitted until the early 1970s. The               ensure new private players did not face
     Indira Gandhi government announced the             the problem of finance.
     nationalisation of the coal blocks in          4) EAC-PM
     two phases between 1971 and 1973.              What is it?
▪ The recently announced reforms will               ▪ Economic Advisory Council to the Prime
     effectively end state-owned Coal India            Minister     (EAC-PM)     is    a  non-
     Ltd (CIL)’s monopoly over mining and              constitutional, non-permanent and
     selling of coal.                                  independent body constituted to give
Is this the first attempt by govt to open up           advice on economic and related issues to
     the sector?                                       the Government of India, specifically to
▪ After the Supreme Court cancelled the                the Prime Minister.
     coal block allocations made to the private     ▪ The Terms of Reference of EAC-PM
     sector in 2014, the central government            include analyzing any issue, economic or
     had brought in the Coal Mines (Special            otherwise, referred to it by the Prime
     provisions) Act of 2015 to return these           Minister and advising him thereon,
     coal blocks to the private sector through         addressing issues of macroeconomic
     auctions.                                         importance and presenting views thereon
▪ But there had been end-use restrictions              to the Prime Minister.
     and the private sector was not allowed to      ▪ These could be either suo-motu or on
     trade into the market making it                   reference from the Prime Minister or
     unattractive for the private sector.              anyone else.
▪ Further in 2018, private sector firms were        ▪ The chairman is appointed from time to
     allowed to sell upto 25 per cent of the           time when the body is constituted.
     output in the market, but this also saw a      Why in News?

▪   EAC-PM member Ashima Goyal recently            putting restrictions on pension fund
    said that the government’s Rs 20.97 lakh       investments from any of India’s bordering
    crore rescue package as a part of the          countries.
    Atma nirbhar bharat abhiyan will            ▪ According to a recent draft notification, “A
    provide the necessary stimulus to kick-        government approval would be required
    start demand in the economy.                   for the investing entity or individual from
                                                   any of the bordering countries
5) Tightening of FDI rules                         including China. The relevant provisions
FDI Routes in India                                of FDI policy issued from time to time
▪ The entry of Foreign Direct Investment           would apply in all such cases.”
    (FDI) by non residents into India is        ▪ India shares land borders with Pakistan,
    regulated through two routes –automatic        Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan,
    route and government route.                    Bangladesh and Myanmar.
o Under the Automatic Route, the foreign        ▪ Any foreign investment from these
    investor does not require any approval         countries will be subject to approval
    from the Reserve Bank or Government of         from the government. The restriction
    India for the investment.                      would be applicable from the date of
o Under the approval route or government           notification by the Government of India.
    route, the foreign investor should obtain   ▪ At present, Foreign investment in pension
    prior approval of the Government of India      funds regulated by the Pension Fund
    agencies or bodies specified.                  Regulatory         and       Development
▪ India has opened up most of the sectors          Authority (PFRDA) is capped at 49%
    for FDI investments through automatic          under the automatic route.
    route, but has kept certain sectors like    About PFRDA
    defence, space and atomic energy            ▪ It is a statutory Authority under the
    restricted or prohibited.                      Ministry of Finance.
Why in News?                                    ▪ Its mandate is to act as a regulator for the
▪ Amid growing tensions between India and          pension sector.
    China, the finance ministry has proposed

1) Initiatives towards Maritime                  ▪   After     joining   the    Indian    Ocean
                                                     Commission as Observer, India is looking
   Domain Awareness                                  to post Navy Liaison Officers at the
About IOC
                                                     Regional Maritime Information Fusion
▪ The Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) is an
                                                     Centre (RMIFC) in Madagascar and also at
   intergovernmental body created in 1984
                                                     the European maritime surveillance
   that coordinates maritime governance in
                                                     initiative in the Strait of Hormuz
   the south-western Indian Ocean.
                                                     (EMASOH) for improved Maritime
▪ It consists of five Member States: The
                                                     Domain Awareness (MDA).
   Union of the Comoros, France Reunion
                                                 ▪ This will be in the overall realm of
   Island, Madagascar, Mauritius and the
                                                     improving linkages of the Navy’s
                                                     Information Fusion Centre for Indian
▪ The IOC is the only regional organisation
                                                     Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) with other IFCs
   in Africa to represent a group of islands.
                                                     and become the repository for all
▪ The IOC’s mission is to unite Member
                                                     maritime data in the IOR.
   States’ forces and pool their resources,
                                                 RMFIC & EMASOH
   raise awareness of the special challenges
                                                 ▪ The RMFIC functions under the aegis of
   that developing islands face and promote
                                                     the Indian Ocean Commission.
   Indianoceania as a region of unique
                                                 ▪ EMASOH is supported by eight countries
   human, cultural and natural diversity.
                                                     which include Germany, Belgium,
▪ Recently, India has been accepted as an
                                                     Denmark, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands,
   observer       of   the    Indian     Ocean
                                                     Portugal, and France.
                                                 ▪ The aim of EMASOH is to monitor
                                                     maritime activity and guarantee
                                                     freedom of navigation in the Persian
                                                     Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.
                                                 ▪ On February 5, the initiative was declared
                                                     operational by the French Ministry of
                                                     Armed Forces.
                                                 Related agreements
                                                 ▪ Of late, India has signed a series of white
                                                     shipping        agreements,       Logistics
                                                     Support       Agreements (LSA)         and
                                                     maritime cooperation agreements with
                                                     several countries.
                                                 ▪ For instance, at the virtual summit, India
                                                     and Australia announced a joint
                                                     declaration on a shared vision for
▪ The Information Fusion Centre – Indian
                                                     maritime cooperation in the Indo-Pacific
   Ocean Region (IFC-IOR) was inaugurated
                                                     in which they agreed to deepen navy-to-
   in 2018 within the premises of the Navy’s
                                                     navy cooperation and strengthen MDA in
   Information Management and Analysis
                                                     the Indo-Pacific region through enhanced
   Centre (IMAC) in Gurugram.
                                                     exchange of information.
▪ The IMAC is the single point centre
                                                 ▪ White shipping agreements refer to
   linking all the coastal radar chains to
                                                     exchange of relevant advance information
   generate a seamless real-time picture
                                                     on the identity and movement of
   of nearly 7,500-km coastline and of some
                                                     commercial non-military merchant vessels.
   neighbouring countries. It helps in
   tracking maritime movements in the
   region.                                       2) Aid diplomacy
Why in News?                                     Background

▪   As cases of coronavirus increase in               Japan, Mauritius, Myanmar, South Korea,
    countries across South Asia and some of           and the United States.
    the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) countries,      ▪ The Secretariat of the Association is
    both India and China are pressing ahead           located in Kathmandu, Nepal.
    with     medical     supplies,    including   Mission Sagar
    medicines and protective gear, as well as     ▪ `Mission Sagar’ is Government of India’s
    offers of medical teams to be stationed           initiative to assist island nations in Indian
    there.                                            Ocean amidst the ongoing COVID-19
▪ With nearly 6,00,000 cases now, the eight           pandemic.
    SAARC countries account for about 7.5%        ▪ The Mission is being coordinated by the
    of the world total of 7.9 million COVID-19        Ministry of External Affairs and
    cases, and about 3% of global coronavirus         Ministry of Defence.
    deaths.                                       ▪ The deployment is in consonance with the
▪ According to its Health Silk Road                   Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of
    initiative, China has sent 29 medical             Security and Growth for All in the
    expert teams to 27 countries.                     Region (SAGAR) promulgated in March
India’s outreach                                      2015.
▪ India has intensified its offers in the         ▪ SAGAR highlights             the   importance
    SAARC region (minus Pakistan) and the             accorded by India to relations with her
    IOR, deploying aid by Air India flights as        neighbouring countries and further
    well as by the Indian Naval Ship ‘Kesari’         strengthens the existing bond.
    and sending teams as well.                    3) Rising nuclear warheads
▪ India has thus far sent medical teams to        What’s in the news?
    the Maldives, Mauritius, Comoros, and         ▪ Swedish        think     tank     Stockholm
    Kuwait.                                           International Peace Research Institute
▪ The deployment to the Comoros and                   (SIPRI) has released its report on nuclear
    Mauritius, part of “Mission Sagar”, was           warheads recently.
    particularly considered historic as it        ▪ SIPRI is an independent international
    unveiled new Indian capabilities in parts         institute based in Sweden, dedicated to
    of the IOR that other countries had not           research into conflict, armaments, arms
    developed.                                        control and disarmament.
▪ For the past months, two 14-member              Highlights of the report
    Indian Navy medical teams have been           ▪ All nations that have nuclear weapons
    stationed in Mauritius and Comoros,               continue to modernise their nuclear
    where they toured local hospitals, trained        arsenals, while India and China increased
    personnel and assisted in COVID-19                their nuclear warheads in the last one
    management techniques.                            year.
Why in News?                                      ▪ China is in the middle of a significant
▪ Amidst its own tensions with India and              modernisation of its nuclear arsenal. It is
    the month-long standoff between India             developing a nuclear triad for the first
    and China at the Line of Actual Control,          time, made up of new land and sea-based
    Nepal Prime Minister K.P. Oli has decided         missiles and nuclear-capable aircraft.
    not to accept medical teams from either       ▪ A nuclear triad is a three-pronged military
    India or China.                                   force structure that consists of land-
About SAARC                                           launched nuclear missiles, nuclear-missile-
▪ The South Asian Association for Regional            armed submarines and strategic aircraft
    Cooperation (SAARC) was established in            with nuclear bombs and missiles.
    1985 with 7 founding members.                 ▪ India and Pakistan are slowly increasing
▪ SAARC now comprises eight Member                    the size and diversity of their nuclear
    States: Afghanistan (joined in 2007),             forces.
    Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives,          ▪ China’s nuclear arsenal had gone up from
    Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.                    290 warheads in 2019 to 320 in 2020,
▪ There are nine observer countries namely            while India’s went up from 130-140 in
    Australia, China, European Union, Iran,

2019 to 150 in 2020. Pakistan’s arsenal       ▪   New START replaced the 1991 START I
    was estimated to be between 150-160 in            treaty, which expired in 2009, and
    2019 and has reached 160 in 2020. Both            superseded the 2002 Strategic Offensive
    China and Pakistan continue to have               Reductions Treaty (SORT).
    larger nuclear arsenals than India.           ▪ New START caps the deployed strategic
▪ The nuclear arsenals of the nuclear-                nuclear warheads and bombs of the
    armed states other than the United States         United States at Russia at 1,550 each. The
    and Russia were considerably smaller but          Treaty includes limits on missiles,
    all these states were either developing or        bombers, and land-based launchers for
    deploying new weapon systems or had               nuclear weapons.
    announced their intention to do so.           ▪ The Treaty also allows for verification
▪ Together the nine nuclear-armed states              inspections and information-sharing.
    — the U.S., Russia, the United Kingdom,       ▪ The New Start Treaty is due to expire
    France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel and        next February.
    North Korea — possessed an estimated          Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty
    13,400 nuclear weapons at the start of        ▪ Signed in 1987, the Intermediate-Range
    2020, which marked a decrease from an             Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty required the
    estimated 13,865 nuclear weapons at the           United States and the Soviet Union to
    beginning of 2019.                                eliminate all of their nuclear and
▪ The decrease in the overall numbers was             conventional ground-launched ballistic
    largely due to the dismantlement of old           and cruise missiles with ranges of 500
    nuclear weapons by Russia and the U.S.,           to 5,500 kilometres.
    which together possess over 90% of the        ▪ As a result of the treaty, both countries
    global nuclear weapons.                           destroyed a total of 2,692 short-, medium-
Rising tensions                                       , and intermediate-range missiles.
▪ The U.S. and Russia have reduced their          ▪ Last year, the U.S. announced its formal
    nuclear arsenals under the 2010 New               withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range
    Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New              Nuclear Forces treaty accusing Russia of
    START) but it will lapse in February 2021         breaching the terms of the deal.
    unless both parties agree to prolong it.      4)        Asian     Infrastructure
▪ However, discussions to extend the New
    START or negotiate a new treaty made no
                                                       Investment Bank
                                                  About AIIB
    progress with the U.S.’s insistence that
                                                  ▪ The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
    China must join any future nuclear arms
                                                     (AIIB) is an international development
    reduction talks, which China has
                                                     bank that provides financing for
    categorically ruled out.
                                                     infrastructure projects in Asia.
▪ The deadlock over the New START and
                                                  ▪ Headquartered in Beijing, it began
    the collapse of the 1987 Soviet–U.S.
                                                     operations in 2016.
    Treaty      on    the    Elimination     of
                                                  ▪ It includes 102 members worldwide
    Intermediate-Range        and     Shorter-
                                                     (India is a founder member of AIIB).
    Range Missiles (INF Treaty) in 2019
                                                  ▪ AIIB consists of two classes of
    suggest that the era of bilateral nuclear
                                                     membership: regional and non-regional
    arms control agreements between Russia
                                                     members. Regional members hold 75%
    and the U.S. might be coming to an end.
                                                     of the total voting power in the Bank.
▪ Russia and the U.S. have already
                                                  ▪ China is the largest shareholder with
    announced extensive plans to replace and
                                                     26.64 per cent voting shares in the bank.
    modernise their nuclear warheads and
                                                     India is the second largest shareholder
    delivery systems.
                                                     with 7.6 per cent voting shares followed
Related information
                                                     by Russia 6.0 per cent.
                                                  ▪ India is the biggest borrower of AIIB.
▪ The New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
    was signed in 2010 by Russia and the
    United States and entered into force in

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