On route - Reigate College

Page created by Gary Pena
On route - Reigate College
on route
                                                                                                               Issue 29
                                                                                                               December 2020

                                                                                               This Issue

                                                                                               Page 3
                                                                                               A Level results roundup

  Times Like These
Welcome to the ‘Alumni Special’ edition           can to keep everyone safe during these       Page 9
of our termly newsletter On Route. With           uncertain times.                             Alumni apprenticeship success
less extra-curricular news to report on than
                                                  With our usual programme of Christmas
usual, we’ve decided to use this edition to
                                                  Performing Arts Shows and Music Concerts
share the brilliant achievements of some of
                                                  on hold, the run up to Christmas will
our former students (see pages 9 - 15).
                                                  certainly feel quite different this year,
I’d like to say a huge thank you to the           but the spirit of Christmas is very much
entire College community for the way              alive at Reigate College – as seen by the
everyone has come together to support             expressions of help, good cheer and
one another during the pandemic.                  understanding I witness around College
                                                  every single day.
It was a relief to us all to return to face-to-
face lessons in September, and talking to         I’d like to wish everyone a happy and
students and staff around the campus, it’s        healthy Christmas and New Year and look
                                                                                               Page 10
                                                                                               Alumni NHS heroes
rewarding to hear first-hand how much             forward to things returning to normal – be
they appreciate having ‘in person’ rather         it a ‘new normal’, as soon as possible in
than ‘virtual’ lessons.                           2021.
I would also like to pay tribute to the
adaptability and resilience of both the staff
and students. Hand sanitisation, mask
                                                  Nick Clark, Principal
wearing and one-way systems may now
be a part of everyday life, but combined
with other changes around the site and a
reworked timetable, we are doing all we

                                                                                               Page 12
                                                                                               Alumni sports star, Ethan Pinnock,
                                                                                               Brentford FC
On route - Reigate College
Getting yourself work-ready                                                                                                       A Level results roundup

    Sam Burnett, Work Experience-                also works with local employers and
    Coordinator and member of the Reigate        third party providers to secure a range of                                           From left to right: Natasha Smith (Reigate: 4 A*s), Amy Bartlett (Warwick: 3 A*s), Charlotte Borman (de Stafford: 2 A*s, 2 As) and Zac Carter
                                                                                                                                      (Oakwood: 3 As).
    College Careers team, talks to On Route      opportunities. These are all advertised in
    about the different ways students can        the weekly Careers Bulletin.                                                         The College’s overall results were strong        at A Level, was higher than most other           Oxbridge and other Russell Group
    prepare themselves for the world of work,                                                                                         again this year (see website and BTEC            school sixth forms. We’re proud to be a          universities.”
                                                 For example, over half term our students
    even during a pandemic!                                                                                                           story on page 5). 89 students stood out as       non-selective, inclusive sixth form College,
                                                 had the opportunity to participate in                                                                                                                                                  He added, “It was obviously a difficult year
                                                 virtual sessions in the following areas:                                             being particularly outstanding at A Level,       and as these results indicate, our students
    On Route: What advice would you                                                                                                                                                                                                     for our Upper Sixth and I know some of
                                                 Architecture (WS Planning & Architecture),                                           each receiving at least three A grades,          continue to achieve at the highest possible
    give to students trying to access work                                                                                                                                                                                              our students opted to defer their university
                                                 Accountancy (Grant Thornton), STEM                                                   with 17 of them receiving three or more          level.”
                                                 insight day (Thales), Investment               Why is our Alumni                     A*s.
                                                                                                                                                                                       “The vast majority of our students gained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        places until next year. Whatever they
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        decided, I hope this year’s cohort will keep
    Sam Burnett: I’d make sure you have          Management (Investment 20/20) and
    a good, up-to-date CV for applying for       Banking (HSBC).                                important?                            Reigate College Principal Nick Clark             places at their first choice universities,       in touch via the Reigate Alumni, so we can
                                                                                                                                      commented, “In line with previous years,         including places on the most competitive         follow their careers as they unfold.”
    face-to-face experience for next summer.
                                                                                               The College’s network of former        the number of Reigate College students           courses (such as Medicine and Law) and at
    A guide to creating a CV (and all sorts of   OR: How can I find out about local job
                                                                                               students provides a brilliant          who achieved at least three A grades             the most prestigious universities including
    other useful resources) can be found on      opportunities?
                                                                                               resource for current students,
    the Reigate College portal www.reigate.
                                                 SB: In ‘normal’ times students would be       as it’s a pool of knowledge and
                                                 invited to attend a variety of lunchtime      experiences that can be shared.           Aspire Programme success
    I’d also recommend you take a look at the    talks given by representatives from local
                                                                                               For example, we’ve arranged
    Careers Bulletin every week. It’s emailed    companies. As we aren’t currently able
                                                                                               three separate talks with medical
                                                                                                                                        The Aspire Programme is designed to            three A*s, said, “Being on the Aspire            Zac Carter, who was at Oakwood
    to all students and is also available via    to arrange these in person, we’ve been                                                 offer additional support to students           Programme meant I benefitted from some           School got three As and went
                                                                                               professionals, aimed at supporting
    the College website. We list any relevant,   organising virtual Zoom interviews that are                                            applying for the most competitive              really good advice and got my personal           to Southampton University to do
                                                                                               our prospective Medics, Vets and
    forthcoming virtual opportunities in that.   then recorded and shared with students                                                 courses and universities. Four students        statement done earlier. I’m looking              Mechanical Engineering. He said,
                                                                                               Dentists, a session with a frontline
                                                 via the Careers pages on e-stream.                                                     share their experiences.                       forward to studying French and Russian           “Doing the EPQ on the Aspire
    OR: Is there anything else students                                                        NHS paramedic and an interview
                                                                                                                                                                                       at Edinburgh University, which was my            Programme was good practice for
    could be doing?                              We’ve recently uploaded interviews            with an engineer from Laing              Natasha Smith, who was previously
                                                                                                                                                                                       first choice.”                                   uni essay writing. It was easy to make
                                                 with Waterman Associates (Engineering         O’Rourke.                                at Reigate School got four A*s and
    SB: They should familiarise themselves       Consultancy), relevant to anyone                                                       went to Bath to read Physics with              Charlotte Borman, who was                        friends thanks to the small class sizes. I
    with the Careers pages of e-stream, as                                                     We hope all former students will                                                                                                         got to know everyone really well in my
                                                 considering a STEM or Engineering related                                              Astrophysics. She commented, “Being            previously at de Stafford School went to
    that’s where they’ll find all the useful                                                   consider ‘giving something back’                                                                                                         group.”
                                                 career and Investment 20/20 who provide                                                part of the College’s Aspire Programme         Queen Mary’s University to study English
    recordings of talks and interviews with                                                    by joining the College’s Alumni.
                                                 access to 42 partner companies in the                                                  meant I researched my universities early       and European Law added, “The Extended
    employers and alumni.                                                                      See back cover for details about
                                                 investment management industry. Our                                                    and received useful, targeted advice. I        Project Qualification definitely helped
                                                                                               how to join.
                                                 recent session with the latter involved                                                enjoyed sharing the journey with like-         me prepare for university and the smaller
    OR: How can the College help with
                                                 hearing from apprentices and trainees                                                  minded people in my Aspire tutorials.”         class sizes at College meant I got extra
    workplace experiences?
                                                 at Schroders, Fidelity and Willis Towers                                                                                              help.” Charlotte did four A Levels, and
                                                                                                                                        Amy Bartlett, who was at Warwick
    SB: Many students are able to arrange        Watson.                                                                                                                               was awarded two A*s and two A grades.
                                                                                                                                        School before Reigate College got
2   their own experience, but the College                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              3
On route - Reigate College
Music videos hit the spot                                                                                                                          BTEC Level 3s help students
                                                                                                                                                           secure top university places
                                                                                                                                                               Georgia Pitts did BTEC Law and
                                                                                                                                                             A Levels in Geography and English
                                                                                                                                                           Literature and is now doing a Degree
                                                                                                                                                               in Law at the University of Law.

                                                                                                                                                      Students once again achieved
                                                                                                                                                      outstanding BTEC Level 3 results
                                                                                                                                                      this summer, with 88.43% of all
                                                                                                                                                      entries being graded Distinction or
                                                                                                                                                      Distinction*. Looking at the university
                                                                                                                                                      destinations of this year’s Reigate
                                                                                                                                                      College leavers presents a convincing
                                                                                                                                                      argument for incorporating one or
                                                                                                                                                      more BTECs into sixth form study
                                                                                                                                                      The table below gives some specific
                                                                                                                                                      examples of the degree courses and
                                                                                                                                                      universities some of this year’s leavers
                                                                                                                                                      went on to and the courses they took
                                                                                                                                                      while at the College.
                                                                                                                                                      For privacy reasons, the names of
                                                                                                                                                      students have been left out.

                                                                                                                                                      Student A Levels + Grade                                         BTEC + Grade                                             University and Course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       DS*= Distinction* D = Distinction
                             A cover of Stevie Wonder’s Sir Duke was released on October 12th, as part of the Black History Month celebrations
                                                                                                                                                      1        Sociology (A), Politics (B)                             Public Services (DS*)                                    Bath University, Criminology
    Following the huge success of the Music   Technician at the College, commented,               Wonder wrote this song as a tribute to              2        Maths (B), Chemistry (B)                                Applied Human Biology (DS*)                              University of Birmingham, Accounting & Finance
    Department’s Times Like                                  “We worked on Times Like             music, specifically to Duke Ellington, a jazz       3        History (B)                                             Performing Arts - Musical Theatre (DS*), Applied Human   University of Bristol, Theatre & Film
    These music video (a cover                               These as an extra-curricular         bandleader and composer, who’d had a                                                                                 Biology (DS*)
    of the Foo Fighter’s hit),      Reigate’s Foo            project during the first             big influence on him.”                              4        Classical Civilisation (B), English Language &          Travel & Tourism (DS*)                                   Cardiff University, Ancient History
    that’s had over 80,000                                   lockdown in May and June                                                                          Literature (A)
    views across YouTube,          Fighter’s cover and didn’t dream it was                        “It seemed fitting to celebrate Black
                                                                                                  History Month via another ‘virtual’ music           5        Psychology (B), Criminology (C)                         Applied Human Biology (DS*)                              Cardiff University, Radiotherapy & Oncology
    Facebook and Instagram,       has already had going to generate so much                       video collaboration, since it came at a time        6        Politics (C), Psychology (C)                            Applied Human Biology (DS*)                              University of Exeter, History and Politics
    another collaboration, a                                 interest.”
    cover of Stevie Wonder’s          over 80,000                                                 when so many people around the country
                                                                                                                                                      7        Art - Fine Art (A), English Language & Literature (B)   Performing Arts - Musical Theatre (DS*)                  University of Exeter, Art History & Visual Culture
                                                             “We came up with the                 were already in lock down again. Head of
    Sir Duke was released on              views              idea of doing a cover of             Music’s Kate Swan did a brilliant job on            8        Sociology (B)                                           Health & Social Care (DS*), Applied Human Biology (DS*) Nursing, King’s College University of London
    October 12th.
                                                             Stevie Wonder’s Sir Duke,            the organisational front, and we all had a          9                                                                Business (DS*, DS*), Law (DS*)                           University of Exeter, Law
    Professional musician                                  in response to the College-            great time putting it together.”                    10       History (A*), Sociology (A*)                            Performing Arts - Musical Theatre (D*)                   University of Leeds, History and Sociology
    Sean Boothe, who works as a Music         wide celebration of Black History Month.
                                                                                                                                                      11       Geography (A), Maths (B)                                Applied Human Biology (DS*)                              University of Leicester , Geography
      The adaptation of                                                                                                                               12                                                               Business (DS*), Law (D*), Sport (M)                      University of Liverpool, Law
     Dua Lipa’s hit Dont
                                                                                                                                                      13       English Literature (A), Psychology (B)                  Applied Human Biology (DS*)                              University of Liverpool, Psychology
           Start Now was
    released during the                                                                                                                               14       History (C), Law (B)                                    Business (DS*)                                           Queen Mary University of London, History
       first lockdown on
     16 April. It was the                                                                                                                             15       Product Design - 3D Design (A)                          Applied Science (DS*), Engineering (DS*)                 Loughborough University, Product Design & Technology
      first collaboration                                                                                                                             16       English Language & Literature (A*), Sociology (A*)      Law (DS*)                                                Loughborough University, English
     of current students
     and alumni. At the                                                                                                                               17       Geography (A), Law (A*)                                 Applied Human Biology (DS*)                              University of Manchester, Geography
        time of going to                                                                                                                              18       English Language & Literature (A), Psychology (A*)      Health & Social Care (DS*)                               University of Nottingham, Psychology
       print, a Christmas
     music video was in
                                                                                                                                                      So what are the benefits of taking one or more BTEC Levels 3s as                              ●● UCAS points: A DS* at BTEC Level 3 carries the same number
                                                                                                                                                      part of a Level 3 Programme?                                                                     of UCAS points as an A* at A Level. The majority of universities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       accept BTEC Level 3s as can be seen in the table above.
                                                                                                                                                      ●● Less pressure: BTEC courses are assessed via a combination of
                                                                                                                                                         coursework and exams, and so you can pass them as you go                                   ●● Practical and vocational: BTECs tend to be more vocational
                                                                                                                                                         along, without the pressure of sitting exams for every subject                                in nature and so are suited to students who like to apply their
                                                                                                                                                         at the end of the Upper Sixth.                                                                studies to the ‘real world.’ For example, the College offers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       BTECs in Applied Human Biology, Business, Digital Media
                                                                                                                                                      ●● Outstanding results: The College achieves outstanding results
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Production, Engineering, Law, Music (Performance), Health &
                                                                                                                                                         for BTEC Level 3s, and as long as students commit to keeping
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Social Care, Performing Arts, Public Services, Sport and Travel
                                                                                                                                                         up-to-date with coursework and completing it at a high level,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       & Tourism.
                                                                                                                                                         they have a really good chance of achieving a high grade
4                                                                                         To watch, see @Reigate College on          and          .      (Distinction (D) or Distinction*(DS*)).                                                                                                                                       5
On route - Reigate College
Sporting elite
    The College attracts a broad range of sports people from a variety of sports. Here’s an
    introduction to just a few of them. The pandemic may have put an end to competitive
    sports fixtures at the College, but all our sports people are poised to compete again, just
    as soon as they’re able to.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Jason Cole: Rugby. Old       Emily Taylor: Hockey. Reigate   Lenny Avison: Football. Nigel
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Reigatian RFC and Surrey     Priory HC and Surrey            James Academy and Surrey

                                                                                                                                                Alessio Anah: 100m, 200m, 110m Hurdles.
                                                                                                                                                Crawley AC and National

    Drew Burridge: 400m Hurdles. Blackheath &       Ellena Lobley: Taekwondo. International
    Bromley Harriers AC and National
                                                                                                                                                Aryan Patel: Cricket. Horley Cricket Club        Pippa Roessler: 3,000m. Aldershot, Farnham and District AC and International

    Jamie Rodd: Football. East Grinstead Town FC    Lily Cain-Jones: Javelin. Reigate Priory AC   Jake Venter: Motorbike Racing. Gold in ‘Sea
    and Surrey                                                                                    to Sky’ Enduro motorcycle event

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Jack Lugton: Windsurfing. Queen Mary Sailing Club

                                                                                                                                                Harrison Chart: Horseriding. National

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Ava Karanth: Outdoor and      Reece Ramnanansingh,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Indoor Bowls. Bletchingley    Golf. Reigate Hill Golf
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Bowling Club                  Club

       Charlie Hand: Motorsports. National                                                        Morgan Musgrove: Trampolining. Max            Cam Cridge: Golf. Addington Palace          Laila Hassan: Rugby. Old Reigatian RFC and
                                                                                                  Force, 3rd in English Championship            GC and Surrey                               Surrey
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                7
On route - Reigate College
Upper Sixth Fine Art students hone                                                                Alumni apprenticeship success
        their drawing skills
                                                                                                     The Government’s focus on apprenticeships has seen the creation          earning a wage while you train”, says Ellen Walkinshaw, Associate
                                                                                                     of thousands of schemes across the UK in more than 1,500 job             Director of Progression at Reigate College. For more information
                                                                                                     roles. On Route catches up with former students who’ve chosen            on apprenticeships check the College’s weekly Careers Bulletin
                                                                                                     apprenticeships and discovers the benefits of taking this route.         available on the College website. You may also want to take a
    With limited opportunities to meet and chat with friends during lock-                            “Apprenticeships are a great way of getting on the job ladder and        look at www.apprenticeships.gov.uk
    down, many of us have turned towards more creative ways of expressing
    Here are just a few examples of some of the inspirational work produced
    by Upper Sixth Fine Art students. What a talented bunch.

                                                                                     Adam Carmona

                                                                                                     Hannah Morey                          Jade Francis                       Antony Vundi                          Amber Holland
                                                                                                     Previous school: Ashcombe             Previous school: Riddlesdown       Previous school: Thomas More          Previous school: Priory C of E
                                                                                                     Reigate College: 2018-2020            Reigate College: 2017-2019         Reigate College: 2017-2019            Reigate College: 2016-2018
                                                                                                     Geography, Biology, Psychology        Art (Fine Art), Classical          Politics, Geography, History          Business, Maths, Economics
                                                                                                     Apprenticeship: Chartered             Civilisation, Psychology           Apprenticeship: Solicitor             Apprenticeship: Actuarial
                                                                                                     Manager Degree Apprentice,            Apprenticeship: Broadcasting       Apprentice, Charles Russell           Technician Apprentice, Willis
                                                                                                     Nestlé                                Technology Apprentice, Sky         Speechlys LLP                         Towers Watson
                                                                                                     “Choosing between university          Broadcasting                       “I’m currently on a Level 7           “I chose a Level 4 apprenticeship
                                                                                                     and an apprenticeship was             “I’m on a Level 3 apprenticeship   Degree Apprenticeship that            as I loved the idea of earning
                                                                                                     really hard. I’m very academic        based at Sky Studios and my        will last six years. I decided an     whilst learning on the job. My
                                                                                                     and love studying, but I was          two-year programme includes        apprenticeship was right for          role involves calculating and
                                                                                                     put off by the thought of more        the main areas of broadcast        me after completing a variety         valuing pension funds. I’ve
                                                                                                     exams and the burden of debt.         technology. I’m enjoying           of work experiences that the          always loved Maths and in my
    Naomi Webb                               Leah Taylor                             Hannah Fitch    I’m really enjoying having real                                          College helped me organise. The       apprenticeship I work with
                                                                                                                                           learning from experienced
                                                                                                     responsibilities and seeing           professionals and am getting       College’s focus on independent        numbers every day in lots of
                                                                                                     progress on projects I’ve been        exposure to many aspects of        learning helped me develop            different ways. In the future I
                                                                                                     involved with is really satisfying.   television and entertainment,      skills that have enabled a            hope to become a qualified
                                                                                                     I’m still unsure of my career         experiencing the behind the        smooth transition into my             Actuarial Analyst.”
                                                                                                     plans, but this apprenticeship is     scenes action, from live news,     apprenticeship.”
                                                                                                     a great start.”                       to sporting events such as the
                                                                                                                                           Premier League.”

    Jenni Stern                                            Holly Smith               Briony Webber

                                                                                                     Adam Kerwood                          Eve Wilcox                         Mia Hardiman                          Elliott West
                                                                                                     Previous school: The Beacon           Previous school: Warwick           Previous school: Warlingham           Previous school: Riddlesdown
                                                                                                     Reigate College: 2015-2017            Reigate College: 2018-2020         Reigate College: 2017-2019            Reigate College: 2014-2016
                                                                                                     Business, IT, Travel & Tourism        Business, Law, Sociology           Law, Psychology, Applied Science      Business, IT, Media Studies
                                                                                                     Apprenticeship: KPMG360º              Apprenticeship: Business           Apprenticeship: Paralegal             Apprenticeship: Construction
                                                                                                     “I chose an apprenticeship at         Management, BBC                    Apprentice, Cripps Pemberton          Management, Mace
                                                                                                     KPMG as I felt it provided a clear    “I chose an apprenticeship         Greenish                              Construction
                                                                                                     path into gaining a recognised        as I wanted to study for a         “As a Paralegal Level 3               “By taking the apprenticeship
                                                                                                     professional qualification. I’m       degree but gain valuable work      Apprentice, I move around             route I’ve been able to get
                                                                                                     now specialising in Corporate         experience at the same time.       departments every three months        more on the job experience and
                                                                                                     Tax which involves studying           I loved the idea of working        so I gain an insight into different   achieve all the qualifications I
                                                                                                     towards a Level 7 qualification       for this iconic institution and    areas of Law. My role involves        need to become a site manager,
                                                                                                     (ATT CTA) whilst gaining varied       was really impressed with their    supporting solicitors by doing        without getting myself into
                                                                                                     practical experience from             recruitment programme.”            research and administration           any university debt.”
    Lukas Mayo                                                           Emily Fry                   client liaison to high level tax
8                                                                                                    consultancy projects.
                                                                                                                                                                              tasks such as drafting legal
On route - Reigate College
Alumni NHS heroes
     With the world gripped by the                                                  Annabel Richardson
     pandemic there has never been a more
                                                                                    Previous School: de Stafford                                                                                                           Jessica Pinson
     important time to consider a career in
     the health sector. As we’ve witnessed                                          Reigate College: 2013-2015 Health & Social Care, Law                                                                                   Previous School: Oakwood
     over the last few months, working in                                           Higher Education: Nursing, Kingston University
     the NHS demands skill, compassion and                                                                                                                                                                                 Reigate College: 2010-2012 Psychology, Film Studies, English
     commitment.                                                                    Currently: Paediatric Nurse, Great Ormond Street                                                                                       Language & Literature
                                                                                    Hospital                                                                                                                               Higher Education: Psychology, Goldsmiths University of
     The NHS is the biggest employer
     in Europe and the world’s largest                                                   I’m currently specialising in Oncology and                                                                                        London, Occupational Therapy, London South Bank University
     employer of highly skilled                                                     Haematology in the International and Private sector. I                                                                                 Currently: Mental Health Occupational Therapist
     professionals. 1.3 million people across                                       love caring for patients and knowing that when I start
                                                                                    my shift, every day is different and I’ll learn something                                                                                    I’m very proud of the NHS and the service it provides and
     the health service in England devote
                                                                                    new. Each day brings a new challenge, a new highlight                                                                                  I love being part of it. Everyone who works in the NHS is so
     their working lives to caring for others.
                                                                                    and some lows, but above everything the reward is                                                                                      caring and hardworking. I love the variety of my role and the
     On route speaks to some of our Alumni                                                                                                      Clementine Snelling                             amazing colleagues I get to work with. I really wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.
                                                                                    being able to make a connection to a sick child and their
     NHS heroes.                                                                    families and to make a difference. If you can show care,    Previous School: Reigate
                                                                                                                                                                                                I enjoy working with my patients, meeting them at the beginning of their mental health
     To find out more about careers in the                                          compassion, commitment, courage, competency and             Reigate College: 2012-2014 Biology,             journey and working with them collaboratively on their goals and seeing such a difference
     NHS visit: www.healthcareers.nhs.uk                                            good communication skills then nursing may be for you.      Economics, English Literature                   in the end.
                                                                                                                                                Higher Education: Paediatric Nursing,
                                                                                                                                                King’s College London
       Emily Verdon                                  Ross Holcombe-Law                                                                                                                                                                          Ella Beagley
                                                                                                                                                Currently: Children’s Healthcare
       Previous School: Reigate                      Previous School: de Stafford                                                               Nurse, Surrey and Borders NHS                                                                   Previous School: Reigate
       Reigate College: 2013-2015 French,            Reigate College: 2004-                                                                     Partnership                                                                                     Reigate College: 2011-2013 Public
       Maths, Physics, Spanish                       2006 Chemistry, Biology,                                                                         I work in the community,                                                                  Services, PE, Sociology
       Higher Education: Therapeutic                 Psychology, PE                                                                             triaging children for services such as                                                          Higher Education: Paramedic Science,
       Radiography, London South Bank                Higher Education:                                                                          Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy                                                             St George’s Hospital University of London
       University                                    Pharmacology, Southampton                                                                  and the Developmental Paediatric
                                                                                                                                                Service. I enjoy working with both                                                              Currently: Paramedic, South East Coast
       Currently: Senior Radiotherapist at           University. Medicine (MBBS),                                                                                                                                                               Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust
                                                     Durham University and                                                                      the children themselves, but also
       University College London Hospitals
                                                     Newcastle Medical School                                                                   their families, schools and other                                                                  I chose the Ambulance Service
       NHS Trust
                                                                                                                                                health professionals, to ensure they                                                         as I have a keen interest in science
             I decided to study Radiotherapy         Currently: Training to be a                                                                receive effective, streamlined care                                                          and medicine. I love my job, it’s really
       as I wanted to work in a medical area         Consultant in Intensive Care                                                               for their long-term health needs.                                                            practical which suits me, and I enjoy the
       but not as a nurse or doctor. I studied       Medicine and Anaesthetics                                                                  Nursing children and families at their                                                       communication and the rapport with
       Physics and Maths at College and I get              I always look back on                                                                most vulnerable is both extremely                                                            patients. It’s demanding but I enjoy the
       to use these skills every day in what I       my time at Reigate College                                                                 humbling and immensely rewarding.                                                            challenge of problem solving and finding
       do.                                           fondly, as some of the                                                                     Feeling trusted by a family to care for                                                      solutions to help deliver the best care.
       It’s really rewarding as I get to see the     happiest years of my teens.                   vast with multiple specialities to choose    their sick child is emotionally intense,          Becoming a paramedic has definitely changed me; I’ve gained confidence and am
       same patients every day and follow            The immensely friendly atmosphere with        from to suit every personality. Whilst       but knowing that you’ve made a                    more independent, plus it’s opened my eyes to the world and made me appreciate
       them through their cancer treatment           lots of sociable areas and team sports        the hours can be long and the work           difference is very fulfilling.                    how important life is.
       pathway.                                      allowed me to make many friends from          physically and emotionally tough at
                                                     other schools and areas (some of whom         times, there is never a boring day. Being
                                                     are still my very best friends today).        a Doctor and helping people when they
                                                                                                   are at their weakest is a responsible                                                                                Emma Brockwell
                                                     Medicine is such a remarkable vocation
                                                                                                   but highly rewarding job. I could never
                                                                                                                                                James Milner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Previous School: Reigate
                                                     that will set you up for a lifetime of                                                     Previous School: Ashcombe
                                                                                                   imagine doing anything else!
                                                     fascinating work. The scope of practice is                                                                                                                         Reigate College: 2012-
                                                                                                                                                Reigate College: 2014-2016                                              2014 Biology, Geography,
                                                                                                                                                Psychology, Geography, Graphics,                                        History
                                                   Anastasia Cawkwell                                                                                                                                                   Higher Education:
                                                                                                                                                Higher Education: Occupational
                                                   Previous School: Reigate                                                                                                                                             Paramedic Science, St
                                                                                                                                                Therapy, Cardiff University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        George’s University
                                                   Reigate College: 2014-2016 Biology, Psychology,                                              Currently: Occupational Therapist (OT), Aneurin Bevan
                                                   Geography                                                                                                                                                            Currently: Paramedic,
                                                                                                                                                University Health Board, Wales
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        London Ambulance
                                                   Higher Education: Paramedic Practice, University of                                                I currently work in a team which supports adults with             Service
                                                   Surrey                                                                                       learning disabilities, helping them grow in independence and
                                                                                                                                                achieve their occupational goals, whether that be playing                     I love my job and
                                                   Currently: Paramedic, South-East Coast Ambulance                                                                                                                     wouldn’t trade it for
                                                   Service.                                                                                     football or washing themselves. It’s immensely rewarding, I
                                                                                                                                                love my job as I get to work with people which is something             anything else. It’s fast-
                                                          I absolutely love my job. It’s diverse, exciting and                                  I’ve always enjoyed. Being able to help people and know I’ve            paced and sometimes
                                                   challenging. Every day is different. You never know what                                     genuinely made a difference gives me real satisfaction. I love          really challenging, but it’s worth it for the help we can give
                                                   your shift will bring and where you’ll end up going. You                                     the creativity of being an OT, half the job is being able to think      people. I’ve made some fantastic friends and I’ve met the most
                                                   can make a difference to every patient you see, but that                                     outside the box when helping people overcome the barriers in            amazing people from all over the world. It’s a brilliant feeling
                                                   moment when you know you have truly saved someone’s                                          their lives.                                                            knowing that when you go to work, you are truly making a
10                                                 life is incomparable, it’s the best feeling in the world.                                                                                                            difference to other people’s lives.                                  11
On route - Reigate College
Ethan                                                                                          Alumni sports star
     signed for
     £3 million at
     Brentford FC
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ethan practising ahead of a Reigate   Now at home in the Championship
                                                                                                                                                                                            College match

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ethan was a key member of the College’s Men’s 1st Team in 2009-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2010. He showed exceptional skill as a player and his performances
                                                                                           What did you enjoy about College and           When did you start playing football and
                                                                                                                                                                                                 were instrumental in us winning two consecutive League
     Reigate Alumni Ethan Pinnock attended Shirley High School                             what were your favourite subjects?             what do you enjoy about the game?
     in Croydon before joining Reigate College in 2009 to study A                          I had a really positive experience of          I’ve always loved playing football. I was nine                                       Garry Holmes, Ethan’s Reigate College Football Coach

     Levels in PE, Psychology, Graphics and an AS in Maths.                                studying at Reigate College. I enjoyed the     years old when I started at Millwall FC’s
                                                                                           friendly atmosphere and appreciated all        Academy. I love the competitive nature of the
     Ethan has forged a career as a professional footballer, but firmly believes in the    the support I got from my teachers. My         game, the team spirit and the great feeling of    What advice would you give to
     importance of education and having a Plan B.                                          favourite subject was probably Graphics.       winning after a tough match.                      students considering a career in sport?
                                                                                           I loved developing my creative skills and it
     Career History                                                                        was a refreshing change from my academic
                                                                                                                                          What has been the highlight of your
                                                                                                                                          football career so far and what have you
                                                                                                                                                                                            Believe in yourself and be positive. Put
                                                                                                                                                                                            in the hard work but have a Plan B, so
     Ethan played youth football for Millwall and Dulwich Hamlet FC, before progressing    courses.                                                                                         that if you succumb to injury you’ll have
                                                                                                                                          found challenging?
     to the senior team at Dulwich Hamlet FC. During his seven years he made more          What did you do after College?                                                                   something to fall back on.
                                                                                                                                          Gaining promotion from League 1 to the
     than 200 appearances and received the Player of the Year Award in his final season
                                                                                           I went on to study Physical Education          Championship with Barnsley was definitely a       What are your goals for the future?
     at the club. In 2016 he made his England C team U23 international debut playing
                                                                                           and Sport at Greenwich University              high point and coming to play at Brentford        I really hope to get promoted to the
     in a match versus Estonia. He played for a season at Forest Green Rovers FC helping
                                                                                           and graduated in 2015 with a 2:1. I’d          has been great. It’s a young team and there’s     Premier League with Brentford. It was
     secure the club a promotion to the EFL, before moving to Championship team
                                                                                           intended to train as a PE teacher or go        a wonderful team spirit.                          disappointing to lose to Fulham in the
     Barnsley FC in 2017.
                                                                                           into Sports Coaching, but then I signed as                                                       Championship play-off final last season
                                                                                                                                          Now I’ve got a family of my own, life has
     In 2019 Ethan secured a £3 million move to Premier League hopefuls Brentford FC,      a Professional for Forest Green Rovers FC
                                                                                                                                          become challenging in a different way! It’s       after two extra-time goals, but I’m hoping
     where his strength at centre-back has earned him a regular place in the team. This    and my Football career took off.
                                                                                                                                          more difficult to be adaptable and move           we can improve our performance this year
     November he extended his contract to stay with the club for another five years.
                                                                                                                                          around the country playing for different clubs.   and break into the Premier League.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
On route - Reigate College
Alumni turnaround stories
                                                                                               Cecilia Domingos came to                   Adna Adam who was previously at Reigate School, did a ‘Mix
        On route talks to six former students who                                              College after being at Priory School       and Match’ combination of two BTEC Level 3s and an A Level.
        joined the College with low GCSE grades, but                                           in Dorking.
                                                                                                                                          Level 3 Subjects (and results):
        despite this, managed to turn things around                                            Level 3 Subjects (and results):            BTEC Business (Distinction*)
        and go on to follow their dreams.                                                      BTEC Double Business (Distinction*,        BTEC Travel & Tourism (Distinction*)
                                                                                               Distinction*)                              A Level Media Studies (C)
        Principal, Nick Clark explains, “As a College                                          BTEC Law (Distinction*)
                                                                                                                                          Adna achieved the combined UCAS points she needed to study
        we have a reputation for achieving excellent
                                                                                               Cecilia is currently studying Law at       International Business Management at the University of Surrey.
        results. What is often over-looked though                                              Roehampton University and is keen to
        is the low starting points of some of our                                              build a career in the Law sector.              I loved my time at Reigate College. What made the difference
        students and just how much progress they                                                                                          were the facilities and my subject teachers - who were all so
                                                                                                                                          supportive and determined for me to succeed. The support I got
        make during their time with us”.
                                                                                                                                          through the Careers Department helped me enormously with my
        “Some students, who don’t qualify for Level                                                                                       university applications.
        3 (A Level equivalent) courses are invited                                                                                        Tip for success: Focus, be organised and work hard from the
        to join the College’s Level 2 Intermediate                                                                                        start. Take time to have breaks from studying and look after your
        Programme, spending an extra year at College                                                                                      mental health too.
        before progressing to Level 3 courses. These six stories show what can be
        achieved with a combination of determination and the right support”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Zak Francis-Dyer went to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Riddlesdown School before joining
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Reigate’s Intermediate Programme. He
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  successfully re-sat GCSE English and Maths
                                 He excelled in his Level        lacked confidence. I think                                                                                                                                       in his first year and then progressed onto a
                                 2 courses, including            the combination of the                                                                                                                                           Level 3 Programme.
                                 successfully re-sitting GCSE    learning support, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Level 3 Subjects (and results):
                                 Maths, English and Biology.     mature environment and
                                                                                                     I’m very thankful and grateful to                                                                                            BTEC Sport (Distinction*)
                                 He then went on to gain         encouragement I got
                                                                                               Reigate College. It was a lifeline to                                                                                              BTEC Public Services (Distinction)
                                 outstanding results for his     from everyone helped
                                                                                               me and one of the best experiences,                                                                                                BTEC Travel & Tourism (Merit)
                                 BTEC Level 3 courses.           me discover a passion for
                                                                                               as I really matured and developed as
                                                                 Business. I also discovered                                                                                                                                           I didn’t do very well in my GCSEs
                                 Level 3 Subjects (and                                         a person. I’d set my heart on a career
                                                                 that learning could be                                                                                                                                           but coming to College gave me a fresh
                                 results):                                                     in Law but after my GCSE results I
                                                                 enjoyable.                                                                                                                                                       start and a chance to turn things around.
                                 BTEC Double Business                                          didn’t think it would be possible. At
                                 (Distinction*, Distinction*)    Louis is currently studying   Reigate it was empowering to be                                                                                                    Studying at Reigate was one of the best
                                 BTEC Applied Science            Business Management           made to realise that I was responsible                                                                                             decisions I made.
                                 (Distinction)                   and Finance at Brighton       for my own success. My teachers                                                                                                    Zak is currently in his second year at
                                                                 University and hopes to       and tutors were so supportive and                                                                                                  Portsmouth University studying for a degree
                                      Before I came to           pursue a career in the        encouraged me to believe I could do                                                                                                in Sports Management and Development.
     Louis Middleditch           Reigate College my future       Finance sector.               it.                                                                                                                                He intends to make a career in the Sports
     who was previously at St    seemed very uncertain. I
     Bede’s School enrolled      struggled with motivation       Tip for success: Don’t be     Tip for success: Work hard and keep
     on the College’s Level 2    at secondary school,            afraid to ask for help.       trying. All your efforts will pay off in                                                                                           Tip for Success: Ask lots of questions.
     Intermediate Programme.     I doubted myself and                                          the long run.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Harry Nash enrolled on Reigate’s Level 2 Intermediate
                                      Christian Bright joined Reigate College                                                                                                           Programme after being at Woodcote School. He made
                                                                                                                                               My extra year at College gave
                                      from the Royal Alexandra and Albert School.                                                                                                       a remarkable turnaround, gaining all Distinction*s for
                                                                                                                                          me a chance to get back on track
                                      He started at Reigate on the Level 2 Intermediate                                                                                                 his Level 3 courses and was also awarded the coveted
                                                                                                                                          and achieve the grades I needed
                                      Programme, gaining Distinctions for his Level 2                                                                                                   Principal’s Award for Law.
                                                                                                                                          for Level 3 study. The Intermediate
                                      BTECs and successfully re-taking GCSE Maths and                                                     Programme helped me rebuild my                Level 3 Subjects (and results):
                                      English Language. Christian then progressed to a                                                    confidence after my disappointing             BTEC Double Business (Distinction*, Distinction*)
                                      Level 3 (A Level equivalent) Programme, where his                                                   GCSE results. During my time at               BTEC Law (Distinction*)
                                      hard work secured him outstanding results.                                                          secondary school I didn’t ever
                                                                                                                                                                                        Harry is now studying Law at the University of Exeter and
                                      Level 3 Subjects (and results):                                                                     dream of going to university, but
                                                                                                                                                                                        is hoping to become a Solicitor.
                                      BTEC Sport (Distinction*)                                                                           College gave me the support I
                                      BTEC Double Business (Distinction*, Distinction*)                                                   needed to make the right choices                  Looking back I didn’t work hard enough at my
                                                                                                                                          for my future.                                GCSEs but I’m proud of how focused I became and
                                      Christian is now studying Sport and Exercise                                                                                                      what I achieved at College. The academic environment
                                      Science at the University of Surrey and hopes to                                                    Tip for success: Get organised, draft
                                                                                                                                                                                        and approach of the teachers encouraged me to work hard and achieve my potential.
                                      achieve his dream of becoming a Sports Physio.                                                      a timetable and structure your day
                                                                                                                                          to meet your deadlines.                       Tip for success: Decide what you want for your future and challenge yourself to be
14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               15
On route - Reigate College
Events for Applicants                           Diary Dates
     The College is continuing to run a series    From December 2020
     of Applicants’ Events designed to help
     Year 11 prospective students familiarise     What                                      When                         Where
     themselves with their subject choices and
     get to know some of their future course      Last day of term for students             Friday 11th December
     teachers.                                    (unless directed otherwise)
     Because of the pandemic, for the             Review Days                               Monday 14th, Tuesday         Virtual Meetings
     foreseeable future, these will be taking                                               15th and Wednesday           via SchoolCloud
     the form of live webinars or meetings                                                  16th December
     hosted via Zoom.
                                                  Structured Learning Day                   Thursday 17th December
     For more information about the
     programme of applicants’ events for the      Start of Spring Term                      Monday 4th January
     forthcoming academic year see www.
     reigate.ac.uk/applicant-events2021           Structured Learning Day                   Thursday 21st January

                                                  February Half Term Holiday                Monday 15th to Friday
                                                                                            19th February (back
                                                                                            Monday 22nd)

     Politics Event for
     This year’s programme of Events for
     Applicants was brilliantly kicked off, on
     Tuesday 24 November, with an insightful
     lecture by the College’s Head of Politics
     Nick de Souza, on the subject of ‘Is
     democracy about to die?’
     The talk was then followed by an
     excellent live Zoom debate between
     four of the College’s Upper Sixth A Level
     Politics students.                           Support staff join forces with the Music Department to bring some Christmas cheer to
                                                  their latest music video
     Everyone who took part was given the
     opportunity to vote on their stance at
     the end of the session. And the result?                                                  Help us grow the network, so that together
     51% of participants said they believed                                                   we can help inspire and support current
     democracy is about to die. Time will tell!                                               students.
                                                                                              Sign up via the Future First website: www.
     Nick de Souza hosts the hugely
     successful A Level Politics Show see
                                                                                               Join our group on                Search
                                                    Reigate College’s Alumni is a profes-     ‘Alumni Reigate College’
                                                    sional network of over 2,500 former       Or email Laura Troop, Alumni Officer,
                                                    students who are studying or working       via alumni@reigate.ac.uk
                                                    in a wide range of areas.

                                                                                                          Reigate Sixth Form College
                                                                                                                            Castlefield Road
                                                                                                                            Surrey RH2 0SD
                                                                                                                         Tel 01737 221118
                                                                                                                        Fax 01737 222657

16                                                Join us on Facebook       and Follow us on Instagram               www.reigate.ac.uk
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