Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020

Page created by Esther Logan
Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point
     Christian College

Secondary School

        Equipped for Life
Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point Christian College                                                   Secondary School Handbook 2020

    Welcome to Secondary School at Green Point Christian College! We hope that you will enjoy your
    Secondary years and if you are new, that you will quickly come to feel at home in the community
    of our College and know that this is your school.

    At Green Point Christian College we believe that God has given all people gifts in a variety of
    areas and we hope that in your time here He will continue to make your gifts clear to you. Every
    student is special and individual and we endeavour to encourage all students in the spiritual,
    academic, emotional and physical areas of their lives.

    There are many ways that you can become involved in your Secondary years at the College. We
    would love to see all students giving their efforts in various areas, whether that may be academic,
    literary, sporting, debating, leadership, service, music, art or caring for others. May we encourage
    you to apply yourself to the best of your ability in everything you undertake at the College. Hard
    work is required to achieve your potential. There are ministry areas in which you can become
    involved, such as giving time to help others, giving of your talents in Chapel Time, praying for one
    another and involvement in other activities that come up through the year.

    This handbook will help you with daily routines and expectations and there is important
    information contained here to make your life at school easier. If you have questions or problems
    at any time, please make sure that you talk to your Devotions teacher or your Year Advisor for
    help. The College also has full time counsellors who are available should you need to deal with
    some deeper issues.

    There are people who pray regularly for the College and our students. Be encouraged, those
    people are praying for you! We trust that you will really benefit from your time here as a member
    of our school community.

    May God richly bless you in your time here at Green Point Christian College and give you a peace
    as you undertake your education in the next few years.

    Mr Peter McLellan
    Head of Secondary

Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point Christian College                                                    Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                       General Information
                                        Green Point Christian College
                                          Year 2020 – Term Dates
                                         Tuesday 28 January              First Day Years 1-6 and
                                                                                   Years 7 and 11-12
        Term One - 11 Weeks              Wednesday 29 January            First Day Years 8-10
                                         Thursday 30 January             First Day Kindergarten
                                         Thursday 9 April                Last Day Term One

                                         Tuesday 28 April                First Day Term Two
        Term Two - 10 Weeks              Friday 3 July                   Last Day Term Two

                                         Monday 27 July
        Term Three - 9 Weeks             Friday 25 September
                                                                         First Day Term Three
                                                                         Last Day Term Three

                                         Tuesday 13 October              First Day Term Four
       Term Four - 9 Weeks               Wednesday 9 December            Last Day Term Four

                                College Office:		       4363 1266
                                Fax:			                 4363 1082
                                Absentee Line:		        4367 9950
                                Excursion Line:		       4367 9900
                                Email:			               office@gpcc.nsw.edu.au
                                Office Hours:		         8.30am to 4.00pm

                                Mailing Address: Locked Bag 1, Kincumber NSW 2251

Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point Christian College                                                           Secondary School Handbook 2020


Principal					                     Mr Phillip Nash
Deputy Principal		       			Mrs Jane McLarty
Head of Secondary School			        Mr Peter McLellan
Director of Teacher Development			 Mr Matthew Cohen
                                                                                                                Mr Phillip Nash

Year 7 Advisor: Mrs Kerrie Rochford		 Year 8 Advisor: Mr Chris Haines
Year 9 Advisor: Mr James Wright		     Year 10 Advisor: Mr Matthew Newell

Counsellors					                      Mr Jarel Kilgour
						Mrs Tiffany Boddey
						                                Mr Stephen Van Tongeren
					                                                                                                          Mrs Jane McLarty
		                 Faculties					                                          Co-ordinators
		 Curriculum Co-ordinator/Student Advisor		                               Mr David Russell
		English						                                                            Mrs Jillian McKay
		 Mathematics					                                                        Mr Troy Kastelan
		 Science						                                                           Mr Stuart Drennan
		 Counselling 					                                                       Mr Jarel Kilgour
		 Creative Arts					                                                      Mrs Angela Scott
		 Human Society and Its Environment			                                    Mr Michael Street
		 Languages					                                                          Mr Charles Wheeler
		 Library - Teacher/Librarian				                                         Mrs Nicole Van Wyk		  Mr Peter McLellan
		 PDHPE						                                                             Mr Andrew McGillivray
		 Studies of Religion/Biblical Studies			                                 Mr Greg Masters
		 Technical and Applied Studies 		                                        Mr Jeffrey Ogden

Mr Jarel Kilgour   Mr Stephen van Tongeren   Mrs Tiffany Boddey   Mrs Kerrie Rochford   Mr Chris Haines       Mr James Wright

                                                                                                          Mr Matthew Newell
Office Staff

Student Window: Mrs Amanda Roberts

								Reception Mon, Tues:
        Mrs Gretchen Taylor

Sick Bay: Mrs Blanche Moody

                                                                       Reception Wed, Thurs, Friday:
                                                                       Mrs Stephanie Johnston

Sick Bay: Mrs Carolyn Omayao

Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point Christian College                                                            Secondary School Handbook 2020

                          Lines of Communication in the School
                     Situation                                                        Action

 Student absence                                               Please phone the Office on 4367 9950,
                                                               leaving a message on the answer machine if prior to
                                                               9.30am. After 9.30am please ring the College Office.
                                                               A subsequent letter is required upon the student’s
                                                               return to school, to confirm the reason for the student’s

                                                               Unless a prior ongoing arrangement has been
 Student to leave school early                                 made (only for special medical appointments
                                                               etc) in the case of a Secondary student, a letter
                                                               should be brought to the Office when the student
                                                               is signed out.

 Student unable to undertake sport or some other               Letter carried with student and shown to
 physical activity                                             relevant staff. A note can also be entered in the
                                                               Student Diary.

 Student experiencing a need in a pastoral care/               Contact Devotions Teacher in the first instance
 discipline area

 Student experiencing problems not able to be resolved         Contact the relevant Year Advisor
 by Devotions teacher

 Student experiencing difficulties requiring counselling       Contact Year Advisor

 Pastoral care/discipline matters of a more serious            Contact Year Advisor. If not resolved, contact
 nature                                                        Head of School, Deputy Principal then Principal

 Student needs school work during extended sickness            Contact Year Advisor

 Matters relating to a specific subject class                  Contact Subject teacher

 Matters relating to a specific subject class not able to be Contact Subject Co-ordinator
 resolved by the Subject Teacher

 Concerns relating to levels of a subject to be studied        Contact Subject Co-ordinator or Curriculum
                                                               Co-ordinator/Student Advisor

 Matters relating to subject choice and BOSTES                 Contact the Curriculum Co-ordinator/Student Advisor

             GENERAL NOTE: Should parents need to see a teacher, an appointment needs to be made
                through the Receptionist at the College Office. The phone number is 4363 1266.

Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point Christian College                                                          Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                           Daily Period Times
The College operates with a 2 week timetable cycle – Red Week and Blue Week. The first school week of the new
year is always a RED week. The College Diary indicates the appropriate Week.
**Please note that Wednesday has different times as noted:

                                                    BELL TIMES

 MON, TUES, THURS, FRI                 BELL TIMES                 WEDNESDAY                       BELL TIMES

 PERIOD 1                        8.45am - 10.00am           PERIOD 1                           8.45am - 10.00am

 DEVOTIONS                       10.00am - 10.20am          (No Devotions)

            RECESS               10.20am - 10.45am                     RECESS                  10.00am - 10.25am

 PERIOD 2                        10.45am - 12.00pm          PERIOD 2                           10.25am - 11.40am

 TRANSITION                      12.00pm - 12.05pm          PERIOD 3                           11.40am - 12.30pm

 PERIOD 3                        12.05pm - 1.20pm           TRANSITION                         12.30pm - 12.35pm

                                                            7-12 CHAPEL                        12.35pm - 1.20pm

            LUNCH                    1.20pm - 2.00pm                   LUNCH                    1.20pm - 2.00pm

 PERIOD 4                            2.00pm - 3.15pm        PERIOD 4                            2.00pm - 3.15pm


                  Ha’apai Hurricanes                                              Eua Eagles
                       Yellow                                                       Green

                    Taloa Warriors                                              Va’vau Breakers
                         Red                                                         Blue

Equipped for Life - Green Point Christian College - Secondary School Handbook 2020
Green Point Christian College                                                                 Secondary School Handbook 2020

                           Curriculum and General Information
Our College follows the guidelines set out through the             window for scanning. Students arriving late to school for
NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) in all matters            any reason must have a note from a parent. If students
of curriculum.                                                     need to leave early, they must have a note signed by a
                                                                   parent/guardian and present that note at the student
Within the common guidelines set out by NESA, there                window and sign out before they leave.
is freedom for each school to design, in part, its own
curriculum. All subjects are taught from a Christian
perspective by Christian teachers.
                                                                   Student Window
                                                                   Any student needing to come to the office for a message
                                                                   or sickness needs to come to the Student Window which
Overview of Curriculum                                             is situated at the back of the Administration Building.
Year 7                                                             If a student is unwell and wishes to go home, it is
Devotions, Biblical Studies, English, History, Geography,          important that they come to the office where a parent
Maths, Science, Japanese, Visual Art, Music, PDHPE,                can be contacted for them. They may not make their own
Computer Technology, Food Technology and Learning                  arrangements. This is important for their own safety and
for Life.                                                          also so that we are aware at all times of who is on site for
Year 8                                                             evacuation purposes or other emergencies.
Devotions, Biblical Studies, English, Drama, HSIE, Maths,
Science, Visual Art, Music, PDHPE, Textiles Technology             Buses
and Wood Technology.                                               School buses arrive and depart in the bus bay at the front
Year 9                                                             of the College. Parents are requested for safety reasons,
Devotions, Biblical Studies, English, History, Geography,          not to collect students from this area but to park in the
Maths, Science, PDHPE and two Elective Subjects.                   school carpark and pick students up from appropriate
Year 10                                                            waiting areas on the edge of the carpark.
Devotions, Biblical Studies, English, History, Geography,
Maths, Science, PDHPE and two Elective Subjects.                   Uniform
                                                                   Students are expected to wear full school uniform as
Lists of Elective Subjects current for each year will be           outlined in our Uniform Policy. If students are unable
available from the Registrar and on the Website.                   to wear correct uniform, an explanation note signed by
                                                                   a parent is required. Otherwise a student may receive
Assessment Handbooks                                               a uniform detention. Students may wear their sports
Early during each course of study, students receive an             uniform on days when they have practical PE classes.
Assessment Handbook showing the timing of assessment               Year 8 Drama is also an exception. Please refer to the
tasks for each subject studied in the year. If there are any       Uniform Policy and Requirements later in this document.
changes concerning the tasks to be done, students will be
notified in writing by their teacher. Students have a portal       Canteen
in our system called “Student Cafe” where due dates for            The College Canteen is operated by TheMunchery each
assessment tasks are entered. Accessing Student Cafe               day of the week and a menu and prices are available
will help in planning time, in being prepared for tests and        through Parent Lounge and the Website. Orders can be
tasks and in completing work by the due date.                      placed and paid for online through The Munch Monitor
                                                                   which is accessible through the College Website (www.
Attendance                                                         gpcc.nsw.edu.au) or can be made out on a plain paper
The school has a legal responsibility to keep records of           bag with the name and class of the student noted as well
attendance for all students. Any absence from school               as the order. Wherever possible please enclose correct
should be explained in a note to the Head of Secondary             money.
School, which students are to leave in the box outside
the student window. Parents are also asked to phone
the College Office before 9.30am to let the school know
if their child is away on any day. If no contact is made, a
text message will be sent to the parent’s mobile phone
asking them to phone the College.

If a student arrives late to school, they should go to the
student window and receive a late slip in order to show
their teacher that they have registered for roll marking
purposes. Secondary students are issued with a Student
Card and this card must be presented at the student

Green Point Christian College                                                               Secondary School Handbook 2020

Secondary staff and students meet together on a weekly             at school and helps the parent to monitor the child’s
basis. This is a time of prayer, singing, drama and regular        development. It also provides a forum for discussion
guest speakers. Commendation Assemblies are held at                over issues raised at school and over problems that are
the beginning of each term where some of our students              occurring. It provides a situation where parents can
are presented with certificates for particularly outstanding       encourage their child and see what is being taught at
efforts throughout the term. The parents of the students           school.
receiving these awards are invited to the assembly and to
share in refreshments following.                                   What is Homework?
                                                                   Homework is work to be done outside of the school
Student Cafe                                                       sphere without supervision of the teacher. It must be
Student Cafe is a portal for our students to access via            stressed that each subject will have different homework
their laptops with information about assessment tasks,             requirements, different types of homework, and different
homework, student diary, timetable, changes to routine,            levels of parental encouragement required.
daily notices and more. This will be a tool that needs to
be accessed by every student daily.                                Help from parents:
                                                                   Parents should never be asked to do homework for
                                                                   their child, but they may give encouragement and some
                                                                   assistance. It should be noted that assessment tasks in
In the undertaking of education and the development
                                                                   Years 7 to 12 and HSC Major Works must only contain
of students who reflect the characteristics of the Green
                                                                   work produced by the student.
Point Christian College Graduate Profile, the welfare of
the student is paramount in our focus.
                                                                   Laptop Computers            -    Device     Minimum
Intertwined with a student’s welfare is the boundaries             Specifications
set up in the College’s Discipline Policy, which creates a         The College will advise the recommended minimum
safe and secure learning environment for all students.             device requirements for 2020 in Term 4, 2019. Please wait
Part of the maturing process for any young person is               to purchase until these recommendations are released.
taking responsibility for their choices and the effect
those choices have on the well-being of others in our
learning community. This enables students to look
                                                                   The Library has many resources and people to help
beyond their own interests towards the good of others.
                                                                   students. Resources include books, magazines, journals,
(The Behaviour Management Policy is found on the
                                                                   newspapers, encyclopaedias and computers. Computers
College Website.)
                                                                   can be used to type up assignments and to research
                                                                   issues. Access to the internet, electronic encyclopedias,
Homework                                                           scanning facilities, black-and-white and colour printers,
The school supports the value of homework as a learning            and photocopying facilities are features of the Library.
tool. Homework can be used to reinforce concepts taught            The Library is open for individual research and borrowing
at school and teach students the value of self discipline in       from 8.30am each morning, recess, lunch and after school
the education process. We do not believe that homework             until 3.55pm. Senior students have their own area and
tasks should be onerous or too demanding, so that
homework becomes a disruption to the family. If there
is a problem in this area, parents should feel free to make
contact with the school.

...for the teacher:
The value of homework for the teacher is that it is a check
that what is being taught at school is being absorbed
and understood by the student and being exercised by
the student.

...for the student:
Homework consolidates what is being taught at school.
It also produces qualities of self discipline and time

...for the parent:
Homework keeps parents in touch with what is happening

Green Point Christian College                                                                    Secondary School Handbook 2020

should use these during Study Periods. There are a few               appointment with the appropriate teacher through the
computers set aside for the sole use of Seniors.                     College Office.

Medical Issues                                                       Reports
Students requiring medical attention must be referred to             All Student Academic Reports are published on the Parent
the First Aid Duty Officer in the Sick Bay. No medication,           Lounge. The College now uses “Progressive Reporting” on
including Panadol, will be administered by the First Aid             Parent Lounge which replaces the formal Semester One
Officer. Secondary School students will be permitted                 and Semester Two Reports. This gives parents ongoing
to administer their own medication. Parents are asked                up-to-date information about their student’s progress.
to ensure that any bottle/packet is clearly marked with              At the end of the year a Transcript will be available for all
the student’s name and the dosage clearly stated. No                 Secondary students.
unmarked bottles/packets are permitted. If outside
medical assistance is required, the family will be contacted         Sport
and if unavailable, the family doctor will be notified. In the       When students in Years 7-10 have PDHPE practical classes
event of an emergency, an ambulance will be called, family           they may wear their sports uniform to school on that
doctor phoned and the family will also be contacted.                 day. All students are expected to be involved in sporting
Our weekly newsletter, “The Messenger”, is our prime                 Stationery and Text Book Requirements
communication link to parents of our school. The                     A list of stationery requirements appears in the following
newsletter contains items of interest, diary dates, general          pages for Years 7-10. Generally, all textbooks for students
matters of school family news, etc. It is essential that             in Years 7-10 are provided by the College through the
parents thoroughly read this each week so that they                  Library. For students in Year 10, a preparation day for
can be kept up to date with events in our school. The                those going on to Year 11 is held near the end of the
Messenger is available in the parent portal, “Parent                 year, part of which includes the opportunity to purchase
Lounge” and will be updated each Thursday afternoon.                 Year 11 texts.
We ask all parents to provide us with their email address
so a reminder may be sent each week.                                 Visitors
                                                                     All visitors to the College should report in at the reception
Parent Involvement                                                   desk at the front office, sign in and collect a visitor’s badge.
Parents have many opportunities to be involved in
                                                                     These must be worn whilst on the property and you may
their child’s schooling. Of particular concern is the
                                                                     be approached and questioned as to your visit if you do
monitoring of their academic work. Parents may have
                                                                     not have a badge on.
other opportunities to be involved in the school, such
as assisting at particular sporting events and carnivals.
Information on these and other areas of importance                   Withdrawal of Students
to parents will be advised through the Messenger. All                Parents need to give at least 10 week’s notice in writing (10
parents are encouraged to be involved when possible.                 weeks of school term time) of termination of enrolment
                                                                     and failure to do so will render them liable for one term’s
Parent Lounge                                                        fees.
The College has an online administration system with
a portal for parents called “Parent Lounge”. All new
parents will be sent a password to enter this system. This
facility will include the ability to view assessment tasks,
homework, student diaries, The Messenger and academic
school reports. There will also be access to directly email
teachers and book Parent/Teacher Interviews.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher interviews are conducted during the year,
where parents have an opportunity to talk to their child’s
teacher(s) regarding their progress. These evenings allow
parents to talk to more than one teacher at one venue.
Parents are notified through the Newsletter when this
night is approaching and appointments can be booked in
Parent Lounge. Should parents require further discussions
on their child’s progress than can be provided on these
interview nights, then they would need to make an

Green Point Christian College							                                       Secondary School Handbook 2020

                              STUDENT EXPECTATIONS

      1. I am responsible for my own learning by being prepared for each lesson with
         the correct equipment.
      2. I am responsible to be on time for each lesson.
      3. I am responsible for helping to create a positive learning environment.
      4. I am responsible for my belongings.
      5. I am responsible for having homework and assignments submitted on time.
      6. I am to enter and exit the classroom quietly and safely.
      7. I am responsible for my mobile phone - so that it is not seen or heard in the

      1. I am to stay on task without disturbing or distracting others.
      2. I am to treat students with respect at all times and accept individual
      3. I am not to interfere with other people’s property.

      1. I am to treat staff with respect and accept their authority at all times.
      2. I am to follow the instructions of all staff whether in the classroom or
      3. I am to actively listen when the teacher is speaking.

      1.   I am responsible for keeping the classroom and playground clean.
      2.   I am not to damage or interfere with school property.
      3.   I am responsible for wearing my uniform correctly in and out of school.
      4.   I am responsible for positively reflecting the attitudes and values of our school.

            “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord,
                               not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)

Green Point Christian College							                                                            Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                                 Student Behaviour
The following explains the Behaviour Management Policy of the College, which includes common student expectations,
responsibilities and related rules in certain key areas of school life.

Discipline starts with the conviction of the school community that certain behaviour is right and certain behaviour is wrong. This
conviction rests firmly on God’s Word, which also provides the benchmark as to the rightness or wrongness of behaviour. It is
then the responsibility of all members of the College community to support one another in encouraging good behaviour and
discouraging bad. Outward conformity to such standards can, and will, be legislated. However, at Green Point Christian College,
discipline is not confined to control of student behaviour; it has a training aspect to it. The goal is that students might willingly
co-operate with our God, who desires to transform us to be more like Him, towards their own self discipline. Such self discipline
needs to be learned and is an intrinsic part of our educational process.

Aspects of our Discipline Process

1. Home-School Partnership
    Partnership between home and school is vital, with open two-way communication between home and school being an
    important part of this. Further, there is no substitute for consistently applied standards, with all adult members of the
    school community modelling correct attitudes and behaviour to students.
2. Teaching
    Students are taught what God requires of them and about school procedures and expectations.
3. Planning and Organisation
    Effective planning and efficient time management of student activities promotes good discipline. Lack of classroom
    organisation is a major catalyst for misbehaviour.
4. Encouragement
    Teachers should seek opportunities to encourage students in good behaviour. At Green Point Christian College, the following
    methods for encouraging appropriate student behaviour will be employed:
        Non-verbal encouragement methods - eg teacher glance, smile, nod.
        Verbal encouragement - eg a “Well done”.
        Granting of an in class privilege - eg Use of particular equipment; opportunity to do additional challenging work.
        A system of compliments recognises and encourages positive behaviour and character traits that we value in our school.
        (Please see Management of Positive behaviour)
5. Protection
    An aspect to be considered at all times is the protection of students from the misbehaviour of others.
6. Prayer
    Staff are encouraged to pray for students in all stages of the discipline process.
7. Sanctions
     Students must learn that actions have consequences. In order to allow students to connect behaviour with
     consequences, staff at Green Point Christian College will ensure that there are consequences which suit the offence.
     Sanctioning actions are not just directed at the student concerned. The actions set a tone and a precedent for all
     students at the College. Students need to see that justice is carried out and that it is tempered by mercy. The Lord
    requires of us that we act justly and love mercy. The “Student Classroom Management Procedure” document
    indicates the sanctions that staff at Green Point Christian College are encouraged to use.

Management of Positive Behaviour

Compliments are issued to students for particular actions deserving of commendation. They recognise behaviour we want to
encourage that goes beyond satisfactory expected behaviour of the student.

Some examples may include demonstrating:

•        Excellent assignment work
•        Consistently demonstrating a strong work ethic in class
•        Courtesy

Green Point Christian College							                                                          Secondary School Handbook 2020

                         List of Stationery and Equipment Requirements
                                                           Glue sticks                         Red and blue biro
			                                                        Coloured pencils                    Ruler marked in mm
                                                           Scissors                            2 x HB pencils

When buying A4 bound books – please be careful not to buy lecture pads instead as pages will fall out

                                                           YEAR 7
 SUBJECT                      96 Page Binder Booklet with pre          20 sleeve      Other requirements
                            ruled lines and margins suitable for     display folder
                                          A4 folder
 BIBLICAL STUDIES                            No                               No      Booklets will be provided

 ENGLISH                                   Yes x 2                            Yes

 HSIE                                      Yes x 2                            Yes     Ruler, coloured pencils, glue,
 JAPANESE                                    Yes                              Yes     2 x Whiteboard Markers
                                                                                      (black and/or blue)

 MATHEMATICS                                 No                               No      1 x 128 page A4 grid book - avail. from Maths
                                                                                      Dept (approx. $2)
                                                                                      1 x Ruler & Geometry Set (Compass, 450 Sets-
                                                                                      quare, 300/60o Setsqure, Protractor)
                                                                                      1 x Scientific Calculator (**Students will be
                                                                                      instructed to buy the calculator later in the

                                             No                               Yes     Headphones

 PDHPE                                      Yes                               Yes
                                          64 page

 SCIENCE                            No stationery needed                      No


  Digital Technologies                       No                               No

  Agriculture & Food                         No                               Yes     Tea towel
 Technologies                                                                         Apron and beret from Uniform Shop
                                                                                      Place-mat, serviette, simple table
                                                                                      1 x 1 litre container to take food home


 Engineered Systems                                                                   2 x 2B pencils

Green Point Christian College 							                                                           Secondary School Handbook 2020

                     List of Stationery and Equipment Requirements

                                 Glue sticks             Red and blue biro         Eraser
                                 Coloured pencils        Ruler marked in mm
			                              Scissors                2 x HB pencils

When buying A4 bound books – please be careful not to buy lecture pads instead as pages will fall out.

                                                          YEAR 8
 SUBJECT                  96 Page Binder Booklet with pre          20 sleeve      Other requirements
                        ruled lines and margins suitable for     display folder
                                      A4 folder
 BIBLICAL STUDIES                        No                           No          Booklets will be provided

 ENGLISH                               Yes x 2                        Yes

 DRAMA                                   No                                       Students to wear sports uniform

 HSIE                                  Yes x 2                        Yes         Ruler, coloured pencils, glue, calculator

 MATHEMATICS                             No                           No          1 x 128 page A4 grid book - avail. from Maths
                                                                                  Dept (approx. $2)
                                                                                  1 x ruler and geometry set (compass, 450 sets-
                                                                                  quare, 300/60o setsqure, protractor)
                                                                                  1 x ‘CASIO Scientific Calculator fx-82AU PLUS’ or
                                                                                  higher, available from the school office for $22

                                         No                           Yes         Headphones or Earphones

 PDHPE                                  Yes                           Yes
                                      64 page

 SCIENCE                        No stationery needed                  No


  Materials                              No                           No          2 x 2B pencils
 Technologies                                                                     Optional personal ear plugs and glasses (Class
                                                                                  sets of earmuffs and glasses provided)

 Textiles                                No                           No          Booklet supplied

                                         No                           No          Students will be provided with a Visual Art
                                                                                  Process Diary.

Green Point Christian College							                                                                 Secondary School Handbook 2020

                      List of Stationery and Equipment Requirements

			                     1 x A4 lever arch folder - paper and plastic sleeves
			                     Red and blue biro, ruler marked in mm, scissors, glue stick, HB pencils , eraser, sharpener

                                                            Year 9
 ENGLISH                                        1 x A4 bound & punched binder booklets
                                                1 x A4 display folder with plastic sleeves

 MATHS                                          1 x 128 Page A4 grid book – available from Maths Dept approx. $3
                                                1 x ruler and geometry set (compass, 45º setsquare, 30º/60º setsquare, protractor)
                                                1 x Scientific Calculator

 SCIENCE                                        No stationery needed

 BIBLICAL STUDIES                               No stationery needed

 COMMERCE                                       1 x A4 bound and punched binder booklet

 DRAMA                                          1 x log book (available from Creative Arts staff)
                                                1 x clearly labelled display folder
                                                1 x black trousers or tracksuit pants
                                                1 x black CAPA shirt (provided)

 FOOD TECHNOLOGY                                1 x A4 display folder – with plastic sleeves
                                                1 x apron, hat and tea towel
                                                1 x table decoration (unbreakable) - clearly labelled in a plastic bag
                                                1 x table mat and serviette
                                                1 x 1 litre container to take food home

 HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY                              2 x A4 bound & punched binder booklets
                                                2 x Display Folders

 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY -TIMBER                  2 x 2B pencil


 MUSIC                                          1 x A4 display folder with plastic sleeves

 PDHPE                                          1 x 64 page A4 binder booklet
                                                1 x A4 display folder

 PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES & SPORTS STUDIES           1 x 96 page A4 binder booklet
                                                1 x A4 display folder

 VISUAL ART                                     Visual Process Diary supplied by school

 VISUAL DESIGN                                  x A4 display folder with plastic sleeves
                                                Visual Diary supplied by school

Green Point Christian College 							                                                                  Secondary School Handbook 2020

                       List of Stationery and Equipment Requirements

			                     1 x A4 lever arch folder - paper and plastic sleeves
			                     Red and blue biro, ruler marked in mm, scissors, glue stick, HB pencils , eraser, sharpener

                                                              Year 10
 ENGLISH                                      1 x A4 bound & punched binder booklets
                                              1 x A4 display folder with plastic sleeves
 MATHS                                        1 x 128 Page A4 Grid Book – available from Maths Dept approx. $3
                                              1 x Ruler & Geometry Set (compass, 45º setsquare, 30º/60º setsquare, protractor)
                                              1 x Scientific Calculator
 SCIENCE                                      No stationery needed

 BIBLICAL STUDIES                             No stationery needed

 COMMERCE                                     1 x A4 bound & punched binder booklet
                                              1 x display folder

 DRAMA                                        1 x Log book (available from Creative Arts Staff)
                                              1 x clearly labelled display folder
                                              1 x black trousers or tracksuit pants
                                              1 x black CAPA Shirt (provided)
 FOOD TECHNOLOGY                              1 x A4 display folder – with plastic sleeves
                                              1 x Apron, Hat, Tea Towel
                                              1 x Table decoration (unbreakable) - Clearly labelled in a plastic bag
                                              1 x Table Mat & Serviette

 HISTORY/GEOGRAPHY                            2 x A4 binder booklets (stapled)
                                              2 x A4 display folder

 INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY - TIMBER               2 x 2B Pencil


 MUSIC                                        1 x A4 display folder with plastic sleeves

 PDHPE                                        1 x 64 page A4 binder booklet
                                              1 x A4 display folder

 PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES & SPORTS STUDIES         1 x 96 page A4 binder booklet
                                              1 x A4 display folder

 TEXTILES AND DESIGN                          Coloured Pencils (keep from Y9)
                                              1 x A4 display folder (keep from Y9)
                                              1 x A4 Visual Process Diary (If there is at least half the pages left from Year 9 that will be
 VISUAL ART                                   Visual Diary supplied by school

 VISUAL DESIGN                                1 x A4 display folder with plastic sleeves
                                              Visual Diary supplied by school
                                              Glue stick, ruler, eraser, USB stick

Green Point Christian College									                                                Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                             Uniform Shop
 The Uniform Shop, operated by Alinta Apparel, is located on our campus. New students will be emailed an
 appointment time, along with a username and password for the online shop. If the scheduled time is not
 convenient, please visit the online shop and select an alternative time. Uniforms should be ready to take home
 at the time of fitting. Lay-by is also available (20% deposit). Current students who are changing uniform are
 required to visit the shop during regular hours or make a booking for a uniform fitting.

 Shop Opening Hours: 8.30am – 11.00am Every School Day, excluding Wednesdays

 Shop Number: 02 4363 1266 (Ext. 254)

 Shop Email: gpcc@alinta.com.au

 Online Shop : www.alintaapparel.com.au – Select - Online Shop to Log in or Register

 The shop will be open in the January School Holidays 2019 for last minute fitting appointments or Lay-by
 collections (days and times to be confirmed late Term 4). See the Uniform Policy for further information,
 including price lists, at the back of this handbook.

                                     It is important to note that
                                       Uniform items are to be
                                            bought from the
                                      College Uniform Shop only

Green Point Christian College									                                                      Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                       General Uniform Information

   Green Point Christian College is committed to maintaining an environment where students recognise that they
   are valued and unique individuals, but are also integral members of a community. Within this environment,
   students are encouraged to develop their individual talents and gifts and to explore how to use these gifts in
   the growth of the community as a whole. One of the ways that students demonstrate their commitment to the
   College community is by the wearing of a uniform. It is a visible reminder of the connection and commitment
   to the vision and values of the College.

   Benefits of wearing a uniform:

   •   It provides a common standard of appropriate dress that reduces the opportunity for superficial comparisons
       to be made.
   •   It provides a standard of appropriate dress that is modest but functional, therefore removing the opportunity
       for others to be negatively impacted eg some clothing items highlight the human body in a sexual way, or
       may contain offensive slogans or pictures.
   •   Provides students with a tangible and positive symbol that they belong to our school community.
   •   Assists the students in their roles as ambassadors of the College, whether in or out of school

   Students are expected to be in formal uniform each day and are to be wearing it appropriately without
   modifications. Students are permitted to wear their sports uniform on days where they are involved in:

   •   Practical PDHPE classes
   •   Drama classes
   •   Days they may have a lunch time sport training

   Students who have non school sports training after school are expected to wear their formal uniform and make
   provisions to change into appropriate clothing after school.


   Students who present to school with incorrect uniform may be issued with a demerit from a teaching staff
   member. Usually uniform will be check at the start of the day in Devotions. Should a student have a situation
   where the uniform cannot be worn, then a parental note should be provided on the day with an explanation
   and timeframe. This note can be shown to staff members who question the student about their uniform.
   When a uniform item cannot be worn for an extended period then a letter should be forwarded to the Year

Green Point Christian College									                                                      Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                                Years 7 to 10
                                           Uniform Requirements
                                          Girls Summer and Winter

       Skirt		 Taupe skirt with logo and adjustable waist.
       Blouse		 White short sleeve blouse with red piping and logo.
       Pants		     Black College Trousers.
       Jumper 		   Red wool blend jumper with embroidered logo.
       Cardigan		  Black cardigan with logo (optional).
       Blazer		 Black, shaped girls blazer with logo (optional).
       Hat 		      College hat: Choice of bucket hat or sports cap.
       Socks		 Short white anklet socks to be worn above the ankle.
       Stockings		 Black opaque stockings (70+ Denier).
       Shoes 		    Black low profile polishable leather shoes, fully enclosed and protecting the foot.
       			         See approved styles on page 17.
       Hair 		     Shoulder length hair must be fully tied back. Students’ hair must be of a neat and
       			         tidy appearance and should not draw attention to themselves in colour, cut or
       			         style. Hair accessories should be simple such as hair elastics, bobby pins or ribbons
       			         and should only be red, black or white in colour.
       Bag         Black school bag with logo.


       Shirt 		             Red cotton backed polo shirt with white panels and logo.
       Shorts 		            Unisex black cotton backed mesh shorts with red logo.
       Socks 		             White sport socks – no stripes.
       Cap                  College hat: Choice of bucket hat or sports cap.
       Shoes 		             Predominantly white or muted in colour (not fluoro or black, not Volley’s
       			                  or skate shoes).
       Jacket 		            Red/black micro-fibre jacket with logo.
       Track Pants          Black micro-fibre track pants.

   Jewellery and Make Up
   Girls in Years 7-8 are limited to one set of either gold or silver studs or sleepers worn in the ear lobe and a
   watch. Discreet cosmetics (natural skin tones) may be worn.

   Girls in Years 7-12 who choose to have other visible body piercing need to be able to remove any studs etc
   during school time.

   Girls in Years 9-12 may wear:

       •   One pair of either gold or silver studs or sleepers in the lobe.
       •   One fine chain (under blouse – not visible).
       •   One silver or gold ring.
       •   No bracelets.
       •   Discreet cosmetics (natural skin tones).
                       It is Important to note that uniform items are to be bought from the
                         College Uniform Shop to ensure they meet uniform requirements.

Green Point Christian College									                                                    Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                                Years 7 to 10
                                           Uniform Requirements
                                            Boys Summer and Winter
       Shirt 		            White short sleeved shirt – (no logo) to be worn tucked in.
       Shorts		            Taupe shorts with logo and black leather belt.
       Pants		             Taupe pants with logo and black leather belt.
       Tie			              Compulsory red tie with crest
       Jumper 		           Red wool blend jumper with embroidered logo.
       Blazer		            Black boys blazer with logo (optional).
       Jacket 		           Red/black micro-fibre jacket with logo.
       Hat 		              College hat: Choice of bucket hat or sports cap.
       Socks 		            Short black socks
       Shoes 		            Black low profile polishable leather shoes, fully enclosing and protecting the foot.
       			                 See approved styles on next page.
       Hair 		             Long hair must be tied back. Students’ hair must be of a neat and tidy.
       			                 appearance and should not draw attention to themselves in colour, cut or style.
       Bag 		              Black school bag with logo.


       Shirt 		            Red cotton backed polo shirt with white panels and school logo.
       Shorts 		           Unisex black cotton backed mesh shorts with red College logo.
       Socks 		            White sport socks – no stripes.
       Cap 		              College hat: Choice of bucket hat or sports cap.
       Shoes 		            Predominantly white or muted in colour (not fluoro or black, not Volleys or
       			                 skate shoes).
       Jacket 		           Red/black micro-fibre jacket with logo.
       Track Pants         Black micro-fibre track pants.

   Boys in Years 7 – 8 should not wear jewellery except for a watch.

   Boys in Years 7-12 who choose to have visible body piercing need to be able to remove any studs etc during school

   Boys in Years 9-12 may wear:

       •   One fine chain (under shirt – not visible)
       •   One gold or silver ring
       •   No earrings
       •   No bracelets

                        It is Important to note that uniform items are to be bought from the
                          College Uniform Shop to ensure they meet uniform requirements.

Green Point Christian College									                                      Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                    Approved Shoe Styles

       Below are photos of approved styles of shoes for the College. Please choose your
       child’s shoes from these styles.

                                    Kindergarten to Year 12

Green Point Christian College									   Secondary School Handbook 2020

Green Point Christian College									                                                                                                                                           Secondary School Handbook 2020

                                       Shop Hours                                    Contact Details
                                Monday 8.30am-11.00am                                  02 4367 9954                         Green Point Christian College
                                Tuesday 8.30am-11.00am
                                Thursday 8.30am-11.00am
                                                                                                                             Uniform Shop Order Form
                                                                     382 Avoca Drive, Green Point NSW 2251
                                   Friday 8.30am-11.00am

                   Girls Uniform: K-6                     Size       Price           Size         Qty      Sports Wear                                      Size        Price     Size   Qty
                   Summer Dress                      All Sizes      $60.00                                 Sport Polo                                      J2-J14      $32.00
                   Winter Pinafore                   All Sizes      $69.00                                                                                 XS-3XL      $34.00
                   Blouse LS White                   All Sizes      $26.00                                 House Polo                                     All Sizes    $25.00
                   Girls Uniform 7-12                     Size       Price           Size         Qty      Sports Shorts Original                         Jnr Sizes    $30.00
                   Blouse SS 7-10 Red Trim           All Sizes       $37.00                                                                               Snr Sizes    $32.00
                   Blouse SS 11-12 Black Trim        All Sizes       $37.00                                Sports Shorts Stretch                           J2-J14      $32.00
                   Skirt 7-12 Taupe                  All Sizes       $75.00                                                                                XS-4XL      $34.00
                   Ladies Pants Black 7-12              L6-L22      $65.00                                 Track Pants Performance Fleece K-6               J2-S       $43.00
                   Boys Uniform: K-6                      Size       Price           Size         Qty      Track Pants MF Stretch 7-12                    Jnr Sizes    $45.00
                   Shirt SS Checked                  All Sizes       $33.00                                                                               Snr Sizes    $48.00
                   Shorts Grey EB                    All Sizes       $35.00                                Track Jacket MF Canvas Lining Original         All Sizes    $72.00
                   Trousers Grey                     All Sizes      $40.00                                 Track Jacket MF P/Fleece Lining Original       All Sizes    $79.00
                   Boys Uniform: 7-12                     Size       Price           Size         Qty      Track Jacket MF Stretch K-12                    J2-3XL      $79.00
                   Shirt SS White                    All Sizes       $29.00                                Outerwear                                        Size        Price     Size   Qty
                   Shorts Taupe                      All Sizes      $45.00                                 Cardigan Black 7-12                            All Sizes    $45.00
                   Trousers Taupe                    All Sizes      $60.00                                 Jumper Wool Red K-12                             4-8        $70.00
                                                                                                                                                           10-14       $79.00
                                                                                                                                                           18-22       $83.00
                                                                                                           Softshell Jacket K-6                            J4-2XL      $98.00
                                                                                                           Blazer Girls 11-12 (Optional 7-10)             All Sizes    $170.00
                                                                                                           Blazer Boys 11-12 (Optional 7-10)              All Sizes    $170.00
                                                                                                           Raincoat K-6                                   All Sizes    $26.00
• Sizes not carried are available by custom order (SMU). During peak times it may take up to 3 month lead time. An additional $10.00 is applied to custom orders.
• Online orders are distributed from the Uniform Shop the next opening day of the shop. A postage charge will occur for all orders marked for delivery.
•Payments can be made by Cash, Credit Card or Debit Credit Cards only.

                                                          Prices Effective from 17-09-2019 and are subject to change without notice.

                                                                                Green Point Christian College
                                                                                 Uniform Shop Order Form

      Accessories                                  Size          Price        Size          Qty         Bags                                                 Size        Price    Size   Qty
      Tights MF Black                            All Sizes       $10.50                                 Omnipack K-6 Original                              All Sizes    $50.00
      Tights Cotton Black K-6                    All Sizes       $15.50                                 Physio Support + Uno Backpack 7-12                        L     $85.00
      Socks Grey Original                        All Sizes       $7.95                                                                                           M      $79.00
      Socks Black 7-12                           All Sizes       $7.95                                                                                       UNO        $75.00
      Socks White Girls K-12                     All Sizes       $7.95                                  Library Bag - Gold, Blue, Green, Red               All Sizes    $13.00
      Socks Sports White K-12                    All Sizes       $7.95                                  Sports Bag Black                                         Avg    $34.00
      Scarf                                                      $20.00                                 Swim/Excursion Bag                                       Avg    $20.00
      Leather Belt                               All Sizes       $15.00                                 Hospitality                                          Size        Price    Size   Qty
      Tie Red 3-6 Original                       All Sizes       $15.00                                 Beret                                                     -     $12.00
      Tie Red 7-10                               All Sizes       $23.00                                 Apron                                                     -     $17.00
      Tie Black 11-12                            All Sizes       $23.00                                 Tea Towel                                                 -      $6.00
      Tab Tie Girls Red K-6                        Avg           $10.00                                                                  Order Form Details
      Natasha Hat K-6 Girls Original             All Sizes       $25.00                                 Date:_______________________________
      Sports Cap                                   Avg           $16.00                                 Name:_________________________________________________________
      Bucket Hat                                  XS-L           $18.00                                 Address: _______________________________________________________
      Gloves Black                                 Avg           $8.50                                  Contact Number:_____________________
      Laundry Marker                                -            $4.00                                  Email Address:____________________________________________________

      Hair Accessories                             Size          Price        Size          Qty
                                                                                                        Pick up from shop
      Alice Headband Winter                     Thick/Thin $14.95
                                                                                                        Delivery to above address $7.95
      Alice Headband Summer                     Thick/Thin $14.95
      Scrunchie Winter                           Sml/Lrg         $9.95
                                                                                                                                          Payment Options
      Scrunchie Summer                           Sml/Lrg         $9.95                                          Visa       Mastercard          Cash (enclosed)
      Hair Elastics - Black, Red                                 $5.00
      Ribbon Bows - White, Black, Red                            $5.00                                  Name On Card:__________________________________________________
      Hair Clips - Black, Red                                    $5.00                                  Credit Card Number:
      Hair Ties Soft - White, Black, Red                         $5.00                                  ________/________/_______/________
                                                                                                        Expiry Date:_____/_____
Green Point Christian College					                                            Secondary School Handbook for 2020

                                   Traffic Management Plan
                                   For Our Children’s Safety
    This Traffic Management Plan, first prepared in 2005, has been revised with the paramount aim of
    ensuring the safety of children when they arrive or leave the College. Compliance with this Plan will
    also improve traffic flow in peak periods.

    1. SPEED LIMIT is strictly 10kph and is a share pedestrian/vehicle area. Please take great care in
       the carparkto avoid injury or incident.

    2. TRAFFIC WARDENS will be on duty during peak periods to supervise the movement of students
       and vehicles. Please follow their instructions.

    3. Three PEDESTRIAN CROSSINGS, monitored by Traffic Wardens, should be used in order to
       promote the safe separation of pedestrians and vehicles.

    4. The DROP OFF and PICK UP ZONE allows students to move to and from a supervised, covered
       walkway so that drivers can remain in their vehicles.

    5. The FLOW LANE enables vehicles to circulate until either a parking space or until the student(s)
       in that vehicle can be dropped off or picked up.

    6. Please take care when OPENING CAR DOORS as that can injure pedestrians and/or cause
       damage to vehicles.

    7. The entry after the traffic lights, beside the Church Office should NOT be used between 8.15am
       - 9.00am and 2.45pm – 3.30pm.

    8. Any PRE-SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN are to be supervised at all times, including holding hands
       whenever possible.

    9. As is the case on public roads, MOBILE PHONES should not be used whilst driving in the car
       park area.

    10. Students travelling on BUSES must use the covered walkway when walking to or from buses
        and must not use the car park.

    11. Observations or suggestions in relation to pedestrian safety and traffic flow are welcome and
        should be emailed to aritchie@gpcc.nsw.edu.au

Green Point Christian College							   Secondary School Handbook for 2020

MAP OF GREEN POINT CHRISTIAN COLLEGE                                                                                                           PRIMARY SCHOOL J4
                                                                                                                                                                 SUPPORT SERVICES
                                                            CARETAKE                                                                                                                                                                         K-2 PLAYGROUND
            Maintenance                                        COTTAGE

                                                                                                                                                                          YEAR 5                 YEAR 1

                                                                                                                           ENTRY                                              PRIMARY SCHOOL J3
                  Bus Shed
                                                                                                                                     IT OFFICES
     ‘F’ BLOCK                                                                                                                      COUNSELLORS
                                                                                                                                                           TOILETS                                                                    PRIMARY SCHOOL J2
                                                                                                                                                           PRIMARY           PRIMARY SCHOOL J3
                                                                                                                               LIBRARY                     SCHOOL                                                                       YEAR 2
                                                                                                                               ‘L’ BLOCK                                       YEAR 6                     YEAR 4
                    ‘F’ BLOCK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PRIMARY           PS AIDES
                                                        ‘E’ BLOCK                                                                                                                                                                                SCHOOL J2         OFFICE
                                                         SCIENCE                                                                                                     UNDERCOVER AREA

                                                                                                                          CANTEEN                                                                                                      PRIMARY
                                                                                         ‘C’ BLOCK ENGLISH                                                                      YEAR 3                YEAR 4                                      KINDERGARTEN
                                                     SCIENCE LABS                                                                                                                                                                      SCHOOL
         ‘TAS’ BLOCK                                 CLASSROOMS                             CLASSROOMS                                                                                                                                 PLAYGROUND
                                                     AND STAFFROOM                        AND STAFFROOM
     COMPUTERS                                                                                             SHOP                                                                      PRIMARY SCHOOL J1
     HOSPITALITY                                                                          STAFF COMMON ROOM

                                                                          TOILETS H.S.
     IND TECH - WOOD                                                                     YEAR 12 UNDERCROFT
                                                                                                                                                                      STUDENT WINDOW                                                                         STAFF
     CLASSROOMS AND                                                                               TOILETS H.S.                                                                                                                                               CARPARK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Green Point Christian College

                                                                                          ‘B’ BLOCK                                                                                                                       STAFF
                                                                                                                       ‘A’ BLOCK

                                                                                          MATHS CLASSROOMS                                                                     ADMINISTRATION                             CARPARK
                                                                                                                       MATHS CLASSROOMS
                                                                                          AND STAFFROOM

                          ‘H’ BLOCK HIGH SCHOOL CLASSROOMS
                                                                                                                                                                MAIN ENTRY

                                                                                                                             ROAD                                                                ROAD

       Storage                                                                             CAPA CENTRE

                                           ‘H om

                                             ’B s1
                                               lo -7
                                                                                           THEATRE AND               MULTI-PURPOSE CENTRE                                       DOUBLE STOREY BUILDING
                                                                                           STAFFROOM                                                                            (JACARANDA ROOM)

                                                                                                                     PDHPE CLASSROOMS AND


                                      ‘H A F
            Rehearsal                                                                      VISUAL ARTS               STAFFROOM

                                          B L F RO
                                                                    STAFF                                                                                                          LITTLE COASTIES PRE SCHOOL

                                             OC OM
                                                                    CARPARK                PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                                                                                                        TO OVAL FOR

                                                                                                                 TO COURTS
                       re                                CAPA 23                                                 AND PLAYING FIELDS
                   Befo er
                    & A ol
                      Care                                                                                                                                                                                                          CHURCH
                                         H13                                                                                                      TO OVAL FOR
                                                                                                                                                  EVACUATION           TO MAIN CARPARK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TO AVOCA DRIVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Secondary School Handbook for 2020
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