Online Catalog Late Fall 2020 (Oct 19 - Dec 11) - FACEBOOK:olliatuga YOUTUBE:olliuga - University of ...

Page created by Rachel Ortega
Online Catalog Late Fall 2020 (Oct 19 - Dec 11) - FACEBOOK:olliatuga YOUTUBE:olliuga - University of ...
Online Catalog
 Late Fall 2020 (Oct 19 - Dec 11)
WEBSITE:   FACEBOOK: olliatuga   YOUTUBE: olliuga
Online Catalog Late Fall 2020 (Oct 19 - Dec 11) - FACEBOOK:olliatuga YOUTUBE:olliuga - University of ...
  OCTOBER 19 - DECEMBER 11                                          River’s Crossing
                                                               850 College Station Road
                                                                Athens, GA 30602-4811
This catalog contains eight weeks                              Telephone: 706.542.7715

of classes covering October 19                              EMAIL:
-December 11.
                                                            FACEBOOK: olliatuga
                                                            YOUTUBE: olliuga
Please note that some classes that
                                                                    OLLI Staff
                                             Executive Director               Tim Meehan
started in Early Fall will continue          Office Manager                   Shelly Magruder
                                             Program Coordinator              Amanda Nix
into Late Fall.                              Member Services Coordinator      Ryan Robinson
                                             Office Assistant                 Rita Healan

Early Fall classes will still be                          OLLI Officers of the Board
                                             President                        Cher Snyder
available for registration until the         President Elect                  Dawn Torcivia
                                             Secretary                        Linda DiPietro
day of the first class.                      Treasurer                        Greg Mitsoff
                                                          OLLI Board of Directors
                                             Jim Alberts                      Freda Scott Giles
                                             Bill Barstow                     Sherry Malone
                  HELP                       Laura Carter
                                             Susan Dougherty
                                                                              Roy Martin
                                                                              Penny Oldfather

                  SUSTAIN                    Victor Gagliano                  Bob Yorczyk

                  OLLI@UGA                   Bylaws
                                                           OLLI Committee Chairs
                                                                              Barbara Lewis
                                                                              Renny Barnes
                     Help sustain                                             John Muthe
                     OLLI@UGA by             Finance                          Mamie Mierzwak
                     including a gift in     Fund Development                 Melinda Thomas
                                             Hospitality                      Jeanne Davis-Blair
                     your estate plans
                                             Long Range Planning              Susan Doughtery
                     to the “University      Marketing & Communications       Patricia Dixen
                     of Georgia              Membership                       Terry Kaley
                     Foundation.”            Nominating                       Dawn Torcivia
                                             Shared Interest Groups           Terry Kaley
                     For more information,   Travel Study
                     please contact the
                                             Volunteer Coordinator
                     Office of Gift and      _________
                     Estate Planning.        Editor, OLLI Times               Ann Allen / Larry Dendy
                                             Host Coordinators
                     (706) 542-8140          Historian                        William Loughner
Online Catalog Late Fall 2020 (Oct 19 - Dec 11) - FACEBOOK:olliatuga YOUTUBE:olliuga - University of ...
Free Classes / Events
                                    *Zoom Tailgate*

                               Friday September 25, 5-7pm

 Come and hang out online the night before the first UGA Football game. Bring your Red
                     and Black and your favorite football story.

                                  All About OLLI@UGA

                         Wednesday December 3 & 10, 10:00-11:30

   Want to know more about how OLLI@UGA is organized? How our finances are used
   to support our mission? How we approach outreach and how we seek to meet all the
  intellectual, social, and cultural needs of our members? This FREE two session course
     is perfect for members who want to know more about the inner workings of the
   organization, and who want to explore the engagement opportunities of OLLI@UGA.

                      Mastering the OLLI@UGA Communications site
                              (powered by Mighty Networks)

         Dates on request - please email Cher Snyder (

OLLI@UGA is a mighty organization for lifelong learning...and such a mighty
organization needs the OLLI@UGA Communications site (aka OLLI Comm, powered by
Mighty Networks) to keep everyone informed about classes, travel study, shared interest
groups, luncheons, social gatherings and events, and all things OLLI@UGA. Learning
how to navigate and use the OLLI Comm site will enable you to take full advantage of
this valuable member benefit.


p4: 		      Class Registration Guide         p8-35:     Class list by date
p5:         Zoom Set-up Guide                p36-38: Calendar
p6-7:       Class list by name               p39:       List of Sponsors
Online Catalog Late Fall 2020 (Oct 19 - Dec 11) - FACEBOOK:olliatuga YOUTUBE:olliuga - University of ...
How to Register
There are two ways of registering for membership and classes:

1) From your web browser:
     a) Enter into the address bar
     b) Select Sign in / Members Area in the top right hand corner
     c) Select the red Registration button.

2) or click the ‘Registration Site’ link at the bottom of each of the catalog pages.

You will be taken to the Sign-in Page
Please Sign in to “Existing Account” by entering your your username and password in the top two
If you are not signed in, you will not be able to add items to your cart.
If you have forgotten your username and password, you will be able to request a new one using the
prompts provided

If you are not currently a member, create a new account by scrolling to the bottom of the page
“Create New Account”. Once you have created your account, we strongly suggest that you go ahead
and purchase a membership now so that you will be ready to add classes when class registration


•    If your membership expired on June 30, 2020, you will need to purchase a membership, i.e.
“Add a Membership to your cart” before you can select any of the classes. We strongly suggest
that you renew before class registration opens.

•    If your membership expires on December 31, 2020, you will be able to add classes straight to
your cart.

Adding Classes:

· Late Fall Classes will be available for registration starting on September 16 and running until the
day before each class starts.
· On the registration site, classes are listed by week, alphabetically and by category
· To select a class click the “Add to Cart” button - this will take you through to your shopping cart.
· To add more classes, preview your cart, then using the “Back” button to return to the catalog to
select another class.

Checking out:

· Once you have registered for all the classes you wish to take, you can proceed through the
checkout process.
· If you want to add classes at a future date, you will be able to do so using these same instructions.
· If you are using a public computer, please remember to log out.
How to use Zoom
On the day of your class, you will receive an email from OLLI@UGA with a link to your Zoom meeting.
This email will also have instruction on have to use Zoom for both desktops and laptops.
Below are the same instructions you’ll find in the email. You’ll also find videos on how to use Zoom on
any device on the OLLI@UGA YouTube Channel.

Click the Zoom link in your email. Your default browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) should open

If you have never downloaded Zoom before, you will be prompted to do so:

For PC:
      Click the link that reads “download and run Zoom”
      After your software downloads, click the Zoom.exe file at the bottom left of your browser.
      Zoom will begin to install.

For Mac:
      Click the link that reads “download and run Zoom”
      Your new software will be located in your Downloads folder under a PKG or DMG file. Double click
     this file.
      Zoom will begin to install

Zoom will launch, prompting you to enter your name. Please enter your full first and last names to be
counted in the roll. Click “Join Meeting”.

You will likely be in a waiting room to allow the host and presenter time to set up.

Once you’re allowed into the room, click “Join with Computer Audio.”

You will usually be muted upon entry, and your camera is off by default. In order to be heard and seen,
click the options to “Unmute” and “Start Video” at the bottom left of the Zoom window. You’re now
ready to begin!

Tips for enjoying (and helping others enjoy) a Zoom meeting:

Please mute yourself if you are not speaking. Background noise (doors opening and closing, dogs
barking, laundry machines, dishwashers, microwaves, or microphone feedback in general) is a major
distraction for participants. You may not think it’s loud, but it is. If a host mutes you manually, please
do not unmute yourself until you’ve addressed the noise.

If you’re more than 5 feet from your desktop / laptop, we can’t hear you. Be sure to position your face
about 3 feet from your device so that we can hear any questions you may have.

If you’re going to have your camera on, please be dressed appropriately. If you are not appropriately
dressed, feel free to leave your camera off. We’ll understand.

If you would rather not speak up, you may click the Chat icon at the bottom of the Zoom window (PC
/ Mac) and a window will open on the right for you to type your question. The host will make sure to
read it.
Course Listing by Name
Title                                                           Start Date   Start Time   Day           Sessions
A View into Western Civilization Through Its Architecture       10/20/2020 1:00 PM        Tuesdays      8
(10/20, 10/27, 11/03, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/01, 12/08)
Aleutian Volcanoes: Tales of the Far West                       10/31/2020 10:30 AM       Saturday      1
Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense                        10/27/2020 10:30 AM       Tuesday       1
All about OLLI@UGA                                              12/3/2020    10:00 AM     Thursday      2
(12/3, 12/10)
Athens Symphony Orchestra: A History and a Few Stories          11/19/2020 10:30 AM       Thursday      1
Cats! Cats! Cats!: How to Identify and Help Feral Cats, Stray   12/4/2020     2:00 PM     Friday        1
Cats, and Lost Pet Cats
Close-Up and Macrophotography - A Hands-On Workshop             11/2/2020     9:00 AM     Monday        3
(11/2, 11/9, 11/16)
Core Value Eating                                               12/7/2020    10:00 AM     Monday        1
Critical Reading: Selected Short Stories                        11/10/2020 10:30 AM       Tuesday       4
(11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/01)
Cybersecurity, Online Privacy, and Protection of Your Digital   11/9/2020    10:00 AM     Monday        3
Assets: You’re Naked
(11/9, 11/11, 11/13)
Ethnic Notions: The Roots of African American Stereotypes       11/13/2020   11:00 AM     Friday        1
F-117A Stealth Fighter Stories: Myths and Truths                10/20/2020 2:30 PM        Tuesday       1
Financial and Estate Planning 500: Planning in the Retirement 11/5/2020      10:30 AM     Thursdays     2
(10/01, 10/02)
For Thine is the Kingdom: The Bible as a Call to Faithful       10/22/2020 1:00 PM        Thursdays     4
Resistance (Part 1: The Hebrew Scriptures)
(10/22, 10/29, 11/05, 11/12)
Gentrification, Race, and Employment                            12/9/2020    10:30 AM     Wednesday     1
Gerrymandering: How Does It Affect You?                         10/26/2020 2:00 PM        Monday        1
Glyphosate: Ideal Herbicide or Global Menace?                   11/6/2020    10:00 AM     Friday        1
Going to Scotland? See Glasgow First!!                          11/12/2020   10:30 AM     Thursday      1
Growing Bolder: How to Age with Dignity and Grace               11/13/2020    1:00 PM     Friday        1
Hardy’s Poetry with a Dose of Hopkins                           10/26/2020 10:30 AM       Monday / Tues- 3
(10/26, 10/27, 10/29)                                                                     day/ Thursday
Homelessness in Athens                                          10/21/2020    9:00 AM     Wednesday     1
I HATE PASSWORDS!                                               11/20/2020    1:00 PM     Friday        1
Invasive/Non-Native Plants: Identification and Control          12/4/2020    10:00 AM     Friday        1
iPhone & Apple Watch: Everything You Want to Know but Were 12/1/2020         10:00 AM     Tuesday       1
Afraid to Ask
Latin American Ethnobotany: Learning About the Region and       11/19/2020    2:00 PM     Thursday      1
its Cultures through Plants
Long Term Care Planning                                         11/17/2020    2:30 PM     Tuesday       1
Love in the Time of COVID                                       12/7/2020     2:00 PM     Monday        1
Love Without Words: How to Improve Communication Without 11/20/2020 10:00 AM              Friday        1
Talking About it
March to Victory - The Liberation of Western Europe 1944-45 10/28/2020 10:00 AM        Wednesday    5
(10/28, 11/04, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25)
Mascots of UGA                                                 11/10/2020   3:00 PM    Tuesdays /   5
(11/10, 11/12, 11/17, 11/19, 11/24)                                                    Thursdays
Medicare 101: Navigating the Medicare Maze (October 24)        10/24/2020 10:30 AM     Saturday     1
Medicare 101: Navigating the Medicare Maze (October 30)        10/30/2020 2:00 PM      Friday       1
Milledge Avenue from Broad to Baxter: A Virtual Tour           11/11/2020   10:30 AM   Wednesday    1
More Meditative Doodling                                       11/10/2020   2:00 PM    Tuesday      1
Remembering Your Sacred Self                                   10/23/2020   2:00 PM    Friday       1
Retirement Income Explosion: Have More, Spend Less, Live       10/20/2020 10:30 AM     Tuesday      1
Robert Burns and His Poetry                                    12/8/2020    10:30 AM   Tuesday      2
(12/08. 12/10)
Saving Lives: Volunteerism and the Animal Welfare Community 11/10/2020 12:00 PM        Tuesday      1
in Athens, GA
Southern Journey: The Migrations of the American South,        11/30/2020 10:30 AM     Monday       1
Standardized Patient Program: Get Paid to Play                 11/2/2020    10:30 AM   Monday       1
Superfoods and Incredible Diets: Fact and Fiction              11/3/2020    9:00 AM    Tuesday      1
Talking Turkey: The History and Cultural Significance of our   11/2/2020    2:00 PM    Monday       1
Favorite Feast Bird
The Amazing Rise of Beach Music: The Sacred and The Profane 10/21/2020 12:00 PM        Wednesday    1
The Boston Massacre by John Adams                              10/22/2020 10:30 AM     Thursday     1
The Future of the US Health Care System : After the Election & 11/30/2020   2:00 PM    Monday       1
COVID-19 What Will It Look Like?
The Nature of America’s Civil War                              12/3/2020    10:00 AM   Thursday     1
The Outer Hebrides of Scotland, A World Apart                  10/23/2020 10:00 AM     Friday       1
The Power of the Pentatonic Scale                              10/24/2020 10:30 AM     Saturday     1
The Roaring Twenties                                           11/24/2020 10:30 AM     Tuesday      1
Tinnitus: Defining a Path to Treatment                         10/19/2020 10:30 AM     Monday       1
UGA North Campus Virtual Tour                                  10/30/2020 2:30 PM      Friday       1
Understanding Suicide and Its Prevention Today                 12/3/2020    2:00 PM    Thursday     1
Understanding the Umbrella Term: Dementia                      11/23/2020 10:30 AM     Monday       1
Venezuela: Political, Economic, and Environmental Crisis       10/28/2020 10:30 AM     Wednesday    1
Virtual Exhibit Tour: The Strategies of Suffrage               12/11/2020   11:00 AM   Friday       1
Voices of Truth: A Gospel Legend in Athens, Georgia            11/17/2020   6:30 PM    Tuesday      1
Walter Cronkite: The Most Trusted Man in America               12/8/2020    10:30 AM   Tuesday      1
War and Remembrance: How the US Commemorates the               11/3/2020    10:00 AM   Tuesday      1
We Are All Socialists, You Too!                                10/26/2020 10:30 AM     Monday       1
What’s up at the Court                                         11/9/2020    2:00 PM    Monday       2
(11/9, 11/16 - please note corrected dates)
When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works! Amateur Radio 101        10/28/2020 1:00 PM      Wednesday    1
Women and the Holy City: The Struggle Over Jerusalem’s         10/29/2020 6:00 PM      Thursday     1
Sacred Space
Course Listing by Start Date with Descriptions
                             Week 10 (October 19-23)
10/19 (Mon)												                                                              $12
		Tinnitus: Defining a Path to Treatment
		10:30 AM-11:30 AM

		           Tinnitus is defined as ringing, buzzing or any non-stimulus-based ear noise.
As innocuous as that definition sounds, tinnitus can present as a severely disabling
condition causing loss of sleep, inability to concentrate, anxiety, and depression. Tinnitus
is a common complaint of individuals both with and without hearing loss, with 50 million
Americans reporting some tinnitus and 2 million being disabled from it. Heightened sound-
sensitivity issues can further exacerbate subjective tinnitus impact. This course will further
define tinnitus, including the possible physiology of the condition and its causes. Tinnitus
treatments including psychopharmacology, CBT, mindfulness interventions, and dynamic
psychotherapy will be discussed.
		Dr. Ben Greenberg is a licensed psychologist at the Athens Psychotherapy
Center. He completed his doctoral residency training at California Pacific Medical Center
and postdoctoral fellowship at Boston College. A former symphonic French hornist, Dr.
Greenberg has played professionally with the Jerusalem Symphony, Colorado Symphony,
Cairo Opera, and Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestras. For his original research on tinnitus,
sound sensitivity, mental health, and psychometrics, he has won grant awards from the
American Tinnitus Association and the NIH. Holly Kaplan works on telephone use in
individuals with hearing loss. She has thirty-five years of experience in providing hearing
healthcare in a variety of clinical settings. At UGA, Dr. Kaplan provides direct services, and
supervises students. She has served on the GA licensure board and is active in the Georgia
Academy of Audiology.

10/20 (Tues)												                                                             $12
		Retirement Income Explosion: Have More, Spend Less, Live Better
		10:30 AM-11:45 AM

      This class is designed for those who are interested in building pre-and post-
retirement financial security. The process involves three stages: (1) Exploring advances in
healthy longevity that affect how long your money must last to live the life you love. We
present a unique way to shift thinking from net worth to income and learn about Golden
Goose income strategies. (2) Eliminating or lessening housing, healthcare, and family
expenses that no longer serve you. (3) Exploring post-retirement working and late-life
business startups to enhance income. An interactive Q &A will help apply what we have
      Adriane Berg, JD, is an advocate for Aging with GUSTO! She was awarded an Emmy
for hosting IRS Tax Beat, the Mature Media Radio Award for Generation Bold Radio, and was
appointed to the US Committee on Financial Education. She has appeared on Oprah, Good
Morning America, and Regis. Adriane is a New York Times Age Boom Fellow, the author of
14 books, including The Retirement Income Explosion, and the blog Aging for Beginners.

 8   Registation site    Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/20 (Tues)											                                                         $52
		A View into Western Civilization Through Its Architecture
		         8 Sessions: 10/20, 10/27, 11/03, 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/01, 12/08
		1:00 PM-2:15 PM

		           Architect Jerry Cooper, Founding Principal and Chairman of nationally
recognized firm Cooper Carry, will lead us in an exploration of how societies down through
the ages reflect their structures and their values through the buildings that were built to
serve them. The presentation will cover Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, and the Roman
Empire up to the present day, with a view of Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, and Modern
structures. Discussion will center on the evolution of technology, changing values and
religious perspectives, changes governing societal structures, and their collective impact on
the architecture of each period. The class will conclude with a discussion of what buildings
might look like today and why.
		Jerome Cooper holds BS and BA degrees from Georgia Institute of Technology.
He received a Fulbright Fellowship and studied under the mentorship of Architetto Bruno
Zevi, (Hon. FAIA) in Rome, Italy, and was a Visiting Artist in 1997 at the American Academy
in Rome, Italy. Cooper is registered in 27 states and is certified by the National Council of
Architectural Registration Board. He was also recognized by the AIA for his design excellence
and long-standing involvement in the profession.

10/20 (Tues)											                                                         $12
		F-117A Stealth Fighter Stories: Myths and Truths
		2:30 PM-3:45 PM

		           From the start of the Top Secret Stealth Fighter Project, it was shrouded
in secrecy. Few people knew of the project and even fewer were chosen to work on the
special aircraft. As the project moved from testing to operational status, the public would
occasionally hear stories of strange aircraft that flew over the Nevada Desert only at night.
These stories grew into myths. Even though some were true, others were complete science
fiction. Come hear about this special aircraft and sneak a peek behind the curtain of secrecy
that to this day has surrounded the F-117A Nighthawk.
		Trecy Kent is a Retired US Air Force Master Sergeant, former economics and
history teacher, and current Financial Advisor with Edward Jones. He earned a BBA, an MEd
in Secondary Education, and an Education Specialist degree in Education Administration. He
currently holds a Series 7 General Securities Representative License, the Series 66 (Uniform
Combined State Law Examination) License, and a Georgia Insurance License.

 9   Registation site    Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/21 (Wed)												                                                         $12
		Homelessness in Athens: Who? Why? What We Can Do to Help!
		           9:00 AM -11:45 AM

		           The class will give a brief overview of homelessness in America and then focus
on Athens and its homeless population. The panel of speakers will provide information on
who the homeless are, why they are homeless, and what needs to be done to reduce or end
homelessness in Athens. Panel members are Tom Kenyon, former president of the National
Alliance to End Homelessness; Shea Post, chair of the Northeast Georgia Homeless and
Poverty Coalition; Katie Wheeler, Athens Clarke County School District Homeless Education
liaison; Davin Welter, executive director of Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens;
Solomon Smothers, regional director of Action Ministries; and Andrew Wilkin, executive
director of Bigger Vision of Athens.
		Tom Kenyon holds a BS from St. Louis University and a MA from Georgetown
University. His career includes working in international education and training and as a not
for profit executive. He and his wife are world travelers.

10/21 (Wed)												                                       $12
		The Amazing Rise of Beach Music: The Sacred and The Profane
		12:00 PM-1:00 PM

		           Take a walk down memory lane as this noted shag dance and beach music
historian traces the origins of a southern music genre that spread from the juke joints and
jukeboxes of the Carolina coast to college campuses throughout the South. John Hook will
share remembrances of the dance, the bands, beach culture, and the music that remains
popular today.
		           Fessa’ John Hook is a career broadcaster and the recognized historian of
Carolina beach music and the shag dance. He’s the author of five best-selling music books,
including Shaggin’ & Boppin’, and a two-volume beach music encyclopedia, The Beach and
Shag All Time Top 200. John is the voice of several syndicated broadcast shows on beach
music on several radio stations, internet channels and SiriusXM radio.

10/22 (Thu)												                                                         $12
		The Boston Massacre by John Adams
		          10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

		          The Boston Massacre is an important historical event. There is a general
knowledge about it. But what about the details that are not well know? Such as who was
the lawyer who defended the British soldiers? It was John Adams – American statesman,
attorney, diplomat, writer, Founding Father and 2nd President. Hear John Adams describe
the night of the Massacre and speak about his participation in the trials that followed.
		John Roeder has a degree in political science with a minor in history. He was an
actor in Hollywood for nine years after serving 22 years in the military. He enjoys providing
audiences with a better understanding of history through his dramatic presentations.

 10   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/22 (Thu)												                                                          $27
		For Thine is the Kingdom: The Bible as a Call to Faithful Resistance
		           (Part 1, The Hebrew Scriptures)
		4 Sessions: 10/22, 10/29, 11/05, 11/12
		           1:00 PM-2:15 PM

		           In Part 1 of this multi-class series, we will explore the core message of the
Bible as a call to God’s people to resist the way of Empire (human systems of domination,
exploitation, and religious legitimation) and to embrace God’s alternative vision for the
world, the Kingdom or Realm of God. Part 2, to be offered in early 2021, will explore the
continuation of this theme in the New Testament.
		Tom Buchanan is Pastor of Friendship Presbyterian Church in Athens, and for
the last 26 years has served churches in NJ and GA. Rev. Buchanan has particular interests
in historical and philosophical theology, the background and interpretation of Biblical
literature, and the relationship between religion and the natural sciences.

10/23 (Fri)												                                                        $12
		The Outer Hebrides of Scotland, A World Apart
		10:00 AM-11:30 AM

		           The Outer Hebrides are a chain of islands off the western coast of northern
Scotland. There are 15 inhabited islands. The ones with more substantial population are,
from south to north, Barra, North and South Uist, Benbecula, and Harris and Lewis. Wild,
lashed by the North Atlantic, and fascinating. This will be a tour of the islands, and at least
a few minutes will be spent watching part of the 1948 movie Whisky Galore, from Compton
Mackenzie’s novel based on a Hebridean crisis! Note that whisky in Scotland does not
include an “e”!
		Ian Hardin was born in Scotland, and half the family live there. He visits often
and is fairly knowledgeable about Scotland’s culture, geography, and history. He has a tag
holder on the back of his car that reads “Scot wha hae”! If you don’t know what that means,
look it up!

10/23 (Fri)												                                                        $12
		Remembering Your Sacred Self
		2:00 PM-3:00 PM

		          During more than four decades of regression therapy, hundreds and hundreds of
subjects have reported the same things. With this class presentation, satisfy your curiosity
about the other side, your soul, and the human experience. Before we meet, you may wish to
read Cannon, Delores. Between Death and Life:, originally Conversations with Spirit. Huntsville
AR: Ozark Mountain Publishing Inc, 1993.
		Sharon Carty is an experienced spiritual counselor. Her heritage is Irish and
one-quarter Apache Indian. While living in St. Augustine FL, she hosted a weekly spiritual
metaphysical live call-in talk radio show. While in St. Louis MO, she wrote a monthly
column similar to “Dear Abby” in Spirit Seeker magazine.

 11   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/24 (Sat)												                                                     $12
		Medicare 101: Navigating the Medicare Maze (A)
		10:30 AM-11:45 AM

		           Medicare Plans can be confusing! Join us so that you can better plan your
benefits strategy. Learn the many facets and particulars of Medicare. Gain an understanding
of Medicare Parts A, B, C (Medicare Advantage), and D (Prescription Drug Plan), and
Medicare Supplement plans. Learn when to sign up and what the potential penalties are
for delayed enrollment in Medicare. We discuss pros and cons of the growing trend of
working for your employer past age 65 but leaving your employer’s medical plan to enroll in
Medicare in order to save money on premiums.
		Robert Cox, “The Retirement Educator,” is a professional retirement planner
and holds certification of Retirement Income Certified Professional RICP©, 2020 Certified
Medicare Plan Agent and SEC Series 65 exam qualified. Mr. Cox teaches monthly seminars at
various community programs.

 12   Registation site   Week 10-12     706-542-7715
Week 11 (October 26-30)
10/24 (Sat)												                                                        $12
		The Power of the Pentatonic Scale
		10:30 AM-12:00 PM

		            Take your guitar understanding and playing to the next level with this course
designed for late beginners and intermediate guitarists. Understand how to navigate the
guitar neck using a simple method of linking a few chords with the five shapes of the
pentatonic scales. This course includes an interactive handout with lesson links and backing
tracks for practice sessions. Feel more confident in any musical situation or style, and go
from rhythm guitarist to lead guitarist in the quickest way possible.
		Neil Santos is a Berklee graduate, author of The Guitar Simplified, and The Lefty
Guitarist’s Survival Handbook and an instructor with over 15 years of teaching and 32 years of
playing experience. His passion for teaching guitar in simple and innovative ways, has led
him to his latest instructional creation, The Pentatonic Way, a virtual journey towards guitar

10/26 (Mon)       										                                                   $24
		Hardy’s Poetry with a Dose of Hopkins
		         3 Sessions: 10/26 (Mon), 10/27 (Tues), 10/29 (Thurs)
		10:30 AM-11:45 AM

		           Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is widely known as a novelist, author of Far from the
Madding Crowd and Tess of the D’Urbervilles. That he was also a major poet with a distinctive
voice is not so generally understood. Because his poems tend toward the melancholy and
pessimistic, we will lighten the mood with poems by his eccentric contemporary, Gerard
Manley Hopkins (1844-89). Hopkins treated a similarly cankered vision with a strong dose
of soaring faith. Oral reading and discussion. No required homework. No required text.
		Jack Armistead (PhD, Duke) taught English literature at four universities,
served as liberal arts dean at two of them, and retired as Provost of Tennessee Technological
University. He is the author or editor of four books about Restoration and 18th-Century
writers, and he was founding editor of a scholarly journal. He and his wife, Jane, have three
children and five grandchildren.

 13   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/26 (Mon)											                                                          $12
		We Are All Socialists, You Too!
		10:30 AM-12:00 PM

		            Words are important! If you’re going to oppose all socialism, it can’t logically
and meaningfully just be a knee-jerk opposition against some government program that
may not even be socialism, meanwhile embracing other government programs that are truly
socialistic. This class will help you understand socialism, what does and doesn’t work about
it, and why you may think you oppose all socialism but don’t.
		Lee Reed won the Alabama statewide Birmingham News “Youth Views the
News” contest in 1968 on The Threat of Communism. A member of the UGA faculty for 38
years, he retired from the Terry College of Business in 2010 as Scherer Chair in Public
Affairs. He was also Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Legal Studies.

10/26 (Mon)											                                                          $12
		Gerrymandering: How Does It Affect You?
		2:00 PM-3:00 PM

		           This class will explore redistricting and Gerrrymandering by examining these
questions: (1) What is redistricting and how does it affect our elections? (2) What is
Gerrymandering and why is it a problem? (3) What can we do about it? We will show how
both political parties have actively engaged in partisan Gerrymandering since the mid-20th
		           With opportunities to discuss the issues in an open and honest way, we will
demonstrate the impact of Gerrymandering on voters, particularly Georgia voters. Finally,
we will present information about what citizens can do to prevent partisan Gerrymandering,
including aspects of the proposed bipartisan Democracy Act, which is still in the Georgia
General Assembly.
		Joan Curtis and Kitty Donnan worked as trainers and educators for the
University Institute of Government and later as corporate educators. Joan has a doctorate
in Adult Education. Kitty has worked in public administration and human resources. Both
are keenly aware of the need for fair districts to enable our citizens the right to choose their
elected officials. Joan and Kitty conducted retreats and workshops for local government
groups throughout the state.

10/27 (Tues)											                                                         $12
		Alfred Hitchcock: The Master of Suspense
		10:30 AM-11:30 AM

		           Alfred Hitchcock produced some of the most memorable and terrifying scenes in
cinema history from Psycho to Vertigo and The Birds. His life was as fascinating as his films.
This course explores the life and times of Alfred Hitchcock and his extraordinary rise to
fame. The Master of Suspense is considered one of the most influential and respected movie
makers of all time.
		Sandy Olson enjoyed a career of 40+ years starting as an officer in the USAF.
Over the years she has held positions in broadcasting, journalism, and marketing active
living retirement communities. She does not consider herself retired but in fact has re-fired
with an encore career teaching classes on Positive Aging from addressing the myths and
stereotypes of growing older to having purpose in our lives and developing an attitude of
 14   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/28 (Wed)											                                                       $34
		March to Victory - The Liberation of Western Europe 1944-45
		         5 Sessions: 10/28, 11/04, 11/11, 11/18, 11/25
		10:00 AM-1:00 PM

		          Following the success of D-Day and the Campaign in Normandy, the Allies still
had to liberate France, before they could concentrate on the Low Countries. This course will
focus on Operation Market-Garden, the Battles of Aachen, the Huertgen Forest, and the
Bulge, followed by the need to seize bridges over the Rhine.
		          Military historian and Colonel (retired) Lawrence Saul served for 34 years in
the US Army, including tours in Germany, Holland, Belgium, England, Kosovo and other
locations. He was one of the last veterans of the Vietnam War still serving on active duty
when he retired in 2008. A Battlefield Tour Guide, he has a BA in History from Georgia State
University as well as two master’s degrees.

10/28 (Wed)											                                                       $12
		Venezuela: Political, Economic, and Environmental Crisis
		10:30 AM-11:45 AM
		           Venezuela is in a political, economic, and environmental crisis. President
Nicholas Maduro claims that the demonstrators in Caracas and other cities are part of a
conspiracy by the U.S. to drive him from power. He and his supporters appear to ignore the
shortages of food and medicine that ordinary Venezuelans face each day. The U.S. and 60
other countries have recognized Mr. Juan Guaido, elected leader of the national assembly, as
Venezuela’s legitimate president. How did the crisis in Venezuela develop? This course will
explore the background of the crisis and the environmental impact on the country of the
decline in Venezuela’s petroleum industry. New international events surrounding Venezuela
and the Trump Administration will be discussed.
		Glenn Ames is a retired faculty member in the Dept. of Agricultural and Applied
Economics at UGA where he taught for 40 years. His area of specialization was international
trade and development. In the mid-1960s, he was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Venezuela. He
has continued his interest in Latin America through his professional work, leading several
projects in cross-cultural understanding and education in Central America and Mexico.

10/28 (Wed)											                                                       $12
		When All Else Fails, Ham Radio Works! Amateur Radio 101
		1:00 PM-3:45 PM
		          In 2005, one of the few systems that did not fail during Katrina was the amateur
(“ham”) radio network of licensed volunteers, who helped direct rescuers when all power
and communications networks were out. This course will provide an overview of ham radio,
with licensing, radio choices and operations, and the many activities associated with it.
Equipment will be shown and explained, as well as demonstrated.
		Bob Herrin holds the extra class license for amateur radio. He organizes public
emergency radio service events like UGA games and 5k races. Rick Waters is past-president
of the Athens Radio Club and a general class licensee. Kathleen McCook is a technician class
licensee and Athens Radio Club’s secretary and public information officer. All are members
of the Amateur Radio Emergency Service.

 15   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/29 (Thu)												                                         $12
		Women and the Holy City: The Struggle Over Jerusalem’s Sacred Space
		6:00 PM-7:30 PM
		           Jerusalem’s Temple Mount/al-Haram al-Sharif is one of holiest places in the
world for Jews and Muslims and a constant feature in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This
class addresses the gendered dimensions of inter-communal disputes over sacred space in
Jerusalem and the role of women in these conflicts.
		Lihi Ben Shitrit is an assistant professor at UGA’s School of Public and
International Affairs. Her research focuses on the intersections of gender, religion, and
politics in the Middle East. She is the author of the book Righteous Transgressions: Women’s
Activism on the Israeli and Palestinian Religious Right (Princeton University Press, 2015). She
was a research fellow at the Middle East Initiative at Harvard Kennedy School (2018-2019),
a fellow at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
(2017), and a fellow at Harvard Divinity School’s Women’s Studies in Religion Program
(2013-2014). She holds a PhD and MA in political science from Yale and a BA in Middle
Eastern studies from Princeton.

10/30 (Fri)												                                                          $12
		Medicare 101: Navigating the Medicare Maze (B)
		2:00 PM-3:15 PM

		           Medicare Plans can be confusing! Join us so that you can better plan your
benefits strategy. Learn the many facets and particulars of Medicare. Gain an understanding
of Medicare Parts A, B, C (Medicare Advantage), and D (Prescription Drug Plan), and
Medicare Supplement plans. Learn when to sign up and what the potential penalties for
delayed enrollment in Medicare include. We discuss pros and cons of the growing trend of
working for your employer past age 65 but leaving your employer’s medical plan to enroll in
Medicare in order to save money on premiums.
		Robert Cox, “The Retirement Educator” is a professional retirement planner
and holds certification of Retirement Income Certified Professional RICP©, 2020 Certified
Medicare Plan Agent and SEC Series 65 exam qualified. Mr. Cox teaches monthly seminars at
various community programs.

10/30 (Fri)												                                                          $12
		UGA North Campus Virtual Walking Tour
		2:30 PM-3:45 PM

		           UGA’s iconic North Campus features buildings and spaces - many more than
a century old - that are architecturally diverse, aesthetically charming and rich in history,
lore, and legend. Get a close-up look at these landmarks on a virtual walking tour starting at
the Arch and covering much of the North Campus area. Visit the oldest building in Athens...
the beautiful UGA Chapel...the site of the first murder on campus...the charming Founders
Memorial Garden...and the field where the first college football game in Georgia was played.
See first-hand why UGA is one of America’s classic college campuses.
		           After receiving a journalism degree from UGA in 1965, Larry Dendy served in
the Peace Corps in India and was a newspaper reporter and editor in Winston-Salem NC and
Tifton GA. In 1972, he joined the UGA Office of Public Affairs where he worked for 37 years
as a writer, editor, News Service director, speechwriter, and special projects manager. After
retiring in 2009, he wrote Through the Arch: An Illustrated Guide to the University of Georgia
Campus, published by the UGA Press in 2013.
 16   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
10/31 (Sat)												                                                       $12
		Aleutian Volcanoes: Tales of the “Far West”
		         10:30 AM-11:45 AM

		          This seminar will be focused on the importance of studying volcanoes. It will
be based on the September 2015 geological campaign in which Pistone participated as
postdoctoral fellow of the Smithsonian Institution (Washington DC), sponsored by the
GeoPRISMS Program of the National Science Foundation.
		Mattia Pistone is an enthusiastic Italian academic researcher, project leader,
and research instructor. He has a PhD in Earth Sciences, specializing in geology, petrology,
volcanology, and rock physics. He is an Assistant Professor in Petrology and Volcanology in
UGA’s Department of Geology. He looks forward to conducting vibrant research, delivering
excellent teaching to undergraduate and graduate students, and working side-by-side with
students, postdocs, and faculty scientists.

 17   Registation site   Week 10-12     706-542-7715
Week 12 (November 2 - November 6)
11/2 (Mon)												                                      $29
		Close-Up and Macrophotography - A Virtual Hands-On Workshop
		        3 Sessions: 11/2, 11/9, 11/16
		9:00 AM-11:45 AM

		          Close-up and macro photography gives us a unique view of the tiny world
around us. Students will learn the basics of macro photography, equipment to use, and some
of the techniques needed to get amazing results. This is a great overview for beginners or a
good refresher with plenty of tips for more experienced macro photographers. Class is via
ZOOM, and includes practice technique assignments at a local venue with social distancing
or at home depending on the student’s preference. Equipment required: DSLR or Mirrorless
Camera and Tripod. A Macro lens is helpful but is NOT required. There is a fee of $5.00 for
		Gary Whiting is an independent photographer, instructor, and master naturalist.
As a former marketing and tech executive and a photographer since age 12, his vision is to
capture uncommon moments that create unique works of art. Recently retired to Athens
from St. Johns FL, Gary was instrumental in building the photography curriculum in the
OLLI program at the University of North Florida, having taught over 45 classes and more
than 500 students over six years.

11/2 (Mon)												                                                       $12
		Standardized Patient Program: Get Paid to Play
		10:30 AM-12:00 PM

		           Students attending the AU/UGA Medical Partnership study the art of doctoring
through the Clinical Skills Program, which emphasizes the importance of communication,
professionalism, history-taking, and physical examination. Persons are trained to portray
a patient in a medical situation. Standardized patients act in a consistent, standardized
manner to teach and evaluate medical students. Men and women of all ages, physical types,
ethnic groups, and various backgrounds are needed to represent the types of patients they
will be portraying.
		Tina Powers has worked for the Medical Partnership between UGA and the
Medical College of GA at Augusta University since 2009. She supports the ECM 1 and 2
course directors, builds and monitors course and grade content, prepares and assists with
the Simulated Patient Volunteer Program, and serves as a purchaser for the department.

 18   Registation site     Week 10-12     706-542-7715
11/2 (Mon)												                                                     $12
		Talking Turkey:
		        The History and Cultural Significance of our Favorite Feast Bird
		2:00 PM-3:00 PM

		           With Thanksgiving looming at the end of the month, why do we celebrate
the holiday with a turkey as a centerpiece? It’s a tradition that has its roots in the Middle
Ages. The wild turkey was once hunted to near extinction. How did scientists at UGA and
the National Wild Turkey Federation help save the wild turkey? And what exactly is a wild
turkey? Its ancestors roamed the Jurassic period along with the dinosaurs. It’s all about
turkeys and more!
		PJ Perea is Communications Director of the UGA Savannah River Ecology
Laboratory at the Savannah River Site near Aiken SC, and former Director of the Winchester
Wild Turkey Museum at the National Wild Turkey Federation in Edgefield SC.

11/3 (Tues)												                                                        $12
		Superfoods and Incredible Diets: Fact and Fiction
		9:00 AM-10:15 AM

		          We are what we eat. Superfoods, amazing diets- all are advertised as making a
huge difference in our lives. What are superfoods, what about keto, paleo, Mediterranean,
Weight Watchers, and so many other diets? Are they helpful, do they have no benefit, or are
they potentially harmful? In this presentation, we will examine the claims of superfood
and the currently most popular, sometimes related, diets. We’ll look at the claims and then
explore the scientific basis, if any, for the claims.
		David Knauft conducted peanut breeding and genetic research, and taught
genetics-related courses at the University of Florida. He was head of the Crop Science
Department at NC State, followed by service as associate dean for academic affairs at UGA.
He conducted breeding research in the horticulture department before becoming associate
dean of the Graduate School. He retired part-time in 2011, teaching gardening and service-
learning courses until his full retirement in July 2019.

11/3 (Tues)												                                                        $12
		War and Remembrance: How the US Commemorates the Fallen
		10:00 AM-12:30 PM

		           With the approach of Veterans Day on 11 November 2020, the US will pay
homage to those who have served the nation in times of peace and war. Often confused with
Memorial Day, when the US remembers the fallen, these two days are set aside to show our
respect for all servicemen and women, past and present. This presentation will focus on
all wars, and, especially those cemeteries and memorials overseas. We will see how the US
salutes those who served and those who paid the ultimate price. We will also look at how
other nations do the same.
		           Military historian and Colonel (retired) Lawrence Saul served for 34 years in
the US Army, including tours in Germany, Holland, Belgium, England, Kosovo and other
locations. He was one of the last veterans of the Vietnam War still serving on active duty
when he retired in 2008. A Battlefield Tour Guide, he has a BA in History from Georgia State
University as well as two master’s degrees.

 19   Registation site   Week 10-12      706-542-7715
11/5 (Thu)												                                           $21
		Financial and Estate Planning 500: Planning in the Retirement Years (D)
		        2 Sessions: 11/5 (Thurs), 11/6 (Fri)
		10:30 AM-11:45 AM

		           We have spent our entire lives planning our finances around this season of
life, retirement. Our financial plans no longer include employee benefits or salaries. We are
operating on fixed incomes and assets. Our goals include preserving capital, addressing
long-term healthcare needs, and making wealth distribution decisions about charity and
family. This course will guide you through the financial and estate planning steps as they
apply to retirees: knowing what you have, setting goals, designing a plan, implementing the
plan, and knowing when to review and reset your plan.
		Laurel Alberty is a Certified Financial Planner® and Vice President of Financial
and Estate Planning at First American Bank and Trust. Laurel has offered financial and
estate planning advice in the Athens community for over 20 years. She writes financial
articles, teaches financial literacy classes, and has been a guest speaker for the UGA
entrepreneur class. Laurel enjoys sharing her love for finance and teaching others how to
stay on the path to financial security.

11/6 (Fri)												                                                        $12
		Glyphosate: Ideal Herbicide or Global Menace?
		10:00 AM-12:00 PM

		           This class will investigate some of the controversies surrounding the world’s
most widely used herbicide. Much of the hype, headlines, and hysteria about glyphosate
implies that the herbicide is a public menace. On the other hand, there is a wealth of
mainstream research and factual information to indicate that glyphosate has a favorable
safety profile for the environment and for human health.
		Gary Crider works at the State Botanical Garden as an invasive plant control
specialist and is a volunteer leader with the Memorial Park/Birchmore Trail Weed Warriors,
a group that works to limit the spread of invasive plant species and to restore wildlife
habitat on public and private land. In recognition of his environmental stewardship and
activism with the Weed Warriors, the local Audubon Society and similar organizations, Gary
received the 2013 Alec Little Environmental Award.

20   Registration site   Week 13-15     706-542-7715
Week 13 (November 9 - November 13)
11/9 (Mon)											                                                         $24
		Cybersecurity, Online Privacy, and
		        Protection of Your Digital Assets: You’re Naked
		        3 Sessions: Mon 11/9, Wed 11/11, Fri 11/13
		        10:00 AM-12:00 PM

		           You’re under attack! You get emails daily, trying to hijack your bank accounts.
Every week, hackers breach corporate websites and steal massive amounts of consumer
data. Now your hard drive is starting to make funny noises... Is the digital privacy and
security situation as bad as it seems? No - it’s much, much worse! This course will review
the threats to your privacy and security in the Internet age. You’ll receive a set of practical,
inexpensive tips so you can secure your personal information, protect yourself from
scammers, and minimize your exposure to digital catastrophes.
		Chuck Murphy is a retired software professional and veteran OLLI@UGA
presenter. He spent the last 15 years of his career developing secure and robust e-commerce
systems on the web. He has never been hacked.

11/9 (Mon)											                                                         $21
		What’s up at the Court
		        2 Sessions: Mon 11/9 & 11/16
		        2:00 PM - 3:15 PM

		           This class will consist of 2 one hour sessions. Session 1: A brief and selective
history of the Supreme Court and how it operates. Session 2: A discussion of a few cases
that have been recently argued or will soon be argued before the Supreme Court.
		Professor Tom Eaton is a J.Alton Hosch Professor Emeritus at the University
of Georgia School of Law where he taught for 40 years. He is the author or co-author of
numerous books and journal articles on Constitutional Litigation.

11/10 (Tues)											                                                       $27
		Critical Reading: Selected Short Stories
		10:30 AM-11:45 AM
		          4 sessions: Tuesdays 11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/1

		           Reading short stories can afford the reader an opportunity to experience a
variety of authors, forms, and topics without investing a great deal of time or commitment.
After a short introduction by the presenter, the class will be left open for discussion of the
assigned reads. At their best, varied comments from class members offer everyone new and
richer perspectives on the stories. Each week 2 to 4 short stories will be chosen from ed
Baush R, and Cassill R.V., The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, the full 8th Edition, 2015.
		Though Dale Goodhue was an engineering student in college, he participated in
numerous creative writing courses in and outside of college. He once spent a year writing
and publishing short stories. Although following a fairly technical career path (including
professor of management information systems at UGA) he is a lifelong lover of fiction,
especially short stories, and has co-taught this course in the past.

 21   Registration site      Week 13-15         706-542-7715
11/10 (Tues)											                                                    $34
		Mascots of UGA
		3:00 PM-4:00 PM

		          This class will examine the history of mascots used by the athletics program at
UGA, from a goat to the world-famous line of UGA bulldogs. Examples of mascots will be
drawn from the archives of the UGA Athletic Association.
		Jason Hasty is the UGA Athletics History Specialist for the Hargrett Library. He
manages the archives of the UGA Athletic Association and is a source for information on the
history and development of athletics at UGA.

11/10 (Tues)												                                                         $12
		More Meditative Doodling
		2:00 PM-3:15 PM

		          This class assumes that you’ve taken Meditative Doodling, and would like more
practice with a little guidance. The class period will be broken into drawing and sharing
periods. Suggestions for “drawing challenges”will be offered.
		          Participants will need a pencil, and a medium-fine black felt tip pen, and
ordinary copy paper (an archival brand such as Micron is preferred). Handouts will be
emailed in advance.
		Linda Gilbert graduated with a BFA in Drawing and Painting and worked as
a graphic designer for more than a decade. However, she moved on to other work and
gradually let her time for art slip away. Through meditative doodling, she found a way to
incorporate art into her life once more.

11/10 (Tues)												                                       $12
		Saving Lives: Volunteerism and the Animal Welfare Community in Athens, GA
		12:00 PM-1:00 PM

		           This course will review animal welfare in our local community, emphasizing
how volunteerism and adoptions aid our mission to save lives. Topics include resources
for companion pets in the community, how the animal welfare system works, and how
members can become more involved in pet rescue in the Athens, GA area.
		Jed Kaylor served as the Shelter Director at AAHS (Athens Area Humane Society)
for 5 years, and is now serving as its Community Outreach Director. Under his guidance
AAHS rescued and found homes for 5,500 cats and dogs (and counting).

22   Registration site   Week 13-15         706-542-7715
11/11 (Wed)												                                                         $12
		Milledge Avenue from Broad to Baxter: A Virtual Walking Tour
		10:30 AM-12:30 PM

		           Milledge Avenue from Broad to Baxter is an iconic street in Athens filled with
antebellum and Victorian mansions converted to UGA sororities and fraternities. It is also
home to Clarke Central High School (formerly Athens High School). CCHS was once an all-
white school but was integrated in 1970. This virtual walking tour will point out the history
of the older homes and their residents and will describe changes at Clarke Central High
School from 1952 to today.
		John Whitehead grew up near Henderson Avenue and attended Athens High
School. After a career of teaching history at the University of Alaska, he retired to Athens
on Henderson Avenue and taught at UGA. Prof. Whitehead is currently preparing a
reminiscence of Milledge Avenue for Volume II of The Tangible Past of Athens, Georgia with
Milton Leathers and Charlotte Marshall.

11/11 (Wed)												                                                         $12
		         Catching up With Country Music Start T. Graham Brown
		         2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

		          Joining us via video conference from the road, T. Graham Brown will share
insights into his country music career including 13 LPs, 3 #1 songs, and his collaborations
with other artists. We will learn about his recent ventures into radio broadcasting, acting,
a stage play, and most recently gospel music. And we will learn what’s the status of the
country music industry what’s on the horizon for T. Graham Brown.
		          Now entering his 5th decade as an entertainer, T. Graham Brown is a Grammy
Nominated and CMA award winning country music singer-songwriter in Nashville. Born
in Arabi/Crisp County, GA. “Tee” began a performing career in Athens in the 70s. After
moving into country music in the early 80s, 13 albums later including three #1 sellers, he
now has branched out into other fields and is a regular at the famed Wyman Auditorium.

11/12 (Thu)												                                                         $12
		Going to Scotland? See Glasgow First!
		10:30 AM-12:00 PM

		           This class provides insight into why Glasgow is a must-see while visiting
Scotland. Take a virtual tour of this exciting, vibrant city with wonderful architecture, great
museums, and many restaurants of every kind. Glasgow also gives the traveler very easy
access to Edinburgh for day train trips, and is only 30 minutes away from the Highlands.
		Ian Hardin was born in Scotland of a Scottish mother and an American father.
He came to the US at the age of two. All of his mother’s family are still in Scotland, and
he visits there most years. His mother inculcated him with all things Scottish, particularly
Robert Burns.

 23   Registration site   Week 13-15      706-542-7715
11/13 (Fri)												                                                       $12
		Ethnic Notions: The Roots of African American Stereotypes
		11:00 AM-12:30 PM

		          In cooperation with the Doc Buffs SIG, Dr. Giles will show the one-hour
documentary film, Ethnic Notions, followed by a discussion of the origins and legacy of
stereotypes that continue to interfere with race relations.
		Freda Scott Giles earned her PhD at the City University of New York. A specialist
in African-American Theatre, directing and acting, she is the author of articles focusing
on early African-American theatre, drama and theatre of the Harlem Renaissance period,
and contemporary African American theatre practitioners. She recently retired from UGA
where she taught courses in theatre history, African-American theatre, African theatre, and
directing for the stage; she directed a number of University Theatre productions and was
honored to become a General Sandy Beaver Teaching Professor.

11/13 (Fri)												                                                       $12
		Growing Bolder: How to Age with Dignity and Grace
		1:00 PM-2:15 PM

		           This class will present a humorous, motivating, and educational perspective on
the aging process. We will identify the key variables that encourage or discourage the rate
of biological and psychological atrophy, as well as the 12 healthier DIRTY DOZEN habits that
won’t guarantee a happy life but will define your legacy of the life you lived.
		Dan Zeman is an Exercise Physiologist with over 35 years’ experience in health,
wellness, fitness, and sports medicine. He has been recruited by The Sports Medicine
community to work with a variety of athletes from the NFL, NHL, NBA, and three-time
Tour de France winner Greg LeMond, and by high profile corporations that manufacture
traditional exercise equipment, metabolic exercise testing equipment, and health and fitness
platforms for hospitals, fitness centers, and corporate wellness centers. He is the author of
“Too Old to Die Young”.

24   Registration site   Week 13-15      706-542-7715
Week 14 (November 16-20)
11/17 (Tues)												                                                          $12
		Long Term Care Planning
		2:30 PM-3:45 PM

		          This class is designed to give a high-level view of long-term care planning.
The hope is to answer common questions about long long-term care, how to prepare for it,
how funding it impacts current assets, and what risks are associated with being unprepared
for the possibility that you’ll need it. By the end of the class, you should be familiar with
different ways to plan for long-term care, and how they affect retirement assets.
		Trecy Kent is a Retired US Air Force Master Sergeant, former Economics and
History teacher, and current Financial Advisor with Edward Jones. He earned a BBA, an MEd
in Secondary Education and an Education Specialist degree in Education Administration. He
currently holds a Series 7 General Securities Representative License, the Series 66 (Uniform
Combined State Law Examination) License, and a Georgia Insurance License.

11/17 (Tues)											                                                     $12
		Voices of Truth: A Gospel Legend in Athens, Georgia
		6:30 PM-7:45 PM

		           Participants will virtually visit the East Athens Friendship Baptist Church (480
Arch St). The session will begin with an explanation of how the Voices of Truth was formed
and how it has progressed to its current prestigious position as a renowned Georgia gospel
group. After the historical introduction, OLLI members will have the opportunity to listen
to the rehearsal music and feel happy, uplifted, and relaxed. OLLI participants will never
regret their attendance and how the music made them feel. Come and enjoy this quasi-
performance as choir members sing with their hearts and souls.
		James R. Smith is a native Athenian and deacon at Ebenezer Baptist Church
West. He will be assisted by choir member Shelia Neely-Norman, Interim Executive Director
of Athens Child Development Centers. With the help of minister Richard Hayes and Johnny
Simms, Mr. Smith formed Voices of Truth, a community choir. Choir members represent
various churches in the Athens community and have performed across the US, including at
the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City UT.

25   Registration site   Week 13-15         706-542-7715
You can also read