OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre

Page created by Derrick Walters
OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
Newsletter - September 2021

     Regina Senior Citizens’ Centre will reopen
        its doors in full on September 1st.

     Follow us on Facebook and check the next month
                newsletter for more details.

                       RSCC EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIP
                               SEPT 1ST - OCT 31, 2021
2404 Elphinstone St. Regina, SK, S4T 7S7
Phone: 306-359-3847 / Fax: 306-539-3881

2134 Winnipeg St. Regina, SK, S4P 3X6
Phone: 306-525-2154 / Fax: 306-525-2155
OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
House Committee Meeting
                                      E V E R YO N E I N V I T E D
       We invite our members to join us for the House Committee
    Meeting as we will be re-establishing our programs at both centres.
    The meeting will take place in the Auditorium at our Winnipeg St.
                location on September 2nd, at 10:00am.

                                 RSCC PARKING LOT NOTICE
       As of Aug 23,2021 RSCC parking lot will be no longer available to
      SASKATCHEWAN HEALTH AUTHORITY STAFF and all parking passes
                   issued to non-members will be voided.

     Members of the Regina Senior Citizens’ Centre are asked to display
                 their passes when using the parking lot.
    Guests are asked to get temporary parking passes at the front desk.

  All unauthorized vehicles (without visible passes) will be towed at the
  owners expense and subject to issued parking tickets by the city park-
                             ing enforcement.


The RSCC wishes to thank its Corporate Members…

OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
      P U T O N H O L D D U E TO C O N TAC TO R ’ S WO R K O N T H E F LO O R
                        D U R I N G T H E M O N T H O F AU G U S T

                                        Theatre in the Park is an original play offered free of charge in neighbour-
                                        hood parks around Saskatchewan each Summer. Created in response to
                                        a current issue, it’s a fun and thought-provoking performance for people
                                        of all ages. Catchy original music and colourful sets, props and costumes
                                        bring our stories to life.
                                        This year’s offering is a family friendly rock opera about two sides of the
                                        same river. Based on a story by Yvette Nolan, The Other Side of the River
                                        was devised by the Sum Theatre ensemble with original music composi-
                                        tion by Amanda Trapp. The Other Side of the River transports the
                                        audience on a joyful journey to a place they never expected to be.
                                        Tickets: Free; Register

                                        Date & Time:

                                        Regina & Area Performances
•   August 1 | Davidson School Football Field (Davidson) | 2pm
•   August 2 | Buffalo Meadows Park/Pool (North Central – Regina) | 2pm, 5:30pm, 7:30pm
•   August 3 | Elsie Dorsey Park (Whitmore Park – Regina) | 5:30pm, 7:30pm **ASL Performances**
•   August 4 | Thomson Community School Playground (Heritage – Regina) | 5:30pm, 7:30pm
                 **ASL Performance**
•   August 5 | Fairchild Park (Harbour Landing – Regina) | 5:30pm, 7:30pm
•   August 6 | Dixon Park (Indian Head) | 5:30pm, 7:30pm
•   August 8 I Glencairn Park (Dewdney East Community Association- Regina – CLOSING) | 5:30pm, 7:30pm

The RSCC wishes to thank its Corporate Members…

                                                                     Intergenerational Senior Care & Living Community
OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
Are you downsizing???
The Regina Senior Citizens’ Centre is looking for gently used yard care equipment

for our Senior Home Help Services.

If you would like to donate, please call 306-525-2154 to set up a drop off

or pickup time.

The RSCC wishes to thank its Corporate Members…

OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
2 Major Considerations To
                                        Consider When Downsizing
                                        By Doug and Judy Robinson

                                        The most common mistake people make when downsizing to a home,
                                        apartment or retirement residence is to make a decision on emotion
                                        and not on two main considerations:
                                        1. What can they afford.
                                        2. What is the lifestyle that would work for them
                                        What is Affordable?
                                       Talk with a financial planner you trust or one who comes recommended
                                       to you. They can look at the present and projected sources of income
and “Crunch the Numbers” for you. Do not take into consideration a future inheritance. Do look at projected
financial commitments as well as health and life expectancy considerations. The “Planner” should be able to
give you a realistic figure of what you can and what you cannot afford.
What Lifestyle Will Work for You?
Take a piece of paper and write down what you would like to do with your time. If there are two people, use
two pieces of paper. Look at the lists. Then number them according to your priorities. A couple should look
at priorities common to both lists.
Some questions to get you started:
Do you want to entertain? If so how? Dinner? Coffee? Cards?
Do you want the peace and quiet of the country?
Do you want or need to be near children or grandchildren?
Do you need to be near a hospital or doctor?
Do you want a pet to live with you?
Sometimes we also write down the things we really DON’T want .
Examples :
I don’t want to be on a busy street.
I don’t want a challenging parking spot in an underground garage.
I don’t want to be dependent on an elevator to get to my suite.
I don’t want to live in a “noisy” building with poor soundproofing.
One thing we have noticed with many clients is that their large furniture often does not fit in their smaller
living space. Some people rush out and purchase or order lots of new furniture and discover that they really
don’t like it once it is in their new place. We suggest shopping around, seeing what is out there but limiting
purchases until you are actually in your new home. Yes, you might need to go ahead and buy a new bed or
sofa or love seat but the end tables might be too big, or too dark or too light. So, get what is essential but
limit the non essentials until you can actually see what will work. We say this because so many of the clients
we have had over the years have been disappointed with some of the premature purchases they have made.
The RSCC wishes to thank its Corporate Members…

OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
The RSCC Cycling and Walking Program
is back at Elphinstone St. Centre.
To ensure that everyone can exercise in safe
manner this season, all equipment is cleaned and
sanitized after every use, and booking system has
been implemented.
Bicycles and walking sticks are available to sign out
from 9:00—2:00pm Mon - Fri at 2404 Elphinstone St.
A friendly reminder that the RSCC is still closed to the public. Our facility will be open for
washroom access only. Please bring water with you, as you will not be able to fill bottles
at our location.
                      Bike and walking stick sign out is by appointment.
                      Please call Adam at 306-359-3847 to book your time slot.

                        DISC GOLF
                      Join us on Wednesdays and Fridays
                      July and August , 9am - 2pm
Our Disc golf demo days on Fridays have been receiving lots of interest. During the month of August,
the course will be available Wednesdays and Fridays from 9-2pm.
                            Each Wednesday and Friday, we are setting up a 9 hole course
                            in Les Sherman Park, behind our Elphinstone St location.
                            If you’d like to learn how to disc golf, or care to return for another round;
                            please contact Adam at 306-369-3847.
                            Bookings are by appointment and you are able to bring up to 4 members
                            with you.

                                                     A friendly reminder that the RSCC Elphinstone St.
                                                     location is closed to the public. Washroom access
                                                     is available. Please bring water with you, as you will
                                                     not be able to fill bottles at our location.

                                                     Please call Adam at 306-359-3847 to book your
The RSCC wishes to thank its Corporate Members…

OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
Conspiracy, We Must Stop This
Have you ever noticed that when you're of a certain age,
everything seems uphill from where you are? Stairs are
steeper. Groceries are heavier.
And, everything is farther away. Yesterday I walked to the
corner and I was dumbfounded to discover how long our
street had become!
And, you know, people are less considerate now, especially
the young ones. They speak in whispers all the time! If you
ask them to speak up they just keep repeating themselves,
endlessly mouthing the same silent message until they're
red in the face! What do they think I am, a lip reader?
I also think they are much younger than I was at the
same age.
On the other hand, people my own age are so much older
than I am. I ran into an old friend the other day and she has
aged so much that she didn't even recognize me.
I got to thinking about the poor dear while I was combing
my hair this morning, and in doing so, I glanced at my own
reflection........Well, REALLY NOW ......... even mirrors are
not made the way they used to be!
Another thing, everyone drives so fast today! You're risking
life and limb if you just happen to pull onto the freeway in
front of them. All I can say is, their brakes must wear out
awfully fast, the way I see them screech and swerve in my
rear view mirror.
Clothing manufacturers are less civilized these days. Why
else would they suddenly start labeling a size 10 or 12 dress
as 18 or 20? Do they think no one notices that these things
no longer fit around the waist, hips, thighs, and bosom?
The people who make bathroom scales are pulling the same
prank, but in reverse. Do they think I actually "believe" the
number I see on that dial? HA! I would never let myself weigh
that much! Just who do these people think they're fooling?
                                                                  DON’T PISS OFF
I'd like to call up someone in authority to report what's going
on-but the telephone! company is in on the conspiracy too:        OLD PEOPLE.
they've printed the phone books in such small type that no        THE OLDER WE GET,
one could ever find a number in here!                             THE LESS “LIFE IN PRISON”
All I can do is pass along this warning:
                                                                  IS A DETERRENT.
Maturity is under attack!

OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
Note that this did not take into account the cost of
                                                           basics, such as spices, and Walmart did not offer an
                                                           organic version of half and half.
                                                           Dirty Dozen
                                                           There are actually many recipes that you can convert
                                                           to healthier substitutes to eliminate pesticide-laden
                                                           greens and fruits, GMO’s and other processed and
                                                           chemical additives. When looking to make the switch
                                                           to incorporate more fresh organics into your diet, keep
                                                           in mind that there is a list of the Dirty Dozen which
                                                           includes the top 12 produce to always buy organic due
                                                           to the heavy use of pesticides.
                                                         This year, the list includes strawberries (with 20
For many of us, the idea of switching to a healthy,      different pesticides), spinach, kale, collard, and
organic diet seems out of reach because the perception mustard greens, nectarines, apples, grapes, peaches,
is that it’s too expensive. Is that really true?         cherries, pears, tomatoes, bell and hot peppers, celery,
It can be difficult to pinpoint the answer because we    and tomatoes.
all have different food purchasing habits and budgets    You will also find the Clean Fifteen list for those fruits
and family sizes. So, a healthy food that I may think is and veggies that are clean to eat if you can’t find
reasonably priced because it fits into my food budget    organic. The Clean15 includes avocados, sweet corn,
may be expensive for others… or is it really?            pineapples, onions, papayas, frozen sweet peas,
We Live on Processed Foods                                 eggplant, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kiwifruit,
In researching, I was stunned to read how many             cauliflower, mushrooms, honeydew, cantaloupe.
people buy their food from dollar stores. 90 percent       Can We Really Eat Healthy and Keep to Our Budget?
of the money Americans spend on food goes to buy           Here is a few tips you can follow to keep your grocery
processed foods.                                           bill low while your family eats healthier.
60% of the food Americans eat is not just processed         Compare options and pay attention to portion size;
but ultra-processed, which is defined as food products
containing several ingredients that are not traditionally Plan before you shop – keep impulse buying to a
used in cooking.                                            minimum;

Also, besides salt, sugar, oils, and fats, they can include Choose cheaper protein – swap out red meat or fish
artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, and other addi-     with lentils for example;
tives used to imitate sensorial qualities of unprocessed Buy in season;
or minimally processed foods.                            Go frozen when fruits and veggies aren’t in season.
Why the Growing Trend?                                   They’re usually frozen right after they’re picked so they
How can we encourage people to eat healthy? Is it a      may actually have more nutrients than “fresh” produce
matter of not having enough time to prepare healthy      shipped from far away.
foods? Is it a matter of budget?                           So, Is Eating Healthy More Expensive?
If budget is an issue, a quick online search shows hun-    I think an important question is, of course, how much
dreds of budget-minded recipes: 20 recipes for eating      value do you place on your health? If switching from
healthy on a budget, cheap healthy meals, budget din-      processed foods to more natural and organic foods,
ners, and cheap heart-healthy dinner ideas.                and budget has been stopping you in the past, the best
My Own Experiment                                          way to start is to take baby steps.

I did a little test on the cost of an Instant Pot Creamy   Start this week by picking two items in your shopping
Chicken Wild Rice Soup recipe. Going online to             list that you can 1) either eliminate because they are, I sourced all the ingredients in organic      unhealthy and processed-laden snacks, or 2) you can
and came up with soup, side salad, and bread at $4.25      switch to the healthier, organic option.
per serving.
OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
Here’s what you’ll need to make these easy stuffed

                                                     •   Red bell peppers
                                                     •   Black beans – Use canned, or cook your own.
                                                     •   Sweet corn – If fresh sweet corn’s in season, make
                                                         sure to use it here. The sweet, crispy kernels contrast
                                                         perfectly with the creamy beans and tender rice.
                                                         Thawed frozen corn will work here too.
                                                     •   Cooked rice - White jasmine rice, but long
                                                         grain brown rice would also be delicious.
                                                     •   Lime – Use both the juice and the zest to pack the
                                                         filling with bright, zesty flavor.

                                                     •   Garlic and scallions – They add sharp, savory depth
                                                         of flavor.
                                                     •   Cumin, coriander, and cayenne – This filling is super
This VEGETARIAN STUFFED PEPPERS                          simple, but thanks to these three spices, it’s still bold
recipe is simple to make!                                and complex.
Here’s how it goes:                                  •   Jalapeños – For heat! Mix diced jalapeños into the

First, pre-bake the peppers. Slice them in half          filling before baking the peppers.

lengthwise and remove the seeds and mem-             •   Cilantro – It makes these hearty stuffed peppers feel

branes. Place them cut-side-up in a baking dish          light and fresh, and it highlights the aromatic cumin,
or on a baking sheet, drizzle them with olive oil,       coriander, and cayenne.
and sprinkle them with salt. Bake for 10 minutes     •   White cheddar cheese – Who doesn’t love brown,
at 450°, until they’re starting to soften. Tip out       bubbly cheese on top of stuffed bell peppers?!
any liquid that pools inside of the peppers, and
set them aside.
Meanwhile, make the filling. Combine the lime juice and zest, spices, scallions, cilantro, jalapeño,
salt, and olive oil at the bottom of a large bowl.
Fold in the rice, black beans, and corn, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
Then, stuff the peppers, and bake again! Pile in the filling, making sure to tuck it into the pepper’s
nooks and crannies. Sprinkle them with the shredded cheese, and bake for another 10-15 minutes
at 450°, or broil for 2-5 minutes, until the cheese is browned and bubbling.
Allow the peppers to cool slightly, and dig in!

OPENING SOON - Regina Senior Citizens' Centre
RSCC offers a range of services at a cost you can afford.
                              Call Cindy for details at 306-525-2154
                      or visit us @

                                                     Home Help Services

                          Yard and Lawn Maintenance                    General Housekeeping
                          Lawn cutting is provided on                  Scheduled times are based on your availabil-
                          a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly                 ity and you will have the same housekeeper
                          or on one-time basis.                        each time. We clean on a weekly, bi-weekly,
                                                                       or a monthly basis.
                          Lawn Service includes:
                          •   Lawn cutting                             General housekeeping duties include:
                          •   Trim grass around edges of yard, trees   •    Thoroughly clean kitchens and
                              and sidewalks                                 bathrooms
                          •   Sweep driveways                          •    Dust furniture, doors, doorways
                                                                            and baseboards
                          Yard Services include:
                                                                       •    Vacuum furniture & carpets
                          •   Rake leaves
                          •   Clean eaves-troughs                      •    Wash floors
                          •   Wash outside windows                     •    Laundry & bedding
                          •   Yard cleanup
                          •   Trim tree branches
                                                                           ...and much more
                          •   Tree banding
                          •   Snow removal

The RSCC wishes to thank its Sponsors and Corporate Members…

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