Leading beyond the bottom line - Christian Aid

Page created by Mark Paul
Leading beyond the bottom line - Christian Aid
Leading beyond
Summer Issue
                                            the bottom line
                                                                                         The Radical
                                                                                         Leadership Festival
                                                                                         Sessions taking place throughout,
                                                                                         Monday 5th October 2020 – 9th
                                                                                         October 2020

                                                                                         This year the Christian Aid Salt
                                                                                         Network and Church of England’s
                                                                                         Faith at Work are teaming up and
                                                                                         going online to deliver a free week-
                                                                                         long programme of inspirational,
                                                                                         pioneering and courageous lessons
                                                                                         from the front line of organisational
                                                                                         leadership to boost your impact in
                                                                                         the workplace, faith and across
                                                                                         your spheres of influence.

                                                                                         As the country looks to rebuild
Sessions for the Radical Leadership Festival are taking place throughout the week of     from the impacts of Covid-19, many
Monday 5th October 2020 – 9th October 2020.                                              of us will be facing fresh challenges
                                                                                         in our work and leadership. The
                                                                                         Radical Leadership festival will
I lift my eyes to the hills                                                              explore what role our faith and
                                                                                         leadership holds as we navigate
Throughout the pandemic I have                 uncertainty, the report talks about
                                                                                         these difficult time and seek to
found myself turning to the Psalms             the need to “pause to assess and
                                                                                         build back better than before.
with a renewed ability to relate to            anticipate, then act”. For those of us
the emotions expressed by the                  who pray, this is part of our day to
                                                                                         With sessions including topics such
psalmists; pain, fear, joy and hope.           day lives. On any major decisions,
                                                                                         as Covid-19, Climate Change,
Whilst faith helped the Palmist the            taking that time to pause, reflect and
                                                                                         wellbeing, purpose, the economy
question is how does our faith help            pray before moving forward is critical
                                                                                         and more you will be equipped to
us in these uncertain times?                   now more than ever.
                                                                                         thrive in your work.
The McKinsey report, Leadership in a           •Finally the report talks about the
                                                                                         Including sessions with:
Crisis, outlines 5 leadership practices        need to demonstrate empathy - to
                                                                                         • Eve Poole, Writer on Leadership
that can help us in such                       “deal with the human tragedy as a
                                                                                         • Krish Kandiah, Home4Good
unprecedented times. Whilst some               first priority”. As Christians we are
                                                                                         • Amanda Mukwashi, Christian Aid
seem fairly universal, three in                called to love: “Let all that you do be
                                                                                         • James Perry, COOK
particular stand out as particularly           done with love” (1 Corinthians 16:14).
                                                                                         • Val King, BFG Associates
important to those of us with
                                                                                         • Simon Locke, The Body Shop
Christian faith:                               So from a leading strategy
                                               consultancy we see some intrinsically
                                                                                         Whether you are a business, church
•The value of ‘deliberate calm’ and            Christian calls – a call to remain
                                                                                         or organisational leader or feel
‘bounded optimism’. As Christians              hopeful, to be prayerful and to share
                                                                                         called to the workplace this
our hope is in God: “For I know the            the unbounded love we receive from
                                                                                         conference is for you. Drop in for a
plans I have for you," declares the            God. The last four months have
                                                                                         particular session or follow the
LORD, "plans to prosper you and not            undoubtedly changed business
                                                                                         whole week.
to harm you, plans to give you hope            forever, but I pray through these
and a future” ( Jeremiah 29:11). Our           uncertain times we all continue to
                                                                                         VISIT THE SALT EVENT PAGES TO
future is uncertain but we know that           support one another, to be creative
                                                                                         FIND OUT MORE AND BOOK
God loves us and will not harm us.             and innovative, but most importantly
                                               to be hopeful, prayerful and loving in
•When making decisions amid                    all we do.
Leading beyond the bottom line - Christian Aid
domestically and internationally,
This little light of mine                 when its leaders and operations are
                                          resourced to thrive based upon
On the 11th of July 2018 the nation
                                          holistic and faith values and not
was poised on the edge of our seats
                                          simply the generation of financial
as we dared to believe for just a
                                          value alone.
moment that football was coming
home. It didn’t. But what was
                                          Poor corporate practice has the
interesting, was to hear the
                                          ability to catastrophically affect
commentators following the match
                                          communities and whole countries,
where England were knocked out of
                                          whether it is failing to pay tax in the
the world cup.                                                                      Join the Salt Network on Social
                                          counties in which wealth is created,
                                          or unequal employment policies; or
They said,                                                                          > Find us on Facebook
                                          it might be turning a blind eye to the
‘yes we lost but today was a win for
                                          painful reality of modern day slavery.
English football. The tide has turned                                               We are delighted to have launched
                                          Proactively positive practices
and people believe in the game                                                      a Facebook page and would love
                                          however have the ability to set the
again.’                                                                             to see you connect with us a stay
                                          foundations of health and prosperity
                                                                                    up to date with all the things going
                                          for those same communities.
They said that it brought people                                                    on.
together, and was sure to enthuse a
                                          Many members of the Salt Network
whole generation of future                                                          Find the page:
                                          are not large multinational
footballers; who would in their time                                                @TheSaltBusinessNetwork
                                          corporations, although some are.
bring it back home.
                                          Rather most are small operations
                                          but are unified by the belief that
Edmund Burke, the famous                                                            > Join the WhatsApp Group
                                          there might be a better way to run
politician, philosopher and father of
                                          organisations, make money and
modern conservatism quite rightly                                                   Access the experience of fellow
                                          secure a livelihood that honours life,
said that:                                                                          game changers and stay informed
                                          equality and justice of all.
                                                                                    of Network News by joining your
“Nobody made a greater mistake                                                      regional Salt Network WhatsApp
                                          Jesus said
than he who did nothing because he                                                  Group.
                                          "You are the light of the world... let
could do only a little”
                                          your light shine before others, that
                                                                                    We have now set up WhatsApp
                                          they may see your good deeds and
Edmund Burke insightfully                                                           groups for all regional Salt Hubs.
                                          glorify your Father in heaven." -
recognised that the problem with the                                                These groups enable you to be
                                          Matthew 5: 14-16
human condition is that we all too                                                  more connected to the network,
often live not by the moto for which                                                receive event details and network
                                          The world is full of injustice,
he is afore attributed but rather                                                   with fellow members.
                                          brokenness and pain. 72 million
that conversely, we all too often say,
                                          children go without primary
I only do what I have certainty of                                                  To join a hub simply contact the
                                          education, half the world lack access
succeeding at. Or in other words we                                                 Salt team via the email address
                                          to essential health services, 780
find our self-living by the notion that                                             below.
                                          million lack improved water sources
we only try when we know we will
                                          and 63 million people are displaced.
                                          But the world is also full of joy,
                                                                                    > Find us on LinkedIn at 'Salt
                                          healing, dignity; and imperfect
Burke wrote against such a notion,                                                  Network'
                                          people willing stand as a flame of
for he knew that whilst human
                                          hope amidst the dark believing that
history has been shaped by many
                                          there might be a better way.
acts of greatness, they are less                                                    >Find us on Twitter at
frequently acts of winners, but rather                                              @NetworkSalt
                                          Jesus said that you are the light of
of imperfect people in an uncertain
                                          the world. Whatever your reason for
world daring to believe there might
                                          being part of the Salt Network, you
be a better way.                                                                    >Get involved
                                          have given time to read this and
                                          more than likely engage with some
Our role at Christian Aid is to support                                             If you would like to get more
                                          of the other content of the Network.
you; Christian business leaders                                                     involved in the Salt Network we
                                          Whatever you believe, the very fact
across the UK and beyond.                                                           have lots of opportunities from
                                          that you have spent your valuable
Supporting, encouraging and                                                         writing for Salt News, to speaking
                                          time reading this suggests to me that
equipping you to be agents of                                                       at and leading events, offering
                                          you may believe in the notion of a
positive change within your                                                         resources and anything else you
                                          more fair and just world. To my mind
organisations and throughout your                                                   can think off.
                                          that might just make you light to the
spheres of influence.
Why? Because Christian Aid has seen
both the impact poor and unjust                                                     Get in touch to find out more
                                          When the world can appear dark,
business practises have upon some                                                   about all the above via:
                                          hard and unfair. When our
of the worlds poorest people and                                                    salt@christian-aid.org
                                          businesses and our leadership feels
communities, as well as experienced
                                          under pressure and inadequate.
the transformative and prophetic
                                          When the bank balance and our
power business can have, both
Leading beyond the bottom line - Christian Aid
energy to ‘go beyond’ is low hold fast    shaping organization structure, this
to that fact that “Nobody made a          passage calls us to think deeply and
greater mistake than he who did           value the rich diversity of others. You
nothing because he could do only a        may have come across of even used
little” because even the smallest of      the Homogenous Unit Principle
lights overcomes the dark.                (HUP) in stimulating the growth of
                                          networks and groups. The HUP is
                                          based upon the notion that people
Building a diverse business               gravitate towards likeminded people.
beyond the slogans                        In marketing and product growth
                                          terms we might say that to deliver
The last few weeks and months have                                                  Christian Aid and Gaia Energy
                                          growth we ought to identify our core
seen extraordinary tensions and           proposition and product values and
uprisings in the name of racial           then work towards simulating
equality and justice. The slogan Black                                              Christian Aid and Gaia Energy
                                          activity primarily amongst our target
Lives Matter has become a                                                           have come together to develop
                                          audience and those of shared value.
household name and we’ve seen                                                       the ARK Tariff (Additional
                                          This might sound like sense, however
organisations taking a stand to drive                                               Renewable Kilowatt tariff) helping
                                          when it comes to building teams,
up ethnic representation across their                                               the world’s poorest communities
                                          thriving organizations and healthy
teams. This is of course good news,                                                 to access clean, reliable energy.
                                          society, this passage in Romans
however we have also seen the             challenges us to deliberately look
critique of the BLM movement grow                                                   Customers using this ethical
                                          beyond homogeneity and embrace
and suggestions of alternative, less                                                energy tariff are helping to fund
virtuous influences at play.                                                        our award-winning Breaking the
                                                                                    Barriers’ Programme. It supports
                                          We know that diversity boosts
As Christians in business does the                                                  women to create and own
                                          innovation, return on investment,
bible offer any insight into how we                                                 Women’s Led Sustainable Energy
                                          efficiency and growth of
might respond appropriately so as to                                                Enterprises in some of the poorest
                                          organizations. Moving beyond
secure a more fair and equal                                                        and most remote off-grid
                                          homogeneity is not only a spiritual
company and societal structure?                                                     communities.
                                          trait of leadership it makes business
                                          sense too.
Romans 12 is a scripture full of                                                    Groups receive training in
lessons for the everyday disciple,                                                  sustainable energy products and
including those of us called to and                                                 technologies and business skills;
                                          For you to reflect:
gifted in leadership. There are two                                                 they can also access finance
key messages within Romans 12:3-8                                                   through savings and loans groups.
                                          Christ centred, biblical leadership
that speak powerfully into Christ                                                   The project:
                                          doesn’t just happen but takes a
centred leadership at a time such as      proactive effort to reflect upon
this.                                     ourselves and others and then
                                                                                    > Increases rural women’s jobs
                                          embrace the diversity we see. Self-
                                                                                    and income in the sustainable
                                          awareness, humility and embracing
We are one amongst many. The                                                        energy sector
                                          difference is not easy and requires
passage starts by calling us to “not      and willingness to engage with and
think too highly of ourselves”. This                                                > Improves their working and
                                          accept the risk of acknowledging
seems like an odd thing to say within                                               living conditions
                                          views different from our own.
the context of addressing gifting.                                                  promotes gender equality
However the passage calls us to           •When have you made the deliberate
recognize ourselves within the                                                      > Strengthens women’s social
                                          effort to seeks views different from
content of others and the their gifts.                                              status.
                                          your own? What are the risks to
Paul, the author of this passage          pursuing diversity?
makes the point that each of us
operate as a single part of a                                                       How does it work?
                                          •What does humility look like in
communal whole. Our gifting;              leadership?
including our gift and call to
leadership, is no more important                                                    By choosing Gaia Energy’s ARK
than any other gift or role and                                                     Tariff, your church can support
depends upon the gifts of others so                                                 Christian Aid’s renewable energy
that collectively we thrive.
                                          The UK’s role in unjust debt              projects.
                                          By Tim Jones, Head of Policy, Jubilee
Leadership requires humility and an       Debt Campaign                             For an additional charge of £20
ability to ‘see’ the others who equally                                             (including VAT) per year, per
contribute to the thriving of the         At the start of 2019 three former         contract (either gas or electricity
whole.                                    Credit Suisse bankers were arrested       or both), you can help give the
                                          in London as part of a US                 world’s poorest communities
Embrace diversity. We clearly see an      investigation into $2 billion of loans    access to reliable, clean energy
emphasis on embracing unity within        by London banks to Mozambique.
the diversity of gifting’s and roles.
Leadership often places us in the         The loans were given in secret in
position of developing teams and          2013. They were not agreed by the
                                          Mozambique parliament, making
them illegal under Mozambique law,                            the global debt system, with 90% of
 and they only became public                                   African government international
 knowledge in 2016.                                            debts owed under UK law.
 Some of the money was spent on a
 tuna fishing fleet and speedboats                             The UK government needs to take a
 which sit unused in Mozambique.                               lead in tackling the new round of
 Investigations have revealed that at                          debt crises. It must ensure that the
 least $700 million is unaccounted                             UK-based banks are properly
 for. The US investigation alleges that                        investigated for their role in the
 at least $200 million in bribes and                           Mozambique debt scandal. And, as
 kickbacks were given and taken as                             called for by over fifty MPs from
                                                                                                                               ABOUT The Salt Network
 part of the deal.                                             every party in parliament, the
                                                               government should pass a law that
                                                                                                                               The Christian Aid Salt Business
 This scandalous deal was agreed                               requires all loans given under UK law
 between two banks in London, a                                to be publicly disclosed when they
 company in the United Arab                                    are given.
 Emirates and a few senior people
                                                                                                                               Our vision is to create a
 within the Mozambique government.
                                                                                                                               movement of business leaders
 Yet, despite the central involvement                          Purpose based business,                                         working together as agents of
 of London banks, the UK                                       not easy but worth it                                           change, leading best practice
 government has done nothing to
                                                               •Deutsche Bank found that aligning                              within their own businesses and
 hold them to account.
                                                               business operations to                                          in the wider, global community.
 Revelations about the loans have                              Environmental, Social and good
 caused an economic crisis in                                  Governance (ESG) principles
 Mozambique, with public spending                              improves long term financial
                                                               performance                                                     Founded on strong theological
 per person falling by 30% between
                                                                                                                               principles, the Salt Business
 2014 and 2019. Campaigners in
                                                               •Edelman found that 81% of people                               Network aims to inspire
 Mozambique are clear that the
                                                               have more confidence in companies                               businesses and business leaders
 people of Mozambique should not
                                                               that demonstrate positive social                                to be the 'salt of the earth and
 have to repay one cent on a debt
                                                               impact                                                          the light of the world' (Matthew
 they had no say over and no benefit
                                                                                                                               5:13-16) in advancing God's
 from. Instead, all those responsible,
                                                               Building a values based organisation                            work here on earth.
 from the banks to the politicians in
 Mozambique, should be held to                                 is not just a nice thing to do but it
 account.                                                      makes clear business sense also.
                                                               Identifying and cascading your
                                                               corporate values drive employee                                 It is also a Network grounded in
 The crisis in Mozambique is the
                                                               commitment, boosts customer                                     learning and action. Through
 worst example yet of a tide of
                                                               engagement, secures stronger                                    our workshops, online
 growing debt problems across
                                                               financial return and enables a more                             community and at events,
 impoverished countries. This year
                                                               efficient, transformative and                                   leaders have the opportunity to
 Jubilee Debt Campaign calculated
                                                               impactful organisation.                                         explore the impact businesses
 that debt payments by developing
                                                                                                                               large and small have on our
 countries have increased by 85%
                                                               One of the false narratives that                                world and re-frame what it
 since 2010 and are now at the
                                                               undermine values based business                                 means to be in business.
 highest level since 2004.
                                                               leadership is the notion that profit
 The global Jubilee campaign led to                            and purpose are in conflict. This is
 $130 billion of debt being cancelled                          not true! What is true is that it is not
 for 36 impoverished countries. Debt                           always easy to align profitable
                                                               activities with purposeful mission but                          To find out more about the
 cancellation in the 2000s led to
                                                               it can and ought to be done so as to                            network and how you can be
 significant improvements in
                                                               maximise the influence and impact                               involved contact:salt@christian-
 healthcare and education. But not
                                                               you can have.                                                   aid.org
 enough was done to prevent debt
 crises from recurring.
 One key problem is that loans to                              •What are the challenges you foresee
 governments can be given in secret,                           in aligning values and profit making?
 preventing parliaments, media and
 civil society from holding
 governments to account on how
 money is spent. The UK is central to

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