Siemens Integrity Initiative - Golden Stretch - Project Profiles - Digital Asset ...

Siemens Integrity Initiative - Golden Stretch - Project Profiles - Digital Asset ...
Siemens Integrity Initiative
     Golden Stretch – Project Profiles
8 projects with activities in more than 27 countries were selected for funding in
the Golden Stretch and will receive up to USD 20,5 million in funding
With this our sustainable Siemens Integrity Initiative Collective Action Network has 85 Projects
and a total committed Funding of ~ USD 120 Million in more than 50 countries
to enable clean markets for great business.

Siemens Legal and Compliance                                                                                 Kindly check on
Sabine Zindera and Shawn Teixeira                                                                  
Internet Project Profiles | July 1, 2021 | Unrestricted © Siemens AG 2021                                    for the latest version of this document
                                                                                                             Press Release version July 07, 2021

                                                                                 Note: due to rounding, numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided.
Siemens Integrity Initiative - Golden Stretch - Project Profiles - Digital Asset ...
Overview of the Golden Stretch projects

     Basel Institute on Governance                                                                                 International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
     Towards new horizons for Collective Action                                                                    "TEACH (Train and Educate Anti-Corruption Champions)" to Fight Corruption

     Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)                                                                       Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
     MACN Regional Expansion: Collective Action Against Maritime Corruption                                        Fair Market Conditions for Competitiveness in six OECD partner countries
     in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh

     Transparency International e.V. (TI-S)                                                                        Foundation for the Global Compact (UNGC)
     Bolstering Integrity in Public Contracting: A Reinvigorated Approach and                                      Advancing Collective Action Against Corruption through Global Compact
     Coalition on Integrity Pacts                                                                                  Local Networks

     United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)                                                              Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
     Global Action for Business Integrity                                                                          Good governance in a digital and open trading environment

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Siemens Integrity Initiative - Golden Stretch - Project Profiles - Digital Asset ...
Overview of more than 27 countries covered by 8 Golden Stretch projects

                                                                                                    Algeria, Croatia, Saudi Arabia,
                                                                                                    Serbia, South Africa, Uzbekistan

                                                                        Argentina, Romania, Spain
                  Least Developed Countries
                  and Emerging Markets

                                                                                                                                                                     Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil,
                                                                                                                                                                     India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan,
                                                                                                                                                                     Kenya, Malaysia and Thailand

                                                                                                                                       Bangladesh, India, Pakistan

            Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Saudi
            Arabia, Uzbekistan and 1 global outreach component

                                                                                          Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South
                                                                                          Africa, Zambia, Uganda and selected
                                                                                          Belt and Road Initiative countries

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Siemens Integrity Initiative - Golden Stretch - Project Profiles - Digital Asset ...
Basel Institute on Governance
Towards new horizons for Collective Action
 Funding Volume                  USD 3,5 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  This project aims to sustain and         The B20 Collective Action Hub will
                                                                                                                          expand the use of Collective             aim to achieve long-term
 Registered in                   Switzerland                                                                              Action to prevent corruption and         sustainability as the global go-to
                                                                                                                          promote responsible business.            centre on Collective Action.
 Implementation Country          Global
                                                                                                                          It will leverage the Basel Institute’s   Online courses and a virtual help
                                                                                                                          experience in mentoring and              desk will provide a space for all
                                                                                                                          supporting current and upcoming          interested parties to gain and
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                             
                                                                                                                          Collective Action leaders;               share advice, skills and knowledge
  The Basel Institute on Governance is                   and anti-corruption Collective Action.                           showcase its wide applicability;         on Collective Action.
  an independent, non-profit organisation                                                                                 and market Collective Action
                                                         As a facilitator of Collective Action                            through the B20 Collective Action        The project will culminate in a
  working around the world to strengthen
                                                         initiatives, the Basel Institute guides                          Hub and key partners.                    comprehensive volume of
  governance and counter corruption. It
                                                         companies and multi-stakeholder                                                                           learnings from Siemens Integrity
  is an Associated Institute of the
                                                         groups towards pragmatic solutions                               The project will multiply strategic      Initiative-funded projects to
  University of Basel.
                                                         and best practices in compliance.                                efforts to embed Collective Action       promote clean business and level
  Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland                                                                                     as a norm and bring it into new          the playing field.
  since 2003, its 90+ staff work globally                It hosts the B20 Collective Action Hub                           sectors, including through
  with public, private, third sector and                 resource and guidance centre, and                                initiatives that combine anti-
  academic partners on cross-cutting                     regularly promotes anti-corruption                               corruption and related sustainable
  issues in asset recovery, public                       Collective Action at its own and partner                         development goals.
  governance, public finance                             conferences and events.
                                                                                                                          The supporting marketing strategy
  management, green corruption,
                                                                                                                          includes a global index,
  compliance and corporate governance,
                                                                                                                          conferences and annual awards.

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Siemens Integrity Initiative - Golden Stretch - Project Profiles - Digital Asset ...
International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA)
"TEACH (Train and Educate Anti-Corruption Champions)" to Fight Corruption
 Funding Volume                  USD 2,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  Within the three years of the          Least Developed Countries and
                                                                                                                          Project "TEACH to fight                Emerging Markets.
 Registered in                   Austria                                                                                  corruption", IACA will train and
                                                                                                                          educate participants in its master’s   Finally, IACA will gather and
 Implementation Country
                                 with focus on Least Developed Countries and Emerging Markets                             programmes, Summer Academy             systematize empirical evidence of
                                                                                                                          trainings at IACA, and the             Siemens funded projects’
                                                                                                                          Regional Summer Academy (RSA)          outcomes aimed towards
                                                                                                                          programmes.                            developing a clean business
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                                            
                                                                                                                                                                 environment and leveling the
  The International Anti-Corruption                       technical assistance, and to facilitate                         Regional Alumni Conferences will       playing field. This evidence will
  Academy (IACA) is an international                      the implementation of the United                                be organised in parallel to the RSA    include a learning and training
  organization and post-secondary                         Nations Convention Against Corruption                           in Latin America (Central and          toolkit for further replication and
  educational institution. At present, it is              (UNCAC).                                                        South America) and Asia (South         implementation.
  comprised of 76 State Parties and 4                                                                                     and South-Eastern Asia), both
                                                          Its activities benefit public and private                       regions with high potential for        Building upon IACA’s institutional
  international organizations.                            sector professionals and practitioners,                         impact.                                strengths, the rationale behind the
  It is the only international organization               academics, media professionals, and                                                                    "TEACH (Train and Educate Anti-
  with a mandate focused solely on                        civil society.                                                  An innovative objective of this        Corruption Champions)" to Fight
  fighting corruption through education,                                                                                  project is the design and              Corruption Project is to put theory
                                                          The Academy currently offers three
  research, cooperation, and technical                    masters’ programmes as well as                                  implementation of the Collective       and knowledge into practice with
  assistance delivery.                                                                                                    Action Impact Hub, which will          real impact, and to promote and
                                                          various capacity-building trainings.
  IACA strives to complement the United                                                                                   guide and mentor participants          harvest Collective Action initiatives
                                                          IACA also creates platforms for                                 throughout the implementation of       driven and implemented by IACA
  Nations’ work in the field of sustainable               dialogue and networking on anti-                                Collective Action initiatives in       Alumni.
  development, including through project                  corruption issues.
  implementation and provision of

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Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)
MACN Regional Expansion: Collective Action Against Maritime Corruption
in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
 Funding Volume                  USD 2,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  This project enables MACN to              in India, and further localize
                                                                                                                          expand its Collective Action              capacity to drive Collective Action
 Registered in                   Denmark                                                                                  methodology to Pakistan and               by the local maritime value chain
                                                                                                                          Bangladesh and deepens MACN’s             and NGOs.
 Implementation Country                                                                                                   ongoing engagement in India.
                                 with focus on India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
                                                                                                                                                                    MACN will partner with the United
                                                                                                                          The project will take lessons             Nations Global Compat in
                                                                                                                          learned from MACN’s most mature           Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India,
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                                          
                                                                                                                          Collective Action in Nigeria, partly      to establish local Collective Action
  The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network                   With over 140 companies from the                                 funded through the Siemens                alliances in each country and
  (MACN) is a global business network                    maritime industry represented, MACN                              Integrity Initiative, and will build on   deploy MACN’s Collective Action
  working towards the vision of a                        members own or manage over 50                                    a similar intervention logic.             tools and methodology.
  maritime industry free of corruption that              percent of the total global tonnage in
                                                                                                                          In Nigeria, MACN has shown how            Key national maritime
  enables fair trade to the benefit of                   the maritime industry.
                                                                                                                          public-private roundtables and a          associations, and the local
  society at large.                                      Since its inception, MACN has become                             dedicated Private Sector Anti-            maritime value chain, will be
  Established in 2011, MACN is                           one of the preeminent examples of an                             Corruption HelpDesk result in             equipped with tools and resources
  comprised of companies within the                      industry led Collective Action network.                          corruption challenges being               to promote and implement
  main sectors of the maritime industry.                                                                                  resolved and empower the private          Collective Action and provide
                                                                                                                          sector to resist and report               support on anti-bribery practice to
  About the Project Partner Organization                                               
                                                                                                                          corruption.                               local business beyond the life of
                                                                                                                                                                    this project.
  Indian National Shipowners'                            government recognized spokesperson                               Through this project, MACN will
  Association promotes the Indian                        for the Indian shipping industry and                             launch the same type of activities
  maritime sector to stand equally along                 represents the interests of the Indian
  with the best in the world. It is the                  maritime sector and seafarers.

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Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Fair Market Conditions for Competitiveness in six OECD partner countries
 Funding Volume                  USD 3,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  This project intends to support the          trust and reinforcing processes
                                                                                                                          creation of a level-playing field and fair   towards fairer practices in the
 Registered in                   France                                                                                   market conditions in the six target          economy and society.
                                                                                                                          countries in order to enhance                This project will address country-
                                 Global                                                                                   competitiveness and integrity in a
 Implementation Country                                                                                                                                                specific drawbacks by promoting
                                 targeting Algeria, Croatia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Africa, Uzbekistan
                                                                                                                          sustainable and inclusive way. It is         international standards, exchanging
                                                                                                                          designed to build on the experience          best practices, increasing capacities
                                                                                                                          and demonstrated impact of the               and empowering stakeholders. More
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                                                          ongoing project to create fairer market      specifically, through this project the
                                                                                                                          conditions in the Adriatic region,           OECD seeks to:
  The Organisation for Economic Co-                       prepare the world of tomorrow.
                                                                                                                          funded by the Third Funding Round of
  operation and Development (OECD) is                                                                                                                                  • Raise awareness about effective
                                                                                                                          the Siemens Integrity Initiative.
  an international organisation that works                Together with governments, policy                                                                               practices to fight corruption across
                                                          makers and citizens, we work on                                 Although this group of countries is very        the economy and society;
  to build better policies for better lives.
                                                                                                                          heterogeneous with varying
                                                          establishing international norms and                                                                         • Intensify the policy discussion
  Our goal is to shape policies that foster               finding evidence-based solutions to a                           institutional capacities, unique legal
                                                                                                                                                                          involving the public;
                                                                                                                          and regulatory frameworks and distinct
  prosperity, equality, opportunity and                   range of social, economic and
                                                                                                                          policy priorities, they suffer from          • Provide tailor-made advice and
  well-being for all.                                     environmental challenges.                                                                                       hands-on recommendations;
                                                                                                                          significant levels of corruption, a lack
                                                                                                                          of transparency, and anti-competitive        • Translate policy guidance into
  We draw on almost 60 years of
                                                                                                                          behavior.                                       concrete reform actions;
  experience and insights to better
                                                                                                                          Addressing the most pressing issues          • Integrate the latest knowledge and
                                                                                                                          and underlying constraints in each              approaches into academic curricula;
                                                                                                                          country in a joint effort by engaging        • Strengthen institutional capacities,
                                                                                                                          with government officials, business             inter- ministerial cooperation and
                                                                                                                          representatives, civil society and              stakeholder consultations.
                                                                                                                          academia, will allow building mutual

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Transparency International e.V. (TI-S)
Bolstering Integrity in Public Contracting: A Reinvigorated Approach and Coalition on Integrity Pacts

 Funding Volume                  USD 1,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  Transparency International aims to        implementation of the Integrity
                                                                                                                          address corruption in public              Pact as an anti-corruption
 Registered in                   Germany                                                                                  procurement by reinvigorating the         standard through global
                                                                                                                          Integrity Pact as an anti-corruption      advocacy.
 Implementation Country                                                                                                   standard and expanding global
                                 with emphasis on Argentina, Romania, and Spain
                                                                                                                          and national coalitions promoting      3. Embed the Integrity Pact
                                                                                                                          its adoption in critical investments      standard in key contracting
                                                                                                                          and regulation.                           projects or regulation in three
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                                  
  Transparency International is a global                  Movement’s international initiatives that                       The initiative will:
  Movement with over 100 chapters                         seek to hold power to account for the                                                                     Working at the national level,
                                                                                                                          1. Reframe and strengthen the             TI chapters in Argentina,
  around the world dedicated to a vision                  common good.
                                                                                                                             Integrity Pact as a global anti-       Romania and Spain will build
  of a world free of corruption.
                                                          In collaboration with chapters and                                 corruption standard by                 cases for the adoption of the IP
  The TI Secretariat (TI-S), based in                     contact groups, the Secretariat                                    developing an updated global           anti-corruption standard and its
  Berlin, is an independent not-for-profit                produces numerous research tools,                                  narrative. This will ease its          integration into public
  organization with over 25 years of                      policy positions, and advocacy                                     understanding among broader            contracting regulation and
  experience working to promote                           strategies.                                                        audiences and provide a clear          convince government leaders
  transparency, accountability and                                                                                           reference for consistent               to commit to its implementation
  integrity at all levels and sectors of                  It serves as a knowledge center,                                   adoption while leaving space           in flagship public investments
  society.                                                offering valuable insights and new                                 for national adaptation.               or formal adoption.
                                                          approaches to fighting corruption
  TI-S tackles corruption on the regional                 through research, advocacy, and                                 2. Widen the number of policy
  and global stage by supporting national                 coalition building.                                                and business leaders who
  chapters and coordinating the                                                                                              promote the application and

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Foundation for the Global Compact (UNGC)
Advancing Collective Action Against Corruption through Global Compact Local Networks
 Funding Volume                  USD 4,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  The project titled Advancing             policy dialogue to bring the
                                                                                                                          Collective Action against                private sector voice to the
 Registered in                   USA                                                                                      Corruption through Global                global anti-corruption agenda.
                                 Global                                                                                   Compact Local Networks
 Implementation Country          with focus on Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan,             ("Project") aims to expand and         To this end, the Project will adopt
                                 Kenya, Malaysia and Thailand                                                             build upon the activities under the    a three pronged approach:
                                                                                                                          Siemens Integrity Initiative Third
                                                                                                                          Funding Round United Nations           1. transform the Collective Action
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                      
                                                                                                                                                                    Playbook into an e-learning
                                                                                                                          Global Compact project “Scaling
                                                                                                                          up Anti-Corruption Collective             course to increase the
  The Foundation for the Global Compact                    with business stakeholders.
                                                                                                                          Action within Global Compact              understanding and uptake of
  was established in 2006 and registered
                                                           This is a policy and engagement                                Local Networks” by:                       the Collective Action
  as a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization
                                                           platform for businesses that are                                                                         methodology,
  under New York State law.
                                                           committed to aligning their operations                         • advancing the adoption of the
                                                                                                                             “Uniting against Corruption: A      2. support select GCLNs in
  The Foundation is based on the                           and strategies with the United Nations
                                                                                                                                                                    developing and carrying out
  principle that transparency, integrity and               Global Compact’s ten universally                                  Playbook on Anti-Corruption
                                                                                                                             Collective Action” as a global         Collective Action initiatives and
  public-private collaboration is essential                accepted principles in the areas of
  to finding lasting solutions to pressing                 human rights, labor, environment and                              resource,
                                                                                                                                                                 3. strategically engage with
  global problems.                                         anti-corruption.                                                                                         governments and other
                                                                                                                          • enabling Global Compact Local
                                                                                                                             Networks ("GCLNs") to initiate         relevant stakeholders on
  The Foundation supports the activities
                                                                                                                             and facilitate local and regional      current global thematic focus
  of the United Nations Global Compact
                                                                                                                             Collective Action initiatives and      areas to enhance public-
  ( including
                                                                                                                                                                    private cooperation in the fight
  fundraising, outreach and engagement
                                                                                                                          • scaling UN Global Compact's             against corruption.
                                                                                                                             engagement in public-private

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United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Global Action for Business Integrity
 Funding Volume                  USD 4,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  Despite progress in recent years,     for Business Integrity aims to
                                                                                                                          corruption remains a key              support this process and to reduce
 Registered in                   Austria                                                                                  impediment to sustainable             corruption by strengthening legal
                                 Global                                                                                   development. Corruption imposes       frameworks, public-private
 Implementation Country          with focus on Brazil, Colombia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia,                 high costs on doing business, it      dialogue and private sector
                                 Uzbekistan and 1 global outreach component                                               deters investment and stifles         capacity to enhance integrity in
                                                                                                                          competition.                          accordance with the relevant
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                                                                                               provisions of the United Nations
                                                                                                                          The COVID-19 pandemic                 Convention against Corruption
  The mission of the United Nations                           secretariat to global policy-making                         intensified the challenges to         (UNCAC).
  Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is                        bodies;                                                     business integrity by disrupting
  to contribute to global peace and                                                                                       supply chains and producing rapid     The project is active in seven
  security, human rights and development                   • providing strong research and policy                         shifts in corruption risks for many   target countries: Brazil, Colombia,
  by making the world safer from drugs,                      analysis; and                                                companies.                            Egypt, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Saudi
  crime, corruption and terrorism and by                                                                                                                        Arabia and Uzbekistan.
  working for and with Member States to                    • combining global expertise and a
                                                             wide field presence to provide                               As a response, Collective Action
  promote justice and the rule of law to                                                                                  by the public sector, the private     In addition, the project’s global
  build resilient societies.                                 specialized assistance to Member
                                                             States.                                                      sector, civil society and academia    component will play a critical role
                                                                                                                          is needed to develop innovative       in upscaling effective approaches,
  The important and complementary
                                                                                                                          and sustainable solutions to          achieving sustainability and
  mandates of UNODC are:
                                                                                                                          prevent and counter corruption.       mainstreaming the good practices
  • serving as the guardian of                                                                                                                                  identified under this project into
    international treaties and the                                                                                        The UNODC project Global Action       global policy forums.

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Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU Wien)
Good governance in a digital and open trading environment
 Funding Volume                  USD 1,0 M                                                                             Golden Stretch Project Summary
 Duration                        3 years                                                                                  New digital technologies have            To achieve this transformation will
                                                                                                                          transformed the way that African         require the active participation of
 Registered in                   Austria                                                                                  citizens work, live and play and         civil society organizations (CSOs).
                                 Regional                                                                                 the way they interact with their         It will require that Financial
 Implementation Country          with focus on Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Zambia, Uganda                governments. New opportunities           Intelligence Units (FIUs), Tax and
                                 and selected Belt and Road Initiative Countries                                          for inter-African trade are opening      Customs Departments, Trade
                                                                                                                          up with the African Continental          Ministries, Anti-Corruption
  About the Integrity Partner Organization                                           
                                                                                                                          Free Trade Area Agreement                Authorities, Justice and Finance
                                                                                                                          (AfCFTA).                                Ministries and other relevant
  WU Wien (Vienna University of                           engaged in the research and teaching                                                                     institutions all seamlessly
  Economics and Business) is Europe’s                     of the tax law.                                                 With a young digital savvy               cooperate and engage in
  largest Business and Economics                                                                                          population and a rapidly                 information exchange.
  University offering degree programs,                    The Institute has a long standing                               expanding digital infrastructure,
  organization and administration as well                 tradition in organizing international                           Africa is well placed for this           Achieving more effective actions
  as a wide range of specialization areas                 conferences and trainings both for                              transformation. Nevertheless new         against corruption and other forms
  and research opportunities.                             practitioners and tax administrations.                          technologies and open borders            of illicit financial flows will require
                                                                                                                          carry the risk of facilitating Illicit   action on all three aspect of this
  Project responsibility will be undertaken                                                                               Financial Flows (IFFs).                  project: exploring how digital
  by the Institute for Austrian and                                                                                                                                technologies can improve the
  International Tax Law.                                                                                                  This project focuses on how              response of law enforcement
                                                                                                                          African countries can minimize the       bodies; ensuring the interests of
  The Institute for Austrian and                                                                                          risk and maximize the benefits           these bodies are taken into
  International Tax Law is one of the                                                                                     from this more open and                  account as the African Trade
  world’s largest academic institutions                                                                                   technologically sophisticated            Agreement is implemented and
                                                                                                                          environment.                             engaging CSOs in this debate.

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