Being a Group That is Full of Personality and Fixated on Quality and Appeal to Provide Dreams, Fun and Inspiration around the World

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Being a Group That is Full of Personality and Fixated on Quality and Appeal to Provide Dreams, Fun and Inspiration around the World
NEWSLETTER                                                                                    December 2017

                                                                                                                       BANDAI NAMCO Mirai-Kenkyusho
                             BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.                                                         5-37-8 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0014

  Interview with the President

         Being a Group That is Full of Personality and
         Fixated on Quality and Appeal to Provide
         Dreams, Fun and Inspiration around the World
         The BANDAI NAMCO Group announced consolidated operating results for
         the first half (April to September 2017) of FY2018.3. Net sales reached record
         highs for H1 performance, with operating profit also surpassing projections.
         BANDAI NAMCO Holdings’ President Mitsuaki Taguchi had the following to
         say about performance outlooks and activities of each SBU moving forward,
         as well as on progress regarding the next Mid-term Plan.

      How would you summarize the                        a new network service-related platform and in
      first half?                                        opening new facilities, including VR facilities,
      Taguchi: As domestic and overseas network          to increase. We will also conduct careful over-
      content continued to perform strongly, core        sight of release schedules for home video game
                                                                                                                                               Mitsuaki Taguchi
      IP* products and services for the Toys and         and visual packaged product titles to ensure                        President & Representative Director,
      Hobby, Network Entertainment, and Visual           they correspond to environmental changes.                                BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.
      and Music Production SBUs gained in popu-              We plan to take another look at full-year
      larity. As such, net sales reached record highs    projections when we begin to see results from       What progress has been made
      for H1 at ¥308.8 billion and operating profit,     the year-end sales season and indications of        regarding the next Mid-term Plan?
      at ¥34.9 billion, outperformed projections made    their effects. While bearing in mind the plan       Taguchi: We are making steady progress in
      at the time first quarter performance results      for the second half devised in August, each         developing the next plan. Our mission is to
      were announced.                                    business will work diligently on present oper-      provide dreams, fun and inspiration to people
          Interim dividends were ¥12 per share.          ations. At the same time, I would like to start     around the world. The desire to deliver products
      Starting from our stable annual per share          preparations in anticipation of the next Mid-term   and services that meet the expectations of our
      dividend payment amount of ¥24, we will            Plan, aimed at achieving sustainable growth.        fans worldwide remains unchanged moving
      further examine year-end dividends based on                                                            forward. From here on out, as in the past, we
      our fundamental policy for shareholder returns,    Can you talk about establishing                     are not only aiming for business expansion,
      which aims for a consolidated dividend payout      ­companies in China?                                but are completely fixated on quality and appeal
      ratio of 30%.                                      Taguchi: The next Mid-term Plan calls for           in our products and services and strive to be a
                                                         increased business development in China. As         Group full of personality. To that end, we will
      Could you describe the full-year                   such, we will be establishing the holding com-      strengthen our IP axis strategy as well as
      ­outlook for FY2018.3?                             pany—BANDAI NAMCO Holdings CHINA                    accelerate global development through collab-
      Taguchi: We have not revised the full-year         CO., LTD.—in Shanghai in December. This             orative efforts between BANDAI NAMCO
      outlook. Because the year-end sales season has     business will be the head of Group holding          Group companies. What I would like to promote
      not yet begun and market conditions are chang-     companies on the Chinese mainland, while our        is additional creation of new IP and further
      ing more dramatically, I believe we must keep      holding company in Hong Kong will head the          strengthening of our IP axis strategy, in par-
      a cautious eye on the financial outlook. More-     companies in the rest of Asia. In addition, we      ticular. I want this Group to be one that drives
      over, in comparison to when financial results      have established holding companies in the           IP creation and is capable of continuing to
      for the first quarter were announced in August,    Americas as well as the UK and other European       produce and nurture IP.
      we have also been seeing changes on the            countries. These holding companies will aim to
      business side. We expect prior investment costs    both strengthen governance and bolster busi-
      associated with intensifying advertising for       ness support and cooperation in those regions.
      network contents and those incurred in launching

      *IP: Intellectual property, such as characters
                                                                                                                                           December 2017            1
Being a Group That is Full of Personality and Fixated on Quality and Appeal to Provide Dreams, Fun and Inspiration around the World
  Interview with the President

                                                                                                                  including DRAGON BALL Z DOKKAN BATTLE
          Performance of network contents continues to                                                            and ONE PIECE Treasure Cruise, which are
                                                                                                                                                                         Rather than simply “responding” to the
          be strong                                                                                               being rolled out worldwide; NARUTO, which              changes of the times, we aim to “adapt” and
          Plans for the repeated introduction of                                                                  is popular in China; and IDOLM@STER, which             take on new challenges
                                                                                                                   is in high demand in Japan, are gaining a stable
          high-profile home video game titles                                                                      base of popularity. In addition to maintaining
                                                                                                                   the popularity of our current titles through       How is the amusement business                         popular. In addition, an animated TV program
       How is the Toys and Hobby SBU                                In addition, as a challenge with a focus on    detailed measures and meticulous management        performing?                                           based on our original IP, I­DOLiSH7, which
       performing?                                              the future, we exhibited our communication         that make use of data analysis, we are also        Taguchi: The large-scale VR facility we opened        generated from BANDAI NAMCO Online
       Taguchi: THE GUNDAM BASE TOKYO, a                        robot, Guncierge Haro, which represents a          focusing on cultivating new titles. We are also    in Shinjuku, Tokyo in July—VR ZONE                    Inc.’s game app, will begin in January. The
       complex with the world’s largest selection of            Groupwide project that utilizes AI, at a trade-    planning to introduce new titles for NARUTO        ­SHINJUKU—is performing well, which rein-             boy band that appears in this title—­TRIGGER—
       Gundam plastic models, was opened in Diver              show. This project garnered a significant amount    x BORUTO: NINJA BORUTAGE and SWORD                  forces my conviction that VR and IP are highly       is already gaining attention, with its debut
       City Tokyo Plaza in Odaiba, Japan, in August            of attention at the show. I would like to see       ART ONLINE, which are marketed worldwide,           compatible. We are gradually introducing new         album, REGALITY, reaching number one
       and has since drawn many visitors. A life-sized         the Toys and Hobby SBU experiment with              and are working on contents such as Project         activities to ensure that this flagship store is a   on the Oricon weekly albums chart for music
       Unicorn Gundam statue was unveiled in Sep-              ­combining such cutting-edge technology with       LayereD, user-generated content which began          place where people can enjoy themselves no           CDs. Moving forward, we will develop products
       tember, also attracting a large amount of atten-         IP.                                               as an effort to create new IP from game apps.        matter when they choose to visit. While we           and more to make this IP more appealing.
       tion. The statue and facility each work together                                                           Beyond that, BXD Inc., established through a         already have small-to-medium portal stores in            Moreover, Actas Inc., which produces
       to multiply visitors to the other, which has            What is the approach to ­Europe and                joint investment by BANDAI NAMCO                     cities such as Kobe, Japan and London, UK,           GIRLS und PANZER among other titles, joined
       stimulated more interest in Gundam plastic              the Americas markets?                              ­Entertainment Inc. and Drecom Co., Ltd., will       we plan to open a total of 20 stores in Japan        BANDAI NAMCO Group. This will enable
       models. Gundam plastic models have also been            Taguchi: In Europe and the Americas, in addition    begin distributing online games and managing        and overseas.                                        us to strengthen our IP axis strategy. In this
       performing well in the rest of Asia, with a             to Power Rangers products and services, we          new platforms next spring. BXD’s work will              In addition, NAMCO LIMITED opened                way, the Group has grown by one more ani-
       large-scale Gundam event being held from                launched a card game for DRAGON BALL, an            combine the digital and the real in a charac-       Asobi Park PLUS in Hong Kong as its first            mation studio with personality. Together, we
       October to November in Taiwan. Moving                   IP which app for smartphones is popular, in         teristically BANDAI NAMCO way, and we               international development project. We have           will focus on creating titles that satisfy our
       forward, we will ramp up events, video distri-          North America in July. Card game sales are          look forward to what they will accomplish.          garnered praise for development projects uti-        fans and making high quality IP and high
       bution, and store promotions to invigorate              showing a good start in the region. The second                                                          lizing our IP as well as our fusion of VR and        quality products.
       interest in Gundam plastic models across Asia.          round of launches will begin in November,          What about home video games?                         AR (augmented reality) overseas, which led
           In new IP, the initial response to the trans-       with large-scale events planned in locations       Taguchi: At the Tokyo Game Show 2017, held           to our opening this store. Moving forward, we        How is the outlook moving forward?
       formation belt from Kamen Rider Build, which            all over the United States next year.              in September, we displayed DRAGON BALL               will actively continue to open stores in prom-       Taguchi: Digitalization is continuing in all
       began broadcasting in September, has been the               Demand for products for adult customers,       FighterZ, SWORD ART ONLINE: FATAL                    ising locations both in and outside Japan.           fields, leaving the market experiencing signif-
       highest in Heisei Kamen Rider history and is            such as collectable action figures is increasing   BULLET, CODE VEIN, and other titles set to                                                                icant changes. Because “responding” to such
       performing well. In the second half, we will            not just in Japan, but worldwide. Along with       be released in 2018. All games were well-­          How is the Visual and Music ­Production               changes could cause us to fall behind, we must
       be successively introducing IP targeted at boys,        promoting our brands with events, we will          received by fans. We are already selling titles     SBU performing?                                       stay one step ahead and “adapt,” much the
       such as the Black Clover TV show, which                 be expanding our IP lineup, including Marvel       for the popular Nintendo Switch and are moving      Taguchi: The second season of Love Live!              same way as organisms adapt to changes in
       began broadcasts in October, and Mushinin,              IP, and continue working for higher visibility     forward with development of original titles         Sunshine!! began broadcasting in October,             their environment. Changes in the market give
       an anime that is broadcasted on the BANDAI              worldwide.                                         specifically for the Switch. In addition, we are    with the Mobile Suit Gundam: THE ORIGIN:              us the opportunity to change our approach and
       NAMCO YouTube channel, as well as the new                                                                  actively looking into e-Sports, a promising         Battle of Loum packaged product going on sale         create products and services that are even more
       program Pikachin-Kit, which will begin broad-           How is the Network Entertainment                   new market for the sport of competing at video      in November. GIRLS und PANZER: The Final              fun and exciting. It is exactly because this is
       casting in January. In this way, we are working         SBU performing?                                    games, in order to take serious action in the       Chapter will open in December. In the second          an age of accelerating market shifts that our
       to refine our IP lineup.                                Taguchi: In network contents, our core titles,     medium term.                                        half, we will develop these new installments          employees resolve to take on new challenges
                                                                                                                                                                      of our major IP titles and accelerate work on         and gain new experiences rather than remain
                                                                                                                                                                      visual and music, live event, and other projects.     restrained by the status quo. This will drive
                                                                                                                                                                      We are also releasing a variety of other note-        progress for the BANDAI NAMCO Goup. We
                                                                                                                                                                      worthy products. Not only has the packaged            strive to be a Group loved by fans worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                      product of the widely lauded animated feature         that always challenges itself in new ways. Our
                                                                                                                                                                      film In This Corner of the World become a hit,        stockholders can count on that.
                                                                                                                                                                      the theatrical film Outrage Coda has also been

                                                           DRAGON BALL FighterZ, scheduled for release on
                                                           February 1, 2018
       GUNDAM Docks at Taiwan event                                                                               Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours 2nd LoveLive!
                                                                                                                  HAPPY PARTY TRAIN TOUR
                                         ©創通・サンライズ                             ©BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.              ©2017 プロジェクトラブライブ!サンシャイン ! !

   2    BANDAI NAMCO NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     December 2017   3
Being a Group That is Full of Personality and Fixated on Quality and Appeal to Provide Dreams, Fun and Inspiration around the World
Business Angle
  Introduction of Group Officers             Prospects for the Visual and Music Production SBU

                                                                                                                   What is the status of Actas Inc.,                                                                          support from fans. In theatrical releases, Mobile
          Offering visual and music entertainment                                                                  which became a subsidiary
                                                                                                                                                                         such activities, we hope to garner excitement
                                                                                                                                                                         for GIRLS und PANZER and its fifth anniversary.      Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: Bandit Flower and
          through a variety of outlets                                                                             in September?                                         In addition, due to the positive reception of        Mobile Suit Gundam Twilight Axis: Red Trace
                                                                                                                   Kawashiro: Actas Inc. produces the popular IP         Princess Principal, which aired this summer          were jointly launched on November 18th. The
          The Visual and Music Production SBU is working to diversify entertainment,                               GIRLS und PANZER, among other animation               and in whose production Actas was participating,     fourth chapter of Space Battleship Yamato
          expanding business fields beyond package-centric business models and
                                                                                                                   titles. Close collaboration with animation            I would like to see further expansion of this        2202: Warriors of Love will be released in
          tackling new ventures, such as the live event business. Kazumi Kawashiro,
                                                                                                                   production is essential in creating and cultivating   program as new IP and development of relevant        January 2018. Also in January, the animated
          President and Representative Director of BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD., speaks on
                                                                                                                   IP, including maintaining schedules for the           promotional measures.                                TV program based on BANDAI NAMCO
          the status of each business and IP creation efforts, as well as the inclination of
                                                                                                                   development of products and other items as                In products the Group was involved in, the       Online Inc.’s IDOLiSH7 game app for smart-
          the next Mid-term Plan.
                                                                                                                   well as reviewing and reworking contents in           second stage of the animated Love Live! Sun-         phones will begin. We are releasing a lot of
                                                                                                                   response to trends among fans. The addition           shine!! TV program, which began broadcasting         key titles to look forward to.
       What is the current status and future                  To successfully offer visual and music               of Actas to the Group has made further inte-          in October, is already receiving significant
       outlook for the packaged product                    entertainment to our customers, in both video           gration of animation production and related
       market?                                             packages and live event experiences, it is              businesses in IP development possible. The
       Kawashiro: Net sales for the market as a whole      important to remain flexible while not vacillating      significance of this is considerable. While Actas
       have been declining for over ten years. On the      more than necessary in response to media and            is a small company, they are a studio committed
       other hand, we have had a number of hit prod-       market changes.                                         to creating high quality products. In the pro-
                                                                                                                                                                            Our biggest challenge is IP creation
       ucts that have earned the support of our cus-                                                               duction of animation, there are times when               Cultivating IP to take advantage of our
       tomers. For instance, the animated feature film     What is being done for IP fans overseas?                quality must be set aside in the interest of             ­abundant outlets                                                                                                                         Kazumi Kawashiro
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    President and Representative Director,
       In This Corner of the World garnered high           Kawashiro: We are expanding our live events             efficiency, but studios that remain highly moti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD.
       praise from all sides, winning the 40th annual      in various countries by actively participating          vated to create quality products under those
       Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the            in large events, such as trade fairs and Anime          circumstances are priceless. Moving forward,          What are the strengths of the Group                  What is your motto for the human                        rofile of President and Representative
                                                                                                                   I would like to see production that makes free                                                                                                                    Director Kazumi Kawashiro
       Year and becoming a hit product for our com-        Expo in the United States. We are also working                                                                as a whole in terms of IP creation?                  side of things?
       pany, selling more than 100,000 movie packages.     on improving live viewing mechanisms so fans            use of the BANDAI NAMCO Group’s IP                    Kawashiro: We have many types of IP, including       Kawashiro: I believe that when it comes to          
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  April 1982	Starts at Canyon Records Inc.
       There will always be a need for high quality        that cannot attend live events can enjoy them           outlets while maintaining quality.                    game IP, animated movie and TV program IP,           human resources, “enjoyment predicts aptitude.”                 (currently Pony Canyon Inc.)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  July 1989    Starts at BANDAI CO., LTD.
       products. By further increasing the value added     in real time. Such mechanisms have proven                                                                     and a variety of others. As such, compatibility      Liking what you do is important in everything       April 1994   Starts at BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD.
       by bundling extras into movie packages, we          incredibly popular, with tickets for Love Live!         What are the key titles for the                       with outlets is highly important for both creation   including production, utilization, management       May 1999     Director at BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  May 2003	President and Representative Director at
       strive to offer an enjoyable experience not         events selling out quickly in Asia after their          second half?                                          and utilization. Entertainment at the BANDAI         and customer support. I want our employees                    BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD.

       available through other means.                      introduction. In Europe, Lantis Co., Ltd. joined        Kawashiro: In Actas animation products, the           NAMCO Group is a broad business, and its             to take on the challenges that interest them. It    June 2007    Director at BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  April 2010   Executive Vice President at BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD.
                                                           with AMUSE INC. to establish a joint venture            first stage of six of GIRLS und PANZER: The           abundance of outlets is one of its strengths. By     has always been my intention to ensure that         April 2012	President and Representative Director at

       How are the live event and music                    company that distributes contents, particularly         Final Chapter will open in December. In con-          that I mean not only the number of outlets for       this is a company where employees like to                       BANDAI VISUAL CO., LTD. (current position)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  April 2015   Executive Officer at BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.
       businesses performing as the focus                  animation and songs from animated movies                junction with this release, we are planning to        IP utilization, but that we possess ground fertile   work. A top-down approach to making important       June 2015	Director in charge of Visual and Music Production
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SBU at BANDAI NAMCO Holdings Inc.
       of initiatives to secure new outlets?               and TV programs, in April 2016. I would like            hold a large-scale exhibition of original GIRLS       for producing IP befitting of those outlets. Each    decisions is all well and good as a governance                 (current position)
       Kawashiro: Both businesses are performing           to work toward business expansion in Europe,            und PANZER illustrations at Sunshine City in          business has a unique soil in which it cultivates    mechanism, but in terms of IP creation and
       well. In line with the vision of the current        where interest in Japanese anime is quite high.         Ikebukuro, Japan, in late December. Through           Group IP. The Visual and Music Production            planning, I strongly believe that such an
       Mid-term Plan, the Visual and Music Production                                                                                                                    SBU cultivates its own seeds, creating IP that       approach tends to lead to complacency rather
       SBU strives to be the “No. 1 Group in Anima-                                                                                                                      can be utilized by other SBUs laterally. These       than a search for the interesting and challenges
       tion, Visual, and Music Products.” In order to                                                                                                                    IP are then cultivated by each SBU, making           to the status quo. In my mind, people who like
       grow all our businesses, we are actively working                                                                                                                  the entire Group stronger.                           what they do build productive environments
       to expand our business fields, with visual and                                                                                                                                                                         on their own and I would like to see systems
       music products at the center. Results have been                                                                                                                   What direction will the next                         suitable to that goal included in the next Mid-
       promising. In particular, while creating con-                                                                                                                     ­Mid-term Plan take?                                 term Plan. For that reason, I am advocating
       ventional monetization mechanisms for the                                                                                                                          Kawashiro: Our biggest challenge is IP creation.    bold changes, such as widespread decentral-
       overseas live event business has not been easy,                                                                                                                    IP creation and utilization work hand in hand.      ization of authority. I want to create an envi-
       the live Anisong World Matsuri event for songs                                                                                                                     Without IP, the business as a whole cannot          ronment where employees take responsibility
       from animated movies and TV programs held                                                                                                                          expand. The influence gained in creating a          for the projects they choose and where people
       in Shanghai and two cities in the United States                                                                                                                    powerful new IP that generates buzz throughout      are interested in and want to do what they are
       had a positive impact on earnings. This con-                                                                                                                       society will likely be a significant theme in the   working on.
       tribution to earnings has been a significant step                                                                                                                  next Mid-term Plan.
       forward in proving the great potential of the         In This Corner of the World             Love Live! Sunshine!!                  Princess Principal
                                                               ©こうの史代・双葉社 /                 ©2017 プロジェクトラブライブ!サンシャイン! !                 ©Princess Principal Project
       overseas live event business.                        「この世界の片隅に」製作委員会

   4    BANDAI NAMCO NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               December 2017                5
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