Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft

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Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Aktiengesellschaft

Goldman Sachs
Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference

London, 16 March 2018

Thorsten Boeckers, CFO
Martin Heistermann, Senior Investor Relations Manager
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group

No reliance may be placed for any purpose whatsoever on the information or opinions contained in the Presentation or on its completeness, accuracy of fairness. No
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as to the accuracy, completeness or fairness of the information or opinions contained in the Presentation and no responsibility or liability is accepted by any of them for
any such information or opinions. In particular, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given as to the achievement or reasonableness of, and no reliance
should be placed on any projections, targets, ambitions, estimates or forecasts contained in this Presentation and nothing in this Presentation is or should be relied on as a
promise or representation as to the future.

This presentation contains facts and forecasts that relate to the future development of the K+S Group and its companies. The forecasts are estimates that we have made
on the basis of all the information available to us at this moment in time. Should the assumptions underlying these forecasts prove not to be correct or should certain risks
– such as those referred to in the Annual Report – materialise, actual developments and events may deviate from current expectations. Given these risks, uncertainties and
other factors, recipients of this document are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forecasts.

This Presentation is subject to change. In particular, certain financial results presented herein are unaudited, and may still be undergoing review by the Company’s
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reflect future events or developments, save for the making of such disclosures as are required by the provisions of statue. Thus statements contained in this Presentation
should not be unduly relied upon and past events or performance should not be taken as a guarantee or indication of future events or performance.

This presentation has been prepared for information purposes only. It does not constitute an offer, an invitation or a recommendation to purchase or sell securities issued
by K+S Aktiengesellschaft or any company of the K+S Group in any jurisdiction.

                                                                                                                                                           K+S Group          2
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group

 A   K+S’ Unique Strategic Position

 1   Potash and Magnesium Products

 2   Salt

 B   Current Trading

 C   Outlook

                                      K+S Group   3
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
A fresh perspective on our existing portfolio
  Production                                            Customer
     focus                                                focus
                                                                                Key financials 2017

                                 • MOP                            1,428                    39%
               1                 • Premium Fertilizers                     225

                                 • Fertigation
                                                                                          Revenue          EBITDA-
                                                             Revenue      EBITDA
                                                                                           share           Margin

                                 •   Chemical
                                                                  1,176                    32%
Potash Salt    2                                                                                            20%
                                 •   Pharma
                                 •   Ind. Specialties                      238

                     Industry    •   Food Processing
                                                             Revenue      EBITDA          Revenue          EBITDA-

                                                                                           share           Margin

                                                                  566                      16%              18%
               3                 • De-Icing                                104

                   Communities                               Revenue      EBITDA          Revenue

               4                 • Consumers                      454      57              13%              12%

                   Consumers                                 Revenue      EBITDA          Revenue

                                                                                                      K+S Group      4
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
'One K+S' creates the most value for all stakeholders

                                     • "Customer first" approach reflected in new
                                       business cut along customer segments
                      Customers      • Spotlights on our hidden champions

                                     • Measureable synergies from leveraging our
                      Shareholders   • Ample growth and profitability opportunities

                                     • Reduced complexity, less overhead
                                     • More attractive career options in integrated
                      Employees        business
                                     • Clear commitment to our production sites

                                     • Clear commitment to sustainability
                                     • Continued, value-adding investments in
                                       Germany and abroad

                                                                                 K+S Group   5
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
We will implement our new strategy in two phases

       Phase 1: Transformation                                    Phase 2: Growth

2017                                         2020                                                      2030
          Reduce indebtedness                          Tapping the full potential of our existing
          Realize synergies
                                                       Exploring new adjacent growth areas

          Advance corporate culture                         Increased share of specialties

          Shaping the organization
          and focusing towards our clients

                       Net debt/        halved       Investment grade rating
                                                                                    EBITDA-Ambition     €3bn
                       EBITDA          vs. H1/2017   achieved in 2023
                                                                                    ROCE                >15%
                       Synergies        >€150m                                      Revenue growth
                                                                                    beyond 2030

                                                                                                      K+S Group   6
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
Phase 1: We will transform ourselves and create a solid financial base

               Strengthen                                              Shaping the
               financial base                                          organization
   Realize Synergies                                         Customer first: Lift our potential
      Operations: Lean management
                                                              • Focus on customer segments
                                                                Agriculture, Industry,
        Operations: Digital mining                              Communities and Consumers to
                                                                better penetrate high-margin,
               Procurement                                      non-commodity business
                                           > € 150m
    Evaluate tailings piles optimization    p.a. run rate
                                           after inflation   Increase financial transparency
                                             by 2020 YE
             Sales excellence                                  • Make performance transparent
                                                                 along new customer segments
        Supply chain and logistics

            G&A optimization                                 Build ‘One Company’
                                                              • Commit to existing portfolio
   Reduce indebtedness                                        • Break up silos and create the
                                                                 foundation to generate synergies

                                                                                                    K+S Group   7
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
   We aim for a positive free cash flow in 2019
                                Phase 1: Transformation                          Phase 2: Growth

                        Free cash flow bridge approximation 2016-2020
                    Based on current portfolio – inorganic growth not included      Ambition

                                         + CapEx                                 Investment grade rating
                                         + Werra
                                         + Bethune                               achieved in 2023
                                         - FX
Fully invested in                        - WC
best class assets                                                                EBITDA        €3bn
  like Bethune
                                                                                 ROCE          >15%

                       Actual     2017      2018e 2019e 2020e                        2030

                                Massive positive swing in free cash flow

                                                                                                  K+S Group   8
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
Phase 2: Growth opportunities in our Customer Segments

         Revenue shares and CAGR 2016-2019-2030                   Growth initiatives from 2020
                                  Organic     ~€11bn
                                  Inorganic            • Tapping the potential of existing assets and
                                                         expansion options
                                                       • Expand offering of specialty fertilizers
                                                       • Develop strong position in fertigation
                                                       • Develop advanced business models (e.g. agro-
                                                         platform in Africa)
                                                       • Strengthen portfolio of specialty industrial products
                                                       • Expand offering for the pharma industry
                                                       • Grow into Asia
 Agriculture    37%                    9%

                                                       • Leverage branding capabilities in consumer salt
    Industry    33%
                                               10%     • Grow into Asia
  Consumers     13%
                                               10%     • Strengthen position in existing markets
Communities     17%         17%        4%

               2016       2019                2030

                                                                                                           K+S Group   9
Goldman Sachs Seventh Annual European Chemicals Conference - London, 16 March 2018 - K+S Aktiengesellschaft
K+S Group
 What we’ve done – what our next steps are

                        Update on Shaping 2030

                    !   Setting up project management

                    !   Preparing to decide on new organization and reporting lines
    Ongoing tasks

                    !   Start of bottom-up validation of synergies (> €150 m by 2020)

                    !   Management remuneration (LTI) linked to share price performance

                    !    First concept about future organization and KPIs

                    !   Bottom-up validation of synergies done – confident to reach at least € 150 m

                    !   Projects to lift synergies are starting
    Next to come

                    !   Final concept about future organization incl. KPIs done

                    !   Sustainability targets and KPIs defined. Possible use of solid residues clarified

We will keep you posted with updates on our Strategy in H1/2018 and at a CMD at 5 Sept 18
                                                                                                            K+S Group   10
K+S Group

 A   K+S’ Unique Strategic Position

 1   Potash and Magnesium Products

 2   Salt

 B   Current Trading

 C   Outlook

                                      K+S Group   11
Potash and Magnesium Products
Long-Term Dynamics Positive for Fertilizer

                                                                            Less arable land –
       Potash is indispensable for plant growth
                                                                 but more protein consumption per capita

                                                                       Jahr       1960                   2010                   2050

                                                           Global population

                                                                                   3.0 billion           6.9 billion            9.7 billion

                                                             Arable Land
                                                              per capita

                                                                                 4.300 m2               2.100 m2               1.800 m2

                                                              per capita

                                                                                60 g/ day              80 g/ day             130 g/ day1

“The growth and yield of plants are limited by the
      nutrient which is in shortest supply”
                                                              Sources: UN, World Population Prospects, 2012 Revision, UNDP, 2013; FAOStat 2014
Justus von Liebig, 'The Natural Laws of Husbandry', 1863
                                                              FAO 2014 - forecasts based on the expected increase in animal protein

                                                                                                                            K+S Group         12
Potash and Magnesium Products
 Unique Portfolio Makes us More Robust

                                                    Health Care &
                                Industrial            Nutrition          Broad portfolio of specialty products
                                   0.8              Industrial potash        Flexibility
               KCL (MOP)
                  3.2         6.7                      Kieserite             Stability
                                        2.7            Korn-Kali
                                                                             Partly following different trends
                                                                               and seasons

Basis: 2017 Sales volumes in million tons

                                                                         Close proximity to our main customers
                                        16%                               provide logistical advantages
                                                                         Shipments to overseas customers at
                                                                          competitive costs from Hamburg harbor
                                     8%                                  Strong and long-standing customer
Basis: 2017 Revenues

                                                                                                           K+S Group   13
Potash and Magnesium Products
Potash Price Comparisons
       MOP gran. Europe vs. Brazil                     (Source: FMB)

              US$/t                                                                                                                              €/t
            600                                                                                                                                         600
            500                                                                                      (US$/t, Granular, cfr)

            400                                                                                                                                         400

            300                                                                                                                                         300
                                (€/t, Granular, cfr)
            200                                                                                                                                     200
               2012                       2013                      2014          2015                           2016              2017          2018

       K+S average selling price versus selected peers (local currencies)


                                                                                    Basis: Q1 2014
 Basis: Q1 2012


                   Q1     Q1          Q1           Q1            Q1         Q1                        Q1               Q1          Q1      Q1
                  2012   2013        2014         2015          2016       2017                      2014             2015        2016    2017

                                                                                                                                                       K+S Group   14
Potash and Magnesium Products
    New approach to environmental challenges works

                             Track Record                   Saline wastewater significantly reduced

!   Implementation of measures to limit the               Amount in million
                                                          cubic meter
    risk of outage days
!   KCF 1 commissioned (reduction of saline
    wastewater by 20%)
!   K+S mandated advisor K-UTEC to carry                                      14
    out a concept to further reduce saline
                                                                                          7        7
!   Expansion of tailings pile capacity
    Hattorf (Werra): ‘Early commencement’
!   K+S reaches settlement with BUND
!   Thuringian municipality of Gerstungen                     1997            2006       2016     2017       2018
    and K+S end their long-lasting dispute
                                                                Discharge            Deep-well   Measures     Gap
!   Preparing for future approval procedures
    and further wastewater reductions
    1) Kainite   Crystallization and Flotation Facility                                                     K+S Group   15
Potash and Magnesium Products
Bethune … up and running

 "With Bethune, the most modern potash facility in the world, we are pushing into a new
             dimension. We are now producing potash on two continents,“
                         said Dr. Burkhard Lohr (CEO of K+S).

                                                                                K+S Group   16
Potash and Magnesium Products
Bethune - Strengthening our Global Presence
                                     Expanding our current production portfolio in
                                        Germany with a North American production site
                                         Second source supplier
                                       Securing a good asset base with competitive
                                        production costs
                                       Sales and distribution through existing distribution
                                        structures of the K+S Group
                                       Exclusive outline agreement with Koch Fertilizer
                                        about supply and sales of Potash fertilizers in the US
India               North America      Regional growth projects in China and SEA
South East Asia                        Flexible multi-product strategy

                  South America

                                                                                  K+S Group   17
K+S Group

 A   K+S’ Unique Strategic Position

 1   Potash and Magnesium Products

 2   Salt

 B   Current Trading

 C   Outlook

                                      K+S Group   18
Long-Term Dynamics in Salt Demand

                        Demand driven by …                          Product category

                          Winter weather conditions                  De-Icing

                          Infrastructure development

                          Increasing standard of living

                                                                     Food processing
                              Population growth

                            Economic growth and                      Industrial

                                 Urbanization                        Chemical

                                                Low single-digit demand growth p.a. to 2018 1
  1   Source: Roskill

                                                                                                K+S Group   19
Inevitable for life

       De-Icing              Consumer               Food processing            Industrial              Chemical

 Main Applications:     Main Applications:      Main Applications:        Main Applications:     Main Applications:
    Winter road           Table salt           Food processing          Water treatment       Chemical industry
     maintenance           Dishwasher care        industry                Drilling fluids         Chlor-Alkali
     services                                       Baking industry       Animal feed              processes (→ PVC)
                           Water softening
    Commercial users                               Condiment and         Infusion, dialysis      Polycarbonates ,
                           Pool chlorination
    Private                                         preservative agent      solutions               MDI (Isocyanat)
                           Body care
     households                                                            Pharmaceuticals          (→ plastics,
                                                                                                     synthetic resin)
                                                                           Preserving of fish
                                                                           Dyeing works            Synthetic Soda Ash
                                                                                                     (→ glass)
                                                                           Leather treatment

                                                                                                               K+S Group   20
Unrivalled Global Production Network

                                                                                Potential Expansion

                         More than 30 assets on 3 continents allow close proximity to
   Competitive edge:        customers in a business that is highly freight-cost sensitive
                           Unique natural hedge
    Unrivalled global      Broad range of products due to variety of production methods
  production network       Best in class supply chain assets and competence
                           Industry best cost production in Chile
                                                                                            K+S Group   21
    Diverse Regional and Product Portfolio

                                                          Salt for
                                                        chemical use


                                          Revenue       Industrial


1   De-icing adjusted to normal winter

                                                                       K+S Group   22
Presence in Attractive De-Icing Markets
             Eastern Canada

                                US East Coast      Central Europe
                  Great Lakes

                          Indicative regional strength of winter
   2011/12     2012/13          2013/14          2014/15            2015/16   2016/17

                                Europe            North America

                                                                                 K+S Group   23
K+S Group

 A   K+S’ Unique Strategic Position

 1   Potash and Magnesium Products

 2   Salt

 B   Current Trading

 C   Outlook

                                      K+S Group   24
K+S Group

€ million                       Q1/16         Q2/16        Q3/16        Q4/16         FY/16        Q1/17        Q2/17          Q3/17   Q4/17    FY/17
Revenues                          1,096           732          688          941        3,457        1,126           742          723   1,032    3,627
EBITDA                               285            83           56           94          519          211          102           77     187      577
Margin                              26%          11%            8%          10%          15%          19%           14%          11%     18%      16%
EBIT I                               218            15          -31           28          229          137            29          12      93      271
Financial result                     -13           -15            -9         -15          -52            -9               -4      -9      -5          -26
EBT, adjusted                        205              0         -41           13          177          129            25           3      87      244
  Tax rate, adjusted                28%          29%           34%          23%          26%          27%          24%          33%     66%       41%
Net income, adjusted                 148              0         -27           10          131            95           19           2      30      145
EPS, adjusted                       0.77         0.00        -0.14          0.05         0.68         0.49         0.10         0.01    0.16      0.76
        Tangibly improved operating earnings EBITDA and EBIT I, despite €43m effect for Sigmundshall closure
        Potash pricing continues to recover, SOP prices have bottomed out
        Higher product availability at the integrated Werra plant; no days of outages in Q4/17
        Higher volumes in Salt in Q4

 The adjusted key figures only include realized operating forecast hedges of the respective reporting period in EBIT I.
 In addition, related effects on deferred and cash taxes are also excluded.                                                               K+S Group    25
K+S Group
  Cash Flow and Balance Sheet

€ million                             Q1/16    H1/16    9M/16    FY/16    Q1/17    H1/17    9M/17    FY/17
Operating cash flow                     294      359      390      445      267      384      383       307
- Investing cash flow
                                        -243     -537     -847   -1,222     -212     -410     -623      -697
 (pre sale/ purchase of securities)

Adjusted free cash flow                  50      -178     -456     -777      55       -26     -241      -390
CapEx                                   280      643      904     1,171     277      410      568       811

Net debt (-)                          -2,367   -2,860   -3,180   -3,584   -3,614   -3,745   -3,939    -4,141
t/o Net financial debt (-)            -1,315   -1,761   -2,052   -2,401   -2,440   -2,592   -2,780    -2,974
Net debt/ EBITDA (LTM)                   2.5      3.6      4.9      6.9      8.1      8.1      8.1          7.2
Equity ratio                            52%      49%      48%      47%      48%      45%      44%       43%

   Operating cash flow lower than last year due to higher Working Capital and FX
   CapEx came down as high investments at Bethune in Canada came to an end; FCF improved significantly
   Net Debt/ EBITDA peaked in 2017

                                                                                                K+S Group    26
K+S Group
  Potash and Magnesium Products

€ million                               Q1/16      Q2/16   Q3/16   Q4/16   FY/16   Q1/17   Q2/17   Q3/17   Q4/17   FY/17
Revenues                                    461      371     302     399   1,532     474     387     358     485   1,704
EBITDA                                      137       50       5      -8     185      81      71      42      74     269
  Margin                                    30%     14%      2%      -2%    12%     17%     18%     12%     15%      16%
EBIT                                        102       15     -49     -35      34      42      31       2       6         81

Avg. selling price (€/t)                    272      250     239     246     253     260     252     253     250     254
Sales volumes (million tons)                1.69    1.48    1.26    1.62    6.06    1.82    1.54    1.41    1.94     6.71

Cash Unit Costs 1                           192      217     236     251     222     216     205     224     212         214

    Demand remains strong across all regions
    ASP slightly up in Q4 (YoY) due to higher product availability and better market pricing; sequentially
        down as Bethune volumes came in
       Adverse FX-effect
       Cash unit costs peaked
       Production problems at Werra plant addressed
  1 (Revenues   – EBITDA) / Sales volumes
                                                                                                             K+S Group    27
K+S Group

€ million                      Q1/16 Q2/16 Q3/16 Q4/16        FY/16   Q1/17 Q2/17 Q3/17 Q4/17            FY/17
Revenues                        595    319     346     502    1,762     611     316     329     507      1,762
EBITDA                          150     33      47      93      322     135      29      37     124        325
  Margin                        25%    10%    14%      18%     18%     22%      9%     11%      24%       18%
EBIT                            123      5      18      58      204     106       0      17     100        223

Sales volumes (million tons)     7.1   2.9      3.5     5.8    19.4     7.5     2.8      3.5     6.5      20.3
  De-icing                       4.9   0.6      1.0     3.5    10.1     5.1     0.6      1.0     4.0      10.7
  Non de-icing                   2.2   2.3      2.5     2.3     9.3     2.4     2.3      2.5     2.5         9.7

Average selling prices (€)
  De-icing                       64     53      52      59       60      61      54      50      55          58
  Non de-icing                  122    123     113     124      120     120     122     109     110        115
   Non de-icing: Vols up in Q4 (YoY), but prices down due to higher share of chemical/industrial salt
   De-icing: Better demand in Europe more than offsets weak US-pricing in Q4/17
   On track to reach SALT 2020 EBITDA-target of at least € 400m
                                                                                                 K+S Group    28
K+S Group
Debt Instruments (as of Dec. 31, 2017)

            Bonds                           Bank loans,                    Schuldschein     Syndicated credit
                                          Leasing, others                     loans               line1

         € 2.1                               about                         € 765
        billion                                                            million          € 1 billion
                                             € 220
   avg. maturity:                            million                       avg. maturity:    expires in 2020
      3.75 yrs                                                                2.75 yrs

 1 As   an alternative instrument a Commercial Paper program is in place
                                                                                                          K+S Group   29
K+S Group
 Debt Profile

                                          Debt Instruments
                                                                                          Bond IV € 500 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2018; coupon 3.125%)
                                                                                          Schuldschein € 325 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2019)
                                                                                          Loan € 45 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2020)
2.500                                                                                     Schuldschein € 335 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2021)
                                                                                          Bond III € 500 million
2.000                                                                                     (mat. 2021; coupon 4.125%)
                                                                                          Bond II € 500 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2022; coupon 3.000%)
                                                                                          Schuldschein € 65 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2022)
                                                                                          Bond I € 625 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2023, coupon 2.625%)
1.000                                                                                     Schuldschein € 40 million
                                                                                          (mat. 2023)


        2017         2018          2019         2020         2021          2022         2023

        As further liquidity source a syndicated credit line facility amounting to € 1 billion and a
                            Commercial Paper program are in place until 2020

                                                                                                       K+S Group       30
K+S Group
NetDebt/EBITDA development




                                      3.2                     3.3
          3,0                                     2.6
                                            1.8                                       1.8               1.8
          2,0                                                             1.6
                    1.1 1.0 1.2                         0.4         0.8                           1.1
                0.7             0.8                                             0.5         0.8

                                                                                                                           K+S Group   31
K+S Group
Dividend Policy

         50%                                                                                     10%
                                          Target payout ratio of 40-50%                                 Earnings-based dividend
         45%                                                                                             policy
         40%                                                                                     8%
                                                                                                        Payout ratio of 40 – 50% of
                                                                                                         adjusted net profit
         30%                                                                                     6%

                                                                                                        Dividend proposal for 2017:
                                                                                                         € 0.35 per share
         20%                                                                                     4%


         10%                                                                                     2%


          0%                                                                                     0%
                      2013              2014          2015           2016             2017

                                     Payout ratio (lhs)      Dividend yield (rhs) 2
1 Proposal  to the AGM.
2   Based on year-end share prices
                                                                                                                            K+S Group   32
K+S Group
Currency Management

          Transaction                 Translation

               other costs


    USD/EUR           USD/CAD   USD/EUR

                                                        K+S Group   33
K+S Group
  Currency Management

           1,25                                                                                       1,45
                                             Limitation of risk                Worst Case                                           Limitation of chance
           1,20                                                                                       1,40
                                                   Planned EUR/USD


           1,15                                                                                       1,35
                                                                                 Best Case
                                                                                                                                                              Best Case
           1,10                                                                                       1,30

                                                                                                                              Planned USD/CAD                Worst Case
           1,05                                                                                       1,25
                                           Limitation of chance                                                                      Limitation of risk
           1,00                                                                                       1,20
                          Q1                  Q2                  Q3                 Q4                                  Q1          Q2            Q3             Q4
2017: Realized average exchange rate: 1.12 EUR/USD (incl. premium)                                        2017: no operational hedging transactions
2018: Anticipated average exchange rate: 1.15 EUR/USD (incl. premium)¹                                    2018: Anticipated average exchange rate: 1.31 USD/CAD (incl. premium)²

   Hedging of transaction risks, basis USD budget net position
   Cash flow view: most of anticipated net position hedged
   Hedging is used if an underlying transaction exists or is expected with
           great probability
  ¹ Premise: based on planned rate of 1.20 EUR/USD for 2018; ² Premise: based on planned rate of 1.25 USD/CAD for 2018
                                                                                                                                                                       K+S Group         34
K+S Group

 A   K+S’ Unique Strategic Position

 1   Potash and Magnesium Products

 2   Salt

 B   Current Trading

 C   Outlook

                                      K+S Group   35
K+S Group
   Guidance 2018: EBITDA1

   € million

                                                                                                   Main effects:            Main effects:
                                                                                                   - Planning assumption:   + Sigmundshall
                                                                                                     1.20 EUR/USD
                                                                          Main effects:
                                                   Main effects:          + Potash volumes
                                                   + Potash prices          (outage days)
                                                     (slight increase)    + Tangibly higher salt

                            Main effects:
                            + Higher sales
                            + Cost improvement

           Actual               Bethune                    Price               Volume                 Currency                  Other          2018e
            2017                                                                                                                effects
1 The   basis for EBITDA is EBIT I, that only includes the realized result from operating forecast hedges.
2 Based   on average weather conditions in both business units.
                                                                                                                                                K+S Group   36
K+S Group
  Guidance: Housekeeping items

                                                                        FY 2016         FY 2017          FY 2018e
   Revenues                                                             € 3.5bn         € 3.6 bn     tangible increase
      EBITDA                                                            € 519m          € 577m      significant increase
      EBIT I                                                            € 229m          € 271m      significant increase
                                                                                                     significantly more
      Financial result                                                  € -52m          € -26m
      Free cash flow, adjusted                                           € -777          € -390
      CapEx                                                             € 1.2bn         € 811m      significant decrease
      Average fx-rate (EUR/USD)                                           1.11            1.13             1.20
      Production Outage Days (Werra)                                  ~200 days         ~25 days          0 days
Potash and Magnesium Products
      Global sales volumes1                                          ~ 66m tons        ~ 69m tons     At least stable
      K+S sales volumes                                               6.1m tons        6.7m tons    significant increase
      Average selling price                                             253 €/t         254 €/t       slight increase
      K+S sales volumes                                               19m tons         20m tons      tangible increase
          t/o de-icing                                                10m tons         11m tons      tangible increase
  1   Incl. ̴ 4mt of potassium sulphate and potash grades with lower mineral content
                                                                                                              K+S Group    37
K+S Group
IR Contact Details

                                                                           K+S Aktiengesellschaft
                                                                           Bertha-von-Suttner-Str. 7
                                                                           34131 Kassel (Germany)

Lutz Grüten                         Katharina Volkmar
Head of Investor Relations          Roadshow Management
Phone: +49 561 / 9301-1460          Phone: +49 561 / 9301-1100
Fax: +49 561 / 9301-2425            Fax: +49 561 / 9301-2425 

Laura Schumbera                     Martin Heistermann                  Alexander Enge
Junior Investor Relations Manager   Senior Investor Relations Manager   Investor Relations Manager
Phone: +49 561 / 9301-1607          Phone: +49 561 / 9301-1403          Phone: +49 561 / 9301-1885
Fax:     +49 561 / 9301-2425        Fax:    +49 561 / 9301-2425         Fax:    +49 561 / 9301-2425

                                                                                                                              K+S Group   38
K+S Group
  Financial Calendar

CFO Roadshow Frankfurt, MainFirst                                     15 March 2018
Goldman Sachs 7th European Chemicals Conference with CFO, London      16 March 2018
Non Deal Fixed Income Roadshow Frankfurt, DZ Bank                     21 March 2018
Non Deal Fixed Income Roadshow London, Goldman                        22 March 2018
Roadshow Paris, Bank of America Merrill Lynch                           6 April 2018
Roadshow Zurich, UBS                                                   11 April 2018
Solventis Aktienforum with CFO, Frankfurt                              12 April 2018
Roadshow Middle East with CFO, Bankhaus Lampe                          19 April 2018
Bankhaus Lampe Deutschlandkonferenz, Baden-Baden                       20 April 2018
Quarterly Report Q1/18                                                 14 May 2018
Annual General Meeting                                                 15 May 2018
Half-yearly Financial Report H1/18                                   14 August 2018
Capital Markets Day in Bethune, Canada (save-the-date)             5 September 2018

                                                                         K+S Group   39
K+S Group
K+S Group

K+S Share              K+S ADR                K+S Bond 12/2018       K+S Bond 12/2021       K+S Bond 06/2022       K+S Bond 04/2023
• WKN: KSAG88          • CUSIP: 48265W108     • WKN: A1Y CR4         • WKN: A1Y CR5         • WKN: A1P GZ8         • WKN: A2E 4U9
• ISIN: DE000KSAG888   • ADR Ticker-Symbol:   • ISIN: XS0997941199   • ISIN: XS0997941355   • ISIN: DE000A1PGZ82   • ISIN: XS1591416679
• Ticker-Symbols:        Bloomberg: KPLUY /
  Bloomberg SDF /        Reuters: KPLUY.PK
  Reuters SDFG

             K+S Aktiengesellschaft · Bertha-von-Suttner-Straße 7 · 34131 Kassel | Germany · Internet:
       Investor Relations · phone: +49 (0)561 / 9301-1100 · fax: +49 (0)561 / 9301-2425 · email:

                                                                                                                        K+S Group
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