OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

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OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

2019 - 2020
Fair             Responsive

   POLICE                                                         1
OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...


3      Chief Constables foreword

4      The National Policing Vision 2025

5      Transformation for the Future

8      Police and Crime Plan Policing Priorities

10 Priority 1 – Crime Prevention

17 Priority 2 – Supporting Victims

22 Priority 3 – Community Cohesion

26 Priority 4 – Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour

29 Priority 5 – Effective Service Delivery

32 Next Steps

                           “I am confident that with the support of my
                           officers and staff, we are very well placed to
                                continue to deliver the service that our
                            communities have rightly come to expect.”
                                                                           Pam Kelly
                                                                     Chief Constable

OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

1               CHIEF CONSTABLE’S
                                                     equipped to identify both crime and vulnerability
In 2017, the Police and Crime Commissioner           and that they are able to respond appropriately
(PCC) for Gwent published his first Police and       to those in need. It also means that we can
Crime Plan. Due to the ever changing nature of       quickly pursue and detain those who pose the
elements affecting policing, such as criminality,    greatest threat, risk, and harm to our
technology, politics etc, much has advanced since    communities.
2017 and both the Commissioner and I have
decided to refresh our plans.                        However, we cannot do all of this alone. I am
                                                     exceptionally grateful to all of the individuals and
This Operational Delivery Plan sets out our          organisations who work with the Force,
strategic direction as to how we will deliver the    protecting, supporting and providing services to
priorities set by the PCC in his Police and Crime    the people of Gwent. It is more important than
Plan. The Plan also sets out how we will deliver     ever that we work with the assistance of the
the PCC’s objectives alongside our national and      public, volunteers, and our partner agencies, and
regional responsibilities within the budget set by   that we strengthen relationships and build trust.
the Police and Crime Commissioner.
                                                     This trust must be gained through the police
I was incredibly proud and honoured to be made       service acting in a professional, fair and
Chief Constable of Gwent Police in August 2019. I    proportionate manner and working to the
am very much looking forward to building on the      highest standards of integrity. I want our
good work undertaken in recent years to improve      communities to have the confidence that we will
our service for the people of Gwent.                 be there when they need us most and that we will
However, with over 24 years of service, I am very    provide the service that victims deserve. I am
conscious of the demands on our workforce and        committed to ensuring that together with our
the changing shape of policing. In many areas        communities, we will build an ever stronger
volume and complexity are increasing and             police service and we will do all that we can to
criminality continues to change at a rapid pace.     protect the people of Gwent from harm.
Many emerging crimes need different expertise
and an informed and prompt response.
                                                                                             Pam Kelly
I will therefore continue to build a Force                                                   Chief
equipped for the future. Working in conjunction                                              Constable
with national reform and often in collaboration,                                             Gwent
our technological capability is advancing and we                                             Police
are acquiring new skills and expertise across the
organisation. We will prioritise those most
vulnerable and will invest in local policing,
focusing on prevention and our local
investigations processes and capability. Our
change programmes are based on robust analysis
and we will endeavour to provide solutions to
areas of high demand.

Continuous improvement initiatives for our
workforce will ensure officers and staff are

OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

2               The     National                                                  Policing
                Vision 2025
Whilst this document highlights how we will meet          The NPCC Vision is
our local and national responsibilities over the          as follows:
next year, we also want to highlight the national
work currently being undertaken to improve the               LOCAL POLICING – will continue to form the
future of policing.                                           bedrock of British policing. By 2025 it will be
                                                              aligned, and where appropriate integrated,
All UK forces have made extensive reforms to                  with other local public services to improve
improve service delivery against severe cuts to               outcomes for citizens and protect the
force budgets. However, it is nationally recognised           vulnerable.
that in order to provide an effective, accessible
and value for money service for the future, and
                                                             SPECIALIST CAPABILITIES – By 2025 we will
one that meets the needs of our communities in a
                                                              enhance our response to new and complex
changing world, the police service needs to
                                                              threats, we will develop our network and the
transform. However, whilst each force has
                                                              way we deliver specialist capabilities by
different local priorities, each force must deliver
                                                              reinforcing and connecting policing locally,
these in partnership with national responsibilities.
                                                              nationally and beyond.
It is therefore essential that each force operates
within a single framework.
                                                             WORKFORCE – By 2025 policing will be a
                                                              profession with a more representative
The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has
                                                              workforce that will align the right skills,
produced a Policing Vision to 2025 which sets out
                                                              powers and experience to meet challenging
the reasons for change and outlines a plan for
transformation and how we use our resources
whilst providing an effective, accessible and value
                                                             DIGITAL POLICING – By 2025 digital policing
for money service that can be trusted.
                                                              will make it easier for the public to make
                                                              digital contact, improve our use of digital
Our growing communities are increasingly diverse
                                                              intelligence and evidence and ensure we can
and complex, rapidly developing technology is
                                                              transfer all material in a digital format to the
influencing new and emerging crimes, and
                                                              Criminal Justice System.
political, environmental and sociological elements
are impacting upon our communities and
changing how we need to police. All of this needs            ENABLING BUSINESS DELIVERY – By 2025
                                                              police business support functions will be
a more sophisticated response to the challenges
                                                              delivered in a more consistent manner to
we face now and in the future.
                                                              deliver     efficiency       and       enhance
                                                              interoperability across the police service.
Gwent Police and the PCC are working
collaboratively with the national police service,
the College of Policing, the National Crime Agency,          GOVERNANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY – By
and our local partners and volunteers to play a role          2025 there will be clear accountability
in delivering these reforms.                                  arrangements to support policing at the local,
                                                              cross force and national levels.

OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

3               Transformation for the
                                                        as demand has risen, police resources have been
Force Management Statements (FMS)                       reducing, which means that we have had to
In response to a HMICFRS requirement, the force         understand and prioritise core areas of need.
has now completed its second Force Management
Statement (FMS). The FMS is an annual self-             However, through regular review of all the
assessment that chief constables prepare and give       elements impacting upon service delivery,
to HMICFRS each year. It is the chief constable’s       together with thorough analysis, we are able to
statement and explanation of:                           ensure that resources are aligned to key priorities
                                                        and change programmes are in place for areas of
     the demand the Force expects to face in the       most need. We are also ensuring that the right
      next four years;                                  people with the right skills are in the right place to
     how the force will change and improve its         protect the public. Further, we are continuing to
      workforce and other assets to cope with           identify new ways to work with others to ensure
      that demand;                                      the best possible service to the public.
     how the force will improve its efficiency to
      make sure the gap between future demand           Local Policing
      and future capability is as small as it can       Our local policing model has aligned services and
      reasonably be; and,                               allows us to deploy resources more efficiently and
     the money the force expects to have to do         flexibly. Using mixed teams of police and
      all this.                                         community support officers, the teams are
                                                        increasingly focused on the protection of
HMICFRS has outlined that the FMS will be a three       vulnerable people in our communities, driven in
year process. Each FMS builds on the previous           part by our implementation of the Modernising
year’s findings to ascertain the direction of           Neighbourhood Policing Strategy.
demand and scrutinises all areas of the force. The
work is now starting to provide valuable and            Engaging with communities and agreeing local
accessible information on demand, assets and            priorities    is   fundamental       to    effective
capability and it is starting to outline the most       Neighbourhood Policing. We recently reviewed
substantial issues facing the Force. Going forward      our approach to community engagement and
this document will enable us to see where we            priority setting, with a view to ensuring that the
need to make change and we will put appropriate         process is both meaningful and cost effective. In
solutions in place to reduce demand and improve         future, we plan to use our force social media
efficiency and effectiveness.                           accounts to invite residents to complete a short
                                                        on-line survey. The results from this will be
Prioritising Our Services - Reducing Demand             analysed alongside other sources of information
Gwent Police has been on a continuous journey of        from police and partner agencies to determine
reform and modernisation over previous years.           ward priorities. We will continue to focus
Much work has been undertaken to understand             resources on areas of vulnerability, threat, risk and
our demand, how this is changing and what we will       harm, using prevention, investigation and
need to improve in order to adapt for the future.       response to ensure local police services are
                                                        directed where they are needed most.
Potential future demand includes increases in
traditional and new and emerging types of crime,        We will work closer with partners towards a whole
                                                        system approach, with more multi-agency
such as cyber-crime, modern-day slavery and             teams to tackle community issues and build more
human trafficking. It also includes the impact of       cohesive neighbourhoods. We will also embrace
demographical changes, developments in                  technology to better inform and communicate
technology and environmental events. In addition,
OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

with the public and improve data sharing and               Public Protection
integration with our partners.                             Public protection is a priority for the Force. The
                                                           threat from terrorism, child sexual exploitation,
Issues such as terrorism, civil emergencies,               cybercrime and organised crime will continue to
organised crime etc, traditionally thought of in a         grow and we will work closer with our
regional and national context, will also be dealt          communities to improve relationships and gather
with from the local upwards, engaging with our             intelligence to identify those causing harm. We
communities to work together for safer                     will also work in collaboration with our national
neighbourhoods.                                            and regional partners to understand the extent of
                                                           these crimes to enhance our response and
As previously outlined, the Policing Vision 2025           dedicate the appropriate resources to ensure
emphasises that the police service is reliant upon         victims receive the most appropriate care and
the quality of its people’. Both the PCC and the           offenders are brought to justice.
Chief Constable are keen to protect the frontline
and are planning to recruit more officers and              However, crime of this nature is often hidden and
Community Support Officers to meet demand and              is complex in nature. We are therefore investing
improve local policing. In addition, to meet the           in specialised training, delivered both in force and
growing complexity and sophistication of crime             by external partners, and are also monitoring
we are ensuring that those who currently work              staffing levels closely to ensure we cope with
within Gwent Police and those who will be joining          demand.
us, are equipped with the skills, education and
knowledge to deliver a quality service.                    Workforce
                                                           Gwent Police is critically reliant on its people.
Specialist Capabilities                                    Whilst we are now a smaller workforce than
                                                           previously, it is a more modern, flexible and
                                                           effective force. Much work has been undertaken
                                                           by our Change Programme, not only to identify the
                                                           services we need to prioritise but to align the right
                                                           people to the delivery of these services.

                                                           We will be providing more training, education and
                                                           development opportunities to ensure that our
                                                           workforce is equipped with the skills and
                                                           capabilities, behaviours and values necessary to
                                                           adapt to future demands.
Specialist Capabilities cover a range of services
from cybercrime, major investigations, child               Modernisation is taking place through providing
sexual exploitation, to civil emergencies and              more flexibility in the workplace, making the most
armed policing. We will be focusing on our                 of technology to improve efficiency and
capability and working in partnership to ensure            encouraging innovation and creativity. Our
that specialist services are shared and delivered in       workforce going forward will be multi-skilled to be
the most effective way in accordance with the              more adaptable and able to respond to demand.
Government’s Strategic Policing Requirement.
                                                           The challenge for all our employees for the future
Force capability is assessed at a quarterly Strategic      will be great. However they will continue to put
Policing Requirement Group (SRG). Certain                  the public first, adapting to the changing nature of
capabilities are further reviewed by the Tarian            crime, putting service and victims at the heart of
oversight board (regarding Tarian capabilities) and        all they do and treating them with integrity,
the South Wales Collaboration Group (regarding             compassion and respect.
firearms capability in respect of Counter Terrorism
response).                                                 Digital Policing
                                                           The force acknowledges that it must embrace the
                                                           rapid development of technology and adapt to the
                                                           new threats and opportunities that it is bringing.
OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

To police the digital age effectively we have            Business Enablers
invested in cyber training for 300 officers across       We will continue to progress our Change
the force, and have developed a new Cybercrime           Programme to monitor demand and implement
Unit where investigators have the skills and means       reform where necessary. We will explore
to interrogate online criminality.                       opportunities to work with our partners locally,
                                                         regionally and nationally to improve our business
We are continuing to implement new technology            support functions and where possible realise
with more integrated systems to enable us to work        shared benefits, skills and economies of scale.
smarter. The use of Body Worn Video has
significantly improved the speed of investigation        We will also continue to work with local
while use of mobile devices has reduced the              authorities, emergencies services and local forces
amount of time officers need to complete their           for a more joined up approach, invest in
tasks.                                                   technology and will work towards a seamless
                                                         interface between policing and the Criminal
We have also introduced a new command and                Justice System. We are also in the process of
control system, implemented e-services both              building a new Headquarters to improve our
internally and externally and collaborate with           infrastructure which will be more efficient and
partners on ICT service provision. Going forward         cost effective.
we will be working closer with our partners to
enable better data sharing, including intelligence       Governance and Accountability
and evidence.                                            We will continue to work with the PCC to ensure
                                                         that the organisation as a whole builds effective
In addition, the force has recently introduced a         working relationships with the public, central
dedicated Social Media Desk to allow people to           governance, governance bodies such as the Her
report non-urgent crimes or get advice online.           Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and the
The desk was introduced to help Gwent Police             Criminal Justice System. We have also
become more accessible to the public, especially         implemented a new governance framework that
to the harder to reach and more vulnerable               provides a mechanism for monitoring
members of the community. The Social Media               performance across the Force and ensures
Desk allows people to contact the Force online 24-       strategic oversight and accountability.
hours-a day seven days a week.
                                                         We will also ensure that we will remain
On average, Gwent Police receive between 1000            transparent and open to scrutiny and will conduct
and 1,200 calls a day. Between 750 and 950 of            ourselves with honesty and integrity with full
those calls are non-urgent and don’t require             regard to the to the College of Policing’s Code of
immediate police attendance. The desk therefore          Ethics. Above all, we will be accountable to our
saves both police time and lives by enabling more        communities through the PCC.
officers to attend serious incidents.
                                                         Underpinning all that we do are the Force values.
We are aware that we are in a fast-moving digital        Gwent Police will be:
age and that in the last 10 years there has been a        Caring
significant shift in the way that people                  Fair
communicate with each other. Gwent Police want            Trusted
to ensure that we remain up to speed with these           Responsive
changes and we want to make sure that Gwent               Professional
Police remains up to speed with those changes.
The social media desk allows those who may find
it easier to write down their report or question to
contact the police, and for some, picking up the
phone would not be an option.

OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

4                Police and Crime                                                        Plan
                 Policing Priorities
Police and Crime Commissioners have a statutory
duty to publish a Police and Crime Plan. Following
consultation with the public, the PCC sets out their
priorities and objectives for their respective police
force, and outlines how the Chief Constable will be
held to account on the delivery of these

The PCC for Gwent has decided that whilst he has
updated the measures by which he will monitor
Force performance, he will not change the policing
priorities for Gwent this year.

Gwent Police and Crime Plan Priorities:

OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

OPERATIONAL DELIVERY PLAN 2019 - 2020 Trusted Professional - Gwent Police & Crime ...

5                Priority 1 - Crime
Crime Prevention                                            and also offering reassurance through direct
The focus of Gwent Police is to keep our                    community contact.
communities safe and preventing crime from
occurring in the first instance is essential to             The Panel perform a crucial role within the
achieving this. Prior to any crime being committed          community, particularly in relation to vulnerable
there is the opportunity to disrupt, divert or              people. They also fund and organise the ‘Wings to
prevent it. However, we cannot do this alone. A             Fly’ event which caters for more than 2000
successful prevention approach involves other               children from all of the primary schools within the
public and third sector services such as education,         Caerphilly Borough. The event highlights the
health and housing and we will work in                      danger and tragic consequences of substance
partnership to identify priorities for crime                misuse and is delivered by a local youth theatre
prevention and provide problem-solving activities           group.
tailored to local needs and demands while
focusing on those most vulnerable.                          By spreading crime prevention advice local people
                                                            are bringing their neighbourhoods closer
Crime Prevention will incorporate both                      together, getting actively involved in protecting
intelligence driven and problem solving policing            their communities and are helping us to reduce
responses. By improving communication channels              crime locally.
with the public and close engagement with our
communities we will work together and use                   Gwent Now – Working Together
intelligence to identify the factors that can lead
individuals to become victims. With greater
intelligence we will initiate crime responses before
significant harm can be caused. Early engagement
and effective use of diversionary activities will also
aim to prevent and divert individuals from criminal

We will also provide crime prevention advice to             One of the most effective ways to deter criminals,
the public, businesses and retailers and various            encourage communities to help one another and
media campaigns have been launched throughout               to keep the public aware of local issues is through
the year. High visibility patrols, including the use        Community Messaging. Gwent Police uses an
of mobile police stations, have been used in hot            online messaging system called ‘Gwent Now’
spot areas to prevent offending.                            which is designed to keep Gwent communities
                                                            informed about the latest crime notifications and
Crime Prevention Panels                                     crime prevention advice. We will continue to
Crime Prevention Panels are of great assistance to          develop this system to keep our communities up
us. Volunteer members work with the                         to date.
organisation to offer crime prevention advice and
practical support to communities. Their various             Integrated Offender Management
tasks may include door to door leaflet distribution,        Together with our partners the Force also
attending fetes or community groups, surgeries              participates in an Integrated Offender
etc with the intention of making residents aware            Management (IOM) scheme. This is an
of methods of preventing crime                              overarching approach to managing priority groups
                                                            of high risk offenders which ensures that all

offenders leaving prison have co-ordinated                  to improve the identification, assessment and day-
support to divert them from reoffending. The                to day management of the offenders.
approach recognises that repeat offenders may
have multiple problems which contribute to their            Restorative Justice
offending which cannot be addressed by one                  Government research has shown that Restorative
agency. We will therefore continue to work                  Justice can reduce reoffending by holding
together with local authorities, drug and alcohol           offenders to account for what they have done and
services, health providers and IOM Cymru.                   helping them to take responsibility for their

                                                            Restorative Justice also gives victims the chance to
                                                            meet or communicate with their offenders to
                                                            explain the real impact of the crime and assist
                                                            them in recovering from the crime. For offenders,
                                                            the experience can be incredibly challenging as it
                                                            confronts them with the personal impact of their
                                                            crime. The Force will work together with partners
                                                            and the Police and Crime Commissioner to
                                                            progress restorative justice programmes across
The Force also maintains a positive contribution to         Gwent.
Youth Offending Services. The YOS is key to early
intervention impacting on volume crime, ASB and             Improving Safety On Our Roads
school exclusions. It is achieving significant success      Road collisions remain the largest single cause of
in reducing first time entrants to the criminal             premature death and serious injury in the country
justice system and we will continue to work with            with younger drivers particularly at risk.
partners to provide effective interventions. These
include for example, diversionary team building             Road safety is a key concern of Gwent Police and
opportunities for disengaged young people.                  we will continue to try to make Gwent’s roads
Activities such as these encourage the                      safer. The majority of road collisions are attributed
development of positive behaviour, promote                  to seatbelts, speeding, drink and drug driving, and
positive relationships, provide opportunities for           mobile phones. We will therefore be focusing on
the development of key social skills, provide               the detection of these road safety offences and
positive role models and reduce crime through               the identification and targeting of high risk drivers.
education and the raising of self-esteem.

Welsh Integrated Serious and Dangerous
Offender Management (WISDOM)
The Wales Reducing Reoffending Strategy 2014-
2016 identified those offenders who posed a high
risk of harm to the public as a priority group due
to the impact their offending can have on victims
and communities. The WISDOM project was
developed in response and a pilot started in 2017.

The aim of WISDOM is to better protect the public
by preventing serious crime. It seeks to reduce
reoffending and the risk of serious harm via a              We will work with our partners to rehabilitate
multi-agency offender management unit with a                traffic offenders through driver education and
team comprising of the Police Service, National             together with GoSafe, the Wales Road Casualty
Probation Service, forensic psychological services          Reduction Partnership, will encourage motorists
and other local partners working together to                to drive legally and safely.
increase public protection arrangements. Through
the combined efforts of partners, WISDOM seeks              We will also co-ordinate Community Speedwatch,
                                                            a traffic monitoring scheme that is managed and


run by Neighbourhood Policing Teams and                      to these offences. We will also continue to use
Community Volunteers to educate drivers about                preventative measures using media campaigns
the dangers of speeding and empower local                    and high visibility policing in hotspot and night
groups to improve road safety in their areas.                time economy areas whilst employing a robust
                                                             approach to licensing enforcement and public
Our Automatic Number Plate Recognition                       order. There will also be priority enforcement
capability has been significantly strengthened. We           activity against organised crime groups.
will continue to utilise it to disrupt criminality, and
we will take enforcement action against                      To support preventative activity, funding has been
dangerous drivers. We will also deliver campaigns            obtained from the Early Intervention Youth Fund
to positively affect and influence driver behaviour.         (EIYF), which was led by South Wales Police on
                                                             behalf of the Welsh PCCs. The money is provided
Rural Crime                                                  by the Home Office under the Home Office Serious
We are aware that sometimes criminals can prey               Violence Strategy and will provide early
on the vulnerability of rural locations. Our                 intervention to prevent young people becoming
dedicated rural team engage with farmers and                 involved in serious violence. We are using the
rural communities to provide crime prevention                money to fund a Gwent Serious Violence
advice and listen to their concerns. Online Farm             Prevention Coordinator and fund interventions by
Watch membership has increased and intelligence              St. Giles, Barnardo’s, Positive Futures, and
gained from the public has helped us catch                   Fearless. Programme progress will be shared with
criminals involved in firearms crimes, theft of              Public Service Boards and the All Wales Serious
vehicles, fuel and machinery and crimes against              Violence Task Group.
                                                             Focus on Young People
Priorities for the Force include:                            A key strand that runs through all that we do
 Reducing the theft of farm machinery, plan                 relates to our focus on young people. We will
    and vehicles                                             continue undertaking numerous activities to
 Livestock theft, worrying and attacks                      protect young people, including working with the
 Fuel theft                                                 criminal justice process to prioritise child abuse
 Fly tipping                                                investigations.
 Poaching
 Equine Crime

In addition, our new Wildlife Crime Unit will be
focusing on the UK priorities of:
 Badger, Bat and Raptor persecution
 Poaching
 Serious and Organised Crime involving
 Freshwater pearl mussels

Reducing Serious Violent Crime
The Home Office Serious Violence Strategy (April             We will also continue to work closely with our local
2018) aims to address the national increases seen            authorities, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, the
in knife crime, gun crime and homicide. In Gwent             Probation Service, Youth Offending Service and
we have not experienced these trends and                     the third sector to develop better integrated
offences involving knives and firearms remain at             working practices and ensure the sharing of
very low numbers.                                            information between agencies. This allows for a
                                                             better coordinated approach to reduce and
However, we will continue to support national and            prevent the risks from high risk of harm offenders.
regional campaigns and will ensure that we have a
firm intelligence picture and a detailed
understanding of the threat, risk and harm relating


The force is involved in various preventative             officers have now been trained in the ACE
diversionary activities for young children.               approach.
Examples include:
 ‘Positive Futures’ a multi-agency program               All Wales School Liaison Core Programme
    using physical activity to divert young people        (AWSLCP)
    away from crime and anti-social behaviour.            The AWSLCP is an example of Partnership Working
    The scheme focuses mainly on 10-19 year olds          between the Welsh Government and the four
    at risk of being excluded from school, aspiring       Welsh Police Forces and consists of a series of
    to gang culture, not gaining qualifications and/      Crime Prevention inputs / lesson deliveries and
    or at risk of drug and alcohol misuse. The            Supportive School Policing initiatives that aim to
    scheme provides mentoring and diversionary            educate children and young people about the
    engagement programmes, training and                   harm substance misuse can cause to their health,
    personal development opportunities.                   their families and the wider community, promote
 ‘Mini Police’ - Aimed at 9-11 year old children,        the principles of positive citizenship through the
    this is an interactive programme designed to          medium of education, and achieve a reduction in
    engender positive role models within the              the levels of crime and disorder within our young
    police service for children who are schooled in       communities.
    areas of deprivation, high unemployment and
    low aspiration.                                       The AWSLCP is delivered by 14 specialist fully
 ‘Police Cadets – for young members of the               warranted School Community Police Officers
    community aged 14 to 18 who are encouraged            (SCPOs) in all Primary and Secondary Schools
    to play a vital role in community events and          across Gwent as well as a number of other special
    crime prevention.                                     educational settings. The SCPOs form part of
                                                          neighbourhood policing teams who deliver a
                                                          programme consisting of a series of Crime
                                                          Prevention inputs / lesson deliveries and
                                                          Supportive School Policing initiatives.

                                                          Missing Children
                                                          We will focus on assessing and reducing the risks
                                                          to children who frequently go missing and those at
                                                          risk of child sexual exploitation. We recognise that
                                                          working in partnership in this area is essential and
                                                          the Missing Children’s department comprises of a
                                                          multi-agency team that focuses on ‘Breaking the
                                                          Cycle’ of missing episodes. The team intervene
                                                          with the family or child to stop the underlying
Early Action       Together     (ACE)    National         cause of the child going missing. Police, Social
Programme                                                 Workers, Health, Education and third sector
The force is part of an all-Wales Collaborative           organisations work together in a central hub and
Programme with Public Health Wales aimed at               collate information about children that have been
tackling adverse childhood experiences. The Early         reported missing to Gwent Police. The skills and
Action Together programme aims to provide                 experience of the varying agencies in the team are
appropriate early intervention responses through          used to illicit information from the young people
an informed approach. Gwent Police has been               in return to home debriefs/interviews. This
focusing on developing an evidence base of what           information is then used to reduce the risk posed
works from the responses from education,                  to the child through a multi-agency safeguarding
policing and the wider statutory and voluntary            approach.
sector. The approach will be developed,
monitored and evaluated in two pathfinder                 The department has also undertaken to train
schools with a view to developing a framework for         licensees and landlords, police officers, staff from
an effective Gwent wide model of practice. In             hostels and care homes, and street pastors to both
Gwent, a focused delivery plan has been                   prevent further harm to potential victims and
developed with partners and over 300 frontline


build trust in the police to report crimes or those      Trafficking, Cybercrime and Financial Crime, Drugs
at risk of harm.                                         and County Lines. Using this strategy the Force has
                                                         undertaken various operations to disrupt
Focus on Older People                                    criminality affecting our communities and we have
The Force expects demand linked to adult                 achieved significant drug seizures and large cash
protection to increase in the medium to long term.       and arms seizures.
The main areas of risk for older people are anti-
social behaviour, domestic abuse and financial           This work is further assisted by the work of our
abuse. Vulnerability is now assessed at first point      new SOC Co-ordinator who is working towards the
of contact through our Victim Risk Assessment            following outcomes:
process and we are working with our partners              Educating children in schools about the
through the Protection of Vulnerable Adults                   realities of gangs, crime and violence
(POVA) process to identify and prevent further            Educating people working in partner
abuse through an effective multi-agency                       organisations about gangs and violence, and
approach.                                                     how to work better together to tackle the
Serious And Organised Crime (SOC)                         Provide new interventions for children who
Organised crime groups engage in a wide range of              are considered high risk/on the cusp of
crimes including human trafficking, drug dealing,             involvement in gangs/crime/violence
money laundering and child sexual exploitation.           Develop a model of community resilience
We will continue to work in partnership to identify           which results in active participation from the
these criminals and prevent harm by disrupting                community in tackling the issues which allow
their activity and confiscating their profits.                gangs and violence to exist
                                                          Develop local partnership arrangements
Through the use of the Proceeds of Crime Act and              relating to SOC prevention/intervention
other effective legislation we will deprive them of
access to legitimate enterprises. The proceeds of        To date we have seen very positive results. For
crime recovered from these criminals will then be        example we have held, amongst other things, a
used to make a positive difference to local              ‘connecting café’ event to discuss serious and
communities through the PCC’s Partnership Fund.          organised crime with residents in targeted areas.
The fund assists local charities, voluntary              Local residents came together to share a range of
organisations and community groups involved in           experiences and discuss ways in which they can
activities that have a positive impact on                work as a community to reduce the impact of SOC.
preventing crime and anti-social behaviour. These        With the help of these communities and partners,
charities also provide better opportunities for          we can continue to co-ordinate a problem solving
some of the most vulnerable or excluded people           approach to tackle organised crime groups.
in the community.
                                                         We also work with TARIAN, the Regional
We are also now working in closer partnership to         Organised Crime Unit dedicated to dismantling
enable disruption. The Force has a centrally             organised crime groups across southern Wales to
managed Intelligence Triage Team who assess and          prevent the growth and criminality of these
action intelligence appropriately. The intelligence      groups.
products arising from the Unit feed into our
operational meetings and the SOC Partnership             A Gwent County Lines Profile has been developed
Board.                                                   and shared with the National Crime Agency and a
                                                         regional working group has been established to
At the end of 2018 Gwent Police launched its new         examine and analyse county lines networks across
Serious and Organised Crime Strategy, Operation          the Welsh region.
Jigsaw. The aim of the Strategy is to tackle and
reduce the level of serious and organised crime          Cyber Enabled Crime
affecting Gwent and its communities by working in        We live in a world that is increasingly digitally
collaboration with partners to deliver better            enabled and globally connected. Cybercrime cuts
outcomes for the public. Priorities within the           across all aspects of criminality and this is having a
Strategy focus on Modern Day Slavery and                 large impact upon policing. This can be seen in the

terrorist threat, organised crime, child sexual         has been defined as ‘Keeping the Region Safe’ and
abuse, people trafficking and fraud. Our Cyber          its purpose falls into three main headings:
Crime Unit will be working as part of a local,           Preservation of life and public safety:
regional, national and international response to             providing an armed response to incidents
identify and prevent cyber criminality.                      requiring an armed resolution;
                                                         Terrorism and Organised Crime: delivering a
Gwent Police will ensure that our communities are            range of specialist tactics to prevent, deter
informed and empowered to utilse online                      and disrupt higher level threats to the region;
technology safely. For example we will continue to       Supporting normal Policing: providing
run our safety awareness campaigns, distribute               assistance to forces on local policing
safety leaflets, and carry out activities with the           priorities.
National Policing Agency to help business and
industry partners guard against Cybercrime. The         The Unit also has close links with other Regional
Force website provides information and advice on        Intelligence Units such as TARIAN, ROCU and
many aspects of prevention and advice on online         WECTU and meet on a regular basis to assess
safety.                                                 threats. Reassessment of threat is a continual
                                                        process and all firearms response plans are
The force dedicated Cybercrime Unit includes            continually updated.
digital forensic officers and digital media
investigators, the Fraud Investigation Unit, High       A review of the Unit has been undertaken which
Tech Crime Unit, PoLIT (the team identify suspects      will seek to address an increasing rise in demand.
who possess/distribute indecent images of               The JFU is also ensuring that it is at optimal
children) and the Intelligence Triage Unit. We are      establishment levels through a rolling succession
continuing to invest in technology to further           planning programme.
develop our intelligence and understand the level
and nature of threat to enable us to target             Counter Terrorism
offenders.                                              Gwent Police works alongside other forces and
                                                        national and regional partners to tackle threats
In addition, the Force has introduced a Cyber CSO.      and prevent activities of terrorists and domestic
This is a member of police staff who provides a         extremists. In particular we will continue to
visible presence to the online community. The           support the efforts of the Wales Extremism and
Cyber CSO provides advice to officers who are           Counter Terrorism Unit (WECTU) in responding to
dealing with online offences and provides               threat. We will also continue to work with our
prevention advice to victims and community              communities to prevent extremism.
groups in relation to online crime.
                                                        Our objectives support the four key elements of
The Cyber CSO has also increased the capacity and       the UK’s counter terrorism strategy (CONTEST) of
expertise available to support victims of cyber         PURSUE, PREVENT, PREPARE, PROTECT. However,
hate and offers prevention and safety advice. All       to prevent counter terrorism we need the help of
cases of online hate crime are referred to the          the public and businesses as they are often the
Cyber CSO. Online hate crimes that are                  first people to spot signs that something is wrong.
perpetrated by and against children are                 To assist, training has been undertaken by people
additionally referred to both the local Schools         working in shopping centres, cinemas, sports
Liaison Officer and the force’s Missing Children        stadiums and other businesses throughout Wales
Team to cross reference with their ‘at risk’            to look out for suspicious behaviour.

Specialist Capabilities
Armed policing is delivered through the Regional
Joint Firearms Unit (JFU) which provides support
to the three southern Wales forces. Core areas of
demand specific to the JFU are firearms incidents,
terrorism, and organised crime. The JFU’s mission


6               Priority 2 - Supporting
                                                         Further, we will continue to survey victims of
Supporting the needs of victims and witnesses is         crime to find out how satisfied they were with the
an essential part of our policing. The                   way we dealt with their case. This will enable us to
consequences of crime for a victim may include           monitor our victim support and we will implement
emotional, physical or financial harm. That is why       learning if victims are less than satisfied and feel
we will prioritise preventing crime happening in         they have not received the support that they
the first instance. However, unfortunately we            deserve.
cannot stop all crime and when this happens we
will ensure that victims are treated with respect        Investigative Strategy
and offered the necessary support that they need,        A new Investigative Strategy has been
especially those identified as vulnerable or of the      implemented across Gwent Police which aims to
greatest need.                                           significantly reduce the amount of secondary
                                                         investigations and ensure that investigative
                                                         resources are aligned to demand. The strategy
                                                         aims to ensure that investigations are allocated to
                                                         the most appropriate resource and are based on
                                                         seriousness and complexity rather than crime
                                                         type. A training package on the new strategy has
                                                         been rolled out across the force and the new
                                                         Strategy is being implemented. Investigations are
                                                         subject to a minimum standards expectation and
                                                         there are local performance measures in place to
                                                         support this.

We recognise that the needs of victims are diverse       First Point of Contact
and dependent upon individual circumstances and          The force has been investing consistently in
working with our partners we can refer victims to        improving the quality of service provided at the
support tailored to their specific needs.                first point of contact. Training and supervision of
                                                         call handlers has received extensive focus. This has
The Force will also continue to work closely in          resulted in a rise in the number of calls resolved
partnership with the Crown Prosecution Service,          without the need to send an officer which has
the courts, the National Probation Trust and the         allowed officers to focus on emergencies and
local Community Rehabilitation Company to                helping people. Call quality has also improved by
ensure an efficient, effective and supportive            staff taking more time to gather detailed
service for victims and witnesses. All victims of        information in order to ascertain the correct
crime will be offered a contract which will outline      response. Further, call waiting times are also
the steps the officer and the force will take on         significantly improving.
behalf of the victim, including when and how they
wish to be contacted. The Force’s newly formed           In addition to responding to emergency calls, Call
Victims Board will review our performance and            Operators also aim to identify vulnerability. This
service delivery for victims and witnesses.              allows us to offer referrals to victim support
                                                         services and prioritise service at the earliest
We will also continue to further develop a               opportunity. Call handlers use a question-set
Restorative Justice approach to dealing with a           based on identifying Threat, Harm, Risk,
range of offences in support of victims’ wishes and      Investigation, Vulnerability, and Engagement
without the need to go to court in certain cases.


(THRIVE) to prioritise services for the victim from        that that they can choose how the offender can be
the first call.                                            dealt with when they commit low level and minor
                                                           crimes. Community Resolution allows us to put the
‘Connect Gwent’                                            needs of the victim first and empowers victims to
The Force is clear that we will put victims first and      take instant action.
that they are at the heart of everything we do.
‘Connect Gwent’, is a victim’s care service for all        Transforming Summary Justice
victims of crime and has been the first multi-             Transforming Summary Justice (TSJ) has intended
agency service of its kind in Wales. It brings             to improve the timescales and the file content for
together a range of agencies to enable us to               cases listed at the Magistrates Court, and also how
ensure that victims are supported inside and               cases are dealt with in the courts. The Force
outside the criminal justice process.                      receives monthly updates on performance which
                                                           measures areas such as vacated trials, ineffective
                                                           trials, cracked trials and guilty plea rates at the first
                                                           hearing in the Magistrates court.

                                                           Monitoring of the TSJ requirements has become
                                                           embedded into the daily processes across the
                                                           Force. This ensures that we are continually
                                                           delivering a timely quality product to the Crown
                                                           Prosecution Service with the aim of achieving a
                                                           guilty plea and justice for the victim at the earliest
The Hub supports victims of crime for as long as
they need with practical or emotional support              Witness Care Unit
from specialist staff from a wide range of                 The aim of witness care unit is to provide a single
approved partner agencies to ensure that victims           point of contact for victims and witnesses for
receive the support they need.                             information about the progress of their cases and
                                                           to minimise the stress of attending court.
CARES                                                      Witnesses are essential to successful prosecutions
Gwent Police uses a system called CARES to                 and we are committed to making the process as
manage its crimes (Contract, Assessment of needs,          straightforward as we can. The Units are jointly
Report of investigation, End of investigation,             staffed by our staff and the Crown Prosecution
Supervisor review). The CARES process includes a           Service and provide information and support as
contract with victims that agrees method and               outlined in the Code of Practice for Victims of
timeliness of updates, including when we charge            Crime. The Unit will provide a single point of
or bail a suspect. Victims’ needs are assessed to          contact for victims and witnesses and a dedicated
consider enhanced services, special measures or            witness care officer will guide and support
other support. The ‘CARES’ programme is a clear            individuals through the criminal justice process
service standard for Victims of Crime that clarifies       and beyond.
the key elements of the Victim’s Code. The Code
explains what information and support victims can          Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
expect from criminal justice organisations.                Gwent Police are working hard to enhance our
                                                           response to tackling human trafficking. We will
Community Resolution                                       continue effective awareness raising to promote
Victims sometimes prefer a faster and more                 early victim identification, staff training, and
effective solution to their complaint rather than          intelligence gathering while working with partners
taking the matter to court. Community Resolution           in local authorities and community based support
is a way of dealing with low-level crime and anti-         services to ensure victims’ needs are met.
social behaviour which enables victims of these
crimes to have more of a say in the punishment of          Human trafficking is one of the force’s top
their offender. Officers now have the capacity to          priorities and we have recently established a
present a list of out-of-court options to victims so       dedicated MSHT team, which focuses on all


aspects of MSHT, including educating front line           Arrangements (MAPPA). This joint working
officers, safeguarding, and enforcement.                  protects the communities we serve by preventing
                                                          registered sex offenders from re-offending
                                                          through implementing effective risk management
                                                          plans across all agencies.

                                                          We will also work with partners and the
Since the launch of our MSHT team, the number of          community to raise awareness of the law on rape
crimes, intelligence logs, referrals to the National      and sexual assault to influence behavior and our
Referral Mechanism, have all increased due to             rape prevention campaigns aim to increase
better reporting. Over 1200 officers and staff are        understanding and improve reporting.
now trained, compared to 374 before the team
was in place.
                                                          CHILD PROTECTION
We will also continue to identify and map                 Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
businesses known to associate with modern
slavery and human trafficking. We routinely visit
these premises with partner agencies to disrupt
activity and decrease opportunities to exploit
vulnerable groups.

Serious Sexual Offences
We will continue to encourage the victims of
                                                          Preventing this horrific crime means whole force
sexual crime to come forward to report to us, and
                                                          awareness and the help of our communities and
we will endeavour to provide the highest
                                                          partners. While our dedicated Child Sexual
standards of investigation and quality of service to
                                                          Exploitation team will continue to work hard to
                                                          identify perpetrators and put them before the
                                                          courts, our neighbourhood officers also focus on
Together with our partners, immediate help and
                                                          vulnerability and provide intelligence to the CSE
support is delivered by the Sexual Assault Referral
Centre. This is a special facility where recent
female or male victims of rape or sexual assault
                                                          The force has effective relationships at
can receive care.
                                                          operational and strategic levels with key partners
We will investigate these crimes thoroughly and
                                                          from the statutory and third sectors. At the
will support vulnerable victims through the
                                                          strategic level, Gwent Police is an active
criminal justice process.
                                                          contributor to the work of the South East Wales
                                                          Safeguarding Children’s Board, which has a multi-
Gwent Police continues to work closely with key
                                                          agency CSE sub-group and action plan. Each local
partners through Multi Agency Public Protection

policing area Public Protection Unit has a CSE            and support victims of domestic abuse, Honour
champion at Detective Sergeant level who                  Based Violence, Forced Marriage and Female
promotes awareness of CSE/CSA issues in their             Genital Mutilation. We want to reassure the
area. In addition, the team invite social workers         public that reports made to us will always be taken
join their visits to the homes of those suspected of      seriously and victims will be treated sensitively.
being involved in the making and distributing of          Our joint victims’ care service ‘Connect Gwent’
indecent images of children. This enables closer          signposts support for victims of domestic abuse,
partnership working and better protection for             and we are also working with partners to develop
vulnerable children.                                      better integrated working practices.

A monthly Multi-Agency Sexual Exploitation                The Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme, known
(MASE) meeting also enables regular information           as ‘Claire’s Law’, allows us to inform individuals of
sharing and action planning to tackle child sexual        convictions or concerns they may have about their
exploitation (CSE). The meeting discusses referrals       current partner. This scheme has allowed the
of concern which have been received by the                force to take a proactive response to managing
agencies at the meeting.                                  risk and provide disclosures that have had a real
                                                          potential to save lives. The scheme also enables us
We want more children to be confident in                  to better engage with potential victims either at
reporting crimes and will continue to support the         an early stage of the cycle of abuse or before it has
delivery of the All Wales Schools Liaison                 had the opportunity to begin.
Programme to raise awareness.

The Force will also work in partnership with
relevant agencies, cyber experts and national and
international partners to utilise technology,
techniques and methodology to investigate and
capture those who exploit cyber networks to               The scheme compliments our work with partner
sexually abuse children.                                  agencies within our Domestic Abuse Conference
                                                          Calls (DACC) where we continue to share
The Force website gives advice on the signs of            information on a daily basis and assess risk of all
child sexual exploitation and how to educate              domestic abuse cases within the force. The
young people of the dangers to prevent this crime         combination of both processes allows support
happening. In addition, the Child Sex Offender            plans to be in place at an early stage to enable
Disclosure Scheme allows parents, carers and              better safeguarding of victims and their families.
guardians to formally ask the police to tell them if
someone, with access to a child, has a record for         We are also using Domestic Violence Protection
child sexual offences.                                    Notices (DVPN) and Orders to provide victims with
                                                          immediate protection following an incident of
Operation Encompass                                       domestic violence and to give them time to
As part of the Early Action Together programme,           consider what to do next. DVPN’s enable us to put
the Force has rolled out Operation Encompass,             in place protection for the victim in the immediate
whereby a school will be informed by 9am the              aftermath of a domestic violence incident. In
following day if a pupil has been a victim or             addition, a coordinated approach has been
witness of Domestic Abuse. This plays a vital role        developed towards perpetrators who present an
in reaching out to children and young people who          ongoing risk of violence with the aim of reducing
may be silenced and not able to ask for the help          the rate of offending.
they need.
                                                          Stalking and Harassment
Domestic Abuse and Violence Against                       Stalking is one of the most frequently experienced
Women                                                     forms of abuse and it destroys lives. It is terrifying
Domestic abuse affects people of all generations          and can escalate to rape and murder and Gwent
from the very young to the elderly and frail. Gwent       Police treat stalking with the seriousness it
Police works closely with other agencies to protect       deserves. Stalking is a pattern of repeat and


persistent unwanted behaviour that is intrusive
and engenders fear and happens when one person              The Mental Health Triage Team has specialist
becomes fixated or obsessed with another and the            access to both the Force’s and the Health Board’s
attention is unwanted. Threats may not be made              computer systems, allowing them to build a
but victims may still feel afraid. Even if there is no      picture of the incident and the people involved.
threat at this time it is still a crime.                    Information, advice, guidance and direction can
                                                            also be provided to officers and staff by the
Stalking may not always be physical. New                    specialist. This enables early intervention in
technologies and social networking sites can                mental health related incidents before crisis point
facilitate harassment, enabling stalkers to                 is reached.
impersonate another on-line or to send or post
hostile material, misinformation and false                  The project is part of the commitment of the PCC
messages to trick other internet users into                 and Gwent Police to support the key principles
harassing or threatening a victim. We will protect          outlined within the Wales Mental Health Crisis
and support all victims of stalking and urge victims        Care Concordat. This is a joint agreement between
to report incidents at the earliest opportunity.            the Welsh Government and 28 key organisations
                                                            and partners throughout Wales which highlights
Helping People with Mental Health problems                  how they will work together to help people going
It is thought that one in four people in any year in        through a mental health crisis. It also aims to help
the UK will experience mental health problems.              reduce the number of people detained
This means that Gwent Police face an increasing             inappropriately in police cells and sets out the
demand from people suffering from mental health             standards of care that the public should expect if
issues.                                                     they experience a mental health crisis.

Partnership working is essential in this area and           The Force recognises that members of our staff
regular multi-agency meetings are held with our             may also suffer from mental health. A Mental
healthcare partners to improve our response                 Health Support Group meets quarterly to help
together. The force has partnered with mental               officers and staff who are experiencing mental
health services so that it can send an officer with a       health problems and the Group provides a safe
mental health practitioner to incidents involving           supportive environment for members to share
children and young people, who may be                       their personal experiences.
experiencing poor mental health, to help prevent
these people being taken into police custody as a           In addition, we have an Employee Assistance
place of safety.                                            Programme which provides staff and officers with
                                                            emotional and practical support for issues at home
Emergency calls to the Force are also monitored             or work. The programme offers a comprehensive
by a Mental Health Triage Team who work                     set of services designed to help provide a balanced
alongside staff in the control room to assist them          and healthy working environment within Gwent
in managing risk and harm to those with a mental            Police.
illness or suffering a crisis. The team now arrange
assessments with the three crisis teams,
psychiatrists, GPs, Psychiatric liaison and
Community Mental Health Teams.

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