Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...

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Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria
         2019 Sociedades Seguras – H2020

                                          Maite Boyero Egido
                Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020
                                                22 enero 2019
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Objetivos de la Comisión Europea
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Contexto político

•   04/2015: European Agenda on Security defines the priority actions at EU level to
    ensure an effective EU response to security threats over the period 2015-2020

•   Terrorist attacks since January 2015: the fight against terrorism has been the first
    priority for the Commission in the period 2015-2017

•   10/2016: new Commissioner for the Security Union, supported by a horizontal
    Task Force involving 30 different services in the Commission and the EEAS

•   Mission letter of Julian King, Commissioner for Security Union:
      "During our mandate, I would like you to support the Commissioner for
      Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship in the following tasks:
      […] Ensuring that EU-financed security research targets the
      needs of security practitioners and develops solutions to
      forthcoming security challenges […]
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Aplicación a los Programas 2018-2020 de Horizonte2020 …
                                                        Las FOCUS AREAS
                                                        • Industry 2020 in the Circular Economy
• Personalising health and care
                                                        • Internet of Things
• Sustainable food security
                                                        • Smart and Sustainable Cities
• Blue growth: unlocking the potential of seas and
                                                        • Sustainable Food Security – Resilient and
                                                          resource-efficient value chains
• Smart cities and communities
                                                        • Energy Efficiency
• Competitive low-carbon energy
                                                        • Digital Security
• Energy Efficiency
                                                        • Blue Growth - Demonstrating an ocean of
• Mobility for growth                                     opportunities
• Waste: a resource to recycle, reuse and recover raw   • Competitive Low-carbon Energy
                                                        • Automated Road Transport – The New Frontier
• Water innovation: boosting its value for Europe
• Overcoming the crisis:                                                 9 focus areas
• Disaster-resilience                                                     in WP 16-17
• Digital security

                12 focus areas                           • Building a low-carbon, climate resilient future
                 in WP 14-15                             • Connecting economic and environmental gains – the
                                                           Circular Economy
                                  4 focus areas          • Digitising and transforming European industry
                                   in WP 18-20             and services
                                                         • Boosting the effectiveness of the
                                                           Security Union
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Programas 2018-2020…
4         Focus Area: Boosting the effectiveness of the Security Union
                                                                          Budget: ca. €1,000m

Mission                        Component                           Source
 New technologies and          Better match R&D objectives        LEIT-ICT
  processes to meet needs of     with Security Union policy
  security practitioners,        needs.                             LEIT-Space
  including for fighting and                                        SC - Health
  preventing crime              Strengthen impact of security-
                                 related research: involving        SC - Energy
 Reduced loss of life and       practitioners and stimulating
  damage from natural and        new markets.                       SC – Reflective Societies
  man-made disasters
                                Identify security-related          SC – Secure Societies
 Key infrastructure better      research in other H2020
  protected                      societal challenges, and
                                 contribute to other policies
 EU borders better secured      (Digital, Space, Health, etc.)
 Secure and trusted digital
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
en “Sociedades Seguras”
   Convocatoria 2019
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
La Visión

            Desarrollar tecnologías y
            producir conocimiento para
            reducir gaps de capacidades

            Superar la fragmentación de
            los mercados

            Estimular la colaboración
            entre proveedores de
            tecnología y USUARIOS
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Objetivos que cubre el Programa

       Lucha contra la delincuencia,
                                           Seguridad cibernética
         el crimen y el terrorismo

Protección y resiliencia de
 infraestructuras críticas,                     Recuperación de Europa
  modos de transporte y                         frente a crisis y desastres
  cadenas de suministro

                                              Aspectos sociales, éticos, de
Mejorar la seguridad y la
                                              privacidad y libertad de los
gestión de las fronteras

        Seguridad en el exterior, en         Estandarización e
              misiones civiles         interoperabilidad de sistemas
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
Particularidades del programa

 2 DGs aportan financiación: DG HOME y DG CONNECT
 Orientación a USUARIO FINAL (Practitioners)
 Proyectos cercanos a mercado (TRL 4 a 7)
 Aplicación civil, exclusivamente
 Algunos proyectos resultarán clasificados
 Estandarización y certificación de soluciones y
  demostración de resultados
 Aspectos éticos de los proyectos
Oportunidades de financiación convocatoria 2019 Sociedades Seguras - H2020 - Maite Boyero Egido Representante y NCP Sociedades Seguras H2020 22 ...
WP 2018-2020
   2014             2015           2016           2017        2018 2019    2020
Scoping paper
 Workprogramme 2014-2015
                Scoping paper 2
                                  Workprogramme 2016-2017
                                              Scoping paper
                                                              Workprogramme 2018-

    422 M€                             340 M€
                                                                 704 M€
¿Dónde encontrar el WP?


     Timeline CALL-2019
   OPENING = 14 Mar 2019
   DEADLINE = 22 Aug 2019

   Los proyectos de la Call-
     2019 empezarían en
        Abr-May 2020
Principios generales WP 2019

• Challenge-driven:
   – Necesidades de la sociedad, usuarios y entidades relevantes
   – Los reflejados en el “Expected impact”
• Participación obligatoria de los usuarios (INFRA y SEC)
   – Continuidad, respecto a 2016-2017-2018
   – Mejora de llegada a mercado de los resultados de investigación y del
     impacto de la acción
   – Mejorar el apoyo y contribución a políticas UE
   – Bajar la “oversuscription”
• Mejorar la implicación de la sociedad civil
   – Formar parte del consorcio
   – Deben convertirse en un “target group” en la difusión de resultados
Work Programme 2019 - Estructura

        INFRA                                SEC                           DS
Protecting Infrastructure                   Security Call             Digital Security
          Call                                                              Call

     DRS                       FCT                   BES                   GM
Disaster-Resilient          Fight against                           General Matters (i.e.
                                                  Borders and
    Societies                Crime and                                Networks, PCPs)
                                                External Security
Convocatoria 2019. Particularidades

 Presupuesto / ranking list por topic

 Condiciones de elegibilidad  Implicación
  ACTIVA de los usuarios finales

 Topics / Sub-topics -> algunos han quedado
  cubiertos en 2018, COMPROBAR con el NCP
Convocatoria INFRA 2019

                      Proyectos de 2 años
         Participación de la industria es un requisito!!!!
SU-INFRA01-2018-2019-2020: Prevention, detection, response and
mitigation of combined physical and cyber threats to critical infrastructure
in Europe
   IAs of bout 8 M€ and TRL 7 for deploying solutions that allow forecast,
   prevention, detection, response, and in case of failure, mitigation of consequences
   (including novel installation designs) over the life span of the infrastructure and
   also the neighbouring populations and the environment.

   • Interdependent physical (e.g. bombing, plane or drone overflights & crashes,
     spreading of fires, floods, seismic activity, space radiations, etc.) and cyber
     threats and incidents (e.g. malfunction of SCADA system, non-authorised
     access of server) and consider the cascading risks.
   • Scenarios of real life in real-time and tackling physical and cyber threats.
   • SECTORS: Water systems, communication infrastructures, health services, e-
     commerce and the postal infrastructure, and financial services.
   • At least 2 operators (not necessary to be coordinators) of the chosen type of
     critical infrastructure operating in 3 Member States or Associated Countries.

        24 M€ para la call-2018  Sobre 3 proyectos aprobados!

  Condiciones de elegibilidad
  • Al menos 2 operadores de infraestructuras críticas de al
    menos 2 EEMM o Asociados (INFRA01) o al menos 2 ciudades
    / aglomeraciones de 2 EEMM o Asociados (INFRA02) como
  • Implicación de la industria OBLIGATORIA
  • Implicación de otro tipo de usuarios, OPCIONAL
  • Duración máxima de los proyectos: 2 años
  • Se financiarán proyectos que demuestren que NO SE
    SOLAPAN con los ya financiados (en cuanto a sector de
SU-INFRA02-2019-2020: Security for smart and safe cities,
including for public spaces
• In cities, public spaces such as malls, open crowded gathering areas and
  events, and non-restricted areas of transport infrastructures constitute
  “soft-targets”, that is potential, numerous targets spread across the
  urban area and subject to “low-cost” attacks strongly impacting the
• Proposals under this topic should develop and integrate experimentally,
  in situ, the components of an open platform for sharing and managing
  information between public service operators and security
  practitioners of a large, smart city.
• Proposals should address, at least, one of the following key issues:
    – Simulation, detection and analysis of the additional security threats and risks
      created through the interconnection of smart systems
    – Delivery of a cyber-security framework to ease the collaboration across all smart
      cities stakeholders
    – Support and implementation of a common approach to securing and managing in
      a reliable and untamperable manner the data from all the smart infrastructures
      and sustems hosted in a smart city.

• Seguridad física y seguridad cibernética
• Integración de las soluciones en entornos reales 
• TRL 7; 8 M€ EU contribution (IAs)
• Participación obligatoria de al menos 2 ciudades de
  2 EEMM o Asociados distintos
• Integración de la industria
• Duración máxima: 24 meses
Topics DRS 2019
•   Involvement of first responders (at least 3),
    city authorities and citizens.

In all at least 3 first responders, but 5 for “Open”.
In all at least 3 first responders or
agencies or operators…
In all at least 3 first responders from 3
MS or AC
Topics FCT 2019

              depending on the year!!!!!!!
FCT – policy context (cont.)

• Evolving threats (i.e. radicalization, cybercrime, etc.)
• European Forensics Science Area (2016)
• Cybercrime (Cybersecurity Package – COM(2017)
• Anti-terrorism package, protection of “soft targets”
  and abuse of encryption
At least 3 LEAs, but 5 for “OPEN”.
At least 3 LEAs, but 5 for “OPEN”.
At least 3 LEAs
BES CALL 2019 – reasoning behind the call
Development of technologies, capabilities and solutions to:

– Improve EU border security:

  - Flow of people: research will support the exploitation of the potential given by the
    European Border Surveillance System (EUROSUR - Regulation No 1052/2013 ) and
    promote an enhanced use of new technology for border checks in relation to the
    SMART BORDERS legislative initiative (DG HOME)

  - Flow of goods: research will address, in the context of the EU’s customs policy, supply
    chain security trying to strike the right balance with trade facilitation (DG TAXUD)

– Support the EU External Security Policies in civilian tasks (EEAS).

.. But also understanding the phenomena with impact on border and external security.
Social sciences and humanities involved.
BES Policy landscape

 EU Agenda on Security               EU Agenda on Migration               Taxation   Union
                                                                          and        External
                                                                          Customs    Security
                                                                          Union      Policies in
THB Directive            Smart Borders                EUROSUR             Union
Expl. of Children            Interoperability of EU Information systems   Code
                                 European Border And Coast Guard
Serious and
Organised Crime
                                                      Migrant Smugg.
SU-BES01-2018-2019-2020 (RIA)
  Human factors, and social, societal and organisational aspects of
                   border and external security

– Specific challenge:

 - The adoption of appropriate organisational measures and the
  deeper understanding of how novel technologies and social
  media impact border control.

– Two sub-topics open in 2019:
 - Sub-topic 2: Modelling, predicting, and dealing with migration
   flows to avoid tensions and violence
 - Sub-topic Open: Other issues relevant to this challenge

                           At least 3 authorities/end-users, but 5 for “OPEN”.
SU-BES02-2018-2019-2020 (RIA)
         Technologies to enhance border and external security

– Specific challenge:

 - Development of novel technologies, provided that they are affordable,
   accepted by citizens and customized and implemented for the needs of
   security practitioners.

– Three sub-topics open in 2019:

 - Sub-topic 3: Security on board passenger ships

 - Sub-topic 4: Detecting threats in the stream of commerce without
   disrupting business.

 - Sub-topic Open: Other issues relevant to this challenge

                              At least 3 authorities/end-users, but 5 for “OPEN”.
SU-BES03-2018-2019-2020 (IA)
Demonstration of applied solutions to enhance border and external
 – Specific challenge:
  - Demonstration (and validation) of highly mature technologies (TRL 6-8) in the
    context of actual operations.

 – Two sub-topics open in 2019:
  - Sub-topic 2: [2019] New concepts for decision support and information
  - Sub-topic: [2019 -2019- 2019] Open: Other issues relevant to this
 – Proposals to be coordinated by a competent authority under civilian
   authority and command, nationally identified as specialised border or
   coast guard, or border police force.

                                    At least 3 authorities/end-users, but 5 for “OPEN”.
Convocatoria General Matters
 • SU-GM01-2018-2019-2020: Pan-European networks of
   practitioners and other actors in the field of security (CSAs)
   At least 8 users:

     • Sub-topic 1(2019): Practitioners (end-users) in the same
       discipline and from across Europe. Networks in the field of
       the handling of hybrid threats

 • SU-GM03-2018-2019-2020: Pre-commercial procurements of
   innovative solutions to enhance security (CO-FUND PCP que
   incluye la parte de análisis de requisitos) At least 3 users

     Practitioners from several countries are invited to proceed with the
     procurement of innovative solutions to enhance their operational
     capability. Practitioner organisations may be private or public entities.
Convocatoria Digital Security
(cPPP on Cybersecurity)
 Digital security and privacy for citizens and Small and Medium Size Entreprises and
 Microentreprises IAs, TRL 7

 Sub-topic (a): Protecting citizens’ security, privacy and personal data

 Proposals should bring innovative solutions to personal data protection, develop new
 applications and technologies in order to help citizens to better monitor and audit their
 security, privacy and personal data protection, enabling them to become more engaged and
 active in the fight against cyber, privacy and personal data protection risks. (4-5 M€ EU contr)

 Sub-topic (b): Small and medium-sized entreprises and micro-entreprises (SMEs and MEs):
 defenders of security, privacy and personal data protection

 Proposals should deliver innovative solutions to increase the knowledge sharing in digital
 security across SMEs/MEs and between SMEs/MEs and larger providers. The proposals should
 develop targeted, user-friendly and cost-effective solutions, including cyber-ranges. (3-4 M€
 EU contr.)
Digital security, privacy and accountability in critical sectors

Sub-topic a: In the multimodal transport
For transport domain, security must be managed pro-actively over the system as a whole. This must
also extend to include interfaces to critical supporting infrastructures such as communication
networks and satellite systems. The challenge is to migrate current solutions and systems to a
higher level of cybersecurity.

Sub-topic b: In the healthcare ecosystem
Proposals responding to this sub-topic should contribute towards the practical implementation of
relevant EU legislation (e.g. NIS, eIDAS and GDPR) in the healthcare complex ecosystem involving all
stakeholders (e.g. security officers, ICT administrators, operators, auditors, developers,
manufacturers, integrators, data protection officers) of all entities in the healthcare ecosystem and
considering all types of data handled, with special focus on sensitive data.

Different strands to be covered in each of the sub-topics.

TRL 7 , 5 M€ EU contribution
Particularidades y aspectos
prácticos en la preparación
       de propuestas
WP 2019: Aprobación y publicación

– Aprobación (adopción) el día 4 de marzo de 2019

– Disponible una versión borrador en:
Definición de “practitioner” y “ LEA ”

Be sure that your LEA Unit core competences are in line with the topic description!
Definición de “Human Factor”
Security Scrutiny
•   What is?  It consists in the analysis of the deliverables and activities of a proposal
    regarding the use of background, foreground or management of secure sensitive
    information from the National Security point of view.  NOT Confidential from the
    commercial/exploitation point of view!

•   What could be the result of the Security Scrutiny?  The classification of the deliverables,
    activities or the whole proposal.
               Proposal with No Security Concerns (NSC)
               No classification but Recommendations for the grant agreement preparation
               "Restricted UE" and recommendations for the grant agreement preparation
               "Confidential UE" and recommendations for the grant agreement preparation
               "Secret UE" and recommendations for the grant agreement preparation
               Not to finance the proposal

•   What activities have “security concerns” in a project?  Depending on the subject of
    research and on the type of research.
          Potential sensitive subject of research:          Potential sensitive type of research:
           explosives & CBRN                                threat assessments
           infrastructure & utilities                       vulnerability assessments
           border security                                  specifications
           intelligent surveillance                         capability assessments
           terrorism & organised crime                      incidents/scenarios based on real-
           digital security                                    life security incidents and potential
           space                                               threat scenarios
Ethics within the proposal preparation…
                                    Part-A Online-Forms “Ethic Self-Assessment”
                                    Part-B Section 5 “Ethics & Societal Impact”

   All the proposals will pass the Ethical Scrutiny during the evaluation phase
     independent experts check and list the (potential) ethical issues, and
    make recommendations to be taken into account before the GA signature
    and during the life of the project.

   All the proposals should describe the potential ethical issues and to explain
    how are they going to deal with them along the proposal time life.
        http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/docs/h2020- funding-guide/cross-cutting-
Próximas jornadas / eventos
 INFODAY NACIONAL CONVOCATORIA 2019 CDTI, Salón de actos, 14 de
  febrero de 2019 (en breve abrirá la inscripción: www.cdti.es  Agenda)
     Presencia de la COM
     Revisión de propuestas por los NCPs
     Entrevistas bilaterales con Usuarios finales de Seguridad

 Taller de trabajo convocatoria INFRA, 21 de febrero en Madrid (por

 SMI2Gs (1er brokerage event call 2019)  29 y 30 de enero en Bruselas

 Infoday Europeo y 2º Brokerage event  13 y 14 de marzo en Bruselas
Cómo mantenerse informado



        Grupo: Horizonte2020 Sociedades Seguras
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