Page created by Sherry Glover
Driving positive change
through education,
community and good
business practice.
In 2016 we launched Opportunity       prepare the workforce of the
Initiatives, bringing our corporate   future. We focus on community
responsibility strategy to life and   because we fundamentally
setting out our plans and long        believe we have a responsibility to
term targets on issues important      invest in improving the wellbeing
to our stakeholders and to us.        of people, business and society.
                                      Good business practice enables
Twelve months on we have
                                      us to make transparent and
evolved our plan to focus
                                      balanced business decisions that
on seven initiatives under
                                      support positive social, economic
the pillars of education,
                                      and environmental outcomes.
community and good
business practice.                    We remain committed to using
                                      our initiatives as a way to drive
Through our investment in
                                      long term sustainable value
education we can help people
                                      and positive change for all our
acquire the skills our economy
and society need and help
Through our investment in
education we help people
acquire the skills our economy
and society need and help
prepare the workforce of
the future.

will be invested
in education in
Teach people the value
                                         #   1
of money
Through our financial education programs we help
build money management capabilities and long-
term financial wellbeing.

Our goals
                                                        Start Smart Virtual
                                                        Reality – ‘The
346,000                     More than
                            550,000                     Teleporter Adventures’
students will participate
in School Banking           students to enrol in        Australia’s National
with annual average of      Start Smart in 2018         Financial Literacy Strategy
54% saving regularly        (3.1 million since 2009).   details the importance of
(3 times per quarter)                                   parents’ involvement in
                                                        their children’s learning
in FY18.
                                                        about money. Research
                                                        indicates that most children
                                                        form money habits by the

Trial new financial                                     time they are seven years
education                                               old, but only about one
approaches with             Indigenous students         in six parents discuss
                                                        finances with their kids.
5,000                       to complete financial
                            education program           We undertook a two-month
students as part of the     with AIME by the end        trial with around 1,500
next generation Start       of 2020.                    primary school students
Smart in 2018.                                          to determine whether
                                                        virtual reality technology,
                                                        combined with a storybook,
                                                        would encourage parent-
Build on                                                child discussions on
2,500                                                   financial topics.
                                                        The Start Smart pilot
Indonesian women
empowered through                                       focused on teaching the
WISE financial literacy                                 difference between needs
program in 2018.                                        and wants. Feedback found
                                                        that 93% of kids that didn’t
                                                        know the difference
                                                        before the trial, did after
                                                        completing the experience.
Help prepare the workforce
                                        #  2
of the future
By recognising and supporting educators, providing
access to education, and supporting research
innovation we are helping prepare the workforce of
the future.

Our goals
                                                     Teaching Fellow: Sarah

48                          Australian Teaching
                            and Learning Toolkit
                                                     In 2008, Dr Sarah Mathews
Commonwealth Bank           will be used by
                                                     took a big risk, leaving
Teaching Fellows will
be awarded by the end       10,000                   behind her 17-year career
                                                     as a scientist to become
of 2020.                    teachers in 2018.
                                                     a high school maths and
                                                     science teacher at Brisbane
                                                     Bayside State College.
                                                     Through her analysis of
                                                     NAPLAN trends, Sarah
$2.5m                       Launch a coordinated
                            action plan to
                                                     observed that many
                                                     students had limited
to be invested in cyber     support STEM             numeracy ability. This led
security education          education within the     her to develop a numeracy
for students by the end     community by 2020.       committee that introduced
of 2020.                                             the evidence-based
                                                     practice of ‘numeracy
                                                     moments’ – a program that
                                                     enriches mathematical
                                                     thinking by incorporating
                                                     mathematics into real-
Develop academic                                     life situations. Since the
partnerships with                                    launch of the initiative in
selected universities                                2013, there has been a
to support the Group’s                               marked improvement in
innovation, talent                                   students’ problem solving
and people agendas.                                  and reasoning skills and
                                                     a significant improvement
                                                     in the College’s NAPLAN
                                                     numeracy results.
We have a responsibility
to invest in improving the
wellbeing of people, business
and communities.

of our pre-tax
profit will be
invested in the
in 2018
Enhance and secure
                                         #    3
financial wellbeing
Create and invest in programs
and tools that improve financial wellbeing.

Our goals
Develop products              Support more than          Financial Abuse
and experiences
that assist customers         48,000                     We have partnered with
                                                         Domestic Violence NSW
to address their most         customers in
                              hardship to return to      to launch ‘Addressing
pressing financial                                       Financial Abuse’, a booklet
wellbeing challenges.         financial wellbeing
                              in 2018.                   for domestic and family
                                                         violence support workers
                                                         in NSW. Launched in
                                                         June 2017, the community
                                                         resource guide is designed
Release 2018-2020             Develop a robust and       to help impacted people
                                                         establish financial
Financial Inclusion           enduring measure of
                                                         independence as a key
Action Plan and               Customer Financial         step in leaving an abusive
report on progress            Wellbeing by the end       relationship.
biannually.                   of 2018.
                                                         The booklet provides
                                                         guidance on the simple
                                                         steps that can be taken
                                                         to promote financial
                                                         independence, such
                                                         as opening up a new
Launch assistance             Increase financial         personal bank account;
package for customers         services access in         financial safety planning;
experiencing                  targeted emerging          freezing joint accounts
domestic violence             markets via Money          and changing account
and roll out state-           Transfer, with             passwords. State based
based Financial               500,000 customers          versions will be available in
                              acquired in South Africa   late 2017.
Abuse Guides in
2018.                         and ongoing roll out in
                              Indonesia in 2018.
Contribute to our
                                      #   4
Support our employees to contribute their money,
time and skills to local communities.

Our goals
                                                     Clown Doctors
Grow employee
participation in            Provide $9m              Alison Graham is one
the CommBank                in community grants to   of our employees and a
Foundation to               220                      regular contributor to our

75% by 2020.                youth focused
                            organisations by 2020.
                                                     employee giving program
                                                     - Community Grants.
                                                     She never imagined that
                                                     her family would end up
Provide skilled                                      relying on the services and
pro-bono services to                                 support networks that have
50                          Support employees to
                                                     been provided through
                                                     funding from the program.
community organisations     raise more than
per annum until the                                  Clown Doctors are
end of 2020 and             $1 million               specially trained
                                                     performers who visit
launch our employee         per annum for cancer     Australian children’s
volunteering                research annually to     hospitals and wards to help
platform, connecting        2020.                    improve the experience
community organisations                              for sick kids and their
with our people in                                   families, including Alison
2018.                                                and her son Jack, who
                                                     was diagnosed with acute
                            Work with the            lymphoblastic leukaemia
                            Australian Red           and has undergone
Improve engagement          Cross to support         intensive chemotherapy.
with local communities      communities during
by holding                                           Clown Doctors helped to
                            times of disaster by     lift the spirits of Jack and
1,000                       leveraging our
                                                     many other sick children
                                                     and we are proud to have
branch events in 2018.
                                                     supported them since 1999.
We are focused on making
transparent and balanced
business decisions that
support positive social,
economic and environmental
Build transparent and
                                       #   5
inclusive stakeholder
Continually engage in ongoing open dialogue with
stakeholders to ensure our business practices
support balanced customer and community

Our goals                                            Customer Advocacy
                                                     We have established
Support the Code           Conduct ongoing           a Customer Advocate
of Banking Practice        ‘Our Commitments’         Community Council
update to improve          training with employees   comprising of 20
standards of practice      (living our vision &      representatives covering
and strengthen             values).                  social policy, community
our commitment to                                    welfare and issues
customers.                                           advocacy. The Council
                                                     is a forum to listen and
                                                     respond to community
                                                     concerns, demonstrating
Provide increased          Connect more than         our commitment to
integrated financial       20,000 people to          addressing vulnerable and
solutions and support      global innovation         disadvantaged customers,
to Indigenous              trends; and               and supporting community
businesses; and            engage community          relationships.
enhance banking            stakeholders via our      The Customer Advocate
access for remote          Innovation Lab            has also established a
Indigenous customers.      Network to support        specialist team to review
                           social innovation in      and update our existing
                           2018.                     remediation principles
Hold Customer                                        and processes. These
Advocate                                             enhancements will ensure
Community Council                                    we have the highest
meetings quarterly in                                standards in place and will
2018 and execute an                                  support our commitment
agreed set of priority                               to put things right for
initiatives.                                         customers when they
                                                     go wrong in a timely, fair
                                                     and consistent way.
Build an inclusive culture that
                                         #   6
embraces the diversity of our people,
customers and communities and role
models reconciliation
Develop strategies that build inclusive behaviours,
leverage people’s unique contributions and ensure
they feel valued, respected and empowered to
deliver their best every day.

Our goals                                              Workplace Flexibility
                                                       In October 2016,
Implement 2018+              Implement                 Commonwealth Bank’s
Global Diversity and         Accessibility and         Group Lending Services
Inclusion strategy.          Inclusion Plan            team engaged 160
                             2017-2020.                employees in a flexible
                                                       working test-and-learn
                                                       pilot, encouraging
                                                       employees to work
                                                       periodically from home.
                                                       After the four-month trial,
                                                       90 per cent of participants
By 2020, 45%                 Match the cultural        said they felt more
women in Manager             diversity of senior       engaged, while customer
and above positions,         leaders to the cultural   outputs increased 12
40% in Executive             diversity of the          per cent, thanks to
Manager and above            Australian population     fewer interruptions,
positions and 40%            by 2020.                  better concentration and
female directors on                                    increased commitment.
the CBA board.                                         Following the success
                                                       of the pilot, some 3,500
                                                       eligible staff in group
Implement 2018-                                        operations centres across
2020 Indigenous                                        Australia were offered the
Employment                                             opportunity to work from
Strategy to support                                    home as part of our iCan
achieving parity target                                Flex program.
of 1.5% Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander
workforce by 2020.
Lend, invest, procure and
                                         #  7
manage responsibly and
Strengthen and align our lending, investing and
procurement practices and use our influence
to improve economic, social and environmental

Our goals                                             Supporting Australian
Implement Climate           Lend: progress            In March 2017, we were
Policy Position             implementation of         a lead bank supporting
Statement, including        nine ESG lending          Edify Energy’s project
scenario analysis to        commitments and           to construct three solar
better understand           provide ongoing           farms in Queensland and
impact of climate           transparent               Victoria. The project will
change by end 2018.         disclosures.              see close to 700,000 solar
                                                      panels installed at the
                                                      Whitsunday and Hamilton
                                                      solar farms in Queensland,
Invest: apply               Procure: advance          and Gannawarra in
the beliefs and             the sustainability        Victoria, generating enough
commitments of              of our supply chain       electricity to power an
the Responsible             by partnering with        estimated 87,000 homes.
Investing Framework,        suppliers and             In December 2016, we
where relevant, to          internal teams.           supported one of the
our business and                                      largest wind farms in
investment decisions                                  Australia, Sapphire Wind
using the guiding                                     Farm in the New England
principles of integrity,                              Tablelands in NSW. The
balance, transparency       Manage: implement         project by CWP Renewables
and focus.                  Sustainable Property      and Partners Group uses
                            Strategy including        the latest in wind technology.
                            reduction of the          Its 75 turbines are expected
                            Group’s emissions to      to generate enough energy
                            2.0tCO2-e per full time   to power about 100,000
                            employee per annum        households and offset over
                                                      600,000 tonnes of carbon
                            by 2020.                  emissions per year.
2017 Highlights

        2.7 million                   12
        students have accessed free   Teaching Fellows each
        financial education through   awarded a $45K scholarship
        Start Smart since it began
        in 2009

        $16 million+                  Launched
        invested in education         CommBank Youth App


        $3 million+                   6000+
        in Community Grants           customers provided with
        for 220 youth-focused         hardship assistance
        organisations                 every month

  $     40%                           100 years
        of eligible employees gave    of giving to the community
        through the CommBank          celebrated

Good business practice

        44%                           $2.8bn
        management roles              lending to renewable
        held by women                 energy projects

        $1.5 million                  49%
        spent with 17                 reduction in our CO2
        Indigenous suppliers          emissions since 2009
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