Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011

Page created by Alan Snyder
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Optus Small Sided Football
Handbook   Effective from 1 January 2011
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Forward                                                                      2
Introduction                                                                 3
What is Optus Small Sided Football?                                          4
Rationale for introducing Optus Small Sided Football throughout Australia    6
Experience of other countries                                                7
Statistical evidence of the benefits of Optus Small Sided Football           9
Optus Small Sided Football formats                                          10
Laws of Optus Small Sided Football                                          11
How to organise Optus Small Sided Football                                  18
Codes of conduct: Creating the right environment for young players          24
Frequently asked questions                                                  26
Contacts                                                                    27
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011

On behalf of the board and management of             approach to the development of players                      hard work of many staff and volunteers within
Football Federation Australia (FFA), I would like    and coaches.                                                grass roots football in this country.
to thank the entire football community for the
continued support and commitment to Optus            Since its initial implementation, Optus Small
Small Sided Football.                                Sided Football has grown substantially, with
                                                     Qantas Socceroos members taking active
FFA is delighted with its involvement with Optus     roles as Ambassadors for the program.
Small Sided Football and looks forward to the
increased opportunities this relationship will       To suitably address the needs of our young
provide to players and clubs throughout Australia.   players - clubs, coaches, volunteers and
                                                     parents need to continue to ensure Optus
Following the release of FFA’s National              Small Sided Football is a positive and enjoyable
Curriculum in 2009 the development has               experience; one that allows all children to
already proved beneficial with around 150,000        develop into the best players they can be.                  Ben Buckley
children set to participate in Optus Small Sided                                                                 Chief Executive Officer
Football around the country in 2011.                 FFA remains committed to working together                   Football Federation Australia
                                                     with Member Federations, zones, associations
The National Curriculum’s aim is to provide          and clubs to continue the roll-out of Optus Small
guidance and an integrated and consistent            Sided Football and recognise and appreciate the

                           Hi – I’m Lucas Neill,
                                                                                                                 game that focuses on maximum participation
                                                                                                                 and enjoyment for all levels of ability.

                                                                                                                 In 2011 we will launch the first ever Optus
                           Captain of the Australian team and Optus Football Ambassador.
                                                                                                                 Small Sided Football Awards. I am very excited
                                                                                                                 to be part of this program, which will recognise
                                                     The past 12 months have been a busy time for                and reward young Optus Small Sided Football
                                                     Australian Football with the 2010 FIFA World Cup            players and coaches. There will be four award
                                                     taking place. As an ambassador for the game,                categories including the Leadership Award,
                                                     I’m proud to continue working with Optus and                Promising Player Award, an award for teams
                                                     the FFA to develop football at a grassroots level           and importantly, the Coach’s Award.
                                                     and find the Australian team of the future!
                                                                                                                 Nominations for awards will open in February
                                                     Last year we had great success in continuing to             with the winners announced in October 2011.
                                                     roll out the Optus Small Sided Football program             Check out optus.com.au/footballawards to read
                                                     to clubs all across the country. An exciting new            more about the awards and nominate your Optus
                                                     way for children to get involved in football, the           Small Sided Football team and teammates.
                                                     small sided format has encouraged many kids
                                                     that play the game to develop their skills whilst           2011 promises to be a great year for football.
                                                     having fun and getting plenty of exercise. Having           I wish all of the future football superstars all the
                                                     simplified the rules, children enjoy a much faster          best of luck for the season ahead!

                                                       O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   |3

Since the introduction of Optus Small Sided Football   senior Brazilian players come from having played            forward to the development of our young players
in Australia in 2007 many of those unconvinced by      games in a restricted area as a young kid. As               and the acceleration of the technical development
the changed format have since witnessed firsthand      a kid they were forced to work out their own                of children who start to play football and provide a
the many benefits that this format espouses.           solutions to the problems they faced on the small           more logical pathway leading up to playing 11 v 11.
My predecessor and countryman Robert Baan              pitch and I think that’s why the Brazilians often
gave a very good explanation by saying that as         produce such amazing and unpredictable football             This is all done for the development of the
a parent you do not just throw your child in the       players in terms of their skill level.”                     game and sake of the children. Children love
ocean in order to teach them to swim. Therefore                                                                    Optus Small Sided Football. It’s their game, we
you also do not put a young child on the big           Football is developing rapidly in Australia. It             as adults only need to create a stimulating and
football pitch to learn to play football.              is only a matter of time before it will be the              entertaining environment for them.
                                                       biggest sport as it already is almost everywhere
The distances they have to cover are far too           else in the world. The fact that the Qantas                 Let’s all do that and enjoy Optus Small Sided
large and, more importantly, the number of             Socceroos have qualified for successive                     Football with them.
touches on the ball too few to develop the             FIFA World Cups in 2006 and 2010 and the
necessary skills and discover the fun of playing       Westfield Matildas have qualified for their fifth
the world’s biggest and most popular sport.            consecutive FIFA Women’s World Cup, this year
                                                       in Germany, will give football another big boost.
In the big European and South American football
nations nobody needs to be convinced anymore           Recently the National Football Curriculum (NFC)
that small sided football is the most logical and      was released by Football Federation Australia
scientifically proven way to develop the basic         and in it; the significance of Optus Small Sided
skills and discover the game in a ‘fun’ and            Football is once more explained.
acquiescent environment for children. Years ago
the late great Australian football legend Johnny       As we embark on our fifth year employing the
                                                       values of the Optus Small Sided Football concept,           Han Berger
Warren said after a visit to Brazil where he saw
                                                       and following the successful implementation of the          National Technical Director
young children play small sided football: “I began
                                                       adjustments made to the program in 2010, we look            Football Federation Australia
to appreciate that all the amazing skills of the

                                                         O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
What is Optus Small Sided Football?

Optus Small Sided Football is a modified         more by children and are a more effective                   other clubs or within their own club is generally
form of 11-a-side football, designed to meet     method of improving their technical ability as              decided on a local basis.
the needs of players between the under 6         footballers (compared to 11-a-side football).
and 11 age groups, who have very different                                                                   Around six years ago, ACT’s Capital Football
developmental characteristics and needs to       Whilst there are exceptions, in most parts of               and Football Federation Northern Territory
adult players. The philosophy of Optus Small     Australia Rooball has been the widely-accepted              decided to begin the process of implementing
Sided Football focuses on enjoyment and          format of the game for new players up until the             Small Sided Football within their respective
freedom of expression with limited emphasis      age of eight or nine. The rules and regulations             regions. The staged implementation process
on coaching per se, particularly in the          of Rooball vary in terms of field size and goal             was completed in 2007 so that all players up to
formative years of a player’s development.       size as does the age at which players progress              Under 11 are now playing Small Sided Football
                                                 to 11-a-side football. At the age of 9 or 10, the           in the Northern Territory and the ACT. In 2007,
Almost without exception, young players in       general trend is for these players to then move to          Ku-ring-gai District Soccer Association also
the major footballing nations of the world are   11-a-side football on a full-size field where they          began to roll out Small Sided Football for all
introduced to the game through Small Sided       compete against other clubs in the local area.              of their Under 6 and 7 players.
Football. Brazil, France, England, Scotland,
Ireland, The Netherlands, Germany, Japan, USA    There has also been an inconsistent approach                In 2010, over 120,000 children across all
and Korea all introduce their young players to   in terms of the philosophy of football at this              Member Federations in varying age groups
the game using this approach. Considerable       age, with the emphasis or otherwise on                      played the nationally consistent Optus Small
research has been conducted into the benefits    competition, winning, points tables, finals and             Sided Football formats. The results of a national
of Small Sided Football in many of these         the like, with variations depending upon the                survey in 2008 have been extremely positive,
countries. Overwhelmingly, the findings have     particular state or territory and/or association.           providing lots of valuable feedback which will
shown that Small Sided Football are enjoyed      Whether players compete and/or play against                 help to ensure that the continued implementation

                                                   O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   |5
What is Optus Small Sided Football?

of Optus Small Sided Football is successful.     • O
                                                    ver 85% of parents felt their child touched             parents to see the benefits of Small Sided
Some statistics of particular interest can be      the ball lots of times and was very active                Football and certainly compliment the
seen below:                                                                                                  parent flyers.
                                                 • O
                                                    ver 85% of parents felt Small Sided
• 9 1% of parents felt their club emphasised      Football promotes a positive playing                      FFA and Member Federations need to continue
   the player’s development, enjoyment and         environment for children                                  to provide leadership, support and assistance
   philosophy of Small Sided Football over                                                                   to zones, associations and clubs in regards the
   winning games                                 • O
                                                    ver 80% of parents felt their child’s                   implementation of Optus Small Sided Football,
                                                   playing ability and skills improved                       particularly in the areas of resources, facilities
• O
   ver 90% of parents reported that their         throughout the season                                     and equipment.
  child enjoyed playing football in the Small
  Sided Football format                          • M
                                                    ore people felt it was easier to become                 In 2011 and beyond the implementation of
                                                   involved as a volunteer in Small Sided                    the Optus Small Sided Football formats will
• O
   ver 80% of parents reported that the           Football and there was not a feeling you                  continue across Australia up to and including
  reasons for implementing Small Sided             needed to be a football expert.                           Under 11’s in a staged approach. FFA supports
  Football were communicated to them                                                                         and encourages all Member Federations, zones,
                                                 It is very important that FFA, Member
                                                                                                             associations and clubs that have completed or
• O
   ver 70% of parents were offered              Federations, zones, associations and clubs
                                                                                                             wish to accelerate the implementation of Optus
  appropriate information and education          continue to educate, provide and distribute
                                                                                                             Small Sided Football.
  supporting the move to Small Sided Football    resources to assist with the implementation
                                                 of Optus Small Sided Football. Most beneficial
• O
   ver 90% of parents felt the coach of their   to the education process has been the use of
  child’s team embraced the Small Sided          practical Small Sided Football demonstrations
  Football philosophy                            at zone, association and club level that allow

                                                   O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Rationale for introducing Optus Small Sided Football throughout Australia

One of the key recommendations to come out        Whilst the recommendation for the                           • P arents who are new to the game are likely
of the recently concluded Talent Development      implementation of Optus Small Sided Football                   to be more comfortable playing the role
and Identification Review (TDIR) is the need to   in the context of the TDIR has as an underlying                of “game leader” or “supervisor” of teams
introduce Optus Small Sided Football as the       motivation – the development of players with                   playing Optus Small Sided Football. Given
standard playing format for children under        better technical skills – there are certainly many             that children playing at this age do not
the age of 11 in Australia. The justification     other associated benefits that will be realised                need to be “coached”, and by extension,
for taking such an approach is based on the       as a direct result of their inception, as follows:             these adults don’t need to have a great
following criteria:                                                                                              understanding of the game to be able to
                                                  • F irst and foremost, Optus Small Sided                      carry out this role effectively, finding parents
• 1 1-a-side football is in essence an adult        Football is truly aimed at young people of                  to volunteer for these roles should become
   game devised by and for adults to play            all abilities, not simply the more talented                 significantly easier.
                                                     players in each age group.
• m
   ore fun and individual enjoyment due                                                                      • O
                                                                                                                 ptus Small Sided Football also make more
  to smaller fields and simplified rules          • W
                                                     ith the emphasis on participation and                     efficient use of facilities, given there can be
                                                    enjoyment, and an associated removal of                     multiple games on one standard-size field.
• m
   ore playing time, which maximises               the current emphasis on the importance of
  individual participation and involvement          winning, children are much more likely to                 Importantly, a significant amount of research has
                                                    enjoy their football playing experience, will             been conducted in countries where Small Sided
• far more repeated touches of the ball
                                                    be keen to play more often and are less                   Football are prevalent (including Australia), which
   by all players on the field
                                                    likely to drop out of the game.                           overwhelmingly highlights benefits such as more
• more shots on goal                                                                                         touches, greater participation as well as more
                                                                                                              enjoyment for the children.
• m
   ore involvement leads to greater
  improvement in fitness.

                                                    O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   |7
Experience of other countries

Scotland                                               England                                                     USA
Small Sided Football is designed to meet the           The main theme throughout mini-soccer is                    US Youth Soccer has thought long and hard
needs of children aged between five and twelve         to meet the needs of children. Eleven-a-side                about the answer to the question, “Why Small
years. These games are the preferred method            football does not meet those needs. We need a               Sided Football?”
of training by professional players and are the        modified game that fits the needs of children:
most appropriate way of acquiring skills and           too often children are modified to meet the                 What does “Small Sided Football” mean? These
developing young players.                              requirements of the game. Mini-soccer modifies              are soccer games with fewer players competing
                                                       11-a-side football without losing the essence               on a smaller-sized field. These are fun games
All research into how young people learn about         of the game.                                                that involve the players more because fewer
sport confirms that the well-being of the child                                                                    players are sharing one ball.
and the good of the game are best served               Mini-soccer is the appropriate introduction to
by the use of modified games and a sensible            football. All available research and observation            All ages can play Small Sided Football but it has
approach to competition.                               shows that children will have more fun and                  a definite developmental impact on our younger
                                                       learn more playing a game with smaller teams                soccer players.
Appropriate sizes of goalposts, ball and playing       and modified rules. Mini-soccer is, therefore,
field, allied to simple rules and tactics contribute   a game children can actually play, rather than
to improved development within the game.               struggle to understand a game that was
                                                       created for adults.
Too often, the focus within children’s football
has been the result of the game and winning
the tournament, cup or medal. An ethos which
promotes fun and learning, and measures success
in terms of enjoyment as well as fostering skills
development, is more likely to interest and motivate
a young player and enhance his/her progress.

                                                         O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football - Handbook EffEctivE from 1 January 2011
Experience of other countries

Here are some of the reasons why we believe,          5.	Because we want our young soccer players
as soccer coaches, administrators and parents             to have more, involved playing time in the
we must guarantee that our young soccer                   game. (More opportunity to solve problems
players play Small Sided Football:                        that only the game presents.)

1.	Because we want our young soccer players          6.	Because we want our young soccer
    to touch the soccer ball more often and               players to have more opportunity to play
    become more skillful with it. (Individual             on both sides of the ball. (More exposure
    technical development.)                               to attacking and defending situations.)

2.	Because we want our young soccer players          7. 	Because we want our young soccer players
    to make more, less-complicated decisions              to have more opportunities to score goals.
    during the game. (Tactical development)
                                                      (Pure excitement.)
3.	Because we want our young soccer players to
    be more physically efficient in the field space   These are the reasons why we adults must
    they are playing in. (Reduced field size.)        foster Small Sided Football in our youth soccer
                                                      programs. The small-sided environment is a
4.	Because we want our young soccer                  developmentally appropriate environment for our
    players to have more individual teaching          young soccer players. It’s a FUN environment
    time with the coach! Less players on the          that focuses on the young soccer player.
    field and less players on the team will
    guarantee this. (Need to feel worthy
    and need to feel important.)

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Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   |9
Statistical evidence of the benefits of Small Sided Football

Studies of young footballers playing Small       Other demonstrated benefits of Small                        • m
                                                                                                                ore experience in all phases of the
Sided Football have proven the following         Sided Football over the 11 v 11 game                          game. There is less hiding or dominant
when comparing 4 v 4,                            based on observational research are                           player “hogging” the ball. Every child has
7 v 7 and 11 v 11:                               as follows:                                                   to participate in all facets of the game,
                                                 • far more repeated touches of the ball                      attack and defend. The emphasis is on
• P layers touch the ball five times more in       by all players                                             player development
   4 v 4 and 50% more in 7 v 7 than in                                                                       • b etter success rate leads to improved quality
                                                 • m
                                                    ore touches throughout all areas of
   11 v 11.                                                                                                     of play, self-esteem and player retention
                                                   the pitch
• P layers attempted three times more 1 v 1s                                                                • the game is easier to understand
                                                 • m
                                                    ore passes attempted and in a
   and two times more 1 v 1s in 7 v 7 than in
                                                   forward direction                                         • freedom of expression –
   11 v 11.
                                                 • m
                                                    ore attacking 1 v 1s, final third and                      no positions in early stages
• G
   oals were scored an average of every 1.5
                                                   penalty area entries                                      • less perceived stress on the player
  minutes in 4 v 4, 3.6 minutes in 7 v 7 and 8
  minutes in 11 v 11.                            • repeated decision-making experience                      • 8 0% of children believed that they touched
                                                 • the ball is in play far more often                          the ball more often in Small Sided Football
• T echnical skills performed by a goalkeeper
   were between two and four times more in       • r epeated experience of basic tactical                   • less perceived pressure from coaches
   7 v 7 than in 11 v 11.                           situations                                                  and parents
• T he ball is out of play 8% of the match in   • a ctive participation is directly related to             • c hildren enjoyed the progressive and
   4 v 4, 14% in 7 v 7 and 34% in 11 v 11.          increased fitness and enjoyment                             sequential game formats.

                                                   O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football Formats

In 2009 Football Federation Australia (FFA)        The National Curriculum aims to provide                     In 2011, the Optus Small Sided Football formats
released the National Curriculum. The National     national guidance and an integrated and                     remain unchanged and are summarised in the
Curriculum was a key initiative put forward in     consistent approach to the development of                   table below.
the FFA National Football Development Plan         players and coaches throughout the country.
released in November 2007.

  Playing Format                                 Under 6 & 7                                  Under 8 & 9                         Under 10 & 11

  Numbers                                            4v4                                            7v7                                 9v9

                                                                                            ¼ Full Size Pitch                     ½ Full Size Pitch
                                                  Length: 30m
  Field Size                                                                               Length: 40m - 50m                     Length: 60m - 70m
                                                  Width: 20m
                                                                                           Width: 30m - 40m                      Width: 40m - 50m

  Field Markings                           Markers or line markings                     Markers or line markings              Markers or line markings

  Penalty Area                                        Nil                                5m depth x 12m width                   5m depth x 12m width

                                             Width: 1.5m – 2.0m                            Width: 2.5m - 3.0m                    Width: 4.5m - 5.0m
  Goal Size
                                             Height: 0.9m x 1.0m                           Height: 1.8m - 2.0m                   Height: 1.8m - 2.0m

  Goal Type                                 Goals, Poles or Markers                      Goals, Poles or Markers               Goals, Poles or Markers

  Ball Size                                          Size 3                                         Size 3                              Size 4

  Goalkeeper                                          No                                             Yes                                 Yes

  Playing Time                                   2 x 15 minutes                               2 x 20 minutes                       2 x 25 minutes

  Half Time Break                                  5 minutes                                     5 minutes                           7.5 minutes

  Referee                                        Game Leader                                Instructing Referee                  Instructing Referee

  Point’s Table & Finals                              No                                              No                                 No

                                                     O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   | 11
Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

The field of play
Dimensions                                                                          Goal size
The field of play should be rectangular in shape. Sizes for each age                The size of the goal should be:
group are as follows:
                                                                                    Under 6 & 7
Under 6 & 7                                                                         Width: 1.5m - 2.0m
Length: 30m                                                                         Height: 0.9m - 1.0m
Width: 20m
                                                                                    Under 8 & 9
Under 8 & 9                                                                         Width: 2.5m - 3.0m
Length: 40m – 50m                                                                   Height: 1.8m - 2.0m
Width: 30m – 40m
¼ full size pitch – when converting a full size pitch into Optus Small              Under 10 & 11
Sided Football fields                                                               Width: 4.5m - 5.0m
                                                                                    Height: 1.8m - 2.0m
Under 10 & 11
Length: 60m – 70m                                                                   Note: For the Under 8 and 9 age groups, it is recommended that clubs
Width: 40m – 50m                                                                    that wish to and have the capacity to do so use 3m x 2m goals. Should a
½ full size pitch – when converting a full size pitch into Optus Small              club not be able to do this in the first instance, the 5m x 2m goal is most
Sided Football fields                                                               acceptable for use on fields for the Under 8 and 9 age groups as well
                                                                                    as the Under 10 and 11 age groups. FFA understands that clubs may
Note: In the Under 11 age group, the final stage of development in                  have existing goals for the Under 8 – 11 age groups; however when they
the Optus Small Sided Football formats before players commence                      need to replace existing goals or are in a position to make a change they
11 v 11 football, it is recommended that where facilities and scheduling            should move to the dimensions specified above.
allows, clubs set-up the field from penalty box to penalty box and adjust
the width of the field with use of markers to meet the maximum                      Goal type
specified width.                                                                    It is preferable that pop up style or portable goals are used where
                                                                                    possible, however, the use of poles and markers as the goals particularly
Markings                                                                            in the Under 6 to 9 age groups is also suitable.
Markers or painted line markings.
                                                                                    Penalty area
                                                                                    Under 6 & 7
                                                                                    No penalty area

                                                                                    Under 8 – 11
                                                                                    Rectangular – 5m depth x 12m width

                                                                                    The penalty area can be marked through the use of marked lines, flat or
                                                                                    soft markers or cones.

                                                       O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

The ball                                                                             Goalkeeper
Under 6 – 9                                                                          Under 6 & 7
Size 3                                                                               No goalkeeper
                                                                                     The game leader, coaches and managers should continually discourage
Under 10 & 11                                                                        children from permanently standing in front of the goal.
Size 4
                                                                                     Under 8 – 11
The number of players                                                                The goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball anywhere in the penalty area.
                                                                                     To restart play after a save or gathering the ball with their hands, the ball
Under 6 & 7                                                                          must be thrown or rolled from the hands or played from the ground with their
4 v 4 – no goalkeeper                                                                feet, within 6 seconds. The goalkeeper is not allowed to kick or drop kick the
Maximum of two substitutes who may rotate during the entire game.                    ball directly from their hands. Opponents must be at least 5m outside the
The coach or parent is allowed to make the substitutions while the ball              penalty area and cannot move inside the penalty area until the ball is in play.
is in play, but must wait until the substituted player has left the field.
                                                                                     • U8 & 9 - The ball is in play once it moves out of the penalty area.
Under 8 & 9
                                                                                     • U 10 & 11 - The ball is in play once it moves out of the penalty area or
7 v 7 – including goalkeeper
                                                                                        when the goalkeeper places the ball on the ground*.
Maximum of three substitutes who may rotate during the entire game.
The coach or parent is allowed to make the substitutions while the ball              An indirect free kick is awarded if the goalkeeper touches the ball with his
is in play, but must wait until the substituted player has left the field.           hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate.
Under 10 & 11                                                                             * Goalkeeper Progression
9 v 9 – including goalkeeper                                                                 The developmental progression of the game becoming “live” when
Maximum of three substitutes who may rotate during the entire game.                          the goalkeeper places the ball on the ground provides the necessary
The coach or parent is allowed to make the substitutions while the ball                      learning phase for players transitioning to the 11 v 11 format of football.
is in play, but must wait until the substituted player has left the field.

                                                                                     Duration of the game
                                                                                     Under 6 & 7
                                                                                     2 x 15 minutes (half-time break 5 minutes)
                                                                                     This may be flexible depending on the implementation format;
                                                                                     i.e. in a hub, it may be 3 x 10 minutes

                                                                                     Under 8 & 9
                                                                                     2 x 20 minutes (half-time break 5 minutes)

                                                                                     Under 10 & 11
                                                                                     2 x 25 minutes (half-time break 7.5 minutes)

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Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

Game Leader and Instructing Referee
Under 6 & 7                                                                             • L et the game flow and give instruction to all players on the run
Game Leader                                                                                where you can.
                                                                                        • Praise and encourage both teams.
Under 8 – 11
Instructing Referee                                                                     • B e enthusiastic and approachable.
                                                                                        • Most Importantly - Remember the children are learning the
Game Leader                                                                                game – be flexible and patient.
The main role of the game leader is to keep the game moving fluently,
limit stoppages and assist players with all match re-starts. Most                       Instructing Referee
importantly, they must make every effort to create an environment                       The main role of the instructing referee is to control the game to ensure
that ensures that all players have fun and have maximum involvement.                    it is played fluently and instruct and correct the players (with minimal
The children are learning the game at this level, be flexible and patient.              blowing of the whistle) on how to behave and what the rules are, e.g.
The game leader can be a club official, parent, older child or player or                what a foul is, what a free kick is and how to throw in etc... Should these
beginning referee and should always be enthusiastic and approachable.                   indiscretions happen a second time the referee should stop the game
                                                                                        and apply the appropriate action and decisions. This person can be a club
The Game Leader should;                                                                 official, capable parent, older child or player, beginning or official referee
                                                                                        from the federation or association.
• Encourage all children to have fun and different children to take re-starts.
• Ensure the correct number of players are on the field.                               The Instructing Referee should;
• Discourage players from permanently over-guarding the goal.                          • Encourage all children to have fun and different children to take re-starts.
• U se a “Ready, Set, Go” prompt to encourage quick decisions when                     • Ensure the correct numbers of players are on the field
   restarting play.
                                                                                        • D
                                                                                           iscourage players from permanently standing in blatant offside
• E ncourage children to dribble or pass ball into play from all re-starts               positions and instruct them to move into onside positions. In the
   rather than a big kick.                                                                Under 10 & 11 age groups children should be made aware of
• Ensure opposing team is back to the half way line, for all goal line restarts.         the offside rule during training and be encouraged to adopt this
• E nsure team officials and parents create a safe, enjoyable and                        philosophy during the game at all times.
   positive playing environment for the children and do not emphasise                   • L et the game flow and give instruction to all players on the run
   winning or losing.                                                                      where you can
• E ncourage children to be involved in all aspects of the game,                       • Instruct players in the first instance before blowing the whistle
   attacking and defending.                                                                where possible
• R emember most acts of handball or fouls and misconduct at this                      • E nsure team officials and parents create a safe, enjoyable and positive
   level are caused by a lack of coordination, with no intent. If you                      playing environment for the children and do not emphasise winning or losing
   decide a deliberate or serious act of handball or foul and misconduct                • Be enthusiastic, consistent and approachable
   has occurred, explain to the child they have done the wrong thing
   and that they should not do this again.

                                                           O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

The start of play and restart after a goal                                                                        Method of scoring
Under 6 - 11                                          Ball crossing the goal line after touching                  A goal is scored when the whole of the
                                                      the defending team last                                     ball passes over the goal line, between the
Pass forward to a team mate from the middle                                                                       goalposts and under the crossbar. When goal
                                                      Under 6 & 7
of the half way line. All players must be in their                                                                posts are not available and cones are used for
                                                      There is no corner kick. Regardless of which
own half of the field of play. Opponents must be                                                                  goals, a goal is scored when the ball passes
                                                      team touched the ball last, a player from the
at least 5m away from the ball until it is in play.                                                               between the cones without touching them,
                                                      team whose goal line the ball has crossed will
The ball must touch a team mate before a goal                                                                     below shoulder height of the player.
                                                      place the ball anywhere along the goal line and
can be scored.
                                                      pass or dribble the ball into play. Opponents
                                                      must retreat to the half way line and can move
Ball in and out of play                                                                                           Offside
                                                      once the ball is in play. The ball must touch a
The ball is out of play when it has wholly            team mate before a goal can be scored.
crossed the goal line or the touch line on the                                                                    Under 6 – 11
ground or in the air, or when play has been           Under 8 - 11                                                No offside
stopped by the game leader or instructing             Corner kick. A player from the attacking team
referee.                                              places the ball inside the corner arc nearest               Note: In the Under 8 – 11 age groups,
                                                      to the point where the ball crossed the line.               team coaches and managers should strongly
Ball crossing the touch line                          Opponents must be at least 5m away from the                 discourage children from permanently standing
                                                      ball until it is in play. The ball is in play when          in blatant offside positions. In the Under 10 & 11
Under 6 & 7
                                                      it is kicked and moves. A goal may be scored                age groups children should be made aware of
There is no throw in. A player from the opposing
                                                      directly from a corner kick.                                the offside rule during training and be
team to the player that touched the ball last
                                                                                                                  encouraged to adopt this philosophy
before crossing the touch line will place the ball
                                                      Ball crossing the goal line after touching                  during the game at all times.
on the touch line and pass or dribble the ball
                                                      the attacking team last                                     Instructing referees should direct
into play. Opponents must be at least 5m away
                                                                                                                  players permanently standing in
from the ball until it is in play. The ball must      Under 6 & 7
                                                                                                                  blatant offside positions to move
touch a team mate before a goal can be scored.        Regardless of which team touched the ball last, a
                                                                                                                  into onside positions.
                                                      player from the team whose goal line the ball has
Under 8 - 11                                          crossed will place the ball anywhere along the
Throw-in: Player faces the field of play, has part    goal line and pass or dribble the ball into play.
of each foot on the ground either on or behind        Opponents must retreat to the half way line and
the touch line, uses both hands and delivers          can move once the ball is in play. The ball must
the ball from behind and over their head. The         touch a team mate before a goal can be scored.
thrower must not touch the ball again until it
has touched another player. Opponents must            Under 8 - 11
be at least 5m away from the ball until it is in      Goal kick from anywhere within the penalty area.
play. The ball is in play once it enters the field    Opponents remain at least 5m outside the penalty
of play. A goal cannot be scored directly from        area until the ball is in play. The ball is in play once
a throw in.                                           it is kicked directly out of the penalty area.

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Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

Fouls and misconduct
Under 6 & 7                                             Under 8 – 11                                                Fouls and misconduct are:

Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of         Indirect free kicks are awarded for all acts of             • kicks or attempts to kick an opponent
handball or fouls and misconduct. Opponents             handball or fouls and misconduct. Opponents                 • trips or attempts to trip an opponent
must be at least 5m away from the ball when             must be at least 5m away from the ball when
                                                                                                                    • jumps at an opponent
the indirect free kick is taken. (An indirect free      the indirect free kick is taken. (An indirect free
kick is where a goal can be scored only if the ball     kick is where a goal can be scored only if the              • charges an opponent
subsequently touches another player before it           ball subsequently touches another player before             • strikes or attempts to strike an opponent
enters the goal).                                       it enters the goal).                                        • pushes an opponent
Most acts of handball or fouls and misconduct at        For deliberate or serious acts of handball or               • tackles an opponent from behind to gain
this level are caused by a lack of coordination, with   fouls and misconduct in the penalty area, a                    possession of the ball
no intent. In this case try and give the advantage      penalty kick is awarded from an 8m penalty                  • m
                                                                                                                       aking contact with the opponent before
to the attacking team and continue play. If you         mark with only a goalkeeper in position. All                  touching the ball
decide a deliberate or serious act of handball, foul    other players must be outside the penalty area              • holds an opponent
or misconduct has occurred, explain to the child        and be at least 5m behind the penalty mark.
                                                                                                                    • spits at an opponent
they have done the wrong thing and that they
should not do this again.                                                                                           • handles the ball deliberately
                                                                                                                    • plays in a dangerous manner
                                                                                                                    • impedes the progress of a player.

                                                          O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

Point’s tables and finals                            Practical recommendations
To ensure that Optus Small Sided Football is         Below are some practical recommendations                    • D
                                                                                                                    epending on how Optus Small Sided
played in the correct spirit and gives all players   that you may wish to consider in your role of                 Football is being implemented in the
the best possible chance to develop into the         game leader, coach or manager;                                Under 6 & 7 age groups, the intra-club
best players they can be. FFA advises that                                                                         format allows team coaches and managers
Member Federations, zones, associations and          • A ll players should get an equal amount                    to use breaks to make some internal
clubs adopt and promote the following advice            of playing time.                                           changes to the team when one team is
and recommendation:                                                                                                far too strong and leading by more than
                                                     • W
                                                        hen an individual player is completely
                                                                                                                   three or four goals.
Under 6 - 9                                            dominating the game and has already
FFA advises that the keeping of point’s tables         scored three goals and their team is                      • M
                                                                                                                    ember Federations, Zones, Associations
and playing of finals must not be done.                winning by a three-goal margin, he/she can                  and Clubs should attempt to ensure
                                                       only score another goal when one of their                   where possible that teams of reasonably
Under 10 - 11                                          team-mates has scored a goal. This is to                    equal ability are playing each other. Each
FFA advises that the keeping of point’s tables         encourage good players to include other                     respective governing body will have their
and playing of finals must not be done. It is          members of their team and to force them to                  own system to achieve this. Should you
also advised, the keeping of point’s tables and        create opportunities for others.                            require any advice with this, please contact
playing of finals will only commence when                                                                          your Member Federation or FFA. Whatever
children are playing 11 v 11 football on a full      • In the Under 6 & 7 age groups directly after
                                                                                                                   system is used in the various age groups,
size pitch in the Under 12 age group.                   each match each player is allowed to take a
                                                                                                                   you will need to consider that children like
                                                        “penalty” from the 8m spot. First, all players
                                                                                                                   to play with their friends.
                                                        from Team A and second, all players from
                                                        Team B take their penalty kicks (free shot
                                                        from 5m spot – no goalkeeper).

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Laws of Optus Small Sided Football

                             Role of Coach / Parent Helper
                             The major role of the coach / parent helper is              coaches and teachers of players in the
                             to make the football experience of every player             Under 6 & 7 age groups. It is designed to give
                             and their families in their team as enjoyable               them a basic understanding of their role and to
                             as possible. The team coach/parent helper will              provide them with practical ideas for training
                             provide the best environment for children to                sessions. Coaches looking after children in the
                             learn and enjoy the game through organising fun             Under 8 - 11 age groups are encouraged to do
                             game based practices. Having good personal                  a junior licence course. Clubs can contact their
                             and organisational skills are most important                association or Member Federation to organise
                             for coaches and parent helpers working with                 a course at their club or find out where the
                             children in this age group to allow them to                 next one is.
                             learn through playing the game with minimal
                             instruction and a focus on player development.              For more information on the community
                                                                                         coach education pathway go to the coaching
                             Clubs should service their coaches, parent                  section of;
                             helpers, game leaders and volunteers through
                             the community coach education pathway. The                  www.footballaustralia.com.au
                             Grassroots Football Certificate is a course of
                             three hours duration and is aimed at beginner

                               O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
How to organise Optus Small Sided Football

Since 2008, FFA has been working closely with         Intra-club model
Member Federations, zones, associations and
clubs on the phased implementation of Optus           Capital Football, the governing body for football           In view of the fact that no point’s tables are
Small Sided Football throughout the country.          in the ACT, began introducing Small Sided                   kept at these ages, the intra-club model is
Optus Small Sided Football will replace Rooball       Football back in 2004. In 2007, the roll-out of             simply a case of grouping players into teams,
as the playing format for six to nine-year-olds       Small Sided Football in the ACT culminated in               assigning a parent/volunteer to be game leader
and by the time it is completely rolled out it will   the Under 11 age group playing Small Sided                  and organising a draw which is either done
be the format played by all players up to and         Football for the first time.                                over a season or is developed each week.
including the Under 11 age group.
                                                      In 2008, Football Federation Victoria adopted               Characteristics of the intra-club model are:
Whilst the success of this implementation is          the Optus Small Sided Football formats in an
based on the adoption and use of the standard                                                                     • P arents only need to travel to the same
                                                      intra-club format combined with gala days for
game formats and rules described in earlier                                                                          location each week (which is very likely going
                                                      the Under 6 and 7 age groups.
sections, there is some flexibility with respect                                                                     to be in close proximity to where they live);
to the delivery or operational model which            In implementing Optus Small Sided Football,                    they do not have a “home and away” situation.
associations and their clubs choose to adopt.         Capital Football effectively chose to use both of
                                                                                                                  • T here is less emphasis on competition given
                                                      the models described previously. For Under 9
In essence there are two alternatives when                                                                           the games are not against other clubs.
                                                      years and below, the majority of clubs use the
considering the most appropriate method of            intra-club model where teams from within the
organising Optus Small Sided Football. The                                                                        • T here is flexibility in terms of being able
                                                      club play against each other. Where clubs are                  to move players or parent helpers between
first is the intra-club option where teams are        unable to do this due to insufficient numbers,
arranged from within a club’s membership.                                                                            teams if required.
                                                      they combine with another smaller club and
These teams then play against each other on           play against each other. From the Under 10                  • T he club can provide a greater level of
a weekly basis. The other option is the inter-        age group upwards, Capital Football fixtures                   support to game leaders as they are all
club model where teams from within clubs              matches for all clubs against other clubs on a                 at the club’s home ground rather than
play against other teams from other clubs on          home and away basis.                                           travelling to other clubs. In this way, these
a weekly basis. The two should not necessarily                                                                       people can be “mentored” by other more
be seen as mutually exclusive given that they         With regard to the intra-club model, the                       knowledgeable and experienced coaches
could both be used simultaneously for different       individual clubs are responsible for putting                   from within the club.
age groups within a club or association.              players into teams and organising games
                                                      between those teams each week. This can                     • T here is likely to be a greater number of
The purpose of this section is to provide             either be done at the beginning of the season                  people at the ground each week to help out
an overview and some experience of these              so that a player remains with the same team                    in various roles as well as generating more
                                                      for the whole year and know in advance which                   sales at the canteen.
two options together with an outline of
                                                      team they are playing against each week, or
the most effective “game day” approach                alternatively, some clubs choose to allow the               • R esponsibility for organising draws and field
to organising Optus Small Sided Football,             children to “turn-up” each week, be put into                   allocations rests with the club as opposed
including field layouts, operational issues           a team and then arrange who plays against                      to the association.
and codes of behaviour.                               who. This flexibility easily allows players to
                                                      be moved between teams if required.

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How to organise Optus Small Sided Football

Inter-club model
As previously mentioned, Capital Football has        whose ground is used has overall responsibility             • T here is likely to be less work for the club in
adopted an inter-club model of Optus Small           for the operational aspect of the day. However                 terms of organising draws; this would instead
Sided Football for their older age groups whereby    this is generally shared between clubs.                        be carried out by the association.
they fixture games throughout the season and
clubs play against other clubs on a home and         The fact that these venues are not used for any             • A ll clubs can derive benefits from their canteen
away basis. Football Federation Northern Territory   other football means that they can be permanently              given that Optus Small Sided Football will be
(FFNT), as well as the Ku-ring-gai District Soccer   marked for Optus Small Sided Football and the                  played there every second week.
Association (KDSA) in Sydney, have also adopted      particular age group that plays at that ground.
the inter-club model; however, their model                                                                       Characteristics of the inter-club (hub)
                                                     There are a number of differences between                   model are:
begins at the Under 6 age group and extends to
                                                     the inter-club model in which clubs are required
the Under 11 age group. Further to this in 2008                                                                  • P arents only need to travel to the same
                                                     to travel and the hub model where the venue is
and 2009, Football Queensland and Football                                                                          location each week (in contrast to the intra-
                                                     the same each week. Generally speaking, the
Federation Tasmania adopted Small Sided                                                                             club model, in which the venue may not be
                                                     advantages of the inter-club (hub) model are
Football formats for the Under 6 - 9 age groups,                                                                    quite as close to their residence).
                                                     similar to those of the intra-club model.
these were fixtured by each of their zones and
associations in an inter-club approach.                                                                          • T here is flexibility in terms of being able to
                                                     Characteristics of the inter-club model are:                   move players or parent helpers between
In contrast to the home and away model,              • G
                                                        ames are played against other clubs                        teams if required.
Northern NSW Football, Football West, FFNT and         as opposed to other teams within the
KDSA use a “hub model” where clubs travel              same club (some parents believe this is                   • O
                                                                                                                    ptus Small Sided Football ensure a more
to a centralised location each week and play           particularly important and as players get                   efficient use of fields in general, however, having
against other clubs. For KDSA, they have eight         older they also share this view).                           dedicated venues for Optus Small Sided Football
dedicated Small Sided Football venues where                                                                        means that open spaces that may not be suitable
only Under 6 and 7 age groups play. The club                                                                       for full-size fields can still be used for football.

                                                       O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
How to organise Optus Small Sided Football

                             Game day requirements
                             Regardless of the type of model that is chosen,             FFA is able to provide ongoing advice and
                             the requirements of a club and/or association               support from individuals and clubs that have
                             on game day are going to be very similar. It is             already successfully implemented Optus Small
                             important to emphasise that the organisational              Sided Football.
                             requirements of Optus Small Sided Football
                             are not vastly different from what clubs need               If required, they can offer practical suggestions
                             to undertake at present (through Rooball and                based on their “real-life” experience.
                             other junior football), though there are obviously
                             going to be more players, more games and                    Accommodating multiple fields
                             more fields. FFA would certainly encourage                  Recommendations for the layout of the small-
                             clubs and associations to approach Optus Small              sided fields appear below. Obviously they may
                             Sided Football with the view to minimising both             differ according to the available space, however
                             the number of extra volunteers required and the             this information should be useful when dealing
                             expectations placed upon them.                              with “standard-sized” fields.

                             This section discusses some of the factors that             Remember, Optus Small Sided Football can be
                             need to be considered in relation to Optus Small            played on any suitable open grass area and
                             Sided Football, such as field layouts, ground               does not necessarily have to take place on a
                             management, equipment and participant codes                 dedicated football pitch.
                             of behaviour. Through your Member Federation,

                               O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   | 21
How to organise Optus Small Sided Football

Field layouts
Under 6 & 7                                                                       Under 8 and 9

Six to eight Optus Small Sided Football pitches per full-size pitch if            Two to four Optus Small Sided Football pitches per full-size pitch if
required. Optus Small Sided Football pitches to the correct dimensions            required. Optus Small Sided Football pitches to the correct dimensions
are also set up on existing smaller fields or open grass areas.                   are also set up on existing smaller fields or open grass areas.

Under 10 and 11

One to two Optus Small Sided Football pitches per full-size pitch if required. In the Under 11 age group, the final stage of development in the
Optus Small Sided Football formats before players commence 11 v 11 football, it is recommended that clubs where facilities and scheduling allows,
set-up the field from penalty box to penalty box and adjust the width of the field with use of markers to meet the maximum specified width.
Optus Small Sided Football pitches to the correct dimensions can also be set up on existing smaller fields or open grass areas.

                                                     O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
How to organise Optus Small Sided Football

Equipment requirements
Players                                            For each field you will need:                               For each venue (Intra Club / Hub model)
Players will need to wear all of the same          • a pair of goals or four poles/markers                    you will need:
clothing/equipment that they would currently                                                                   • a large whiteboard or equivalent showing
do at this age – shorts, shirt, socks, boots and   • a marked field with lines or sufficient                     a “field map” as well as a daily draw
shin pads. In the event that a club chooses the       markers to be able to do this
intra-club model, coloured bibs would need to                                                                  • a horn or equivalent to signal the start of
                                                   • a whistle for the game leader                               play, half-time and full-time in each game
be supplied to differentiate teams.
                                                      or instructing referee
                                                                                                               • a central position with table to assist in
Club                                               • adequate balls – at least two to three                      the administration of the day
The best case scenario would be for clubs to
be able to provide pop-up or portable goals        • d rinks for players                                      • a first aid kit/s
for their games as well as fields that are            (should be provided by parents).
permanently marked. However this should                                                                        • a dequate parking given that there is likely
absolutely not prevent them from being able                                                                       to be an increased volume of both players,
to offer Optus Small Sided Football. In fact, a                                                                   parents and spectators. One solution is
number of the clubs in Australia that already                                                                     to schedule sufficient gaps between age
play Optus Small Sided Football use markers                                                                       groups/time slots so that one group of
for both their goals and to mark out the lines                                                                    people can leave and the next can arrive.
on the field.                                                                                                     In the inter-club (hub) model, part of the
                                                                                                                  criteria for selecting grounds may be the
                                                                                                                  amount of available parking.

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How to organise Optus Small Sided Football

Ground management
Regardless of the model that is chosen, each       Team managers/supervisors/game leaders
venue needs to have at least one ground            also need to understand their role on the day
controller or manager who has overall              ranging from determining where they are
responsibility for what occurs on game day.        playing to what is acceptable behaviour. Team
This includes monitoring the timing of games,      managers should be briefed by the ground
ensuring teams are aware of who and                controller before matches begin each week.
where they are playing, recording results (if
appropriate), coordinating the setting up of       Note that the team manager can act as game
fields and dealing with any issues that may        leader (referee) though this role is perhaps
come up from time to time.                         best undertaken by a beginner referee
                                                   or young player from within the club
One of the most crucial tasks is to ensure that    who has no connection with either
the fields are set up (and removed) in a timely    of the teams.
manner. This should be delegated to a small
group of people and is probably best allocated
to representatives of the particular age group
that is playing and can be shared between
teams throughout the season. In an inter-club
(hub) model, it needs to be allocated both to an
age group and to a club given that there will be
multiple clubs sharing a venue.

                                                     O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
Codes of conduct: Creating the right environment for young players

The behaviour of players, their parents,             • W
                                                        ork equally hard for yourself and/or your               • D
                                                                                                                    isplay control, respect and professionalism
spectators, officials and administrators is            team. Your team’s performance will benefit                  to all involved with the sport. This includes
absolutely critical in ensuring that our young         and so will you.                                            opponents, coaches, officials, administrators,
players enjoy an appropriate environment in          • B e a good sport. Applaud all good plays                   the media, parents and spectators.
their formative years of playing football. Bearing      whether they are made by your team or                      Encourage players to do the same.
in mind that the whole philosophy of Optus              the opposition.                                          • S how concern and caution towards sick
Small Sided Football is based on replicating                                                                        and injured players. Follow the advice of
                                                     • T reat all participants in your sport as you
street football, where children play without                                                                        a physician when determining whether
                                                        like to be treated. Do not bully or take
adults and referees, the major focus should                                                                         an injured player is ready to recommence
                                                        unfair advantage of another competitor.
be on letting the children play with minimal                                                                        training or competition.
instruction and plenty of encouragement.             • C
                                                        ooperate with your coach, team-mates
                                                       and opponents. Without them, there would                  • O
                                                                                                                    btain appropriate qualifications and
Below are a series of codes of behaviour that          be no competition.                                          keep up to date with the latest coaching
all people involved in junior football, and in                                                                     practices and the principles of growth
                                                     • P articipate for your own enjoyment and
particular Optus Small Sided Football, must                                                                        and development of young people.
                                                        benefit, not just to please your parents
be aware of and abide by. Some clubs who                and coaches.                                             • A ny physical contact with a young person
already conduct Optus Small Sided Football                                                                          should be appropriate to the situation and
                                                     • R espect the rights, dignity and worth of
require team managers to exchange a Code                                                                            necessary for the player’s skill development.
                                                        all participants regardless of their gender,
of Behaviour before every game with each                                                                         • R espect the rights, dignity and worth of every
                                                        ability, cultural background or religion.
person giving an undertaking, on behalf of                                                                         young person regardless of their gender,
their players, parents and spectators, to                                                                          ability, cultural background or religion.
behave in an appropriate manner. If this does
                                                     Coaches Code of Behaviour
not eventuate, the other team manager is             • R emember that young people participate for              Parents Code of Behaviour
entitled to refer the other person back to the          pleasure, and winning is only part of the fun.           • R emember that children participate in
Code, and if inappropriate behaviour persists        • N
                                                        ever ridicule or yell at a young player for                sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
club representatives (probably the ground              making a mistake or not coming first.                     • E ncourage children to participate,
controller) would need to become involved.           • B e reasonable in your demands on                           do not force them.
                                                        players’ time, energy and enthusiasm.                    • F ocus on your child’s efforts and
Players Code of Behaviour
                                                     • O
                                                        perate within the rules and spirit of your                 performance rather than whether
• Play by the rules.                                  sport and teach your players to do the same.                 they win or lose.
• N
   ever argue with an official. If you              • E nsure that the time players spend with you             • E ncourage children to play according to
  disagree, have your captain, coach or                 is a positive experience. All young people are              the rules and to settle disagreements
  manager approach the official during                  deserving of equal attention and opportunities.             without resorting to hostility or violence.
  a break or after the competition.
                                                     • A void overplaying the talented players; the             • N
                                                                                                                    ever ridicule or yell at a child for making
• C
   ontrol your temper. Verbal abuse                    “just average” need and deserve equal time.                a mistake or losing a competition.
  of officials, sledging other players or
                                                     • E nsure that equipment and facilities meet
  deliberately distracting or provoking an
                                                        safety standards and are appropriate to
  opponent are not acceptable or
                                                        the age and ability of all players.
  permitted behaviours in any sport.

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Optus Small Sided Football Handbook   | 25
Codes of conduct: Creating the right environment for young players

• R emember that children learn best by          • P lace the safety and welfare of the                     • R emember, you set an example.
   example. Appreciate good performance              participants above all else.                                Your behaviour and comments should
   and skilful plays by all participants.         • G
                                                     ive all young people a “fair go” regardless                be positive and supportive.
• S upport all efforts to remove verbal and        of their gender, ability, cultural background             • M
                                                                                                                 ake it clear that abusing young people
   physical abuse from sporting activities.         or religion.                                                in any way is unacceptable and will result
• R espect officials’ decisions and teach                                                                      in disciplinary action.
                                                  Administrators Code of Behaviour
   children to do likewise.                                                                                   • R espect the rights, dignity and worth
                                                  • Involve young people in planning,
• S how appreciation for volunteer coaches,                                                                     of every young person regardless of
                                                     leadership, evaluation and decision-making
   officials and administrators. Without them,                                                                   their gender, ability, cultural background
                                                     related to the activity.
   your child could not participate.                                                                             or religion.
                                                  • G
                                                     ive all young people equal opportunities
• R espect the rights, dignity and worth           to participate.                                           Spectators Code of Behaviour
   of every young person regardless of                                                                        • R emember that young people participate
                                                  • C
                                                     reate pathways for young people to
   their gender, ability, cultural background                                                                    in sport for their enjoyment and benefit,
                                                    participate in sport, not just as a player but
   or religion.                                                                                                  not yours.
                                                    as a coach, referee, administrator etc.
Officials Code of Behaviour                       • E nsure that rules, equipment, length of                 • A pplaud good performances and efforts
• M
   odify rules and regulations to match the        games and training schedules are modified                    from all individuals and teams. Congratulate
  skill levels and needs of young people.           to suit the age, ability and maturity level of               all participants on their performance,
                                                    young players.                                               regardless of the game’s outcome.
• Compliment and encourage all participants.
                                                  • P rovide quality supervision and instruction             • R espect the decisions of officials and
• B e consistent, objective and courteous
                                                     for junior players.                                         teach young people to do the same.
   when making decisions.
                                                  • R emember that young people participate                  • N
                                                                                                                 ever ridicule or scold a young player
• C
   ondemn unsporting behaviour and
                                                     for their enjoyment and benefit. Do not                    for making a mistake. Positive comments
  promote respect for all opponents.
                                                     overemphasise awards.                                      are motivational.
• E mphasise the spirit of the game rather
                                                  • H
                                                     elp coaches and officials highlight                     • C
                                                                                                                 ondemn the use of violence in any
   than the errors.
                                                    appropriate behaviour and skill                             form, whether it is by spectators,
• E ncourage and promote rule changes that                                                                     coaches, officials or players.
                                                    development, and help improve the
   will make participation more enjoyable.
                                                    standards of coaching and officiating.                    • S how respect for your team’s opponents.
• B e a good sport yourself. Actions speak                                                                      Without them, there would be no game.
                                                  • E nsure that everyone involved in junior
  louder than words.
                                                     sport emphasises fair play, rather than                  • E ncourage players to follow the rules
• K eep up to date with the latest trends in        winning at all costs.                                       and the officials’ decisions.
   officiating and the principles of growth and
                                                  • G
                                                     ive a Code of Behaviour sheet to                        • D
                                                                                                                 o not use foul language, sledge or
   development of young people.
                                                    spectators, officials, parents, coaches,                    harass players, coaches or officials.
• R emember, you set an example. Your              players and the media, and encourage                      • R espect the rights, dignity and worth
   behaviour and comments should be positive        them to follow it.                                           of every young person regardless of
   and supportive.
                                                                                                                 their gender, ability, cultural background
                                                                                                                 or religion.

                                                    O P T U S S M A L L S I D E D F O O T B A L L H ANDBOOK
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