Oral Presentation Guidelines 2022 HPS Annual - Don't tell. Don't lead. Engage.

Page created by Hazel Dean
Oral Presentation Guidelines 2022 HPS Annual - Don't tell. Don't lead. Engage.
Oral Presentation
2022 HPS Annual
Don’t tell. Don’t lead. Engage.
The Health Physics Society Program
Committee is committed to offering programs
that feature fresh presentations on current
topics in accordance with our Society’s
Strategic Plan Goal A: “Improve value to
HPS stakeholders.”

Please help us meet that goal by offering
presentations that engage our members and
meeting attendees.
All speakers will either be: Live Virtual,
            Live In person, or pre-recorded

            Live virtual speakers must practice with
Overview    the program task force 2 weeks before
            they present.

            Pre-recorded speakers must submit
            their video 2 weeks before the

4/11/2022                                                3
All Speakers must upload their
            PowerPoint presentations by July

Overview    Timing will be strictly enforced due to
            the hybrid setting

            If you have questions, ask before the
            day of your presentation.

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●Contact information for the Meeting Task Force Chair
This          ●Presentation file requirements
Presentatio   ●Information specific to Live In Person
n Provides    ●Information specific to Live Virtual
              ●Information specific to Pre-Recorded
              ●Suggested Presentation Guidelines
                 ● Common Problems
                 ● Using Diagrams and Graphs
                 ● Interact with Audience
                 ● How to Annoy Your Audience
                 ● Post Meeting

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Task Force    ●Contact: Deirdre Elder
Chair                   Mail: HPSPCannual@hps.org


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●One file per presentation
               ●Microsoft PowerPoint Format
                  ●*.pptx format
Presentation      ●16:9 layout
File              ●self-contained
Requirements   ●Limit links to those sites that interact with
                attendees only (such as polling).
               ●Audio/video content
                  ●If needed contact the Task Force Chair

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●The HPS Annual Meeting will be a hybrid
             that allows participation in person or
            ●Presentations will be recorded and
Hybrid       available after the meeting.
Meetings    ●Do NOT use any copyrighted materials or
             pictures without permission.

4/11/2022                                              8
Live In-person
●Wednesday, July 13, 2022
Submittal      ●Final version of presentation uploaded

Deadlines   ●July 17-20, 2022
               ●Check in and review presentation in Speaker
and             Ready Room
Schedule       ●All Speakers must check-in at Speaker Ready
                Room at least one day prior to scheduled

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●HPS preloads all presentations to the
              projection computers
Projection   ●HPS supplies projection computer
Computer       ●Microsoft Windows (2007 or later)
               ●Microsoft PowerPoint (2007 or later)
             ●No connection to sound system

12/28/2021                                             11
●Reviewing your presentation at a minimum
               of one day before in the Speaker Ready
               Room (Spokane Convention Center Room
               303AB) will benefit both the HPS and you!
Preparation   ●Bring a copy of your presentation on a
               thumb drive with you to the Speaker Ready
               Room… just in case there is an issue with
               the upload!

4/11/2022                                                  12
Live Virtual
●July 5 – 8, 2022
               ●Practice connecting to Pathable (the hybrid
Submittal       platform) with the program committee task
            ●Wednesday, July 13, 2022
and            ●Final version of presentation uploaded
Schedule    ●Day of presentation
               ●Join the virtual session at least 15 minutes
                before the session begins

4/11/2022                                                      14
●July 5 – 8, 2022
               ●Submit Presentation in MP4 format.
               ●If you plan to answer live questions, let the task
Submittal       force chair know and practice connecting to
Deadlines       Pathable (the hybrid platform) with the program
                committee task force.
Schedule    ●Day of presentation
               ●Join the virtual session at least 15 minutes
                before the session begins, if you will be
                available to answer live questions.

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Style Guidelines
26 Ways to Engage Your Target Audience
d Reading      by Jesse Lahey

4/11/2022          Return to Table of Contents        18
●15-minute presentation
                ●12 Minutes for talk, 3 minutes for questions
Required     ●Each slide should have a title

Guidelines   ●Slide Size = Widescreen (16:9)
                ●For instructions on how to change slide size in
                 Microsoft PowerPoint visit: Microsoft Support
                 Website for Changing the Size of Your Slides

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●Keep text of slides simple, easy to read from
               distance; no more than 1 slide per minute.
              ●Visuals bring in the attendee more than text.

Guidelines:   ●Do not read slides, tell a story.
              ●Incorporate audience response (for example,
Engage         conduct a live poll).
Audience      ●Ask a question, then quiz the audience.
              ●Make eye contact with members of the audience;
               seek engagement.
              ●Be yourself, be human

4/11/2022                                                       20
●Rule of thumb: 1 slide per minute
             ●Short phrases, not long sentences
             ●Use Arial or similar sans serif font
HPS          ●40 Point Titles
Suggested    ●28 Point Text
Style           ●24 Point subtext
             Please do not incorporate slides with a lot of
             text or busy charts

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On the last slide please
                   put speaker contact
Last Slide
             email address,
             telephone number

4/11/2022                                    22
●Avoid unreadable visual aids
             (charts, graphs)

            ●Don’t put too much information on a single
Prevent      slide
               ●Do not reduce font size to make room for more
Common          words.
               ●If you can’t read your lettering from 10ft
Problems        away from a laptop display, then your
                audience may have problems.

            ●Use high contrast colors
               ●See future slide on contrast

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●Special fonts, symbols, and bullets may not
             be available on the projection computer.
             Use Arial or similar sans serif font. Don’t
               ●Wingdings, Monotype Sorts
               ●Scientific symbol fonts, Asian language fonts
Special        ●MS Line Draw
Fonts and   ●Embed fonts in the file to ensure proper
Symbols        ●For instructions on embedding fonts in
                Microsoft PowerPoint:

4/11/2022                                                         24
●High contrast is very important

            ●Use light lines/text on a dark background
               ●Foreground: White, yellow, light cyan
Contrast       ●Background: Black, dark blue, dark brown

            ●Caution: Red, orange or blue lettering and
             lines can become unreadable when

4/11/2022                                                  25
●Slides should display instantly

Display     ●Do not distract the audience with slow
             transition effects
            ●Avoid overuse of slow graphics, fonts and
             special effects

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●Special animation should NOT be used
               when changing from one slide to another
                 ●Usually highly distracting to audience
                 ●Use only as special attention getter

Between       ●Default settings should be:
                 ●Effect = No transition
Slides           ●Speed = Fast
                 ●Advance = On mouse click

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● Can be highly effective

              ●Focus attention on a specific line of a slide
              ● Dim previous lines for more emphasis on
Between        current line
              ● Transitions should be instantaneous

              ● Be consistent

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● Keep graphs, charts and diagrams simple

Presenting     ● Eliminate or subdue distracting grid lines
Graphs &       ● Use large font sizes
               ● See example graph on next slide

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               Fault Coverage
Fault                      6
Coverage vs.               0
No. of                     0
Vectors        (%)
                                1.0E+0   1.0E+0    1.0E+0   1.0E+07
                                1        3         5
                                         No. of
                                         Vectors                      30
●Ask a question from lectern
                   ●Show of hands or ask for verbal response

                ●Use an online poll/vote
                   (available only with annual meeting venues with
Interact with      announced internet wifi)
                ●Ask question to be answered either online
                 or verbally
                   (available only with annual meeting venues with
                   announced internet wifi)

4/11/2022                                                            31
●Distracting and overused transition effects
             ●Focusing the audience on your slides, not
              the speaker
How to       ●Trying to use every feature PowerPoint has
Annoy Your    to offer
Audience     ●Links that do not work
             ●Slides without titles

4/11/2022                                                   32
You can also read