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    ❶ Introduction/Overview

    ❷ Goals and Objectives

    ❸ Technology Status

    ❹ Financial Needs for 2020

    ❺ Q&A


■   Plymouth Rock Technologies (PRT) was formed by highly experienced scientists, engineers and business
    executives to develop and commercialize combined sensory and intelligence products.

■   The company will achieve this through in-house intellectual property and strategic acquisition to meet
    growing challenges.

■   We believe our experience within market segments offers both our customers and shareholders a diversified
    opportunity in Security, Defense, Intelligence and fast growing vertical markets.
Become the leader in       Develop and              Demonstrate advanced      Increase shareholder
advanced threat            commercialize advanced   technologies to detect    value through the
detection systems and      screening capabilities   and identify threats at   continued creation of
“stand-off” detection by   with easy to operate     extended ranges in        exclusive IP and growing
developing new RF          security products that   advance of arrival at     market recognition.
technologies and           save lives and prevent   security checkpoints.
methods.                   terrorist threats.
         deaths due to mass shootings, suicide
         bombs and other attacks last year

 2,608   terrorist attacks in the US since the

    21   mass shootings in 2019 in the US
$8.4B                                2015 – 2022 revenues in standoff and
                                                      concealed weapons detection

                  47%                                 compounded growth rate (CAGR)

               At Plymouth Rock, we believe this market size is limited by current technologies,
             undervalued, and that the availability of higher performance, easily adopted and more
                               affordable systems will push this market higher.

(1) Homeland Security Research, Standoff IED, Person-Borne & Vehicle-Borne Explosives & Weapon Detection: Technologies & Global Market –
2015-2020, Q2 2015
DANA WHEELER                                          CARL CAGLIARINI                                            DAVID RUSSELL                                           PROF STUART HARMER
President & CEO                                       Chief Strategy Officer                                     SVP Engineering Operations                              Chief Scientific Officer

Recognized Industry Veteran with over 35 years’       A highly successful and experienced start–up               35+ years Innovation and engineering program            20+ years - Head of the new Engineering &
experience in RF, Microwave and Millimeter-wave       entrepreneur with extensive international                  management and engineering execution                    Design department at the University of
technologies. Proven track record of successful       experience of customer focused technology                  including bringing a diverse team together and
                                                                                                                                                                         Chichester in the UK. Stuart holds a BSc. in
start-ups, mergers and acquisitions. Past positions   innovation and International business                      coordinating all inter-dependencies between the
                                                                                                                 functional disciplines (e.g. mechanical, electrical,    Physics & Astrophysics, a DPhil. and is a
with M/A-Com, Millitech, Lockheed Martin,             development. Carl has held high level Sales and
                                                                                                                 controls, software) needed to convert the               Fellow of the Institute of Physics. Stuart has
Harmonix Corp (HXI), Terabeam, Proxim and             Business Development positions with Radio
founder of Radio Physics Inc.                         Physics, Infinet Wireless (YNDX), FSONA                    product vision into executed products.                  an applied research background in millimeter
Mr. Wheeler is a graduate of the University of        Corporation and led the M&A of the Astro Terra                                                                     and microwave technologies and their
Massachusetts, Dartmouth. Dana is a very well         merger MRV (MRVC). This included                                                                                   application to remote sensing and security
known within the USA innovation defense fraternity    management and oversight of the NASA STRV 2                                                                        screening.
and has extensive experience taking products          Program. Carl serves as a pro-bona Chairman of
through the military specification cycle.             a UK educational recognized for special
                                                      educational needs by the UK Government in the
                                                      2017. His commentaries have been aired on
                                                      BBC , CNN and Sky TV

 ANGELOS                                              GEORGE STUBOS                                                TIM CROWHURST                                        VIVIAN A. KATSURIS
                                                                                                                   Independent Director                                 Corporate Secretary and Director
 KOSTOPOULOS                                          Director
 Independent Director                                                                                              28+ years experience and long history in             27+ years financial experience in the brokerage
                                                      George Stubos is the President of Stubos Capital Inc.        corporate affairs, as well as a strong               industry, the North American capital markets &
 35+ years experience and Partner with the            and has 25 years of Capital Markets, Energy and              understanding of border security measures            public financings and has held director and
 Nakou & Associates law firm based in                 Technology investing experience leading early stage          and international immigration movements.             senior officer positions with various public
 Athens, Greece and with offices in                   companies in their growth strategies. He was an              Prior to commencing a successful issue               companies over the last 5 years.
 Washington, DC. He holds a BA degree                 investment advisor with Canaccord Capital and was a          and crisis management consultancy in
 from Arizona State University, a MA degree           founder of Business Financial Publishing. He has served      1993, he was an advisor to several
 from Indiana University, and a M.Sc.                 as the founder and director of several public companies.     Canadian Cabinet Ministers.
 degree from the Hellenic Army Supreme                Mr. Stubos is a member of the Association of
 War College, and is a candidate for a                International Petroleum Negotiators and the North
 Masters of Law (LL.M.) degree at Cumbria             America - Mongolia Business Council. In addition, he is
 University, United Kingdom.                          involved with various philanthropic and charitable
DOUGLAS SMITH                            PROF STUART HARMER                          JASON ELWOOD                                  STEVE HANSON
23+ years - Former Assistant             20+ years - Head of the new                 37+ years recently retired from Raytheon      With over 25 years of finance and corporate development
Secretary for the U.S. Department of     Engineering & Design department at the      Company (NYSE:RTN) focusing on the            experience, Mr. Hanson has been President of Channel Capital
Homeland Security. And over two          University of Chichester in the UK.         defense industry. Most recently Vice          since 2002, a venture capital consulting firm assisting early-stage
decades of international experience in   Stuart holds a BSc. in Physics &            President of Operations for Raytheon          companies in the development of short and long-term financing
business development,                    Astrophysics, a DPhil. and is a Fellow of   Integrated Defense business as the            strategies. During this period he has held executive, board and
communications, coalition building,      the Institute of Physics. Stuart has an     Operations leader Jason was responsible       advisor positions for numerous private and public companies and
public policy, and creating and          applied research background in              for locations around the globe. Jason holds   been involved in a number of successful M&A transactions. Mr.
managing public-private partnerships     millimeter and microwave technologies       an MBA in operations management from          Hanson also served as Chairman and Managing Director of Van
among Federal,                           and their application to remote sensing     University of Massachusetts                   Arbor Asset Management, an award winning equity money
                                         and security screening.                                                                   management firm from 2004 until 2008, which he founded in 2003.
                                                                                                                                   Van Arbor Asset Management was bought by ZLC Private
                                                                                                                                   Investment Management in 2008.
New Threat Detection Focus
"   Security technology and methods have not evolved quickly
    enough to keep pace with emerging threats.

"   Reactive rather than proactive security screening techniques
    have become the rule.

"   Dense crowds of unprotected people waiting in queue leaving
    them even more vulnerable to terrorist attacks.

"   PRT will apply proven techniques to expand the security
    perimeter to Stand-off distances to points of entry and beyond.

"   Our systems will streamline the screening process while
    increasing probability of detection to proactively counter evolving
Plymouth Rock Security Solutions for the
Global Market

X1/MiRIAD – A custom Search       Shoe-Scanner – A safe and          Wi-Ti - A breakthrough radar
and Rescue Drone with multiple    effective RF technology that       technology using artificial
imaging sensors that can detect   addresses one of the most          intelligence and advance
concealed threats on the person   significant gaps in the aviation   processing to detect threat
and structural weaknesses in      and prison security screening      items concealed on people over
valuable infrastructure assets.   process.                           a wide coverage area.
PRT X1 Drone
     • Designed by PRT and built in the USA*
     • All parts NATO Coalition country sourced
     • Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for Law Enforcement,
       Rescue, Surveillance, Light Military Applications
     • Latest Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance
       sensors (ISR)
     • Custom SmartAP Software, bringing Artificial
       Intelligence, Sensors and Drone flight safety together

          VIDEO: http://bit.ly/x1drone
PRT X1 Markets
"   Law Enforcement
"   3-Letter Intelligence Agencies
"   Border Patrol and Services
"   Military
"   Rescue Services – Fire, Coastguard, Mountain
"   Commercial – Private Security, Events, NDT
"   US Defence Labs – Sandia/Los Alamos
PRT X1 SAR Drone
MiRIAD – Millimeter Radar Imaging
    from Airborne Drone
"    The MiRIAD device is a compact and lightweight sensor payload
     designed for attachment to most commercial or military drones
"    The MiRIAD scans subjects from above using novel image processing
     and artificial intelligence to identify and relay threat information to a
     ground-based operator or control center
"    MiRIAD sensors can be used for a range of other applications; Aircraft
     defect inspection, fractures or weak spots in power transmission cables,
     industrial pipelines or invisible corrosion on structural assemblies ie;
     bridges, wind turbines…
"    The MiRIAD sensor can also be used to image through heavy snow,
     smoke, fog and dust to enhance situational awareness and navigational
     safety in visually degraded environments
   Expanding Markets

Shipping safety and   Oil and Gas Industry –   Wind farms   Infrastructure – bridges,
integrity             Pipelines                             dams, buildings
PRT X1 Drone
Upcoming Milestones

Q1 2020                               Q1 2020                                          Q3 2020

Test and        Install prototype      Obtain experimental       Display SAR Drone      Identify potential
characterize    radiometers onto X1    licenses for New          with various sensor    partner with
prototype       SAR drone for NDT      Horizons radio location   payloads at ISC        portable Chemical
radiometers     applications           frequencies of            West                   Trace sensor
                                       136-141GHz and
                                                                                        products that can
                                                                                        be installed on the
                                                                                        PRT X1 platform

               Q1 2020                                           Q2 2020
Shoe-Scanner – Footwear Imaging
"   Floor mounted imager that uses harmless radar technology to examine
    footwear while still on the person.

"   Provides an image that will identify any tampering with the shoe
    structure, any concealed items in the shoe or foot cavity area.

"   Rapid pre-screening of footwear without removal reduces screening
    bottlenecks and concentrations of people waiting in queue.

"   This rapid screening technique delivers an entirely new capability that
    has been demanded by TSA, FAA, CAA, Department of Homeland
    Security, Customs and Border Patrol, US Federal Corrections and UK
    Home Office.

"   Easily incorporated into current screening processes for rapid adoption
    and near-term efficiency improvements.
Shoe-Scanner - Images

"   Shoe images showing concealed threat items
    (top) versus regular shoe (bottom)

"   Captured using prototype shoe scanner at
    internationally allocated radio location frequency
    band of 15.4-17.2 GHz

"   PRT has a strategic alliance with Manchester
    Metropolitan University to develop and advance
    its leading shoe scanning technology
Shoe Scanner
Upcoming Milestones

Q1 2020                                     Q1-Q2 2020                                 Q4 2020

Select a scanner                            Investigate X/Y table                      Begin LRIP (Low Rate
platform material                           to replace gantry         Schedule
                                                                      demonstrations   Initial Production) of
that has higher     Manufacture             and dual scanner                           scanner product based
performance from    multiple scanner        head to reduce scan       with strategic
                                                                      partners         on feedback from
both a mechanical   platforms for further   time.                                      demonstrations in Q3
and electrical      development in both
standpoint          the UK and North

                    Q1 2020                                         Q3 2020
Market Opportunities
                                                GLOBAL AIRPORT AUTOMATED
                                                SECURITY SCREENING MARKET
"   KEY TREND: Evolution of technologies
    to improve security at airports and other
    public and private venues

"   MARKET DRIVER: Advanced screening
    systems that enhance security and
    optimize operations at airport premises

"   MARKET DRIVER: Growing emphasis
    on reducing passenger wait time due to
    increasing passenger traffic                     GLOBAL AIRPORT SECURITY

"   FORECAST: The market is projected to
    reach $16 Billion by 2024
October 23, 2019
Strategic Acquisition – Aerowave
 "   Aerowave brand and asset acquisition brings significant strategic advantages and cost savings on components
     for Plymouth Rock's multiple new products and platforms.
 "   The 50-year heritage and reputation of Aerowave is well known throughout the North American, global scientific
     and aerospace industries and allows us to access their current and past extensive customer base.

Current Aerowave Customers

Target PRT Customers/Partners - 2020
Strategic Development Partners
Key Partners – Customer Relationships by
§   X1/MiRIAD
      - UK Met Police, NYPD, NYFD, “Big Data Co”, CBP, Qatar World Cup

§   SS1 Shoe-scanner
      - L3/Harris, CBP, RDS, Doha Airport, Rohde & Schwartz
Product Development Roadmap
Milestones                                        Delivery Date   Estimated R&D
PRT/X1 MiRIAD Installation and flight Test        Q1 2020         $100,000
PRT/X1 MiRIAD LRIP Documentation Package          Q1-Q2 2020      $150,000
PRT/X1 MiRIAD Demonstrations to Various Customers Q3-Q4 2020      $285,000
(Includes LRIP Costs)
PRT/SS1 Shoescanner Demonstrations to Various     Q1-Q2 2020      $150,000
Customers and LRIP Documentation Package
PRT/SS1 Shoescanner LRIP Costs                    Q3-Q4 2020      $190,000
Wi-Ti Development Test Plan & Abicom Engagement   Q1 2020         $110,000
Wi-Ti Scattering Measurements – IP Development    Q2-Q3 2020      $200,000
Wi-Ti US and EU Patent Application Submittal      Q4 2020         $45,000
Use of Funds - FY 2020
Breakdown of Expenditures       Offering - US $3M

PRT X1/MiRIAD                   $535,000
PRT SS1 Shoescanner             $340,000

Wi-Ti                           $355,000

Total Development               $1,230,000
G&A/Marketing/Working Capital   $1,770,000

Total Use of Funds              $3,000,000
Capitalization Structure
Shares Outstanding - Basic       32,796,600
Options                          3,150,000
Fully Diluted                    35,926,600
Share Price                       US$0.38
Market Capitalization              $12.5M

CSE      PRT
FRANKFURT             4XA WKN#
Investment Highlights

● EXPERIENCE: Technical team has over 100 years of combined industry experience
   and knowledge.
● MASSIVE GROWTH: Threat detection systems market is expected to reach $84
   billion by 2022.
● TRIPLE THREAT: Multiple commercial products expected to hit the market in 2021.
● PROPRIETARY: Cutting edge patented (or patent pending) intellectual property.
● PARTNERSHIPS: Private-labeling opportunities on Shoe Scanner and X1/MiRIAD
   Multi-Sensor Drone technology.
Thank You

Plymouth Rock Technologies
202 South Meadow Road Unit 5
Plymouth, MA 02360 USA
+1 774 404 7685
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