Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

Page created by Ronald Valdez
Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.
Our Mission
                                      To transform people, creating disciples of Christ
                           who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

Greeting's sisters & brothers in Christ Jesus,

2 And you must remember the entire trip that the Lord your God has led you through these 40 years in
the desert. He was testing you. He wanted to make you humble. He wanted to know what is in your
heart. He wanted to know if you would obey His commands. (Deuteronomy 8:2 - ERV).

Happy New Year! What a year 2021 has been! It's been like a wild roller-coaster ride, with all its up
and downs and wicked turns. Honestly, through all the "craziness" of this past year, were we able to
find any joy? Did anything good come out of 2021 for you? Were we able to see the grace of GOD in
our lives and in the world bringing comfort in the middle of the storms of life? Did we find the strength
to press on when the going got tough?

As we look back on 2021, we see a world of sin and despair and a world filled with struggles. Those
struggles may be to do what is right in our lives. What are we doing (or plan to do) to show love and
obedience to GOD? To show GOD's love to our neighbors?

In the past I have been asked several times; "if GOD ever tests our faith by allowing us to go through
hard times? And if so, why?" In Deut. 8:2 Moses tells us that GOD used the harsh wilderness to
teach the Israelites humble dependence and obedience to Him. In Judges 3 GOD used other pagan
nations to test Israel's faith in Him. Apparently, they failed at remaining obedient to GOD's Word and
did what was evil. GOD let their enemies rule over them. It wasn't until Israel realized they needed
Divine intervention to turn their lives around.

Sometimes GOD does test our faith, just like He tested the Israelites faith by allowing them to go
through hard times, "He wanted to know what is in your heart" (Deut.8:2). GOD doesn't test us
because He doesn't know how strong our faith is. Instead, He tests us because we don't know how
strong we are, - and we will only realize how strong our faith is when times of testing comes our
way. The Psalmist prayed, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious
thoughts. 24 Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting
life" (Psalm 139:23-24 NLT)

I have noticed (and maybe it's just me...but I don't think so) that through all the "ups and downs" of
2021 the world mainly relies on itself and not GOD to save us. When life is going smoothly our faith
may not be challenged. But when hard times come along, a weak faith will be revealed for what it re-
ally is: shallow and unable to help us through the difficulties of life. These difficulties may be any-
thing: a friend who turns against us, the death of a loved one, the loss of our job, or an unexpected ill-
ness. When hard times come along, I believe the true nature of our faith will be revealed, just as it
was for the Israelites. The sad thing is, sometimes it takes months or even years for one to "cry out to
the LORD" for His help and saving grace.

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Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

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 I know none of us likes to go through hard times (and GOD is not necessarily behind them, even if He
 allows them to happen). GOD can use the hard times (trials) to show us our weaknesses. All one
 needs to do is get serious and ask GOD to help our faith grow. Testing can make us spiritually
 stronger, - and it will if we turn things over to GOD. The Bible tells us, "Dear brothers and sisters,
 when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that
 when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow" (James 1:2-3 NLT).

 As we look to 2022, it may be easy to become discouraged and negative. Let me urge you to trust
 GOD to make it the best year ever! GOD is already moving in new & exciting ways at Elton-Zion! As
 you read this, plans are being made for EZUMC to enter deeper into the mission fields. These mis-
 sion fields are in our own back yard, we don't even have to leave the county, let alone the country, to
 do GOD's work and to show His love toward others.

 Recently Elton-Zion has generously donated to help the Jefferson Memorial Church over Christmas
 with monetary donations and toy donations, to make some children's Christmas special. But the
 need doesn't stop there. We must, as followers of Christ Jesus, continue to help as this community
 struggles with feeding the children and teaching GOD's Word.

 As we enter deeper into the mission field, we will need the help of every believer. Let me urge you to
 do the following: *Pray that GOD will guard us against the enemy. Satan always has something up
 his sleeve when people try to do GOD's work. We'll need prayer warriors to help form a "hedge of
 protection" around every missionary and their works. *Secondly, resolve to know Christ better in
 2022. The struggles are real. Our GOD is willing to help, He is willing to save us. Let's lean more on
 Him and trust Him in/with our lives, not only when times are good, but even more so when we have to
 face life's challenges.

 May we remember to reach out to people with the Good News of Christ and to be Jesus' hands and
 feet to this suffering world.

 I pray for each of you daily and look forward to walking on GOD's path with you in 2022.
            Happy New Year!
                 Pastor "D" (Daryl)

Food pantry donations can be dropped off Sunday mornings during wor-
ship times, or Mondays & Wednesdays between the hours of 11:00 a.m. -
1:00 p.m. (in the back of the Sanctuary).

Staple items for the food pantry are canned soups, canned fruits & vege-
tables, peanut butter & jelly, pasta & sauce, pancake mix & syrup. All
items are accepted. If you cannot bring the items to the church, please
call (814) 266-1512 and leave a message.

Thank you for sharing your blessings with others.

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

         Youth Group meetings will resume in February, 2022.

                                     We will be un-decorating on Sunday, January 9, 2022 immediately
                                     following our worship services.

The Finance Committee and Administrative Council will meet on
Monday, January 18, 2022 beginning at 6:00 p.m. This will be a
combined Zoom meeting. Information for the Zoom meeting will be
emailed closer to the date.

                   Choir practice will resume on Wednesdays from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Come on out
                   and join us for fellowship and singing! If you have any questions, please contact
                   Stacy Novak at 814-244-6192.

 Our next Worship Committee meeting will be held on Monday, January
 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Social Hall.

                             If you are interested in being a Worship Leader during our worship services,
                             please contact Karen Kissinger. Also, there is a sign up sheet on the bulletin
                             board in the hallway.

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

                                        •   New Year’s Day, January 1, 2022
                                        •   Epiphany, January 6, 2022
                                        •   Baptism of the Lord, January 9, 2022
                                        •   Religious Freedom Day, January 16, 2022
                                        •   Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 17, 2022
                                        •   Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25, 2022

                                So help me God

No matter how firm our resolutions, we can’t make ourselves better people by
ourselves. God empowers our good works when we rely on his aid.

H.P. Nichols, a 19th-century poet, wrote:

If I resolve, with the new year, a better child to be,
’Twill do no good at all, I fear, but rather harm to me,
Unless I try, with every day, no angry word to speak;
Unless, each morn, to God I pray to keep me mild and meek.
Then let me try with all my might, and may God help me too,
Always to choose the way that’s right, whatever act I do.

                                                              First in line

                            We were rushing to our next destination when yet another traffic light turned
                            red. As usual, I had packed too many tasks into the day. Now we’d be even
                            later. While I stewed in frustration, my son had a completely different reaction
                            to being stopped. “Yes — I love this!” he shouted as we sat. “We’re first in
                            What an important lesson on perspective. I focused on the negative, but he
                            saw the good in the situation. As Proverbs 15:13 says, “A joyful heart brightens
                            one’s face, but a troubled heart breaks the spirit” (CEB).
                            Now instead of pep talks about half-full or half-empty glasses, our family offers
                            reminders about being stopped by a light versus being first in line. The next
                            time I’m delayed, I hope I can think, “Yes — I love this!”

                       “Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone's life..
                                           Be the light that helps others see.”
                                                 —Roy T. Bennett

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.
Ryan Graffius               Cory Baumgardner
Steve Chappie               Don Saccol
Becky Rusnak                Cindy Bailey
Rich Janik                  Melissa Baumgardner
Percy Helsel                Andrew Hoffman
Francine Novak              Heather Shaffer
Carter Tackett              Diane Gobbel
Patty Hasse                 Zachariah Gobbel
Augie Donate                Cindy Hassan
Roger Layton                Tiffany Maul

                                             Roger and Sally Layton                                     3

                                           Destiny's Outreach

On December 10, an email was sent out to many of you, and on December 12, during worship, we
shared about the needs of a local ministry. Destiny’s Outreach (led by Tina McGauley) is a local minis-
try serving children in the Prospect and surrounding neighborhoods. 3 times each week, Tina
McGauley makes 130-140 meals for children in this neighborhood. She prepares the meals where
her husband Bishop Joseph McGauley, serves as pastor – Jefferson Memorial Church.

We had learned that Destiny's Outreach was preparing for a Christmas party for all the children and
needed additional gifts for the children, ranging in age from babies to teenagers. God had lined up a
couple conversations to get the word out. Our Elton Zion Church members, extended families, a local
business, and even visitors which God had placed at Elton on December 12, were able to answer
God's call and fill the needs of this ministry. We delivered over 100 items to the Jefferson Memorial
Church on December 15!

Praise God for providing gifts to the children served by this ministry. Our God of wonder and awe put
these offerings of love together in only 6 days. Many thanks to our congregation for prayers and sup-
port of Destiny's Outreach.

Matthew 25:40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these
brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”

                                            Facing the future

Don’t worry about the future. Worry quenches the work of grace within you. The future belongs to God.
He is in charge of all things. Never second-guess him.
                                                                                   —François Fenelon

                  “One resolution I have made, and try always to keep, is this: to rise
                                        above the little things.”

                                                                       —John Burroughs

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

  Elton Zion Sunday School

                           Bible Verse
      You are my son, whom I dearly love; in you I find happiness.
                             Luke 2:41-52

Jan. 9            Jesus’ Baptism                               Luke 3:1-22

Jan. 16           Temptation in the Desert                     Luke 4:1-13

Jan. 23           Jesus in the Synagogue                       Luke 4:14-30

Jan. 30           Jesus Heals                                  Luke 4:38-44

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

                                Christmas Celebration
A wonderful time was had by all who attended the Christmas Celebration on December
12, 2021. Thank you to Haley Natta for organizing this event and to everyone who con-
tributed to making this celebration a huge success!

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.

         lton Zion United Methodist Church
         PO Box 96
         Elton, PA 15934

Phone: 814-266-1512

      Our relationship with Jesus doesn’t begin in heaven—it begins right here on earth
                                        and is continued into heaven”

Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community. Our Mission To transform people, creating disciples of Christ who are devoted to living in a biblically-functioning community.
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