Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina

Page created by Samantha Carrillo
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
2018 Media Kit

                  Our Name Says It All
    We do what nobody else does - cover one very special place, this state, and its
   economy, which is as diverse as the people who call it home. We produce quality,
in-depth journalism, digging behind the news, delivering what we uncover in a manner
        that, though at times provocative, is always fair, accurate and thorough.
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
Reach North
makers with                                                CIRCULATION
one buy.                                                   Total distribution: 30,124
                                                           Average readers per copy: 3.5
                                                           Total readership: 105,434

Our broad editorial view is
reflected in our circulation,
                                                              Charlotte 21.5%                                                                   Rocky Mount/Greenville 10%
which covers the entire state, not                         Gastonia, Kannapolis,Monroe, Salisbury                                            Goldsboro, Kinston, New Bern, Wilson
just one market. We are the only
                                                               Triad 18.4%                                                                      Fayetteville/Wilmington 10.3%
statewide business publication:                            Burlington, Greensboro,High Point,                                                Southern Pines, Pinehurst
If you are targeting qualified                             Winston-Salem
                                                                                                                                                    Hickory/Boone 5.5%
business owners and senior-level                               Triangle 25.7%
                                                           Cary, Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh                                                       Asheville 6.3%
managers in North Carolina,
BNC delivers.                                              Business North Carolina magazine’s circulation is audited by BPA Worldwide, an independent international organization that verifies circulation data.

105,434                                           Total monthly
                                                                                                                            Loyal readers make better prospects
                                                                                                                            Almost all of BNC’s readers have
They are
                                                                                                                            subscribed to the magazine for three
                                                                                                                            or more years. They’re loyal readers
74 %                                                      18 %                    8%                                        because they trust what they will
   Top management & business owners         Mid-management & professionals                 Others                           receive each month will be both

        90                % Influence
                                                                                                                            valuable and entertaining.
                                      the purchasing
                            decisions of their company
                                                                                                                            As a result of reading BNC:

The average household income of BNC readers                                                                                 • 62% Contacted a company
40 %                         31     %
                                                           26       %
                                                                                        3     %                               because of an advertisement in
                                                                                                                              Business North Carolina
    < $50,000 - $99,000     $100,000 - $199,000    $200,000 - $399,000             $400,000 >

                                                                                                                            • 81% Discussed an item you saw
                                                                                                                              in Business North Carolina with

                  85%        college              82             % 59Under
                                                                      years                                                 • 68% Passed an item along or
                                                                                   of age
                          graduates                                                                                           refer information to a business

71                   %
                                                                                                                            December 2016 BPA Brand Report + October 2017
                                                                                                                            U.S. Postal Statement + December 2016 Circulation
                                  Spend 30 minutes or                                                                       Verification Council publication audit report
                                  more reading each issue
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
ADVERTISING RATES                                                                                         AD SIZES
 PAGE UNIT                        12X              7X             4X           1X                          AD UNIT                                          WIDTH             DEPTH

 Black and White                                                                                           Full Page (non bleed)                               7               10
 Full Page                     $3,750         $3,948         $4,381 $5,122                                 Full Page (bleed)                                8.375            11.125
                                                                                                             will be trimmed to:                            8.125            10.875
 2/3 Page                        2,757          2,915          3,341         4,065
                                                                                                           2/3 Page                                         4.625               10
 1/2 Vertical                    2,535          2,633          2,984         3,526                         1/2 Page (vertical)                              4.625             7.125
 1/2 Horizontal                  2,295          2,425          2,732         3,216                         1/2 Page (horizontal)                               7              4.875
 1/3 Page                        1,535          1,642          1,834         2,146                         1/3 Page (vertical)                               2.25               10
                                                                                                           1/3 Page (horizontal)                            4.625             4.875
 Four-Color                                                                                                All measurements are in inches.
 Full Page                       5,044          5,364          6,061         6,439
 2/3 Page                        3,821          4,042          4,628         5,693
 1/2 Vertical                    3,626          3,849          4,359         5,149
 1/2 Horizontal                  3,293          3,479          3,948         4,662
 1/3 Page                        2,335          2,504          2,800         3,306
                                                                                                                    Full Page                                2/3 vert.

 Inside Front                    5,845          6,383          7,212         8,390
 Inside Back                     5,654          6,007          6,790         7,897
 Back                            6,315          6,709          7,576         8,807

 Two-Page Spreads
 Black and White                 6,773          7,297          8,153         9,650
 Four-Color                      9,498        10,083         11,410 13,527                                     1/3 horiz.

 Black plus one process color: Add $695 to black-and-white rate.
 PMS and metallic ink: Consult publisher regarding availability and                                                                                                                1/3
 additional cost.                                                                                                                                                                 vert.
 Guaranteed placement: Add 10% to appropriate rate. Late charges                                                                                            1/2 vert.
 will be billed accordingly up to $250.
                                                                                                                     1/2 horiz.
 Consult publisher. Due to the varying nature of inserts, each insert will
 be quoted individually.

TERMS: Payment for advertising and related charges is due upon receipt of our invoice. A       placement for and publish entire contents of the ad. In consideration of Publisher’s
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                                                                                               COPYRIGHTS: Business North Carolina shall own all advertising for which it has
RATES: Earned rates — Advertisers may run different-sized ads under their frequency discount   provided design and/or copy-writing services, including all copyrights relating thereto. All
rates. No cash rebates will be made on earned rates. Short rates — Advertising ordered at      such advertising and related materials will be copyrighted for exclusive use in Business
frequency discount rates and not earned within the year will be rebilled at the earned rate.   North Carolina.

COPY AUTHORIZATION: All advertisements are accepted and published by Publisher                 CANCELLATIONS: All cancellations must be in writing and are not accepted after
upon the representation that the agency and/or advertiser is authorized to contract            published space closing dates. Contracts for cover insertions cannot be canceled.
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
A User’s Guide to BNC’s Planning Calendar
                                                                                                                      NC TREND: A deeper look at a key trend within a specific industry
                                                                                                                      TOWN SQUARE: A story capturing the flavor of one of NC’s intriguing
                                                                                                                      ROUNDTABLE: A discussion of essential, timely business topics by corporate,
                                                                                                                      academic and government leaders (sponsorships available)
                                                                                                                      COMMUNITY PROFILE: A report on the economic vibrancy of a city or region

2018 Planning Calendar
January                                        February
Ad Close: Nov 21, 2017                         Ad Close: DEC 20, 2017
Materials Due: Nov 28, 2017                    Materials Due: Dec 27, 2017

       Legal Elite 2018                                                Power 100
                                                                       A look at North Carolina’s most
 ››   Top N.C. Stocks                                                  influential leaders
 ››   NC Trend: Sports
      town square: Statesville
      Roundtable: Transportation | Logistics
                                                ›› town square: Smithfield
                                                ›› Roundtable: Economic Forecast
                                                ›› Community Profile: Catawba County                                                                                                       Ad Close: JAN 22, 2018
 ››   Community Profile: Southern Pines,
                                                ›› First in Flight: NC Aviation & A A A                                                                                                    Materials Due: Jan 29, 2018
      Pinehurst, and Aberdeen
 ›› special supplement:                                                                                                                                                                        Healthcare
           Energized: A Guide to the                                                                                                                                                           Top NC Hospitals
           Energy Industry
                                               May                                                                                                                                          ›› NC Trend: Energy
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› town square: Garland
                                               Ad Close: MAR 20, 2018                                                                                                                       ›› Roundtable: Manufacturing
                                               Materials Due: Mar 27, 2018                                                                                                                  ›› Destinations: Executive Travel, L L L
                                                                                                                                                                                            llllLeisure, and Hotels
                                                                     Education                                                                                                              ›› education: NC Community Colleges
                                                                      NC Higher Education
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› cash crop: A Guide to Agribusiness
                                                                      Directory: A look at our state’s
                                                                      private and public universities
April                                                                 and community colleges

Ad Close: FEB 20, 2018
Materials Due: Feb 27, 2018
                                                ›› Best Employers in NC                                                                                                                    June
                                                ›› NC Trend: Travel and Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                           Ad Close: APR 20, 2018
                                                ›› town square: Havelock
       Golf Industry                                                                                                                                                                       Materials Due: Apr 27, 2018
                                                ›› Roundtable: Health Care
       Top 100 Golf Courses
                                                ›› Community Profile: Gaston                                                                                                                   Finance and Banking
 ›› NC Trend: Manufacturing                                                                                                                                                                    List of Largest Banks & Credit
 ›› town square: Wilkesboro                                              AmAzon is full of hot Air                                     Hurricane MattHew’s legacy
                                                              bedroom boxing • cataWba’s apple ties • march madness          Veterans take charge • a textile comeback? • Doctor Dealing

 ›› Roundtable: Biotechnology                      N O R T H                        C A R O L I N A
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› NC trend: Transportation
 ›› Community profile: Eastern NC                                                                                                                                                           ›› town square: Concord
 ›› Economic Development:                                                                                                                                                                   ›› Community Profile: Triad
 N NC Industrial Parks                                                                          Wide
                                                                                          hospital-industry kingpin
                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› Healthcare: Heart Health
                                                                                  eugene Woods eyes growth at giant

                                                                                                                                                                                            ›› life science: Exploring the Industry in
                                                                                       carolinas healthcare system.
                                                       March 2017                                                              April 2017

Bonus Distribution
                                                Price: $3.95 businessnc.com                                  plus:     Price: $3.95 businessnc.com

                                                                                            state's best hospitals

Golf Reprints distributed to all NC                                                                                                                                                         N North Carolina
Visitors Centers
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
July                                      August                                   September
Ad Close: MAY 21, 2018                    Ad Close: JUN 20, 2018                   Ad Close: JUL 20, 2018
Materials Due: May 28, 2018               Materials Due: Jun 27, 2018              Materials Due: Jul 27, 2018

       Economic Development:                     Money Management                         Next Gen: The 20- and
                                                 Top Public Companies of NC              30-somethings poised to lead the
       Top Projects
 ››   NC Trend: Real Estate                ›› NC Trend: Health Care                 ›› NC Trend: Military
 ››   town square: Manteo                  ›› town square: Sylva                    ›› town square: Tryon
 ››   Roundtable: Family Business          ›› Roundtable: Energy
                                                                                    ›› Community Profile: Chatham County
 ››   Community Profile: Western NCR       ›› Community Profile: Nash/
                                                                                    ›› Continuing Education: MBA
 ››   research: Key innovations in         E  Edgecombe Counties
                                                                                    iiiiPrograms, Distance Learning,
      university and corporate research    ›› meetings: Corporate Meeting gl
                                              Guide                                 iiiiExecutive Education
                                           ›› Health Care: Cancer Care              ›› Law Journal: Articles Written by
                                                                                    iiiiTop Lawyers in NC
                                          Bonus Distribution
                                          Meeting Planners across the region
                                                                                   Ad Close: OCT 22, 2018
                                                                                   Materials Due: Oct 29, 2018

                                                                                          Small Business of the Year
                                                                                    ››   NC Best Doctors
Ad Close: aug 21, 2018
Materials Due: Aug 28, 2018                                                         ››   NC Trend: Technology

      Largest Private Companies
                                          November                                  ››
                                                                                         town square: Jefferson
                                                                                         Roundtable: Travel & Tourism
                                          Ad Close: SEP 20, 2018                    ››   Community Profile: NC Coast
 ›› NC Trend: Agriculture                 Materials Due: Sep 27, 2018               ››   Workforce Development: Trends in
 ›› town square: Mebane                                                                  state-of-the-art employee training
 ›› Roundtable: Business and Education           Building North Carolina
                                                 Top NC Construction Projects
 ›› Community Profile: Rowan /
    Cabarrus Counties
                                           ››   NC Trend: Education
 ›› Healthcare: Orthopedic Care in NC                                                      North Carolina Economic
                                           ››   town square: Reidsville
 ›› special supplement:                    ››   Roundtable: Cybersecurity                  Guide | Fall 2018
      NC Small Business Handbook:          ››   Community Profile: Pitt County     Established source of information for
      A special Business North Carolina                                            businesses considering expansion or
      publication polybagged with BNC      ››   Guide to Business: Insights into
                                                                                   relocation to North Carolina.
                                                the World of Business - Articles
                                                Written by NC Business Experts     Ad close: Sep 11, 2018
Bonus Distribution                                                                 Materials Due: Sep 25, 2018
Small Business and Technology              ›› special SUPPLEMENT:                  • Selected, targeted economic development experts
                                                 NC Mid-Market Fast 40             • North Carolina Economic Developers Association members
Development Centers across the state             Companies                         • NC General Assembly and Governor’s Cabinet
                                                                                   • Year-round audience w digital version and dedicated website

              Charlotte | Western NC                                        Triangle | Eastern NC
                 Andrea Kroger                                             Melanie Weaver Lynch
                 704-523-4350                                                 919-855-9380
            akroger@businessnc.com                                        mweaver@businessnc.com
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
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The source for North Carolina business news every day
Timely, Accessible, Relevant.

BusinessNC.com is attracting a growing
number of savvy visitors who want to stay
informed about North Carolina issues,
ideas and people. Only BusinessNC.com
provides coverage of the news from every
region in the state, unique web content                                                                  • Mobile-friendly format
and a wealth of analysis, in-depth stories,
                                                                                                         • Daily Digest: Business and
research and information. All from a source
                                                                                                           government news from
that’s been trusted for more than 35 years.                                                                newspapers around the state
                                                                                                         • Regional Report: Current
                                  A DIGITAL EDITION OF                                                     business and political news links
                                                                                                           for key geographic regions of the
                                        FOR YOUR iPAD
                                                                                                         • Popular annual editions of the
  Enjoy North Carolina’s premier business monthly anytime, anywhere in pixel-perfect resolution            Legal Elite, Best Employers in NC,
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                                  issues or one-year subscriptions   3   Enjoy your downloaded edition
                                                                         in less than one minute
                                                                                                           and Best Golf Courses

                                                                                                              AVERAGE MONTHLY SITE STATISTICS:

                                                                                                          15,764                             Unique visitors

                                                                                                          25,483                             Total visitors

                                                                                                          42,777                             Page views

                                                                                                          15,518                             New visits
                                                                                                          Source: Google Analytics, June 1, 2015 - June 1, 2016
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
banner Ad Rates

 AD POSITION                                                    3 months*   6 months*

 Homepage only banner (995 x 105)                               $900/mo     $695/mo
 Run-of-site sidebar banner (300 x 250)                         $900/mo     $695/mo
 *Rates based on consecutive months

Ad positions will rotate with other advertisers throughout
the website except for exclusive sponsorships.
Exclusivity in certain positions can be arranged with
your sales representative at an additional charge. Print
advertisers receive discounts for their online advertising,
contact your sales representative for details.

     Ad Sizes and Specs
 Clients provide all ad materails.

 ad position                             Size in pixels (WxH)

 Homepage banner                                995 x 105
 Sidebar banner                                 300 x 250
 Supported creative formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG.
 Maximum file size 105kb. Suggested max. animation
 time: 15 sec. Suggested max. # of loops: 3. Ads will be
 served on desktop and mobile platforms.

 Ad Materials Deadlines
 Please submit all materials and instructions to:
 one week prior to campaign start date.
 (Note: Ads shown are to scale but not actual size.)

 All artwork submitted must include:
 •    Advertiser branding (i.e. company name,
      product name or logo)
 •    Technical contact name, email address
      and phone number
 •    Traffic instructions
 •    Linking URL
 •    Rotation instructions
 •    Alternate (“alt”) text
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
Daily Digest is a must read for anyone who wants to have an insider’s
understanding of North Carolina Business. Target business leaders with Daily
Digest. 7,000 emails are sent daily to top executives throughout NC … place
your ad directly in the inbox of this affluent demographic.
Inclusion in 140,000 direct emails per month.

  Sponsorship package
   •    Powerful marketing images seen daily by our readers. Package offers
        three opportunities to expand market footprint: Company branding
        within masthead via Presenting Sponsor, Team Profile Sponsored
        Content, and Sponsored Content Series
   •    Presenting Sponsor: This will include company branding within
        masthead and “Powered by... or Driven by...” verbiage.
   •    Team Profile Sponsored Content: Introduce your team to Daily Digest
        readers in an editorial voice
   •    Sponsored Content Series: Provide elements of sponsored content
        (native-style articles) per month, professional copywriting included. This
        can also include video which would appear as an image and upon click
        through would link to you tube, vimeo, website or wherever the video is
   •    Customized company ads will rotate positions daily between “Presenting
        Sponsor”, “Team Profile”, or “Sponsored Content Series” giving your
        company a constant presence.

  horizontal Banner Ad
   •    600 width x 200 depth pixels
   •    Can accept jpg, gif, png file types. No flash or rich media. Please keep file
        size under 100kb. Please include click-thru link.

            Contact your BNC representative today!
       TRIANGLE | EASTERN NC                    Charlotte | Western NC
        Melanie Weaver Lynch                          Andrea Kroger
            919-855-9380                              704-523-4350
       mweaver@businessnc.com                    akroger@businessnc.com

                                  North Carolina’s only statewide business publication
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
Our Name Says It All - Business North Carolina
1230 West Morehead Street, Suite 308, Charlotte, NC 28208 • 704-523-6987
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