COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T

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COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T)

  Infiniti Office, Belleza BSA 1st Floor
  Permata Hijau Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12210,
  +62 21 5890 5002

COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
                                                                                                     Notary Act                                           SIUP No:
                                                                                                     Olivia Christie Sulendra,                            2376/24.1PM/31.74/-1.824.27/e/2016
                                                                                                     S. H., M. Kn No. 5, 29 July 2015

                                                                                                     TIN (NPWP) No:                                       TDP No:
                                                                                                     74.626.851.5-016.000                                 3000/24.3PT/31.74/-1.824.27e/2016

         ABOUT US                                                                                    THE A TEAM
                                                                                                     Nusantara I/C/T’s leadership team has a long history of success and experience in technology, IT, and
                                                                                                     business management.

Discover Nusantara I/C/T, the company             With its deep technology expertise and
believe that bringing together people,            industry knowledge, Nusantara I/C/T works
technology, and business is the way forward.      with clients across different business sectors:
Every day we power sustainable progress for       Financial Services, Health, Manufacturing,
our clients and partners, the wider community     Media, Utilities, Public Sector, Retail,
and ourselves. It is our unique approach as       Telecommunications, and Transportation.
business technologists that make this possible.

Nusantara I/C/T is a privately owned IT           Nusantara I/C/T remains focused on its prime
Services & Support business formed in 2015.       objective–to deliver high quality solutions to
The general purpose of Nusantara I/C/T is to      its clients at optimal costs by adopting the
                                                                                                            Novry Munawarsyah                                        Dominique M. Bone
                                                                                                            Commissioner & Co-Founder                                CEO & Co-Founder
develop and promote advanced information          most relevant and advanced technologies
technologies for multi-user operation. We         through empowering professionals and
provide consulting & systems integration          building trust-based relationships with its
services, managed IT services, cloud services,    clients.       Through       state-of-the-art
network installation, IT hardware, digital        infrastructure, strong resource pipeline,
advertising, custom web and mobile                financial transparency and good corporate
application, as well as IT security services.     governance practices, Nusantara’s clients gain
                                                  the benefits of a unique, client-focused culture
                                                  and management commitment focused on
                                                  long-term relationships.

                                                                                                               Adi Sunardy                                           Muhammad Nasir
              When value is a concern, Nusantara I/C/T is your best investment.                                COO & Co-Founder                                      CTO
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
OUR VISION & MISSION                                                                               OUR SERVICE
We’re more than just techies, or consultants who aren’t truly accountable for delivery. We’re
                                                                                                   1 MANAGED IT SERVICE                       fixing issues before they happen
dedicated professionals as passionate about business as we are about technology. We love
challenges. There will always be another problem to solve, another innovation to implement, but    Imagine several months passing without                 The long and short of it: Our Managed IT
                                                                                                   having to worry about an IT-related issue. No          services give you the best value for the money.
we’re not about giving up.
                                                                                                   hassles over software updates or integration,          It proactively provides seamless technology
                                                                                                   no frustration around downtime and no lost             integration, updated systems and expert
We’re about progress. We’re about bringing        Progress has no use-by date, so neither does     sleep over a security breach. You’re away from         technical support at all times—not just when
together people, business and technology in       our commitment to do whatever it takes to        the office, feeling confident that your                something breaks.
order to power progress.                          help you build the firm of the future.           company’s complete IT infrastructure is being          It meets all of your IT needs, plus increases
                                                                                                   fully taken care of.                                   your team’s efficiency and productivity.
We can’t always do it alone, which is why we      Our ambition is to become a #1 company & the
have a network of partners in place so that       preferred ICT brand. This ambition is directly
progress is always possible.                      supported by our brand strategy. We define       2 IT CONSULTANCY SERVICE                           IT consultancy services tailored to you.
                                                  our own category & positioning within IT to
                                                  differentiate us from our competitors: your      Due to the fast-paced nature of the technology         or an IT manager with an in-house team,
                                                  business technologists.                          world, it’s always beneficial to have a second         looking for further expertise and resource or
                                                                                                   opinion before you start making major                  guidance at a tactical level, we can help.

                                                                                                   We’ll work with you to understand your                 From ad-hoc, helpful advice to a fully managed
        OUR VISION for the future is to           OUR MISSION at Nusantara I/C/T is to
                                                                                                   business goals and aspirations, so we can              design and implementation, we’re happy to
        accelerate progress by uniting people,    empower our clients on their digital
                                                                                                   deliver a roadmap detailing exactly how you            provide as much or as little help as you need,
        business and technology                   journey by applying our in-depth
                                                                                                   can get there. We’ll tailor the amount and level       with our tailored IT consulting services. Speak
                                                  market knowledge and portfolio of IT
                                                                                                   of consultancy to your needs. So, whether              to one of our highly experienced consultants
                                                                                                   you’re an SME looking for initial consultation         today, who have a wealth of both business and
                                                                                                   and project delivery,                                  technical expertise.
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
5 IT HARDWARE                 Because your business works when your hardware works.

                                                                                                    Your staff relies on servers, notebooks, and      We can also provide the software and licensing
                                                                                                    workstations to perform their duties, and         to add to your hardware solutions, including
                                                                                                    when your equipment goes down, you lose           Windows 2008R2, Exchange 2010, SQL 2008
                                                                                                    productivity.                                     Server and SharePoint, to name a few. No
                                                                                                                                                      matter if it’s a server operating system,
                                                                                                    Nusantara I/C/T provides IT hardware supplies     desktop operating system or additional
                                                                                                    including but not limited to Intel server,        productivity software, our skilled staff will
                                                                                                    workstation, and networking components that       make sure it is installed and configured
                                                                                                    allows us to help you build, replace and          properly. And if “off the shelf” software does
                                                                                                    upgrade hard drives, processors and most          not fit your specific needs, our software
                                                                                                    other business critical parts quickly. We also    development team can help.
                                                                                                    have the flexibility of providing hardware
                                                                                                    solutions   from      the    most      popular

3 CUSTOM SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT                                                                       6 IT SUPPORT
Companies looking for software to solve problems and power growth face a challenging dilemma: do    Nusantara I/C/T, is an end to end technology            Full IT support for small and medium
they invest in a fully custom software solution or go with an off-the-shelf product? At Nusantara   solutions provider, a reliable outsourced IT            businesses – We deliver both remote
I/C/T, we have experience helping businesses achieve their goals through custom so ware solu ons    company that combines expertise, creativity             and on-site support all across Indonesia.
based on a deep understanding of their unique processes, challenges and needs.                      and versatility for your success. Our solutions
                                                                                                    help businesses migrate to the cloud, improve           Proactive IT support services – Our staff
No matter what type of your work you do, Our customized software development will fulfil your       operations on-premise through managed IT                has the necessary experience and
needs.                                                                                              services and nationwide 24/7 onsite IT                  knowledge to eliminate IT related
                                                                                                    support. Here is what you should expect:                threats before they become problems.

                                                                                                                                                            Dedicated IT solutions – We analyse
4 CLOUD COMPUTING CONSULTING SERVICES                                                                                                                       your needs and provide you with a
                                                                                                                                                            customized solution: fast and reliable.
Nusantara I/C/T helps organiza ons transform       We assist customers with our on-demand
their IT environment with best-in-class Cloud      delivery of computing services, tools and
Computing Services. Our team of experts            applications such as servers, storage,
delivers highly-effective and reliable cloud       databases, networking, software, apps, among
computing services that provide organizations      others.
with a competitive edge.
                                                   By enabling organizations for cloud adoption,
Our cloud solutions enable organizations to        we help them become more agile and
reduce IT resource requirements and improve        responsive to the changing market landscape,
productivity, in addition to lowering costs and    thus supporting them in the right
reducing the time-to-market.                       decision-making and maximizing their Return
                                                   on Investment (ROI).
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
                                                                                                     Nusantara I/C/T provides network installa on         Every business has different requirements in
                                                                                                     services and proving to be a leader amongst          relation to their network and the way they
                                                                                                     local computer network companies servicing           handle their voice, data & internet solutions.
                                                                                                     nationwide of Indonesia. Our network                 We are expert network advisors who can assist
                                                                                                     engineers can design & install your company's        you with a custom network installation cost
                                                                                                     computer network, that's custom constructed          and quote. Whether your company require a
                                                                                                     and purely built to fit your business IT and         brand new network install or expanding your
7 WEB & MOBILE APP DEVELOPMENT                                                                       security requirements.                               current network we are here to give you a free
We are a web & app development company              We follow highly advanced service delivery                                                            no cost or obligation quote.
that turns your ideas into a new driving force of   models and progressive techniques to             Our engineers & network installers will liaise
your business. We are supported by brilliant        accomplish your project in the best possible     with your company's IT team to ensure you are        Whether your business being public, private or
web and mobile app developers to deliver            manner and in a minimum amount of time. We       kept informed throughout the entire network          educational you can depend on Nusantara
projects on time and maintain the top-notch         have highly experienced, target oriented and     planning, design and installation process. We        I/C/T to deliver a complete professional
code standards.                                     motivated technical staff. We never stop         can even provide network maintenance                 package, including installation, testing,
                                                    learning the emerging programming platforms      services on a regular schedule post installation.    certification and ongoing maintenance.
Our expertise in e-commerce, adtech/martech,        to improve our services. Our development
and people-to-people fields as well as other        methodologies and technical knowledge
business areas helps us develop web and             simplify the desired outcome.
mobile solutions tailored with care for our
clients. You can come to us at any stage of your    We listen to you. We believe in focusing on
project - from just an idea to architecture, from   keeping the routes of communication open and     9 DIGITAL ADVERTISING
development to quality assurance and support.       flowing so that we can understand your basic
                                                                                                     As a digital ad agency, it’s essential to keep the   We make digital advertising work for you, by
                                                    requirements and establish a strong
                                                                                                     end goal of your campaign in mind. When you          focusing on key impact areas to deliver positive
Our team is determined to provide                   relationship. As a leading Web Design and
                                                                                                     work with Nusantara I/C/T, your goals are            results for your brand, to help you amplify
result-oriented and comprehensive mobile            Development Company, we utilize the best
                                                                                                     prioritized and are at the forefront of every        brand reach, engage your audience, win new
application development services. We are            platform and the most effective approach to
                                                                                                     campaign. Always pressing toward the end goal        customers, and measure advertising impact.
committed to offer complete web solutions,          develop creative and innovative solutions that
                                                                                                     is what allows us to drive astronomical results
web application as well as portal development       will maximize your profitability.
                                                                                                     for our clients — and you could be next.
services at the best prices.
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
Develop effective ideas,
develop the future with us.
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
OUR CORE VALUES                                                                                             WHY CHOOSE US
While everyone in the business world today understands the importance of getting value, improving
value, challenging value, at Nusantara I/C/T we also talk about values – and how we live by them.

These aren’t just words of an acronym to be remembered – we believe they are critical to doing
business well. If we all live by these values, we act as one Atos to our clients, customers, colleagues,    There are many reasons to collaborate with us, here are 6 of the many reasons why you should
and shareholders. So take a moment to think about how you can apply these values in your daily work,        choose us to build your infrastructure, support your people and systems, as well as advise you on
every day.                                                                                                  projects to achieve your goals successfully.

ACCOUNTABILITY                                         TRUST                                                QUICK RESPONSE                                      EXPERIENCED
We believe in accountability. Our customers            We believe in trust. It is a precious commodity      We do realize that time is a high-value asset for   We are supported by experienced team
ask us questions and we answer them – full             in the world today and we value it highly. This      your business, and we will support you to           members in a wide spectrum of technologies,
stop. We take ownership from A to Z. We                means we always act with transparency and            minimize the IT service disruption risks timely     industries, and application types.
deliver what we say we will, not passing               integrity, demonstrating mutual respect in all
responsibility onto others. We hold ourselves          relationships. We encourage open and honest
accountable to our clients and our colleagues          feedback. And we expect it in return from our        NO GEEK SPEAK                                       BUSINESS SAVVY
for the outcome.                                       colleagues and our clients.
                                                                                                            You deserve to have your questions answered         We design, evaluate, and justify technology
                                                                                                            clearly in the designated language. Our             solutions from a thorough understanding of
OPERATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS                            SERVICE                                              support team will clearly explain what is           the business benefit for your company.
                                                                                                            happening so you understand.
We wholeheartedly believe in operational               We believe in being of service to clients.
competitiveness. We strive daily to add value          Together, we work to understand their
and achieve excellence. We do so by being              businesses. We anticipate their needs and            ONE-STOP SHOP                                       100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE
agile, #exible and pro-active, continuously            expectations in order to develop a mutual,
looking for ways to do things better, faster,          long-term partnership. Pro-active, we respond        We handle all aspects of your IT infrastructure     We design, evaluate, and justify technology
cheaper and stronger.                                  quickly, provide solutions and seek feedback.        requirements including hardware, software           solutions from a thorough understanding of
                                                       We foster a can-do attitude and a healthy team       management, and any other related                   the business benefit for your company.
                                                       spirit.                                              technology needs.

INNOVATION                                             EXCELLENCE
We believe in innovation. It keeps us sharp.           Bottom line, we believe in excellence. We
Positive. Creative. Enthusiastic. A cut above          maintain the highest standards in everything
the rest. We welcome fresh ideas and inventive         we do, focus on results, act with ambition. It
solutions. It keeps us evolving, seeking to            attracts the best people to us. That, in turn,
improve and meet new challenges.                       attracts the best clients. Being the best gives us
                                                       the competitive edge both for ourselves as
                                                       individuals and as a company.
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T

                                                                                       JJ Utomo,                                        Sesaltina Jannet
                                                                                       Semarang – ID                                    Dili – TL
                                                                                       (Entertainment Plaza)                            (Telkomcel)
Juwita Anindya,                               Azma Putra,
Jakarta – ID                                  Malacca – MY                             Nusantara I/C/T provide excellent                Nusantara I/C/T is T.O.P and
(Sulwhasoo Indonesia)                         (Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka)    support & services. Without doubt                recomended IT provider. They’re ready
                                                                                       they are one of the best IT provider I           for 24/7 to support all of our many
Working with Nusantara I/C/T is really        Excellent service. Provide quick         have worked with and their                       needs and desires. The result is always
good for branding. The team is very           response whenever I need assistance.     communication and focus is superb. I             in line with expectations. Obrigado
helpful and the result is satisfying. It is   Really recommended IT service            would retain their services without              barak & susesu nafatin iha futuru.
absolutely a recommended IT provider.         provider.                                hesitation into the future.

                                                                                                                Highest               Communication

                                                                                                   Problem                      Core                   Teamwork
                                                                                                   Solving                   Competencies
Teuku Fauzan,                                 Rika Dwita Yanty,
Medan – ID                                    Surabaya – ID
(Telkom Indonesia)                            (Owner of FAS Kitchen)

Nusantara I/C/T provides us with              Professional and Excellent Support. Do                            Analytical                  Customer
satisfaction. Surely we will cooperate        not have any doubt to work with                                   Thinking                    Oriented
again with them in the next project.          Nusantara I/C/T again!
COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T COMPANY PROFILE - CONTACT INFORMATION PT. Nusantara Informasi Citra Teknologi (I/C/T) - Nusantara I/C/T
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