2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing

Page created by Henry Williams
2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Tenants’ Forum


2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Menu of
                                                        Why get involved?                                               Tenant
                                                        •   Be active in shaping your services                       Involvement
                                                        •   Make your area a better place to
  What is the Menu of                                       live in
  Tenant Involvement?                                   •   Have your say on the services you
  Choice Housing Ireland believes that it is            •   Be part of a group to review and
  essential to consider the views of our tenants            improve services
  with regard to the services and housing               •   Help us to further understand the
  schemes we provide. We are committed to                   needs of our tenants
  putting our customers at the heart of service
  delivery and we believe that by listening to and      •   Gain useful skills
  taking on board your views, we can ensure that        •   Receive relevant training
  policies and services are more responsive to
  changing needs and rising aspirations.                •   Meet new people

  We offer a range of ways for you to get
  involved, these methods must be fit for
  purpose and meet the needs of our
  tenants, providing opportunities
  on whatever level to best suit
  your lifestyle.
                                                                                 How do I get involved?
                                                     Your                        You can choose how and when to get involved
                                                                                 by selecting the type and level of involvement
                                                                                 that suits your lifestyle.

                                                                                 Choice would be delighted to hear from you.

                                                                                 You can download a copy of the Menu of
                                                                                 Tenant Involvement from our website
                                                                                 choice-housing.org or you can
                                                     Voice                       contact us on 0300 111 2211
                                                                                 and ask for the Tenant Involvement Team.
2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Message from our Tenant
Involvement Champion
As the Tenant Involvement Champion it is my pleasure together with our
great Editorial Team, to deliver the Choice 2020 annual calendar - just in
time for the New Year!

The new calendar layout designed by the Editorial Team, is useful for
recording those important dates and events! You will also find helpful
information regarding some of our services and opportunities for tenants
to participate with the Tenant Involvement Team and have your say.
Our aim is to enrich lives through great homes and services. We continue
to strive to keep tenants at the heart of what we do and encourage your
feedback to improve our services. I hope 2020 encourages more tenants                                                                    Editorial
to become involved in our working groups, forums and events. We want                                                                      Team
to continue to increase customer satisfaction and participation which will
continue to build sustainable and thriving communities.                                       Choice Tenants’ Forum Editorial Team:
                                                                                              Bill Jeffrey, James Watson, Geraldine McKee, Claire Darby,
Best wishes to you all for 2020.                                                              Jenny Mawhinney, Sharon Leslie, Rita Murray and Sylvia Shaw.

                               Claire Darby                                                     If you’re interested
                               Tenant Involvement Champion                    Get Involved      in joining our
                                                                              with Choice,      Tenant Involvement
                                                                             have your say!     Programme please
                                                                                                contact the Tenant
                                                                                                Involvement Team on
                                                                                                0300 111 2211

2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Eanáir Janvier Januari Sausis Styczeń Janeiro Lanuarie Enero Janaayo

january 2020
MON        TUE         WED           THURS      FRI         SAT                SUN

                        1            2          3           4                  5
                                                                               Birthday of
                        New                                                    Guru Gobind
                        Year’s Day                                             Singh (Sikh)

6           7           8            9          10          11                 12


13          14          15           16         17          18                 19

20          21          22           23         24          25                 26
                                                            Yuan Tan
                                                            (Chinese New                           Financial
                                                            Year) (Buddhist)
                                                                                               Inclusion Team
                                                                                                L-R Tom Reilly
27          28          29           30         31
                                                                                                Aidan McCrea
                                                                                              Carleen Stevenson

                                                                                                We can help
                                                                                              you with money
                                                                                              advice call us on
                                                                                               0300 111 2211

2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Feabhra Février Februari Vasaris Luty Fevereiro Februarie Febrero Febraayo

MON        TUE              WED            THURS      FRI           SAT   SUN

                                                                    1     2
                                                                                      To report
                                                                                     a repair call
3           4               5              6          7             8     9         0300 111 2211
                                                                                or email our Services
                                                                                 Centre at: repairs@
10          11              12             13         14            15    16
                                                      Day                            Michael
17          18              19             20         21            22    23
                                                                                  Choice Services
                                                      Shivaratri                     Engineer

24          25              26             27         28            29
            Shrove          Ash
            Tuesday         Wednesday
            (Pancake Day)   First day of

2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Márta Mars Maart Kovas Marzec Março Martie Marzo Maarso

MARCH 2020
MON       TUE              WED   THURS      FRI           SAT   SUN

                                                                St. David’s

2          3               4     5          6             7     8

9          10              11    12         13            14    15
Holi       Purim
(Hindu)    (Jewish)

16         17              18    19         20            21    22
                                                                Mother’s Day
           St. Patrick’s                                        Isra and Mi’raj
           Day                                                  (Islamic)

23         24              25    26         27            28    29
                                                                starts (clocks

30         31
                                                                                   Nixon’s Corner,

2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Mandy McMorris,
Aibreán Avril Balandis Kwiecień Abril Aprilie Abril Abriil                          Choice Tenant,
                                                                                  received help and

APRIL 2020                                                                         advice from our
                                                                                  Financial Inclusion
MON         TUE             WED       THURS               FRI      SAT   SUN

                            1          2                  3        4     5
                                       Rama Navami
                                                                                     Our Financial
                                       (Hindu)                                    Inclusion Team can
                                                                                     help you with
6            7              8          9                  10       11    12          money advice
                                       Maundy             Good           Easter        call us on
                                       Thursday           Friday         Sunday
                                                                                     0300 111 2211
13           14             15         16                 17       18    19
Easter       (Creation of
             the Khalsa)
Monday       (Sikh)

20           21             22         23                 24       25    26
                                       St George’s
                                       beings (Islamic)

27           28             29         30

2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Nursery Close,
Bealtaine Mai Mei Gegužė Maj Maio Mai Mayo Maajo                                      Ballymena

MAY 2020
MON           TUE     WED        THURS          FRI            SAT             SUN

                                                1              2               3

4             5       6          7              8              9               10
                                 (Buddah Day)   May Day
                                 (Buddhist)     Bank Holiday

11            12      13         14             15             16              17
                                                               of Guru Arjan
                                                               Dev (Sikh)

18            19      20         21             22             23              24

25            26      27         28             29             30              31
Spring Bank

2020 Tenants' Forum Calendar - choice-housing.org - Choice Housing
Meitheamh Juin Juni Birželis Czerwiec Junho Iunie Junio Juun

JUNE 2020
MON        TUE         WED         THURS       FRI        SAT         SUN

1           2           3          4           5           6          7

8           9           10         11          12          13         14

15          16          17         18          19          20         21
                                                           Summer     Father’s
                                                           Solstice   Day

22          23          24         25          26          27         28

29          30

                                                                                   Drumalla Park,
                                                                                 Community Fun Day

Iúil Juillet Juli Liepa Lipiec Julho Iulie Julio Luuliyo

JULY 2020
MON          TUE           WED           THURS            FRI           SAT   SUN

                            1            2                3             4     5

6             7             8            9                10            11    12
                                                                              Battle of the

13            14            15           16               17            18    19

20            21            22           23               24            25    26

27            28            29           30               31
                                         Tish’a B’Av      Eid al-Adha
                                         (Jewish)         (Islamic)
                                                                                               Estate Walkabout in
                                                                                              Killaire Wood, Bangor

St Galls, Belfast
Lúnasa Août Augustus Rugpjūtis Sierpień Agosto Agosto Agoosto           Community Fun Day

MON           TUE           WED   THURS         FRI         SAT   SUN

                                                            1     2

3             4             5     6             7           8     9
Summer Bank

10            11            12    13            14          15    16

17            18            19    20            21          22    23
                                  Al-Hijra/       Ganesh
                                  Muharram (New Chaturthi
                                  Year) (Islamic) (Hindu)

24            25            26    27            28          29    30


Meán Fómhair Septembre Rugsėjis Wrzesień Setembro Septembrie                      Court,
Septiembre Sebteembar

MON               TUE   WED     THURS       FRI         SAT             SUN

                  1     2        3          4           5               6

7                 8     9        10         11          12              13

14                15    16       17         18          19              20
                                                        Rosh HaShanah
                                                        (New Year)

21                22    23       24         25          26              27

28                29    30
Yom Kippur (Day
of Atonement)

Deireadh Fómhair Octobre Oktober Spalis Październik Outubro
                                                                                              with Choice
Octombrie Octubre Oktoobar

MON        TUE        WED        THURS              FRI      SAT             SUN

                                  1                 2        3               4
                                                             Sukkot begins

5          6           7          8                 9        10              11
                                                             Shmini          Simchat
                                                             Atzeret         Torah
                                                             (Jewish)        (Jewish)

12         13          14         15                16       17              18

19         20          21         22                23       24              25
                                                                             British Summer
                                                                             Time Ends
                                                                             (clocks back)

26         27          28         29                30       31                                  @ChoiceHousing
Bank                              Mawlid an
Holiday                           Nabi (Prophet’s
(ROI)                             Birthday)                  Halloween

                                                                                                 Choice Housing

Samhain Novembre Lapkritis Listopad Novembro Noiembrie
Noviembre Nofeembar

MON            TUE              WED   THURS            FRI       SAT   SUN


2              3                4     5                6         7     8
                                      Bonfire Night/
                                      Guy Fawkes’                      Remembrance
                                      Night                            Sunday

9              10               11    12               13        14    15

                                                                                ChoiceMVHR2.qxp_Layout 1 15/03/2017 11:16 Page 1

16             17               18    19               20        21    22            What you need to know               ChoiceCondensation.qxp_Layout
                                                                                                                                                         1 25/10/2016 11:01 Page 1

                                                                                     This ventilation system is designed to both
                                                                                     save you money and provide good air
                                                                                     quality within your home.         Important Things To Remember
                                                                                                                                                                                       _Layout 1 15/03
                                                                                                                    O off.
                                                                                                                       The three main ways to tackle condensa                                            /2017 11:19
                                                                                     • The system must not be switched                                       tion                                                    Page 1
                                                                                                                                   are to reduce the amount
                                                                                     • Vents in ceilings should not be adjusted,                        ChoiceofHousing
                                                                                                                                                                  moisture    in theLimited
                                                                                                                               air, ventilate your home Leslie
                                                                                       closed or blocked in any way.                                                     your homeWhat you nee
                                                                                                                                                        37-41 May Street
                                                                                                                               warm.                                                                   choice-
                                                                                                                                                                                                        d to knohousing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   w            .org
                                                                                     • Access will need to be providedOtoDo                             Belfast, BT1 4DN
                                                                                                                                    not dry your clothes
                                                                                                                                                                                  • During any
                                                                                                                                                        Email:  enquiries@choice-housing.org
                                                                                                                                                            indoors,   each load of                  interruption to
                                                                                       home, normally once a year, to either         clean                                          supply your sola                     your electricit
                                                                                                                               washing     will contain 3-6 litres of water.                          Choicer  Housing
                                                                                                                                                                                                              pan els     Ireland Limited y

                                                                                       or replace filters in your system to ensure                            @Choice_Housing       which is a Hea                       will
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Leslie Morrell House   stop working,
                                                                                                                         O Keep lids on pots when cooking                                                lth May
                                                                                                                                                                                                      37-41   and Safe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Streetty Requiremen
                                                                                       you are receiving good air quality.                                            and openThis  a means                                                t.

23             24               25    26               27        28    29
                                                                                                                              window or use the extractor    /ChoiceHousing
                                                                                                                                                                 fan if provided.                          if you
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Belfast, BT1hav
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4DNe a pre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              in Your
                                                                                     • The system only recovers some heat from                                                     electricity metEmail: enquiries@               pay
                                                                                                                         O Keep bathroom doors closed during                      work during any
                                                                                                                                                                                                       er your solar choice-hou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         panels willsing.org                            g.org
                                                                                       exhaust air. It is not a heating system and                                         and after                       periods when                not
                                                                                                                              bathing and showering. Open the                     of                        @Choice           you
                                                                                       incoming air may only be marginally                                              window or    cred it.                                      run
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        _Housing out             Choice Housing
                                                                                                                              use the fan if provided.                                                                                           Leslie Morrell    Ireland Limited
                                                                                       warmer than the outside air temperature.                                                • We would                  /ChoiceH                                             House
               Martyrdom of                                                                                              O Ensure all
                                                                                     • Your ventilation system may boost for a rooms are adequate
                                                                                                                                                        For all your
                                                                                                                                                                   ly heated any
                                                                                                                                                        housing enquiries
                                                                                                                                                                                 evenelectrical wor
                                                                                                                                                                                                       t that
                                                                                                                                                                                                           k to your hom
                                                                                                                                                                                                               you do not carr
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   y out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 37-41 May Stree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Belfast, BT1 4DNt

                                                                                                                             if rarely used.                                                                                  e and in the      Email: enquiries
               Guru Tegh                                                               short period of time either when you are
                                                                                                                             Do not use stand-alon0300
                                                                                                                         O because
                                                                                                                                                        Services Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                event that any
                                                                                                                                                                                                       electrical con
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         tractor is                               Managing
                                                                                       using your kitchen or bathroom,                                  e gas heaters         theseking in your home they
                                                                       Sunday                                                                                                   advised that sola                      sho  uld be                   @Choice_Hous and Preventing
               Bahadur (Sikh)                                                          humidity has increased or you have    appliance
                                                                                                                                   used s produce water.                                            Forrall your                                                          ing

                                                                                                         View our energy
                                                                                                                                                                                                           panels are pres
                                                                                                                        O Ventilate
                                                                                       the boost button. During this time      the                                             Once a year, housing enquiries
                                                                                                                                          properly. (Ventilation removes• stale,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ent.                /ChoiceHousingCondensation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                me we will con
                                                                                       system will produce slightly more
                                                                                       and you may feel more air movement.
                                                                                                                            moist    air). The most effective way to ventilate
                                                                                                                            is to open several windows to allow
                                                                                                                                                                               you to arrange
                                                                                                                                                                               we will check 0300to111
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a visit your 2211 tact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        home when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Your Home
                                                                                                                                                                         a through                that your syst

                                                                                                         saving advice at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     em is operatin
                                                                                     • If the system is switched off thendraft.
                                                                                                                             your                                             and also collect
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a meter reading                   g
                                                                                                                                                                              generation met                                 from your        For all your
                                                                                       home may suffer from condensation O In cold  andweather, opening windows for 5-10                             er.                                       housing enqu

                                                                                                                           minutes and                                    • Should you                                                                       iries
                                                                                       high humidity, which can cause mildew           several times a day will remove         moist          wish at any time                                Services Centre

                                                                                       mould growth. This may damage your  air  without allowing the fabric of the your sola
                                                                                                                                                                         building        r panels are wor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      to check that           0300 111 2211
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Panels for
                                                                                       home, your possessions and your     to cool
                                                                                                                                      significantly. This method will conserve
                                                                                                                                                                             view the read                       king then you
St. Andrew’s                                                                                                              heat and reduce energy loss as most (normal
                                                                                     • If you believe your system is not working
                                                                                                                                                                                               ing on the gen
                                                                                                                                                                          heat in a ly located bes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    eration meter
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ide your electrica

                                                                                                                          property is                                       distribution boa
Day                                                                                    correctly you should contact your Propertyheld within the building fabric
                                                                                                                          (walls, floors
                                                                                       Services Officer or Choice Services Centre etc.) and not the air itself. is increasing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  rd) over time to                 l
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        check that it
                                                                                       on 0300 111 2211.               O Further advice is available in your • If you
                                                                                                                                                                     Repairs believe you
                                                                                                                          Handbook.                                                                  r system is not
                                                                                                                                                                          correctly you                                   working
                                                                                                                                                                                              should contact
                                                                                                                                                                          Services Officer                           your Property
                                                                                                                      If you have any queries contact the                                        or Choice Serv
                                                                                                                                                                         on 0300 111 2211                             ices Centre   choice-housing.org
                                                                                                                         Services Centre on 0300 111 2211
                                                                                                                         to arrange a visit from your
                                                                                                                         Property Services Officer.

                                                  choice-housing.org                                                                                                                                                                                                                      choice-housin

Nollaig Décembre Gruodis Grudzień Dezembro Decembrie
Diciembre Diseembar
                                                                                         & A PEACEFUL

MON            TUE   WED       THURS            FRI         SAT         SUN

               1     2          3               4           5           6

7              8     9          10              11          12          13

14             15    16         17              18          19          20

21             22    23         24              25          26          27
Winter                                                      Day (St.
Solstice –                                      Christmas   Stephen’s
Shortest Day                                    Day         Day ROI)

28             29    30         31
                                New Year’s

                                                                              F R O M T H E B O A R D & S TA F F AT
                                                                               CHOICE HOUSING IRELAND
Different ways to pay your rent                                           Fire Safety                                                                                       Anti-social Behaviour
 and other charges                                                                                                                                                           Support for our customers
                                                                           Fires happen when you least expect them, often
                                                                           during the night. They also spread very quickly,                                                  Choice appointed Insec Security to provide
                                                                           damaging property, injuring and killing people.                                                   assistance to tenants whenever problems are
                                                                                                                                                                             encountered in relation to Anti-social Behaviour
Going Online – Pay                 The allpay App – Pay your rent
your rent online at                via the allpay App which is available   For more information or to download                                                               (ASB). This may include problems with excessive
www.choice-housing.org             to download from the Apple App          our Fire Safety Handbook visit                                                                    noise or threatening behaviour.
by clicking on ‘Pay Rent’          store, Windows Phone store or
on the homepage.                   Google Play enabling you to pay         choice-housing.org
                                   your rent from your Apple, Windows
                                                                                                                                                                             Please note the following:
                                   or Android smartphone.
                                                                                                                                                                             •    Tenants should continue to report all cases
                                                                                                                                                                                  of ASB to the Services Centre on 0300 111 2211,
                                                                                                                                                                                  during normal office hours. Please note the
Direct Debit – Set up a                                                                                                                                                           Insec Security service is only available to
Direct Debit agreement.
                                   Phone us – You will need to
                                                                                                             Fire Safety                                                          Choice tenants outside office hours.
Please contact the                                                                                           Handbook                    Together
Income Recovery Team               give us your rent reference
                                                                                                             Essential fire safety
                                                                                                                                         we enrich
                                                                                                                                                                             •    Any tenant who has concerns for their own
on 0300 111 2211.                  number (on your rent payment                                              information for                                                      safety, or believes that a crime has been
                                   card), your debit or credit card                                          your home
                                   details, and the amount you                                                                                                                    committed, should contact the PSNI.
                                   want to pay.                                                                                                                              •    Tenants living in sheltered housing schemes
                                                                                                                                                                                  should continue to report all cases of ASB
                                                                                                                                                                                  directly to their Scheme Co-ordinator or to
Post Office – You
can pay cash and show                                                                                                                                                             the Services Centre on 0300 111 2211, during
your rent payment card                                                                                                               choice-housing.org
                                                                                                                                                                                  normal office hours.
at any Post Office, shop           Post – Send a cheque or
or garage displaying the           postal order to our head
Paypoint sign. Make sure           office. Never send cash.
                                                                                                                                                                             Insec Security will only visit the person who is
                                                                                                                                                                             causing the ASB. Insec will not visit the tenant
                                                                           AW Choice Fire Safety A4.indd 2                                                16/10/2018 10:18

you get a receipt and              You need to allow three
keep it safe.                      days for your payment to                                                                                                                  making the complaint. This process is to ensure
                                   reach us on time.                                                                                                                         confidentiality is maintained.

                                                                                                                                                                             Please contact the Association if you require
Housing Benefit direct                                                                                                                                                       further information regarding this service.
payment – If you claim             Choice Offices – You can
Housing Benefit, it can be paid    pay with cash, cheque,
directly into your rent account.   or debit card. We accept
However, if your Housing           MasterCard, Visa, Visa
Benefit does not cover the         Electron, Solo and Switch.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Insec Security
full amount you still need to                                                                                                                                                    028 9020 0080
pay us the difference.


                                                                        Find out more about
                                                                        Sheltered Living on
                                           The Rowans
                                                                            our website
                                           Warrenpoint                  choice-housing.org
                                                                          or contact us on
                                                                           0300 111 2211
           Cabinhill Court

                             Craignagore                 Lillie Court
                             Newcastle                   Lisburn

Useful                             Housing Executive
                                   0344 892 0900                 SERVICES
Numbers                                                          PSNI
                                   Simon Community NI
                                   25-27 Franklin Street         www.psni.police.uk
Belfast City Council               Belfast                       999 or 101
www.belfastcity.gov.uk             County Antrim BT2 8DS
028 9032 0202                                                    Northern Ireland Fire
                                   028 9023 2882                 and Rescue Service
Department for Communities         Samaritans                    Headquarters
www.communities-ni.gov.uk          5 Wellesley Avenue            1 Seymour Street, Lisburn
028 9082 9000                      Belfast BT9 6DG               Co. Antrim, BT27 4SX
Northern Ireland Federation        028 9066 4422                 www.nifrs.org
of Housing Associations                                          028 9266 4221
                                   De Paul                       In emergency 999
www.nifha.org                      449 Antrim Road
028 9023 0446                      Belfast BT15 3BJ              Northern Ireland
                                   028 9064 7755                 Ambulance Service
Chartered Institute of Housing                                   Knockbracken Healthcare Park
www.cih.org                                                      Saintfield Road
028 9077 8222                                                    Belfast BT8 8SG
Department for Infrastructure
                                   Utility Services              028 9040 0999
www.infrastructure-ni.gov.uk      Budget Energy                  In emergency 999
028 9054 0540                     www.bugetenergy.co.uk
                                  0800 012 1177
Department for Agriculture,
                                  Electric Ireland
Environment and Rural Affairs
www.daera-ni.gov.uk               www.electricireland.com        Belfast City Hospital, Belfast
0300 200 7852                     0345 600 5335                  028 9032 9241
Translink                         Click Energy                   Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
www.translink.co.uk               www.clickenergyni.com          028 9024 0503
028 9066 6630                     0800 1 070732                  Ulster Hospital, Belfast
                                  Power NI                       028 9048 4511
Advice Agencies                   www.powerni.co.uk              Mater Hospital, Belfast
                                  0345 745 5455                  028 9074 1211
Housing Rights
www.housingrights.org.uk          SSE Airtricity                 Musgrave Park Hospital, Belfast
028 9024 5640                     www.sseairtricity.com          028 9090 2000
                                  0345 601 9093                  Lagan Valley Hospital, Lisburn
Citizen Advice Bureau
www.citizenadvice.org.uk          SSE Airtricity (Natural Gas)   028 9266 5141
0300 123 3233                     www.airtricitygasni.com        Altnagelvin Area Hospital,
028 9023 1120                     0345 900 5253                  Co. Londonderry
Equality Commission               Firmus Energy                  028 7134 5171
www.equalityni.org                www.firmusenergy.co.uk         Omagh Hospital and
028 9050 0600                     0330 0249 000                  Primary Care Complex
Ombudsman                         Phoenix Natural Gas            028 8283 3100
www.nipso.org.uk                  www.phoenixnaturalgas.com      Craigavon Area Hospital,
0800 34 34 24                     0345 455 5555                  Co. Armagh
                                  Northern Ireland Electricity   028 3833 4444
Energy Saving Trust
www.energysavingtrust.org.uk      Networks (NIE)                 Daisyhill Hospital, Co. Armagh
0800 142 2865                     www.nienetworks.co.uk          028 3083 5000
                                  03457 643 643                  South West Acute Hospital,
Age NI
www.ageuk.org.uk/northern-ireland NI Water                       Co. Fermanagh
028 9024 5729                     www.niwater.com                028 6638 2000
                                  0345 744 0088                  Causeway Hospital,
Law Society of Northern Ireland
www.lawsoc-ni.org                                                Co. Londonderry
028 9023 1614                                                    028 7032 7032
Leslie Morrell House
37 - 41 May Street     Together
                       we enrich
T: 0300 111 2211

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