Page created by Clara Mendoza
         SUMMER 2021
Embracing Our
Purpose and Values
How putting people first helps us succeed

Peter Xavier, Vice President
Glencore Sudbury Integrated Nickel Operations

                                                As we look back at what has
                                                been a most difficult year living
                                                and working through the worst
                                                pandemic in our lifetimes, we
                                                also look ahead with hope that
                                                the worst is behind us. More
                                                importantly, we should feel
                                                                                                Lauren Malafarina, Senior Process Engineer, Strathcona Mill, and member of the Emergency Response Team.
                                                immense pride over how we have
                                                continued to succeed by not
                                                losing sight of our shared values.              mining operations among the
                                                I thank all employees and their                 safest in the world, our COVID                       Historical Sulphur Dioxide Emissions Reduction
                                                                                                response is part of a Canada-wide
                                                families for having adapted so
                                                                                                Glencore effort that includes                                                                                     Sudbury INO Smelter
                                                well to our new reality.
                                                                                                a new Infectious Disease Task                                                                                 SO2 Emission Reductions 1960 -2020
                                                                                                                                                                               400000                                                                                     90000
                                                                                                Force and initiatives designed                                                                                       SO2 Emissions     Ni Prod
                                                Those values — safety, integrity,               to keep our workplace COVID-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Regulated Limit

                                                responsibility, openness,                       free. Expect these new safety                                                  300000                                                                                     67500

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Tonnes of Ni Production
                                                                                                                                                       Tonnes of SO2 Emitted
                                                simplicity and entrepreneurialism               protocols to continue for as long
                                                — define who we are, both as                    as the threat of outbreaks exist at
                                                a company and as individuals.                   all worksites.                                                                 200000                                                                                     45000

                                                And they support our Purpose
                                                to deliver the commodities                      While safety tools and training                                                100000                                                                                     22500
                                                necessary to advance everyday                   continue to be important, future
                                                life.                                           significant improvements
                                                                                                in safety will be the result of                                                    0
                                                                                                                                                                                        1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 2016 2020 2024

                                                                                                implementation of new
                                                At the heart of everything we
                                                                                                technology such as battery
                                                do is Safety. It has never been
                                                                                                electric and autonomous                         project continues unabated                                                         Other major projects that
                                                more of a focus than this past
                                                                                                equipment used to reduce                        where we face new challenges                                                       continued this past year
                                                year as we adapted to the reality               emissions and remove workers                    that require innovative solutions                                                  include our feasibility work on a
                                                of working under the threat of                  from hazards.                                   and the application of advanced                                                    partnership with Vale to extend
                                                COVID-19. In addition to ongoing                                                                technology. By the time Onaping                                                    Nickel Rim South Mine life, and
                                                safety measures that keep our                   Speaking of innovation, the                     Depth achieves full production                                                     advanced exploration including
                                                                                                promise of a strong future for                  in 2025, it will feature more                                                      Norman West (Capreol) and
                                                Top left: Lea Willemse, Smelter Environmental
                                                                                                Sudbury INO continues to be                     advanced automation, real-time                                                     Moose Lake (Onaping).
                                                Lead, conducting water sampling at the          based on exploration and mining                 surface-to-underground control
                                                Sudbury Smelter in the town of Falconbridge.
                                                                                                at depths that not long ago                     and communication, and a zero
                                                Bottom left: Matt Lawrence, Senior Mining
                                                Engineer at Craig Mine – Onaping Depth
                                                                                                were thought to be impossible.                  emission, electric battery-powered
                                                Project.                                        Progress on our Onaping Depth                   fleet of vehicles.
1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2
Shane Southwind, our Underground Miner at Fraser mine, and also a proud member of Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation.                           Michelle Lemire, Strathcona Mill Technician III, conducting water sampling within our Strathcona Wastewater Treatment System at Onaping.

I am pleased to note that the excellent working                         Sudbury Impact In 2020                                                Managing Continuous Improvement                                                                Raising the bar.
relationship with our employees and unions has                                                                                                Did you know that all Sudbury INO sites have been ISO 14001                                    Sudbury INO’s Environmental
resulted in two new collective agreements in early                                                                                            certified, and they were recently combined into one, integrated                                Management System lays out a clear
                                                                        1,250 Permanent employees
2021. The economic benefit to the community from                        1,200 contractors mainly working on Major Capital Projects            ISO 14001 system?                                                                              set of criteria for:
our operations, permanent employees, contractors,
and indirect jobs, is substantial. Along with it, our                   CAPITAL INVESTMENT*                                                   So what is ISO 14001?                                                                          • Managing significant
efforts to improve the health of our employees,                         $306 M                                                                                                                                                                 environmental aspects, with clear
                                                                                                                                              ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental
                                                                        On sustaining and expansionary investment
their families and the communities in which we                                                                                                management systems. It maps out a framework that a company                                       environmental objectives, targets
operate has continued to be our priority. New ways                                                                                            or organization follows to achieve an effective                                                  and plans
                                                                        INDIRECT JOBS
to demonstrate our support include a $500,000                           8,000                                                                 environmental management system, which in turn,                                                • Training employees and
donation towards a second MRI unit at Health                                                                                                  drives continuous performance improvements.                                                      contractors to build awareness of
Sciences North and a $170,000 contribution from                         TOTAL WAGES & OPERATION SPEND*                                                                                                                                         the environmental management
the Glencore Community Fund to support COVID                            $570 M                                                                                                                                                                 system, ensuring that everyone
                                                                                                                       *In Canadian dollars   To maintain this high level of excellence, an
relief. Other perennial donations of financial and                                                                                            independent third party audits Sudbury INO each                                                  understands their responsibility
employee volunteer support include United Way,                                                                                                year to ensure our Operations not only remain compliant, but                                   • Reviewing the system annually to
Sudbury Food Bank, and education and training                                                                                                 continually improve, adding value to the organization.                                           ensure its effectiveness
programs to name a few. As well, we continue to
actively pursue opportunities to strengthen our                                                                                                                                                                                              What does success
valued relationships with local Indigenous partners.                                                                                                                                                                                         look like?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Demonstrated commitment
I invite you to review this Report to the Community                                                                                                                                                                                            to the environment and the
for more details of our activities in support of our                                                                                                                                                                                           mitigation hierarchy, with defined
communities as well as our industry-leading efforts                                                                                                                                                                                            responsibilities and accountability
to build Glencore Sudbury INO into a safer, more                                                                                                                                                                                               for employees
productive mining company, one that responsibly                                                                                                                                                                                              • Monitoring and reporting on
delivers those materials so vital for everyday life.                                                                                                                                                                                           environmental performances
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • Achievement of environmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             • No significant environmental
                                                                        Two members of the Mobile Maintenance Crew at Nickel Rim South Mine   Adam May, Smelter Occupational Hygiene Technician, changing the particulate filter at
                                                                        working at the 1,480 m underground workshop.                          the Air Monitoring Station in the town of Falconbridge.                                          incidents occurring at all sites
3                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        4
Craig Mine -
Onaping Depth
Realizing the future of
Sudbury INO by reimagining
the future of mining

More than a quarter century ago,    and equipment running on              productivity but improve mine
when Glencore first identified      battery-powered electricity           health and safety by removing
significant deposits of nickel      with zero emissions became a          workers from hazardous work
and copper ore 1.5 kilometres       possibility, solutions to all other   sites. Supporting infrastructure
below the bottom of its Craig       barriers seemed manageable. For       will include a mine-wide
Mine shaft, the idea of mining at   example, a reduction in emissions     underground-to-surface wifi
such depths seemed impossible.      results in a reduction in the need    network— Onaping Depth’s
From both an economic and           for ventilation, which in turn        ‘digital backbone.’
technical perspective, there        reduces the mine’s overall power
were simply too many barriers to    needs. Sudbury INO continues
overcome. Fast forward to 2018,     to work with major Original
and Onaping Depth, expected         Equipment Manufacturers
to reach nearly three kilometres    (OEMs) to develop a battery
beneath the surface, was given      technology that will be practical,
the green light for construction    powerful and cost-effective.
to begin.
                                    Glencore Sudbury INO’s creative
So what changed? In a word,         and engineering expertise then
technology. To begin with, there    turned its attention to applying
have been advancements in           existing computerized mining
battery technology due to           technology to move towards a
an ever-increasing demand           more autonomous operation
for battery powered vehicles,       with real-time monitoring and
including those in the mining       control from a remote location,       Top: Craig Mine - Onaping Depth Project site
industry. Once an entire fleet of   either underground or on surface.
                                                                          Right: Shaft sinking – bolting on Deck 7
underground mining vehicles         This would not only maximize          (1,540 m level underground)

5                                                                                                                        6
to 25kV power designed to overcome
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   power loses as we travel to greater depths
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   underground. The team is well underway
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   with initial procurement activities to secure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the Battery Electric Vehicle fleet required for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   underground development in the coming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   years. The current timeline has first ore up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   from Onaping Depth in 2024 and the mine
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   completed by 2025.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Once complete, Onaping Depth mine will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   become a primary source of nickel ore for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Glencore Sudbury mill and smelter operations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for years to come. It will serve as the newest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   template for deep mines of the future as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   they become more common in hard rock
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   conditions. Its innovative advancements in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   design and application of new technologies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   will show the way to build and operate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   deep mines while maximizing productivity,
Top and bottom: Hillcrest Substation substantially complete and transmission lines from Hydro One to Craig Mine through Hillcrest are complete; 25kV
underground cables are installed to Onaping Depth Project Hoistroom.                                                                                                                                                               reducing the environmental impact on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   community and ensuring the health and
Work to date includes                                                                                                                                                                                                              safety of employees.
completion or near completion
of the shaft down to the ~1,760                                                                                                                        Headworks construction (complete) at the 1,150 m level underground. Photo   Find more information on our Innovation
m level. Both Production and                                                                                                                           above shows hoist commissioning: 300 Service Roped-up, and photo below
                                                                                                                                                       shows hoist commissioning: 100 Production Hoist Roped-up.                   Video Series in this link: https://www.glencore.
Service permanent winze hoists                                                                                                                                                                                                     ca/en/Media-and-insights/Insights/building-
are operational in a ‘sinking’                                                                                                                                                                                                     the-mine-of-the-future
configuration and construction
of the customized underground
headframe, ore bin and apron
feeder are also now complete.
All project development with
the exception of that which
will occur “off shaft” has been
completed, including a one-
kilometre section connecting
Craig shaft to the internal winze.
In this throughway, all rail
and services are now installed
and under commissioning,
beyond which the project will
commence the movement of
personnel, materials and ore/
waste via locomotive on this
level. Construction is underway
on the infrastructure including
the cooling plant on the 1,915
m level. Power upgrades at
Hillcrest are also substantially
complete and the project is
currently preparing to transition
7                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    8
Health                                                 Other preventative measures adopted by Sudbury
                                                       INO have included:

and Safety                                             • Information posters, website and intranet pages
                                                       • Letter to the community
                                                       • Active screening
                                                       • Barriers installed in work vehicles and refuge
Adapting to                                              stations
                                                       • Strict physical distancing in all areas
COVID-19 while                                         • Offering remote work arrangements where
staying true to
our commitment
                                                       Our commitment to the community was
                                                       demonstrated by Sudbury INO’s success in               Barriers placed in the underground refuge station at Nickel Rim South        An employee going through our COVID-19 Automated Active Screening at
                                                                                                              Mine helped protect employees from the possibility of contracting            the XPS Building in the town of Falconbridge.

to safety                                              maintaining continual operations throughout the
                                                       pandemic. The mining sector was designated
                                                                                                              COVID-19 while on lunch break.

                                                       early in the pandemic as an essential business in
                                                       the Province of Ontario. The province allowed us
                                                       to operate but the ability to continue business
                                                       and maintain employment for our workforce was
                                                       largely the result of our employees’ compliance
                                                       to the COVID-19 controls we implemented and
                                                       compliance to the advice of our public health
Glencore Sudbury INO’s primary commitment
to health and safety extends far beyond the            As our safety program continues to mature, a
workplace, into employees’ home lives and the          long-term strategy is emerging in the area of
                                                                                                              Ongoing communication campaigns helped promote COVID-19
community at large. This was especially true           advancements through technology. For example,          vaccinations.
during the past year as the Northeast was not          autonomous mining operations at Onaping Depth
spared the effects of the global COVID-19 crisis.      will effectively remove workers from hazards at the
Glencore’s response to the pandemic has been           mine face. Innovative thinking is also being applied
to act according to the specific needs of its          to the reduction of emissions at Onaping Depth,
                                                                                                                                                                                           Sudbury INO has been working together with local partner Med-I-Well for
partner communities, all supported by a global         as well as throughout Sudbury INO operations               To keep everyone safe and                                                more than 10 years to develop health programs for our workforce.
commitment of a US$25 million Community                and the community at large. There have also been           healthy, please remember:                                                During the pandemic, many of the programs were held virtually.

Support Fund. Through Sudbury INO’s Infectious         significant safety improvements at the smelter. The
Disease Task Force, which monitors the COVID-19        Process Gas Project has been completed with zero
situation with daily, weekly and monthly reports,      loss time injuries, and the Particulate Emissions

the fund is supporting efforts to combat COVID-19      Project has reduced particulate emissions and                                                                                2m

through contributions to long-term care facilities,    improved the smelter’s economic viability. In all,
daycare for frontline workers and initiatives to       Sudbury INO has made tremendous improvements
support the homeless, to name a few.                   in reducing emissions while increasing productivity.           A maximum of four people are                           Remain
                                                                                                                        allowed in the lunchroom                          2 metres apart

Another COVID-related addition to health and           In 2020, Sudbury INO celebrated the 10th
safety promotion was Glencore’s KNOW campaign,         anniversary of its Healthy Living Challenge with
an internal program initiated last year. It promoted   health partner Med-I-Well by launching a Healthy
the importance of following COVID-19 safety            Weight Challenge that engaged more than 400
guidelines such as mask wearing, social distancing,    employees at the start of the year. Over a six month            Wash your hands regularly                          Don’t bring in

staying within your bubble, etc.                       span, participants worked with coaches to improve                 or use hand sanitizer                            food to share

                                                       their lifestyle and body composition through
                                                       education and encouragement. The program

                                                       adapted to an on-line format due to the COVID-19                              Keep your distance (≥2 metres)
                                                                                                                                                                                           A NEOMO employee inside of the COVID-19 mobile testing lab.
                                                       outbreak but still managed a successful outcome                               Never come to work when you’re ill
                                                                                                                                     Observe good hygiene measures                         Glencore Sudbury INO teamed up with Vale and NEOMO in setting up
                                                       and had a positive impact on the health and well-                             Wear a mask when close to others (
Community                                                                                                                                              Training
Connections                                                                                                                                            PARTNERSHIP WITH NORCAT IN BUILDING THE
Glencore support for ‘all things                                                                                                                       MINES OF THE FUTURE
Sudbury’ is making a difference
                                                                                                                                                       Transforming technology and skills through training

Glencore Sudbury INO has always based its role                            program, which in 2020 raised $360,000 to support                            Glencore Sudbury INO is pleased that we have            Equipped with their human capital and operational
as a corporate citizen on the belief that when the                        a variety of community organizations such as the                             been able to continue our strong partnership            readiness services, NORCAT’s custom training
community succeeds, so does the company. In                               Sudbury Food Bank that rely on the United Way                                with NORCAT. Known formerly as the Northern             program development, and the deployment of their
the past decade, the company has made local                               each year for funds.                                                         Centre for Advanced Technology, NORCAT was              new Virtual Reality pre-operational circle check
contributions totalling $18 million. This support                                                                                                      founded in 1995 by a team of business and               learning tools are helping industry partners, such
has never been more evident than during the past                          Speaking of COVID, as part of Glencore’s                                     academic visionaries who recognized the need for        as Glencore, navigate growth while concurrently
year as Glencore’s continued growth and optimism                          Community Support Fund to assist local responses                             an organization to promote, educate, and support        addressing the technology transformation and
for its own future is reflected in several positive                       to the pandemic, $170,000 has been earmarked for                             local entrepreneurs, tech innovators, and skilled       the “new world of work” that the global mining
partnerships and noteworthy contributions.                                Sudbury area needs. Contributions went to where                              labour workers to enable long-term and sustainable      industry is navigating.
                                                                          the need was most urgent including Indigenous                                economic and social prosperity for Northern
The largest single donation was $500,000 towards                          communities, long-term care facilities, Maison                               Ontario.                                                “Our optimism is rooted in recognizing and valuing
a second MRI for Health Sciences North and the                            McCulloch Hospice, and the YMCA, which provides                                                                                      the relationships that NORCAT has worked to
Northern Cancer Centre. This critical tool in cancer                      daycare for front line healthcare workers and                                In 2019, NORCAT, in partnership with all levels of      nurture and embrace since our inception,” says
treatment will speed up response times thereby                            facilities for the homeless.                                                 government, Glencore, and other industry partners,      Don Duval, CEO of NORCAT. “The on-going
improving patient outcomes in northeastern                                                                                                             embarked on an ambitious project to construct           supports Glencore is providing, including helping
Ontario. Glencore Sudbury INO continued its                                                                                                            new surface operations at the Underground               us in the construction of our new facility at the
support of United Way’s ‘Local love in a global crisis’                   Above: Through Glencore’s COVID-19 community fund program, Sudbury           Centre located within Sudbury INO’s properties in       Underground Centre, having a representative serve
                                                                          INO funded the 43 custom built garden boxes at Wahnapitae First Nation
campaign with an additional $40,000 on top of the                         (WFN) as part of their Gardening Project 2020 for community residents.       Onaping, Ontario. NORCAT’s new state-of-the-art         as the Chair of our Board, and providing feedback
                                                                          The garden boxes, made by a WFN community resident, were given to
annual employee/corporate campaign to help meet                           43 members of the community, and filled with top soil. The community         facility was designed to support their aspirational     and guidance to improve our training programs, are
the basic needs of those impacted by COVID-19.                            members also received a variety of vegetable plants. This project was part   goal to be a global leader in skilled labour training   even more appreciated given the challenging times
                                                                          of a self-sustaining community program that WFN established due to the
That’s in addition to the annual employee match                           pandemic.                                                                    and development, and their goal to serve as the         we have collectively been managing through.” It is
                                                                                                                                                       global one-stop shop for all that is the future of      relationships and partnerships like the one we have
                                                                                                                                                       mining technology and innovation. In spite of some      with NORCAT that truly give us optimism to proudly
                                                                                                                                                       unexpected pandemic-related challenges, their           celebrate that our community and our industry are
                                                                                                                                                       new facility is complete and we are more excited        well positioned to thrive in the future.
                                                                                                                                                       than ever about the role NORCAT will continue
                                                                                                                                                       to play to anchor one of the most vibrant mining        LED lighting installation at NORCAT’s Underground Centre.

                                                                                                                                                       clusters in the world.

                                                                                                                                                       NORCAT is also continuing to work with Glencore
                                                                                                                                                       and other partners on an array of initiatives that
                                                                                                                                                       are poised to address some of the opportunities
                                                                                                                                                       and challenges facing our region’s mining industry.
                                                                                                                                                       Specifically, they are making investments to
                                                                                                                                                       enhance their flagship programs including their
                                                                                                                                                       Underground Hardrock Common Core, Diamond
                                                                                                                                                       Driller Assistant Common Core, and Surface Miner
                                                                                                                                                       Common Core courses, which are well underway
Glencore Sudbury INO was proud to announce a $500,000 donation supporting the Unlock the Potential MRI Campaign from Northern Cancer                   and aligned to the feedback they have gathered
Foundation and Health Sciences North. As a long-time partner of Health Science North and the Northern Cancer Foundation, Glencore looks forward to
this much-needed lifesaving service within our community.                                                                                              from key stakeholders.
11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         12
Caring for each other and the world around us

                                                                                                                             A snapping turtle located on the Smelter property (near Dam 8).

Sudbury INO’s active partnerships with local                                                                                 The survey confirmed the                           Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre                           passion project turned non-profit
Indigenous communities continued this                                                                                        presence of two species of turtles                 focuses on the rescue and                             business. Glencore Sudbury INO
past year and were highlighted by activities                                                                                 at the smelter site including                      rehabilitation of turtles as well                     congratulates Gloria for her work
related to reducing the impact of COVID-19.                                                                                  the snapping turtle. Snapping                      as bats. It will also treat other                     and for being an inspiration to
Sudbury INO donated funds to Atikameksheng                                                                                   turtle overwintering sites are                     injured wildlife species, most                        us all. Learn more about the
Anishnawbek, Wahnapitae First Nation and                                                                                     considered a Significant Wildlife                  notably birds, on a case-by-                          Turtle Pond Wildlife Centre by
Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation for health                                                                                  Habitat due to their at risk status.               case basis. Gloria combines her                       visiting its website: https://www.
supplies and other initiatives. These included the                                                                                                                              natural scientific abilities with                     turtlepondwc.com
“Mijiim” (food) Support Program, setting up an                                                                               As a result of the survey, “turtle                 a deep love for wildlife in this
isolation centre for community members who                                                                                   crossing” signage will be placed
may become sick and want to isolate themselves                                                                               where appropriate. Smelter
from their families, and the building of garden                                                                              employees will be provided
boxes for community residents to grow their                                                                                  information on the turtles and
own produce, herbs, and medical plants, while        A baby snapping turtle, found on our Smelter property.                  encouraged to report any turtle
enjoying the outdoors and promoting mental                                                                                   sightings. Barricades will also be
health and well being. In addition to these three                                                                            erected around sensitive turtle
local communities, Sudbury INO also has a                                                                                    nesting sites.
Memorandum of Understanding with the Métis
Nation of Ontario. Sudbury INO’s partnerships                                                                                Speaking of turtles…
with the leadership in these Indigenous                                                                                      Should one of those Sudbury
Communities enable us to share information,                                                                                  INO Smelter snapping turtles
support community projects and infrastructure,                                                                               ever find itself feeling under the
and work together on environmental monitoring                                                                                weather, it just might end up
and rehabilitation.                                                                                                          going home with a Chemist in
                                                                                                                             the Analytical Chemistry group
One example of how an indigenous partnership                                                                                 at the Smelter. By day, Gloria
can protect our environment is the Smelter Turtle                                                                            Morissette is a Glencore chemist
Survey undertaken in May and June of 2020 by                                                                                 but at home she’s an authorized
Sudbury INO, Tulloch Environmental Consultants                                                                               wildlife custodian at the Turtle
and Wahnapitae First Nation. Five pond turtle                                                                                Pond Wildlife Centre, serving all
surveys were conducted on Sudbury INO Smelter                                                                                of northern Ontario. Gloria began
property in order to determine if turtles and                                                                                the wildlife rescue centre on her
their nesting grounds were present and if so,                                                                                family’s Val Caron property in
recommend best management practices to                                                                                       2017.
                                                     Turtle egg shells were found on the Smelter property, evidence that a
protect and improve this biosphere.                  turtle was nesting in this location during the previous year.                                                              Gloria Morissette, Sudbury INO Chemist III, at her Turtle Pond Wildlife location.

13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    14
The Environment                                                                                                     Employee Achievement
                                                                                                                    Kudos                                                      Top of the rock
Sudbury INO: Biodiversity Research                                                                                  Samantha McGarry, Site                                     Excellence in rock mechanics at Glencore Sudbury INO was
                                                                                                                    Rehabilitation Lead at Glencore                            celebrated recently as Brad Simser, the company’s Principal
& Development                                                                                                       Sudbury INO, has been named the                            Ground Control Engineer, was awarded the Canadian Institute
                                                                                                                    recipient of the Dr. Jack Winch Early                      of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum’s Rock Mechanics Award in
                                                                                                                    Career National Award for her years of                     the fall of 2020.
                                                                                                                    dedication and accomplishments in
                                                                        We look forward to learning
Industrial Residue Research - A field study                                                                         the field of land reclamation research                     The award is presented to CIM members who have made
                                                                        whether the research can be                 and practice. Sam began work on                            significant and lasting contributions to the advancement of
of wood ash and sludge for mine site soil                               applied to improving soil conditions        Glencore brownfields in support                            rock mechanics in the Canadian mining industry. Recipients are
rehabilitation and biodiversity in the Sudbury                          and contribute to increased                 of her thesis. Her unwavering work                         chosen by the CIM’s Society of Rock Engineering.
basin                                                                   biodiversity on the Smelter site.           ethic, technical abilities and constant
                                                                                                                    positivity drove her to achieve                            Brad’s career in rock engineering began more than 30 years ago
Glencore Sudbury INO is proud to support a study into the viability     The results will be used to shape           success after success, including                           with Anglo American in South Africa. Since then, he has worked
of using a wood-ash treatment for the purpose of soil remediation       the planning and implementation             having her thesis strategies and                           as a ground control engineer with several operations. In his
on acidified soils resulting from mining and smelting operations.       of long-term rehabilitation                 conclusions adopted by Glencore.                           current position, Brad manages the ground control programs
It follows a pilot project done between the Natural Sciences            activities. Our goal is to restore          Not surprisingly, Sam was also hired                       for the Fraser Mine Complex and Nickel Rim South Mine, and is
and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Atlantic Power              the natural environment to its              by Glencore! As Site Rehabilitation                        the lead for mine development projects at Craig Mine - Onaping
Corporation and Collège Boréal. In a controlled greenhouse setting,     pre-mining/smelting state or a              Lead, she continues to manage                              Depth and Nickel Rim South Extension.
wood-ash was found to have statistically significant and positive       similar appropriate end land use.           tailings reclamation research and is
effects on soil nutrients and tree seedling growth. The wood-ash        It provides a new opportunity to            responsible for the development and                        An exceptional engineer who has authored numerous papers on
has a low nitrogen content. Therefore, the purpose of the field trial   reduce soil acidity and improve             implementation of closure plans for                        the practical application of rock mechanics in operating mines,
will be to determine the most effective source (such as pulp sludge)    soil nutrients while strengthening          Sudbury INO and Timmins sites. Sam                         Brad’s industry-leading expertise and experience have helped
and concentration of nitrogen to be combined with wood-ash to           partnerships and community                  is also Glencore’s representative on                       countless underground workers come home safely after each
maximize soil fertility and plant growth to achieve biodiversity.       relationships. Furthermore, it              Greater Sudbury’s VETAC (Vegetation                        shift. With Brad’s guidance, Glencore Sudbury INO will continue
                                                                        provides a solution to re-purpose           Enhancement Technical Advisory                             to advance the field of rock mechanics and the role it plays in
Laurentian University’s Vale Living With Lakes Centre has joined        wood-ash and significantly reduce           Committee), which is responsible                           building and operating safe mines.
the partnership to research carbon sequestration on the Sudbury         the amount of waste being placed            for Sudbury’s re-greening program.
landscape. They are working with Collège Boréal to refine the           in landfill.                                We are proud to recognize Sam                              CIM is the leading, not-for-profit technical society of
treatment protocols and study the feasibility of using the ash in                                                   McGarry as an exceptional example of                       professionals in Canadian minerals, materials and energy
combination with other materials to find the ideal soil remediation                                                 leadership in mining reclamation.                          industries.
mix for use in the Sudbury area.                                        Above and below: Testing of various soil
                                                                        amendment sources and concentrations for    Samantha McGarry, M.Sc.                                    Brad Simser
                                                                        optimal tree growth in the Collège Boreal   Sudbury INO’s Site Rehabilitation Lead, Strathcona Mill.   Principal Ground Control Engineer, Sudbury INO.

15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          16
Where it all begins

                                                                                    number of discoveries including
                                                                                    Onaping Depth, Nickel Rim
                                                                                    Depth, Norman West and Moose
                                                                                    Lake in Levack Township, have
                                                                                    uncovered significant deposits,
                                                                                    some as deep as 2.5 kilometres
                                                                                    beneath the surface. The process
                                                                                    of following the geological
                                                                                    clues and trends in the rock
                                                                                    requires specialized disciplines
                                                                                    that include field mapping
                                                                                    and analysis, remote sensing
                                                                                    and geophysics, geochemistry,
                                                                                    computer modelling, targeted
                                                                                    core drilling and others.

                                                                                    Exploration work at ever-            Dave Richardson and Andre Stewart, Exploration and Geology Team, analyzing core and ore samples at Nickel Rim South Mine.

                                                                                    increasing depths does not
                                                                                    happen without an element of
                                                                                    risk and Sudbury INO ensures         for the future of the company,
                                                                                    that the health and safety of        Snyder says there is a significant
Norman West Exploration site near Capreol.                                          its exploration team, including      ripple effect. “For the community
                                                                                    contract workers from the            and for society, successful
Who would have thought that                  The Sudbury Basin is a 1.8                                                                                                                                                                       Norman
                                                                                    supply and services industry,        exploration and development                                                                                           West
more than 140 years after the                billion year old natural wonder,       is a top priority. Quality-driven    creates well paying jobs and new
first discovery of nickel ore at the         a massive crater caused by                                                                                                                       Mill    Fraser
                                                                                    procedures have resulted in a        infrastructure such as roads and                                                                                                Nickel Rim South
famed Sudbury basin, Glencore                a meteorite impact during                                                                                                                                Moose Lake
                                                                                    zero LTI (Loss Time Injury) record   electric power supply. These in
Sudbury INO would continue to                the Paleoproterozoic era. The                                                                                                                                                                                  Nickel Centre
                                                                                    since 2008. These procedures         turn are catalysts for broader                                    Onaping
explore and identify significant             resulting geological formation,                                                                                                                Depth
                                                                                    include targeting high-risk          economic development and
new deposits in the area? In                 the rim of the basin, is where the     situations in collaboration with     increased government revenues,
fact, the company’s exploration              different mineralization deposits,     workers, safety training, ongoing    which are then invested in                                                                                       Sudbury Igneous Complex
activity has been ongoing since              including nickel, copper and           procedural improvements, and         priorities that include education,                                                                               Sudbury INO Properties
its Sudbury operation began,                 precious metals, are found. And it                                                                                                                                                           Sudbury INO/JV Properties
                                                                                    interactive on-site safety pauses.   healthcare and social programs                                                                                   Ore Zones                 Mines

resulting in the discovery of                is where the exploration activity                                                                                                                                                                                      Glencore

                                                                                                                         that support those in need.”                                                                                                               Vale

several significant ore deposits.            of the past century has been                                                                                                                                          60 km

                                                                                    Gregg Snyder, Manager of                                                                                                                                                        Other

Many of those finds have                     focused.                               Geology and Exploration,             When it comes to Exploration
become operating mines that
                                                                                    Sudbury INO, says exploration        at Glencore Sudbury INO, it is
have contributed not only to the
                                             Today, Sudbury INO’s search for        activity will continue at several    one division that truly embodies
company’s longevity, but to the
                                             the next big discovery continues,      locations along the Basin            the company’s core purpose
prosperity of the community at
                                             but at depths that up until            through 2021 and beyond. While       of responsibly sourcing the
                                             recently were thought to be out        successful exploration and           commodities needed to advance
                                             of reach. Over the last ten years, a   development are important            everyday life.
17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             18
About Glencore’s Sudbury                      Our Sudbury operations include exploration,    Front cover painting of Glencore’s Craig
                                              underground mines, a mill and a smelter, all   Mine - Onaping Depth and back cover
Integrated Nickel Operations
                                              located in this basin. We currently employ     painting of Norman West, were painted
(Sudbury INO)                                 more than 1,250 permanent employees.           by Hans Matthews, a local Aboriginal
                                                                                             Anishinabek Nation artist and geologist
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada is one of the                                                       from the Wahnapitae First Nation,
                                              Our Report to the Community contains
most geologically rich areas of the world.                                                   Ontario, Canada. Hans is the recipient of
                                              information from around our operations in
This northern city in the Canadian Shield                                                    the 2020 PDAC Skookum Jim Award.
                                              Sudbury. If you have a suggestion for topics
boasts a 60-kilometre-long formation
                                              you’d like to read about in the next edition
called the Sudbury basin, which is
                                              or a comment on this issue, email us at
brimming with nickel, copper, cobalt, gold,
                                              sudburycommunity@glencore.ca or contact
silver, platinum and palladium deposits.
                                              Iyo Grenon at 705 693 2761, ext. 3120.
It’s also been home to Sudbury Integrated
Nickel Operations since 1928.
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