Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association

Page created by Sean Patterson
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association

               Volume 39
                Issue 3
 July, August, September

                • Contents •
  President’s Message........................................... 3
  2019 OA Board.................................................... 4
  2019 OA Committee Chair and Members........... 7
  New Owners Association Website....................... 8
  2019 State/Provincial Presidents........................ 9
  OA Associate Members.................................... 10
  Official Meeting Notice...................................... 12
  KOA Owner’s Association 2019
   Meeting Schedule............................................. 13
  Proxy Form........................................................ 14
  We are Family Award Criteria............................ 15
  Workcamper of the Year Award Criteria............ 16
  OA Sponsors..................................................... 17
  Sponsorship Opportunities................................ 18
  “The Times They Are A Changin’”...................... 20
  2019 Resolution Responses............................. 24
  Disaster Relief................................................... 30
  Analyzing Analytics............................................ 32

                                                     www.koaowners.org    1
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
Working Together
Toward omorrow

            Mike           Debbie          Brie            Chuck
     Lisa          Carol            Nate          Janett           Kristi

               Banking for your Future
    Flexibility to meet your campground’s seasonal needs

    Competitive rates, unique payment schedules

    Easy, fast application process for quick response

    Nearly 20 years expertise with KOA owners in 42 states & Canada

    Deposit products to assist in cash management

                                                                         (406) 265-1241
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
President’s Message
                      Newsletter Issue 3, 2019 | September 2019

                  Well the days are getting         experience even more worthwhile for everyone.
                  shorter and a little bit cooler   If you have not already signed up for the Georgia
                  as we transition out of           Queen boat trip please use this link www.
                  Summer and into Fall. It has      koacares.com. It will be a great evening withgood
                  been a great Summer for           times, southern style food, refreshments and
                  the system and a busy one         music.Profits from the event will be split between
                  for your association.             Our Disaster Relief Fund and KOA Care Camps.
                   Here are some of the things      All of our committees have been busy this
we have been working on. We have been very          Summer. Look for an update from them later in
lucky to establish a great working relationship     this publication. The committee chairs will also
with Southeast Publications to help us develop      be available at convention to give you an update
a new owner’s website for a small investment        and talk about future plans. Of course, we are
on our part.                                        always looking for new members to jump on
The main page will show every KOA and
a potential customer will be able to click on       I had the privilege to attend the Franchise
any particular one and be taken to that KOA’s       Advisory Committee Meeting in Billings in July
registration information page. All of the other     and what a stimulating time it was. Planning
pages will be member’s only material.               for the future of the system in an open forum
                                                    with KOA Inc. staff was exhilarating. While most
Each member will have the opportunity to            discussionwas geared to 2021 and beyond,
populate their own page with any information        look for some new things to be announced at
they choose – such as a second email                convention.No, I am not going to let the cat out
address, cell phone number, photos, etc.            of the bag just yet.
This information will only be available to
other MEMBERS; the public will not be able          We have had very good response to our
to see this information. It will be much more       Facebook request for nominations for our two
interactive than our old site. This site will be    awards “We are Family” and “WorkKamper
great networking tool for owners to connect on      of the Year” but there is still time for more.
a more personal level with other owners.            The winners will be announced at the Annual
                                                    General Meeting.
Other features will include the opportunity for
members to advertise (free) for WorkKampers,        Also included in this publication are KOA Inc’s
employees or any other “items” they may want        responses to your resolutions put forward at
to list.                                            the last General Meeting in Fort Worth. Feel
                                                    free to contact myself or any board member if
The sponsors and associate members will also        you want further clarification. Remember that
                                                                                                         July, August, September

be more prominent,enabling us to attract more       any new resolutions must be approved by your
of these members than ever before. Look for         area association before being presented at the
an email with the site access info. If you don’t    Annual General Meeting.
have it by the time you read this contact the
Birmingham Office at info@koaowners.org.            See you in Savannah,
Next, we have been busy preparing for               Richard Marcoux
convention where we are looking to incorporate      President, KOA Owners Association
the feedback from our survey to make the

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Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
Volume 39, Issue 3

                                                        KOA OWNERS ASSOCIATION
                     Area 1
                     WEST VIRGINIA

                                 GREG BATTS, PAST PRESIDENT                 STACEY ASHWOOD
                                 Kentucky Lakes/Prizer Point KOA            Enfield/Rocky Mount KOA
                                 1777 Prizer Point Road                     101 Bell Acres
                                 Cadiz, KY 42211                            Enfield, NC 27823
                                 (270) 522-3762                             (252) 445-5925
                                 prizerpoint@prizerpoint.com                rockymtkoa@gmail.com

                     Area 2

                                TIMOTHY CARTMELL, VICE PRESIDENT            CHERYL ARNOLD
                                Honesdale Pocono KOA                        Thompson/Grand River Valley KOA
                                50 Countryside Lane                         6445 Thompson Road
                                Honesdale, PA 18431                         Thompson, OH 44086
                                (570) 253-0424                              (440) 298-1311
                                honesdale@koa.com                           info@grandrivervalleykoa.com

                     Area 3

                                 LIBBY DEROSA                               LYDIA FODOR
                                 Covert/South Haven KOA                     Ludington East KOA
                                 39397 M140 Highway                         11713 W. 40th Street
                                 Covert, MI 49043                           Branch, MI 49402
                                 (269) 764-0818                             (231) 480-0303
                                 camp@southhavenkoa.com                     info@peremarquettecampground.com

                     Area 4

                                JOHN T. BAKER                               DIANE KING, SECRETARY
                                Austin East KOA                             Springfield/Route 66 KOA
                                6029 Blue Bluff Road                        5775 West Farm Road 140
                                Austin, TX 78724                            Springfield, MO 65802
                                (512) 422-6356                              (417) 831-3645
                                johntbaker2@gmail.com                       diane@route66koa.com

         4                                                                                             Owners News
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
  Area 5

             OSCAR CARRANZA                            HOMER STAVES
             Twin Falls/Jerome KOA                     Whitefish/Kalispell KOA
             441 S. Liberty Lane                       3191 Parkhill
             Jerome, ID 83338                          Billings, MT 59102
             (208) 324-4169                            (406) 656-7086
             oscar@twinfallskoa.com                    hstaves@stavesconsulting.com

  Area 6

             MIKE BELL                                 CRAIG SISCO, TREASURER
             San Diego Metro KOA                       Fort Collins/Lakeside KOA
             111 North 2nd Avenue                      1910 Lakeside Resort Lane
             Chula Vista, CA 91910                     Fort Collins, CO 80524
             (619) 427-3601                            (970) 484-9880
             mikebell@sandiegokoa.com                  info@fclakesidecg.com

  Area 7

             MATT STOVOLD                               RICHARD MARCOUX, PRESIDENT
             Toronto N/Cookstown KOA                    1000 Islands/Mallorytown KOA
             139 Reive Boulevard                        1477 County Road 2
             Cookstown, ON L0L 1L0                      Mallorytown, ON K0E 1R0
             (705) 498-2267                             (613) 923-5339
             mstovold@rogers.com                        rkmarcoux@gmail.com

  Area 8                                      KOA Inc. Liaison              Executive Director
                           PO Box 30558       3416 Primm Lane
                                                                                                 July, August, September

  SANDRA VAN STEIJN        Billings, MT 59114 Birmingham, AL 35216
  Cranbrook/St. Eugene KOA (800) 548-7104     (800) 678-9976
  7777 Mission Road        duselman@koa.net   (888) 461-2062 CANADA
  Cranbrook, BC V1C 7E5                       (205) 823-2760 Fax
  (250) 420-2009		                            bill@koaowners.org
  svansteijn@hotmail.com		                    info@koaowners.org

  www.koaowners.org                                                                                      5
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
Volume 39, Issue 3

                            It’s who you know AND what you know!
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                                                                                                     26 years of Personal Industry Experience
                                                                                                         Proudly distributing many
                                                                                                         products made in the U.S.A.

                     YourElectricalSolutions.net | sales@YourElectricalSolutions.net | Toll free 855.644.2400

         6                                                                                                         Owners News
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
Accommodations Committee –                            Membership - This group will work to
this committee will focus on standards, quality       increase the membership in the International
of deluxe cabins and shipping.                        Kampground Owners Association as well as
Chair Libby DeRosa, camp@southhavenkoa.com            work with the state, provincial and regional
Co-Chair Homer Staves, hstaves@stavesconsulting.com   groups to improve and strengthen their
                                                      membership and activities.
Communications Committee - this committee             Chair - Craig Sisco, info@fclakesidecg.com
works on better communications to all                 Co-Chair – Matt Stovold, mstovold@rogers.com
franchisees through the newsletter as well as         Co-Chair - Stacey Ashwood, rockymtkoa@gmail.com
emails and an E-Newsletter. They also have            Co-Chair - John T. Baker, johntbaker2@gmail.com
responsibility for working to improve the KOA
WorkKamper Program.                                   Merchandising Committee – This committee
Chair - Diane King, diane@route66koa.com              will work with KOA regarding retail sales, logo/
Co-Chair - Matt Stovold, mstovold@rogers.com          merchandising, group supplier specials by
Co-Chair - Oscar Carranza, oscar@twinfallskoa.com     making deals with companies to get better
                                                      pricing – group pricing for KOAs for linens,
Convention - This committee is working closely        camp supplies, etc. from KOAs approved list.
with the KOA Inc. staff to plan next year’s           Chair - Cheryl Arnold, info@grandrivervalleykoa.com
convention, not only for our own OA meetings          Co-Chair, Sandra Van Steijns, vansteijn@hotmail.com
but also on content. The OA is trying to help
develop several workshops that will feature           Quality Assurance- Rather than waiting for
other franchisees as panel members.                   KOA staff to tell us what they plan to change in
Chair - Lydia Fodor,                                  next year’s standards, this committee will work
info@peremarquettecampground.com                      during the year to review the present standards
Co-Chair - Mike Bell, San Diego Metro KOA,            and make recommendations on how to improve
mikebell@sandiegokoa.com                              them and the system prior the 2019 convention.
                                                      Chair - Tim Cartmell, honesdale@koa.com
                                                      Co-Chair - Greg Batts. prizerpoint@prizerpoint.com

                                                                                                            July, August, September

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Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
Volume 39, Issue 3

                     NOW OPEN
                                                                                                  As you read in our President’s
                                                                                                  message our new website is
                                                                                                  now if full operation.    You
                                                                                                  should have received a message
                                                                                                  from us containing your login
                                                                                                  information. Once you sign in
                                                                                                  you can change your username
                                                                                                  and password      to you own
                                                                                              Richard Marcoux has listed some
                                                                                              of the new features of the website
                                                                                              which will make it an even
                                                                                              greater benefit to membership.
                                                                                              There will be a public option for
                                                                                              potential campers. They will be
                     able to confirm a registration at your campground directly to you from our new website. All of the other
                     pages will be member’s only material. The new site will be much more interactive and will help to enhance
                     communications with other KOA’s in the system.
                     Please note that after July of 2020 this feature will only be available to members who are current in their dues
                     If you are having any problems setting up your log in information please contact us at the OA office, and
                     Maureen or Bill will be able to help you set up your log in information.


         8                                                                                                            Owners News
Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
2019 State & Provincial Presidents
If you have any news from your state that you would like to share with other members please send to info@koaowners.org

              CALIFORNIA/NEVADA                                              SOUTH CAROLINA
                      Kevin Fallon                                               Bill Olendorf
            Crescent City/Redwoods KOA                                         Point South KOA
               sixriversred@icloud.com                                        pskoa@hargray.com

                     COLORADO                                                SOUTH DAKOTA
                     Jason Messer                                               Tony Callahan
                   Royal Gorge KOA                                             Kennebec KOA
                royalgorgekoa@aol.com                                      camp@kennebeckoa.com

        HEARTLAND – AR, OK, KS, MO                                      TENNESSEE/KENTUCKY
                   Lynn Barrett                                              Brian Kacvinsky
          Hot Springs National Park KOA                            Lookout Mountain/Chattanooga W KOA
            heartlandoa@yahoo.com                                     camp@lookoutmountainkoa.com

                      ILLINOIS                                                     TEXAS
                    John Downing                                                 John T. Baker
                   Rock Island KOA                                              Austin East KOA
               john@rockislandkoa.com                                       johntbaker2@gmail.com

                      MICHIGAN                                                 UTAH/IDAHO
                   Cathleen Kuebler                                             Dave Cooper
                   Traverse City KOA                                           Panguitch KOA
               info@traversecitykoa.com                                     dacooper25@msn.com

                   MINNESOTA                                                       VIRGINIA
                   Carissa Vannoy                                                Ashley Martin
                    Bemidji KOA                                               Charlottesville KOA
                kamp@bemidjikoa.com                                         charlottesville@koa.com

              MONTANA/WYOMING                                                 WASHINGTON
                    Kevin Oster                                     Iris Shupe             Danielle Akey
                  Miles City KOA                             Bay Center/Willapa Bay KOA  Leavenworth KOA
              milescitykoa@gmail.com                           ishupe9@gmail.com        dakey@racpack.com
                   NEW YORK                                                     WISCONSIN
                    Anita Perry                                                    Jeff Irwin
               Chautauqua Lake KOA                                              Madison KOA
          camping@chautauqualakekoa.com                                        madison@koa.com

                        OHIO                                               EASTERN CANADA
                   Lori Hotstetter                                             Patrick Wagner
               Logan/Hocking Hills KOA                                   1000 Islands/Kingston KOA
              camp@hockinghillskoa.com                                kingstonkoa.owner@hotmail.com
                                                                                                                         July, August, September

                     Michael Greig
                 Corvallis/Albany KOA

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Owners news - Volume 39 Issue 3 2019 - KOA Owners Association
2019 KOA Owners Association
Volume 39, Issue 3

                     Associate Members
                     Call them first!
                     AGS Guest Guides                             products at great prices. Enjoy factory      Jamestown Advanced Corporation
                     Michael Moore                                direct, best value pricing all year long.    Shari Hallenbeck
                     PO Box 1149                                  We test everything we sell on our            2855 Girts Road
                     Crowley, TX 76036                            family owned KOA campground. Our             Jamestown, NY 14701
                     817-426-9395                                 handpicked products provide higher           800-452-0639
                     michael@texasadvertising.net                 quality materials and great comfort levels   shallenbeck@jamestownadvanced.com
                     http://www.ags-txad.com                      for your guests. We see the real world       http://www.jamestownadvanced.com
                     AGS, owned by Texas Advertising, Inc.        conditions that affect them on a daily       Jamestown Advanced Products is
                     (TXAD), offers high quality marketing ser-   basis and pass that experience to you.       a manufacturer of commercial site
                     vices to the RV Park and Campground          You can be confident that anything we        amenities for campgrounds, parks and
                     sector, specifically guest directories and   sell stands up to the demands of your        recreational areas. Product line consists
                     website design to marketing consulting.      business and heightens the customer          of RV power outlets, campfire rings,
                                                                  experience. A great experience keeps         grills, dog park equipment, picnic tables
                     Chadwick Manufacturing Ltd.                  campers returning, giving great reviews,     and more!
                     Allen Smith                                  and generating profits.
                     PO Box 85                                                                                 Leavitt Recreation & Hospitality
                     Chadwick, IL 61014                           Independence Bank -                          Insurance – PLATINUM SPONSOR
                     800-732-5602                                 PLATINUM SPONSOR                             Chris Hipple
                     sales@chadwickmfg.com                        Debbie Callahan                              942 14th Street
                     http://www.chadwickmfg.com                   PO Box 2900                                  Sturgis, SD 57785
                     Chadwick Manufacturing has been a            Havre, MT 59501                              800-525-2060
                     leading manufacturer of high quality         406-265-1241                                 lrh@leavitt.com
                     picnic table frames, park benches, grills,   deborahh@ibyourbank.com                      http://www.lrhinsurance.com
                     and fire rings to parks and camp-            http://www.ibyourbank.com                    We specialize in package and workers
                     grounds for over fifty years.                Independence Bank is a premier lender        compensations for KOAs
                                                                  for campground purchases, refinances,
                     Commercial Recreation Specialists            cabin/lodges financing and improve-          Metzler Forest Products, LLC
                     Jessi Kerlin                                 ment loans.                                  Randy Hettinger
                     807 Liberty Drive                                                                         216 Timber Lane
                     Suite 101                                    Insider Perks                                Reedsville, PA 17084
                     Verona, WI 53593                             Brian Searl                                  717-667-2924
                     877-896-8442                                 3059 Melville Loop                           rhettinger@mfp.bz
                     jessi@crs4rec.com                            The Villages, FL 32162                       http://www.mfp.bz
                     http://www.crs4rec.com                       888-407-5787                                 Land clearing, timber harvesting, fire-
                     CRS provides proven recreation               brian@insiderperks.com                       wood producer, wholesale mulch sales.
                     solutions including Inflatables for the      http://www.insiderperks.com
                     Waterfront or Pool, Miniature Golf,          Insider Perks offers professional pho-       Peak Industries, Inc., dba Conestoga
                     Playgrounds, Shade Structures, Cus-          tos of your campground, initial setup        Log Cabins & Homes
                     tom Docks, Pedal Carts, Pedal Boats,         of Facebook page, Twitter profile,           Dolly Price
                     Kayaks and much more.                        Google+, TripAdvisor/Yelp, YouTube           246 N. Lincoln Avenue
                                                                  Channel, Bing/Apple Maps listing, Yext       Lebanon, PA 17046
                     Great American Direct –                      listing and film one video of your camp-     800-914-4606
                     SILVER SPONSOR                               ground for YouTube. Monthly marketing        dprice@conestogalogcabins.com
                     Donna Fout                                   includes managing all pages, insights,       http://www.conestogalogcabins.com
                     4000 Newman Road                             statistics, respond to questions, prob-      Conestoga is the largest supplier of log
                     Williamsburg, VA 23188                       lems, concerns, etc. as well as create       cabin kits to the camping and resort
                     757-229-0567                                 and manage campaigns and special             industries in the US and have earned
                     shop@greatamericandirect.com                 offers to boost camper nights.               the hard-won trust and respect of camp-
                     http://greatamericandirect.com                                                            ground owners and resort purchasing
                     Great American Direct provides the           Interstate RV Sales, Inc.                    and property managers. Conestoga
                     Outdoor Hospitality Industry with plush      Barry Stern                                  Log Cabins has provided cabins, bath-
                     and wipe down mattresses, sofa beds,         2660 North US Highway 1                      houses, bunkhouses and commercial
                     futons, composite plastic furniture, and     Fort Pierce, FL 34946                        buildings for KOA for over 15 years,
                     umbrellas at factory direct pricing. We      561-704-2121                                 with over 3,000 cabins sold. We now of-
                     partner with leaders in the mattress         bestern@att.net                              fer Timberframe cabins along with many
                     and furniture industries to ensure we        RV sales, parts, service, storage and        other floor plans that are suited for just
                     offer durable, stylish, and comfortable      consignments                                 about every need. One campground

         10                                                                                                                           Owners News
has said, “these cabins rent between          Private Cable Systems of Michigan Inc.     The Lovely Loo Restroom and
95 and 120 times per year, and there          Amanda Vandam                              Shower Trailers
is often a waiting list. In our first year    757 W. Giles Road                          Bo Strange
renting these cabins, our return on in-       Muskegon, MI 49445                         3540 US 1 South
vestment was 40%-50%. We cover the            231-744-8876                               Saint Augustine, FL 32086
cost of our cabins in less than 3 years.      amanda@pvtcable.com                        904-315-7027
Conestoga Log Cabins have dramati-            mandylouise123@hotmail.com
cally increased our customer base. That       http://pvtcable.com                        We provide a wide variety of portable
in turn has increased our ancillary           Private cable operator                     restroom & shower trailers nationwide.
revenues dramatically. When it comes                                                     We also offer wheelchair accessible
to return on investment, you can’t go         Southeast Publications –                   shower & restroom trailers.
wrong with Conestoga Log Cabins.”             PLATINUM SPONSOR
                                              Brian McGuinn                              The Naked Bee
Phelps Honey Wagon, Inc.                      7676-B Peters Road                         Brie Houser
Jaylene Shannon                               Plantation, FL 33324                       PO Box 2080
158 Whiskey Spring Road                       800-832-3292                               Delray Beach, FL 33483
Dillsburg, PA 17019                           contactus@southeastpublications.com        888-871-1811
800-463-3707                                  http://www.southeastpublications.com       mtaylor@nakedbee.bz
info@phelpshoneywagon.com                     Southeast Publications is the largest      http://nakedbee.bz/
                                                                                         Personal care items, i.e., lotions, lip
http://www.phelpshoneywagon.com               provider of Guest Guide Services to
                                                                                         balms, soaps, haircare, etc.
Since 1970 our product line offers            KOA Franchisees. We also promote
RV parks and campgrounds the most             KOA owner’s properties through a           Utility Supply Group –
efficient and economical method of            robust digital marketing platform that     SILVER SPONSOR
providing full hookups to all sites.          reaches an audience outside of the         Wade Elliott
                                              already robust KOA digital media.          26519 Bond Road NE
Philadelphia Insurance Companies -            Southeast Publications’ Guest Guide        Kingston, WA 98346-8476
PLATINUM SPONSOR                              services also includes free Site Map and   800-800-2811
Krystal Allen                                 Area Map banner displays. Laminates        wade@go-usg.com
One Bala Plaza                                are provided for the front desk as well.   http://www.go-usg.com
Suite 100                                     These services are FREE. All South-        National provider of RV pedestals and
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004                         east Publications are bonded and in-       boxes. Electric meters, wire and distri-
800-873-4552                                  sured for your protection and Insurance    bution load centers are also available.
phlysale@phlyins.com                                                                     USG sells the Xlerator hand dryer in
                                              Certificates are available upon request.
                                                                                         KOA yellow. The Xlerator not only dries
                                                                                         your hands, but will save you about
Philadelphia Insurance Companies              TengoInternet, Inc. –                      90% over paper towels a year.
designs, markets and underwrites              SILVER SPONSOR
stand-alone Campground and RV park            Kimberly Chung                             Wilcor International
operators, incorporating value-added          3300 North I-35                            Amanda Motto
coverages and services. PHLY is rated         Suite 600                                  Amanda Motto
A+ by A.M. Best Company.                      Austin, TX 78705                           161 Drive In Road
                                              512-469-7660                               Frankfort, NY 13340
Prairie Kraft Specialties, LLC –              kchung@tengointernet.com                   800-346-2345
PLATINUM SPONSOR                              http://www.tengointernet.com               sales2@wilcor.net
Bethany Benedict/Loren Smith                  We build reliable and proactive WiFi       http://www.wilcor.net
1500 51st Street South                        Solutions. Each WiFi solution is custom    Wilcor International is the #1 supplier to
Great Falls, MT 59405                                                                    the vacation industry with the largest vari-
                                              tailored to fit your needs. We provide
                                                                                         ety from one source. We proudly research
877-727-3192                                  enterprise level equipment from the        and develop new and innovative products
bethany@pkscabins.com                         best wireless manufacturers in the         to help make your business prosper.
http://www.pkscabins.com                      world. We are there for you when you
Since 1980, Prairie Kraft Specialties         need us most, 24/7/365. Our dedicated      Your Electrical Solutions
has built a tradition of excellence in log    Network Operations Center (NOC)            Maggie Linnell
specialty products through our com-           monitors your WiFi network proac-          2737 Browning Drive
                                                                                                                                        July, August, September

mitment to quality, technology and            tively to ensure a remarkable customer     Lake Orion, MI 48360
craftsmanship. As an approved supplier        experience. Turn WiFi into a revenue-      855-644-2400
of the KOA Kampgrounds throughout             generating asset for your business. By     maggie@yourelectricalsolutions.net
the United States, Canada, Japan and          implementing tiered service levels that    http://www.yourelectricalsolutions.net
Mexico, we bring a wealth of experience       can be both “free-to-use” or “pay-to-      Your Electrical Solutions is a master
and knowledge to the creation of each                                                    distributor of electrical supplies, surface
                                              use” the revenue is your to keep.
                                                                                         boxes, electric meters, conversion kits,
and every one of our products. We are a
                                                                                         water meters, lighting, wire and power
well-established company with a reputa-
                                                                                         distribution equipment and accessories.
tion for quality, first-class customer ser-
vice, and a commitment to excellence.
We welcome your inquiries and we will
be glad to furnish references

www.koaowners.org                                                                                                                       11
Volume 39, Issue 3

                                                                                                  October 1, 2019

                                               OFFICIAL NOTICE

                     In accordance with Article IV, Section 4, of the By-Laws of the KOA Owners Association,
                     notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Association will be held on Tuesday
                     November 12, 2019 starting at 3:45 pm in Savannah, Georgia. Such Association business as
                     may be appropriate will be discussed and acted upon.

                     For those who may not attend the Annual Meeting, an Official Proxy in accordance with
                     Article III, Section 3 of the By-Laws is included with this letter to the entire membership.
                     Please submit your proxy to the Association office by October 31, 2019 if you will be
                     unable to attend the meeting.

                                                                     KAMPGROUND OWNERS ASSOCIATION
                                                                                William Ranieri, Executive Director

                                  Please check meeting room location at the annual convention.
                                                     Refreshments will be available

         12                                                                                                  Owners News
               2019 MEETING SCHEDULE
Sunday, November 10, 2019
8:30am – 5:00pm – OA First Board Meeting
Jasper Board Room

Monday, November 11, 2019
8:00am – 4:00pm – OA Registration
4:45pm – 5:45pm – All OA Area Meetings
Various Meeting Rooms – See Convention Program
7:00pm – 9:30 pm – OA/CC/DR Event – Georgia Queen Riverboat Cruise
Boarding begins at 6:00pm from the Westin Hotel

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
8:00am – 3:30pm – OA Registration
3:45pm – 4:45pm – OA Annual Meeting
Meeting Room: See Convention Program
4:45pm – 5:45pm – OA New/ Old Board Meeting
Meeting Room: See Convention Program
5:45pm – 6:30pm – DR Board Meeting
Meeting Room: See Convention Program
6:00pm – 8:30pm – KOA Expo Preview

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
                                                                     July, August, September

8:00am – 4:00pm – KOA Expo
6:00 pm –10:00 pm – Final Night Celebration & Care Camps Auction

Be sure to check the final program for any changes in the schedule
and for meeting room locations

www.koaowners.org                                                    13
Volume 39, Issue 3


                     Know all persons by these presents that the undersigned, a member in good standing of the Kampground Owners
                     Association, Inc. hereby appoints:

                     (full name) as his/her proxy, to represent the undersigned at the Area meetings on Monday, November 11, 2019
                     between 4:45 pm and 5:45pm; and at the Annual Meeting of the members of the corporation to be held on Tuesday,
                     November 12, 2019 at approximately 3:30pm in Savannah, Georgia or at any adjournment thereof and to vote for
                     the undersigned on any and all matters that may come before the meetings.

                     Member name:_______________________________________________________________________

                     Franchise #:__________________________________________________________________________

                     Campground name:____________________________________________________________________



                     Instructions to proxy:__________________________________________________________________

                     NOTE: Proxies should be in the possession of the Secretary of the Kampground Owners Association no later than
                     8:00 a.m. on October 31, 2019 according to the by-laws. Accordingly, proxies should be mailed to:

                                                         Kampground Owners Association
                                                               3416 Primm Lane
                                                            Birmingham, AL 35216

                                           Please check for meeting room locations at the Convention

         14                                                                                                        Owners News
2019 We Are Family
                  Award Nominations
The KOA Owners Association is looking to receive nominations for this year’s recipient
of the “We Are Family Award” which will be presented at the KOA Annual Convention
in Savannah, Georgia. Please submit your nominations to the OA office no later than
October 4, 2019. You can email: info@koaowners.org or fax: 205-823-2760.
The nominees should be a match for one or all of the following criteria and it is not
limited to the KOA Owners Association membership.
The KOA Owners Association family member(s) who help other family members
beyond the call of duty as well as/or to those who consistently show special qualities
that contribute to the whole KOA system.
The KOA Owners Association created and first presented this award at the
convention in November 2000; at which time there were three recipients:
1)     Judy Whiting
2)     Pat Hittmeier
3)     Carol & Walt Preble
The following years were limited to one outstanding KOA family
2001 – Jim & Jane Rose
2002 – Mike & Rowena Bell
2003 – Marv & Carol Linde
2004 – Loren Smith
2005 – no submissions
2006 – Jim & Audrey Eberhart
2007 – Jim Finch
2008 – Jerry & Barbara Dale
2009 – Mike & Kristi Kuper
2010 – Garry & Vicki Cole
2011 – Bill & Georgette Jones
2012 – Shirley & Howard Stein
2013 – Amy & Tony Raposo
2014 – The Cutler Family
2015 – Kyle & Tammy Boltz
2016 – Gary Willis
2017 – Jerry Dale
2018 – Kaaren Fox & Kate Kemker
If you would like to nominate someone,
                                                                                         July, August, September

please contact the Owners Association by
October 11, 2019 and please include the
specific reason(s) you are nominating
them for this award.

www.koaowners.org                                                                        15
Volume 39, Issue 3

                                                        Criteria for
                     Work Kamper of the Year Award
                     We are pleased to announce the criteria for the KOA WorkKamper of the Year Award. This award will
                     be presented at the KOA Convention in Savannah in November 2019.
                        1. The WorkKamper nominee must have an active membership in the KOA WorkKamper Program.
                           Their resume may be inactive only if currently working at a KOA Kampground. Also must allow
                           for WorkKampers that are not full-timers, but work only in the summer months.
                        2. Demonstrate loyalty to the KOA Organization by choice of campgrounds to work at.
                        3. Demonstrate outstanding customer skills per the “Making It Great” Program. The WorkKamper
                           nominee is an employee who goes above and beyond on the campground, is a team player and
                           gets along well with peers. The WorkKamper demonstrates positive energy and attitude proving
                           to be an asset to the campground atmosphere.
                        4. Implements the KOA WorkKamper Code of Conduct as developed at the WorkKamper

                     WorkKamper Award Questions that can be considered by person(s) nominating:
                        1.   How long had the WorkKamper worked for you and your campground?
                        2. What do you feel is their greatest customer skill?
                        3. At check-in, are they friendly and helpful to the camper/do they escort the camper to their site
                           and ensure that everything is ok?
                        4. Are they alert to the needs of the campers and respond quickly?
                        5. When they are working with their peers, do they maintain a friendly and helpful attitude?
                        6. Do they offer assistance to a co-worker when they see the need?
                        7. Do they show good work ethic?
                                a. Check in on time
                                b. Complete the assigned task in a timely manner
                                c. Work well independently as well as in a group
                                d. Exhibits a cheerful attitude always
                                e. Responds appropriately to an emergency
                        8. How well do they implement the “KOA WorkKamper Code of Conduct?”
                        9. How well do they deal with difficult campers?
                           List an instance:
                        10. What instance really made this WorkKamper(s) stand out?
                        11. Why do you feel this WorkKamper deserves this award?
                        12. Have your campers complimented this WorkKamper to you personally or in writing?

                     The award winner will receive $500 from the OA to cover some of the cost to attend the convention as
                     well as a t-shirt to the winners, a $100 gift card for travel expenses (this can either go to them or to the
                     campground if they are paying their way) and two registrations into the Convention (courtesy of KOA).

                     Nominations should be sent to the KOA Owners Association Business Office, 3416 Primm Lane,
                     Birmingham, AL 35216 or email to info@koaowners.org by October 11, 2019

         16                                                                                                        Owners News
THANK YOU to OA’s Sponsors!
                    PLATINUM SPONSORS

                     Independence Bank

https://www.leavitt.com/lrh/ | https://www.phly.com/Home/Index.aspx

               Prairie Kraft Specialties

                Southeast Publications

                     SILVER SPONSORS
                    Great American Direct

                        Tengo Internet
                                                                      July, August, September


                     Utility Supply Group

www.koaowners.org                                                     17
Volume 39, Issue 3

                           SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES
                                 WITH THE KOA OWNERS ASSOCIATION

                            Three Levels of Sponsorship available to Associate Members of the Owners Association:

                     SILVER LEVEL--$1500

                     As a silver level sponsor you will receive:

                        ■■ A one year Associate Member recognition with full benefits of Associate membership

                        ■■ A certificate of recognition to be displayed at exhibits shows and the KOA Convention

                        ■■ A ¼ page four color add for the 4 quarterly Owners Association newsletter

                        ■■ One additional opportunity to participate in the monthly email blasts sent to the entire Owners
                           Association membership recognizing your company’s products or services

                        ■■ Recognition at the Owners Association Annual Meeting as a Silver level sponsor

                     GOLD LEVEL-- $2500

                     As a gold level sponsor you will receive:

                        ■■ A one year Associate Member recognition with full benefits of Associate membership

                        ■■ A certificate of recognition to be displayed at exhibits shows and the KOA Convention

                        ■■ A ½ page four color add for the 4 quarterly Owners Association newsletter

                        ■■ Two additional opportunities to participate in the monthly email blasts sent to the entire Owners
                           Association membership recognizing your company’s products or services

                        ■■ Recognition at the Owners Association Annual Meeting as a Gold lever sponsor

                     PLATINUM LEVEL -- $5000

                     As a platinum level sponsor you will receive

                        ■■ A one year Associate Member recognition with full benefits of Associate membership

                        ■■ A certificate of recognition to be displayed at exhibits shows and the KOA Convention

                        ■■ A full page four color add for the 4 quarterly Owners Association newsletter

                        ■■ Four additional opportunities to participate in the monthly email blasts sent to the entire Owners
                           Association membership recognizing your company’s products or services

                        ■■ A listing in an OA handout at the Annual Meeting recognizing your company’s support with a four
                           color handout at the KOA Convention

         18                                                                                                       Owners News
Volume 39, Issue 3

                       “ThE TiMES ThEY aRE a-Changin’ ”
                                                                    -Bob Dylan

                                                                      Loren Smith
                                                       Prairie Kraft Specialties & Great Falls, MT KOA

                     “The times, they are a-changin’ “. This Bob                   at the Great Falls KOA. However, this year, we
                     Dylan song was written back in 1964 and                       are equal to last year. Nothing to complain
                     describes a time period when the times                        about. Beth and Loren visit with many of you,
                     certainly were “a-changin’.” Although the                     our fellow franchisees. Most have noticed a
                     changes Bob Dylan had in mind might have                      slight change up or down, or equal to last year’s
                     been more about the Vietnam war and Civil                     business. So, what does this mean? In Loren’s
                     Rights Movement of the 1960s, those in every                  opinion, we can expect to see business hold
                     generation have felt change. Today, we are                    steady where it is for another couple years. This
                     noticing the same. This is the normal flow of life            opinion is based on 42 years in the camping
                     and society. In short, times are always changing.             business, in which I’ve seen “up” years and
                     This article focuses on some of the changes we                “down” years. It’s always prudent, however, to
                     are seeing, and our interpretation of them in                 consider that you may have a “bad year” next
                     our camping business.                                         year. A “down year” can come to your
                                                                                   particular campground even when
                     Over the past several years we have seen
                                                                                   campgrounds in other states have an “up year.”
                     increases in money and Camper Nights across
                                                                                   Things like road construction, floods, hurricanes
                     the KOA system. We have seen the same here

         20                                                                                                               Owners News
and forest fires, can have a local or regional      life experience than those decades older. They
    impact on campground business.                      will become much like those of us who are
                                                        older once they have gained life experience.
    Loren’s opinion is that now is the time to add
                                                        The main difference I see between the so called
    items to your business that generate income,
                                                        “Millennials” and those of us in my generation
    especially items that current customers are
                                                        (Baby Boomers) is that “Free Time” is more
    requesting. I’ll use an example of something we
                                                        important to them than money.
    have seen here in Great Falls. Our new Big RV
    Sites continue to see high demand. However,
    we are seeing an increased demand for the
    older sites that are only 60 ft long and can’t
    accommodate the Big RVs. There is a growing
    portion of our population interested in being
    “sustainable, low Carbon footprint, green”, etc.
    Whether you share this philosophy or not is
    unimportant. What is important is being able to
    accommodate those customers. This population
    brings smaller RV-type units. I believe this will
    continue to trend over the next several years.      Today’s job market is such that anyone who
    For the Great Falls KOA this is good news, as       wants to work can gain employment. It may not
    many of our older RV spaces fit these smaller       be the exact job you want, but there are plenty
    units. However, the electric pedestals and          of opportunities. I have read many articles
    water hookups are 40+ years old. This is a good     about the so called “Labor Shortage.” I don’t
    time to invest (maybe borrow) money and             believe it’s so much a “labor shortage” as it is
    replace pedestals and infrastructure. New           the country’s economy is booming and remains
    internally lit pedestals and new faucets change     very strong. Any time that happens, jobs are
    the image of these sites. The increased business    available, and anyone who likes to work can get
    they see will pay the investment off quickly.       paid quite well. This is good for employees but
                                                        creates challenges for those hiring.
    As many of you know, we shoot off a Display-
    Level Fireworks show on July 1st and July 4th       We have seen this relate to us here at Prairie
    each summer in Great Falls. Some of you may         Kraft Specialties in a slightly different way. The
    shudder at this, but it is part of our identity.    next couple of paragraphs may seem somewhat
    There are two or three International Fireworks      self-serving, but we will describe a trend we are
    Conventions held each year. Jane and I always       seeing as it relates to those of us in the camping
    attend the one held in mid-February in Lake         business.
    Havasu, AZ. The National Fireworks Association      One-Room and Two-Room Camping Cabins are
    (NFA) has a Convention coming up in Bronson,        still very profitable. In fact, they have the
    MO in late September 2019. Like our KOA             shortest Return on Investment (ROI) of anything
    Convention, they will have several Guest            in the KOA system excepting the Patio Site.
                                                                                                             July, August, September

    Speakers. One presentation is entitled, “Those      Consequently, we are still producing and
    Darn Millennials.” I know many of you may           shipping these Cabins from Prairie Kraft. The
    chuckle at this sentiment, but remember, the        main change we are seeing is most of our
    times are a-changin’. “Millennials” are no          customers not wanting to build them
    different than all younger generations with less

www.koaowners.org                                                                                            21
Volume 39, Issue 3

                     themselves. You see, time off and time away          We have seen freight costs increase
                     from the campground is more important to the         dramatically throughout both the United States
                     customer than saving money by doing the              and Canada. Not just in Motor Freight
                     construction themselves. Thirty-five years ago,      (trucking), but in UPS, FedEx Ground, etc. The
                     the average campground owner was concerned           times are a-changin’. Freight Companies now
                     about adding things to his campground as             focus on what they refer to as “shipping lanes,”
                     cheaply as possible. This led to most Camping        choosing a few thoroughfares to concentrate
                     Cabins being purchased as unassembled kits,          their market. Different trucking companies
                     and the campground owner building them               monopolize different thoroughfares, making it
                     himself. Today, we ship most of these Cabins         more expensive to go across the country. Large
                     out pre-built.                                       export companies such as Amazon, Wal-Mart,
                                                                                      McMaster Carr, etc. fill large trucks
                                                                                      of product daily from warehouses
                                                                                      strategically located throughout the
                                                                                      country. Due to their large volume of
                                                                                      freight, they get tremendously
                                                                                      discounted rates, or own their own
                                                                                      trucks and cargo planes. When you
                                                                                      purchase something from a company
                     Pre-built Cabins loaded and ready to travel
                                                                          that doesn’t move this tremendous volume of
                     Although the freight cost may seem high, it is       freight, the shipping simply costs more. These
                     generally returned to the customer in an             smaller businesses aren’t receiving the same
                     additional few months’ rental. Considering a         discounted rates as Amazon and Wal-Mart.
                     Camping Cabin probably has a 40-50 year life,        Those of us who regularly “online shop” are
                     what is a few extra payments when the trade          used to paying the deeply discounted bulk
                     off is enjoying the “winter season” away from        shipping rates, and thus it seems “more
                     the campground and not worrying about the            expensive” to ship from smaller businesses.
                     mess and hard work of building Cabin kits?           However, the convenience of having it shipped
                                                                          right to our door keeps us ordering product. It
                     Another driving factor in ordering a Cabin kit       isn’t unusual when ordering some items to have
                     pre-built is the fact that we are in an              the freight cost nearly equal to the cost of the
                     “Employee’s market.” Labor costs are higher for      product. Items that are especially heavy, items
                     Contractors due to the abundance of work they        that need special handling, or items that are
                     have available. Depending on the current Labor       unusually sized just simply cost more to ship.
                     rates in your state, hiring Prairie Kraft to build
                     your Cabins and ship them already completed          The Engineering Periodicals (primarily American
                     may actually save you money. For many                Society of Mechanical Engineers) and Aviation
                     campground owners, enjoying that Christmas           Periodicals have for the past two or three years
                     vacation in Hawaii while maintaining their           been filled with articles about combining micro
                     sanity and avoiding the headaches of hiring          computing electronics (Artificial Intelligence)
                     someone unexperienced is worth spending the          with large Mechanical Devices. Common
                     extra dollars in freight. Even campground            examples are cars and airplanes. Last year the
                     owners who previously ordered only Kits have         Engineering Periodical stated that within one
                     switched to pre-built Cabins, making the             year there would be 70 million self-driving cars
                     investment in their “Free Time.”                     on the road! I don’t know if that statement

         22                                                                                                        Owners News
actually came true. Many of us imagined “Self-         demand to a 50-amp receptacle in an RV site.
     Driving Cars” to be ones that you climbed into
                                                            Again, the time are a-changin’, and time will tell
     and took a nap while they drove you to work.
                                                            where this all goes.
     However, the new model cars can identify
     traffic along-side of you, follow the roadlines,       As change comes our way, we find ourselves
     match cruising speed with the car ahead, etc. In       wondering which “trends” are lasting and
     short, the times they are a-changin’.                  should be embraced, and which are fads that
                                                            will soon move on. Bob Dylan’s lyric helps to
     Another thing changing is the amount of energy
                                                            navigate this:
     available in a battery. Recently, a company just
     completed FAA certification for electric
     powered aircraft that will be used for pilot
                                                            “Come mothers and fathers, throughout the land
     training. Surprisingly, there is a large business of
     Pilot Training in the United States. Many              And don’t criticize what you can’t understand,
     countries in the world send their Pilots to the        Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command,
     United States to learn to fly. These Pilot
                                                            Your old road is rapidly agin’
     Training centers are primarily located in the
     warmer climates. Tulsa, Oklahoma will receive          Please get out of the new one If you can’t lend a hand
     in a few months the first of 20 Pilot Training         For the times, they are a-changin’ “
     Aircraft without a gasoline powered engine.
     They are all battery and electric powered, with
     about a two-hour range. These aircraft are
                                                            Perhaps the most helpful thing we can do is
     dramatically cheaper to operate. A couple years
                                                            work on understanding others. The young
     ago most of us thought an electric airplane was
                                                            certainly have much to learn from the older
     impractical. I can tell you Loren missed a key
                                                            generations, but the older generations can
     item: the conversion of electrical energy to
                                                            benefit from what the younger contribute as
     horsepower on the propeller is nearly 100%. A
                                                            well. To quote Beth’s dad, “Teamwork makes
     gasoline engine, in contrast, only converts at
                                                            the dream work!”
     about 20-30%. Keeping this in perspective, a
     gallon of aviation gasoline today costs about          Beth, Loren and Jane will be at the KOA
     $5.50. The equivalent electrical energy costs          Convention per usual, and we would love to
     about $3.22. Additionally, that $3.22 of               discuss any of this with those of you who may
     electricity will be delivered to the propeller at      be interested. See you in Savannah!
     100% efficiency, while the $5.50 gasoline is only
                                                            Your Friends in Great Falls,
     20-30% effective. Therefore, the same power
     produced by $3.22 in electrical energy costs           Loren, Jane, Beth and all the folks at Prairie
     about $20.00 in gasoline! I believe this same          Kraft Specialties and the Great Falls KOA
     trend will continue in
     automobiles. We will likely
     need to add automobile
     charging stations to our
                                                                                                                     July, August, September

     campgrounds in the near
     future. These require specific
     receptacles, with similar
                   Electric Car Charging Station

www.koaowners.org                                                                                                    23
Volume 39, Issue 3

                        February 18, 2019

                        Kampgrounds of America, Inc.
                        550 N 31st Street, TW3 Fourth Floor
                        Billings, MT 59101

                        KOA Kampground Owners Association, Inc.
                        3416 Primm Lane
                        Birmingham, AL 35216

                        Dear KOA Owners Association,
                        This letter highlights Kampgrounds of America, Inc. responses to the Owners Association
                        resolutions presented at the 2018 KOA Annual Convention. KOA took action and completed
                        some of the resolutions and declined action on others. In all instances, an appropriate
                        level of supporting information was provided in an effort to create transparency around
                        our responses.
                        We thank the Owners Association for presenting these resolutions and we look forward
                        to continuing our positive working relationship.

                        Darin Uselman
                        Vice President, Franchise Services

                     Come See Us At Booth #225!
                                                                              KOA Annual
                                                                             Convention & Expo
                                                                                   Nov. 12th & 13th 2019
                                                                                  Savannah International
                                                                                Trade and Convention Center
                                                                                       Savannah, GA
                                                                              Take Advantage         Don’t Miss The
                                                                                  of Our              Debut of Our
                                                                               Show                   New
                     Photo Courtesy of
                                                                              Specials!             Products!
                     Salt Lake City KOA

                     Exclusive  KOA    Product    Line
                                                                                 View Our Complete Product Line At:
                     Campfire Rings | Benches | RV Power Outlets | Bike Racks | & More!

         24                                                                                          Owners News
AREA 2 – Resolution #1
Negotiate with Chase Paymentech to eliminate credit card fees on refunds inclusive of all vendors
while shopping for better credit card fee structures.
KOA Response:
KOA has published an eKamp article that outlines the typical fee structures related to a standard
sale and refund for a card-not-present transaction. The article can be found HERE. Within the
article, KOA describes the nature of the Interchange-Pass-Through (IPT) agreement with Chase
Merchant Services. KOA has negotiated the most aggressive and transparent IPT agreement
available through Chase. In terms of future negotiation, KOA will evaluate several credit card
processors ahead of the current Chase Merchant Services contract expiration to vet pricing/
service and secure the best outcome for our campgrounds.
AREA 2 – Resolution #2
Change required to the distribution process of 10% Promotional Cards currently placed on site
maps and directories to eliminate multiple usage by a single person.
KOA Response:
KOA has published an article on eKamp that outlines the system benefit for these 10% Promotional
ValueKards. The article can be found HERE.
AREA 2 – Resolution #3
Make sure that KOA in their advertising does not advertise a membership but instead a Value
Kard Reward in order to deter campers from thinking they have to be a member to camp at our
KOA Response:
KOA agrees that Value Kard should not be advertised as a membership program. We are
evaluating all Value Kard collateral to ensure the proper messaging is in place.
AREA 5 & 6 – Resolution #1
Do hereby put forth the resolution that Cabins with ½ baths that were advertised and purchased
as Deluxe cabins, and were at the time of purchase categorized and approved by KOA Corp. as
such, should remain Deluxe Cabins with ½ baths and continue to be marketed as such.
KOA Response
KOA understands that there were a few Cabins with ½ baths that were advertised and purchased
as Deluxe Cabins. Franchisees, which have already been approved for brand positioning, should
                                                                                                        July, August, September

continue to categorize these select few cabins as Deluxe Cabins within KampSight 1.0/2.0 for
placement within the Lodging section of KOA.com. It should be noted that any and all new Deluxe
Cabins, especially those qualifying for brand positioning (whether installed newly or in the past)
must have a full bathroom to be marketed as a Deluxe Cabin. The KOA Quality Assurance &
Policy Manual details the specifics under the KOA Lodging section.

                                                                               (continued on page 26)

www.koaowners.org                                                                                       25
Volume 39, Issue 3

                     AREA 5 & 6 – Resolution #2
                     Do hereby put forth the resolution to restore the “Cancellation Policy” to its original status and set
                     aside the verbiage “Cancellation Guideline”
                     KOA Response:
                     KOA recommended that the verbiage “Cancellation Guideline” continue in both the KOA Quality
                     Assurance & Policy Manual and KOA Directory to align internal and customer facing language.
                     The Owners Association agreed with the recommendation.
                     AREA 5 & 6 – Resolution #3
                     Do hereby put forth the resolution to remove metered electricity from the royalty payment to
                     enable campgrounds to remain whole, where the state does not allow for recouping of the costs
                     associated to royalties paid.
                     KOA Response (DRAFT):
                     Rates are established based on several considerations. Some of those considerations include
                     water, electricity, sewer, cable, and WiFi. Additionally, the rate must consist of a margin that
                     allows the KOA to pay other costs associated with running the business. These costs include
                     staff, improvements, and other operating expenses. Ultimately, the margin must be sufficient to
                     cover these expenses and bring profit to the bottom line.
                     In the case of metered electric, some campgrounds have installed individual site meters and
                     separate the electricity costs generally included in the site rental fee. The KOA charges the
                     guest the metered electricity cost in a separate transaction. This separate transaction marks
                     an important distinction because those KOAs who do not have metered electric are unable
                     to separate the consumable service and continue to pay royalties through the site rental fee.
                     Metered electric, by definition in the franchise agreement, is a charge related to the site rental
                     and subject to royalties.
                     KOA has examined metered electricity many times. Over the years, there are three primary
                     reasons KOA has not eliminated royalties on metered electric.
                        1) KOA would experience an immediate revenue loss that is used to fund system-wide
                        2) Additional KOAs would potentially install meters and the subsequent revenue loss would
                           impact system-wide programs.
                        3) KOAs without meters could perceive the decision as an unfair advantage for metered
                     Although our decision on metered electricity has not changed, we remain committed to listening
                     to the perspective of KOA owners and taking action where we can.
                     AREA 5 & 6 – Resolution # 4
                     Does hereby put forth the resolution the KOA Corp. puts forth more effort in helping to resolve
                     errors in the Axia pin pad and Paymentech errors that have occurred. At this time, it is up to each

         26                                                                                                 Owners News
individual campground to identify and work with Axia and Paymentech to rectify the problems.
This is causing issues with Guest Services with the duplicate charges with no paper trail.
KOA Response:
In the paragraph that follows, KOA outlines a common scenario where a duplicate charge has
occurred. For this scenario, KOA has implemented a solution to catch these duplicates and
remedy them.
   1. Axia Pin Pad Time Out: In 2018, KOAs experienced duplicate charge situations when the
      Axia Pin Pad appeared to have timed-out during the authorization process. When the time-
      out occurred, the guest typically cancelled the transaction on the Pin Pad, which alerted
      K2 to record a log that that transaction was cancelled. The front desk clerk would then
      re-trigger the Pin Pad and the camper would rerun his/her credit card and a successful
      authorization was returned to K2. At this point, the transaction was thought to have been
      complete with no duplication. Unfortunately, the campers credit card statement would
      show otherwise and reflect a duplicate charge.
   2. After being alerted of this problem, KOA programmed a routine to search all Axia
      authorizations that were duplicative and unmatched to a closed K2 transaction. The
      programming would then void the duplicative amount behind the scenes to avoid
      unnecessary credit card statement issues down the road. This routine has been effective
      for this situation.
   3. KOA’s Information Services team continues to monitor any duplicate situations and has
      scheduled additional root cause analysis within its March programming. We do anticipate
      additional information will become available and subsequent enhancements prioritized to
      further reduce/eliminate future duplicate charges.
New Business
I am very opposed to KOA sending an email to value card holders requiring them to opt in to get
a directory mailed to them. It should be an opt-out if they don’t want it mailed. Most people will
not respond to an email at all. First no cards now no directories. We look cheap compared to
Good Sam. Aren’t we better than them? As a new park this is especially detrimental to us. Very
few of our customers have said they use the app. The stopped because of the billboards. Then
comment we are not in the directory they have.
KOA Response
From 2015 to 2017, KOA sent an opt-out email to VKR campers asking them if they would like
us NOT to send them a printed copy of the Directory. KOA collected the names of those who
responded to that opt-out email over those three years. Additionally, KOA obtained the names
of any VKR camper who called the department for the first month or two after the Directory
                                                                                                         July, August, September

shipped to opt-out of future Directory mailings, noting if they wanted a Directory, they would pick
one up at the KOA campground. The vast majority of those who called or emailed to opt out
say they use the KOA App or KOA.com and do not need the Directory. Subsequently, as the list
grew each year, KOA felt it might be time to flip the approach and go with an opt-in approach to
receiving the directory.

                                                                                (continued on page 28)

www.koaowners.org                                                                                        27
Volume 39, Issue 3

                               During the 2018 Franchise Advisory Committee (FAC) meeting, the group discussed how usage
                               of the Directory has been declining while usage of our online channels like KOA.com and the KOA
                               App has continued to grow. KOA.com has supplanted the Directory as the number one source
                               used to find out about KOA. The FAC and Marketing team consensus was to keep pushing
                               our guests to our digital channels to match the growth trend. We will reinvest directory savings
                               directly back into the programs and services those areas support, like VKR promotion.
                               In light of the information presented in the previous paragraphs, the approach for VKR campers
                               and the Directory changed in 2019. For VKR campers with no email on file, we automatically
                               shipped them a Directory. For VKR campers with email addresses on record, we emailed them
                               multiple times to ask if they wanted a Directory mailed to them. Those emails saw a 55% open
                               rate, with 72% of those NOT opting to receive a mailed Directory. For the 45% that did not open
                               the email, we did NOT send them a Directory, but if they call the KOA home office and request
                               one, we mail a copy out for them and note it on their file for next year.
                               This year marks the first year KOA utilized this approach. The Marketing team continuously
                               monitors and benchmarks the effectiveness of our marketing channels. If we see declines in VKR
                               nights associated with not receiving mailed Directories, or receive a high number of complaints,
                               KOA will be ready to pivot and shift back to an opt-out approach.

                                                                      • Utility Supply Group is the Exclusive supplier of
                                                                           Heritage Pedestals and Power Outlets

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                      • Fast, courteous and professional service
                      • The best brands in the industry, including
                                                                                                                                     Get Connected.
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                      • Two warehouses ensure immediate
                        shipping on most products

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                                                                     • Service Entrance Pedestals
                                                                     • Temporary Power

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                      • Pedestals & Power                            • RV Power Boxes and Pedestals
                        Outlets                                      • Distribution Equipment
                      • Metallic & Nonmetallic
                      • Meter Kits
                      • Utility Metering
                      • Distribution Panels
                      • Wire & Cable                                 • RV Power Boxes and Pedestals
                      • Pagoda Top Light Kit                         • Panel Boards, Load Centers,
                      • Roadway & Parking                              Circuit Breakers
                        Lighting                                     • Non-Metallic Pedestals
                      • Solar Lighting                                                                                      •                      
                      • Lighting Bollards
                      • Water Hydrants & Meters
                      • Hand Dryers                                                                                         •                           
                      • Replacement Parts
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                        (Open 8:30 am - 5 pm Coast-to-Coast)
                                                                     • Panel Boards & Load Centers
                                                                     • Circuit Breakers & Switches
                                                                     • Transformers                                         •                           
                                  Visit our website:
                        www.go-usg.com                                                                                                                    


         28                                                                                                                                                                 Owners News
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