Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Shire ...

Page created by Arthur Patel
Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Shire ...
  Henty Community News
ISSUE 65                                                                                           December 2020-January 2021

60 years of growth and innovation
November 23, 2020 marked        honeymoon, Les got terri-
60 years of trading of Dales    bly sunburned, and was
Supermarket in Sladen           confined to bed upon their
Street, and the official        return to Henty. So Mary
opening of their new front      had to learn to run the
entrance. It was a signifi-     store, make milk shakes
cant achievement for Les        and serve ice creams, with
Dale and his late wife          no one to show her. She
Mary, and their family.         succeeded and she worked
                                beside him in the business
                                for the next 59 years. She
                                often said the only rewards
                                was the opportunity to         Justin Clancy, M.P., Member for Albury was on hand to help the
                                sleep with the boss.           Dale Family... Jason, Ken, Les, Narelle and Phillip, celebrate the
                                                               official opening of their new front entrance on November, 23, 2020 ..
                                In 1960 a car crashed into     (Photo Courtesy Lorri Roden).
                                the side of the Hyway
                                Store, causing much dam-       mixture of other general            year old, Narelle, worked
                                age. After cleaning up and     merchandise. There was a            side by side on this new
                                reopening that day, plans      gauzed little room about 1.5        venture, bringing fresh
                                were made to rebuild the       x 1.2m called the deli where        ideas, while also keeping
                                store. Their accountant        they sold beef and pork sau-        their other seven day a
                                Colin White persuaded          sage, bacon, etc, which had         week business going. Les
                                them a better option would     to be sliced by request.            was very innovative and
In 1953, a 20-year-old man      be to buy the grocery, liq-                                        started the first self-service
                                                               There was no refrigeration.         store between Albury and
with no building experience     uor hardware, giftware
                                                               Items needing cool storage          Wagga, bringing city ideas
or backing, Les Dale built      and toy departments from
                                                               were stored in the cellar,          to the country.
and opened Dales Hyway          Haycrofts, At this time
                                                               necessitating many trips up
store and Milk Bar. A 3m x      Haycroft’s was the main
                                                               and down steps. In the              The family grew with the
3.6m box. Why? After doing      retailer in town selling the
                                                               early days there was a              addition of Ken and Phillip.
the town’s milk delivery        above lines plus haber-
                                                               “flying fox” for change dis-        A playpen was a familiar
twice a day by horse and        dashery, manchester,
                                                               tribution. One from the gro-        site in the shops and the
cart, delivering bulk milk      clothing, floor coverings,
                                                               cery side, and another from         kids helping over the years
into householders’ homes,       furniture and drapery.
                                                               the drapery, which would
he saw the need for a shop                                                                         After five years the execu-
                                The store had long coun-       take the money and docket
to sell milk between deliver-                                                                      tors of Haycrofts ap-
                                ters, with groceries behind    from the counter to a cash-
ies, as their property was                                                                         proached Les and Mary to
                                on shelves on the western      ier, situated in a box type
three miles out of town, and                                                                       buy the freehold of the
                                side. The staff would write    office high up in the store.
no one else sold milk.                                                                             main Haycrofts store, a
                                out the customer’s order       (Above where the deli is
                                                               now) She would stamp the            much larger building, with
His first year he was cash-     then assemble the goods,
                                                               docket paid and send it             storerooms and land out
strapped, customers but not     many having to be weighed
                                                               back plus any change re-            the back. On a weekend in
much stock, the second year     up.
                                                               quired.                             November 1965, 58 family
had stock but few custom-
                                The eastern wall was laid                                          and friends banded togeth-
ers, the third year it came
                                out the same but was           Dales Supermarket was               er to help them shift from
together and he soon ex-
                                stocked with clothing and      launched and opened on              the Rochrich building (now
panded. After six years
                                manchester. The southern       November 23, 1960 in the            the hardware shop). into
trading, he met and mar-
                                end was fitting rooms.         Rochrich building. The              the main Haycroft build-
ried Mary Fisher, a
                                Through the centre was a       young couple, with a one
farmer’s daughter. On their
                                                                                                    continued on p. 2
Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Shire ...
Page 2                                                 HEADERLINES                                                    Issue 65

Advertising                     continued from p.1                                             Henty and district, espe-
                                                                                               cially this year of COVID
  Rates                         ing, and shift Haycrofts
                                into the other building-                                       pandemic. It put a lot of
                                lock stock and barrel.. Both                                   extra pressure and work-
                                                                                               load on everyone. Recently
              2020              stores opened for business
                                on the Monday morning A                                        the move was made to em-
Advertising Rates               mammoth achievement.                                           ploy juniors after school
   per edition                                                                                 and weekends and it’s
                                Who can remember the                                           proving quite popular.
Full page           $150.00     early days- two aisles of
                                Groceries on the western        the checkout, he branched    This year a new entrance
                                side, giftware and house-       out to open an electrical    to the IGA has been built,
1/2 page               $80.00                                                                incorporating automatic
                                hold goods along the cen-       retail store in the building
                                tre, two rows of fridges and                                 sliding doors to aid the cus-
1/4 page               $55.00                                   formerly known as Con’s
                                                                                             tomers and a safe ramp.
                                washing machines, hard-         Café, adding a wide range
                                ware along the eastern                                       And it was officially opened
1/8 page               $40.00                                   of brown goods to the elec-
                                wall, seeds, garden product     trical goods they had previ- on November 23. Many
                                and toys down the back                                       thanks to Jason Morey for
1/16 page              $20.00                                   ously been selling.
                                The store has grown over                                     his planning and oversee-
                                the time, with many chang-      When the other grocery       ing, Phillip Dale for the
           Consecutive          es, and now carries a wide      store came on the market,    plans, and Hahn Construc-
          Advertisement         range of products , espe-       this was purchased to al-    tions for the work. Also our
                                cially for a town the size of   low for a larger display and staff and customers for
               5 ads                                            sales area of the electrical their patience during the
                                Henty. It has been a mem-
         for the price of 4     ber of various buying           goods, This building was     upgrade, but as everyone
                                groups, from being a Fami-      renovated by Jason Morey. agrees, it is well worth it.
                                ly Fare, Four Square , Good     Ken’s former shop was sold
Article contributions                                           to the Scholz family to be-  It is the part of the ongoing
                                -fellowes and is now a part
(word or publisher) and         of the IGA banner group         come Henty Bakery.           upgrade to the IGA, that
photos (jpg format) can                                                                      has been occurring over the
                                and an IGA plus Liquor
be emailed to                                                   Daughter Narelle became      years, with new tills, shelv-
                                store .
                                                                involved in the IGA Super- ing.
hentyheaderlines@                                               market fulltime again after
hotmail.com or                                                  spending time at home
dropped into Greater                                            with a growing family. Her
Hume Council Henty                                              son Jason has been work-
Customer Service Cen-                                           ing in the business for the
                                                                past 18 years, working in
                                                                the Hardware and the IGA
                                                                making three generations
                                                                working side by side.
Deadline for the                In 1975 they opened a
                                                                The Dale family and staff      Now 60 years later the
                                hardware and electrical
next edition is 15th                                            are all involved in the com-   business has expanded into
                                store in the Rochrich build-
November 2020                                                   munity and one staff mem-      other shop fronts, family
                                ing, expanding their range
                                                                ber is a volunteer firemen.    have joined the ranks and
                                of hardware to include ce-
                                                                Ken is also a priest in the    three generations working
                                ment, garden products, and
                                                                Anglican church.               together, and the next gen-
Editorial Details               timber. This was to service
                                                                                               eration has started. The
                                the needs of the district        The staff become like fam-    original stalwart 20-year-
Headerlines is a not-for-       created by the closure of       ily and stay for years, one    old is now 87, has medical
profit community newslet-       the Henty Timber Yards.         member Roy McInnes just        issues but is still working.
ter published bi-monthly.       This was under the ban-         retired after 47 years         This is something very ra-
                                ner of the Thrifty Link         working for the Dales, and     re. Retirement? Yes He
The editorial team reserves                                     Kim Poole was employed
                                group. They later pur-                                         could retire, but this has
the right not to publish any                                    for 42 years before her
                                chased the butchery to al-                                     been his life, his relaxa-
article or to modify submis-                                    passing earlier this year.
                                low access between the su-                                     tion. And as Les says, he
sions to suit the style and
                                permarket and hardware                                         needs a reason to get up
objectives of the newsletter.                                   Les’s brother Edward was
                                store                                                          each day.
                                                                another valued employee.
                                In 1980s their son Ken          The Dales wish to thank
                                joined them in the busi-        their staff, past and pre-
                                ness, and after spending        sent, for their untiring ef-
                                time in the supermarket on      forts to serve the people of

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Page 3                         HEADERLINES                                             Issue 65

                                     Service NSW Mobile Service Centre
         60 years of service
                                     Service NSW is returning      ● Applying for births,
                                     to Henty in our Mobile Ser-     deaths and marriages
                                     vice Centre.                    certificates
                                     The service will be located   ● Applications and Re-
                                     in Sladen Street Henty be-      newals for Working
                                     tween the Bendigo Bank          with Children Checks
                                     and Post Office on            ● Consulting with a Cost
                                     Wednesday       December        of Living specialist for
                                     16, 2020 9am to 2pm.            help accessing more
                                     Our dedicated Service           than 70 government
                                     NSW staff on board can          rebates and savings.
                                     provide support across a      Mobile Service Centres
                                     broad range of services in-   will accept cashless pay-
                                     cluding:                      ments by credit and debit
                                     ● Renewing a driver li-       card or cheque.
                                       cence or vehicle regis-     Please check the website
                                       tration                     for the latest information
                                     ● Processing of Medical       on service locations and
                                       and Mobility Parking        opening hours at ser-
                                       Permits                     vice.nsw.gov.au/msc.
                                     ● Processing of RSA and
                                       RCG cards
                                     ● Undertaking     driver
                                       knowledge tests

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Page 4                                                  HEADERLINES                                                      Issue 65

                                 Get Online Week                   Palmer                        bases
Library News                     School Holiday programs           Hidden Creed by Alex         BARCODE SCAN – scan a
                                                                     Cava                         book’s barcode to see if your
                                 National Disability Week
Christmas Holiday Ac-                                               All Our Shimmering           library has it
                                  – November
tivities                                                             Skies by Trent Dalton        Scan to download or search
                                Reading and watching
Holidays are coming up                                                                            for Riverina Regional Li-
                                suggestions                         The Book of Two Ways by
quick and Greater Hume                                                                            brary in your app store. For
                                Library books and DVDs               Jodi Piccoult
Council Library staff will                                                                        further assistance contact
have available Santa’s          are free, but it is still disap-    The Coast-to-Coast Mur-      your local librarian 02
Reindeers to be picked up       pointing when you have               ders by James Patterson      60360179
and completed at home.          spent time reading or               The Godmothers by Mon-       Christmas Food Appeal
The Reindeers will be a         watching something you               ica McInerney
                                didn’t enjoy! Reading re-                                         Help us feed local people in
great addition to your                                              Honeybee by Craig Silvey
                                views from real people can                                        need and donate non-
Christmas decorations.                                                                            perishable food items
Cost $2 per reindeer. Book-     be a great way to get an            I Follow You by Peter
ings are essential for the      idea of whether or not               James                        Donations will be accepted
Reindeers prior to picking      something is for you, and           The Living Sea of Waking     at the Jindera Library lo-
up.   Follow the Jindera        Riverina Regional Library            Dreams by Richard            cated in the Jindera Com-
Library Facebook page for       staff have a blog full of book       Flanagan                     munity Hub from Tuesday
further holiday activities      and DVD reviews at                                                24 November to Thursday
                                rrlreads.wordpress.com.             The Return by Nicholas       24 December.
in January 2021.                                                     Sparks, The Secret Life of
                                You can also find reviews at                                      Contact Library & Youth
Upcoming       Events     in                                         Mr Roos by Hakan Nesser
                                www.goodreads.com.                                                Services Team Leader for
2021                                                                 and Serentity’s Song by
                                If you fill in a What Will I                                      further details P: 02
In 2021 the Greater Hume                                             Cathryn Hein
                                Read Next form (either on                                         60360179.
Council Libraries will con-                                         A Song for the Dark
                                our website, or ask your                                          Grab Bags
tinue to deliver collections,                                        Times by Ian Rankin
                                librarian for a paper copy)
programs and services that                                                                        Grab bags are a perfect
                                we will send you a list of          Chaos by Iris Johansen       way to enjoy our collection
meet the needs of our com-
                                books and DVDs we think              The Survivors by Jane
munities. Below is a sum-                                                                         without spending a long
                                you will enjoy, based on             Harper
mary of what will be on                                                                           time browsing the shelves.
                                your particular likes and           The Trouble with Peace
offer at your library or as                                                                       Let us know what you
                                dislikes. Don’t be stuck for         by Joe Abercrombie
outreach visits to towns                                                                          would like to borrow at
                                something to read; let us
and villages in 2021                                                The Bright Side Sanctu-      your local library by an-
                                help you find your next fa-
 Library Lovers’ Day –         vourite book.                        ary for Animals by Becky     swering a few questions at
  February                                                           Mandelbaum                   https://rrl.nsw.gov.au/grab-
                                Don’t miss out on new
                                                                    Alien Secrets    by   Ian    bag/. We will contact you
 Seniors Week – March          books available from
                                                                     Douglas                      when we have selected five
 Library & Information         Riverina Regional Li-
                                                                                                  items or more that we
  Week – May                    braries – Loan or Re-               Hannah’s War by Jan          think you may enjoy and
                                serve your copy now!                 Eliasberg
 Book Week – August                                                                              bundle them up ready for
                                Don’t miss out on….                 Song of the Crocodile by     you to borrow. If you like
 Get Online Week – Octo-
                                 The Two Lost Mountains             Nardi Simpson                Greater Hume Council Li-
                                  by Matthew Reilly                 Death Leaves the Station     braries also have a home
 Tech Savvy Seniors – All                                                                        delivery service available.
                                 Christmas Kisses with              by Alexander Thorpe
                                  My Cowboy by Diana               Try Our New Library            We can select for any age
                                                                   App                            and interest.
                                                                   MANAGE YOUR AC-                All Greater Hume Libraries
                                                                   COUNT – see your loans         are participating in this
                                                                   and renew. Add linking         program.
                                                                   family cards                   For more information con-
                                                                   CATALOGUE SEARCH –             tact Library & Youth Ser-
                                                                   find and reserve library       vice Team Leader P: 02
                                                                   items                          6036 0179.
                                                                   LIBRARY INFORMATION
                                                                   – discover library events,
                                                                   find your nearest branch
                                                                   eLIBRARY – access all our
                                                                   digital content, including
                                                                   eBooks, eAudiobooks, mag-
                                                                   azines and research data-

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Video push for health staff                                    and interviews.
                                                               The aim of this production
                                                                                                Local Health Advisory
                                                                                                Committee members have
                                                               is not only to show prospec-     been working on this for
A short video promoting          the wages higher, there are   tive employees what Henty        months and hopefully we
Henty as a great place to        the expenses of travel and                                     will be rolling it out by the
                                                               has to offer. It is also for
work, live and play is being     accommodation to be met.                                       New Year.
                                                               those looking for a tree
filmed in the town. It is in     The majority of job inter-    change. They can see that        A special word of thanks to
an effort to redress the dif-    views are now done online     although Henty may be            Ben Hooper, one of the
ficulty smaller remote hos-      so to prospective employees   small in population, there       committee’s newest mem-
pitals have recruiting per-      an insight into Henty, the    is great educational and         bers, for his management
manent staff.                    idea of a short video was     sporting facilities as well as   of this project. His wide
The lack of permanent staff      born. Grant Higginson of      activities for those with        media experience has been
means greater use of agen-       Cut Above Productions of      more creative minds. It is       a great advantage and the
cy (fly in, fly out) nurses.     Wagga Wagga has been          also only 45 minutes from        committee is eager to see
This is a very costly exer-      commissioned to produce it.   two of NSW’s largest inland      the finished product.
cise paid for out of the hos-    Grant has been in town        cities.
pital budget. Not only are       recently doing some work

Ben joins committee                                            With past experience
                                                               working in varied indus-
                                                               tries including media, con-
Ben Hooper is a welcome          design applications.          struction and education,
new addition to Henty’s          Professional experience       Ben has been fortunate to
Local Health Advisory            encompasses a range of        hold a lead role in the de-
Committee.                       large-scale projects draw-    velopment of different
It is almost four years since    ing upon strong project       large scale projects includ-
the family relocated from        management and coordina-      ing health care, education
the Sydney hustle to the         tion skills.                  and infrastructure.
town. Ben, wife Izu and
three        children    Odin,
Yozora and Vinnie have
s e t t le d   in   we l l  at
“Brackley” and enjoy being
part of a smaller communi-
In August Ben and wife
Izu, a graphic designer,
opened Zube Computers in
Sladen Street.
Ben has built a diverse
skill set which is formed                                            Plumbers, Drainers & Gasfitters
by    s t ro ng t e chnical
knowledge and application
                                                                      Bobcats, Excavators, Tippers &
which has been built upon                                                          Trenchers
a foundation in various                                                      Farm Water Supply
                                                                          Reticulation, Trenching
                                                                      Troughs, Tanks & Solar Pumps
                                                                                Septic Systems
                                                                      Septic & Trade Waste Pumping
                                                                           Sand & Gravel Cartage
                                                                         Grader & Water Cart Hire
                                                                    If you want to dig it, pipe it, pump
                                                                          it or fix it – we can do it!

                                                                                 Mobile 0403 191 780

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Shire ...
Page 6                                            HEADERLINES                                                        Issue 65

Regional Winner Emily Jones, NSW Trainee                                                   Roll of those
of the Year                                                                                at rest
Greater Hume Council          be able to retain her as an   incredibly important roles     A chance remark in the
congratulates Youth Of-       employee and role model to    within our communities.        local coffee shop about a
ficer, Emily Jones who was    other young people in our     This recognition is testa-     year ago gave Kevin
announced as the 2020         communities and our many      ment to the quality of our     Fogarty an idea. Apparent-
NSW Trainee of the Year.      other trainees is great for   work place in the support      ly visitors to the lawn cem-
One of six state finalists,   Greater Hume Council”.        and the learning and skill     etery often had difficulty in
Emily took out the top        Emily was nominated for       development opportunities      locating particular graves.
award for the NSW Train-      her Traineeship at Council    that are provided locally”,    After consultation with
ing Awards in Trainee of      in which she completed her    Mayor Wilton said.             Warren Dale and Council
the Year category.            Certificate IV in Library     When asked why she chose       officials he came up with
Emily was named as the        and Information Services      to start her Traineeship       an exact list of “occupants”,
Trainee of the Year in the    through TAFE NSW. Emily       with Council, Emily replied    which he typed up in al-
Riverina Region and win-      started her Traineeship at    I’ve always wanted to help     phabetical order. A frame
ning the State award is       the end of 2017 in the Li-    people. Being able to assist   with sliding glass doors
recognition of the opportu-   brary/Customer Service        a community member             was constructed and was
nities traineeships can       and Youth areas and has       who’s struggling, confused     officially unveiled on Sun-
provide to people who want    since successfully complet-   or curious has given me so     day, September 27 in front
to remain in their local      ed her traineeship and        much job satisfaction. This    of a gathering of about 25
communities.                  gained employment with        traineeship has widened        people.
Greater Hume Council          Council in November 2019.     my understanding of all        Erected in the cemetery
Mayor, Heather Wilton         “Traineeships play an im-     areas of community service.    gazebo, a plaque indicates
said, “We are very excited    portant role for Greater      The contacts I’ve made, the    it is in memory of Nadine
for Emily who has been an     Hume Council in develop-      relationships I’ve forged      Fogarty and Graham
exceptional trainee and to    ing young locals to take on   and the experiences I’ve       Booth. Reverend Ken Dale
                                                            gained will stay with me       offered a short dedication
                                                            forever, especially the sup-   before those in attendance
                                                            port that I have received      enjoyed afternoon tea.
                                                            from my manager Susan          Next on Kevin’s agenda is
                                                            Kane.”                         an application to Riverina
                                                            Emily will now represent       Water for a grant to install
                                                            NSW as Trainee of the          a     watering     system
                                                            Year in the Australian         throughout the lawn ceme-
                                                            Training Awards, the peak      tery.
                                                            national awards that show-
                                                            case best practice in voca-
                                                            tional education and train-
                                                            ing (VET).


                                                                   *Renovations          * Extensions
                                                              *Verandahs /Decks      * Sheds *Concreting
                                                              *Pergolas      * Garages    * Insurance work
                                                                       * All your carpentry needs
                                                                          Phone: Peter - 0427 296459
                                                                               Tim - 0429 999600

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                                                                 members, each giving a
Casseroles there in spirit                                       short talk. These talks
                                                                                                  God given talents have
                                                                                                  certainly been         made
                                                                 have been about their early      known. Everybody - feel
                                                                 childhood life until mar-        free to join the fellowship.
The Lutheran Ladies Fel-        tions of $500 each was giv-
                                                                 riage, and others have           The Committee for the
lowship came up with a          en to the Australian Lu-
                                                                 shown and talked on how          coming year is:
novel idea in place of their    theran World Service and
                                                                 they became interested in
annual casserole luncheon,      Albury/Wodonga Cancer                                             President: Judy Zweck
                                                                 their hobbies, crafts or arts.
which was cancelled this        Council Trust Fund.                                               Secretary: Dulcie Knobel
                                                                 Needlework,        painting,
year, due to the COVID-19       The fellowship meets once        beading, and crocheting are      Treasurer: Marie Schlen-
virus. A casserole-less         a month and besides hav-         some activities. Some beau-      ker
luncheon was held among         ing a devotion and Bible         tiful articles have emerged,     Catering Secretary: Alison
congregation members,           study, they are getting to       and wonderful heirlooms.         Schuster
which raised $1,000. Dona-      know more about their

Transport plan on the move                                       Your refundable items can
                                                                 help make a big difference
                                                                                                  Anyone can access this ser-
                                                                                                  vice by contacting Ros Kilo
                                                                 for all our young people, as     the night before and plac-
Transport has always been       Funding will be needed to        all donations and refunds        ing an order.( Phone 0417
a concern for the senior        run the service and there        will go towards supporting       681 793). A choice of two
citizens of the Henty com-      will be charges involved to      all the youth in the area        courses is offered each day
munity and those with ad-       users. However, it is the        through school-based pro-        for a modest charge of $10.
ditional needs. There are       intention to minimise the        grams.                           Meals are delivered be-
several community mem-          cost. While the committee        More information about           tween noon and 1pm.
bers who travel to the re-      is still in the initial stages   eligible containers and the
gional centres for support-     of planning and discus-          scheme in general is avail-
ed work/learning opportu-       sions, it is keen to see if      able      at    returnan-        The Henty Community
nities as well as medical       there are people who can         dearn.org.au.                      Club welcomes you
and other important ap-         volunteer to drive. All driv-                                       back again to enjoy
                                                                 Lunch is
pointments. Many rely on        ers would need to have an
transport that cannot be        up-to-date first-aid certifi-                                     meals on Friday, Satur-
                                                                                                   day and Sunday nights
provided by families due to
work commitments and the
                                cate, which the committee
                                will support them to ac-         served                                from 6.00pm.
like.                           quire, as well as a full driv-
                                er’s licence. Please contact     Thumbs up to the ladies of
                                                                                                   Take-away meals are
These groups find it diffi-
cult to find transport and if   committee members if you         the Henty Community                  also an option.
they do, the costs can be       would like to find out more.     Club.                            Mixed Social Bowls are
exorbitant. There is also       Please remember to sup-          When COVID-19 forced the         on each Saturday after-
some concern that the cur-      port the ongoing drive to        closure of the Community          noon and Golf is also
rent services will not con-     raise funds to support           Centre they took it upon
tinue into next year. The       youth mental health in the       themselves, under the lead-        played on Saturday
Henty Local Health Advi-        area. The committee is do-       ership of president Allison            afternoons.
sory Committee is investi-      ing this by asking the pub-      Scott, to prepare and deliv-
gating the possibility of       lic to donate their recycla-     er lunches to those people
                                                                                                   Members and Visitors
acquiring a transport ser-      ble bottles and cans to the      who normally had their               most welcome.
vice that will meet these       local collection point; which    lunches at the centre each
needs.                          is at Dales IGA.                 Tuesday and Friday.

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Normality returns at last                                                                    naps on the way there and
                                                                                             back. The trip was a huge
                                                                                             success and for many the
While 2020 may well be         high-quality virtual movie,                                   opportunity to visit the zoo
remembered as a year of        which was thoroughly en-                                      was their first time up
restrictions and reduced       joyed by all. Congratula-                                     close and personal with the
extra-curricular activities,   tions to all the other clas-                                  animals.
Term 4 at Henty Public         ses who performed their
School has been making up      dance routines and every
for lost time.                 student should be very
The term has been notable      proud of their participation
for many activities and the    and commitment.
annual gala production of      The school is delighted to     and training at the school
Shrek was a highlight. The     announce another arrival       for a more comprehensive
Year 6 students rehearsed      in 2021. Mabel, the school     program in the New Year.
and worked very diligently     therapy dog, has recently      She is a beautiful and
for many hours to present a    commenced short visits         friendly Labrador and we
                                                              can’t wait to spend more
                                                              time with her.
                                                              Kindergarten orientation
                                                              has been taking place this
                                                              term and the school’s staff
                                                              were excited to finally wel-
                                                                                             Year 5/6 students had
                                                              come the forthcoming stu-
                                                                                             their own excursion to the
                                                              dents to participate in the
                                                                                             Great Aussie Resort in
                                                              transition program. The
                                                                                             Week 4. They were able to
                                                              staff look forward to them
                                                                                             participate in many chal-
                                                              joining next year and be-
                                                                                             lenging adventure sports
                                                              coming part of the school
                                                                                             and a fantastic time was
                                                                                             had by all, including the
                                                              The school is fortunate to     teacher. It is always a
 KANES BUSES PTY PTD                                          have such a strong and
                                                              supportive P & C and with
                                                                                             pleasure for teachers to
                                                                                             take students away on ex-
                                                              their assistance, it will be   cursions and they were so
 School Bus Service & Charter                                 able to provide a very spe-    pleased the year could
                                                              cial excursion for all stu-    come to an end with addi-
                                                              dents. The whole school        tional excursions and out-
                                                              attended the Altina Wild-      ings after the restrictions
                                                              life Park in Darlington        at the start of year.
                                                              Point on Friday, November
                                                                                             As the school year comes to
                                                              13. This was part of our
                                                                                             an end, the teachers and
                                                              PBL (Positive Behaviour
                                                                                             staff take the opportunity
                                                              for Learning) term treat.
                                                                                             to wish all a very happy
                                                              There was great excite-
                                                                                             and safe Christmas and
                                                              ment when students were
                                                                                             holiday season.
                                                              due at school at 7.45am for
                                                              the trip. There were a few

         PHONE: (02) 6929 3257

            Fax: (02) 9293051

  E-MAIL: kanesbus@bigpond.com

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Shire ...
Page 9                                               HEADERLINES                                                   Issue 65

Annie scores a century
Born in Brocklesbury and      When Keith died in 1990
living in Bulgandra near      Annie took on a job with
Rand, Annie attended the      King’s Motel at the Rock
one-teacher school and        and Borg Warner in Albu-
then worked in the Post       ry, moving back to the UPA
Office. At 21 years she       unit, to South Street and
joined the Air Force in       back to the Hostel. She has
Forest Hill as a telepho-     travelled to Tasmania,
nist and then was appoint-    where her daughters live,
ed to Williamstown.           for the past 17 years.
She met her husband           Annie’s 100th birthday cele-
Keith Ogle in Melbourne       brations took place with
in 1948. They moved           lunch for three at the Hos-
around Sydney, then to        tel (because of COVID-19),
Parkes where Keith be-        but on the Sunday about 30     Minister Scott Morrison,        great day to celebrate a
came a truck driver for the   friends and relations stood    Governor General David          100th birthday for a mother
Vacuum Oil Company.           out the front on the foot-     Hurley and local MP Justin      of four daughters, a grand-
From Kilmore to Essendon      path to sing Happy Birth-      Clancy (with flowers), plus     mother of nine and a great-
they moved until they         day, followed by a family      another 40 or so.               grandmother of 10. There
bought the Golden Fleece      party in Comer Street at                                       are currently five genera-
Service Station in Yerong     her daughter Beryl’s house,    Annie’s cake was made by
                                                             the local bakery, beautifully   tions of Annie’s family liv-
Creek where they served       without her!!                                                  ing in Henty.
the community for seven                                      decorated with mauve flow-
                              Cards were received from       ers by Amanda Bahr. A
years.                        Queen Elizabeth II, Prime

2021 Henty show cancelled                                    The Show Society Com-
                                                             mittee thanks all competi-
                                                                                                 Wait until your dish-
                                                                                              washer or washing ma-
                                                             tors, judges and business        chine is fully loaded be-
The 2021 Henty Show has       pacted has been the Grain      houses for their ongoing         fore you turn it on.
been cancelled due to the     Competition. The results       support and wishes them            Turn off the tap while
upgrading of the playing      are as follows:                well in 2021.                    you brush your teeth or
surface and the need to       Wheat- 1st Leigh Eulen-                                         shave.
allow the surface to stabi-   stein, 2nd Peter Camp-
lise before equestrian        bell 3rd Dugald McKay.
                                                                                                Wash your vegetables
events can again be con-                                                                      and rinse dishes in a
ducted on the ‘Show           Barley-   1st   Adam                                            plugged sink or basin –
Ground’.                      Klemke, 2nd Stephen                                             not under a running tap.
With Covid 19 still threat-
                              Zweck, 3rd Stephen             How to save water                   Install a water saving
                              Zweck and John Ellis.          in your home...
ening, the Show Society                                                                       showerhead and water
had no alternative but to     Canola- 1st Rohan and          Keep your showers to four        efficient taps to save on
cancel the show to be held    Kellie   Bahr,    2nd          minutes. Taking shorter          water and energy costs.
in 2021.                      Klemke Bros. 3rd Peter         showers is one of the best
                              and Alison Campbell.           ways to help save water.
Part of the ‘Show’ not im-

Headerlines Henty Community News - Greater Hume Shire ...
Page 10                                                 HEADERLINES                                                          Issue 65

So much to learn in 2020                                          siblings could complete to-
                                                                  gether, health and fitness
                                                                                                   months, it has also been a
                                                                                                   time to reflect on what is
                                                                  and ‘life skill’ based tasks.    truly important in life. For
In those first few weeks of      dents. The challenge is now      The school worked creatively     each, this reflection will have
the school year it was won-      continuing this journey from     and realistically on what was    a slightly different view, but
derful to see St Paul’s Henty    what COVID-19 has taught.        achievable for students          there will also be many com-
students from all age groups     Term 2 took on a slightly        learning under the new situ-     mon threads. Let’s not forget
engaging with each other.                                         ation. The goal was to design    to give thanks to God for all
                                 different approach to learn-
Some were sprouting seeds                                         learning that makes the most     that we have been blessed
                                 ing as adjustments were
to plant vegetables and flow-                                     of students being in a home      with.
                                 made. Teachers had daily
ers in the gardens, many         contact with students face-to-   environment while still de-      ‘It is at times of crisis that we
were enjoying the billy carts,   face via Zoom, preparing dif-    veloping core syllabus out-      know without a doubt that
the basketball rings and         ferent ways to bring the         comes and skills. Staff were     God is at work – yet his work
balls had lots of use, the       school together, sharing good    mindful of families who have     is not always comfortable.’
scooters are always popular,     news, birthdays and ac-          limited access to the internet   During the second semester,
and drones were being flown      knowledging great learning       and that some parents were       the school commenced an
and tested at lunchtime.         by the students with weekly      working from home with lim-      exciting journey through our
Then the school swiftly          awards. Students also had        ited time to assist students.    Project Based Learning
moved into unchartered wa-       the opportunity to read over     As time moved on, the staff      (PBL) to grow a community
ters, the COVID-19 pandem-       the day's work and ask any       missed the students terribly.    of learners who will be ready,
ic. The staff endeavoured to     questions.                       That served as a big remind-     skilled and able to live and
keep teaching and learning       Staff prepared videos both       er of the relational nature of   contribute into the future.
as the primary focus for all     live and pre-recorded to en-     teaching. Good teaching just     The 21st century learning
students at this time. Stu-      hance student learning.          doesn’t seem to happen with-     environments combine flexi-
dents were taught how to         Feedback and communica-          out the personal and physical    ble and agile indoor and out-
use various platforms to         tion involved the use of Mi-     connections. Parents too,        door learning environments
enhance and continue their       crosoft Teams, daily teacher     were learning that motivat-      and when combined with the
education during remote          communication via Seesaw,        ing and keeping kids engaged     latest technology will support
learning. The results were       email and phone calls. After-    in the remote learning envi-     student creativity, passion
brilliant and showed a new       noon sessions took on            ronment is tricky. Just have     and inspire them to take
way to engage with the stu-      STEAM-based activities that      a look at social media to see    risks in their learning.
                                                                  the hardships many parents       Thanks to the school’s won-
                                                                  are finding having their kids    derful parents, the new sand
                                                                  at home while trying to get      pit has been a huge success
                                                                  some school activities done.     with students across the
                                                                  How amazing it was to wit-       school. The little engineers
                                                                  ness students returning to       are critically thinking, com-
                                                                  school in May with huge          municating, collaborating,
                                                                  smiles, excitement overload      and expressing creativity
                                                                  and stories to share. They       with every build they design.
                                                                  certainly needed time to so-     Who would have thought a
                                                                  cialise and this was catered     sandpit could offer such won-
                                                                  for by extra time on the play-   derful learning experiences?
                                                                  ground, each day, just being     The school has also increased
                                                                  kids. Although it has been a
                                                                  very difficult and demanding     continued on page 11
                                                                  time during the recent

Page 11                                                   HEADERLINES                                                          Issue 65

A story surrounding an art work
Below is an article from our     needed in a painting to ena-
resident local artist Gwen       ble the painting to make
Bullock.                         sense, or "read" correctly. I
In 2015 we travelled to          had to make many tonal
Canada and Alaska. Part          changes to show the various
of that trip was a cruise up     ridges of this mountain.
the Inside Passage from          This was particularly im-
Vancouver to Whittier.           portant for the three ridges
Very early one morning I         on the right hand side that
woke to this beautiful sun-      were coming forward in the
rise out from our balcony.       scene. Lesson no. 3 - the
Camera time!!! The cam-          foreground was such a con-
era did not quite capture        trast to the snow covered
the size, grandeur and           mountain that the photo
colours of this beautiful        turned it very, very dark.
scene. Artist’s Lesson no. 1     Now dark did help to en-         Alaskan Sunrise is an acrylic painting on canvas. 70cm X 65cm.
- make written notes to          hance the enormous size of
assist a later painting ses-     the mountain, but very,
                                                                  I'm really happy with the           size of these mature pine
sion. Even if I had had          very dark was too overpow-
                                                                  cold of the night, still felt       trees, then feel the enormi-
paints and brushes it was        ering. Varying the darks
                                                                  on the left, and being over-        ty of these mountains.
all over way too quickly.        over a couple more lighter
                                                                  taken gradually with the            Alaskan Sunrise is truly a
However, the glowing pink        values (but unfortunately
                                                                  warmth of the morning sun           few seconds of nature's
was what remained in my          does not show in this photo)
                                                                  on the right. To capture a          beautiful history frozen
mind. Lesson no. 2 - the         enabled some more shape to
                                                                  true sense of this land-            into an awesome love affair
photo does not always de-        the trees, and the hills and
                                                                  scape, cast your eyes along         with Alaska.
pict what is sometimes           valleys in the foreground.
                                                                  the tree line, focus on the

from page 10                                                                                         bye to Claudia Wright as she
                                                                                                     moves to the Central Coast
its ability to grow vegetables                                                                       and goodbye to Simone
by the delivery of two new                                                                           Kanaley as she explores
garden beds and the success-                                                                         Australia for a year with her
ful application for a grant to                                                                       husband. Mrs Kanaley will
help develop produce. Stu-                                                                           return in 2022.
dents are planting, growing                                                                          Moving to 2021 we are
and harvesting produce from                                                                          thrilled to announce the ar-
the plants, which they will                                                                          rival of two new teachers to
then turn into healthy                                                                               St Paul’s. Welcome to Nigel
snacks for the students to                                                                           Cunningham and Katie Rid-
enjoy. The school will en-                                                                           ley. They will be awesome
deavour to create produce                                                                            additions to the school.
each year to share with the
school and community. Many
thanks to our parents and
staff who are so giving to
supply rocks, soil and com-       The new 21st Century furni-     in an Athletics Carnival
posted matter to enrich the       ture is here and let’s say it   this year, they were able to
soil for our healthy produce      is nothing short of amazing.    hold a Cross Country
to flourish.                      This will allow PBL to flow     event.
The school has seen many          smoothly throughout the         The Kindergarten Transi-              Anglican
fabulous changes to class-        classrooms and the excite-      tion program commenced               Church
rooms and learning environ-       ment on the students’ faces     in Term 4 where the new
ments over the past two           was evident. The students       little friends joined the K/1       Day Street
terms. The builders have          were very eager to move into    classroom for full day tran-        Henty
completed their work and          the new classrooms.             sition most Fridays in                  Service Times
new furniture is in place in      The school received sporting    Term 4. The teachers loved              2nd Sunday 11am
the 2/3/4 classroom and the       grants this year which have     welcoming them into the
new 5/6 classroom, which are                                                                             4th Sunday 9.30am
                                  given a boost in swimming,      class and cannot wait to
now joined, to provide the        football, athletics and touch   have them here full-time.            Contact: Rev Ken Dale
optimum experience for the        football. Although students     The school says a sad good-
                                                                                                            0428 293 655
students in the classrooms.       were unable to participate

Page 12                                                 HEADERLINES                                                    Issue 65

Population shift into regional Australia                                                         Doggedly
The Regional Australia         our communities, welcome          Greater Hume as an ideal        caring
Institute (RAI) today offi-    visitors, grow our economy        place to live and work, and
cially launched the Region-    and promote our affordable        one not to be missed as the     The hospital has a new
al Activators Alliance         lifestyle and liveability ben-    regional and rural renais-      resident. It’s Sweetie the
(RAA), a new body de-          efits. Joining the alliance       sance of Australia emerges,     therapy dog. Many may
signed to create a national    means that Greater Hume           added Mayor Wilton              have heard Toni Shutt,
awareness campaign aimed       Council will be a part of the     Regional Australia Insti-       activities officer, giving a
at driving population shift    narrative for this very im-       tute CEO Liz Ritchie said       great interview on radio
into regional and rural        portant campaign and al-          “Today, I am delighted to       recently. She articulated
Australia.                     lows our Council to create        welcome Greater Hume            the many benefits of
Greater Hume Council is        touch points with a nation-       Council to the RAA table, I     Sweetie and how the resi-
one of 37 organisations to     al audience” said Mayor,          know that their passion,        dents were enjoying the
take up the opportunity to     Councillor Heather Wilton.        insights and knowledge will     company of a pet.
join the alliance.             With a paradigm shift in          be invaluable and will help     It was a very heart-
Greater Hume Council de-       life work balance accelerat-      to amplify the campaign         warming piece. The advi-
cision to join the alliance    ed by the COVID-19 pan-           reach. This campaign is a       sory committee congratu-
was underpinned by a           demic creating an upended         once in a lifetime impact       lated Toni and all the staff
recognition that in order to   definition of place of work,      project. Promoting Regional     on the many opportunities
grow and be sustainable,       to an acceptance that work-       Australia is a shared re-       and activities they provide
Council must attract new       ing anywhere, or working          sponsibility, and RAA mem-      for all the residents. They
residents and achieve new      from home is not only pos-        bers will be at the forefront   are in caring hands.
business growth into the       sible it is a new reality.        of this powerful national
local government area.         Council sees participation        movement to change the
                               in the alliance as a valua-       narrative” Ms Ritchie said.
“Council is determined to
                               ble platform to position
take the steps to revitalise

                                                                 There are 12 primary            on the Lions street stall
Lions look ahead to a big 2021                                   school students who will        on December 3 and every
                                                                 now attend Licola Wilder-       Thursday until the lucky
The District 201V6 Gover-      Carol encouraged mem-             ness camp in January            winners are drawn in the
nor of Lions Australia,        bers to seek help from the        2021, and the club is in-       main street on Thursday,
Carol Kennedy and her          community to achieve              debted to Henty Financial       December 17. The ever-
husband, Keith, made the       community goals and to            Services and the Henty          popular Christmas cakes,
long trip from Finley to be    look after each other. At         Public School for their fi-     mini cakes and mints will
present at the recent          the conclusion of the             nancial support. It is hoped    be available for you to
meeting of the Henty Li-       meeting, the traditional          that the Lions Youth of the     stock up for Christmas.
ons Club. They were            club bannerette was pre-          Year and Junior Public
warmly welcomed by the         sented to the club by Car-        Speaking and Debating           It is envisaged that a
Zone Chairman and Presi-       ol and in return, Julie           Competitions will resume        membership drive will
dent of the club, Julie Col-   exchanged bannerettes in          next year along with the        begin in 2021 and there
ley.                           her capacity as Zone              Primary School Spelling         will be some interesting
                               Chairman.                         Bee.                            and inspirational speak-
Members and guests were                                                                          ers in the pipeline next
treated to a comprehen-                                          With the regrettable clo-       year as well. Now, more
sive report by Carol on the                                      sure earlier this year of the   than ever, Lions need to
news, updates and activi-                                        Henty Red Cross, Henty          be responsive to the needs
ties of relevance to the                                         Lions Club is grateful for      of the community and
zone despite the challeng-                                       the opportunity to carry on     further afield. After all,
es posed by COVID 19.                                            the proud tradition to pro-     where there’s a need,
She brought a message of                                         vide and organise the an-       there’s a Lion!
encouragement and hope                                           nual Christmas stocking
in what has been a chal-                                         raffle as a major fund-         The members of Henty
lenging year. Carol com-                                         raising venture. Plans are      Lions Club wish to thank
mended members on the                                            well afoot; there has been a    everyone for their interest
projects undertaken,                                             most generous response          and support over the past
urged that each one re-                                          from individuals and busi-
                               Lions Zone Chairman/Club                                          year and wish you and
main focused, not only                                           ness houses. It will be a
                               President, Julie Colley (L) and                                   your families a happy and
locally but “look at the big                                     monster stocking indeed,
                               District Governor, Carol Ken-                                     safe Christmas and New
picture”.                      nedy exchange bannerettes.        with items to please every-
                                                                 one. Ticket sales will begin

Page 13                                               HEADERLINES                                                      Issue 65

Greater Hume Children’s Services update
                                                              Club Committee to say thank
                                                              you and to express our grati-
                                                              We are excited to be back at
                                                              our permanent venue in 11
                                                              Keirath Street with a major
                                                              renovation now being com-         even better for the children
                                                              pleted to the space to make it    in care.

                                                              Museum planned
                                                              A well-attended meeting at        done, display space, muse-
The children in care at       The outdoor areas were also     the Henty Community Club          um’s fluency, storage room,
Greater Hume Children’s       used for excursions into na-    was addressed by Dennis           toilets, small meeting area,
Services have had a real      ture and connecting with the    Kane of the Henty Commu-          parking, digitisation of pho-
adventure the last few        local community.                nity Development Committee        tographs and a significant
months with a change of       GHCS staff and children         and John Ellis, chairman of       assessment of all of the
venue to the Henty Bowling    would like to express their     Henty Financial Services          above.
Club.                         gratitude for the support of    (Bendigo Bank) to discuss         The aim is to build a 8.5m x
The club auditorium has       the Bowling Club to allow the   the possibility of a new histo-   35m “shed “at the back of the
been transformed into some    service to operate from the     ry museum being built in          “Gallery” after all possible
amazing play spaces includ-   club while renovations were     Henty.                            land and buildings have been
ing an obstacle course and    undertaken to the existing      Thanks were given to the          explored. The new steering
cubby house built by the      building. The children made     Booth family for their dona-      committee will make the
children.                     cards to give to the Bowling    tion to the community of 12       decisions and will set the
                                                              Sladen Street and to the          criteria.
                                                              Dale family for their dona-       By the time you are reading
                                                              tion of the historic articles     this a steering committee
                                                              from their cellar under the       will have met Margot. At the
                                                              IGA store.                        public meeting several resi-
                                                              The Bendigo Bank Board            dents volunteered to be on
                                                              have carried out much back-       the committee while others
                                                              ground work and will create       agreed to be members.
                                                              a steering committee from         A very positive outcome re-
                                                              interested members to make        sulted from this inaugural
                                                              decisions – e.g. collection of    meeting and you will be kept
                                                              stories, decide on type of mu-    informed of all developments.
                                                              seum and maintain it as a         Many questions were asked
                                                              not-for-profit community          and answered at this first
                                                              museum.                           meeting and it is with antici-
                                                              Margot Jolley, a consultant       pation and excitement we
                                                              to Historical Societies has       look forward to the possibil-
                                                              already met some officials to     ity of Henty Historical Muse-
                                                              decide on needs, such as an       um.
                                                              overview of what has been

Page 14                                                    HEADERLINES                                                       Issue 65

When Jeannie came to town                                           straight man, as he was fa-
                                                                    miliar with the fashions of
                                                                                                     the Miss Australia Quest.
                                                                                                     Past entrants have been
                                                                    “The Needle and Thread” and      Kerrie Scholz (Barber), Lor-
How is Jeannie Little’s           her “Hullo daar-ling.”            the six local models who pa-     raine Kilo (Fischer), Noe-
death connected to Henty?         Her first venture into fashion    raded the outfits. Lorraine      lene Haines (Lowrie) and
Australian      entertainer       was through a dress made          Kilo and Jeannette Willis        Jenny Corrigan (Boyle).
Jeannie Mitchell OAM, pro-        from garbage bags, but it is a    were two of them.                Entry cost was $15 per dou-
fessionally known as Jean-        partnership with the late         The generosity of Jeannie        ble with all proceeds going
nie Little, was a comedienne      Graham Booth that we re-          Little meant she paid her        to the Spastic Council. The
and television personality        member as the comedy duo          own way to Henty. She            after-dinner parade was
who won the Gold Logie in         who rocked the Memorial           stayed at the Central Hotel,     hilariously funny with Gra-
1976. Her success on the          Hall.                             hosted by Louie and Sybil        ham trying to keep up with
Mike Walsh Midday Show            On April 1, 1977 Jeannie          Bacher.                          Jeannie’s comments on mod-
was legendary. Her flam-          came to Henty to compere a        Edward Dale was president        els and their outfits. A night
boyant outfits and over-the-      fashion parade for the Spas-      of the local branch of the       to remember! Just ask Ker-
top personality endeared          tic Council. Graham Booth         Spastic Council which each       ry Scholz, Anne Maher or
her to millions of fans with      was her (very reluctant)          year sought an entrant for       Judy Zweck.

The knitting never stops                                            Committee developing ideas
Peter Mac’s auxiliary shop        answered the call. The church     Meeting on the last Monday       nesses and residents with
in Melbourne is still closed      hall is full of the perfume.      of each month, the Henty         monetary prizes for both.
and so the craft goods from       The Peter Mac group will be       Community Development
Henty’s Peter Mac group           able to make lots of sachets, a                                    It was suggested the
                                                                    Committee is back in opera-
are being collected and           very popular seller at the                                         Council employ a grants
stored in Henty. The group        Peter Mac shop.                                                    writer some time ago. This
are still knitting, sewing,                                         A new name for our Face-         has been well received and
                                  Lavender has been dated to        book is sought, with Jessica
cutting and pasting, collect-     25,000 years ago. Cleopatra                                        Council will advertise for
ing and distributing.                                               Kane      and     Stephanie      same.
                                  used lavender, Tutankha-
                                                                    Bedggood being responsible
They have been given a            mun’s tomb contained traces                                        The next meeting is the
                                                                    for the electronic signage on
large donation of beautifully     of still fragrant lavender,                                        annual general meeting.
handmade 0-6 years cloth-         Queen Elizabeth I of England      Railway Parade. We would
                                                                                                     The committee would love
ing from two Albury ladies        had fresh lavender in her         encourage more local busi-
                                                                                                     some younger members,
who heard about the Peter         vases every day and Charles       nesses to advertise at the
                                                                                                     some business people and
Mac efforts. They attend a        VI of France insisted his pil-    very reasonable rates.
                                                                                                     anyone who is interested
weekly sewing day with            low always contained laven-       Welcome packs continue to        in Henty’s future. Think
Linda Ellis and though the        der.                              be distributed to new resi-      about being involved!
clothes are made from left        Researchers have stated that      dents, with another for
over materials they are top       lavender has a variety of         Sweetwater and others in
quality fabrics and beauti-       therapeutic and curative          the township.
fully sewn – from baby suits      properties from inducing re-
to toddlers “tops and bot-                                          A need to furnish names for
                                  laxation to treating parasitic
toms” to little girls’ dresses.                                     Australia Day awards was
                                  infections, burns, insect bites
At present the group are          and spasms.
drying lavender so thank                                            A Christmas light competi-
you to all those who have                                           tion will be held for busi-

              Dales Electrical Centre

                 21 Sladen Street Henty NSW

                      FRIENDLY SERVICE                                  Monster Christmas Stocking
                     QUALITY APPLIANCES                                       Help Lions help the community
               ACCEPT VISA AND MASTER CARDS                              Second: $100              Many Other Prizes
                     Phone 02 6929 3330                              Tickets on sale at Dales Electrical and in the
                     dalebvs@bigpond.com                               main street on Thursdays until 17/12/20
                                                                                    Drawn on 17/12/2020

Page 15                                                   HEADERLINES                                                       Issue 65

More wraps for fish and chips                                                                       group. They have scoured
                                                                                                    free yarn from Wangaratta
                                                                                                    Woollen Mills, whose bales
During COVID-19 lots of          ies from Wendy Strother,         distributed in over 75 coun-      contained tangled and com-
Henty people have been           the late Nadine Fogarty’s        tries, including Australia.       pressed wool. The first bale
busy knitting for Wraps          86 year old sister. Sixty-five   The “one square at a time”        took six months to untan-
with Love.      Seventy-five     warm beanies have gone to        campaign involves Spot-           gle. Certainly a work of
wraps have been sent to          Troy Hanckel for the Sea-        light and World Vision.           love!
the Wagga co-ordinator           farers’ Mission.                                                   Wraps have recently been
                                                                  A “Gift from Wrap with
Hesper Piltz, with more          In 1992 Wrap with Love                                             delivered to Burundi, Ar-
                                                                  Love Australia” label has
ready to be delivered. Fifty-    began with the idea of help-                                       menia, Nepal and Tanza-
                                                                  been printed to attach to
seven outfits for the East       ing as many people as pos-                                         nia.
                                                                  the underside corner of
Timor “fish and chip” ba-        sible by providing warm          each wrap.
bies – babies wrapped in         wraps to ward off hypother-
newspapers - have been                                            “Two Happy Hookers” are
                                 mia. Since then over
completed with extra bean-                                        the driving force behind
                                 450,000 wraps have been
                                                                  Cootamundra’s      WWL
                                 restrictions allow it or maybe   for rest, talk and conversa-      The universal shipping lan-
Probus is back                   a barbecue in the park. A
                                 new initiative of a monthly
                                                                  tion and meals. Volunteers
                                                                  range from 40 in Brisbane to
                                                                                                    guage is English, the curren-
                                                                                                    cy US dollars. Anyone from
As gatherings had to be re-      members draw began.              two or three in Tasmania.         any background can be
stricted to 30, two Probus       A big thank-you to Warren        Troy is in charge of Sydney’s     helped by the Seafarers’ Mis-
meetings were held during        Dale who not only freely         shop where he organises           sion which holds Christian
November. The Henty meet-        made his PA system availa-       phones and sim cards, cur-        principles.
ing was held in the Memori-      ble, but also drove to Cul-      rency exchange, logistical        Icons for Australian visitors
al Park under the sprawling      cairn to set it up and attend    issues (getting men from          are the Opera House, Syd-
arms of the large pine tree      to it.                           ships to hospital, dentists,      ney Harbour Bridge and
and the Culcairn meeting                                          doctors, etc.), maps for sight-   kangaroos. In Dampier the
                                 Guest speaker at both meet-
was in Jubilee Park, another                                      seeing and goods to buy such      large bare oval is greened by
                                 ings was Troy Hanckel who
beautiful setting by the Bil-                                     as chips, snacks, Maccas and      Rio Tinto’s watering and it is
                                 gave an interesting and in-
labong Creek.                                                     pizzas and even television        not unusual for the free bus
                                 formative talk on the Seafar-
                                                                  sets.                             to transport the seafarers to
A moment’s silence for Re-       ers’ Mission.
membrance Day and another                                         On a large ship there can be      view 200 kangaroos eating
                                 When the young son of Eng-
one for members Eleanor                                           12,000 40-foot containers, but    the green grass.
                                 lish Reverend Ashley asked
Kreutzberger, Irene Hogg                                          an average load is 400-500.       Troy comes from a farm west
                                 his father where the sailors
and Bruce Lieschke, who                                           They are connected together       of Henty. While COVID-19
                                 went to church to hear a ser-
had passed away since our                                         four deep with another layer      restrictions has restricted
                                 mon and sing and pray it set
last meeting back in March,                                       on top. The draught into the      his work with the Seafarers’
                                 his mind going. Before long a
were held.                                                        water can be up to 10 metres,     Mission he is back living in
                                 floating barge able to hold
                                                                  so the engineers have a very      Henty, enjoying fencing and
Mary Harvey was inducted         seafarers’ from the 400 ves-
                                                                  important job to prevent the      other farm related jobs. He
as a new member and all          sels in Bristol Channel (at
                                                                  containers falling overboard.     hopes to return to Sydney in
birthday dates were record-      that time) was used as a
                                                                  With angry seas and vicious       2021.
ed for future use. Discussion    church.
                                                                  storms it is sometimes una-
on a possible Christmas par-     In Australia 26 ports have       voidable.
ty resulted in tentative plans   Seafarers buildings with a
being made to hold it at the                                      Shipping companies have a
                                 shop, rooms for free, tea and
Henty Community Club if                                           no drugs, no alcohol policy.
                                 coffee, comfortable seating

Page 16     HEADERLINES      Issue 65

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