QUEBEC CARNIVAL   '73



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   »         ETUOI          ANT
                                                 UKRAINIAN CANADIAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS' UNION


 STUDENT               Editorial        Board

                                                                                                                                                                         culture, but   what percentage of the
                                                                                                                                Most of you optimists will disagree      Ukrainian       population   speaks
             Editors:                                        To    the editor:
                                                                                                                             with this theory, but only on               Ukrainian, and of this percentage
               Halya Kuchmij                                   It    has been expressed by various                                                —
                                                                                                                             technical grounds         there are no
               Walter Dashko                                 sources thatToronto will become the                                                                         what percentage is not ashamed to
                                                                                                                             facts to support this hypothesis. But,      use it when talking
                                                             new Jerusalem of Ukramianism in                                                      what  is happening
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to   their
                                                                                                                             in order  to realize
                                                                                                                                                                         Ukrainian friends in public? How
             Articles                                        Canada        However,
                                                                           .               these
                                                                                                                             in your community, one does not             many           righteous people  who
              Myroslav Shkandry                              distinguished and knowledgeable                                                                                   of these
                                                                                                                             require figures and data and per-
                                                             people are totally misinformed. At                                                                          know the language look down upon
                                                                                                                             centages. One requires only a little                          who  do not? What
             Features:                                       the same time, they misinform the                                                                           those Ukrainians
                                                                                                                             realistic common sense. Sure, you
              Olenka Demianchuk                              Ukrainian people, whose work                                                                                percentage of this proud group of
                                                                         community has become                                have your organizations, your               Ukrainians who know the language
                                                             within the
                                                                                                                             churches, your literary and art             is more concerned with their own
             Art:                                            completely fruitless and irrelevant.
                                                                                                                             clubs, your resort areas, but these                                    which
              Luba Huzan                                     There will be no Renaissance of neo-                                                                        economic     well-being
                                                                                                                             archaic establishments smell from           manifests an egotistic arrogance
                                                             Ukrainianism in Toronto or
                                                                                                                             their own stagnation. Sure, you have
             Literary:                                       anywhere else in Canada for that                                                                            toward one another than about the
              Bohdan Chomiak                                 matter. You are fooling yourselves if
                                                                                                                             CYM, ODYM, MYNO, Plast and                  maintenance and development of
                                                                                                                             countless other organizations, but
              Irk a Maltaryk                                 you believe in some kind of                                                                                 Ukrainian culture?
                                                             emergence and proliferation of                                  what percentage of the Ukrainian
                                                                                                                             youth belong to these organizations,          KYK in Toronto is now supposedly
             Advertising                                     Ukrainian culture and you know it!                                                                                      an analysis of the
                                                                                                                             and what percentage of this per-            initiating
              Yurko Klufas                                   But     it   is difficult for    you   to accept
                                                                                                                             centage     continue      in     these      Ukrainian community in order to
              Marika Dorosh                                  this.   You are a stubborn nation in         the
                                                                                                                             organizations to provide them with          determine these and other figures.
                                                             ocean   of the world, which has
             Distribution                                                                                                    the necessary sap of vitality, life and     This is an extremely necessary
                                                             managed throughout           historical
                                                                                                                                                                         project because it will indicate just
              Ihor Solowka                                                                                                   freshness? Sure, you have your
                                                             times to crest a wave a number of
                                                                            submerge      again into                         churches   — supposedly one of the          how quickly the Ukrainian com-
                                                             times only to
                                                             the deeps of suppression. Only this
                                                                                                                             mainstays of a culture    —  but what       munity is dying. How many of you
                                                                                                                             percentage of Ukrainian youth at-           will truly be surprised by their
              Anna Padyk                                     time the pressure  of  the depths is too
              Marta Terebenc                                                                                                 tend masses, and what percentage            findings? It is a proven scientific
                                                             great. You are lost sheep in a foreign                                                                                     without    an     influx   of
                                                                                                                             of this percentage go there only for        fact   that
                                                             land attempting   to  attain  some  sort
                                                                                                                             personal social reasons? Sure, you          revitalization   —     whether    it   be in
                                                             of mutual Ukrainian identity in an
                                                                                                                             have     Ukrainian     courses    in        numbers, in ideas or in vigour
                                                             age and environment that will not
                                                                                                                             universities and now in some high           death is inevitable. An individual
     EDITORIAL                                               permit such a luxury. You suffer
                                                             from schizophrenia; because you
                                                                                                                             schools, but what percentage of             dies because of the deterioration of
 This year,           STUDENT           the official         are attempting the impossible                 —                 Ukrainian students are taking               the     co-ordinating
                                                                                                                             them? Sure, you have Ukrainian              mechanisms necessary for the
newspaper of the Ukrainian                                   trying      maintain an archaic,
                                                                                                                             schools, but are any of them in-            maintenance of life; an ideology dies
Canadian University Students'                                traditional culture in this ac-
                                                                                                                             novative or experiential to the             because of its inability to be relevant
Union                be four years               For         celerating and complicated age of
                                                                                                                                                                         to the conditions of the times; and
             will                         old.
                                                                                                                             students forced to go to them?
these past four years STUDENT has                            technology
                                                                                                                                                                         our world will die due to the
                                                                                                                             Language is another mainstay of a
been constantly criticized for many                                                                                                                                      depletion of its resources and the
things: the fact that it is not                                                                                                                                          extinction of the sun, And so, the
representative of the Ukrainian                                                                                                                                          Ukrainian culture will pass away
Canadian student body across                                                                                                                                             because of the lack of revitalization
Canada, that it is either too radical                                                                                                                                    and the subsequent loss of
or not radical enough, that it is                                                                                                                                        adherents.   The Ukrainian culture
limited in perspective, that it comes                                                                                                                                    will   become a relic of the past, in-
out irregularly, that it is a Toronto                                                                                                                                     teresting only to anthropologists and
based newspaper that does not                                                                                                                                             curious museum-goers. If there are
exceed         its   own geographic boun-                                                                                                                                 no changes in the style and design of
daries, etc. ad nauseum. Criticism
                                                                                                                                                                          a machine and its motor is not cared
such as this is similar to many
                                                                                                                                                                          for, then it will rust away due to the
drugs helpful if judiciously injected
                                                                                                                                                                          erosional effects of time and en-

in small doses, but deadly if un-                                                                                                      fv                                 vironment. It becomes obsolete. The
thinkingly applied. It is time that the
                                                                                                                                                                          stagnating Ukrainian culture is now
students of SUSK looked at them-
                                                                                                                                                                          an antique, a curio, in this in-
selves and at STUDENT in the                                                                                                                                                                      rapid-changing
                                                                                                                                                                          novative        and
proper perspective.
  First of all, let there be no
                                                                                                                                       H                                  technological age. It has not been
                                                                                                                                                                          able to cope with the environment,
illusions  of grandeur      about the
editorial staff. These dozen or so
people are all students who give of
                                                                                                                                     T                                    nor to adapt to the present times; it
                                                                                                                                                                          is time to perform the autopsy.

their time between classes and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          — FEECH
studying to work on the newspaper.
They are responsible and committed
individuals who feel that the time
spent on          STUDENT is necessary             and
                                                                           Subscribe Now!
vital to the development of the
 Ukrainian Canadian community.                                    Name
Secondly,            no one        in   Toron'.j    or
anywhere else                 that matter is
                            for                                   Address..
 going       to   sacrifice themselves to put
 out a half-hearted                STUDENT when
 articles do not come in.                 Time and
 time again, as has been the case in
 the previous years, the editorial                                Subscription paid by
 staff has literally begged for ar-
 ticles, letters, poetry, etc. with no                                    cheque
 result. It is a clear cut case; if there
                                                                          money order
 are no articles submitted there will
  be no STUDENT. We feel that                                     Clip     and mall     this subscription       form   te:
  STUDENT is one of the most
  significant instruments of com-
                                                                  STUDENT            Editorial   Board
  munication for the Ukrainian                                     «7 ilarbord Si..
 Canadian student body              across                         Toronto 4, Ontario.
     Canada. It would be suicide if the
     newspaper was dissolved. Therefore                             Subscription rales:          year (12 issues regardless of possible irregularity          In
     we are appealing to you the student
     body to help us out in maintaining
                                                                    printing)       — $2.50
     STUDENT. We at our end of the
     newspaper will do as much as we                                                                                                                                   A 4b*rm©*       bciHIe,
     can to facilitate this communication.
                             — Halya Kuchmij

 STUDENT                                                                                   OCTOBER   1972                                                                                           PAGE         3

                                                        Message from the President

      About two years ago the Royal Commission on Biiingualism
    Biculturalism tabled its fourth book entitled "The Cultural Contribution
    the Other Ethnic Groups." Like the books before it,
                                                           the Fourth Volume                                                We have said that these insilitutions etc., help people maintain and
    declared Canada to be a bilingual and bicultural country.                                                             develop their Ukrainianism. but what is this Ukrainianism we are
      On October           Prime Minster Trudeau tabled a policy statement in
                   8th, 1972,                                                                                             developing? To this question I feel I can only give a partial answer, but one
   the House of Commons which, unlike the Fourth Volume, declared                                                         that can be practically applied.
                                                                    Canada to
   be a multicultural country "within a bilingual framework."                                                                 Ukrainianism is not citizenship       -
                                                                 The change                                                                                     except perhaps in Ukraine Culture is
   from biculturalism to multiculturalism was not merely an afterthought,                                                  not something genetic it is something passed
                                                                          nor                                                                      -
                                                                                                                                                                         on through generations "and it
   did it come out of a vacuum, but was the result of hard work                                                            is always changing as it
                                                                on the part of                                                                       develops. Therefore, t am not born a             Ukrainian
   various ethnic groups.                                                                                                 though I was born a Canadian. My Ukrainianism
                                                                                                                                                                                          is inherited from mv
     The difference between the two positions was that one recognized                                                     parents and the community. That Ukrainianism
                                                                                                                                                                                      is ever-changing
   Ukrainian-Canadians as a community and the other did not. It is                                                                   S ag6                     m
                                                                                                                                                 Ur devel °P ««.
                                                                      the all-                                                                                        be Ukrainian largely means to have a
   important question of the destiny of our community to which                                                            «hV Zi'l
                                                                                                                          shared       l       2 a perceived
                                                                I want to ad-                                                      history                     common fate. This means that Ukrainians in
   dress this message.                                                                                                    Canada are the same as Ukrainians in Ukraine in extent.
     The full thrust of defining Ca"->da as bicultural was to challenge our
                                                                                                                                                                                                We perceive ex-
                                                                                                                           inction as a common fate. Yet Ukrainians in
                                                                                           I                                                                                      Canada are completely dif-
   definition of ourselves as a community. Whereas I as an individual                                                     ferent from Ukrainians in Ukraine in the
                                                                                                                                                                         sense that we have experienced an
   Ukrainian in Canada may fit into an "English speaking and French speaking                                              immigration and they the repression of the Soviet State.
                                                                                                                                                                                             What I am about to
   country", the Ukrainian community certainly does not. Quite obviously                                                  say about building a sense of community will
                                                                          the                                                                                                also apply to building a sense of
   Ukrainian community does not fit into the English speaking or French                    '                              nationhood and therefore can involve Ukrainians in
   speaking Canada, and therefore belongs to neither. Therefore,                                                            To be Ukrainian today also means to feel a sense of
                                                                       either                                                                                                               concern and respon-
   Canada is not basically English and French speaking or we are not a com-                |
                                                                                                                          sibility -    in one word    - a sense of communion            -
                                                                                                                                                                                         with other people who
   munity.                                                                                                                define themselves as Ukrainian. Finally, what
                                                                                                                                                                                   is most important is that a
     What then does it mean to say that we are a community?                                                               person can feel more and more Ukrainian by making
                                                                                                                                                                                            Ukrainian activities
     The world "community" may be used loosely to identify a number of in-                                                and experiences a large part of his life
   dividuals in a society who share a common interest. Thus for example
                                                                             you                                            We can now begin to understand what the process of our development
   have a community of poor people, ft is at least of passing interest to us that                                     I   entails It is through the sharing of activities
                                                                                                                                                                                and experiences that people
   whereas the link in our community is a positive one, (i.e. an advantageous
   one for the individual, the precise opposite is the case with many other uses

   of the word in this wide sense i.e. a poor person does not want

   is not essential to the term. Clearly when we say we
   mean more than that we share a common interest.
                                                                        to have the
   negative link of being poor. It would be trite to add that a geographical base
                                                             are a community we

                                                                                                                          begin feeling a sense of communion with others.

                                                                                                                                    l e community that they
                                                                                                                                   common',^           "   " '               ' ha

                                                                                                                            This type of analysis provides the individual with
                                                                                                                                                                                   It is through that feeling of
                                                                                                                          communion that people begin to define themselves as a community
                                                                                                                                                                 relate to activities and experiences in the
                                                                                                                                                                                     they   begin "° " erai
                                                                                                                                                                                                            It is

                                                                                                                                                                                                             -  a

                                                                                                                                                                                  an understanding
      Unlike voluntary associations or other groupings in our society, our                                                framework with which to approach the community. Firstly, as a
                                                                                           |                                                                                               student in a
   community has various institutions and represents a number of social                                                   city like Regina for example I begin to
                                                                                                                                                                   understand my role in terms of the

   processes. Within our community we find various archives, museums, and                                                 local community, the national Ukrainian
                                                                                                                  .                                                   community and the nation as a
   cultural centers, as well as a child socialization process, a social welfare                                           whole. As either an individual, or working through the
                                                                                           I                          I                                                          local students club I
   process, and an educational process, etc.                                               '                              see myself as an integral part of the community. Feeling
                                                                                                                                                                                    a sense of concern
      If we remember that our community has a cultural base,                                                              or responsibility for the community whether on a local
                                                                         and if we     I
                                                                                                                                                                                   or national level I
  remember that ours is a social unit which encompasses whole institutions             I
                                                                                                                          look to see what needs are not being met by the institutions
                                                                                                                                                                                         that exist Is
  and social processes, then it is easy to understand why biculturalism was so                                            there a ndna schkola? Are there courses of Ukrainosnavstvo?
                                                                                       I                                                                                                    Are there
  repulsive to our people.                                                             I                          1
                                                                                                                          Ukrainian language and context courses in the public school system?
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In the
     Given that our community has institutions and processes, what purpose do                                             High Schools? At the University? Of what quality are they? Is there
  they serve? It is my contention that these institutions etc., serve to help                                              communication network in my local community? Are there newsletters?
  people maintain and develop their "Ukrainianism". Ideally, our community                                                 Are there radio programs? Are there T V. programs? Of what quality are
  over time will achieve institutional completeness, it will have all the                                         I
                                                                                                                           they? Are there social welfare services provided for in my local community?
  elements necessary to bring a child up to be Ukrainian, or to help anyone                                                Are there day care centers? Are there Homes for parentless children? Are
  who wishes to enter the community. Institutional completeness implies self                                               there legal aid panels for the Ukrainian community? Are there medical
  perpetuity, and coordination of the institutions that exist to fulfill the goal to                                       clinics? Are there old folks homes? Is there leadership in the community? Is
  which the institutions are directed.                                                                                     the Ukrainian Canada Committee leading the community in filling
     While institutional completeness implies cultural institutions that are                                               needs? Are there youth organizations in the community that help to instill a
  uniquely Ukrainian, it does not imply isolation from the overall society. In                                            sense of Ukrainianism in children? etc.
  order to achieve institutional completeness, we will have to share certain           !
                                                                                                                             On a national basis, the same types of questions can be asked. For it is only
  institutions with the outside society, for example, Ukrainian classes in the                                            through the satisfactory workings of these types of institutions that a sense
  public school system. Finally, there will always be many things that affect                                             of true communion can be built. Without that sense of communion,
  us as citizens in the overall society which will have nothing to do with our                                            existence of a Ukrainian     community        is   in peril.
  cultural life and therefore nothing to do with the cultural community.                                                                                                                      Andrij Semotiuk

                                                        MULTICULTURALISM                                     transmit the full meaning and weight of another culture. It is necessary that
      Last October in Winnipeg, Prime Minister Trudeau finally announced the
  long awaited government policy on the issue of Multiculturalism. Since                                     the use of all languages be encouraged in a real and substantial manner. At
  inception of the government's stand on multiculturalism, Canada's ethnic                                   the same time it is recognized that one or two languages will dominate in the
  minorities have been waiting with great anticipation for some concrete                                     commercial and government fields and in interaction between various
  indication of the Government's sincerity regarding its commitment to                                       ethno-cultural communities.
  own policies. It seems, however, that the Government has been moving                                          The communications media represent one of the most important areas of
  rather cautiously in this area in spite of the growing discontent arising                                  concern   in the formation and dissemination of any culture. It is through
  within the various ethnic communities. The basts for this discontent appears                               ideas and information spread by the media that a feeling of community is
 to be the apparently tokenistic and superficial implementation                                              developed. Media serve as tools in the development and dissemination of
                                                                           of the
 Federal Government's policy to date.                                                                        culture. It stands to reason that those who exercise effective control over the
      With this in mind, the Ukrainian Canadian University Students' Union, at                               media can to a large extent impose their values on a relatively helpless
 its XII 1 Congress held in Ottawa September 1st to                                                          population. The American experience bears out the dangers of such a
                                                      4th, resolved that the issue
 of multiculturalism should be brought to the forefront in the upcoming                                     situation.
 Federal election. The national executive of U.C. U.S. U. was instructed by the                                In Canada the CRTC has enacted regulations which discriminate against
 Congress to solicit the views of all candidates running in the election by                                 the use of languages other than English or French in the broadcasting
 circulating a questionnaire formulated to elicit their opinions on                                         media. It is self-evident that such practices are intolerable
 multiculturalism. The responses to those questionnaires shall then                                            But language by itself is not nearly enough. It is necessary for all
 analyzed and the results brought to the public's attention.                                                segments of Canadian society to have access to the public media for their
     It is hoped that this campaign shall not only serve to create an awareness                             own use. The technological problems involved in such an approach are being
 among the voting public as to the issues surrounding the multicultural policy                              solved by the use of video-tape recorders, cable television, and community
 and the possible solutions offered by their respective candidates, but that by                             broadcasting.
 the same token it shall also inform the politicians of the needs and                                          The area of social services provides perhaps the most fruitful field for the
                                                                      desires of
 the ethno-cultural communities in Canada. Therefore, by enforcing                                          application of a multi -cultural policy. Each cultural group has problems
 controversial multicultural policy into becoming an election issue, the                                    which are peculiar to itself and which can only be really understood by
 U.C.U.S.U. hopes to focus the public's attention on the problem and in this                                members of that group. For example, the problems an Indian faces when
 way attempt to facilitate a better understanding which might result in                                     moving from a reserve to a city can only be understood by another Indian
 alleviating the inequities which the policy has manifested.                                                who has faced the same transation, and not by some bureaucrat who has
                                                                                                            spent the last twenty years polishing a chair with the seat of his party in
    MULTICULTURALISM AND CANADIAN SOCIETY                                                                   Ottawa.
                                                                                                                Even in problem areas which are common to all groups, such as
    A serious   attempt at encouraging ethno-cultural pluralism would involve                               marriage break-ups, alcoholism, neglect of the old, different attitudes and
 a re-appraisal of all   aspects of Canadian society.                                                       solutions prevail in different groups. The introduction of well-wishing but
     In the past two decades there has been a
                                                 commendable growth in human                                ignorant social workers into such a situation often only excaberates the
 rights legislation in Canada. All of it has, however,
                                                       one flaw in common, for                              original problem. We must learn to use the norms and standards prevalent
 existing human rights legislation fails to differentiate                                                   in a group to solve social problems involving members of the group.
                                                           between the rights of
 individuals and those of groups. For example,
                                                     prohibiting discrimination                                 In a pluralistic society some groups develop processes which are more
 against the individual because of his ethnic origin
                                                               does not prevent                             effective than those of other groups involving social questions. The careful
 government or private institutions from discriminating                                                     introduction of other groups to these solutions would raise the standard of
                                                                     against the
 languages and cultures of minority groups. It is necessary
                                                                  that any future                           living of the whole nation. A pluralistic society allows us to take a more
 Bill of Rights guarantee in unequivocal terms the rights
                                                            of cultural erouDS of                           diversified approach to solving social problems, It presents the nation with a
growth and development.                                                                                     series of viable        methods from which         to   choose.
    In postulating a multicultural
                                     Canada we immediately face the question
of language. Language is the
                                vehicle of culture. Each language     i rS                                                                                                                   cont 'd
of a unique set of socio^ultural
                                  conditions and thus cannot be feadily used to

      PAGE 4                                                                                                               OCTOBER 1972                                                                                                                                                             STUDENT

                                                                                                     CLUB NEWS                                                                                                                   [
      Montreal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Vancouver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 especially well received. With
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1971-72                                               regard to Canadian matters, the
   The Quebec Carnival   will again be
                  Ukrainian students                                                                                                                                                                       Pres.— Barbara Mysko                                  topic    of   Ukrainian     cultural
a reality          for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Vice-P.—Bill Szewczuk                                 development brought three speakers
from across Canada and the States.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sec.— Janet Tofin                                     to the club: Mr. Brian Marshall,
In view of the highly successful trips
to   the Quebec Carnival in the                                                                                                                                                                                       —
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Treas. Zeone Andrijashyn                              citizenship officer of the Depart-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           P.R.O.— Bill Lebedowich                               ment of Secretary of State of the
past, the Quebec Carnival Com-
                                                                                                                                                                                                 — Andrew Semotiuk                            Federal Government, speaking on
mittee has decided to perpetuate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mariyka Haydymowska                           the new multicultural policy:
this   tradition  with yet another
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Soc. Com. —Bill Humenny                               Professor Revutsky on Thunder
"rendez-vous a Quebec". This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bay's Festival of the Arts and on the
retreat into a winter wonderland will
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1972- 73                                              planned Ukrainian language course
take place on the last weekend of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bill Lebedowich                                       at U.B.C.    Dorio Lucich on the
           Carnival, that is, from

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mariyka Haydymowska                                   Festival     of        the     Arts     and    the
Friday the 23rd to Sunday the 25th of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Shirley Walters                                       Ukrainian-Canadian identity.                  This
February. This weekend is not only
designed to alleviate the pressures                                                                                                                                                                        John Maschak                                          was followed      few weeks by a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in a

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Oleh Tomchenko                                        reading of Dorio's poetry. These
*nd February blues that generally
afflict students at this time but will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 noon-hour talks were all especially
also provide the opportunity to make                                                                                                                                                                         What has Vancouver's Alpha                          valuable as they stimulated much
      friends and perhaps            renew                                                                                                                                                                 Omega accomplished in this last                       meaningful discussion and let fresh
new                                          old
acquaintances. You will also get a                                                                                                                                                                         year? We think it has done much                                              "What is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 air into the question of

taste of the "Quebec sait vivre" and                                                                                                                                                                       successfully.       Traditionally, our                Ukrainian?"
will Participate in the spontaneously                                                                                                                                                                      activities     have been divided into two               At Christmas                 time    we went
 reated fun and frolic of this annual                                                                                                                                                                      main categories:      cultural and                 carolling to the Ukrainian Manor, a
event.                                                                                                                                                                                                     social, of which social has long                   home for the aged. Here, we
  Buses will be leaving from                                                                                                                                                                               dominated. This year a harmonious                  established contact with       the
Montreal and everyone will meet on                                                                                                                                                                         balance was established.                           Ukrainian businessmen, who are
Friday at 4p.m. at the CYM building                                                                                                                                                                          U.B.C.'s annual Club's Day                       currently cooperating with us in
   120 Duluth St. E. Everyone will                                                                                                                                                                         started the year's activities. Alpha               working out a scholarship fund for
return to the departure point on                                                                                                                                                                           Omega's interestingly attractive                   the Ukrainian course. This course,
Sunday    night.                                                                                                                                                                                           display and the following mem-                     now definite, is to be on the 400
  This         weekend          of      sheer                                      From                               the                  midst       of            the                                   bership party, designed to acquaint                senior level.            If it   is   successful    we
unrestricted pleasure will cost only                                                                                                                                                                       people, were very successful and                   have been promised a Ukrainian 100
                                                                      PEASANT'S REVOLT we bring you
$28. This price includes the tran-                                                                                                                                                                         thoroughly enjoyed, especially the                 course the following year. The chief
                                                                      a much desired report from Win-
sportation to and from Quebec City                                                                            Ukrainian                                                                                    latter's wine, cheese, and kovbasa.                moving forces behind this course
                                                                      nipeg's                                                                  Students'            Club
and hotel accommodations for 3                                                                      APPLAUD                                    coming back                                                 The social committee continued its                were Andy                  Semotiuk        and      Bill
                                                                      .        .        .                                          .   .   .                                to
days and 2 nights. Meals are not                                      Winnipeg, from the Congress, with                                                                                                    success as broom-ball, hockey,                     Lebedowich, who also recruited our
included in the price and can be                                      our 8 members we had nowhere to go                                                                                                   bowling, and curling evenings, as                  Ukrainian student senator, John
obtained at reasonable rates. The                                     but up       with the lack of mem-  .   .   .
                                                                                                                                                                                                           well as parties were well planned                  Sydor.
"joie de vivre" of the Quebec                                         bership we realized that a mem-                                                                                                      and attended. The committee's                       Alpha Omega has been continually
Carnival is, of course, free.                                         bership drive was essential ... a                                                                                                    special treat was a very eventful                 represented at KYK meetings.
  Because of financial com-                                           booth was set up where 300 en-                                                                                                       weekend        ski trip to Crystal     Moun-      Alpha Omega is well regarded by
mitments, a $15.00 deposit is                                         thusiastic Ukrainians signed their                                                                                                   tain inWashington State.                          KYK, and its representatives are
required by November 30th.                                            names ... to date we have ap-                                                                                                          The vice-president's pet project,               sometimes even consulted, as at
  Mail in your application together                                   proximately 100 paid members                                                                  .       .       .
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the  23rd Alpha Omega Banquet,                    KYK's meeting with organizers of a
with your deposit as soon as possible                                 with this great potential we found it                                                                                                honouring graduates, was realized                 new "cosmopolitan" radio station,
since there are only a limited                                        necessary to provide events      this                                             .   .   .
                                                                                                                                                                                                           in February. Ten graduates, the                   CJUB, offering a Ukrainian hour
number of available places and first                                  enormous job enabled us to receive                                                                                                   cream of our club, and their dates,                twice a week.
come, first serve. All cheques should                                 an office on the university campus                                                                                                   were seated behind the head table of                 Our only significant contact with
be made out to: Andry Krawczuk,                                       .        .        .           to        promote our membership                                                                       the beautifully decorated Ukrainian               SUSK    was Halya Kuchmij's
Carnival '73 and submitted together                                   drive our first function, a traditional                                                                                              Catholic Hall.                                    unexpected but welcomed visit
with the application.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        commenced       informing us about the Canadian
                                                                      WINE & CHEESE, was held ... it                                                                                                         Cultural activities
  Hoping to see you at the Carnival.
                                                                      was                             a           rowdy,                       rambunctious                                                with President Barbara Mysko's                    scene,         summer             field   work,     the
                                                                      financial success                                                    ...    to   keep en-                                            "baby", a symposium on dissent in                 recent          and the planned
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the Soviet Union, during      the                 Telephone   Campaign. The Van-
          APPLICATION                                                 thusiasm          present peak the          at       its

                                                                      executive is madly planning fan-                                                                                                     weekend          of    Kosygin's       visit.      couver   Telephone   Campaign,
                                                                      tastic events for the future ... in                                                                                                  Although only marginally attended,                 although small, went very suc-
                                                                      conjunction with OBNOVA we are                                                                                                       it was felt that for a first try it was            cessfully, with               two people speaking
                                                                      planning a huge BEER BASH in the                                                                                                     especially successful. Speakers                    to   Kuznetsov.          It    must here be stated
Send     to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                           from          the        Ukrainian,                that   Alpha     Omega was disenchanted
                                                                      multi-purpose      room    of   the
Andrij     Krawcuun                                                                                                                                                                                        Czechoslovakian     and    Jewish                  at    not     receiving a summer field
                                                                      University of Manitoba campus                                                                  .          .   .

5110 de la          Durantaye                                         (bigger and better things for U.S.C.                                                                                                 communities expressed their views                  worker, as here in "British"
 Montreal          457,Quebec                                             members)         culturally we are                                                                                               over current problems in the Soviet                Columbia we do indeed need social
 Phone    —        (514-325-4494)                                         flourishing ... we have invited Ivan
                                                                                                                       .   .   .

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Union.                                                animation. In the future Alpha
                                                                          Kolasky for a literary evening                                                                .       .       .
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Members responded very                 en-       Omega     hopes that its ties with SUSK
 Name:                                                                    also we have ordered 50 copies of his                                                                                            thusiastically to a series of lunch-               will    be strengthened, enabling a
 Age:                                                                     latest book         Comrade, The                     .   .   .
                                                                                                                                                                                                           hour talks given by guest speakers.                mutual growth and benefit.
                                                                          People Are Laughing, for pre-sale                                                                                                Mr. John Kolasky's two such talks,                     Vancouver Alpha Omega,
                                                                              extracurricular activities have                                                                                              both on his experience in Ukraine                      Bill Lebedowich
 City:                                                                    .        .        .

                                                                          been set up for our enthusiastic                                                                                                 and on the current situation, were                     Mariyka Haydymowska
                                                                          members                                     i.e.         Drama, Dance and
 Will you need            accommodation while in Montreal?
                                                                          Sports ... a general meeting is
 No                                                                       being held soon where we hope to get
 How are you coming?                                                                                                                                                                                                         Fellow SUSK members across
                                                                          new and fresh inspirational ideas                                                                                                                Canada,    PLEASE feel free to
 When wiU you be leaving Montreal?                                         .    the .  brains   .behind this                                                                                                               correspond with us by writing to the
                                                                          flourishing institution are in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           following address:
                                                                          heads                          of:                   Slawko Klymkiw                        President                                                 U.S.C,
                                                                                                    Ihor                                                             Vice-President                                            c/o U.M.S.U.,
                                                                                                    Oleh Luhowy                                                      Communications                                              Box   51,
                                                                                                    Marijka Banias                                                   Social  Financial        &                                  University of Manitoba,
                                                                                                    Ihor Michalishyn                                                 Social  Financial        &                                  Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                                                                                    Lesia Seredna                                                    Recording Secretary                                         R3T 2N2
                                                                                                                                                                       & SUSK Rep.
                                                                                                    Oksana Mazur                                                     Corresponding Secretary                                WE'LL BE HEARING FROM ALL
                                                                                                                                                                       & SUSK Rep.                                          OF YOU REAL SOON    PA-PA
                                                                                                    Orest Martynowych                                                Advisor

                                                        5,000-year-old town found                                                                                                                                                            in    Ukrainian
                                                               By THEODORE SHABAD                                                                                                                                                                   built    in    a concentric pattern broken
                                                            © New York Times Service                                                                                                                                                                by radially oriented           streets.

                                                          MOSCOW - Soviet archeologists                                                                                             grasslands                                                            Preliminary findings, according
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the archeologist, suggest that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   some of

                                                       have reported the discovery of the                                                                                                   Details   of   the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        excavation, which                                                            were
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the adobe houses in the town
                                                       remains of a 5,000-year-old town with                                                                                        had been under way this past sum-                                two-storcy dwellings- The excavation
                                                       a potential population of 20,000, de-                                                                                        mer 115 miles south of Kiev, were                                party found remains of ceiling-like
                                                      scribed as the largest Stone Age set-                                                                                         disclosed by N. M. Shmagli, a Kiev                                                                   on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     floor partitions that had collapsed
                                                       tlement yet excavated in eastern Eu-                                                                                         archeologist, in an interview with the                                                            lower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tools and other artifacts on the
                                                      rope.                                                                                                                         Ukrainian daily Pravda Ukrainy. Cop-                             storey.
                                                          The huge prehistoric town, cover-                                                                                         ies of the newspaper's Friday edition,                                                         of       Tripolye urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The     discovery
                                                       ing an area of 700 acres with about                                                                                          with the   n t e r v e w, have reached                                         appears        to    fit    in with the
                                                                                                                                                                                    Moscow.                                                                                   hunting and
                                                       1,500   well-built               houses, is considered                                                                                                                                        theory that a shift from
                                                       significant                     shedding new light on                                                                           Shmagli, a specialist on the Tripo-                                                          in the
                                                                     in                                                                                                                                                                              food gathering to agriculture
                                                       the  civilization of tribes of the so-                                                                                       lye culture who led the digging oper-
                                                       called Tripolye culture that inhabited                                                                                       ations, said he and his associates had
                                                       the present Ukraine around the third                                                                                         been impressed by the regular layout                                    cont'd.                         Pg-lO
                                                       millenium before the Christian era.                                                                                          of the unnamed town, which had b»an


STUDENT                                                                                                                  OCTOBER 1972                                                                               PAGE     5

 MUmcoiTURAUSM                                (coAt'a                from P3 .3)
  THE GOVERNMENT AND MULTICULTURALISM                                                                                                              WHAT       IS   MULTICULTURALISM?

                   In 1971 the   Prime Minister announced                    that this   government would follow                           Multiculturalism is the term most often used to describe the existence of
             a multicultural policy. It seems, unfortunately, that this action was taken
                                                                                                                                        Canadian ethno-cultural pluralism. In using this term we are recognizing the
             only to tame the "ethnic vote" and not from real conviction. Calling them
                                                                                                                                        inescapable fact that Canada consists of scores of communities (such as the
             "tokenistic" would be dignifying the governments action.
                                                                                                                                        French, German, Ukrainian, Polish, Native Indian, Scotish, and others)
                Of 3 million dollars alloted to the cultural development of non-English and
                                                                                                                                        which have demonstrated over a span of several generations the will and the
             non-French groups, only $800,000 has found its way to these groups. The
                                                                                                                                        ability to survive and grow as distinctive elements in the over-all Canadian
             greatest bulk of the funds went directly to federal agencies.
                Nothing has been done to remove the discriminatory regulations in the
                                                                                                                                           The phrase "ethno-cultural pluralism" begs further definitions. "Ethno"
             field ofbroadcasting. The CBC is still broadcasting programs which demean
                                                                                                                                        or ethnic denotes a segment of the population which is united by a commonly
             cultures by making them appear "quaint" and primitive. It seems dead set
                                                                                                                                        shared cultural heritage of which each member of the group is aware. It is
             against performing its task of interpreting Canadians to themselves and
                                                                                                                                        important    to understand that ethnicity is not a quality that is in any sense
             promoting national understanding and unity.
                                                                                                                                        limited to individuals of common ancestry. It is possible not only to be born
                It is imperative that the government do all in its power to promote a
                                                                                                                                        "ethnic" but to acquire ethnicity by immersing oneself in a cultural
             serious development of multiculturalism. This policy, to be at all effective,
                                                                                                                                        heritage. It is the "cultural" heritage of an ethnic group which differentiates
             mustj>romote all aspects of Canadian life. Otherwise we will fall victim to
                                                                                                                                        it from voluntary associations such as The Kiwanis Club or Rotary Club; it is
             the malignant cancer south of our border.
                                                                                                                                        a life style, a way of being, thinking and feeling. This cultural heritage is a
                Canada is a society enmeshed by the social problems spawned by in-
                                                                                                                                        driving force animating a significant group of individuals united by a
             dustrialization and the slow encroachment of technological values on human
                                                                                                                                        common language and sharing customs, habits and experiences. Moreover,
             values. Canada's geographic proximity to, and economic dependence on, a
                                                                                                                                        the cultural heritage is built up on the accumulated wisdom and experience
             strong and expansionist United States of America poses further danger to
                                                                                                                                        of countless generations of ancestors. It is a heritage which has been tested
             our economic, political and cultural independence. In the face of all these
                                                                                                                                        and moulded by time. The depth of this sort of heritage is what distinguishes
             real dangers Canadian society seems comatose, unable to elaborate ef-
                                                                                                                                        an ethno-cultural group from a voluntary association.
             fective replies and solutions. The root of our inertia lies in a single factor, the
                                                                                                                                            Pluralism refers to the multiplicity of cultures which co-exist under the
             lack of an even sketchy universally accepted definition of what Canada is
                                                                                                                                        umbrella of Canadian society.
             and what it means to be a Canadian.
                                                                                                                                            A cursory examination of the concept of multiculturalism would leave the
                Having no common starting point, all solutions suggested to                                                             examiner with the impression that it is simply a description of the current
                                                                             date lack                                                  structure of Canadian society; i.e. that it is a static concept. Such a narrow
             cohesiveness in terms of identifying and implementing Canadian
                                                                               values                                                   view does an injustice to the concept. The development of multiculturalism
             Before we as Canadians can solve any of our most pressing
                                                                          problems we                                                   is a social process of change and is not a predetermination of one particular
             must first arrive at a commonly acceptable definition of
                                                                      "Canadian" Only                                                   type of society. The process of multiculturalism is continuous, dynamic and
             then can we take an integrated approach to the many
                                                                  dilemmas which face                                                   far reaching in its conceptional framework. Instead of ghettoizing the
            The question of establishing a national identity in circumstances                                                           community, multiculturalism expands its perspective and its involvement in
                                                                                                                                        our over-all society.
         analogous to ours has been faced by only a very few states. The Americans
         have attempted to impose a standardised identity and ethic on a polyglot                                                           The multicultural process     is   capable of serving as a   common approach
         population. Australia and New Zealand have ensured that                                                                         and basic framework for the solution      of the multiple   dilemmas and problems
                                                                       all immigrants
         had a common, i.e. white European and as British as possible,                                                                   faced by Canadian society. In the following paragraphs we propose to ex-
         South Africa has coupled this sort of policy with an active persecution                                                         pand on this theme and show how multiculturalism is relevant to the major
         existing out-groups. The question is, can any of these solutions                                                                issues facing the Canadian public.
                                                                          be applied to
         the       Canadian experience.
            Restrictive immigration can serve no purpose in a state such
                                                                           as Canada
         that is already composed of large numbers of distinct
                                                               ethno-cultural groups
         A policy of discrimination and persecution is not effacious, on practical as                                                       MULTICULTURALISM AND THE CANADIAN IDENTITY
         well as moral grounds.
             There remains the American method of attempted forced assimilation
         into a common life-and value-system. From the
                                                                American experience it is
         becoming obvious that forced assimilation will not work. An artificial life                                                         Canada as a nation has as yet to define its identity. As if this were not
         style lacking a deep cultural or historical base cannot satisfy                                                                 enough of a problem, we are also faced with the threat of being revamped by
                                                                                the social
         cultural, and psychological needs of a person. It is for this                                                                   the homogeneous and mass-produced American pseudo-culture. The only
                                                                               reason that
         Americans, Mexicans and Blacks are looking to their ancestoral roots                                                            way out of this is to formulate a Canadian identity which is strong enough to
                                                                                     to find
         a clue to their present and future paths. It is for this reason that "The                                                       resist the overwhelming pressure of American technology.
                                                                                    Rise of                                                  In trying to elaborate a Canadian identity we have two basic choices. The
         the Unmeltable Ethnic" has occurred. Thus, it would seem that the
         available alternative for Canada is to acknowledge the reality                                                                  first choice is that made by the Americans. This means turning Canada into
                                                                                     of the
         situation. Canada is a nation of many ethno-cultural groups, and a                                                              a melting pot and trying to produce a culturally homogeneous population.
                                                                                  place for                                                 In the U.S. this has consisted of two closely -related processes. The first of
              them must be found in Canadian
         all of                                                           society. In effect, therefore,        Canada
         must become a multicultural nation.                                                                                             these is the adoption of a common ethic for the whole nation. To drastically
                                                                                                                                         simplify, Americans opted for the "Protestant Ethic" which is intensely
                                                                                                                                         commented with industrialization in the early stages and spiraling un-
                                                                                                                                         planned technological growth in the later stages.
                                                                                                                                            The second of these processes is the adoption of a common "myth" that
                                                                                                                                         everyone could relate to. Having a very short history in which there is little
             Canadian students of Ukrainian descent attending universities and com-                                                      to be proud of the "American Myth" is just that, a fabrication of the
             munity colleges are organized into Ukrainian Student Associations. There                                                    imagination which glorifies as heroes the dregs of a society.
             are 17 such Associations with a total membership of 2,000 students involved
             in social, cultural and political programs. At the XIII Congress of the
                                                                                                                                            A Communities culture serves as a guide-line for the communities
                                                                                                                                        development and its interaction with other communities. If this culture is
             Ukrainian Canadian University Students' Union in Ottawa, September 1-4,
                                                                                                                                        based on processes which emphasize acquisitiveness and personal ambition
             1972. the National Executive of the U.C.U.S.U. was instructed by its mem-
                                                                                                                                        and which grossly misinterpret the communities past history and present
             bership to solicit and publish the views of all candidates of the coming
                                                                                                                                        state, a fundamentally unstable society will result. This is strikingly evident
             Federal election on the issue of Multiculturalism.
                                                                                                                                        in the United States of America, where the social fabric is rapidly disin-
                                                                                                                                        tegrating. Following the U.S. example would eventually lead to the same
                                                                                                                                        results for Canada.
                                                                                                                                            The other Canadian alternative is to build on the reality of our situation
                                                                                                                                        i.e. on our ethno-cultural pluralism. The peoples of Canada,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          both the late
                                                                             b. Would you support an amendment to the
        Do you view multiculturalism as the                                  broadcasting act to allow the use of languages             arrivals from other continents and the Native People who were here when
                                                and its
     recognition of an ethnic group s existence
                                               Canada                        other than English and French?                                                                                 many   cases milleniums   to
     contriblulon to the overall way of U(e In                                                                                          they came have cultures which have taken        in
                                             mean that
     or does the concept of multicultural
                                        should actively                                                                                 develop. As a result they have great resiliency and are capable of offering
     Ihe various levels of government                                                                                                                                  solutions     the  complex   problems  we  face.
     promote   the activities of Canada's
                                            Indigenous                                                                                  sophisticated and well-tested             to
                                                                                Will you advocate that the CBC expand
     ethnic groups.
                                                                             monies for the production of multilingual and                  A culture which has taken scores of generations to develop (as opposed to
                                                                             mulUcullural programmes?                                   the "instant" American pseudo-culture) is able to offer great depth
                                                                                                                           No           breadth. As such it is capable, as no other culture is, in offering
                                                                    an       Yes                                                                                                              counteracting his anomic
     Z  Do you think that muitlcullurallsm                     Is
                                                                                                                                        psychological satisfaction to the individual and   in
     obstacle to Canadian unity?                                                The Koyal Commission on Book Publishing In                                true sense of belonging.
                                                                             8.                                                          by giving   it
                                                                             Canada refused to consider ethnic printing                     Canada can        utilize these strengths to her advantage by adopting a
                                                                             houses In their study. Would you place those
                                                                             publishing houses not printing English or French            pluralistic cultural      format in which the native cultures which are the
         t    Would you advocate a conslltutlonBUy                           in the same category as the other
                                                                                                                         firms          heritage of the Canadian peoples would be allowed to preserve and develop
                                         Rights (or      all   elhno-
         trenched     Bill of Cultural
                                                                             publishing only in English and French?
         cultural groups in      Canada?                                                                                                themselves.
                                                                             Ves                                           No              Multiculturalism is not ghettoization. Ghettos are the result of a uni-
                                                                                                                                        cultural policy which denies communities the right to their cultural heritage.
                                                                                Would you advocate the reduction of postal
         4    Would you advocate greater allocaUon
                                                                             rales for Canadian publication* not wriUen In
                                                                                                                                        A uni-cultural policy results in racial bigotry and the creation of large
         federal  funds to
                                                     and                     English or French?                                         groups of disaffected people in a nation.
         education in order to promote multilingual
         multicultural programmes In primary,
                                                  secon-                                                                                   Multiculturalism does the exact opposite. It opens up the ghetto by ad-
                                                                             yet                                           No                                                                            place in the
                                                                                                                                        mitting the validity of all cultures and emphasizing their
                                                      in   Canada.
         dary and post-secondary institutions
                                                                    N°       10.What Is your evaluation of:                             Canadian   social process. By bringing together different ethno-cultural
         Ye*                                                                   Al The present mulUcullural policy (Adopted                                                                                       of
                                                                                                                                        groups on a level of mutual respect it aUows for the cross-fertilization
                                                                             October H. 19711                                                                                                             draws to
         5     Even though there are two      languages
                                                                                  The attempts of the government to Im-                 ideas By emphasizing the importance of all cultural heritages it
                                       that the Federal

         In Canada, would you advocate                                       plement this policy.                                       itself loyalty of all Canadians, for in this manner it grants  them   their
         Government and Its agencies publish govern-
         ment documents and other similar materials
                                                                     In                                                                 freedom and yet gives them roots to which they can render themselves.
                                                                             Comment   Briefly:
                                                                                                                                                                                           (reprinted   from the Manitoban
         other Canadian languages?
                                                                                                                                                                                                          September, 1972)
             Yes                                                    No
OCTOBER 1972                                                                                          STUDENT                               S'


                                XIII                      SUSK CONGRES

             Carleton University in Ottawa           spirits of sleep      and urging the newly      filters   down    to all    members. With a
                                                     awakened            arise and partake of the    view    to inter
JDENT                                            STUDENT                                                                                        OCTOBER 1972
                                                                                                                                                                                     PAGE 7


    to all    members. With a              distribute the tapes and a committee         the replies received from the can-          Special Events                —    Danielle
    -club    communication, it             was formed    to negotiate with them.        didates are being compiled and            Yavorsky (Ottawa)
     that    whenever a local              Kolos subsequently retracted their           analyzed with respect to the can-              Student Editors
 out bulletins to its                      offer, and it was finally decided that       didates'       awareness        of          — Halya Kuchmij (Toronto)
:opy should also be sent                                    cameramen would
                                           the original three                           multiculturalism.                           — Wally Dashko (Toronto)
^dividual club across                      edit the tapesand then the National            Sunday evening saw the delegates                    Committee
    SUSK information                       Executive of SUSK would decide               discuss Ukraine and reports from            — Slawko Klymkiw (Winnipeg)
ilso        to       be updated       to   what subsequently would be done.             various Set Them Free committees            — Volodymyr Chandon (Thunder
    w members              with       a      This year has seen the formation           were presented. Particularly in-          Bay)
      history and activities               of  (SMAC) Student Multicultural             teresting was the report of Yarko            — Zenon Kulchyckyj (Hamilton)
enerally, the Congress                     Action Committee in Saskatchewan.            Koshiw outlining the activities of             Saskatoon, Saskatchewan was
:although the National                     Lesia Lys from Saskatoon gave a              American students on behalf of            chosen ,: as the site of next years
nust improve its com-                      report of the Committee's activity           imprisoned intellectuals in Ukraine.      SUSK Congress.
to the local clubs, the                    and it wasxtecided that SUSK would           It was decided   mat SUSK is to             Let it not be said that The Ottawa
also have an onus on                       officially support SMAC and en-              protest     the   recent repressions in   Congress was all work and no play.
rovide the National                        courage its activities.                      Ukraine and that       SUSK support the   On Friday evening a pub night
'ith    more feedback and                    Sunday, Sept. 3, was the climactic         work   of   the Set   Them Free Com-      featuring    SUSK         talent    was    held.
lommunieate with other                     day of the Congress. There had been          mittee. Also SUSK is to apply             Featured were bandurists from
                                           rumors that the recently held                pressure on CESUS to encourage            Winnipeg, a quartet from Montreal,
      also            came       under     western conference had turned into           students of other countries to sup-       a poet from Vancouver and a folk-
'here        was      talk of turning      a    peasant   revolt.   Delegates           port financially and morally un-
,       but      it

newspaper form but
                      was decided     to   anxiously awaited the report of the
                                           peasant revolt. It was presented by
                                                                                        derprivileged Ukrainian      com-
                                                                                                                                  singer from Hamilton. Saturday
                                                                                                                                  evening a discotheque was held. It
                                      to                                                munities around the world.                took a while for it to get unwound as
    more         analytical         con-   Bill Balan of Winnipeg and offered             The election of a new National          it   was competing with the Canada-
om   across Canada and                     constructive criticism and ideas.            Executive concluded the Congress.         USSR hockey game.              After the   game
 on a subscription basis,                       As was   to   be expected     Multi-    The National Executive is made up         itgot lively and a good time was had
lbs were to undertake to                   culturalism was also a    main    topic of   of:                                       by all. The end of the Congress and
    ontributions of articles               discussion. It  was decided that               President       —   Andrij   Semotiuk   the election of a new National
itions.                                    multiculturalism would be the first          (Vancouver)                               Executive set the stage for an im-
mer          of       '72    was     the   priority of   SUSK     in the   upcoming       Western Vice-President — Andrij         promptu get             together.   Everyone
    Video SUSK. Not un-                    year. It was felt that SUSK should           Ogarenko (Winnipeg)                       squeezed into a small room and sang
e Video project was a                      concentrate on the development of a            Eastern Vice-President   — Don          until the early hours of the morning.
of discussion. A corn-                     grass      roots       base-    for          Sadoway (Toronto)                           Much credit is due the Ottawa club
 report of the Video                       multiculturalism and that existing             Corresponding Secretary — Genia         for   organizing the Congress,
s     submitted             by     Dorio   Ukrainian organizations should be            Keryk (Montreal)                          especially Oksana Ostapyk, Danielle
     thanks to              some    last   informed to a greater degree about             Recording Secretary — Natalka           Yavorsky, and Vera Yuzyk who
gling with CN the par-                     multiculturalism.          Education,        Chomiak (Toronto)                         worked      at     it    all   summer. The
id a chance to view                        welfare, and housing also affect               Treasurer — Ihor Broda (Toronto)        Congress was also a resounding
n tapes. During the                        ethnic groups directly and it was felt         Student Affairs — Vera Yuzyk            financial success largely made
)f the project there were                  that work should be started through          (Ottawa)                                  possible by contributions made by
rvations expressed as to                   unions and various social welfare              Cultural Affairs — Bohdan               the Ukrainian National Association,
ility and capability of                    agencies. It was decided that an             Barabash (Edmonton)                       Ukrainian      Professional    and
ig     involved with such                  intensive campaign should be                   Delegate to KYK — Bill Balan            Businessmen's Club, the Ukrainian
     finance consuming                     carried out smong the federal                (Winnipeg)                                Catholic and Orthodox Churches and
    owever basically the
                                           candidates to inform them about                Alternate Delegate — Borys              many individuals from Ottawa.
    centered around the                    multiculturalism and to get their            Gengalo (Winnipeg)                        Thanks to all Concerned. On to
e unedited tapes. Kolos                    views about it. To this end a                  Conferences — Oleh Hnatiuk              Saskatoon in 1973.
 of Winnipeg offered to                    questionnaire was formulated and             (Edmonton)                                                                            I.B.


          , ,. ,
       ", : ',. ,

                                                     OCTOBER 1972

                                                               , :
                                                                   ,, .

                                                                   ,,. , .


                                                                                                                               .    (10.14).

             "  .,
                             "   —              -
                                                                  , ,

                                                                                                                               .    (20.00).
                                                                                                                               (75.50 .).

         " ," ", -

                  -                                                  ,,
                                                                     9.                                                            (3:48,06).

         '.,                                                      ,
                                                                  , ,


       ." ,              "—
                                                                     .                                                         (66.62 .).

         ,,          _

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                                                                                                                      20       .

       ." ,

                                                                     4.                                                             (1:45,9).

                                                                  ,,, .'
                                                                     6.                                                               (8035).

                                                                     7.                                                                    4      400
                 ,                          -

               ...                         -                         1.


                 -                                                            ' ,, .

         , ,
       , , ),, . (-                       -     -                   2.


                                                                                        , .


                                                                                                                               .      (1:28:16,6).

                 ,       —




                                                                                        ,,, ...                  1500      .


       ,                                    -                       4.

                                                          WANTED* UBLIC RELATIOH3 MAN      WOMAN* FULL TIME
               . ,. -                       -
                                                           •the person we seek nualt be a relf-etarteir r haa
                                                          lnltiativer and knows- how to deal with people*
                                                          •take charge off advertising and sales campaign orf

               ' "., , -.
                                                           Ukrainian] rook reeoBd*oommisslon* eiterraife travel
                                                           ••contact the SUSK office.

                                                                                                       Little   Vietnam

                     ""- ,           11     1972)
                                                                    So close do
                                                                                      we see main street,
                                                                               the shiny bugs which make the air unbearable.

                                                                    We   opened our eyes,
                                                                    and down the street we marched
                                                                    right through the red light,
                                                                    Till the word Welfare caught our sight.
                                                                    And then our leader stopped,
                                                                    And searched us with his eyes
                                                                    for signs of strength.
                                                                    All he could see was
                                                                                                                                                        Yes    sir.
                                                                    So        in   we went
                                                                                                                                                        Yes    sir.
                                                                    And asked               for help
                                                                                                                                                        Yes    sir.
                                                                    Then           the neon lights shot out a         check
                                                                                                                                                        Yes sir.
                                                                    Outside again
                                                                                                                                                        Yes sir.
                                                                    Over           to the liquor   shop
                                                                                                                                                        Yes sir.
                                                                    And bought our wine
                                                                                                                                                        Yes    sir.
                                                                    And with           it   courage
                                                                                                                                                        Yes sir.
                                                                    Drinking           it   brought strength
                                                                                                                                                        Yes sir.
                                                                    NO, NO,  NO SIR.
                                                                    We  hate you sir with your shiny reupholstered life.
                                                                    You and all that goes with you.
                                                                    Your mind smells of odours so foul that the best bottles
                                                                    of Wine can't hide them.
                                                                    And down your putrid throat we're going to shove it.
                                                                    No you goddamned bastard
                                                                                                                                                     we'll   do it.
                                                                    But        we    gotta sleep a bit      first.

                                                                                                                                            Bohdan Chomiak
— —
STUDENT                                            OCTOBER 1972                        PAGE   9

                  .                             .       .
          .           —
                                                                  -: -

     ,,                   You must assume
                          I   love surprises;
                                                             '!      —       '-
                  .       the secret smile
                          that you spared
                          before you

                          to draw conclusions:

          ,       '
                  ,       a dangerous game,

                          for a starving mind
                          that pays the price
                          for ravishing a future
                          of its creation

                          the price of dreams,
                          of happiness
                          on the impulse,
                          to unspoken words,
                          unanswered questions;

                          incense observed
                          within your smile
                          that once you
                              spared   me
                          before you    left.

                                                                   , ^
                                                                     , , -    , ..

                                                             ' ,-

PAGE 10                                                                                                       OCTOBER 1972                                                                                                                            STUDENT
                                                                                             l,w thr rrcord stanil
                                                                                                                                                                                               Defense Committee
       Slave camps and Tiger Cages                                                                                                                                                               Launches                          Bulletin
                                                                                                                    Daniel Berrigan's open letter               to
   At the present time two defense                          in   Ukraine        in the   New York Review        Brezhnev and Shcherbytsky
                                                                                                                                                                          The "Set Them Free" Committee in Defense of Soviet Political
 committees for Soviet political                            of books.       of the many received
                                                                           One                                                                                        has successfully launched its information/analytical news
                                                                                                                reprinted below. It comes as                                                                                       Bulletin and has
 prisoners (New York and Toronto)                           responses    support of their defense
                                                                             in                                                                                       attracted a large readership among the Ukrainian student
                                                                                                               surprise and challenge           to    Soviet                                                                          population.
 are involved in defense work and the                       action came from Father Daniel                                                                               Composed of radical Ukrainian Canadian students, the "Set Them Free
                                                                                                               authorities to see an            A merican
 dissemination      of   information                        Berrigan who subsequently wrote an                                                                        Committee, is committed to the dissemination of information concerning
                                                            open letter to Soviet authorities.
                                                                                                               whom        they supported against the
                                                                                                                                                                     struggles of Soviet and East European dissidents and their
 regarding the political situation in
                                                                                                               American government, condemn                                                                                            international
 the Soviet Union and Eastern                               Daniel Berrigan, prominent political                                                                     defense.
                                                                                                               their repressions   against Soviet
 Europe,         most        particularly         in        dissident and one-time political                                                                             In order to first explain to the Canadian public and in
                                                                                                               dissenting voices. The letter may                                                                                   particular to the
 Ukraine.                                                   prisoner under United States                                                                             Ukrainian Canadian population, the nature of the dissent
                                                                                                               also provoke discussion within                                                                                         movement in
   In the spring of this year, the                          authorities, is actively involved in                                                                     Ukraine and throughout the Soviet Bloc, the Committee launched its
                                                                                                               existing Ukrainian organizations                                                                                             Bulletin
 Committee in the United States                             the anti-war movement.         Father                                                                    in late July and since has produced 3 issues.
                                                                                                               whose attitude towards U.S. foreign
 published information about the                            Berrigan's brother, Phillip, is still in                                                                     The Bulletin carries basic information on arrests, trials and persecutions
                                                                                                               policy is not consistent with their
 January and spring waves of arrest                         prison.                                                                                                  of dissidents in Ukraine, the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,
                                                                                                               position on the question of Ukraine.
                                                                                                                                                                     about defense work going on in Western countries in support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     of those
                                                                                                                                                                     movements, and regularly prints important documents produced by those
                                                                                                                                                                     movements (such as the discussions of workers and the Polish authorities
 by Daniel Berrigan                                        Perhaps upon reflection, Mr                       political     indictments, puppets,          the        during the Polish workers' strike in 1970-71, the Moscow leaflet on
      Leonid    Brezhnev,    General                    Brezhnev, there is no real danger of                 trappings of illegitimate power                         economic conditions of the workers in the Soviet Union-1972, etc.)
 Secretary,    Communist Party of the                   your being infected through a                        which (so the claim goes) your                             At the present time the Committee is distributing its bulletin in Canada
 Soviet      Union and Volodymyr                        handshake with Mr. Nixon. Perhaps                    revolutions rendered null and void,                     also having readers in Europe and the United States.
 Shcherbytsky.               First     Secretary        this was the truest we have passed                   once and for all. Instead of the                           The "Set Them Free" Committee is eager to contact people across
 Communist Party              of the       Ukraine.     beyond that      first generation fervor,            revolution, evil times. Indeed, you                     Canada who are concerned with the fate of the Ukrainian struggle and are
 Honored Gentlemen:                                     when       a revolutionary leader would              have made the times so evil that one                    looking for a fresh, internationally oriented and progressive approach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to this
   I may be known to you as a former                    receive, with grace and moral                        can do very nearly nothing at all on                    area of politics. For information concerning the activity of the Committee
 political      prisoner       in    the      United    dignity, say, the leader of one of the               behalf of his brothers and sisters. No                  Canada or   for a subscription to the STF Bulletin ($2.50 for 12 issues)
 States, one  whose brother is still a                                                                       recourse, no mercy, no justice. Only                                                                                             write
                                                       world's most oppressive powers                                                                                      P.O. Box 294,
 prisoner. The occasion of my writing                     It is to your credit that you do not               death multiplied, and anguish, and                              Station       "M",
 you is the disquieting news we have                   indulge in such fantasies regarding                   despair. Behold your legacy.                                    Toronto       21,   Ont.
received here regarding           con-   the           Mr. Nixon's visit. You certainly                        And yet, it is in just such times as
tinuing political trials of Russian,                   understood, as did your guest, that                   these that we are resolved not to lose
Ukrainian, and Czech dissidents.                       you two meet, not as                the               heart, not to give up.       Even       if   our
  Political prisoners are of course                    representative of revolution on the                                                                           to your wars, submit to courts which                        Let the record stand then. Let the
                                                                                                             voices go unheard, it        is necessary
an international reality. One might                    one hand and of oppression on the                                                                             you assemble, die for a cause which                       court of humanity, the court of the
                                                                                                             for    them   to   go on record. To go on
be tempted to say such prisoners are                   other, but as twin powers                            record before history, before the
                                                                                                                                                                     you believe.                                              bleated and exiled and imprisoned,
even a bond of fraternity among                        troubled mutual images, two whose                                                                               Let this be the record. It may be                      be heard. And for those who believe,'
                                                                                                            next generation, before those who.
political leaders across the world, of                 interests coincided even as they                                                                              that only the next generation, long                      as we do, in a God of history,
                                                                                                            sifting the ashes and bones of the                                                                                                               a God
whatever coloration. Right, left,                      clashed, and therefore clashed most                                                                           after your demise, your laying down                      of mankind, the court
                                                                                                            victims you have multiplied, will                                                                                                        assembles in
center— all subscribe to the stern                     gently.     Your meeting reminded us            of   ask: did not some few stand firm?
                                                                                                                                                                     of authority, the dismantling of your                    His name, under His authority, to
Manichean principle of the innate                      nothing so much as the coming                                                                                 military empires— it may be only                         exercise His decree. Let the record
                                                                                                            They will probe without mercy; who
corruption and criminality of                          together of two successful, discreet                 were the criminals and who were the                      after all that, that sentence can be                     stand.
dissidents; all are agreed on the                      morticians. So admirable a pair                      innocent? They will inquire relen-
                                                                                                                                                                     passed upon you. It matters               little, if     'reprinted from    "the vi Uage
related matters of crime and                           behind locked doors may even have                    tlessly, who led the people in truth,
                                                                                                                                                                     only sentence be passed.                                 VOICE", NYC, Oct. 5, 1972)
punishment.                                            shared one with another some                         who misled them with deceit,
  This international' consensus is                     precious trade secret. Let                           cruelty, and trickery?
undoubtedly a factor in bringing                       speculate; on the one hand the                         History will want to know why it
about the most unexpected acts of                      marvel of Lenin's embalming                          was necessary      to destroy  one's
detente. One remembers with a                                        marvel of— what? The
                                                        the other, the                                      fellow citizens, whether indeed they
certain rueful fascination the recent                  Tiger Cages?   Vietnamization? We                    were criminals, or whether they
cordial meetings between you, Mr.                      shall never know.                                    were imprisoned by criminals.
Brezhnev, and our President. You                          That each of you has secrets to                   History will inquire; therefore, we
exchanged handshakes, banqueted                        share, one cannot have the least                     go on record.
together, toasted your common                          doubt. Both of you hold political                      We put on record the names of
hopes.                                                 prisoners, many thousands of                         those you have imprisoned, exiled,
  But would it be untimely, Mr.                        hundreds in the American. This is                    silenced,    starved,     tortured,
Brezhnev to suggest the importance                     perhaps the worst kept secret in all                 degraded. The names of Mykhaylo
of knowing who it is with whom one                     the world. A genuine symbiosis ot                    Soroka, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn,
shakes hands? The stain of blood,                      means joins you, ideology to                         Ivan Dzyuba, Andrei Amalrik, Ivan
were it conceivably present upon the                    deology, hand to hand. You have                     Svitlychny, Vyacheslav Chornovil,
hand of one man, might so easily rub                   both agreed to take and keep                         Pyotr Yakir, Simas Kudirka, Yuriy
off   on another's. You are possibly                   hostages against lawless con-                        Shukhevych, Valentyn Moroz,
aware     in  this regard, that Mr.                    tingencies. The principle once                       Vladimir Bukovsky, and many
Nixon,    whom you welcomed with                       decided on, a like scenario unrolls                  others. And if certain names are
such     wa rmth        to     Moscow, has             east    and    west;   police,   in-                 lost,   and certain others are erased
destroyed some 6 million people in                     terrogations, arrests, trials for                    by death, we still must go on record.
Southeast Asia during his four years                   conspiracy, and then the long ride                   For the sake of the next generation,
in office. Destroyed, that is, whether                  nto oblivion, the passage into non-                 we must point out how in East and
by slaughter, displacement, or                         personhood, the erasure from                         West, a common brutal method was
imprisonment. Six million. Do you                      human          life        and    community    of    used against those whose only crime
wince at that number, unimaginable                     human       beings.                                  was to resist crime. We must un-
from one point of view? A number,                           Such      is     the
                                                                          fate of political
moreover, with certain magical                                                                              derscore the fact that the Russian
                                                       prisoners in both countries. We wish
overtones, coming toward us in a                                                                                    and the American cruelties
                                                       only to add that many of us who are
bloody and dolorous procession out                                                                          were almost exactly parallel, except
                                                       for the time being out of prison share
      Germany                                                                                               that the    Russians turned their
of                in   the '30s?       Examine         in    the powerlessness of prisoners;
                                                                                                            electric shocks,
your hands closely, Mr. Brezhnev;                                                                                                 their mental
                                                       East        and       West,       Russians    and    hospitals, their slave camps, their
the stigma of Mylai may be on them,                    Americans,            we know    that to be
and of Con Son, and of the                                                                                  Siberian exile, their police torture,                                                                            the excavation site is s t u a t e d irr
                                                       citizens is to        have no real access to
piecemeal, methodical destruction                                                                           against their own people, while the
                                                       political leaders.        Our fate, like the
                                                                                             Americans, more sensitive perhaps
                                                                                                                                                                                                        di-                  what is now wooded steppe, or grass-
of the cities of       Vietnam.        Even     the                                                                                                                                                                          land with patches of forest. The area
                                                       prisoners',      decided elsewhere.
                                                                           is                                                                                    late Stone        Age soon       lea 10    an urban
children?       The children                                                                 to the mythology which makes them
                                     also.             Our leaders have turned to stone.                                                                                                                                     is believed to have been once
                                                                                             out to be temperate and com-
                                                                                                                                                                 revolution          a s   primitive       tribesmen                                       covered
  But perhaps one is untimely in                         Turned to stone; your ears, Mr.                                                                                                                                     by forest, which has gradually
                                                                                             passionate, did not commonly use                                    moved        into    towns      to   become man-
airing such topics. After all, detente                 Brezhnev and Mr. Shcherbytsky,                                                                                                                                        treated northward as climate has be-
                                                                                             such methods against their own. To                                  kind's first urbamtes.
is in the air. Moreover, there are to                  have turned to stone. You no longer                                                                                                                                  come    drier.
                                                                                             do so was not politically expedient;                                    The "JYipoIye culture, named for a
your credit, along the lines of Mr.                    hear the cry of the dispossessed, the                                                                                                                                      The site has thus far been ex-
                                                                                             especially when there were count-                                   town on the Dnieper River where the
Nixon's achievement, certain other                     broken, the victims.                                                                                                                                                  plored  by preliminary digging in test
                                                                                             less Vietnamese, Laotians, Cam-                                     first artifacts were identified in 189(1,
matters one might recall. The                            Your nostrils have turned to stone. bodians,                                                                                                                       pits   and by geophysical prospecting.
                                                                                                         and other Third World                                   has long been associated with settle-
matters           of         Hungary,            of    You no longer smell the blood which
                                                                                             people upon whom they could ex-                                     ments, but the unnamed town now
Czechoslovakia, of the Ukraine. You                    yourselves have let.
as well as Mr. Nixon, are showing
                                                                                             periment with impunity.                                             being excavated in the Ukraine ap-                         WORLD'S FIRST CITIES: Arrow on
                                                         Your eyes and mouth have turned       Nevertheless, East or West,                                       pears- to be the largest yet found in
considerable skill in coming up with                                                                                                                                                                                        the map shows where settlement at
                                                       to stone. You no longer see the truth
what were once                                                                               crimes domestic or crimes ex-                                       this    part of Europe.                                    about 3000 B.C. was found in the
                          called,      in a    truly   of the world, which, according to
 classical                                                                                   bra territorial, it is for us to go on                                The work has been conducted by a                         Ukraine. Older cities have been found
                   sense,            "definitive       historical claim, you were em-
 solutions."                                                                                 record. The crimes occurrred, the                                   team of the Institute of Archeology of                     near Baghdad that date back to '1500
                                                       powered to interpret and announce. guilt is manifest.
   More nearly to our point is the                                                                               Wherever men and                                Kiev   on  a  plateau-like  elevation                      B.C.  The oldest known city dwellers
                                                          You no longer speak the truth women are in exile,                                                      within a bend of the small Talnyanka
 emotion   arising   in    certain                                                                                   dying of forced                                                                                        lived in  the kingdoms of Sumer and
                                                       about human life, about the lives of labor,
 Americans, when we reflect upon                                                                     put to                  the rack, standing in               River, near the village of Maidanet-                       Elam. Elamite cities have been found
                                                       workers,        poor, of the youth, of
                                                                       of the
 the common methods pursued by                                                                                              courts,  stripped of                 skoye. The village lies a few miles                        in portions of ancient Persia (Turkey
                                                       those whose^ passion and sacrifice
 both sides, Russia and the United                                                                          citizenship,     of   human   dignity,               south of the Ukrainian rail town of                        and Iran) and spreading east through
                                                       initiated the revolution you have                                                                  of
 States,           regarding            political                                                              rights— wherever this occurs,
                                                                                                            civil                                                Talnoye.                                                   what is now Afghanistan to Pakistan.
 dissidents.           Common           methods          Can anyone doubt t that by                      we declare that a court of humanity                         Hilltop locations,          utilizing the pro-         About the same time cities were rising
 govern the fate          of "parasites         and                                                      is already summoned. We declare,                        tection      of     natural     barriers such as           along the valleys of the Nile. Chinese
                                                       prolonging the agony of political
 malcontents"             who dare       unroll        prisoners, by enlarging the numbers               moreover, that those judged guilty                      livei       valleys           and    steep plateau         cities are known to have been built
 seditious banners in               Red Square,                                                                                                                              have been typical
                                                       of   the condemned, you                      have in your courts have become your                         slopes,                                  of Tripolye       about 4000 B.C. in the valleys of the
 dare burn draft files in Catonsville,                                                                      judges.                                              settlements.                                               Hoang
                                                       betrayed the revolution? Or that the                                                                                                                                             Ho   and   the   Wei.   Mexico's
 Maryland.                                             first sign of the betrayal is that the                 Let this be the record.     And   let   the              Shmagli said        a high level of civili-          earliestcity builders were in Olmecs
      Indeed,      not one of the im-
                is this                                                                                     record be unequivocal and clear.                     zation      was suggested by the
                                                       opposition must be crushed, at                                                                                                                          finding      whose remains date about 1500 B.C.
 plications of detente itself. That                                                                         Brezhnev, Shcherbytsky, Nixon, and                   of pottery of well-fired
                                                       whatever cost, by whatever means?                                                                                                                clay with dis-      The earliest cities in this part of the
 similar solutions are arrived at by                                                                        all your henchmen, from Siberia to
                                                       The revolution is degraded, at your                                                                       tinctive black spiral decorations char-                    continent are Iroquois dating about
 the authorities of both nations-                                                                           the Ukraine to South Vietnam, are
                                                       hands, in the fate of every man and                                                                       acteristic of the Tripolye people.                         1200 A.D. Earlier settlements
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        may yet
 nations whose rhetoric, histories,
                                                       woman you have destroyed. Instead                    guilty of crimes against humanity.                         He    also  described statuettes de-                 be found, since it is believed that
 and conceptions of mankind have in                    of a sublime spiritual event, you                      Your      authority is therefore                   picting      persons and animals, includ-                  Indian agriculture began about 1000
 the past seemed so diverse, so                        offer the world the same tawdry                      illegitimate.  No one need obey your                 ing     a    particularly       fine     figure of a       B.C. with the cultivation of beans,
 nearly irreconcilable?                                                                                              pay your taxes, offer his body
                                                        czarist              stereotype— prisons,           voice,                                               bear.       Bears are       forest dwellers      and                    com and    squash.
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