FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

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FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing
Page 2 • gam|mag • February 2019
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing
  Staying sharp and engaged at work..............................................................................................................................................                       4
  Handy finance app.................................................................................................................................................................................    4
  Social media has changed buyers and salespeople...............................................................................................................                                        5
  Make your business a government contractor.......................................................................................................................                                     5
  Little Austria takes big steps with state and local grants..................................................................................................                                          6

Your Finances
  The difference between an emergency and a surprise.......................................................................................................                                             8
  Exit interviews remain important for companies................................................................................................................                                        9
  Financial apps help you invest leftover pennies....................................................................................................................                                   9
  The benefits and drawbacks of unpaid internships.............................................................................................................                                         9

Staying Well
  Texting generation suffers neck problems............................................................................................................................... 10
  Safetypup still keeps kids safe......................................................................................................................................................... 10
  Some helpful tips on co-sleeping safely with an infant.................................................................................................... 11
  Enjoy your reading time a little bit more................................................................................................................................. 11
  Beat the winter blues with meditation....................................................................................................................................... 11
  Tech advances spur heart diagnosis and care........................................................................................................................ 12
  Sparkling ice cubes................................................................................................................................................................................ 12
  Powerful modern medications rally heart patients............................................................................................................ 13
  Threats of the 'Lonely Heart'............................................................................................................................................................ 13

Of Interest
  Special dating sites appeal to gamers, Disney fans and a whole lot more............................................................... 14
  Budget surprises...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
  Password Managers ease confusion, beef up security........................................................................................................ 15
  An indispensable feature hides on your phone..................................................................................................................... 15
  Contenders for top Valentines treats........................................................................................................................................... 15
  Iconic computer game ages gracefully........................................................................................................................................ 16                             Phone: 703.450.4121
  New candies in the running............................................................................................................................................................. 16                  Fax: 703.450.5311
  Madam C.J. Walker built beauty into an industry............................................................................................................... 17                                           www.gamweregood.com
  Future of Braille uncertain in computerized world............................................................................................................. 17
  Why the heart symbol looks like that.......................................................................................................................................... 17                           gam|mag is our
  Simple ways to volunteer as a family........................................................................................................................................... 18                          monthly newsletter,
  Free shipping sells.................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
                                                                                                                                                                                                              combining functionality
  Art value pivots on the age, not death, of artist..................................................................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with fresh design.
  World Sword Swallowers Day.......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Senior Living                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ronnie Price
  A spring vacation that avoids spring breakers...................................................................................................................... 20
  First auto insurance policy............................................................................................................................................................... 20               Designer
  Senior gig economy: Walking a dog for your health......................................................................................................... 21                                               Drew Paulas
  Cat-sitting: Low impact fun with a dab of dough............................................................................................................... 21                                           Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Virginia Grant
Meet Our Gamily
  Ricky Karle, Production Specialist................................................................................................................................................ 22

Photo puzzle: Find the 10 . . . plus a few more........................................................ 23
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Follow us @gamweregood

                                                                                                                                                    February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 3
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

                      Staying sharp and engaged at work

“By thought, what
you want is brought
to you. By action,
you receive it.”
Wallace Wattles,
                      S  taying engaged with work has become a
                         problem, according to staffing experts at
                         Robert Half. Their Office Team survey
                      showed that the typical employee feels
                      disengaged or bored with their work for about
                                                                         a plant to make the environment more
                                                                         comfortable. Sit-stand desks can be a great way
                                                                         to get the blood flowing throughout the day.
                                                                            Not feeling challenged can also be a
                                                                         significant roadblock to staying engaged at
1800s author of       10.5 hours per week. In the winter, 28 percent     work but there are many ways to increase
“The Science of       of workers feel disengaged.                        responsibilities without adding extra stress.
Getting Rich”                                                              Perform a self-assessment. Workers can
                       “Not feeling challenged can be a significant      identify their strengths and opportunities
                         roadblock to staying engaged at work”           within the company, taking steps to enhance
                                                                         contributions. Focus during meetings, asking
                        It is possible to stay sharp and engaged
                                                                         questions and taking notes to stay engaged.
                      in nearly any job, however, and Lifehacker
                      suggests a multifaceted approach that can             Talk to the manager to see if there is room
                      make work more challenging. The first steps        for an extra creative project or maybe time
                      happen before an employee even fires up the        for skill enhancement. Use downtime to
                      computer. They should make sure they get           learn a new language or master an important
                      enough sleep. Most people need seven to nine       computer application.
                      hours and many don't get that much.
                         Next, the commute. Look at the commute
                                                                           Handy finance app
                      as an opportunity to jumpstart the day and           TaxCaster by Intuit TurboTax can
                      creativity. First, mentally review your work         estimate your income taxes and also
                      for the day, noting the task that you will start     compare how your situation differs from
                      first. Then, let go of work for a while and          last year, so you can see what changed
                      inject creativity with a podcast or audiobook.       for you under the new tax law. It can also
                                                                           help you make other tax-related financial
                        At the office, take a good look at the
                                                                           decisions such as realizing capital gains.
                      workspace and consider adding more
                                                                           Available for both iPhones and Androids.
                      ergonomic seating, better lighting, or even

                      Page 4 • gam|mag • February 2019
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

Social media has changed buyers                                                           Make your business a
and salespeople                                                                           government contractor
T he world's leading research and advisory
  company, Gartner, Inc., declared in 2011
  that by 2020 customers will manage 85
percent of their buying without interacting
with a human.
                                                                                            Owners of small businesses might not
                                                                                          realize that Uncle Sam could become a
                                                                                          valuable customer through government
                                                                                          contracting. But, to bid for government
                                                                                          contracts, you have to be certified,
That leaves us one year. Is it happening?                                                 according to the U.S. Small Business
  According to the sales experts at Accent                                                Administration (SBA).
Technologies, it hasn't happened quite                                                        Each year, there
yet, but it's on the way, especially if you                                               is around $100
consider how comfortable people are with                                                  billion earmarked for
automation. Even 10 years ago there was                                                   spending through
some hesitation with highly automated                                                     small businesses to help
online sales, something you don't find today.                                             them compete amongst
   About 25 years ago, most customers                                                     larger companies.
still made their purchases in a physical                                                  To qualify as a small
environment – and salespersons were                                                       business according
the go-to professionals. Not anymore. With an estimated 2.5 billion social                to the government,
media network users throughout the world, consumers are five times more                   manufacturing
dependent on digital content than the early 2000s. The purchasing process is              companies can have up
dramatically different for consumer and seller alike.                                     to 500 employees, and
What does that mean for sales?                                                            companies should have
  Everything. When the buyer calls, they either (1) need information they                 annual receipts of less
cannot get online, or (2) they're ready to make a decision – and want to make it          than $7 million.
now. As a result, salespeople must be sure they can respond swiftly to whatever
                                                                                             Signing up to be
the buyer needs and are prepared to accelerate the process from there.
                                                                                          placed into the pool of
  In today's connected society, people have more voice than ever before.                  businesses that sell or want to sell to the
Customers can discover just about anything they want to know about a                      government requires applying for a Dun
product or service by talking, texting or emailing each other. Recent research            and Bradstreet (DUNS) number to verify
by PwC discovered that social media influences the buying of 78 percent of                that there is a real physical business.
consumers, and nearly 50 percent said its reviews and feedback impacts their                 There are additional opportunities
purchasing behavior.                                                                      with separate spending earmarks for
  According to LinkedIn, salespersons believe relationship-building has                   companies that are women-owned,
the most significant impact on revenue, with more than 70 percent citing                  veteran-owned, disadvantaged or working
LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook as their most effective social media tools.                in particular urban or rural areas that are
Ninety percent of leading salespeople use these tools, compared to 71                     part of HUBZone.
percent of all sales representatives. Ninety percent of the top performers also              Once you are on the government
said social media with digital channels influences 92 percent of business-                list, you'll have to learn how to write
to-business buying decisions. Clearly, reviewing a prospect's social media                applications targeted to certain projects
presence should be standard practice for every salesperson.                               or goals. The SBA's 8(a) program can set
   Still another prominent force in digital technology is sales analytics, a big-         up a small business owner with a mentor-
data process which can identify, interpret and anticipate sales trends. Relevant          protege program to help navigate the
data is also mined from different pipelines to detect relationships and potential         contracting system and give them an edge
opportunities. Sales analytics can help sellers close more transactions fast while        over the competition.
also furnishing the customer with hyper-relevant messaging and resources.

                                                                         February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 5
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

                       Little Austria takes big steps with
                       state and local grants

“Don’t wait for        By Brian Tinsman                                  Like many small business success stories,

                       Digital Properties Manage                       Little Austria started with a bold idea,
opportunities.                                                         conceived over a few drinks at a Loudoun
Seize common             oudoun-based Little Austria continues its
                         rapid growth with a $371,000 investment       County brewery.
occasions and
make them great!”        in a new stand-alone bakery in Sterling and
                       plans to create more jobs over the next three
                                                                         “It’s exciting when state and local efforts
Orison S. Marden,      years. Recently Little Austria was awarded      supporting entrepreneurs can help our small
founder of “Success”   a $13,776.71 Agriculture and Forestry            businesses grow and reach new markets ”
magazine               Industrial Development Grant from the
                       Commonwealth of Virginia, which was               “We came up with the idea, why don’t
                       matched with local funds by the Loudoun         we bake apple strudel? It’s natural, right?”
                       County Board of Supervisors.                    joked co-owner Berni Gallent. “We thought
                                                                       there might be a niche because everyone in
                          “Little Austria is the latest example
                                                                       America knows apple strudel, but there is no
                       of an organization leveraging Loudoun’s
                                                                       apple strudel readily available.”
                       entrepreneurial ecosystem and capitalizing
                       on partnerships with local agriculture            Berni and Helene were born in Austria.
                       businesses to create an amazing farm-to-fork    Helene’s background was as a special
                       product,” said Loudoun County Economic          education teacher. Her husband, Berni, was a
                       Development Executive Director Buddy Rizer.     professional logistician.
                       “This expansion will allow Little Austria to       “What we didn’t know is how to bake
                       enter new markets, including grocers and        because we were not professional bakers,”
                       restaurants, and help the company grow their    Berni admitted. “We just learned the craft
                       #LoudounPossible story.”                        from scratch. We baked hundreds and

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FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

hundreds of strudels until we said, ‘Alright, we can actually       AFID grant, we want to reaffirm that we are committed to
sell them.’”                                                        the hard-working apple farmers in the state of Virginia.
   After doing intense market research, finding willing               “As you know, a fresh apple, that is locally grown, that
farmers markets and writing a business plan, the two found a        has only traveled a few miles to be processed, this is the key
home at an Ashburn commercial kitchen, Chefscape.                   ingredient of a great strudel.”
  Little Austria started out selling in two Northern                  Virginia Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Bettina
Virginia farmers markets, building up a customer base.              Ring was in Sterling for the announcement, praising
They never expected the response from customers, who                Loudoun’s entrepreneurial ecosystem for yielding another
bought out their products early in the day and started asking       success story.
for deliveries. The Washington Post covered them in the               “If you combine high-quality, Virginia-grown apples, with
weekend edition twice, giving them the notoriety to join            an enterprising baking artisan like Helene, mix that with
more popular markets.                                               the AFID Program, stir in strong support from Loudoun
   By the time they left Chefscape in search of their own           County, then bake in an entrepreneurial system until ready
space, the couple was selling at more than 10 markets each          to serve,” she said, “that to me sounds like a recipe for
week. They have already sold more than 10,000 orders of             success, and a good analogy for today’s announcement.
strudel in less than two years.                                      “It’s a great example of how state and local government can
   “This location is the obvious next step. Working out             work together in partnership to support small businesses.”
of a commercial kitchen is fantastic, but in order to scale           Loudoun County is home to more than 12,000 businesses,
up, you have to grow, and this is where the next step in            10,000 of which have 20 or fewer employees. That includes
our venture starts,” Berni explained. “Helene and I put             both commercial businesses, like Little Austria, and
all our eggs in one basket; we put in all our savings, we           agricultural businesses like Loudoun’s nearly 1,400 farms.
borrowed money, and then we signed our lease here in
                                                                      Virginia is home to the sixth-highest apple production in
April of this year.
                                                                    the U.S., grown on 16,000 acres, producing more than five
  “The last six months was the hardest of our lives, so far.”       million bushels of apples and contributing $235 million to
  Berni described how the couple handled the shell space            the economy.
buildout themselves, working with local contractors while             “It’s exciting when state and local efforts supporting
keeping up with booming demand.                                     entrepreneurs can help our small businesses grow and
   “We were putting in 100-hour work weeks – we still do,”          reach new markets – bringing additional jobs, investment,
he said, “but this is what it takes to get a business to the next   and opportunity to their communities,” Virginia Governor
step.”                                                              Ralph Northam said in a press release. “I congratulate Little
  Helene added: “With this generous AFID grant provided             Austria on their success and am confident they will continue
by the Commonwealth of Virginia, we will be able to                 to thrive from their new home in Loudoun County.”
expand that vision while supporting our local, hard-working           The Gallents also join approximately one-quarter of all
produce growers. We greatly appreciate the continued                Loudoun residents who were born internationally. According
support from Loudoun County Economic Development.                   to Inc.com, immigrants today are more than twice as likely
  “[Interim Agricultural Development Officer] Vanessa               to start a business as native-born citizens. This has boosted
Wagner and her team have been a tremendous help over                Loudoun’s vibrant entrepreneurial ecosystem.
the last months. You can feel that they really believe in the          “Loudoun County has demonstrated their support to
mission and vision of our venture.”                                 this project and they clearly understand the importance
  As part of the AFID grant agreement, Little Austria,              of entrepreneurs and small businesses, the important role
which participates in our “Loudoun Made, Loudoun                    of agriculture in all of this,” Ring said. “It’s a great day for
Grown” program, will source 36,000 pounds of Virginia-              Loudoun County, as it sees small businesses survive and then
grown apples, which exceeds the AFID grant requirements.            actually thrive.
Berni says that was the plan all along, even without the grant.     At Loudoun Economic Development, your business is our business. We
                                                                    want to make sure Loudoun companies are successful, and if your company
  “Little Austria was founded on the premise of using local         isn’t in Loudoun already, we’d like to discuss how moving here can contribute
ingredients,” Berni said. “We are using local flour, local          to your success. Call 1-800-LOUDOUN to learn more about how growing
apples and local produce, and by receiving this generous            your business in Loudoun is #LoudounPossible.

                                                                           February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 7
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

                       The difference between an emergency
                       and a surprise

“Ambition is at the
very core of success
and extraordinary
Unlike greed, it’s a
                       L  et's talk emergency funds. Most money
                          management experts say one of the first
                          things you have to do is build an emergency
                       fund. Usually the number they come up with
                       is astronomical. You might think if you really
                                                                              Your emergency fund may never be as large
                                                                           as the experts suggest, but the key is having a
                                                                           healthy amount to protect yourself against an
                                                                           Here's how to do it:
powerful, creative     tried to save that much, everything else in
                                                                            • Put aside a regular amount for your
and constructive       your budget would be an emergency.
                                                                               emergency fund in a separate savings
force.”                  But, of course, there's a reason for emergency        account. Let it build up.
Jim Rohn,              funds: Life. It happens. One day you have a job,
                                                                            • Put aside a regular amount for upcoming
entrepreneur, author   the next you don't. That's an emergency. In that
                                                                               expenses. Let it build up. That car repair is
and motivational       case, three to six months of your salary would
                       really come in handy. That's just about what            going to happen. No surprises.
                       experts say you should have on hand.                 • Build a complete picture of your annual
                          On the other hand, when American                     expenses so nothing comes as a surprise.
                       Express surveyed people about what expenses             Use an online calendar to note when
                       pressured their budgets, most of them were not          insurance payments are due. Figure out
                       talking catastrophe. Instead, they were talking         what these payments would cost you if
                       about predictable expenses. About 46 percent            you had to make a payment every month.
                       said car expenses stretched their budget. But           This is how much you have to save. No
                       you know you will have car expenses. You can            surprises.
                       plan for that special moment.                        • Rid your monthly expenses of unnecessary
                         The other category for a big unexpected               subscriptions, gifts, impulse buys. Build
                       expense was health care. About 44 percent               your funds with that money.
                       experienced this. A big deductible after a             Now, when you have an expense that is a
                       surgery is definitely a budget buster. And it can   truly critical, urgent need, you have your fund
                       be an emergency and a surprise. But insurance       to rely on – not a credit card to ruin your
                       payments shouldn't be an emergency.                 financial life.
                       Page 8 • gam|mag • February 2019
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

Exit interviews remain important                                                        The benefits and
for companies                                                                           drawbacks of
N  o company likes it when a good
   employee leaves, and most conduct exit
   interviews to find out why.
   Harvard Business Review conducted
surveys in 2012 and 2013 among 210
                                                                                        unpaid internships
                                                                                             Each year, about 1.5 million
                                                                                        internships open to workers in America
                                                                                        and around half of those were unpaid in
                                                                                        2016, according to Fortune magazine.
organizations, in 33 different industries,
                                                                                        Unpaid internships are common in many
spanning more than 35 countries to see how
                                                                                        countries. In the U.S. it is perfectly legal
companies do these interviews. The study
                                                                                        not to pay someone in these positions as
also wanted to discover what companies
                                                                                        long as the work benefits the intern more
learned from the interview and what they
                                                                                        than the company.
did with the information.
                                                                                        • Unpaid interns should not displace paid
  More than three-quarters of respondents
                                                                                           workers, that is the first important factor.
performed some type of exit interview. The
majority were done in person with a human resources employee. From the                  • Unpaid interns should get training
employer's perspective, speaking with an employee can help answer their most               similar to what is found in educational
pressing question: "Why?"                                                                  settings. A recent change makes it even
                                                                                           easier not to pay interns by removing
   Although money is usually a factor, the study found many employees quit
                                                                                           the rule that they cannot provide an
because they had issues with the work or did not get along with their direct
                                                                                           'immediate advantage' for businesses.
supervisor. Inadequate training, unrealistic goals, and high pressure work
                                                                                             According to Success magazine,
were all reasons why employees left. The exit interview ideally would give
                                                                                        benefits such as knowledge, access and
a company a chance to change bad work situations or personnel problems.
                                                                                        opportunity that come from unpaid
Unfortunately, more than two-thirds of surveyed companies couldn't cite an
                                                                                        internships can more than make up for
example of a time they used it to change policies.
                                                                                        salary. The internship could provide
  Ex-employees might well think the exit interview gives them a chance to air           exposure to important industry leaders,
their grievances or shed light on problems within an organization. But ex-              creating an impressive addition to the
employees should tread this road lightly. According to Forbes, experts disagree         resume.
about the perfect approach, but it is likely wise to use caution when dishing
                                                                                             Unfortunately, there are also
out negative comments about individuals and company policies to prevent
                                                                                        drawbacks to taking unpaid work. The
burning bridges and missing out on a potential reference.
                                                                                        cost is one. The best intern positions are
                                                                                        offered in New York, Los Angeles and
  Financial apps help you invest leftover pennies                                       San Francisco with high costs of living,
  Behavioral economists have proved one big truth: The best financial                   according to CNBC. Staying a summer
  decisions are automated. If your bills get deducted on autopay, you are never         in Los Angeles, for instance, would cost
  late with a bill. Your credit score goes up. You never pay late fees. If your         roughly $9,506. Adding in the lost pay
  healthy 401(k) contribution is automatically deducted from your paycheck              that even minimum wage would earn,
  for 30 years, you end up a millionaire at retirement. You mainly never miss           about $3,480, equals a $12,986 bill for
  the money. So, what if you could invest change? Just a buck here and there.           access and experience.
  With new financial apps you actually can. The app Acorns rounds up small                   Recent surveys, meanwhile, show
  purchases. So if you buy a $2.50 coffee, it rounds up the price to $3 and             that unpaid internships might not bring
  invests the 50 cents in a portfolio of low-cost exchange-traded funds. You            any statistical advantage over paid
  can choose the level of risk, from conservative to aggressive. According to           internships and might actually result
  Money, one user saved $250 in a few months without noticing the difference.           in lower wages when a participant
  A similar app, Digit, transfers small amounts from your checking into a               ultimately lands their first job.
  savings account at times when you can afford it.

                                                                       February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 9
FEBRUARY 2019 VOLUME 10, ISSUE 2 - Graphics and Marketing

                       Texting generation suffers neck problems

“Giving up is the
only sure way
to fail.”
Gena Showalter
author of the “Lords
                       E ver hear the phrase, "Keep your head
                         down"? It's meant as an admonishment to
                         stay out of trouble and to avoid jumping
                       into the fray. But while that may be perfectly
                       good advice for your emotional wellbeing, it's
                                                                        designed to keep your head in alignment and
                                                                        strengthen the muscles that hold it up and in
                                                                        the proper position. These include anything
                                                                        from turning your head to the left and to the
                                                                        right, chin tucks, or a multitude of yoga poses
of the Underworld”     actually terrible advice on a literal level.     like downward-facing dog or cat-cow (on all
series                   Many of us look down at smartphones            fours, alternating between straightening and
                       throughout the day, some for hours – and this    rounding the spine).
                       head position is damaging our spines. The
                       human head weighs about a dozen pounds,            Safetypup still keeps kids safe
                       according to a 2014 story in the Washington        On February 12, Safetypup is 34 years
                       Post, and when the neck bends forward and          old. Created by the National Child
                       down, it adds weight to the cervical spine.        Safety Council, this lovable puppy
                          When bent at a 60-degree angle (looking         mascot in a red, white and blue costume
                       down), the added weight is about 60 pounds,        was introduced to the world in 1985. Its
                       the article notes – kind of like carrying          purpose was to become a special friend
                       a second-grader around your neck. The              to help guide children through such
                       result? Text neck. The catchy name refers to       safety issues as riding bikes, dealing
                       a variety of ailments arising from this poor       with strangers, and the prevention of
                       posture, including neck pain, shoulder pain,       child abduction and drug abuse, among
                       headaches, upper back pain and more.               others. Today Safetypup has far exceeded
                          Experts recommend adjusting the position        expectations after becoming a trusted
                       at which we view our screens, whether it's         dog character to millions of children
                       holding our phones higher or using our eyes        throughout the U.S. Police officers say
                       more often to look down rather than bending        Safetypup helps teach kids police are their
                       our necks. Take frequent breaks.                   friends. The pup teaches about wearing
                          You can combat text neck with a number          a bike helmet, saying NO to drugs and
                       of stretches and strengthening exercises           alcohol and being aware of strangers.

                       Page 10 • gam|mag • February 2019

Some helpful tips on co-sleeping                                                          Beat the winter blues
safely with an infant                                                                     with meditation
Co-sleeping has many benefits for both
 the infant and the parents, but there are
 also significant risks, according to the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
   The AAP considers co-sleeping to
                                                                                            For many of us, the natural tendency
                                                                                          during winter is to seek comfort food
                                                                                          and hibernation. Shorter days and less
                                                                                          sunlight can also bum us out a little (if it's
                                                                                          more than a little, talk to your doctor, as
include any situation in which the baby is                                                conditions like Seasonal Affective Disorder
sleeping in the same room as the parents                                                  are a real thing.)
whether they are actually in the bed with                                                    One great way to fend
the parents or not. Co-sleeping without                                                   off the winter blues is with
the baby in the parents' bed has shown to                                                 meditation. Meditation
reduce infant death rates by as much as                                                   has been proven to lower
50 percent. Meanwhile, 69 percent of all                                                  blood pressure, aid in
sleep-related deaths involved bed sharing.                                                concentration, help you
   Ideally, babies will sleep in the same                                                 get better sleep, and help
room as their parents, but not in the                                                     with general wellbeing.
same bed, to maximize the parents' ability to observe them and react if needed            A November 2018 article
to prevent issues. Bassinets or traditional cribs work well for this purpose              in the New York Times
provided that the bedding is firm and there are no blankets, pillows, toys or             even made the case that
bumpers inside that could cause accidental suffocation. The baby should sleep             meditation might help you
on his or her back. Never trust any special monitors or positioners that claim to         stay more active in the
reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).                                   colder months.
   Parents should never place themselves and their baby in a position to fall                And it's easy to get
asleep outside of the ideal conditions. Most sleep-related deaths occur when              started. Meditation
the baby and parent fall asleep in the bed or on couches, armchairs or other              doesn't need to involve complicated chants
furniture that encourages the baby to sleep on their stomach or increases the             or rituals, but can be as simple as setting a
likelihood that they fall into a crevice or onto the floor. If the parent becomes         timer for five minutes, closing your eyes,
sleepy in these places after feeding or playing with the baby, they should                and paying attention to your breath. Find
immediately get up and place the baby in the preferred area for sleeping.                 a comfortable spot to sit upright and keep
                                                                                          your back straight, with your legs crossed
  Enjoy your reading time a little bit more                                               if possible. Rest your hands on your knees,
                                                                                          palms up. Close your eyes and breathe in
  Aside from losing weight, one of the biggest goals people have is to read               for a count of four; hold it for a count of
  more books. But the common challenge? Finding time for it. These days,                  four; release for a count of four; and hold
  it's easier than ever to read more books. "Reading," after all, can include             for a count of four. Repeat.
  audio! Here are some tips to help you hit your reading goal this year.
                                                                                             You can also ditch the counting and
  Bring a book with you everywhere. We often don't realize how many
                                                                                          just breathe in and out like you normally
  pockets of time we have. You can squeeze bits of time in while waiting
                                                                                          do, and concentrate on your breathing.
  in the doctor's office, sitting in the parking lot waiting for your kid to get
                                                                                          Don't worry if it feels like your brain isn't
  out of school, on the train during your morning commute, or even in the
                                                                                          "clear" or blank. This is normal. You'll have
  grocery line. Be consistent. You might be surprised how much you can
                                                                                          all kinds of thoughts pass through, and
  read by consistently doing it for 15 minutes a day. Try heading to bed
                                                                                          the trick is to take note of them and let
  a few minutes earlier and reading before turning out the lights, or grab
                                                                                          them pass. That's all there is to it. You can
  some time during your lunch break. Swap out some social media time
                                                                                          keep things that simple or find meditation
  with book-reading time, and you'll have finished a stack before you know
                                                                                          groups to learn more techniques.
  it. Listen to them.

                                                                        February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 11

                       Tech advances spur heart diagnosis and care

“Getting over a
painful experience
is much like
crossing monkey
bars. You have to
                       T  he future of cardiovascular care will
                          be steered by artificial intelligence and
                          wearable mobile devices, according
                       to articles published in the Journal of the
                       American College of Cardiology.
                                                                           24-hour health monitoring a reality for so
                                                                           many – especially those with atrial fibrillation,
                                                                           a heart rhythm disorder.
                                                                              The authors targeted AFib, in particular,
                                                                           which is hard to detect and difficult to
let go at some point     Every stage of patient care will be enhanced      manage. Office visits and short-term
in order to move       by artificial intelligence, says Joel Dudley,       monitoring only provide limited information
forward.”              director of the Next Generation Healthcare          on the presence of the disease, but mobile
C.S. Lewis, author     Institute at Mount Sinai. AI will steer             health – called mHealth – will offer a more
of “The Chronicles     research, diagnosis and selection of therapy,       complete picture that can help prevent
of Narnia”             he said. The next step will bring technologies      strokes, control symptoms and reduce
                       to a clinical setting.                              hospitalizations.
                         In areas of patient health improvement and           According to Dr. Michael McConnell,
                       health-care delivery, digital health applies        a Stanford clinical professor, the medical
                       information to produce solutions. These             community has just begun to embrace the
                       technologies have the potential to streamline       reality that health takes place outside the
                       research while saving money; however, delays        hospital and clinic. New technologies, he
                       in their implementation are often the result of     said, will transform cardiovascular disease
                       concerns regarding data quality, patient safety,    prevention and management.
                       and privacy.
                          Meanwhile, wearable mobile devices will            Sparkling ice cubes
                       continue to help manage heart problems.               Water directly from the tap, creates a
                       It takes a personal commitment to a                   white, cloudy ice cube, the kind we are all
                       heart-healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise,         used to seeing. You can get crystal clear
                       medication, and self-monitoring to manage             cubes if you use water that has boiled and
                       heart health. It is here that ever-increasing use     then cooled slightly.
                       of mobile devices and wearables have made

                       Page 12 • gam|mag • February 2019

Powerful modern medications rally                                                       Threats of the
heart patients                                                                          'Lonely Heart'
A  ccording to data from 12 separate
   clinical trials, today's heart-failure
   patients are much less likely to die
from sudden cardiac arrest.
   In fact, sudden death from heart
                                                                                           Loneliness can pose a significant
                                                                                        threat to aging people with heart disease,
                                                                                        especially those who live by themselves.
                                                                                           In fact, research shows that elderly men
                                                                                        and women living alone – with no one to
failure has declined by almost 50                                                       talk to – are far more vulnerable to severe
percent in the last 20 years, according                                                 cardiovascular perils.
to Dr. John McMurray, the University
of Glasgow cardiology professor in                                                         “regardless heart
Scotland who organized the trials.                                                          condition, age,
                                                                                        education and degree
“Patients can experience substantial                                                    of smoking, loneliness
  or even complete recovery from                                                          was a factor in the
  their heart muscle dysfunction”                                                       more harmful results”
   Vigorous combinations of powerful                                                       According to the
heart medications have turned the                                                       Annals of Behavioral
tide, according to McMurray. Patients                                                   Medicine, humans
can experience substantial or even                                                      are hardwired to
complete recovery from their heart muscle dysfunction, he said. Heart failure           rely on secure social
occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's                 surroundings. Without
needs. In most cases, patients have developed reduced ejection fraction, a              human association,
condition in which the heart's lower chambers cannot squeeze hard enough to             they feel vulnerable
pump oxygen-rich blood through the body.                                                and become hypervigilant about their
   After reviewing the study, Dr. David Majure, medical director of mechanical          safety. This hypervigilance alters sleep
circulatory support at Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital in New York,                    and body functioning, and increases the
complimented the researchers, agreeing that people with heart failure tend to           chance of death.
die from failure of the pump but not so much from sudden cardiac death.                    In July 2018, a study presented at
                                                                                        the European Society of Cardiology's
  To prevent ejection fraction, many heart failure patients receive an
                                                                                        annual nursing congress reported on
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD), a device that monitors heart
                                                                                        nearly 13,500 Dutch patients living with
rhythm and delivers an electrical shock to restore normal rhythm when the
                                                                                        heart disease, heart failure, or arrhythmia
heartbeat starts to go astray.
                                                                                        (abnormal rhythm).
  According to the New England Journal of Medicine, the study's data also
                                                                                           Researchers had discovered that
showed that sudden death rates have decreased by 44 percent in patients who
                                                                                        regardless of a patient's heart condition,
have not received an ICD.
                                                                                        age, education and degree of smoking,
  However, UCLA cardiologist Dr. Gregg Fonarow wasn't ready to go that far.             loneliness was a factor in the more
While acknowledging that heart-failure victims are living longer and better,            harmful results. In fact, patients who said
Fonarow said patients receiving all the guideline-recommended heart failure             they had no one to talk to in times of
medications still have a residual risk of sudden death. That risk can be reduced        need had nearly twice the risk of death.
with ICDs.                                                                              Patients with little or no social support
  Dr. Chris O'Connor, editor-in-chief of the Journal of the American College of         were three times as likely to express
Cardiology, said cardiologists are not seeing optimal sudden death reduction            symptoms of anxiety, depression and
because patients do not get, or sometimes do not take, the correct doses of             significantly lower quality of life.

                                                                      February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 13

                   Special dating sites appeal to gamers,
                   Disney fans and a whole lot more

“Ambition is the
path to success.
Persistence is
the vehicle you
arrive in.”
                   L ooking for a date for Valentine's Day, or
                     any day? You've got any number of options
                     in the online dating world, which has
                   expanded enormously and sprouted a variety
                   of extremely niche sites. According to research
                                                                      • Haters gonna hate. And date. The app Hater
                                                                         promises to connect you to people who hate
                                                                         the same things you hate.
                                                                      • Gamers can find their "perfect Player 2" at
                                                                         GamerDating, which offers subscribers –
Bill Bradley,      from IBISWorld, dating services in the U.S.           what else – a game when they sign up.
American Hall of   grew by 11.9 percent to reach revenues of
                                                                      • Kanye West fans have their own app: Yeezy
Fame basketball    $3 billion in 2018. Dating services included
                                                                         Dating, which launched to much fanfare in
player             online dating, mobile dating, matchmakers
                                                                         spring 2018 and was undergoing a relaunch
                   and singles events. The companies holding the
                                                                         in the fall.
                   largest market share included Match Group
                   Inc and eHarmony Inc.                                 Didn't find your specific interest on this
                                                                      list? Not to worry. A quick Google search and
                      There's a dating site for nearly everyone,
                                                                      you're sure to find an app or a site that will
                   from Farmers Only (who could forget that
                                                                      connect you to your people in no time.
                   jingle?) to an app that promises to pair up
                   Kanye West fans. Here's a sampling of real-
                   deal niche dating sites:                             Budget surprises
                   • Clown Dating. The site to visit for single        Just when you think you are rolling along
                      entertainers. As the site says, "If you are a     budget-wise: Surprise! The car breaks
                      Clown, a Clown Wannabe or simply a Clown          down. As a matter of fact, according to
                      Lover, you've come to the right place."           American Express, in 2017 nearly half of
                                                                        Americans were hit by these unforeseen
                     isney fans can get the MouseMingle
                                                                        expenses that stretched their budget.
                    app, which advertises itself as "the place
                                                                        These included: 46% - Car expenses;
                    for people to connect who love Disney,
                                                                        44% - Health care spending; 32% - Home
                    Star Wars, Pixar, Marvel and all things
                                                                        Repairs; 13% - Education costs; and
                    Disney – who want that same magic in their
                                                                        12% - Insurance costs.

                   Page 14 • gam|mag • February 2019

Password Managers ease confusion,                                                           Contenders for top
beef up security                                                                             Valentines treats
A  scary-sounding headline in the
   Washington Post declared: Your
   password has probably been
stolen. Here's what to do about it.
   As much as we become numb to
                                                                                               If you love candy for Valentine's Day
                                                                                             – and who doesn't? – then here are some
                                                                                             super sweet facts about the treat. In the
                                                                                             U.S., lovers spend $448 million on candy,
                                                                                             buying 58 million pounds of chocolate.
the latest data breaches, the reality is                                                       Conversation hearts are by far the
that it has quite likely affected every                                                      most popular candy for Valentine's
one of us in some way. One effective                                                         Day. And they have changed with the
way to combat that threat is to use a                                                        times. It's not just
password manager, which not only                                                             messages like Be True
keeps track of all of your passwords                                                         or Love You. These
and usernames in one spot but also
helps you create new, unique – and                                                             “In the U.S., buyers
complicated – passwords.                                                                         snag 40 million
   But first, a word of advice: even if you don't sign up for a password manager,                 heart-shaped
do try to improve your existing ones. And if you're unsure, check SplashData's                     boxes every
annual list of the 100 worst passwords of the year. Amazingly, "123456" ranked                  Valentine's Day”
first YET AGAIN (five years running), followed by "password" at number two.
   Tech website The Verge published an article on how to use a password                      days you are bound
manager, and listed the three most popular versions as 1Password, LastPass                   to find messages like
and Dashlane. Though each is similar, The Verge chose LastPass because it's                  Tweet Me or Text Me,
the cheapest and is available on most platforms. All work on Mac or PC.                      along with the more
                                                                                             challenging Dare You.
   All you need is one master password to log in and then the manager stores
the rest for you, though you do have to import them either via your browser or                 Hershey's Kisses
manually. You can then sync the manager to other devices, sometimes for free                 are also in the
and sometimes for a small fee of a few dollars a month. Each of the managers                 running for the most
also has an audit, which lets you know how secure your passwords are and                     popular Valentine
which ones are weak. And please say that you DO have different passwords                     candy. Hershey makes 60 million of
and don't simply re-use each one across dozens of sites – right?                             these tidbits every single day. But for
   The managers will also help you to change all of your passwords to                        Valentine's Day, the company pumps out
something you'd never generate on your own. Admittedly, the process can get                  750 million, according to Time Magazine.
a little tedious. But in the end, it's far better than dealing with having your data           By the way, Hershey's produces
stolen and having to restore your entire life back to normal.                                enough Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in
                                                                                             one year to feed one to every person in
  An indispensable feature hides on your phone                                               the U.S., Japan, Europe, Australia, China,
                                                                                             Africa and India.
  If you've ever walked out of an airport or shopping center and suddenly
                                                                                               Always in the running for the most
  realized you have no earthly idea where you parked, the solution is
                                                                                             popular Valentine gift are the ubiquitous
  probably already in your hand. If you have an iPhone, the Maps App will
                                                                                             heart-shaped boxes of chocolates. In the
  show you exactly where your car is and how to get there. You must always
                                                                                             U.S., buyers snag 40 million heart-shaped
  have Location Services turned on. And, you have to drive a car with a
                                                                                             boxes every Valentine's Day. Caramels
  bluetooth connection. To learn how to use this feature, search online for
                                                                                             are the most popular. Ghirardelli gift
  'Apple Maps parking place.' Alternatively, you can get the Google Maps
                                                                                             boxes also make the cut in the top two
  app. Search online for 'Google Maps parking place' for more information.
                                                                                             favorites across the country.
  Another free app is Find My Car Smarter, for iPhone and Android.

                                                                         February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 15

                        Iconic computer game ages gracefully

“Intelligence without
ambition is a bird
without wings.”
Walter H.
                        T  his year marks the 35th anniversary of
                           one of the most iconic and addictive video
                           games: Tetris. The game, in which players
                        race to fit geometric puzzle pieces together
                        as they fall from the top of the screen, was
                                                                            The game went through a variety of legal
                                                                         battles as companies – Nintendo and Atari,
                                                                         in particular – competed for the rights. In
                                                                         1988, courts ruled that Nintendo had the
                                                                         rights to distribute it on home consoles,
former President of     developed in 1984 by a Russian software          though lawsuits continued for years,
Sherwin-Williams Co.    engineer named Alexey Pajitnov.                  according to the article. When the game
                          Pajitnov was programming computer              became available on Nintendo's handheld
                        games that tested the capabilities of new        Game Boy, however, it truly took off, selling
                        equipment developed by the USSR, according       more than 35 million copies.
                        to tetris.com, and in his spare time he             Overall, says Business Insider, Tetris has
                        decided to create a computer game for himself    become one of the top-selling video games
                        that drew inspiration from his favorite puzzle   of all time: Released on more than 50
                        board game, Pentominos.                          platforms, it has been translated into more
                           Pajitnov called his game Tetris, which        than 50 languages. Tetris is played in more
                        is a combination of tetra, the Greek word        than 185 countries. It's sold more than 170
                        meaning four – each of the puzzle pieces is      million copies.
                        made up of four squares – and tennis, his
                        favorite sport. The puzzle pieces in the game      New candies in the running
                        are called Tetriminos.                             In Minnesota, Louisiana and Virginia,
                           Though invented in 1984, it took a few          among others, Cupid Corn is in the
                        years for the game to assume the popularity        running for the most popular Valentine
                        it now enjoys. In 1985, it quickly spread          candy, ranking second or third. You might
                        throughout the Soviet Union when it was            be asking yourself what Cupid Corn is.
                        ported to an IBM PC, according to a story          But you already have tasted it: It's regular
                                                                           Halloween candy corn – only red and
                        in Business Insider, and then was distributed
                                                                           pink. Another surprise contender is Wild
                        to PCs in North America and Europe two
                                                                           Berry Skittles.
                        years later.

                        Page 16 • gam|mag • February 2019

Madam C.J. Walker built beauty                                                            Why the heart symbol
into an industry                                                                          looks like that
M   adam C.J. Walker was one of the first
    American women to become a self-made
    millionaire, rising from an uneducated
daughter of sharecroppers to a savvy
businesswoman and philanthropist.
                                                                                            Follow your heart. Give your heart.
                                                                                          Break a heart. In all these sentiments,
                                                                                          one probably imagines that familiar
                                                                                          symbol rounded at the shoulders and
                                                                                          pointed at the end.
   AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH                                                         It wasn't always that way.
                                                                                             In the western world,
   Born on a cotton plantation to recently
                                                                                          for nearly 1,500 years,
freed slaves in 1867, Sarah Breedlove – who
                                                                                          the physical heart
later went by the name Madam C.J. Walker –
                                                                                          was considered to
built her fortune selling hair care products for
                                                                                          be shaped more like
African-American hair.
                                                                                          a pinecone. That was
  Orphaned by age seven, she married at                                                   thanks to second-century
age 14 to escape her abusive brother-in-law.                                              Greek physician Galen,
Widowed at 20, she moved to St. Louis to join                                             who evidently never looked
her brothers, who were barbers.                                                           at a real one. Since Galen believed it, so
   After suffering from a condition in the 1890s that caused her to lose most             did everyone else, according to Marilyn
of her hair, Sarah Breedlove developed her first product after experimenting              Yalom, Clayman Institute scholar.
with homemade and store-bought remedies. She changed her name to Madam                       But in the 1300s, the modern shape of
C.J. Walker on the advice of her third husband, Charles Walker, and started               the symbolic heart began to take form,
her own business selling Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower, a scalp                    preparing the way for real knowledge
conditioning and healing formula.                                                         of the physical heart. In the Scrovegni
   She sold her products door-to-door throughout the south and southeast                  Chapel in Padua, the theological virtue
before moving to Pittsburgh in 1908 to open Lelia College in order to train               of charity is depicted in work dated to
"hair culturists." By 1910, she had moved to Indianapolis where she built                 1305 as a woman holding a pear-shaped
a factory, hair and manicure salon, and another training school. Walker                   heart to God. By 1340, that heart shape
continued to expand in the U.S. and overseas in the Caribbean before moving               changed. In a French manuscript of that
to New York in 1916 and leaving the day-to-day operations of the business.                year, the symbolic heart was depicted in
  By the time she died in 1919, Walker was the sole owner of her business,                the modern form we recognize today.
which was valued at more than $1 million, according to Biography.com; her                    Perhaps that was a good time for
personal fortune was estimated at between $600,000 and $700,000.                          the symbolic heart to detour from the
                                                                                          physical one. By the 1500s, Flemish
  Future of Braille uncertain in computerized world                                       physician Andreas Vesalius and
  In 2019, smartphones may be increasingly becoming the eyes of the                       Leonardo da Vinci overcame centuries
  blind. After all, smart phones can read text, take voice commands, create               of taboo against studying the dead
  text from voice for email, and give directions. New apps do things like                 human body and were able to describe
  read the denomination of money, or restaurant bills. On the other hand,                 the actual, physical heart.
  technology is also providing electronic Braille readers that allow users to                Meanwhile, in symbolism, the stylized
  run their fingers over the surface, feeling the Braille dots. Still, the number         heart we recognize today became the
  of Braille readers is dropping. According to NPR, just one in 10 blind                  standard. It has been used ubiquitously
  people can now read Braille. That renders blind people effectively illiterate.          in items as diverse as Martin Luther's
  Nonetheless, Braille might make a comeback as people recognize the use                  personal seal in the late 1400s to Milton
  of the system to quickly scan materials and read in silence. Coming years               Glazer's famous 1976 logo: I (Heart) NY.
  will tell the fate of the 200-year-old reading system.

                                                                        February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 17

                        Simple ways to volunteer as a family

“To keep the body in
good health is a duty
. . . otherwise we
shall not be able to
keep our mind strong
                        V  olunteering as a family is an excellent way
                           to teach children compassion, according
                           to Parents magazine. Kids can get involved
                        with volunteer activities at any age, increasing
                        the likelihood that they will continue to
                                                                           Children's hospitals might welcome gently
                                                                           used books or DVDs. Nursing homes
                                                                           sometimes have visitation programs where
                                                                           children can meet and learn something about
                                                                           an older person's life. However, for security
and clear.”             volunteer later in life.                           reasons, hospitals and nursing homes often
Buddha, founder of                                                         don't welcome individual volunteers. You can,
the Buddhist religion     “'Once you find something that you enjoy         however, contact a group such as Volunteers
                           doing as a family, you might be able to         of America to see the many ways you can
                              make an ongoing commitment”                  help. Go to voa.org to find a local chapter.
                                                                              Families don't even need to connect with a
                          To start with, be on the lookout for projects    large organization. They can hold their own
                        in your church or community that are easy,         car wash, for example, and donate proceeds to
                        one-time commitments that can involve              a shelter or another local charity.
                        the whole family. Charity walks are a great
                                                                             Once you find something that you enjoy
                        example of something even the little ones
                                                                           doing as a family, you might be able to make
                        will enjoy. Food drives are another. Children
                                                                           an ongoing commitment. Even if it's not a
                        can help gather a bag of canned goods for the
                                                                           formal arrangement or event, parents can
                        local food pantry.
                                                                           help spread the spirit of volunteerism in their
                           Check with the local animal shelter to find     children on a daily basis by teaching them to
                        out their current needs. Animal shelters, in       pick up trash in parks, serving in their church,
                        particular, often need specific things such        or tutoring younger students after school.
                        as cat and dog food, cleaners, pet beds, or
                        leashes. Shelters also often have dog-walk
                        programs where everyone in the family can
                                                                            Free shipping sells
                        walk a dog for an hour or so.                       According to a survey by Radial and CFI
                                                                            Group, 91 percent of consumers will spend
                          Other places to contact include the local
                                                                            more money to get free shipping.
                        children's hospitals or nursing homes.

                        Page 18 • gam|mag • February 2019

Art value pivots on the age,                                                                World Sword
not death, of artist                                                                        Swallowers Day
A   ll an artist has to do to get rich is
    die – or so some think. But a study
    reported in the magazine Artsy,
says that belief isn't precisely correct.
Research by professors Robert Ekelund
                                                                                               It is an ancient art. Even an ancient
                                                                                            religious art. The kind of art that makes
                                                                                            you say Ewwww. Sword Swallowing is
                                                                                            not for those with tender hearts, or weak
                                                                                            stomachs. It isn't done with mirrors. They
and John Jackson from Auburn                                                                actually swallow the sword.
University of the 'Death Effect' on the
                                                                                               According to Sword Swallowers
price of art suggests that prices do rise
                                                                                            Association International (SSAI), the
as an artist ages, but they actually fall at
                                                                                            practice was probably
his death.
                                                                                            started in 2000 BC
  The forces of supply-and-demand                                                           when the Fakirs of
curve most elegantly in the case of art.                                                    India swallowed swords
As you might expect, the price of an                                                        to demonstrate their
artist's work tends to rise as his career                                                   invulnerability, thanks
matures. Since he is the only creator of                                                    to the gods. The Greeks
his work, he has a monopoly on it. He                                                       and Romans took up the
can decide how much and how often it                                                        practice by 1 AD. With
will be produced. He can decide how often it will be sold.                                  that, it spread throughout
   Since every finished work of art increases the supply, more of an artist's               Asia and Europe.
work on the market will lower prices. Artists don't want that to happen and                   Today, if you can see
neither do buyers. If the artist produces less art, but the demand from buyers              the ancient art, it will
stays the same, supply is restricted and prices rise. Prolific artist Pablo Picasso,        probably be in connection
for example, created a museum for his work, assuring that some pieces could                 with Ripley's Believe It
never be purchased. This restricted supply.                                                 Or Not (naturally) on
   Many artists unintentionally create a restriction on supply during their lives.          World Sword Swallowers
They might produce less work for a few years. They might change artistic styles             Day, the last Saturday in February. This
(which also changes the fan base or demand for their work.) This also restricts             event is helpfully held in connection with
supply. But, when an artist dies, supply ends. You would think the death effect             National Swallowing Disorders Month.
would be in full play. Not so.
                                                                                               So, you might well ask: Is it a trick?
   In fact, it is the impending death of an artist that raises prices, not the              According to SSAI, no. They don't use a
death of an artist, say researchers. Researchers studied auction prices of 17               fake or trick sword. They don't swallow
prominent post-war artists who died between 1987 and 2013. The study                        a tube first to protect their throat,
revealed that prices tended to increase by six percent each year during the five            which would be worse, they say. Sword
years leading up to the artist's expected death.                                            swallowers need to completely eliminate
   But, here is the catch. There was a drop of 26 percent in value in the year the          the gag reflex. They must also learn to
artist died. This is because sellers flood the market to cash in – and increase             voluntarily relax muscles in the throat
supply – before an artist dies. Prices then begin to rise once more in the                  and esophagus. These muscles usually are
following years if the fan base remains steady.                                             not voluntary. They have to hyperextend
   One good example of supply or scarcity in art are paintings by Leonardo                  to form a straight line between the
da Vinci. Only 21 works are known to exist. One of these has been repeatedly                pharnyx and stomach.
lost and found since it was painted in the 1500s: Salvator Mundi (Savior of the                It is dangerous, but probably less than
World). Sixty years after da Vinci's death in 1591, Salvator Mundi was sold for             one might imagine. For one thing, the art
30 pounds (about $8,000 in today's money) to cover the debts of King Charles                requires complex physical skills that take
I of England. In 2017, having been rediscovered, it fetched $450 million in an              years to master.
auction at Christie's – a uniquely steep curve over 500 years.

                                                                         February 2019 • gam|mag • Page 19
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