Palliative Care Education and Training Programme for Health Professionals and Community Workers - Mary Potter Hospice

Page created by Neil Green
Palliative Care Education and Training Programme for Health Professionals and Community Workers - Mary Potter Hospice
Palliative Care Education
and Training Programme
for Health Professionals
and Community Workers

            Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngāhere
      Engari, ko te manue e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao
                 (Te Ara, the Encylopedia of Aotearoa)

The bird that partakes of the miro berry, their domain will be the forest,
    The bird that partakes of knowledge, their domain is limitless.

Palliative Care Education and Training Programme for Health Professionals and Community Workers - Mary Potter Hospice
Kaupapa tuku iho           Our Values                   Welcome - Nau mai, Haere Mai
Mana                       Respect
Aroha                      Compassion
                                                        Mary Potter Hospice is a specialist Palliative Care education
Rangatiratanga             Dignity                      provider offering a wide range of learning opportunities. The
Manaakitanga               Hospitality                  content of our programme reflects the diverse needs of health
Kaitaikitanga              Stewardship                  professionals and the communities in which we work. During
                                                        2019 we worked with stakeholders and we have used their
Me aho mai ngā             Let the stars guide          feedback to adapt and update our 2020 education programme.
                                                        Our aim is to foster the development of evidence-based
whetū mo tātou             the way for us all           knowledge, skills, and expertise in palliative care to empower our
                                                        partners to meet the needs of the communities we all serve.

Our Vision                                              The learning activities we use provide an opportunity for
                                                        experiential, exploratory and collaborative learning across various
                                                        venues. We foster and maintain strong links, placements and
That people in our communities                          internships with research partners and educators from the tertiary
who need palliative care have access                    educational institutions and DHB including:

to compassionate and quality care                       • CCDHB Hospital Palliative Care Team;
when and where they need it.                            • CCDHB Regional Palliative Care Steering Group;
                                                        • Te Arai: Palliative Care and End of Life Research, University of
Our Approach                                            • University of Otago, Wellington - School of Medicine;

Taking a whole person approach, we will                 • The Schools of Nursing at Massey and Victoria Universities and
                                                          Whitireia Polytechnic, including the Māori and Pacific School of
provide and promote high quality specialist               Nursing programmes;
palliative care, grief support, education and
                                                        • WelTech Polytechnic, Wellington.
care planning services. Working alongside
our health partners, we aim to make a                   We also work with other private training providers across the
difference in the community we serve.                   clinical and complementary health spectrum in social work,
                                                        counselling, massage, music therapy, physiotherapy, occupational
                                                        therapy and traditional Māori healers practising rongoā.
                                                        Co-Designing With You – let us know how we can help. We will
                                                        continue to seek your ideas and input to better deliver quality and
                                                        relevant education programmes.

                                                 Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   1
Palliative Care Education and Training Programme for Health Professionals and Community Workers - Mary Potter Hospice
Whetū i te rangi                                                             Symposium 2020 – ‘Whetū i te Rangi’
    The ‘stars’ in the sky                                                       7 August 2020, Te Papa Tongarewa

    According to Māori mythology, the creation of the stars are a                This one day Symposium will explore how Hospice and Palliative
    spiritual connection to the cosmos. They provide a calendar for              care can contribute to a well-supported transition towards
    cultivation and food gathering. They represent a navigational                the end of life. It will promote exchange between whānau,
    map for ‘way finders’ and travellers, keeping them safe on their             practitioners, researchers and those working in the community.
    journey. They are a shining reminder of loved ones whose life-
                                                                                 Mary Potter Hospice are grateful for the support of Ngā Pae o te
    journey has ended.
                                                                                 Māramatanga to host the event. The regional release of the Pae
    As the stars guided the great Māori navigators to Aotearoa,                  Herenga Study and resources will take place from the Te Arai
    Mary Potter Hospice supports and guides our patients and their               Palliative Care Research Group on this day.
    families or whānau on this journey.
                                                                                 Rangatahi will share about loss and grief, and alongside
    Each patient, too, is like a star guiding the Hospice and its work.          kaumatua will highlight the importance of inter-generational
    Our patients are with us, in our memories and hearts, like the               knowledge transfer. We will highlight current work and
    stars in the sky, when their journey ends.                                   development in Palliative Care with Māori and promote the
                                                                                 importance of working with this growing group, the services
    Te Pou Tautoko (The Hospice Māori support group) chose the
                                                                                 they may require and future sites of care.
    phrase ‘Whetū i te Rangi’ to depict this philosophy.

                                                                                   Date & Time: Friday, 7th August 2020, 0830 – 1630
                                                                                   Venue: Oceania Room, Te Papa Tongarewa
                                                                                   Cost: $190 (incl. GST) per person
                                                                                   Registrations open: Tuesday, 21st January 2020

                                                                                   Please visit the Mary Potter Hospice website for more information and
                                                                                   Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter, Tuia
                                                                                   and keep up to date on Symposium updates and other education events.

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Palliative Care Education and Training Programme for Health Professionals and Community Workers - Mary Potter Hospice
Contents                                                                  Masterclass: Loss and Grief

                                                                              “Take more time considering my actions
    Nau mai, haere mai – Welcome                                   1           in relation to grief consider where a
    Whetū i te Rangi – The ‘stars’ in the sky                      2           person is on their grief pathway and
                                                                               what support they require”
    Symposium 2020 – ‘Whetū i te Rangi’                            3
    Masterclass: Loss and Grief                                    5
                                                                              A Two Day Intensive Masterclass for Health
    Masterclass: Pain and Symptom Management in Palliative Care   6           Professionals and Community Workers
    Te Tiriti o Waitangi                                           7          This intensive two day workshop gives an overview of grief theory and
    Masterclass: Communication Skills, Being with Dying           8           the practices around working with people facing end of life. It draws
                                                                              on international research and explores the challenges of working with
    Hospice New Zealand – Palliative Care Lecture Series 2020     9           people and their extended family/whānau/aiga.
    Working with Primary Care                                     10          Mary Potter Hospice does not exist on its own however when it considers
    Kia kōrero – Advance Care Planning                            10          Loss and Grief, so in 2020 the study days will also include exploration
                                                                              of the impact of community loss and grief (day 1) and disenfranchised
    Education Pull out                                                        groups whose loss, grief and bereavement may get “lost” (day 2).
    Compassionate Communities Pull out                                        It is enriched through personal stories of grief from individual
                                                                              community members and through small group discussion and
    Te Ara Whakapiri                                              19
    Professional Development for Mary Potter Hospice              19          It is presented by Mary Potter staff including counsellors,
    Employees and Volunteers                                                  psychotherapists, social workers, Māori and Pasifika liaison workers
    Hospice New Zealand Palliative Care for Care Givers           21          and spiritual carers.
    Hospice New Zealand Fundamentals of Palliative Care           22          We also invite partners in the community to bring further expertise
                                                                              to the table e.g. Chris Bowden (PhD [Health] Victoria University of
    Palliative Care LINK Nurse (PCLN) Programme                   23          Wellington; MA, BA Hons [I] Otago) talking about Men’s Grief.
    Hospice New Zealand Subcutaneous Syringe Driver               24
    Competency Programme
                                                                                Date and time: Thursday 2nd & Friday 3rd April 2020, 0830 – 1630
    Hospice New Zealand Palliative Care Conference                25
                                                                                Venue: Home of Compassion, Island Bay, Wellington
    Building Palliative Care Clinical Research in New Zealand     26
                                                                                Cost: $320.00 (incl. GST) per person
    Palliative Care Nurses Australia Conference                   26
                                                                                To register please go to
    International Conference on Hospice and Palliative Care       27
    (ICHPC 2020)                                                                For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,
                                                                        or (04) 381 0152
    Other Conferences of Interest                                 27
    Palliative Care References & Links                            28
                                                                              Note: the earlier date for 2020 aligns with other national communication initiatives
                                                                              e.g. Kia Kōrero

4                                                                      Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   5
Palliative Care Education and Training Programme for Health Professionals and Community Workers - Mary Potter Hospice
Masterclass: Pain and Symptom
    Management in Palliative Care                                                         Te Tiriti o Waitangi

                                  “I will be more confident and reassuring
                                   to patients and families in this situation            “Relevance of Te Tiriti in today’s
                                   (EOLC).” – GP comment.                                 society”
                                  “I went in knowing nothing about delirium              “The start of my learning journey”
                                   but looking back I can now recognise
                                   previous patients who have had delirium.”

                                                                                          A One Day Intensive Study Day
                                                                                          for Health Professionals and Community Workers
    A One Day Intensive Study Day for Health Professionals and
    Community Workers                                                                     Mary Potter Hospice has broadened the reach of participants
                                                                                          for our Te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi) study day to
    This Masterclass is led by Dr Astrid Adams, Medical Director at Mary                  include our partners across the health sector and the community.
    Potter Hospice, in collaboration with Mary Potter Hospice staff and                   The purpose is to explore and understand the reasons for the
    our partners across the health sector.                                                signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi in 1840; its relevance in the 21st
    We will use a case based learning model to look at the                                century and how it can be practically applied in today’s health
    pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of                                 environment, and to widen people’s exposure to a Māori
    common symptoms in palliative care. The sessions will include                         environment on the marae.
    assessment/management of pain, dyspnoea, nausea and vomiting,                         We will look at the historical context of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and
    delirium and end-of-life prescribing.                                                 the impact that colonisation and cultural alienation has had on
    The day has been designed for health professionals working with                       Māori health outcomes since 1840. This will include discussions
    palliative patients and their family/whānau/aiga.                                     on health equity, institutional racism and unconscious bias within
                                                                                          the health sector - and what we can do as health professional and
                                                                                          health service providers, to address the inequities for Māori from a
                                                                                          Treaty partnership perspective.
      Date and time: Thursday, 14th May 2020, 0830 – 1630
      Venue: Malvina Major Retirement Village, Khandallah                                 This training session will take place within a marae setting.

      Cost: $190.00 (incl. GST) per person
      To register please go to            Date and time: Thursday, 18th June 2020, 0830 – 1630
      For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,                              Venue: Marae (to be confirmed) or (04) 381 0152
                                                                                            Cost: $200.00 (incl. GST) per person
                                                                                            To register please go to
                                                                                            For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,
                                                                                   or (04) 381 0152

6                                                                                  Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   7
Masterclass: Communication Skills,                                                            Hospice New Zealand
    Being with Dying                                                                              Palliative Care Lecture Series 2020

                                                                                                   Palliative Care
                                     “Great to have scenarios and suggestions
                                      re: approach to complex situations.”
                                     “Gave me things to think about, preparing the
                                      interpreter, stop talking, use silence, it is ok.”            Lecture Series 2020

    A One Day Intensive Masterclass for Health Professionals and
    Community Workers                                                                             Hospice New Zealand offers access to monthly palliative
                                                                                                  care lectures, which are delivered across New Zealand via
    Communicating with patients and family/whānau/aiga is an
                                                                                                  teleconference. Mary Potter Hospice facilitates these lectures in
    important skill in all aspects of health care. The conversations in
                                                                                                  each of the Hospice sites and health colleagues and partners are
    palliative care can be particularly challenging, and the risk is that
                                                                                                  very welcome to join us.
    they are avoided. They can require confidence and courage to
    start, and skilled sensitivity to navigate well.                                              The lectures take place on the first Thursday of every month
                                                                                                  from February – December from 0730 – 0830.
    The workshop will look at what is best practice in
    communication skills, and will include creative and interactive
    methods of learning and facilitation to broaden your thinking in
    your approach to this work.                                                                     If you wish to be notified of these lectures please sign up
                                                                                                    to and RSVP to one of the following
    The workshop has been designed for clinical health                                              administrators:
    professionals, community and social care workers with palliative
    patients and family/whānau/aiga.                                                                Wellington
                                                                                                    Education Administrator
                                                                                                    Phone: (04) 381 0152    Email:

                                                                                                    Porirua (Te Whare Rānui)
      Date and time: Thursday, 10th September, 2020, 0830 – 1630
                                                                                                    Andrea Campbell
      Venue: Te Whare Rānui, Porirua (Mary Potter Hospice, Porirua)                                 Phone: (04) 237 2307   Email:

      Cost: $190.00 (incl. GST) per person                                                          Kāpiti
                                                                                                    Debra Minty
      To register please go to
                                                                                                    Phone: (04) 296 1283       Email:
      For further assistance or info: Education Administrator, or (04) 381 0152                                                  Nationally
                                                                                                    Cost: Free
                                                                                                    To register please go to
                                                                                                    For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,
                                                                                            or (04) 381 0152

8                                                                                          Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   9
Working with Primary Care

     As part of our work with primary care, Mary Potter Hospice has been
     invited to teach three evening sessions at Compass Health (dates to be
     confirmed). Led by the Hospice medical consultants, these sessions are
     focussed on supporting General Practitioners and their patients with
     palliative care needs. The sessions will include:
     • identifying patients who may be in their last year of life;
     • how to open conversations and make plans with patients and their
     Working with the Palliative Care Regional Steering Group, the Hospice will
     also work alongside the GP practices to help develop a register of palliative
     care patients, develop palliative care plans and participate in their regular
     Health care Homes multidisciplinary meetings.
     The Hospice team is available to meet with teams in primary care to
     provide individual short sessions or case studies/advice tailored to your
     needs. Please contact us.
     For more information, please go to

                                                                                     Nine learning packages are available for delivery on-site. There are
     Kia kōrero – Advance Care Planning                                              recognised timeframes for completion of each package but these
                                                                                     can be negotiated for each individual site. The requirements of the
                                                                                     participants include a self learning commitment and pre and post
                                                                                                              Te Whare Rānui, our new Porirua base.
                                                                                     session learning activities.
                                                                                                            Ngāti Toa gifted us the name and means,
                                  Advance Care Planning (ACP) asks ‘What             The packages are:
                                                                                                            “A house that the sun always shines on.”
                                  matters to you?”. Mary Potter Hospice              • Essence of palliative care       • Palliative care for people
                                  is actively involved in facilitating difficult                               – 10 Awatea with
                                                                                                                           St, Ranui  Heights, Porirua –
                                  conversations about loss and grief and death       • Ethical issues in palliative
     and dying. Along with that, we are part of the Regional ACP Steering              care                             • Communication skills
     Committee and have an internal ACP group working on training and                • Pain and symptom                  • Last days of life
     development of our staff and those with who we engage externally.                 management                        • Loss and grief
     Each year we work with the Health, Quality and Safety Commission, and           • Palliative care for people        • Caring for ourselves
     national networks to facilitate conversations about future health care and
     end of life matters in our communities; Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti.
                                                                                              EDUCATION CALENDAR PULL-OUT
                                                                                       with chronic illness
                                                                                     The information is aimed at all staff working within a residential
     Refer to HQSC website for dates and venues
                                                                                     care facility.
Education Programme 2020                                                 Education Calendar 2020

                                                                                Thursday, 3rd September 2020               Hospice NZ Lecture Series
     Thursday, 13th February 2020   Hospice NZ Lecture Series (TBC)
                                                                                Wednesday, 9th September 2020              Hospice NZ Syringe Driver (Wellington)
     Thursday, 5th March 2020       Hospice NZ Lecture Series
                                                                                Thursday, 10th September 2020              Masterclass: Communication Skills,
     Wednesday, 18th March 2020     Hospice NZ Syringe Driver (Wellington)                                                 Being with Dying

     Monday, 30th March to          Palliative Care LINK Nurses Programme       Tuesday, 15th to                           Hospice NZ Palliative Care
     Friday, 3rd April 2020                                                     Thursday, 17th September 2020              Conference (Auckland)

                                                                                Wednesday, 16th September 2020             Hospice NZ Palliative Care for Care
     Thursday, 2nd April 2020       Hospice NZ Lecture Series                                                              Givers
     Thursday, 2nd April 2020       Masterclass: Loss & Grief – Day 1           Thursday, 1st October 2020                 Hospice NZ Lecture Series
     Friday, 3rd April 2020         Masterclass: Loss & Grief – Day 2           Wednesday, 14th October 2020               Hospice NZ Syringe Driver (Porirua)
     Wednesday, 6th May 2020        Hospice NZ Syringe Drivers (Kāpiti)         Thursday, 5th November 2020                Hospice NZ Lecture Series
     Thursday, 7th May 2020         Hospice NZ Lecture Series                   Wednesday, 11th November 2020              Hospice NZ Syringe Driver (Kāpiti)
     Thursday, 14th May 2020        Masterclass: Pain & Symptom                 Monday, 23rd to                            Palliative Care LINK Nurses
                                    Management in Palliative Care               Friday, 27th November 2020                 Programme
     Wednesday, 20th May 2020       Hospice NZ Care Givers (Wellington)         Thursday, 3rd December 2020                Hospice NZ Lecture Series
     Thursday, 4th June 2020        Hospice NZ Lecture Series

     Wednesday, 17th June 2020      Hospice NZ Fundamentals in Palliative
                                    Care 1, 2, 3

     Thursday, 18th June 2020       Te Tiriti o Waitangi
                                                                                              We publish a quarterly e-newsletter, Tuia;
     Wednesday, 24th June 2020      Hospice NZ Fundamentals in Palliative                 sign up to and keep in touch
                                    Care 4, 5, 6

     Wednesday, 1st July 2020       Hospice NZ Fundamentals in Palliative
                                    Care 7, 8, 9, 10

     Thursday, 2nd July 2020        Hospice NZ Lecture Series

     Wednesday, 22nd July 2020      Hospice NZ Syringe Driver (Porirua)           To register please go to
                                                                                  For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,
     Thursday, 6th August 2020      Hospice NZ Lecture Series
                                                                         or (04) 381 0152
     Friday, 7th August 2020        SYMPOSIUM – Whetū i te Rangi
                                    (Te Papa)

12                                                                           Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020
Nine learning packages are available for delivery on-site. There are
                                             recognised timeframes for completion of each package but these
                                             can be negotiated for each individual site. The requirements of the
                                             participants include a self learning commitment and pre and post
                                                                    ‘The symbol for Te Whare Rānui, the new
                                             session learning activities.
                                                                        north Wellington community base.
                                             The packages are:
                                                                  A commitment that we will reflect and serve
                                             • Essence of palliative care   • Palliative
                                                                           the           care for people
                                                                               local community’
                                             • Ethical issues in palliative      with dementia
       Mary Potter Hospice Kāpiti Day Unit     care                           (designed by Pita Mei)
                                                                               • Communication   skills
                                             • Pain and symptom                • Last days of life
                                             • Palliative care for people
                                                                                  • Loss and grief
                                                                                  • Caring for ourselves
                                               with chronic illness
                                                                                    CALENDAR PULL-OUT
                                             The information is aimed at all staff working within a residential
                                             care facility.
Building Compassionate Communities

     Compassionate Communities Activity                                              Lining up the Ducks
     Compassionate Communities is a whole of community approach to                   What will your funeral look like? Who
     end of life care where caring for one another in times of need, loss            will speak for you if you can’t? What is
     and/or crisis becomes the task and responsibility of everyone (The              an EPOA for and when does it work?
     Groundswell Project).                                                           Do you have a will?
     Compassionate Communities have people who are knowledgeable                     Around 1500 people die in New Zealand every year without a will
     and informed about death, dying, loss and care and have (or want) the           and this contributes to family stress during bereavement. There
     ability to meet the needs that they encounter in their everyday lives.          are some things we all need to do, while we are well, to line up
     Services and local groups can play a significant role in providing and          our ducks for later and make things easier for those around us.
     sustaining quality end-of-life care, but people from all walks of life
                                                                                     At Lining Up the Ducks you can speak with those that work in
     should be involved in designing and meeting end-of-life care needs.
                                                                                     Advance Care Planning, Law, Funeral Planning (both formal or
     We are keen to engage with grassroots communities to demystify                  DIY), Māori land and Creative Legacy.
     death and dying and especially welcome novel and creative
                                                                                     These sessions will be held in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti
     approaches – please feel free to make contact with us.
                                                                                     throughout the year.
     The following activities are planned collaboratively for 2020, venues
     are a variety of community settings and all events are free (koha
                                                                                     Healing Through Storytelling
                                                                                     Share the loss and grief healing journey with Māori authors
                                                                                     speaking from their own work and whānau experience. Listen,
       For further information please contact Hazel Neser on 04 801 0006
       or                                              eat, process, drink and kōrero if you wish. Grab a friend or bring
                                                                                     the whānau.
       See our website for further community events
                                                                                     These sessions will be held in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti.

     Living Solo                                                                     Carer Wellbeing
                                                                                     Caring is tiring and it is helpful to take some time out to
     For many reasons people find themselves
                                                                                     replenish your energy. Carer Wellbeing is a session that focuses
     living solo. Some may need practical support
                                                                                     on how to re-energise yourself going forward. A range of tips,
     to adjust to a new way of being. Living Solo is
                                                                                     tools, strategies and self-nurturing compassion will be covered.
     a series of sessions to reinforce some skills.
                                                                                     These sessions will be held in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti
     We will focus on:
                                                                                     throughout the year.
     • Making ends meet financially and practically
     • Using creative arts for calming the mind
     • Making social connections
     These sessions will be run in Wellington and Kāpiti twice during
     the year.

16                                                                            Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020
Te Ara Whakapiri
                                                                                 The path of closeness and unity
                                                                                 – Care in the last days of life

Children’s Art Therapy                                                           Mary Potter Hospice has been actively involved with the development of a
                                                                                 care plan which reflects the needs of New Zealanders in the last few days
Art Therapy is a helpful way for children to express                             of life (it is the period in which death is imminent and may be measured in
their fears, worries and concerns about family                                   hours or days). This promotes partnership and protection between patients/
changes due to terminal illness. Children are                                    whānau and health care professionals wherever a person is dying.
particularly creative and playful, two components
which are integral to the art therapy experience,                                It is hoped that with the linking together of the ACP and Te Ara Whakapiri
making it a non-threatening and gentle alternative                               more people will be able to die in their preferred place of care whether
to the talking therapies. As such, arts therapy can help to enhance a            this is home, hospice, Aged Residential Care or a hospital.
child’s sense of well-being and assist with children’s loss and grief – this     For further information search for Te Ara Whakapiri at
is being offered to children of patients/whānau in the hospice service.
These sessions will be held in Wellington, Porirua and Kāpiti
throughout the year.
                                                                                 Professional Development for Mary Potter
Remembrance Tree Planting                                                        Hospice Employees and Volunteers
Join us at a restoration tree planting morning in memory of your loved
ones. This will be followed by morning tea at the planting site. Tree
planting close to the season of Matariki.
                                                                                 Mary Potter Hospice is committed to the education and training of our own
                                                                                 employees and volunteers to ensure their knowledge, skills and practice
Tiaki Nga Whānau                                                                 continues to be evidenced based and contributes to providing high quality
                                                                                 palliative care for patients and whānau wherever they are – home, hospice,
This is a supportive series of sessions for whānau, family, formal and
                                                                                 or Aged Residential Care. Many of the staff and volunteers also work with
informal carers who are affected by cancer. Sessions cover:
                                                                                 us providing training for our community partners as well as working to
• What is cancer;                                                                create compassionate communities. Key to this is maintaining their own
• Cancer treatments, side effects, palliative care;                              professional development (education and training).
• Relaxation and mindfulness, and rongoā Māori;                                  Pathway to Belonging – Staff
• Lining up your ducks;                                                          This is a course which introduces the work of Mary Potter Hospice and core
• Supportive services in the community and how to access them.                   values to staff and volunteers new to the organisation. It is run throughout
                                                                                 the year at regular intervals.
This is held once a year with Ora Toa Medical Centre, Porirua.
                                                                                 Dates: To be confirmed
Coffee and Chat                                                                  Volunteer Orientation Programme
It can be comforting to know that there are others who are going                 There will be three courses in 2020. They are run as 2 x 3 hour evening
through a similar experience. Come along to our “coffee and chat”                sessions with a further follow up session three months later.
sessions, hosted by our bereavement teams.
These sessions will be held quarterly during the year in Wellington,                Dates: March 16th and 23rd, July 20th & 27th, October 12 & 19th
Porirua and Kāpiti.

                                                                               Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   19
Hospice New Zealand
                                                                                            Palliative Care for Care Givers

     Clinical Skills                                                                        This is one day training course has
     These are one day workshops for Registered Nurses and are run twice                    been specifically designed for caregivers
     a year. The community Palliative Care Co-ordinators (PCC) have an                      working in all care settings including
     additional specific training day once a year. There is also a specific                 homecare, aged residential care and
     training day for the Health Care Assistants as well. These sit alongside               hospital care.
     the support provided for them to successfully complete PDRP (RN’s) and                 The topics covered and discussed
     NZQA (HCA) Level 3 training. These workshops provide learning which                    include – principles of palliative care,
     maintains and enhances/improves the practitioner’s specialist palliative               managing physical symptoms, care in
     care knowledge, skills and practise.                                                   the last 48 hours, communication, loss
                                                                                            and grief, spirituality and self-care.

       Dates:                                                                               The aim of the course is to enable caregivers to improve their
                                                                                            knowledge and understanding of palliative care.
       Clinical Skills:				                  Wednesday, 26th February
       						                                Wednesday, 4th & 11th March
       						                                Wednesday, 4th, 11th, 18th November              Dates & Time & Venues:
       Health Care Assistants Study Day:     Tuesday, 9th June                                Wednesday, 20th May                0830 – 1600        Wellington (Venue TBC)
       Palliative Care Coordinator Study Day: Wednesday, 23rd September                       Wednesday, 16th September          0830 – 1600        Porirua (Venue TBC)

                                                                                              Cost: $100.00 (incl. GST) per person per day
     Journal Club                                                                             Light morning and afternoon tea provided, self-catering for lunch.
     Our medical staff maintain their continuing education through weekly                     To register please go to
     Journal Clubs and peer review meetings each month in partnership with
                                                                                              For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,
     other palliative care medical staff.                                            or (04) 381 0152

     Medical Students
     In Partnership with University of Otago, MPH has Trainee Interns in the
     Unit throughout the academic year, and provides sessions for both 4th
     and 5th year medical students.

     Multi-Disciplinary Team Learning
     Morbidity and Mortality Meetings are run monthly, with case reviews and
     debriefing sessions being offered as and when required.
     There is a Focus of the Month topic researched and then presented by
     clinical staff.
     These are all opportunities for our clinical staff to share their reflections
     and critical observations which then influence both the management
     and care of future patients and whānau.

20                                                                                   Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   21
Hospice New Zealand                                                                     Palliative Care LINK Nurse
     Fundamentals of Palliative Care                                                         (PCLN) Programme

     This programme, delivered over three full                                              This is an opportunity for Registered Nurses with an interest in
     days, was developed by Hospice New Zealand                                             palliative care, working in Primary Care and Aged and Residential
     to support the learning and knowledge of                                               Care (ARC), to participate in the LINK Nurse programme with Mary
     staff supporting palliative care. There are 10                                         Potter Hospice.
     modules and comprehensive information
                                                                                            The LINK Nurse programme consists of two parts – firstly, working
     can be found on the Hospice New Zealand
                                                                                            in the hospice Inpatient Unit and community where they have
                                                                                            an opportunity to immerse themselves alongside experienced
                                                                                            clinicians, and secondly, participating in two study days which
     This course is suitable for all staff working                                          will enhance and consolidate their palliative care knowledge and
     in Aged Residential Care, Primary health and                                           experience.
     Community health.
                                                                                            This is facilitated by the Mary Potter Hospice ARC team, which
                                                                                            consists of three RNs.
                                                                                            The ARC team support patients (and whānau) as they transfer and
                                                                                            transition from their homes or hospital into an ARC Facility. The
       Wednesday Sessions           Essence of Palliative Care                              Team will work alongside staff in the ARC facilities both formally
       17th June 1, 2, 3            Ethical Issues in Palliative Care                       and informally, providing advice, support and education.
       		                           Pain and Symptom Management

       Wednesday Sessions           Palliative Care for People with Chronic Illness            Dates:
       24th June 4, 5, 6            Palliative Care for People with Dementia
       		                           Communication Skills                                       Monday, 30th March – Friday 3rd April
                                                                                                   Registrations open          Monday, 20th January 2020
       Wednesday Session            Last Days of Life
                                                                                                   Registrations close         Monday, 17th February 2020
       1st July  7, 8, 9. 10        Loss and Grief
       		                           Caring for Ourselves                                       Monday, 23rd November – Friday, 27th November
       		                           Spirituality                                                   Registrations open          Monday, 14th September 2020
       Venue: Malvina Major Retirement Village, Khandallah                                         Registrations close         Monday, 12th October 2020

       Cost: $60.00 (incl. GST) per person
                                                                                               To register for PCLN please visit:
       Light morning and afternoon tea provided, self-catering for lunch.            
       To register please go to
                                                                                               For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,
       For further assistance or info: Education Administrator,                        or (04) 381 0152 or (04) 381 0152

22                                                                                    Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   23
Hospice New Zealand
     Hospice New Zealand Subcutaneous
                                                                                           Palliative Care Conference
     Syringe Driver Competency Programme
                                                                                           15th – 17th September, 2020, Auckland, New Zealand

       “I feel a lot more confident in
       my skills to manage a syringe
       driver in my facility.”

     This programme assists Registered Nurses to
     obtain the theoretical, practical knowledge and
     skills required to manage a syringe driver in their
     place of work
                                                                                          Whiria ngā tāngata, Weave the people together is the premier
     Learning Outcomes for Syringe Driver Training Programme, the training                conference of 2020 for any health professional involved in
     participants will be able to:                                                        palliative care.
     • Assess patients/residents suitability for commencing a Syringe Driver;             Whiria ngā tāngata honours the concept that we must all weave
     • Have awareness of their responsibilities: Professional, Clinical and               together in partnership to ensure the best outcome for people
       Legal;                                                                             who are dying. There is a role for a range of health care services
     • Develop communication techniques with medical colleagues,                          and professions in and around a person’s end of life journey,
       patients and whānau;                                                               supporting the person and their family, whānau and the wider
                                                                                          community both before and after death.
     • Gain competency in calculating medications and their actions and
       effects;                                                                           During Conference 2020 you’ll be encouraged to think about
     • Gain competency in set up and troubleshooting of driver                            how we can weave people and services together to ensure equity
                                                                                          of access whilst also considering how our services reflect and
                                                                                          support the diversity of the people requiring end of life care.
       Dates & Times & Venues:                                                            Our keynote speakers will include:
       Wednesday, 18th March          1400 – 1630      Wellington (Venue TBC)             • Heather Richardson, Joint Chief Executive, St Christopher’s
       Wednesday, 6th May             1400 – 1630      Kāpiti (Venue TBC)                   Hospice, London, UK.
       Wednesday, 22nd July           1400 – 1630      Porirua (Venue TBC)                • Merryn Gott, Professor of Health Sciences, The University of
                                                                                            Auckland, NZ.
       Wednesday, 9th September       1400 – 1630      Wellington (Venue TBC)
                                                                                          • Dr David Jansen, Clinical Director, National Hauora Coalition
       Wednesday, 14th October        1400 – 1630      Porirua (Venue TBC)                  and General Practitioner, Auckland, NZ.
       Wednesday, 11th November       1400 – 1630      Kāpiti (Venue TBC)                 • Conjoint A/Prof. Colm Cunningham Director, The Dementia
                                                                                            Centre, HammondCare, Sydney, Australia.
       Cost: $90 (incl. GST) per person for New Competency
              $30 (incl. GST) per person for Update                             
       To register please go to
                                                                                             Key dates:         Call for abstracts – Mid-November 2019
       For further assistance or info: Education Administrator, or (04) 381 0152                                          			                Early bird registrations open – May 2020
                                                                                               			              Early bird registrations close – End of July 2020

24                                                                                  Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   25
Building Palliative Care Clinical Research                                            International Conference on Hospice
     in New Zealand                                                                        and Palliative Care (ICHPC 2020)
     14th February, 2020, Wellington Regional Hospital, Wellington                         3rd – 4th, December, 2020, Sydney, Australia

     Through our programme of clinical research, we investigate options                    ICHPC 2020: 14. International
     for improved management of symptoms in palliative care. Our goal                      Conference on Hospice and
     is to ensure the best quality of life possible. We acknowledge the                    Palliative Care aims to bring
     significant roles that carers play in the lives of people in palliative care          together leading academic
     and welcome their inclusion and participation in our research.                        scientists, researchers and
                                                                                           research scholars to exchange
     Capital & Coast District Health Board, in collaboration with IMPACCT
                                                                                           and share their experiences and research results on all aspects
     (including PaCCSC and CST), is running a workshop to introduce
                                                                                           of Hospice and Palliative Care. It also provides a premier
     clinical research to new and experienced researchers in New Zealand.
                                                                                           interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and
     The workshop will be multi-disciplinary in focus.
                                                                                           educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations,                            trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered
     IMPACCT/cancer-symptom-trials/events/building-palliative-care                         and solutions adopted in the fields of Hospice and Palliative Care.

     Palliative Care Nurses Australia Conference
     3rd – 4th May 2020, Pullman Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia                         Other Conferences of Interest
                                                                                             Vision for Ageing in Aotearoa
                                                                                             6th – 7th April, 2020      Te Papa, Wellington, NZ
                                             This two day conference is the
                                             perfect forum for nurses and                    Care in the Age of Outrage
                                             other health professionals to seek              11th – 12th June, 2020     Sydney, Australia
                                             new knowledge, become familiar
                                                                                             International Dementia Conference
                                             with new products and services
                                             to the industry, and to identify
                                             opportunities to translate the best             12th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in
                                             evidence into clinical and academic             Contemporary Society
                                             excellence. Networking, debating                13th – 17th July, 2020
     and socialising with peers adds a further dimension to the experience. With             Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia
     several plenary sessions, concurrent sessions and workshops, the structure    
     of the conference provides the ideal environment for these activities to                on-grief-bereavement-in-contemporary-society-2020/
     occur. The surroundings of Melbourne offer an ideal venue to facilitate a
     successful conference.

26                                                                                  Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   27
Palliative Care References & Links                                                     (The) NZ Palliative Care Strategy                   Spirituality and Wellbeing
                                                                                                                                                The Spirituality and Well-being
     Alzheimers NZ                              (The) Grief Centre                                                                              Strategy Group envisages a society
                                                                                            Palliative Care Nurses NZ                                                                                      which recognises and responds to the
                                                                                                                                                importance of spirituality and well-being.
     Alzheimers NZ represents people            Grief Centre vision is to provide
                                                                                            A non-profit making organization which
     living with dementia by raising            transformative support through grief                                                            Te Arai Research Group – Uni
                                                                                            since its conception in 2006 has sought
     awareness at a national level providing    and loss.                                                                                       Auckland
                                                                                            to strengthen the voices of nursing in
     information and resources, advocating
                                                (The) Groundswell Project                   palliative care.                          
     for high quality services, and
     promoting research about prevention,       https://www.thegroundswellproject.          Palliverse                                          Palliative Care & End of Life Research
     treatment, cure and care.                  com
                                                                                                                    Te Wananga o Aoteaoroa – Reo
     (The) Art of Dying Well                    Our vision is for our communities to                                                            and Tikanga Course
                                                                                            Palliverse is a place where like-minded
                                                help us live, grieve and die in line with                                                                 people involved in palliative care meet;  
                                                our values.
                                                                                            ideas and issues related to palliative
     The Art of Dying Well website is                                                                                                           Uni Tasmania – MOOC –
                                                Hospice NZ                                  care are exchanged and discussed; and
     brought to you by St Mary’s University.                                                                                                    Dementia Course
                                                                                            Funding opportunities are explored and
     Care Search                                                                            shared.                                   
                                                Hospice NZ vision to see that                                                                   dementia                                                                  Psychosocial Oncology NZ
                                                everyone with a life-limiting condition,
     Care Search provides trustworthy           or their family and whānau, has access                                     Upaya Zen Centre
     information about palliative care for      to the best possible palliative care.                                                 
                                                                                            PONZ aims to advance the recognition
     patients, carers and families as well as
                                                IAHPC International Assoc. for              of psychosocial needs and the                       Buddhism – Being with Dying
     for the health professionals providing
                                                Hospice & Palliative Care                   availability of appropriate supportive care
     their care.
                                                                                            for patients and families throughout their
     Compassionate Communities                                                              cancer experience.
     Network Aus & NZ                           IAHPC vision is universal access to
                                                high-quality palliative care, integrated    Skylight
                                                into all levels of healthcare systems
                                                in a continuum of care with disease
                                                                                            Skylight supports people of all ages
     Public Health Palliative Care              prevention, early diagnosis and
                                                                                            throughout NZ who are facing any kind
                                                treatment, to assure that any patient’s
     (The) Centre for Ageing and                                                            of tough life situation, but we specialise
                                                or family caregiver’s suffering is
     Spirituality                                                                           in grief, loss and trauma.
                                                relieved to the greatest extent               possible.                                   See resilience hub for excellent resource.
                                                National Dementia Cooperative
     Acquiring and sharing knowledge of
     ageing well and spirituality to deliver                                                                   We publish a quarterly e-newsletter, Tuia;
     better outcomes for older people.          Portal to Dementia Resources NZ.                                Sign up to Tuia @
                                                                                                                     and keep up to date to events.

28                                                                                          Mary Potter Hospice Palliative Care Education And Training Programme For Health Professionals 2020   29
Blackbird (2019) Sarah Aitken (UOW 4th Med Student)

“He (the patient) had seen a blackbird perched in a
 tree during his wife’s funeral, he felt her presence
around… the blackbird is significant to Māori as it is
  thought to carry the souls of people to heaven…
 “He believed that his wife’s soul now lived in the
  blackbird… this gave him comfort and hope…”

           Mary Potter Hospice
    48—52 Mein Street, PO Box 7442
       Newtown, Wellington 6242
 Phone (04) 801 0006 l Fax (04) 389 5035

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