Parent handbook - TIC SUMMER CAMP - SUMMER 2021

Page created by Ricardo Rowe
Parent handbook - TIC SUMMER CAMP - SUMMER 2021

  St. John Academy
 6422 Linway Terrace
  McLean, VA 22101


   SUMMER 2021
Parent handbook - TIC SUMMER CAMP - SUMMER 2021
Contact Info
         TIC-VA Office: 703-785-0556
    TIC-VA Email:
        TIC Main Office- 703-876-2868

    Welcome and thank you for
     choosing TIC-VA 2021!
We are so excited to have your camper(s) with us
this summer! Whether you are brand new or a long-
time TIC Family, this Handbook contains important
information that will help you prepare for your
camper’s time at TIC. Please read carefully as many
things have changed due to the global pandemic.
Let us know if you have questions, and keep it
handy throughout the summer!

Call the TIC-VA Camp Office at 703-785-0556 any
time! But specifically for any urgent matters
regarding your camper, absences, and early
pickups. You can also reach us via email,, which is checked around
the clock! If you would like to direct your message
to the appropriate person, here is a list of 2021’s
Leadership Team:

TIC-VA Leadership Team
Site Director- Ben Young (he/him)
Leadership Training Director- Erin Poplin (she/her)
Programming Director- Kevin Hanlon (he/him)
Multimedia Director- Vikram Prasad (he/him)
Athletic Directors- Patrick Gutual (he/him) & Kyla
Straker (she/her)

TIC’s Main Office will be staffed intermittently
during the summer season, so it is often best to        WHERE KIDS
send us an email. Questions about billing or
registration, contact Tabitha Glading at
                                                      LEARN BY HAVING or 703-876-2868. Questions              FUN
about the program or anything else, contact the
TIC-VA Executive Site Director, Daniel Morais
(he/him) at
Parent handbook - TIC SUMMER CAMP - SUMMER 2021
Daily Logistics
         Daily Camp Hours are 8:00am-3:00pm. Drop off is from 8:00-8:45am and Carpool begins
         promptly at 3:00pm. Extended day is available from 3-5:30pm (must sign up beforehand).
         Daily Camper Drop Off in AM
         All cars enter from Linway Terrace and drive in front of the church building then drive around
         through the back, right hand side to drop their campers at the Main Entrance of the school
         building. Please do not enter from Old Dominion or Birch Road. Staff will be waiting to greet you
         and sign your camper in for the day. (See attached Map) If you arrive after carpool finishes, please
         drop your child at the front doors, call the office at 703-785-0556 and let us know, so we can have
         someone greet them as they enter the building. Due to COVID protocols, parents are not allowed
         to enter the building for any reason.
         What to Wear/Bring to Camp
            Please label ALL items with first and last name. (See “Lost and Found”)
            Comfortable clothes appropriate for the weather. Tech rooms can get chilly!
            Closed-toed Athletic Shoes! Please no crocs, flip flops or sandals!
            Small backpack to hold:
               Filled Water Bottle and Snack/Lunch! (See more details in “Lunch” section)
               Two masks, in case one gets dirty throughout the day.
               Sunscreen and hat!
            Leave at Home: Valuables including Magic cards, Pokemon cards, etc. and Electronics (see
            “Electronics Policy”). TIC Summer Camp is not responsible for lost items at Camp. Pets, Alcohol,
            Weapons, and Drugs are all prohibited at Camp by TIC Summer Camp and the hosting facility.

                      First day of camp
         Camper drop-off is from 8-8:45am. As you enter the facility (See Below), you will be instructed
         to go through the Express Lane if you have completed your daily health screening and do not
         have any medications to drop off. Otherwise, you will be asked to pull in front of the gym where
         you can drop off forms, medications (must be in the original container), obtain a carpool card,
         speak with the Health Advisor or ask any other questions. There will be counselors and signs
         directing you which way to go once you have entered from Linway Terrace.
         Your camper(s) will be greeted by a Director and instructed as to where to meet their Cohort
         Counselors. On the first day, Juniors go to technology rooms and Seniors will go to gym/field to
         begin the day.
         If you would like to sign up for Extended Day, please call the office at 703-876-2868. We are not
         able to take drop-ins on site this summer.

         Daily Schedule
         Senior campers (rising 6th to 10th graders ) will be in Athletics, first thing on Monday morning. The
         Junior campers (rising 2nd to 5th graders) begin their day in Technology. After lunch, Juniors go to
         sports, Seniors to technology. The schedule flip-flops each day: wherever campers were in the
         afternoon is where they start the next morning! See schedule below for the session break down:

                   Monday                Tuesday              Wednesday              Thursday                 Friday
               Juniors- Technology    Juniors- Athletics    Juniors- Technology    Juniors- Athletics   Juniors- Technology
Week 1

         AM     Seniors- Athletics   Seniors- Technology     Seniors- Athletics   Seniors- Technology    Seniors- Athletics

                Juniors- Athletics   Juniors- Technology     Juniors- Athletics   Juniors- Technology    Juniors- Athletics
         PM    Seniors- Technology    Seniors- Athletics    Seniors- Technology    Seniors- Athletics   Seniors- Technology

               Juniors- Athletics    Juniors- Technology     Juniors- Athletics   Juniors- Technology    Juniors- Athletics
Week 2

              Seniors- Technology     Seniors- Athletics    Seniors- Technology    Seniors- Athletics   Seniors- Technology

               Juniors- Technology    Juniors- Athletics    Juniors- Technology    Juniors- Athletics   Juniors- Technology
         PM     Seniors- Athletics   Seniors- Technology     Seniors- Athletics   Seniors- Technology    Seniors- Athletics

                                                           SUMMER 2021
Parent handbook - TIC SUMMER CAMP - SUMMER 2021
Daily Logistics (cont.)
The current COVID protocols can be found on our website and are updated as frequently as
necessary. The core practices include: Cohorting, Physical Distancing, Regular hand washing,
Disinfecting surfaces, Mask wearing and Increased Ventilation. TIC will continue to update as the
CDC provides information & guidance.
Prior to arriving at camp each day, campers will complete the Daily Health Screening via the
MyMedBot App, which will be emailed to you prior to your session. If you are not able to do so each
morning you will be asked to complete on-site (which may take up to 10 minutes) including
temperature check and questionnaire. Please do not take the Express Lanes during drop-off if your
camper’s Daily Health Screening is not complete.

Snacks can be eaten at almost any time throughout the day,
however we do not have a designated “snack time.” Campers
wishing to eat snack will need to inform their counselor, wash
their hands, eat at a safe, designated snack area, wash their
hands, and then return masked to their group.
Campers will eat lunch with their cohorts between 11:30 and 12:15
each day. Tents and tables will be set up outside and the
cafeteria will be available on a limited basis for those
uncomfortable with the heat. During inclement weather, campers
may eat in their classrooms or in the gym. Please send a non-
perishable lunch or insulated lunch box with an ice pack- we do
not have a refrigerator for camper lunches. Don’t forget
silverware! There will be NO ACCESS to microwaves this
summer to avoid large groups crowding around each other. We
are a NUT friendly camp; however, we provide a NUT FREE area
for campers to eat lunch.


Attendance is taken first thing in the morning and first thing
after lunch to ensure safety. If your child is absent or coming
late, please call the TIC-VA CAMP OFFICE (703)-785-0556 prior
to 8:30am. (Please do not call the TIC Main Office or the message
will be delayed.) If we don’t hear from you and your child is
absent, we will call you at 9:00am to check attendance. Keep
your camper home if they are feeling sick, have a sick household
member, or have been exposed to a known or suspected COVID
case in the last ten days. PLEASE DO KEEP YOUR CHILD HOME if
they show any signs of sickness or other infection, which includes
100+ degree fever, vomit, diarrhea, or any other communicable
disease. We will send home any child exhibiting such symptoms.

                                             SUMMER 2021
Parent handbook - TIC SUMMER CAMP - SUMMER 2021
Drop off & Pick up
                                                                          CARPOOL CARDS
Carpool cards are the easiest and quickest way to pick up your child or carpool. They are
required for ALL pick-ups, even Extended Day, and can be downloaded and printed from your
online account. Carpool cards are what we use to identify people that are authorized to pick
up your camper. If you want to authorize someone else to pick up your child, simply
send/give/forward them the carpool card from your account. If you do not have it, we will ask
for ID. If someone tries to pick up your camper without a carpool card, and they are not on
your approved pick-up list (also accessible via your account), we will have to call you to
confirm before we release your camper to them. Please note that this takes extra time so
please be patient.

To pick up a camper early, please call or email the TIC-VA Camp Office (preferably the day
before) in order for us to have your camper ready at the designated time. Please call the office
upon arrival and we will escort them out to your car. We will make every effort to have your
camper ready for you in the office but please note that it can take 5-10 minutes, so please plan
appropriately. If you arrive after 2:40, please wait in the carpool line.

                                                               CARPOOL (3:00PM-3:30PM)
“Carpool” is our super-efficient pick-up system at the end of the camp day! Cars enter from
Linway Terrace and drive IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH, turning left after the church, into
the SECOND entrance and pull all the way around the back of the buildings. You will be
directed by cones and counselors along the way. Please do not pull into the first driveway at
the light intersection. Our efficient carpool line takes no longer than 15 minutes. Please do not
arrive earlier than 2:55pm as cars can back-up into the neighborhood. If you arrive at 3:05pm
you’ll sail right through!

For Senior campers who walk, ride bikes, or take public transportation, please complete and
submit “Permission to Walk Home ” form through your online account. They will be able to
check themselves out with a designated Director prior to the beginning of carpool each
afternoon. In the case of severe weather, TIC may ask for additional parental permission for
campers to leave the site or keep campers on-site until it is safe for them to leave.

                                                       EXTENDED DAY (3:00PM-5:30PM)
Extended Day is only available through pre-registration online (or call Tabitha at 703-876-2868)
by the first day of camp. The cost is $250 per session. Sorry no drop-in’s, refunds, or pro-rating
this year. Extended Day campers will be brought to the Extended Day area promptly at 3pm
when the camp day ends, provided a snack, and get settled in for fun activities (e.g. games, arts
and crafts, reading, playground games, socializing). Campers will be outside as much as the
weather permits. Please keep your electronics at home. There is no computer or electronic use
during Extended Day (See “Electronics Policy”).
Parents can pick up their children any time before 5:30pm. Call 703-785-0556 when you arrive,
and we will bring your child out to you. You must have your carpool card to ensure safety.
Parents who are late (after 5:30pm) will be charged $10 for the first 15 minutes, $1 per minute
after that. Please call the TIC-VA Camp Office telephone, (703)-785-0556, if you will be delayed.

                                         SUMMER 2021
drop off

                           Did your health
                         screening at home?
                       Follow the express lane
                        for a quick drop-off!

                      Need to complete the
                     daily health screening,
                      talk to our Nurse, or
                      speak to a Director?
                    Pull off into this side lane.

Pick UP

 All cars use the
blue arrow route
   for pick-up!
Health & Safety

  Our Camp Health Advisor will call you as soon as possible if your
  camper experiences an illness or injury at camp. Any over-the-
  counter medication administered will only be done with the consent
  of the parent or guardian. Campers who require prescription
  medications must complete a Medication Authorization Form prior to
  camp, meet with the Camp Health Advisor, and provide medication
  in its original container.
  Campers are also required to wash and sanitize their hands before
  and after lunch to help prevent allergic reactions and the spread of
  disease. Campers with a communicable or infectious disease may not
  attend camp. Campers who become ill at camp must be picked up
  within a reasonable time frame (60 minutes).

                          EMOTIONAL SAFETY
  This pandemic is a stressful and anxious time for everyone. We want
  you to feel safe at camp and are here to support you! This summer
  will look different, so it's important to manage camper's expectations
  about what camp will be like in order to ensure a positive
  experience. We're creating a handbook specifically for campers that
  details our safety protocols, changes to our programs, daily
  schedules, and other information that will give them a better idea of
  what TIC 2021 will look like.
  If you know or suspect that your camper may struggle with some of
  our guidelines (mask wearing, physical distancing, etc.) please reach
  out to your Site Director prior to the summer! It's essential for us to
  discuss the best way to navigate these situations with your camper
  so we can prevent any unnecessary stress for your child. It has been a
  difficult year and we want camp to be a place for all our campers to
  thrive mentally & emotionally, and the best way to make that happen
  is with input from the people who know them best- you!

                     EMERGENCIES & REPORTING
  In the case of an emergency, parents will be notified as soon as
  possible. If it is a life threatening or time sensitive situation, the
  proper authorities will be called and/or notified. In the case of
  weather or other natural disaster, TIC Summer Camp will contact
  parents via email, web, and phone with the information provided.
  Please make sure your information is up to date in our records,
  including any emergency contacts. This is especially important in
  2021 if there is any exposure to COVID-19.
  TIC Staff are required to participate in Mandated Reporter training
  and abide to state regulations and reporting for any suspected child
  abuse as required by the law.

                          BEATING THE HEAT!
  Campers are REQUIRED to bring their own filled water bottles (to
  prevent dehydration). These will be refilled throughout the day. We
  have TIC water bottles for sale if campers forget to bring one. Write
  your camper’s first and last name on the bottle with a permanent
  marker! We will not be providing sunscreen this year so please send
  sunscreen for your campers to apply themselves. We highly
  recommend hats for sun protection.
Community safety
                                                     BEHAVIOR & ACCOMMODATIONS
Acceptable forms of behavior are well-known for school aged children. We want to make
sure everyone is treated with kindness and respect, along with having a great time at
camp! Every effort is made to identify and pro-actively redirect the campers’ attention
when a potential problem is brewing. However, things
do happen and parents will be notified when persistent behavioral problems are
identified. There are no refunds if a camper is dismissed due to behavioral issues.
If your camper typically has behavior issues at school or in less-structured settings
and you anticipate they may struggle with the expected acceptable behaviors, or
that they may experience high levels of emotional or mental stress in the camp
setting, please talk to your Site Director before they arrive at camp! Knowing that
your camper is extremely stressed by crowds and loud noises or responds better to
discipline after calming down with a book for 10 minutes is incredibly helpful
information for us. We can then pass that information on to their counselors, who will
understand how to more effectively work with your camper and make their camp
experience the best it can be! No one knows your child better than you, so we appreciate
any guidance you can provide and will do everything we can to make the necessary

            equity at tic
  Like many individuals and businesses in this country, we have spent the last year
  looking inward at our personal beliefs and business operations in order to evaluate
  the equitability of our programs. The pandemic has exacerbated existing inequities
  and shone a light on the attitudes and systems that perpetuate these issues. As a
  youth development organization, we feel strongly that the expectation is to work
  hard to correct these inequities within our organization, as well as the camping
  industry as a whole.
  Affinity Groups & Grow Club- Unfortunately, due to the current Summer Camp
  Guidelines from the CDC and the local health departments, we cannot have lunch
  meetings that mix cohorts. This means that Grow Club, our on-site club for campers
  and staff who are girls/women, cannot meet in-person this summer. TIC also planned
  to offer additional affinity groups for other identities whose experiences are not
  typically centered in the STEM & Sports spheres, however we felt the groups would
  not provide the sense of community we are aiming for in a virtual format. We look
  forward to creating these spaces in-person in 2022! In the meantime, we will
  continue to create visibility for underrepresented individuals, respectfully celebrate
  diverse cultures and identities, and work to address the inequities at camp and in
  our industries.
  Community agreements-Also new this year, we are creating a community
  agreement for all our campers and Staff that equally emphasizes physical safety,
  COVID-19 safety, and emotional safety at camp. Just like we are responsible for our
  bodies and washing our hands to stop the spread of germs to others, we are also
  responsible for our words and social interactions and how they impact others. Our
  community agreement will lay the foundation for campers and Staff to have
  important conversations about emotional safety, including addressing racism,
  sexism, transphobia, homophobia, ableism, and more.

 Earlier this year, TIC created a DEIJ (Diversity Equity, Inclusion & Justice) Task
  Force of current and former staff, as well as a professional consultant. Learn
more about what we're doing & provide feedback (anonymous option available)
                      on our DEIJ page on our website (LINK).

                                       SUMMER 2021
Other info
                                                  ELECTRONICS POLICY
HOW WILL I KNOW WHAT MY               We want our campers to build their social skills
   CAMPER IS DOING?                   with face-to-face interactions each and every day!
                                      Therefore, campers are not allowed to use
 We will be providing updates,
                                      personal electronic devices during camp,
 videos and photos through our
                                      including Extended Day. We understand that
social media outlets – Instagram
                                      parents may want campers to have cellphones at
  and Facebook. Check out the
                                      camp, but please note that cell phone use is also
daily stories to get a glimpse of
                                      not allowed during the camp day. If a camper
  the magic. Like our Facebook
                                      does bring a cellphone to camp, it should be
Page & Follow us on Instagram.
                                      turned off and in their backpack until they leave
                                      camp. If you need to get in touch with your
camper during the camp day, please call our camp office phone, which is monitored at
all times. We kindly ask for parent’s co-operation and support with this policy.

We strictly observe copyright laws governing computer software. No “pirating” of any
commercial software is allowed. In order to prevent viruses on our computers,
campers are NEVER allowed to bring their own software to camp or USB drives to save
files. All projects will be sent to families after the end of the session through Google
Drive for easy enjoyment and downloads!
                                 LOST AND FOUND
Be sure to mark all personal items with first and last names. We try to return marked
items to campers during camp or call home when there is something to be picked up.
We are not able to store or keep these items past the summer. Anything left will be
donated on the last day of the summer, August 13.

Even though we will not be able to hold a Parent Open House this year, no need to
fret! We will have all the camper’s projects uploaded within a week of their departure
for downloading, bragging and forwarding! The projects will be shared through each
site’s Google Drive folder for easy enjoyment, easy access, and downloads!

                               WE WANT FEEDBACK!

We pride ourselves on our flexibility and responsiveness. It is tragic to us if we hear
too late about something we could have fixed that has spoiled a camper’s TIC
experience. Let us hear from you! (We take compliments too!) The easiest way to give
us feedback about site-specific areas for improvement (or excellence!) is to call or
email your Site Director, Ben Young at (703) 785-0556 or

                                    SUMMER 2021
You can also read