Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...

Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
Pathways to Permanent
 Residence in Canada:
    Express Entry
  COVID-19 Updates

  Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo
        IRCC Outreach Officer
             April 15, 2021
Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...

                Important Concepts

                   Pathway to Permanent Residence Through
                   Express Entry

                    COVID-19 Travel Restrictions

                   COVID-19 Processing Applications

                COVID-19 Special Measures

IMPORTANT: Policies and programs are subject to change.
   For the latest updates, please visit
Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
National Occupational Classification (NOC)

                                NOC 0: management jobs

Express                         NOC A: professional jobs
                         NOC B: technical jobs and skilled trades

                                 NOC C: semi-skilled jobs

                                 NOC D: entry-level jobs

              IMPORTANT: Work experience in skilled jobs (NOC 0, A, or B)
              is required before you can apply for PR through Express Entry.

Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
Language testing

                              CELPIP General
                                               Canadian Language
                 English                        Benchmark (CLB)
                               IELTS General
  Approved                        Training
Language Tests

                                TEF Canada
                 French                              Niveaux de
                                               linguistique canadiens
                                TCF Canada              (NCLC)

Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)
               Do I need to have my education

   My highest level of                   My highest level of
education was completed               education was completed
       in Canada                          outside Canada

          No                                    Yes

                                          Find a designated
                                      organization to get an ECA   6
Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
• Online system that manages expressions of interest in becoming a
  permanent resident of Canada
• Must meet minimum requirements to create a profile
• Your profile will be given a score and ranked against other candidates
• Creating a profile is free

Pathways to Permanent Residence in Canada: Express Entry & COVID-19 Updates - Michael Frenette & Angelo Raimondo IRCC Outreach Officer April 15 ...
Pathway to permanent residence through Express Entry

     !         Express Entry is your first step to immigrate permanently as a
               skilled worker under:

 Federal Skilled Worker     Federal Skilled Trades         Canadian Experience            A portion of the
    Program (FSW)              Program (FST)                   Class (CEC)              Provincial Nominee
                                                                                          Program (PNP)

               • Only skilled work experience (NOC 0, A, B) qualifies for Express Entry
               • Pass an approved language test — results must be less than two years old
                 when you
                   • complete your Express Entry profile, and
                   • apply for permanent residence                                                           9
Minimum work experience requirement

      Federal Skilled                Federal Skilled                  Canadian
      Worker Program                Trades Program                 Experience Class
                                                                  1 year of work in Canada in
      1 year of continuous work      2 years of work in an           any skilled occupation
       in one skilled occupation     eligible skilled trade
                                                                 Unauthorized work does not
                                        Experience while
      Experience while studying        studying can count         Experience during full-time
              can count                                              study does not count
       Experience through self-     Experience through self-      Experience through self-
        employment can count         employment can count        employment does not count

Full-time: 30 hours/week for 12 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours), or
Part-time: 15 hours/week for 24 months = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)
More than 1 job: 30 hours/week for 12 months at more than 1 job = 1 year full time (1,560 hours)   10
Express Entry is a step-by-step process
Step 1: Create your Express Entry Profile            Express Entry Pool

Step 2: Receive an Invitation to Apply      Apply for Permanent Residence Online

Express Entry profile

• Profile is valid for one year

• Keep it up-to-date

• There are no guarantees

• Be truthful

Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS)
                                 Comprehensive Ranking System
                                        Calculator Tool

               Core set of                  Additional
                                                                         Total score
                 points                      points
                  /600                         /600

Invitation to Apply (ITA):
• Issued to the highest scoring candidates in the Express Entry pool in each invitation round
• Minimum CRS score for ITA on January 21, 2021: 454
CRS: Maximum points for each factor
Core Human        Single   Spouse   Skill Transferability     100 points max
Capital Factors   500      460
                                    Education                 50
Age               110      100
                                    (with OL or CDN exp)
Education         150      140      Foreign work experience   50
1st Official      136      128      (with OL or CDN exp)
Language                            Qualification cert        50
2nd Official      24       22       (with OL)
Language                            Additional Points         600 points max
Canadian work     80       70       Provincial Nomination     600
Spouse Factors    40                Valid job offer           200 (max)
Education         10                Canadian Education        30 (max)
1st Official      20                French proficiency        50 (max)
Canadian work     10                Siblings in Canada        15 (max)
                                                  Total: 1200 points max       14
CRS additional points: Canada’s official languages

• French test results at NCL 7 in all four abilities: 25
  additional points
• French test results of NCL 7 in all four abilities
  + English test results at CLB 5 or higher:
  50 additional points

                            Parlez-vous français?
              to learn about Francophone life across Canada

Apply for permanent residence online
                after receiving an ITA
A Complete Application Requires:
 Electronic application for permanent residence (e-APR)                  Invitation
 Cost recovery fees                                                       to Apply
 Supporting documentation                                                   (ITA)

Personalized Document Checklist
   Medical examination confirmation
   Police certificates
   Biometrics
   Copy of the biographical data page of a passport or travel document
   Proof of work experience
   Other documents as required
For Complete Applications:                                                within
We verify all eligibility and admissibility criteria                      90 days
We process them in six months or less, 80% of the time
How much money do I need?
                                                                           Minimum amount for proof of funds:
To pay for your application:
                                                                                            Proof of Funds
                                                 Right of Permanent                       (FSW & FST Only)*
  Application Fee*
                                                    Residence Fee
                                                                                                  Family of 1
                $825                                 $500
                Principal applicant                  Principal applicant
                                                                                                  Family of 2
                $825                                  $500
                Spouse/partner                        Spouse/partner
                                                                                                  Family of 3

                Dependent child
                                                                                                 Family of 4
  *Fee is for processing and is non-refundable                               *Exemption if you have a valid job offer   17
If you are not eligible for Express Entry …

         Gain more Experience                    Other Federal             Provincial and Territorial
           on a Work Permit                   Immigration Programs           Nominee Programs

                                                                           May include options for
                                                    Start-Up Visa
                                                                           candidates who do not
Temporary Foreign   International Mobility                                   meet Express Entry
 Worker Program            Program            Atlantic Immigration Pilot       requirements

                                                                            Visit your province or
                                                 Rural and Northern        territory’s immigration
                                                  Immigration Pilot
                                                                           website to learn more

                                             Visit the IRCC website for
                                                    info on more
                                              immigration programs                                      18
Travel Restrictions – Temporary Workers

    • As a temporary worker, a person is exempt from travel restrictions if they are
      coming for a non-discretionary purpose.

    • Those approved for work permits can travel to Canada.

    • Those travelling from the US can apply for work permits on arrival.

    • Those travelling from any other country need to apply in advance.

    • Work permit exempt business visitors cannot travel to Canada at this time unless
      coming from the US for an essential purpose.
Travel Restrictions – Quarantine

             Quarantine is mandatory, even for people with no symptoms
     Travellers must prepare a quarantine plan for the 14 days after they arrive in

Travel Restrictions        Quarantine
                    – PCR Tests           On Arrival
                                & Hotel Quarantine

 As of February 21, 2021, at 11:59 pm ET, travellers, will also be required to:
 • Reserve a government-authorized hotel for 3 nights prior to departure to Canada
 • Take a COVID-19 molecular test on arrival in Canada
 • Stay in the government-authorized hotel while awaiting the results of the COVID-19 molecular test taken
   on arrival
 • Pay for the cost of the hotel stay and any other associated costs (i.e. – food, security, transportation)
 • Travellers must present proof of having reserved and pre-paid for their accommodation through
 • Travellers will still be required to complete the remainder of the mandatory 14-day quarantine after their
   mandatory hotel stopover.
 • Travellers will also be required to take another COVID-19 molecular test later during their 14-day
 • Travellers will be provided with a COVID-19 test kit and instructions before leaving the airport.

Processing Applications

    • Due to COVID-19, IRCC is experiencing processing delays and cannot provide
      accurate processing times.

    • IRCC is prioritizing applications from people who are exempt from travel

    • To keep processing applications from people who are exempt from the travel
      restrictions, IRCC is temporarily changing how people can apply to visit, work or
      study in Canada.

    • Applicants must apply online when applying for a work permit from outside
Processing Applications

 • IRCC continues to accept all new applications including work permit applications.

 • No application will be refused if an applicant is unable to fulfill a request due to

 • If applicants are unable to provide requested documents due to COVID-19, they need
   to send a letter to the processing office to explain circumstance.

 • An extension may be granted for the applicant to comply with the requests from
   processing office.
Special Measures - Foreign Nationals

   • Special measures to support workers and employers during the pandemic:

      • Allow eligible temporary workers to start working while application to change
        employer or occupation is in process.
      • Allow out-of-status eligible foreign nationals in Canada who previously held a
        work permit and have a job offer, to work while their restoration and work
        permit applications are being processed. Expires May 21, 2021.
      • Allow eligible visitors to apply for a work permit from inside Canada and to
        work while the application is in process. August 31, 2021.

Special Measures – PGWP Holders

  • Starting January 27, 2021, former international students with a PGWP that has expired, or will
    expire soon, will be eligible to apply for a one-time, 18-month open work permit within Canada.

  • With this public policy, the Government is providing former students with additional time to
    work on an open work permit to help ensure that they will not lose the opportunities that
    Canada provides due to the pandemic.

  • To apply for an open work permit under the public policy, an applicant must
     o have a PGWP that expired on or after January 30, 2020, or a PGWP that expires in 4
        months or less from the date they apply
     o still be in Canada
     o have a valid temporary status, or be applying to restore their status

  • Applications will be open from January 27 to July 27, 2021.
Special Measures – Temporary Residence to Permanent Residence

 • One-time and temporary public policies have been announced that provide a pathway to permanent residence for
   international graduates and essential workers currently employed in Canada.
 • Graduates must have completed an eligible post-secondary program at a designated learning institution no earlier
   than January 2017
 • Workers must have at least 12 months of authorized, full-time Canadian work experience in a health-care
   profession, or one of the other listed essential occupations.
 • All applicants must also have proficiency in one of Canada’s official languages and meet general admissibility
   requirements to qualify.
 • IRCC will accept applications under these policies from May 6, 2021 to November 5, 2021, or until a program
   stream has reached its maximum intake limit. These maximums are:
     o   20,000 applications for temporary foreign workers in health care;
     o   30,000 applications for temporary foreign workers in other selected essential occupations; and
     o   40,000 applications for international graduates
     o   There will be no limit of applications for French-speaking and bilingual newcomers.
 A detailed explanation of all eligibility requirements is available within the public policies               29
Special Measures – Biometrics

   • As a temporary measure, temporary residence applicants are exempt from giving biometrics if
     applying from within Canada:
           •   to extend your stay as a student, worker or visitor
           •   to restore your status as a student, worker or visitor
           •   for a work or study permit
           •   for a visitor visa
           •   for a temporary resident permit
   • Applicants outside Canada who can’t give their biometrics due to a location closure or a service
     disruption should not go to another biometrics collection service.

   • You must respond to the letter sent to you within 30 days from the date of the letter.

   • We’ll consider extending your deadline if you have a reasonable explanation that shows you’re
     affected by COVID-19.

For more information
          REMINDER: Policies and programs can change.
           Please consult
               for accurate, up-to-date information.

                  IRCC Client Support Centre:
                   IRCC Web form:

English: @CitCanada         English: @CitImmCanada
French: @CitImmCanFR        French: @CitImmCanFR

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

    REMINDER: Policies and programs are subject to change
For the latest updates, please visit

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