Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203

Page created by Ernest Barnes
Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
July 2021                                      

                          Patuxent Ripple
                           Patuxent Council 2203 Knights of Columbus • Laurel, MD

Grand Knight’s Report by Augustine Nwabueze
                         Thank God for another Fraternal         ebrated by Fr. Larry Young, a big thanks to him and the
                         Year (FY) having gone through a         staff of St. Mary of the Mills. I also would like to thank
                         treacherous 2020/2021 FY with the       DD Mike Webster and DW Jimmy Williams and their
                         horrible COVID-19 PANDEMIC              wives for leading the Installation and the State Advocate
                         which made life difficult for many      John Winfrey and his wife Gloria as State Deputy Vince
                         people in the country, but we           Grauso’s representative. Thanks to the Master of Ceremo-
                         thank God for getting us through        nies PGK Steve Hubbard who managed the reception and
                         and starting a new FY 2021/2022         PGK Bill McMahon the photographer of the day. A Big
                         in good health and spirit. All Glo-     thanks to DGK Dick Stevick, PGK Stan Potter, Brother
                         ry goes to Him. Amen.                   Mark O’Dea, PGK Marc Alvarez and Brother Ben Stevick
   It was a thing of joy to see all the Brothers in atten-       for ensuring the reception went smoothly and everyone
dance at the last 2 Hybrid meeting in the Wilson Room            satisfied with food and drinks. Thanks to Lady Philomina
for those ones who attended live and the ones on Zoom.           Ogordi, Brother Paul Ogordi’s wife for providing the food
It was an evidence that we are ready for restart. To fully       served; quite delicious. Thanks to Brother Paul Ogordi
get back 100% to all our Programs and Activities as an           and Brother Mike Turek as stand-ins for excused Offi-
Extraordinary Organization.                                      cers. Kudos to all the unmentioned Brother Knights who
   Before going too far, I would like to thank all my Wor-       played a role in ensuring the Installation was a success.
thy Brothers for having the courage to elect me as the              My Administration shall follow the template set by
Grand Knight and my fellow Officers of Patuxent Coun-            previous Servants Leaders to meet all our commitments
cil #2203 to serve us all for FY 21/22. I promise to work        and expectations for FY 21/22. We started with an Ex-
hard in the service of this Extraordinary Organization           emplification on the July 13, 2021, with 3 new Knights
with hope of meeting all your expectations; all of us            and a Knight from Resurrection of Our Lord Council
working as Servant Leaders to ensure we leave no neigh-          #14099 a neighboring Council. On July 17, Steve Hub-
bor behind while serving our church and community.               bard ran the Little Sisters of the Poor drop off and on
   Unlike last year, where we had to hold our Installation       July 24th is the SHARE Program and our Rosary for
cautiously with compulsory mask and social distancing            Life via Live Stream continues on July 22nd and 29th
because of Covid-19 Pandemic, this year on July 10,              led by Mike Turek to conclude the first month of our
2021, we had a live Installation without mask unless de-         Administration.
sired and no social distancing. We had close to 40 people           Vivat Jesus
in attendance at the Installation and close to 35 people at         Fraternally
the reception which followed.                                       Augustine Nwabueze,
   The Installation began after the 5:00pm vigil mass, cel-         Grand Knight

   Serving Others is Faith in Action
                                Council Meets: 2nd and 3rd Tuesdays of the month, 7:30 p.m.
                Meeting Location: Kutzera Room of the Keesler Parish Center, 800 Main Street, Laurel, MD 20707
                        Mailing Address: K of C Patuxent Council 2203, P.O. Box 95, Laurel, MD 20725
Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
Appreciation for Retiring Junior Usher                                      Membership Director’s Report
by Jimmy Williams, PGK                                                      by Steve Hubbard, PGK , Membership Chair
On Saturday, July 3rd, Grand Knight Augustine Nwabueze pre-                 It did my heart good to witness our three new council members
sented a certificate and rosary to Jack Kudwa, a retiring junior ush-       take the Exemplification of Charity, Unity, & Fraternity this past
er, thanking him for his 4 years of service to the parish. Jack, the        Tuesday. That is about one-fourth of our quota for the year! Con-
son of Brother Knight Bill Kudwa, is also a regular volunteer at our        veniently, we plan to hold an Exemplification once per quarter
monthly SHARE Program and assisted several times throughout                 throughout the year, so keep those new members coming! As I’ve
the past year with our drive-through dinners. Thank you, Jack!              said several times, we all know at least one guy we can recruit,
                                                                            so let’s do it! Remember – membership is the lifeblood of our

                                                                            Elizabeth House
                                                                            by Rick Askins, PGK , Membership Chair
                                                                            On Wednesday, June 30th, Brother Knights Marc Alvarez, Mark
                                                                            O’Dea, and Rick Askins volunteered at Elizabeth House, prepar-
                                                                            ing a hot evening meal and sandwiches for the clients to take with
                                                                            them for lunch the next day. The Council normally volunteers
                                                                            at Elizabeth House whenever there is a 5th Wednesday of the

July 13th Exemplification
                                                                            month, reporting at 4 p.m. and working until 6 p.m. However,
                                                                            this month, Marc received a call informing him the volunteers for
by Jimmy Williams, PGK                                                      the serving shift were having problems making it into volunteer.
On Tuesday, July 13th, Patuxent Council conducted its first                 As a result, Marc, Mark, and Rick stayed past 6 p.m. and, with
in-person Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity                 the help of an additional volunteer, served the evening meal and
since before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We welcomed                sandwiches to those in need.
a total of four Brother Knights into full Knighthood in the 3rd                Thanks to Marc for continuing to lead this program for the
Degree, three of whom are members of Patuxent Council: Tim                  Council as he has for the last several years, and to Mark and Rick
Hensel, John Nguasong, and Kwasi Antwi. The fourth Knight                   for assisting. The next 5th Wednesday of service at Elizabeth
to be Exemplified, Ronald Fosque, joined Resurrection of Our                House will be Wednesday, September 29th, 2021. Contact Marc at
Lord Council 14099.                                                or 301-776-8483 if you’d like to participate.
   “It’s been a long road back, but we are so happy to be able
to gather together in person again and welcome new Brother
Knights into our Council,” said District Warden Jimmy Wil-
liams, who served as the Presiding Officer for the evening.
                                                                            July SHARE Reminder by Jimmy Williams, PGK
   There were about 30 total attendees for the Exemplifica-                 July SHARE will take place on Saturday, July 24th. Please note
tion, including about 20 Brother Knights, family members, and               the location this month is the Main Lobby of Pallotti High School.
guests who watched the candidates be Exemplified through                    We are no longer in the Sr. Lucy Lobby. This is intended as a one-
our new, public ceremonial. Following the ceremony, Deputy                  time relocation due to a conflict with Granny’s Attic. Warehouse
Grand Knight Dick Stevick provided refreshments, including                  truckers should report no later than 7:25 a.m. for a 7:30 depar-
ice cream, brownies, and assorted toppings.                                 ture. All other volunteers are asked to arrive by 8:45 a.m. While
   We look forward to getting to know Brothers Tim, John, and               most COVID-related mask mandates have ended, as of the time
Kwasi in the weeks and months ahead.                                        this article was written, the SHARE Warehouse still has a mask
                                                                            mandate in place, so please remember a mask if you will be part
                                                                            of the team going to the Warehouse.

                                                                              This newsletter is published on or about the 15th of
                                                                              every month. If you have an article you would like to
                                                                              submit for publication, please submit to:
                                                                              GK Augustine Nwabueze at
                                                                              Brother Erik Washam at
                                                                              for review. Please limit submissions to 250-275 words.

Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
Family of the Month June 2021
                                                     Patuxent Council No. 2203 is pleased to recognize the Gager
                                                     family – Jerry and Pat – as its Family of the Month for June
                                                     2021. Jerry is a Fourth-Degree Knight and Past Grand Knight
                                                     of Patuxent Council. He and Pat are active in numerous council
                                                     programs & parish ministries. Three days each week throughout
                                                     the year, they work together in the Food for Families program,
                                                     collecting bread & other bakery goods from local grocery stores
                                                     and delivering those items to local food pantries & soup kitchens,
                                                     including Grassroots’ Day Resource Center, St. Mary of the Mills
                                                     food pantry, & Elizabeth House. Jerry is a SHARE volunteer and
                                                     an usher for parish Masses. As a retired professional architect
                                                     and affiliate member of the Association of University Architects,
                                                     he has served as the design consultant for parish facilities such
                                                     as the Monsignor Keesler Parish Center & several remodeling
                                                     projects and consulted with St. Vincent Pallotti High School on
                                                     their lobby reconstruction. Pat serves the parish as a lector. In
                                                     the community, she is a Board member and Past President of the
                                                     Women’s Club of Laurel and a member of the Laurel Historical
                                                     Society. She also volunteers with LARS, Elizabeth House, &
                                                     Charity’s Closet. Jerry & Pat have three grown children and two
                                                     grandchildren. Patuxent Council & St. Mary of the Mills Parish
                                                     are grateful for the Gager family’s dedication & service to our
                                                     parish & the greater Laurel community.

Little Sisters of the Poor
by Steve Hubbard, PGK
Brothers - We’ve been notified that the Little Sisters of the                             For our sick
Poor drop-off project will continue at least through June                        We pray for the healing, comfort and
2022. I’m writing to ask you for a renewed commitment                                  consolation of our sick,
to supporting the Little Sisters, as they do so much for our                            and their caretakers:
poor but since March 2020 they haven’t been able to beg                             CDR Tom Hill, USN (Ret.)
                        for support as is their standard op-                            Jim Gordon, PGK
                            erating procedure. And they are                              Pete Monti, PGK
                               so grateful for our support!                          Chris Cober, FDD, PGK
                                 Unfortunately, our contri-                      Ray Turek Jr. - Uncle to Ben Turek
                                  butions have dwindled
                                   significantly over the past                        For our deceased
                                   few months - this past Sat-                          We offer prayers for the
                                   urday’s donations totaled                             repose of their souls.
                                   only about 100 pounds                                May they rest in peace:
                                  and were from only 3 do-                              SK Johnny Norman,
                                nors. Please, please, please                        HLM, FDD, PCP, PGK, PFN
                              put a few of the Little Sisters’                      Patrick Palazzo - Nephew of
                            needs on your shopping lists                               Patty and Rick Askins
                       and drop off the acquired items at
the Keesler Center front door (on Main Street) between
10am & noon on the third Saturday of each month.

Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
Installation & Grand Knight Appreciation Dinner by Steve Hubbard, PGK
On Saturday, 10 July, Patuxent Council held our annual In-
stallation of Officers after the 5:00pm Mass in the Church,
followed by the Grand Knight Appreciation Dinner in the
Breen Room. The installation, with District Deputy Mike
Webster presiding, went off without a hitch. To start things
off, Brother Father Larry was installed as Chaplain, fol-
lowed by Brother Jimmy Williams’ installation as District
Warden. The new slate of council officers, headed by Grand
Knight Augustine Nwabueze, was then installed in accor-
dance with the usual ceremony. Representing State Deputy          District Deputy Mike Webster presides           Grand Knight Augustine with his daughters.
Vince Grauso, and witnessing the installation, were State         over the Installation of Officers ceremony.     Left to right: Dilinna, Emi and Chidi.
Advocate John Winfrey and his wife Lady Gloria.
    In addition to the excellent meal, highlights of the din-
ner included Past Grand Knight Kyle Hubbard’s announce-
ment of his selections for Family of the Year (PGK Jimmy
Williams, his wife Lady Sarah Patishnock, & his mother
Lady Phyllis Williams), Knight of the Year (PGK Stan Pot-
ter), and the Edmund A. Langr awardee (Brother Chris
Walker). Additionally, Kyle spoke briefly about the recently
completed 2020-21 Fraternal Year, expressing his apprecia-
tion for the incredible work of our council members in mit-
igating the challenges presented by the CoViD pandemic.
                                                                  Immediate Past Grand Knight Kyle Hubbard, ac-       Brother Jimmy Williams and Ladies Sarah
By stepping up our fundraising efforts we were able to fund
                                                                  companied by his wife, Lady Priscilla, receives a   Patishnock and Phyllis Williams accept Patuxent
all our planned charitable works and then some. We were           plaque and gavel in recognition of his leadership   Council’s 2020-2021 Family of the Year Award.
a shining star in the parish and Laurel Community, and we         during the 2020-2021 Fraternal Year.
were recognized by the State for our SHARE Program, se-
                                                                                                                                           Left: Council Chaplain and
lecting it as the Number One Community Program in the
                                                                                                                                           Pastor of St. Mary of the
State of Maryland and submitting SHARE to the Supreme                                                                                      Mills Fr. Larry Young blesses
Council as Maryland’s nominee for International recogni-                                                                                   the jewels of office.
tion. In his remarks, State Advocate Winfrey congratulated
                                                                                                                                           Right: Brother Stan Potter
us on being a tremendous example to the rest of the State.                                                                                 receives Patuxent Council’s
We showed everyone how to rise to the occasion during                                                                                      2020-2021 Knight of the
the pandemic and to not only continue our good works,                                                                                      Year Award.

but to increase our impact. Well done Patuxent Council!
And many thanks to PGK Kyle for his fantastic leadership!

2021-2022 Council Officers following the Installation ceremony.

Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
Patuxent Council 2203 Calendar                               July Birthdays
(as of July 22, 2021)
All dates are tentative due to the COVID-19 crisis           CMSgt. Theodore A. Gambogi IV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2
                                                             Timothy J. Humphreys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 2
July                                                         Rev. Philip W. Ilg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 6
22     Rosary for Life                                       Rev. Kevin M. Cusick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 7
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed
24     SHARE Distribution                                    Timothy R. Toplisek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 7
       8:45am – 11:00am; Keesler Center
                                                             Michael T. Webster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 10
29     Rosary for Life
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed                        James R. Cheney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 14
                                                             David G. Simmons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 15
August                                                       Stephen J. Edmonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 16
3      Patuxent Council Planning Meeting
       7:30pm – 8:30pm; HYBRID                               Nicholas Panebianco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 16
5      Rosary for Life, 8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed       Paul W. Simon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 17
10     Patuxent Council Business Meeting
       7:30pm-8:30pm, HYBRID                                 Tony O. Ezirike. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 18
10     Submissions for Ripple Due                            Saqib Francis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 19
12     Rosary for Life                                       Daniel W. Webster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 20
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed
17     Patuxent Council Social Meeting                       Franklin Q. Topasna. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 21
       7:30pm – 8:30pm; HYBRID
                                                             Deacon Robert L. Gignilliat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 25
18     Bishop McNamara Chapter Meeting
       8:00-9:00pm; Rosensteel Council #9707, S/S MD         Kyle W. Kiene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 28
19     Rosary for Life
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed                        Dominic C. Prunesti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . July 30
21     Little Sisters of the Poor
       10:00am – 12:00pm, Keesler Center
26     Rosary for Life
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed
28     SHARE Distribution                                    Patuxent Council 2203 Officers
       8:45am – 11:00am; Keesler Center
                                                             Chaplain Fr. Larry Young                               

September                                                    Assoc. Chaplain Fr. Christian Huebner       
2      Rosary for Life                                       Asst. Chaplain Deacon Bob Gignilliat                      
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed
4      UMD Concessions Vs West Virginia Football             Asst. Chaplain Deacon Jim Munno                     
       12:30pm – 7:00pm
7      Patuxent Council Planning Meeting                     Grand Knight Augustine Nwabueze
       7:30pm – 8:30pm; HYBRID
                                                             Deputy Grand Knight Richard Stevick                    
9      Rosary for Life
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed                        Chancellor Patrick Onyekweli                            
10     Submissions for Ripple Due
11     UMD Concession Vs Howard University Football          Recorder Frederick Krutz Jr                              
                                                             Treasurer Marc Alvarez                                   
14     Patuxent Council Business Meeting
       7:30pm-8:30pm, HYBRID                                 Advocate Ted Gambogi                             
15     Bishop McNamara Chapter Meeting
       8:00-9:00pm; Rosensteel Council #9707, S/S MD         Warden Habib Konate                                    
16     Rosary for Life
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-stream                          Inside Guard Adam Novak                                 
18     Little Sisters of the Poor                            Outside Guard Eloka Ifudu                             
       10:00am – 12:00pm, Keesler Center
21     Patuxent Council Social Meeting                       1-Year Trustee Gerard Gager                               
       7:30pm – 8:30pm; HYBRID
23     Rosary for Life                                       2-Year Trustee Stephen Hubbard                         
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed
                                                             3-Year Trustee Kyle S Hubbard                     
25     UMD Concessions Vs Kent State Football; TBA
29     Eliabeth House                                        Financial Secretary Bob Tenney                      
       4:00pm – 5:00pm
30     Rosary for Life                                       Lecturer Stephen Hubbard                               
       8:00pm – 8:30pm, live-streamed
                                                             Field Agent Matt O’Hare                                 

Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203 Patuxent Ripple July 2021 - Patuxent Council #2203
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