PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health

Page created by Joanne Bradley
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
                                    WEDNESDAY, 3 OCTOBER 2018

Featured: PD Buddy app team with
Metro South Board Chair Janine Walker.                               PD Buddy
                                               sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award
                                                      page 4-5
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PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
The designer of the model of care
        governing Logan’s maternity
        hubs and Professor of
        Mother and Infant Health
        at University of Dundee,
        and has paid a special
        visit to the Jajumbora
        Maternity Hub at Logan
        Prof Mary Renfrew, a nationally
        and internationally renowned
        midwife, health researcher and
        educator, met with staff last month,                                                                                                                             online

        sharing her wealth of experience on                                                                                                                            Practice Standard
        creating the best start in life.                                                                                                                               QUALITY

                                                              Hubs host special visitor
        “I met some tremendous practitioners
        working together to build a service that
        really meets the needs of women and
        babies,” Prof Renfrew said.
        “I talked with women and families and could see
        that there were lots of challenges - deprivation,      caring, and working hard to meet the individual           She said staff had the opportunity to discuss and
        culture, complex clinical needs and social             women, babies and families.... and you can’t ask          celebrate their passion for primary care provision
        problems,” she said.                                   more than that.”                                          for mums in the community, the safe space for
                                                                                                                         Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mums, the
        “I was really impressed with how the Hubs had          Midwifery Group Practice Midwifery Unit Manager           success of the model as an alternate to hospital
        evolved so successfully in such a short period of      Michelle O’Connor said the midwives were excited          care for mums who were less comfortable with the
        time. They have really worked out a lot about how to   to share the positives of the community model with        hospital environment as well as the benefits of one-
        problem solve effectively.                             Prof Renfrew and how this outreach to at-risk mums        on-one care for mums with complicated medical
        “I saw care that was firmly based in evidence, very    was the most important success of the hubs so far.        histories so that follow up could be more proactive.

                                                                                                      The Pulse is a great way to share what’s happening at Logan and
                                                                                                      Beaudesert Hospitals with all staff.
                                                                                                      The Pulse is designed to share service information, staff achievements or
                                                                                                      to congratulate staff on a job well done, but it’s also an opportunity for you
                                                                                                      to share activities and news from your own teams, or even about our staff
                                                                                                      active in the local community.
                                                                                                      Don’t forget that you can submit items for
                                                                                                                                                            submit now

                                                                                                      inclusion in a future edition via this link >>
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
Books bringing
                                                                                         love of literac
                                                                                     to Logan’s little

        Featured: Mum Selena Crook with midwives
        Jennifer Gardiner and Lydia Benea.

                                                   Logan mum Selena Crook knows                “If you start them early they learn to enjoy
                                                                                               books,” she said.
                                                   how important books are the
                                                                                               “If they have an interest it can help to focus
                                                   children and their development.             on that.
                                                   A mum of five boys aged 15 to 1-day-old,    “One of my sons loves comics but you can
                                                   Selena said her all her children had been   still turn that into a reading experience.”
                                                   exposed to books of all kinds from a very   Selena was just one mum to receive a
                                                   early age which had helped them develop a   generously donated book recently in Logan

                                                   love of reading.                            Hospital’s 2D as part of World Literacy Day.
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
“On Tuesday night I had the
        privilege of attending the
        2018 Board Chair’s Awards
                                                    Award reci pients:
        presentation ceremony. It was
        a pleasure to honour our staff,         Delivering Our Values
        volunteers and consumers for          Special Mention: Loga
                                                                    n Hospital ED
        their dedication to our patients         Ambassador Fred Oostr
        and our community.                                               yck

        I’m now extremely proud to                     Be Courageous
        share with you the recipients for           Winner: Logan Hospita
        this year’s awards.                         Audiology Department
        Special congratulations to
        the Peritoneal Dialysis team                  Unleash potential
        at Logan Hospital who were                  Winner: Logan Hospita
        the recipients of the pinnacle         Allied Health Vestibular
                                                                        Service            Featured: Logan Hospital Audiology Department
        award, the Board Chair’s                                                           staff with Board Member Adj Prof Iyla Davies.
        Award for Excellence.                   Shaping Our Future Aw
                                              Special Mention: Scho
        This team took a simple idea                                ol Based
        to make life easier for patients     Traineeship Team, Loga
        and staff—and made it a
        reality. They collaborated with Innovation Throug
        external partners to develop                           h Digital Technology
        the ‘PDBuddy’ smartphone                            Award
        app and clinician portal,         Sp ec ial M en tio n: Pharmacist Team,
        which gives patients the                      Lo gan Hospital
        ability to self-manage their
        condition effectively in the community.

        I’m always impressed by the culture of innovation and excellence, as well
        as the dedication to person-centred care, across all areas of Metro South
        Well done to everyone for a fantastic year of
        achievements and congratulations again to all the
                                                                       Practice Standard
        award recipients.”                                             QUALITY

                                                                                                                                Featured: Logan Hospital Allied Health Vestibular
        Janine Walker, Chair, Metro South                              Practice Standard                                        Service with Board Member Dr John Kastrissios.

PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
App making life easier for PD patients
           wins Board Chair
         Award for Excellence
        The app developed and trialled by
        staff Logan Hospital and the CSIRO
        to make the lives of peritoneal
        dialysis patients easier has received
        the highest honour at this year’s
        Board Chair Awards.
        CN Marnie Budd who worked on developing
        the PD Buddy app, said it guided PD patients
        through every step of their dialysis treatment
        by monitoring health measures, providing
        educational information and allowing staff to
        send SMS messages to the patients.
        She said the web-portal enabled clinical care
        providers to view their client’s progress and
        provide individualised care.
        “Patients enter and monitor their own health
        parameters which are then automatically
        uploaded to the web portal.                       LBHN Executive Director Jacinta Powell said
                                                          she was extremely proud of the staff involved
        “The system provides alerts to clinicians

                                                          in the development of the app that had
        when patients enter information outside of                                                                       Practice Standard
                                                          transformed the lives of so many patients.                         QUALITY
        the parameters, and links to appropriate

        educational resources to increase compliance      “I want to congratulate all of our staff from                      Practice Standard
        whilst providing continuous patient support.”     across Logan Bayside who were nominated in                         WELL-BEING
                                                          this year’s Board Chair Awards,” she said.
        Marnie said prior to the trial of this
        technology, patients were recording health
        information such as weight, blood pressure,
                                                          “We have so many amazing people doing
                                                          amazing things to provide the very best of care
        ultra filtration volume and type of PD used, in   to our patients to improve their quality of life,”

        paper based notebooks.                            she said.                                            like on
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
School Based
             i n e e s
          Tranew graduates
        Logan Hospital’s nine School Based Trainees
        have graduated after 12 months of hard work
        and dedication.
        Logan Bayside Health Network School Based Trainee
        Program Coordinator Karen Webster said the students had
        achieved a Certificate III in Individual Support, qualifying
        them to work as Assistants in Nursing.
        She said the trainees had worked one day every week in the
        hospital over the last year, caring for patients, showering
        them and providing general ward assistance.
        “This program provides young people in the local

                                                                                                                    . . .
        community with a wonderful opportunity and stepping
        stone to a career in nursing or the health care sector.
                                                                                                   tu l a t i o n s
        “These nine amazing young people now hope to further
        their studies in health care related fields.
        “The program is truly making a difference in the lives of
        young people.
        “We wish Abigail, Elizabeth, Cassandra, Jennifer , Patricia,
        Holly, Brettany, Nadia and Angelina every success in their
        future endeavours.”
        Karen said the success of the program would not be
        possible without the support of organisations and people
        across the community including Rochedale State High

                                                                       Program making a dif ference
        School, Mabel Park State High School, Shailer Park State
        High School, Cavendish Road State High School, Chisholm
        Catholic College, Marsden State High School, Rivermount
        College, OSMAC Group Training, TAFE Queensland, DESBT
        (Department of Employment, Small Business and Training),
        Metro South Health nursing teams and the families of the

                                                                                            Practice Standard

               online                   like on                                             DEVELOPMENT
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
Kids ready f
                                                                                                               or fun
                                                                                                    thanks to
                                                                                               Ma r ke tp la ce

        Featured: Little Piper Holloway loves spending
        time in the play room during with stay in the CIU.

                                                                                                                                               like on

         Beenleigh Marketplace has come to                   lived in Beenleigh.                                    in the Children’s Inpatient Unit every year with
         the rescue again for kids receiving                 “Beenleigh is a catchment of ours and we appreciate    many more thousands of children utilising the
         treatment in Logan Hospital’s Inpatient             that residents shop at Beenleigh Marketplace and       fracture, ENT, development and diabetes clinics as
                                                             support their local hospital by donating.              outpatients.
         Unit and various paediatric outpatient
         clinics with another generous donation              Many of those shoppers will use the children’s         “Our play area gets lots of use and at the moment
         for play equipment and toys.                        services at Logan Hospital and the things we are       the children’s outpatients areas have nothing to
                                                             able to buy with this donation helps make their stay   keep the kids busy so I know this will welcomed by
         CIU NUM Darren Hassen said thousands of little
                                                             here more comfortable.”                                them and all the parents who have to try and keep
         patients were visitors to the children’s services

         every year and that a huge percentage of those      Darren said around 4000 children were patients         their child entertained.”
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
Person-Centred  Care   Month
                                   OC TOB E R 2 0 1 8
                                                       What small action can you take today to make a difference?

        Caring for each person as an individual (patients   • The ‘Ward Communication Tool’ is available
        and staff) and recognising their mental, social,      on QHEPS to assist staff to communicate with     Person-centred care
        emotional, spiritual and physical care needs          people who do not speak English well.
        is the philosophy of Planetree and creates a        •   Review the signs and posters within your
        person-centred care environment.                        area and remove posters that are unfriendly,   Experience care from our
        What can you do during Person-Centred Care              duplicated or torn.
        Month to make an impact? Here are a few ideas:
                                                                                                               patient’s perspective.
                                                            • Start creating a Restful Environment for
        •   #hello, my name is.... A simple way for you       patients to help them heal and recover.          All staff are asked to participate in
            to make a small change that could have a big      Eye masks and ear plugs are available to         a short online module and a 2 hour,
            impact for patients, families and staff.          purchase. Resources available on QHEPS.          hands-on workshop.
                                                                                                               All staff should attend - enrol now
        >> More information on how you can make a difference is available HERE ON QHEPS.
                                                                                                                 BOOK NOW! via LeapOnline
            Another FUTURE HOSPITAL Program Initiative

                                                                               VISIT THE FHP SITE
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
^d&&Y t’s celebrate us!
                                                                         Le                                                                                                                                                 FUTURE HOSPITAL Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    C IVILITY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    A nd

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Let’s celebrate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    R ESPECT in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    E VERYTHING

                                                                                                                                                          Do you know someone who

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Click on the “C.A.R.E.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Program” link, now available

                                                                                                                                                          goes  above and beyond?
                                                                                                                                                          FUTURE HOSPITAL Program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in the Quicklinks on QHEPS.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Do you know someone w
                                                                                                                                                        The C.A.R.E. Program gives you the opportunity to provide feedback
                                                                                                                                                          about individuals that exemplify and uphold the respectful and safe  goes above and beyond?

                                                                                                                                                          Let’s celebrate us!
                                                                                                                                                         culture we wish to embed within the Logan and Beaudesert Hospitals.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The C.A.R.E. Program gives you the opportunity to prov
                                                                                                                                                        It is essential to not just identify unprofessional or unsafe behaviours,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           about individuals that exemplify and uphold the respe
           &ƌŝĚĂLJϱ KĐƚŽďĞƌϭϭĂŵʹϮƉŵ
                                                                                                                                                          but to also encourage and celebrate the individuals that are atculture
                                                                                                                                                          forefront of our culture change revolution.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the we wish to embed within the Logan and Beaud
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          C IVILITY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          A nd
                            KEd,͚K>͛Y^ZDW                                                                                                        Let’s celebrate all champions and promoters of professionalism
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               It is essential to not just identify unprofessional or uns
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        R ESPECT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       but to also encourage and celebrate           in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the individuals th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        E VERYTHING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       forefront of our culture change revolution.
                                                                                                                                                          and safety! We’d like to hear more about their positive influence
          WƵƚŽŶLJŽƵƌŽĚĚƐŽĐŬƐĂŶĚŚĞůƉ͚ƐƚŽŵƉŽƵƚ͛ ƚŚ              &ƌŝĚĂLJϱ KĐƚŽďĞƌϭϭĂŵʹϮƉŵ                                                       and share it with that individual, and then with our organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Let’s celebrate all champions and promoters of profe
          ŵĞŶƚĂůŚĞĂůƚŚƐƚŝŐŵĂ͘ůůƉƌŽĨŝƚƐŐŽƚŽǁĂƌĚƐ͗  Friday, 5 October
                                                     KEd,͚K>͛Y^ZDW                                                                                 Do you know someone who                                            and safety! We’dClick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 like on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to hear
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and share it withProgram”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CLICK  more about their positi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to access
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the “C.A.R.E.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the C.A.R.E.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            link, now      then with our o
                                                                                  11.00am - 2.00pm
                                                                   WƵƚŽŶLJŽƵƌŽĚĚƐŽĐŬƐĂŶĚŚĞůƉ͚ƐƚŽŵƉŽƵƚ͛                                              goesFUTURE
                                                                                                                                                                   above       and beyond?
                                                                                                                                                                       HOSPITAL Program           Initiative       VISIT THE FHP SITE            in the(via Internet Explorer only)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Quicklinks      on QHEPS.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Another FUTURE HOSPITAL Program Initiative            VIS

                                                                                  Logan Hospital - ‘old’ QAS Ramp                                           The C.A.R.E. Program gives you the opportunity to provide feedback
PD Buddy sweeps pinnacle Board Chair Award - page 4-5 - Metro South Health
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