Perceptions and experiences of healthcare providers during COVID-19 pandemic in Karachi, Pakistan: an exploratory qualitative study - BMJ Open

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                                      Perceptions and experiences of

                                                                                                                                                                            BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
                                      healthcare providers during COVID-19
                                      pandemic in Karachi, Pakistan: an
                                      exploratory qualitative study
                                      Anam Shahil Feroz ‍ ‍,1,2 Nousheen Akber Pradhan,2 Zarak Hussain Ahmed,2
                                      Mashal Murad Shah,2 Nargis Asad,3 Sarah Saleem,2 Sameen Siddiqi ‍ ‍2

To cite: Shahil Feroz A,              ABSTRACT
Pradhan NA, Hussain Ahmed Z,                                                                              Strengths and limitations of this study
                                      Objective To explore healthcare provider’s perspectives
et al. Perceptions and                and experiences of the barriers and facilitators to treat and
experiences of healthcare                                                                                 ►► The front-­line healthcare workers are uniquely posi-
                                      manage COVID-19 cases.
providers during COVID-19                                                                                    tioned to address some of the most pressing issues
                                      Design and setting We conducted an exploratory
pandemic in Karachi,                                                                                         related to the COVID-19 pandemic; thus, this study
Pakistan: an exploratory              qualitative study using a purposive sampling approach,
                                                                                                             is positioned well to explore experiences of the bar-
qualitative study. BMJ Open           at a private tertiary care teaching hospital in Karachi,
                                                                                                             riers and facilitators to treat and manage COVID-19
2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/         Pakistan. Study data were analysed manually using the
bmjopen-2021-048984                   conventional content analysis technique.
                                                                                                          ►► One limitation is that to minimise the risk of infection
                                      Participants Key-­informant interviews (KIIs) were
►► Prepublication history and                                                                                all study respondents were interviewed online over
                                      conducted with senior management and hospital
additional online supplemental                                                                               Zoom and hence the authors did not have the oppor-
material for this paper are           leadership and in-­depth interviews (IDIs) were conducted
                                                                                                             tunity to build rapport with the respondents or obtain
available online. To view these       with front-­line healthcare providers.
                                                                                                             non-­verbal cues during the interviews.
files, please visit the journal       Results A total of 31 interviews (KIIs=19; IDIs=12) were
                                                                                                          ►► The study was unable to conduct focus group in-
online (http://​dx.d​ oi.​org/​10.​   conducted, between April and May 2020. Three overarching
                                                                                                             terviews, due to the nature of outbreak prevention,
1136/b​ mjopen-​2021-0​ 48984).       themes emerged. The first was ‘challenges faced by front-­line
                                                                                                             which would have provided in-­depth information
                                      healthcare providers working in COVID-19 wards. Healthcare
Received 28 January 2021                                                                                     about personal and group feelings.
                                      workers experienced increased anxiety due to the fear of
Accepted 19 July 2021
                                      acquiring infection and transmitting it to their family members.
                                      They felt overwhelmed due to the exhaustive donning and
                                      doffing process, intense work and stigmatisation. The second       to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.1 First
                                      theme was ‘enablers supporting healthcare providers to deal        discovered in Wuhan, China; COVID-19 has
                                      with the COVID-19 pandemic’. Front liners pointed out several      swiftly travelled borders over the last couple
                                      enabling factors that supported hospital staff including a safe
                                                                                                         of months leaving a trail of high morbidity
                                      hospital environment, adequate training, a strong system of
                                      information sharing and supportive management. The third
                                                                                                         and mortality with devastating effect on econ-
                                      theme was ‘recommendations to support the healthcare               omies.2 As of 22 June 2020, there have been
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2021. Re-­use            workforce during the COVID-19 crisis’. Healthcare workers          9 071 341 confirmed cases globally, with 471
permitted under CC BY-­NC. No         recommended measures to mitigate current challenges                162 deaths.3 Moreover, 181 088 COVID-19
commercial re-­use. See rights        including providing risk allowance to front-­line healthcare       cases and 3590 deaths have been reported in
and permissions. Published by         providers, preparing a backup health workforce, and                Pakistan.4
                                      establishing a platform to address the mental health needs of        Pakistan shares borders with China and
 Dalla Lana School of Public          the healthcare providers.
Health, Institute of Health Policy
                                                                                                         Iran; one being the epicentre of the disease
                                      Conclusion This study provides an initial evidence base            and the other has seen an exponential
Management and Evaluation,
                                      of healthcare providers’ experiences of managing patients          increase of cases, respectively.5 The rapidly
University of Toronto, Toronto,
                                      with COVID-19 in the early stage of the pandemic and
Ontario, Canada                                                                                          evolving pandemic has stressed the entire
 Department of Community              highlights measures needed to address the encountered
                                      challenges. It offers lessons for hospitals in low-­income
                                                                                                         healthcare system of Pakistan and outpaced
Health Sciences, Aga Khan
University, Karachi, Sindh,           and middle-­income countries to ensure a safe working              the capacity of hospitals to meet the demand
Pakistan                              environment for front-­line workers in their fight against         for vital medical resources, such as ventila-
 Department of Psychiatry, Aga        COVID-19.                                                          tors, intensive care units beds, and personal
Khan University, Karachi, Sindh,                                                                         protective equipment (PPE).5 The hospitals
Pakistan                                                                                                 in Pakistan are in the midst of responding to
 Correspondence to                    BACKGROUND                                                         the pandemic and are adopting urgent and
 Dr Anam Shahil Feroz;                Countries around the world are facing the                          innovative approaches. These include aspects
              ​ ail.​utoronto.c​ a    unprecedented challenge and are struggling                         such as: setting up designated isolation wards

                                            Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984                                            1
Open access

                                                                                                                                                    BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
for patients diagnosed with COVID-19, procuring and                 included front-­line healthcare providers, directly involved
distributing PPE, conducting screening and performing               in the care of COVID-19 patients such as doctors, nurses,
diagnostic tests, delaying non-­    emergency procedures            and pharmacists.
and shifting from onsite to teleconsultation outpatient
services.4 5                                                        Data collection procedure
   Since the time COVID-19 has hit countries, scientific            Semistructured interview guides were designed for KIIs
evidence is clustering more around understanding the                and IDIs. The interview guides for KIIs and IDIs are
disease transmission and its pathogenicity. While disease           provided in online supplemental annexes 1 and 2 The
epidemiology is important to understand the spread and              interview involved a discussion on perceptions about the
risk factors, there is also a need to explore and under-            COVID-19 outbreak, along with the barriers and facili-
stand experiences and perceptions of the health work-               tators experienced by healthcare providers while caring
force involved in the COVID-19 crisis.6 As the numbers              for COVID-19 patients. The interview guides were pilot
are increasing, healthcare providers around the world are           tested with a non-­study sample (two KIIs and two IDIs)
playing a central role and are making great contributions,          with the same characteristics as the study sample. The
while simultaneously facing great challenges.7 The front-­          pilot testing offered evidenced-­base guidance to improve
line healthcare workers across the world are uniquely               data collection guides. Before beginning the interview,
positioned to address some of the most pressing issues              the study investigators explained the study objectives and
related to the COVID-19 pandemic such as: physical                  procedures to eligible healthcare providers and obtained
burn-­out due to increase workload, mental exhaustion,              informed consent for their participation in the study.
fear of becoming infected and infecting others, sense               Trained researchers, experienced in qualitative research,
of helplessness due to unavailability of personal protec-           conducted online interviews using Zoom. The interviews
tive gear, etc.8 9 Experiences from previous epidemics              were conducted in the languages of English and/or Urdu.
showed that while healthcare workers are often resilient,           Study participants were assured that their anonymity will
they require the same physical, psychological, and social           be maintained. Informed consent was also obtained for
support as others in times of turmoil.10–14 Initial research        notetaking and audio-­recording of the interview.
into the physical, emotional and psychological effects of
                                                                    Key-informant interviews
COVID-19 on the health workforce managing COVID-19
                                                                    A total of 19 KIIs were conducted with senior manage-
patients in Wuhan showed that intensive work tends to
                                                                    ment and hospital leadership. These KIIs were conducted
drain front-­ line healthcare providers physically and
                                                                    to understand the barriers and facilitators faced while
emotionally.7 14
                                                                    managing COVID-19 cases at Aga Khan University
   It is, therefore, significant to not only look to our
                                                                    Hospital (AKUH). The key informants were electroni-
current scientific knowledge but also to collect and inter-
                                                                    cally invited to participate in the qualitative study. Each
pret data on the specific ways this outbreak influences our
                                                                    KII took approximately between 30 and 45 min.
front-­line healthcare workers. This crisis situation necessi-
tates investigating healthcare providers’ perspectives and          In-depth interviews
experiences of the barriers and facilitators to treat and           IDIs were conducted with front-­line healthcare providers
manage COVID-19 cases. This study provides an under-                including doctors, nurses and pharmacists who were
standing of the factors that are necessary to improve the           directly involved in caring for COVID-19 patients. A total
experiences of healthcare providers dealing with the                of 12 IDIs interviews were conducted with a group of
COVID-19 pandemic.                                                  front-­line healthcare providers. The healthcare providers
                                                                    were identified from the AKUH COVID-19 inpatient
                                                                    wards and outpatient screening and testing areas. Front-­
METHODS                                                             line healthcare providers were electronically invited to
Study design and setting                                            participate in their off-­duty hours. Each IDI took approx-
This formative research employed an exploratory qualita-            imately between 30 and 45 min.
tive research design using semi-­structured interviews and
a purposive sampling approach. The study was conducted              Data analysis
at the private tertiary care teaching hospital in Karachi,          Study data were analysed manually using the conventional
Pakistan.                                                           content analysis technique.15 First, the audio recordings
                                                                    from the interviews were transcribed and then translated
Data collection methods and study participants                      into the English language. No identifying characteristics
The data collection methods for this formative research             were included in the transcriptions. Transcripts were read
included key-­ informant interviews (KIIs) and in-­ depth           several times by four research investigators to develop an
interviews (IDIs). Key informants were purposively                  interpretation of the perspectives and experiences of the
identified and recruited from senior management                     barriers and facilitators to treat and manage COVID-19
and hospital leadership, directly or indirectly involved            cases. This involved an iterative process where data were
with the management of COVID-19 patients. Similarly,                coded, compared, contrasted and refined to generate
participants for IDIs were also purposively recruited and           emergent themes. The transcribed text was divided into

2                                                                Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984
Open access

                                                                                                                                                                     BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
‘meaning units’ which were later shortened and labelled
                                                                                   Table 1 Characteristics of KIIs and IDI study participants
with a ‘code’ without losing the study context. Codes were                         (KII=19; IDI=12)
then analysed and grouped into similar categories. In the
                                                                                                                                       N (%) or median (range)
final step, similar categories were assembled under sub-­
themes and main themes. Two independent investiga-                                 Characteristics of KII participants                  
tors (NAP and ASF) performed the coding, and category                               Gender
creation and discrepancies were resolved through discus-                             
                                                                                     Female                                            11 (57.9%)
sion until a consensus was reached.                                                  
                                                                                     Male                                              8 (42.1%)
                                                                                    Age                                               45 (34–58)
Trustworthiness of the study                                                        Designation
Tracy et al16 and Lincoln and Guba’s criteria17 were used
                                                                                     Professor                                         5 (26.3%)
to establishing trustworthiness and methodological
                                                                                     Associate professor
                                                                                                                                      7 (36.8%)
rigour. To ensure credibility, the study triangulated data
                                                                                     Assistant professor
                                                                                                                                      2 (10.5%)
via two basic types of triangulation: data source triangula-
tion (exploring insights of different groups—healthcare                              
                                                                                     Manager                                           3 (15.8%)
providers and key-­informants) and investigator triangula-                           Leadership role
                                                                                                                                      2 (10.5%)
tion (use of multiple researchers in analysis phase—NAP                             Years of experience                               19 (1–45)
and ASF).18 Study rigour was also be enhanced through                               Characteristics of IDI participants                
member checking of transcripts and synthesised data to                              Gender
confirm whether study results have resonance with the                                
                                                                                     Female                                            11 (91.7%)
participants’ experience.19 Since our study used a qual-
                                                                                     Male                                              1 (8.3%)
itative approach, it was more interested in gaining an
                                                                                    Age                                               31 (22–48)
understanding of providers’ experiences of COVID-19
management rather than aiming at singular truth and                                 Designation

generalisation. Patton and Rolfe emphasise that the                                  
                                                                                     Doctor                                            5 (41.7%)
qualitative inquiry often prioritise depth over breadth                              
                                                                                     Nurse                                             6 (50%)
through studying smaller samples and even single case                                
                                                                                     Pharmacists                                       1 (8.3%)
and often makes very limited claims about the study                                 Years of experience                               9 (2–20)
external validity.20 21
                                                                                   IDI, in-­depth interview; KII, key-­informant interview.

Patient and public involvement
Patient public involvement is a relatively new concept in
Pakistan. Our data collection tool was piloted through                             in COVID-19 wards; (2) Enablers supporting health-
two IDIs to ensure that it is inclusive and comprehensive.                         care providers to deal with COVID-19 pandemic and
Front-­line healthcare providers were not involved in the                          (3) Recommendations to support healthcare workforce
development of research questions and design, and data                             during the COVID-19 crisis. The themes and categories
collection decisions.                                                              are presented in table 2.

                                                                                   Themes 1: challenges faced by front-line healthcare providers
RESULTS                                                                            working in COVID-19 wards
In this qualitative study, 19 KIIs and 12 IDIs were                                Concerns about the management of COVID-19 cases
conducted, between April and May 2020, with a variety of                           While front-­line healthcare providers and senior manage-
participants including, residents, registered nurses, head                         ment expressed their determination to offer services in
nurses, nurse managers, pharmacists, senior management                             these challenging times to manage COVID-19 patients,
and few key individuals from leadership positions. Data                            various concerns related to the treatment and manage-
collection was ceased once saturation was achieved; satu-                          ment of COVID-19 cases were articulated. Dialogues with
ration refers to the point in the research process when no                         hospital senior management representatives indicated
new information is discovered in data analysis22 The small                         that standard operating procedures (SOPs) have been
number of qualitative interviews allowed us to dug into                            designed to manage COVID-19 cases, however, few front-­
the depth of each interview to understand the unique                               line care providers believed that the presence of SOPs is
perspectives and experiences of healthcare providers                               fairly ambiguous. Expressing similar concerns, a pharma-
regarding COVID-19. The demographic information for                                cist stated:
the KIIs and IDIs participants is illustrated in table 1. All
the study participants (n=31) who were approached by                                 I have concerns about how to deal with patients …
the study team agreed to participate in the study.                                   We need a clear procedure for dealing with them.
  Based on the data collection and thematic analysis,                                For example, when someone comes into the pharma-
three overarching themes were identified (1) Chal-                                   cy, what procedures are we meant to follow (IDI-08,
lenges faced by front-­line healthcare providers working                             Pharmacist).

Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984                                                                                 3
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                                                                                                                                                           BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
 Table 2 Themes and categories
 Themes                                                 Categories

 Challenges faced by front-­line healthcare providers   ►► Concerns about the management of COVID-19 cases
 working in COVID-19 wards                              ►► Fear of acquiring infection and transmitting to family members
                                                        ►► Overwhelmed and exhausted by the workload and exhaustive donning and doffing
                                                        ►► The stigma associated with healthcare providers working in COVID-19 wards
Enablers supporting healthcare providers to deal with   ►► A safe and secured hospital environment
COVID-19 pandemic                                       ►► Adequate training and drills for dealing with COVID-19 cases
                                                        ►► The strong hospital system of information sharing during the COVID-19 crisis
                                                        ►► Supportive management and leadership
Recommendations to support healthcare workforce         ►► Prepare and train backup health workforce
during the COVID-19 crisis                              ►► Ensuring motivation for front-­line health workforce
                                                        ►► Anticipate and address the mental health needs of the health workforce

   During interviews, an insight into the initial practices                   I worry about being asymptomatic and carrying this
of managing the COVID-19 crisis was also probed. Senior                       infection to my family (IDI-07, Doctor).
hospital management mentioned that the hospital was
                                                                              The increased likelihood of contracting COVID-19 is
fully prepared to manage this public health emergency
                                                                            also psychologically affecting the senior management
since its epidemic in China. Contrary to this, front-­line
                                                                            team across the hospital. Due to their exposure; their
physicians and nurses verbalised glimpses of an ad hoc
                                                                            family members are also at risk of acquiring the infection.
management of outpatient hospital areas for COVID-19
screening and testing, during the early phase of the                          I work in the emergency department so I always have
pandemic. Furthermore, on one hand, senior manage-                            a fear that the next patient I see will need serious
ment generally exhibited their satisfaction over the avail-                   treatment and I may have to resuscitate him/her. But
ability and provision of PPEs to front-­   line healthcare                    now, I always have a fear that the next patient will be
providers. While on the other hand, shortages of PPEs                         Covid-19 positive and that they may infect me. And if
were notified by few healthcare providers, alongside sani-                    I get infected my family will get infected. So, this fear
tisers while providing care to the patients.                                  is a little bit different and it will last till the pandemic
                                                                              last (IDI-12, Doctor)
    Sometimes we face a shortage of sanitizers and other
    essential PPEs such as masks. I think that all the PPEs                   While verbalising the concerns about the healthcare
    should be available at all times so that we are not wor-                providers' exposure in getting infected, respondents also
    ried. Sometimes doctors ask us to bring them an N95                     voiced their concerns that front line staff is at high risk of
    mask and we are unable to do so because we do not                       getting infected even in non-­COVID-19 areas across the
    have any (IDI-02, Nurse)                                                hospital setting.
  Although respondents appreciated the availability of
                                                                            Overwhelmed and exhausted by the workload and exhaustive
negative pressure rooms during the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                            donning and doffing process
concerns about the limited capacity of the hospital were
                                                                            To protect front-­   line workers against COVID-19, the
verbalised for the efficient and timely management of
                                                                            infection control policy at AKUH mandates that all staff
COVID-19 cases. Few hospital staff reported that they
                                                                            working in areas where COVID-19 patients are suspected
experienced violent behaviour by the family in case of
                                                                            wear a full sleeve impervious gown, gloves, and an N95
refusal to admit new patients.
                                                                            mask. While this policy is no doubt effective and in line
                                                                            with the best interest of the front-­line workers, it poses
Fear of acquiring infection and transmitting to family members              several challenges. For instance, our interviews revealed
Due to the highly contagious nature of the coronavirus                      that several participants found the N95 mask suffocating
(SARS-­CoV-2) and perceived uncertainty in contracting                      to wear for a prolonged period of time. Commenting on
the disease, interviews with physicians and nurses revealed                 the experience of wearing full PPE one front-­line worker
their apprehension in acquiring the virus while treating                    stated:
patients. The front-­line workers face a unique mental
health challenge and several respondents experienced                          We…get tired of wearing full PPE because we have to
feeling guilty about potentially carrying the virus to their                  be in the room with the patient for four hours. It gets
families. Highlighting this point, one respondent stated:                     really hot and the extra layers of protection weigh
                                                                              heavy on the body (IDI-11, Nurse).
    It is a stressful situation. By the end of the day when
    I am taking a break, I have many negative thoughts.                       Moreover, another respondent highlighted how the
    I worry about carrying this infection to my family…I                    process of using PPE is complicated when staff is required
    have a young daughter at home and nearly every day                      to visit one patient to another. This occurs because

4                                                                       Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984
Open access

                                                                                                                                                      BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
the staff has to meticulously switch in and out of PPEs.                           have been improved as the hospital administration
Therefore, what was initially a mundane process has now                            became more knowledgeable about the nature of this
become a critical aspect of infection control. This point                          disease. One respondent stated the hospital’s disaster
was illustrated by a respondent who stated:                                        management and incident command system were
                                                                                   ensuring adequate training and smooth communication
  It takes around 5–7 min to put on our PPEs. We then
                                                                                   throughout the hospital.
  go to the patient’s room… come back and spend the
  same amount of time to switch our PPEs before going                                When the number of cases started increasing, the
  to the next patient’s room. This process is a big hassle                           hospital enacted the Hospital Incident Command
  and is time-­consuming. But we have to be extra care-                              System, leaders from each of the different areas that
  ful, if this procedure is not done properly, we can pass                           is, logistics, communications, medicine, etc came
  on the infection (IDI-07, Doctor).                                                 together to make sure that everything was in place-.
                                                                                     The hospital has now made smaller groups which
  While this process is no doubt challenging, one
                                                                                     meet regularly to go over each of the issues and an ex-
respondent offered an encouraging remark stating:
                                                                                     ecutive Operations Command Committee goes over
  Initially we felt that our workload has increased, how-                            what should be done. (KII-19, Associate Professor)
  ever, with the passage of time we have become used to
                                                                                     While provisions are made for the availability of PPE
  it and things feel normal (IDI-16, Nurse).
                                                                                   for the staff, many noted that implementation of proper
                                                                                   usage of PPE and adequate hand hygiene is still a problem
The stigma associated with healthcare providers working in                         that requires behavioural change. It was also stated that
COVID-19 wards                                                                     healthcare providers that are considered vulnerable (ie,
COVID-19 is primarily transmitted from symptomatic                                 elderly and/or have serious pre-­existing conditions) are
people to others through direct contact, or by contact                             not allowed to work in the COVID-19 established areas.
with contaminated objects and surfaces. Moreover, a                                  While several precautions are being taken, one respon-
large portion of those infected is asymptomatic, meaning                           dent claimed that there were many places for improve-
they show no overt markers of the infection. As a result of                        ment. One stated that it is complacent to feel good about
this, front-­line workers face a unique mental health chal-                        any sense of safety and security and that it is important to
lenge. Since they work in high-­risk environments many                             remain vigilant in the case of new information about the
opt to hide details about their work-­life in fear of being                        disease or a high influx of patients.
stigmatised by their communities.
                                                                                     There are several places where things can slip through
  I know that in some cases health care workers do                                   the cracks, and cause problems, and there are several
  not tell their families and communities that they are                              points that will fail if they come under pressure- I am
  working with Covid-19 patients. They fear that this                                not absolutely confident, but it is good so far. (KII- 16,
  will cause unnecessary panic and people may view                                   Professor)
  them differently (KII-19, Associate Professor).
   It is likely that this anxiety within the families and                          Adequate training and drills for dealing with COVID-19 cases
communities of healthcare workers is propagated by                                 When questioned about training and drills, most respon-
the ambiguity of information available on COVID-19. It                             dents stated that everyone who is working for COVID-19
is possible that the hospital may address many of these                            is trained in the usage of PPE, N95 mask, donning and
issues by extending its outreach services. During the                              doffing, and taking test samples using nasopharyngeal
interviews, a front-­line worker was critical of the hospital’s                    swabs. Many also said that regular training was being
current outreach services:                                                         carried out on the job and at the CIME, and that master
                                                                                   trainers were being trained to then disseminate infor-
  Our services should be extended to the community.                                mation and train the rest of the department. Covinars
  Compared to other institutions we have not done                                  (COVID-19 Webinar) sessions are being conducted to
  enough. Many people have criticized us in this pan-                              help train and provide information about the disease.
  demic (IDI-08, Pharmacist).
                                                                                     We have completed 2-­day training workshops or sem-
   By providing more extensive services to surrounding                               inars and get trained every day in new technologies
communities, the hospital could not only alleviate the                               and when new guidelines come (IDI-02, Nurse)
stigma faced by front-­line workers but also reduce the
surge of false information.                                                           However, some specialists were concerned that very
                                                                                   little had been done in the way of training; it was noted
Theme 2: enablers supporting healthcare providers to deal                          that besides guidance on the N95 mask fitting test, there
with COVID-19 pandemic                                                             were no opportunities to go through any drills. While
A safe and secured hospital environment                                            communications were being carried out, it was not consid-
Many respondents stated that the hospital has provided a                           ered sufficient. Others said that while training were being
safe environment for employees and that safety measures                            conducted, they were not very regular. While they stated

Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984                                                                  5
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                                                                                                                                                   BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
that this may be because of the social distancing meas-            they also recognised the efforts of all other support
ures, they insisted on more regular online training.               departments who are working together for the safety
                                                                   of front-­line hospital staff. These support departments
The strong hospital system of information sharing during the       include finance, design office, construction, laundry,
COVID-19 crisis                                                    purchase and supply chain management, safety and
While the outbreak of COVID-19 has put immense pres-               security, human resource, information, and technology
sure and stress on the hospital staff, many facilitators           department, nutrition and food services, marketing and
support the hospital staff to deal with the pandemic.              communications, travel services, etc.
Respondents stated that information was being shared
through video messages and that helplines and hotlines                All the support departments are contributing in the
for staff and the public were effective in screening for              same manner as our frontline healthcare providers
COVID-19 symptoms. While many stated that informa-                    (KII-01, Professor)
tion sharing was difficult at first, it was claimed that this         In addition, the few IDI participants mentioned that
was due to the changing information coming about the               institutional leadership has arranged accommoda-
disease from international agencies It was reported that           tion facilities for the front-­line staff who are working
the hospital leadership holds weekly meetings with senior          in COVID-19 wards but the hospital staff is not availing
management, who then circulate that within their respec-           those services because they have their families and chil-
tive departments.                                                  dren back home. Few respondents further stated that the
    I think we have a reasonably good system built for             senior management has also ensured the provision of
    disaster and we have a very defined chair of com-              shower facilities for the front-­line hospital staff; however,
    mand… There have been different working groups                 due to time limitations, nurses are unable to make effec-
    formed for Covid-19 and they all have specialized              tive use of those facilities.
    tasks for information sharing, and there is a Covid-19
    hotline for employees and the public and that is ade-          Theme 3: recommendations to support the healthcare
    quate. (KII-16, Professor)                                     workforce during the COVID-19 crisis
                                                                   Prepare and train backup health workforce
  In addition, university-­wide town hall meetings were            Both IDI and KII participants mentioned that they have
held regularly. It was suggested that more town halls              been experiencing staff shortages in COVID-19 wards
should be carried out and that regular memos should                because many of the front-­       line healthcare providers
be sent with information about caring for those with the           have been either quarantined or isolated due to expo-
disease.                                                           sure. When asked about recommendations to support
                                                                   the front-­line health workforce, most IDI respondents
    Town halls boosted the morale of the health care pro-
                                                                   suggested that healthcare providers (doctors and nurses)
    viders, and this communication was very good. (KII-3,
                                                                   of other sub-­   specialties (neurology, cardiac, surgery,
                                                                   orthopaedic) need to be trained as a backup to mitigate
                                                                   situations when entire internal medicine teams may be
Supportive management and leadership                               placed in self-­quarantine due to COVID-19 exposure. In
Most IDI participants mentioned that senior manage-                addition, a few key informants recommended that there
ment and institutional leadership is providing immense             should be a central backup plan for staff coverage in both
support by ensuring appropriate PPE in the COVID-19                COVID-19 and routine wards.
and non-­COVID-19 wards to ensure the safety of front-­
line healthcare providers. In addition, few participants              Currently, only the healthcare providers of Covid-19
mentioned that the institutional leadership regularly                 wards have received specialized training on ventila-
visits COVID-19 units for staff appreciation and encour-              tor code, BIPAP management, and handling body
agement. Besides, the senior management responds                      of expired Covid-19 patient. However, these training
to healthcare providers’ concerns in a timely manner                  should be given to all healthcare staff across the insti-
through a WhatsApp group.                                             tution to prepare a central backup. (IDI-03, Nurse)

    Initially, we were supposed to remain inside the pa-
    tient room consecutively for 4 hours. This was very ex-        Ensuring motivation for front-line health workforce
    hausting for bedside nurses especially since we have           To ensure enthusiasm among front liners, study respon-
    to wear three layers of PPE. We raised these concerns          dents highlighted the need of appreciating and moti-
    and senior management has now permitted us to exit             vating front-­line providers for their countless efforts in
                                                                   this pandemic battle.
    the room when the patient’s condition gets stable …
                                                                      Most IDIs including front-­line nurses suggested that
    we now observe the patients from the mirrored door.
                                                                   risk allowance should be given to all front-­line healthcare
    This has given us a huge relief (IDI-11, Nurse)
                                                                   providers involved in the treatment and management of
              line providers appreciated the support
  While front-­                                                    COVID-19 patients. Healthcare providers suggested that
received from management and institutional leadership,             instead of giving extra time off, hospital staff should be

6                                                               Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984
Open access

                                                                                                                                                     BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
compensated for taking additional risks while caring for                           providers during the COVID-19 pandemic in Pakistan.
COVID-19 cases.                                                                    The research identified challenges faced by healthcare
                                                                                   providers while managing COVID-19 patients, alongside
  As you know the world is very materialistic and peo-
                                                                                   strategies to cope with these. The front-­line healthcare
  ple always need motivation. While we are being en-
                                                                                   providers pointed out several concerns that influenced
  couraged by senior management, this form of verbal
                                                                                   their ability and willingness to treat and manage COVID-19
  motivation will only work for a time period. If the cur-
                                                                                   patients. These included shortage of PPEs and hand sani-
  rent situation is going to go on, we will need to give
                                                                                   tisers, lack of clear SOPs, ad hoc management of hospital
  people an added incentive in the form of material
                                                                                   outpatient area for COVID-19 screening and testing,
  compensation. This can either be more money or ad-
                                                                                   violent behaviour by families of COVID-19 positive patient
  ditional days off (IDI-04, Nurse).
                                                                                   and limited capacity of the hospital to treat and manage
   In addition, respondents verbalised that some activities                        increasing COVID-19 positive patients. Notwithstanding
for staff entertainment should also be thought-­about to                           some challenges that cannot be mitigated by the institu-
alleviate stress and anxiety associated with this crisis situa-                    tion such as the increasing number of COVID-19 positive
tion among healthcare providers.                                                   patients and unexpected violent behaviour of families
                                                                                   of COVID-19 positive patients, a number of corrective
Anticipate and address the mental health needs of the health                       actions that can be taken to lessen the impact of others.
workforce                                                                             Our results highlight, especially in the initial period
IDI and KII respondents mentioned that there is no                                 of the crisis, differences in the responses received from
formal platform established where front liners' voices are                         senior management and front-­line providers with regard
being heard. Such a platform could provide an opportu-                             to the availability of PPEs and sanitisers, presence of clear
nity to anticipate and address the mental health needs of                          SOPs, preparedness of hospital to manage COVID-19
the front-­line health workforce.                                                  pandemic. These discrepancies could be partly due to the
  Everyone is very stressed. I see it every time one of                            communication gap between the two group of respon-
  my staff has to take care of a suspected patient, they                           dents (whereby senior management and hospital lead-
  are hesitant and scared. Sometimes, I feel the same                              ership was heavily involved in the process of designing
  way myself. We need an integrated counseling pro-                                new screening and testing site, procuring PPE and
  gram. People should not just come for counseling                                 updating SOPs considering the differential progression
  when they are mentally struggling. Similar to how                                of the outbreak). Most have now been addressed through
  we have guidelines for PPE and social distancing we                              corrective actions by the hospital leadership during the
  should have small group talks on ZOOM so that we                                 last few weeks and months. As this is a leading private
  can dispel our anxieties before they build up (KII 06,                           teaching hospital in the country, the senior manage-
  Associate Professor).                                                            ment and hospital leadership was able to successfully
                                                                                   address the gaps to improve the experiences of front
   Few study participants particularly KIs appreciated                             liners involved in this pandemic. However, this may not
the motivation sessions organised by psychiatric fellows                           be the case in most public sector hospitals, where front-­
on stress and coping. However, study respondents high-                             line healthcare workers continue to face challenges. The
lighted the need of arranging more psychiatric sessions                            healthcare systems in low-­     income and middle-­    income
for healthcare staff on a daily basis to cope with the stress.                     countries face serious constraints in capacity and acces-
More specifically, participants stated that currently there                        sibility during normal times. This would be aggravated
is a blanket approach around mental health; however,                               during the COVID-19 outbreak, leading to worse clinical
more is needed to address varied concerns of the health                            outcomes, poor-­quality healthcare and poor healthcare
workforce.                                                                         workers’ experiences.23 24
                                                                                      Consistently with experiences from previous outbreaks and
  There was a zoom session arranged on stress manage-
                                                                                   emergencies,23 25 front-­line healthcare workers providing care
  ment, but I was unable to attend it due to my duties.
                                                                                   to COVID-19 patients experienced increased anxiety and
  I think we need more of these sessions. We can even
                                                                                   stress. Our study found that the increased exhaustion among
  add more innovative things such as breathing exercis-
                                                                                   healthcare providers is due to the fear of acquiring infection
  es, mindfulness, and yoga. There is so much anxiety
                                                                                   and transmitting it to their family members. Anxiety and
  relating to Covid-19 both at work and in our homes.
                                                                                   burnout among healthcare providers were also reported by
  Everyone is so panicked and there is so much hype
                                                                                   studies conducted in high-­income countries although coun-
  going around. These types of innovative sessions
                                                                                   tries were combating different stages of the pandemic.23 This
  would really help (IDI-05, Doctor)
                                                                                   may be due to standard changes in working hours, shortage
                                                                                   in a skilled workforce and inadequate access to PPE.23 The
                                                                                   front-­line providers in our study felt overwhelmed due to
DISCUSSION                                                                         the exhaustive donning and doffing process, intense work,
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to                           and a large number of patients, which was consistent with
explore perceptions and experiences of healthcare                                  the studies on the outbreak of MERS-­Cov26 27 and Ebola.28

Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984                                                               7
Open access

                                                                                                                                                       BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984 on 3 August 2021. Downloaded from on January 4, 2022 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Our results undoubtedly show that stigma is a pressing issue           or isolated due to exposure. Similar recommendations
for the front-­line healthcare workers working in COVID-19             have been provided by a number of studies conducted in
wards. Several studies have reported that there are several            diverse settings.34–36 Our study also showed that a formal
potential mechanisms by which stigma could affect health-              platform where front liners’ voices could be heard did
care providers’ outcomes,29 30 and HCPs who experience                 not exist. Respondents reported that such a platform
higher levels of stigma reported increased physical (fatigue)          could provide an opportunity to anticipate and address
and psychological distress (burn-­    out).31 These pressures          the mental health needs of the front-­line health work-
can lead to mental health problems, for example, burn-­out,            force. Experiences from similar outbreaks suggest that
anxiety, depression, insomnia, denial, anger, which not only           early psychological intervention and establishment of
influence front-­line healthcare providers’ attention, under-          early support systems are particularly important for front
standing and decision-­making capacity but could also have             liners to promote the emotional release and improve
a long-­lasting impact on their physical and psychological             healthcare providers' mental health.37
health after the COVID-19 emergency is over.7                             This study was conducted in a leading private tertiary
   While the outbreak of COVID-19 put immense pres-                    care teaching hospital in Karachi, Pakistan that offers
sure and stress on the hospital staff, many enabling factors           state-­of-­the-­art healthcare. The initial challenges progres-
supported hospital staff to deal with these aspects, which have        sively led to a fairly successful story. The same cannot be
progressively evolved over the duration of the pandemic. As            said for a large number of public and private hospitals
a result of this pandemic, the entire hospital was able to pull        in the country. The shortage of PPE has been a frequent
together and many departments across the university hospital           occurrence and has even led to public protests, undoubt-
coordinated to ensure smooth and efficient operations. Find-           edly contributing to mental stress and distress. The expe-
ings suggest that the respondents felt that they were actively         rience gained from the current study offers lessons for
encouraged and supported by senior management and the                  other hospitals in the country to benefit from. There is no
university leadership. More specifically, the research subjects        doubt that good quality healthcare against COVID-19 can
felt that over time the safe and secured hospital environment          only be ensured if the front-­line workers are well taken
enabled healthcare providers to perform their routine tasks            care of in terms of their mental health and physical needs
and reduce their feeling of uncertainty and fear. Similar find-        when asked to serve critically ill patients round the clock.
ings have been reported by the qualitative study published                This study provides an initial evidence base of healthcare
in Lancet Global Health by Liu et al.32 Our study found that           providers’ experiences of managing COVID-19 patients
the healthcare providers were appreciative of the training             in an early stage of the pandemic when the participants
provided to them regarding the use of PPE, N95 mask,                   just accepted the antiepidemic tasks. Diverging from the
donning and doffing, and taking test samples using nasopha-            findings of various studies on the experience of negative
ryngeal swabs. However, it was reported that more drills could         emotions and barriers encountered during the outbreak,
be conducted to improve their hands-­on skills and reduce the          we found that facilitators coexist with challenges, which
risk of acquiring infection. Health workforce safety is a high         supported front liners to effectively deal with the crisis.
priority and therefore it is essentially important to provide          The findings from this study can be directly used for
sufficient protective supplies and training and drills for effec-      improving preparedness and response for possible future
tive management of COVID-19 cases.32 A unique yet encour-              COVID-19 waves or other outbreaks. Future research
aging finding reported by our study participants was that the          could be conducted to perform an in-­depth analysis of
hospital developed a strong system of information sharing to           before-­ and-­ after pandemic conditions and their influ-
keep faculty and staff updated about the COVID-19 situation            ence on healthcare providers’ experiences.
through video messages, hotlines, town halls and what are
now called Covinars.                                                   Methodological limitations
   Our study also reported some recommendations to miti-               The study sample was small, particularly when considering
gate current challenges and further improve the experi-                the AKUH employs over 6300 healthcare providers, yet our
ences of healthcare providers working in COVID-19 wards.               study intent was to be dug into the depth of each interview to
The front-­line providers caring for COVID-19 patients                 understand unique perspectives and experiences of health-
felt extreme physical discomfort and fatigue due to long               care providers regarding COVID-19. Bengtsson et al suggest
working hours and complicated donning and doffing                      that the qualitative researcher has often to choose depth over
process and suggested that institutions should provide                 breadth to gain a rich understanding of a phenomenon.38
risk allowance to compensate healthcare providers for the              However, there remains a possibility that our sample belongs
additional risks they take and to motivate staff to continue           to a particular subgroup of healthcare providers who were
to work. This finding is consistent with the previous experi-          motivated to engage with the study to inform a particular
ence from the outbreak of Ebola in western Africa, where               story for their COVID-19 experience. Another limitation of
risk allowance was adopted as a strategy for motivating                this study was that all study respondents were interviewed
and retaining healthcare workers.33 Our study suggested                online, to minimise the risk of infection. The authors did not
preparing and cross-­train a backup health workforce to                have the opportunity to build rapport with respondents over
effectively respond to staff shortages as many of the front-­          Zoom or obtain non-­verbal cues during interviews. Due to
line healthcare providers have been either quarantined                 the nature of outbreak prevention, our study was unable to

8                                                                   Shahil Feroz A, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e048984. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-048984
Open access

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