Page created by Nancy Flynn

2021-2022: MSS/USS Senior School Drama

Year 12 Production, November 2021
IBDP Theatre students will select, direct and perform
their own work in our very own Edward Alleyn Theatre.
Who can participate?
IBDP Theatre students only
Rehearsal Days:
Lesson time
Key Dates:
Weekend rehearsals: 20 and 21 November
Performance: 23 November

Year 9 to 13 Musical, March 2022
The musical is back! Join us in an all-singing, all-
dancing extravaganza. Details of the musical and
audition process will be available on MyCollege/Firefly
for students in July.
Who can participate?
All students in Years 9 to 13
Students will be required to attend a group and a solo audition
where they will present a pre-prepared song.
Please note: This will be a small cast production.
Rehearsal Days:
Seasons 1 and 2
Monday and Thursday, 3.45-5.30
Not all students will be needed at all rehearsals
Key Dates:
Weekend rehearsals: 30 October and 12 February
Dress rehearsals: 5-7 March
Performances: 8-9 March

Students wishing to participate in these productions
should sign up for the relevant CCAs.
2021-2022: LSS/MSS Senior School Drama

Year 7 to 9 Scripted Performance, March 2022
A Thousand Cranes
A Thousand Cranes is the true, poignant story of Sadako
Sasaki, who was only two years old when the atomic
bomb fell on Hiroshima. At age twelve she was
diagnosed with 'radiation sickness'. With boundless
optimism, she takes an old story to heart: "If a sick
person folds a thousand paper cranes, the gods will
grant her wish and make her well again."
Who can participate?
All students in Years 7, 8 and 9
Week beginning 23 August.
Sign up for an audition slot here.
And complete the registration form here.
Rehearsal Days:
Seasons 1 and 2 (until 23 February)
Wednesdays, 1.00-1.30
Thursdays, 3.40-5.45
Key Dates:
Weekend rehearsals: 19-20 February
Performances: 21-23 February

Year 7 and 8 Performance, June 2022
(Founder's Day)
Who can participate?
All students in Years 7 and 8
Rehearsal Days:
Season 3
Thursdays, 3.40-5.30
Fridays, 1.00-1.30
Key Dates:
Weekend rehearsals: 28-29 May
Performance: 3 June

Students wishing to participate in these productions
should sign up for the relevant CCAs.
2021-2022: Other SS Drama Opportunities

Dramathon: A 24 Hour Play, April 2022
A Devised Performance
Join us as we produce a performance in 24 hours based on
scripts written, edited and directed by YOU! An opportunity
not to be missed! Students will submit a short script that
they have created in order to apply for their place.
More details to be announced in 2022!

House Drama Competition, June 2022
Trinity Term 2022 will see the introduction of a brand-new
House Drama competition in the Senior School. A team of
students from each of the four Houses will devise, design,
direct and perform a piece of theatre for some very special
guest judges.

Stage Crew, year round
This year we will be expanding our stage crew to support
productions, assemblies and events. We need lighting
designers and technicians, sound crew, stage managers and
projection designers. Students will be trained in their
chosen specialism through bespoke workshops with
industry professionals and allocated key event(s) to work on
throughout the year. Key dates will be provided (dependent
on projects) at the start of the year.
Students should apply via the CCA portal. However, please
be aware that this CCA does not meet on a regular basis.

Devising Drama CCA
Need more drama in your life? Come and join this CCA to
learn more games and devising techniques as we explore a
range of styles and genres and consider how we can create
work that has meaning for an audience.
Who can participate?
Students in Years 9 to 12
CCA days​:
Season 3
Mondays, timing TBC
2021-2022: Ignite!

What is the Ignite! Performing Arts
Ignite! Is a programme for committed students in
Years 10 to 13 who are passionate about the
performing arts and who strive to develop their
skills further. The Ignite! programme provides a
pathway for future success.

What types of activities will students
explore as part of the programme?
Ignite! gives students the opportunity to explore
areas that do not necessarily fall into curriculum
lessons or CCAs activities.
The programme will offer students the
opportunity to:
  •   Take on larger and more challenging roles
      in smaller cast performances
  •   Participate in specialised workshops such
      as stage make-up, radio drama, acting for
      TV, musical theatre and set design
  •   Lead performances or CCAs with younger
  •   Work on audition skills for performances in
      or outside the College
  •   Work with people in industry to develop
      both skills and a network of contacts
  •   The programme will help students develop
      skills in other Performing Arts areas. You
      may aspire to be a performer, creator,
      director, designer or choreographer.
      However, in the Performing Arts industry
      today, potential employers are looking to
      employ candidates that have a variety of
2021-2022: The Performing Arts Society

What is the Performing Arts Society?
This is a brand-new society for passionate
performing arts students who are looking to develop
their leadership skills.

What will the members of the Performing
Arts Society do?
Commitee members will have a 'voice' in the
Performing Arts Faculty. They will help the team
decide on new material for performances and create
new opportunities for students to get involved in.
They will lead new events such as House Drama,
Dramathon, Oscars, theatre trips, Murder Mystery
Night and many more!

How will the Performing Arts Society be
The Performing Arts Society will be open to all
students in the SS. In August, we will be interviewing
for specific roles such as: President, Secretary and
Treasurer. More information on the interview
process will be available in August.
For more information please click here.
2021-2022: Senior School Dance CCAs

Boys’ Hip Hop and Breakdance CCA
A CCA for students ranging from beginners to the more
experienced who love to dance and want to learn the basics and
develop their Hip Hop and Breakdance performance. You will have the
opportunity to improve coordination, strength and stamina as well as
to acquire more advanced movements and tricks too. Students will be
learning routines with a set theme and will also have an
opportunity to develop creative freestyle moves.
Who can participate?
Students in Years 7 to 13
CCA Days:
Seasons 1 to 3
Tuesdays, 3.45-4.45

Dance Fusion CCA
Open to all students whether highly experienced or with little to no
dance background. This CCA will focus primarily on Hip Hop and
Contemporary dance as well as exploring other styles, including Street
Style Jazz and genres from different eras such as the Charleston and
Rock ‘n’ Roll! Students will develop their dance technique and
condition their bodies, as well as learning new fun routines,
introductory choreography and expressive skills for performance.
Who can participate?​
Students in Years 7 and 8​
CCA Days:​
Seasons 1 to 3
Thursdays, 3.45-4.45
Students must be able to commit the above-mentioned CCAs for
all seasons in preparation for the Whole School Dance Showcase in
late April 2022.

Just Dance CCA
Experience Just Dance's greatest dance routines without a console:
you just need your mobile phone! A lunchtime CCA to get your body
moving to your favourite songs and have fun at the same time.
Who can participate?
Students from Years 7 to 13
CCA Days:
Friday lunchtimes
2021-2022: Senior School Dance

Dulwich Dance Company
For students with experience in ballet, lyrical and contemporary
dance. Open to students in Years 7 to 13 through an audition
process, this CCA will focus on performance and choreography.
Students will explore and train in the styles of Contemporary, Ballet
and Lyrical to perform at various school events throughout the year.
Students will have the opportunity to perform at an advanced level,
as well as be a part of the choreography process. Successful dancers
must be able to commit to two rehearsal sessions every week and
extra rehearsals in preparation for performances.
Who can participate?
Years 7 to 13 through an audition process in the week
beginning 30 August
Rehearsal Days:
Seasons 1 to 3
Tuesday Mornings, 7.15-8.15 and Wednesdays, 3.45- 5.30
Key Dates:
Remembrance Day, Christmas Concert, end of term
Celebration assemblies and events such as International
Dance Day and the Whole School Celebration of Dance in
Trinity Term.
Rhythm Addiction Dance Crew
A performance dance crew specialising in a fusion of hip hop, street
style jazz, break dance, contemporary and musical theatre, working
towards a variety of school events and competitions. Students will
be chosen by audition in the first weeks of the academic year.
Dancers will be required to prepare a short solo in their chosen style
or fusion of styles in addition to learning a set choreography.
Who can participate?​
By audition for students in Years 9 to 13​ in
the week beginning 30 August
Rehearsal Days:​
Wednesdays, 7.15-8.15

Whole School Dance Showcase, June 2021
A Celebration of Dance
A major celebration of dance from across the College. Students from
DUCKS, Junior School and Senior School will come together to
showcase the incredible work being created in dance curriculum
lessons, CCAs and workshops. Expect a huge range of dance styles
including contemporary, lyrical, ballet, jazz, Irish, hip hop,
breakdancing and many more!
2021-2022: Senior School Dance CCAs

          Rambert Contemporary Grades CCA

Rambert Grades are a new benchmark in training provided by
Rambert UK, a leading conservatoire for Contemporary
Dance. Combining three assessment elements of technique,
performance and creative task, this syllabus aims to support
dancers in developing their own individual style, fostering
creativity, independence and self-belief.
Sessions in the first season will begin with Grade 1. This level
would be most appropriate for both experienced dancers and
those with a basic prior knowledge of the Contemporary
style. This would be an excellent support for current and
prospective GCSE Dance and IBDP Dance students. Students
will work towards a Level 1 Ofqual Qualification.
                         Who can participate?​
                         Students in Years 7 to 13​
                            Rehearsal Days:
                            Mondays, 3.45-5.15
                               Extra Cost:
                    Entry for the exam costs between
                  $50 and 100 depending on the grade.

"We wanted to give daring and         "Rambert Grades have been
brilliant young people around         developed by a leading team of
the world an accredited dance         experts from Rambert and Rambert
grades syllabus that recognises       School with some of the most
their creativity and individuality.   dynamic and relevant voices of
This is what makes the Rambert        contemporary dance in the UK –
dancers special and exceptional       including material devised for the
dance artists and we believe the      syllabus by Hofesh
same about all the young people       Shechter, Alesandra
studying dance around the             Seutin and Benoit Swan Pouffer.
world."                               This approach is inclusive and
- Helen Shute, Chief                  accessible to all, regardless of
Executive/Executive Producer of       students’ ability and prior
Rambert                               experience of formal dance
                                      training. By allowing each dancer
                                      to make choices and develop their
                                      own interpretation of movement."
                                      - Rambert School
2021-2022: Junior School Dance CCAs

Year 4 to 6 Contemporary Dance CCA
A creative contemporary dance class bursting with vibrant
energy! These fun and invigorating sessions guide young people
through the principles of Contemporary technique with a creative
approach that also promotes the development of individual
expression and choreographic skills. Classes start with a warm-up
which focuses on engaging and strengthening the body. The latter
section of the class embraces young dancers’ creativity, working in
small groups and individually, learning how to create choreography
through creative tasks and games, and gain confidence in
Who can participate?
All students in Years 4 to 6
CCA Days:
Season 1
Tuesdays, 3.45-4.45

Year 6 Remembrance Dance CCA
Come and join us to create a dance portraying soldiers on the
battlefield, to remember the incredible sacrifice they made for
Who can participate?
All students in Year 6
CCA Days:
Season 1
Wednesdays, 3.45- 4.45
Key Dates:
Performance: 11 November

Year 3 and 4 Groovy Movers CCA
A fun dance club working on body conditioning, basic dance skills
and choreography for performance in assemblies and dance
events. For both beginners and experienced dancers.
Who can participate?
All students in Years 3 and 4
CCA Days:
Monday, Lunchtimes

Students wishing to participate in these activities should sign up
for the relevant CCAs.
2021-2022: JS/SS Irish Dance CCA

              Who can participate?
          Open to all students in JS and SS
                    CCA Days:
        Wednesdays and Fridays, 3.40- 4.40

 Sign up for this CCA at
2021-2022: Junior School Performance CCAs

JS Production
An exciting extravaganza of acting, dancing and singing!
The JS Production is a huge hit each year. It boosts children's
confidence and lets them make new friends: we all have a
whole heap of fun! This special opportunity runs across
Seasons 2 and 3 and is only open to Year 5 students.
Come along and join us on the adventure!
Who can participate?
All students in Year 5 – everyone welcome!
CCA Days:
Seasons 2 and 3
Wednesdays, 3.45-4.45
Key Dates:
Weekend rehearsals: 30 April and 8 May
Show week, 9-13 May
Year 5 cast member:
 "It was really exciting to find out that I was a monster! A scaredy-cat
 monster which meant that if I got scared about getting a line wrong, it
 just looked like it was my acting! It was so fun to record the song in the
 recording studio because we had to put on some cool headphones and
 adjust a microphone to our height - it felt as if we were professional
 singers! I liked the costumes and the hairstyles, they were very unique!
 Everyone wore different coloured masks and matching face paint!"

JS Tech Crew
Join us to learn all about lighting, sound and working
backstage! The JS Tech Crew gives students the
unique opportunity to run the technical side of the JS
Production from behind the scenes.
Who can participate?
All students in Year 5 not in the JS Production
CCA Days:
TBC, Season 3 only
Key Dates:
As above

Students wishing to participate in these productions
should sign up for the relevant CCAs.
2021-2022: Junior School Performance CCAs

Dulwich Sparks
This is a brand-new JS performance group for committed,
young drama students who want to perform! Throughout
the year students will work on three different
styles of performance: pantomime, radio drama and a
play. There will be a maximum of 30 students invited to
join this CCA.
Who can participate?
Students in Years 3 and 4. Students will need to complete an
application form and must be able to commit to this CCA for the
entire year, including weekend rehearsals and performance dates.
Students will be responsible for their own costumes and ensuring
lines are learnt where applicable.
CCA Days:
Mondays, 3.40-5.15 (there will be no CCA bus)
Key Dates:
Weekend Rehearsals: TBC
Performance dates: 29 November, 21 March, 13 June

Year 6 Monologue CCA
This CCA is for Year 6 students who show a certain level of
confidence in drama. They will learn various drama skills as
well as how to perform a piece on their own. They will then
rehearse towards a special performance of their chosen
Who can participate?
Students in Year 6 who already have some experience and skill in
drama. Please contact Miss Rodgers if you are unsure about this.
CCA Days:
Season 1
Tuesdays, 3.45-4.45
Key Dates:
Performance evening: 1 December, 6.00-7.00

Please note that acceptance onto these CCAs will be subject to
approval as per the guidelines above.
2021-2022: Junior School Performance CCAs

Year 6 Divali Shadow Theatre
Welcome to the world of shadows! What
better way to celebrate the festival of lights
than with the illuminating artistry of shadow
puppets? During this CCA, you will learn how
to tell a story through shadows, building up to
the Year 6 Divali show.
Who can participate?
Students in Year 6
CCA Days:
Season 1
Thursdays, 3.45-4.45
Key Dates:
Performance in November, dates TBC

Year 4 Remembrance Drama CCA
All Year 4 students are invited to sign up for
this special opportunity to perform a drama
piece at the Remembrance assembly. We will
devise and rehearse our performance before
performing it in front of the Junior School
on 11 November.
Who can participate?
All students in Year 4
CCA Days:
Season 1
Wednesdays, 3.45- 4.45
Key Dates:
Performance: 11 November

Students wishing to participate in these
performances should sign up for the relevant CCAs.
2021-2022: Junior School CCAs

                                                      Drama Club
                                                      A fun drama club to explore new drama
                                                      activities and games to develop skills in
                                                      teamwork and develop confidence.
                                                      Who can participate?
                                                      Years 3 and 4
                                                      CCA Days:
                                                      Tuesday lunchtimes

                      Other JS Drama CCAs
   More JS Drama CCAs may be announced
          later in this year so please check
            the JS Drama Firefly pages and
                      CCA lists each Season.

Students wishing to participate in these activities
should sign up for the relevant CCAs.
2021-2022: DCI Shakespeare Festival

DCI and RSC Shakespeare Festival
The partnership between DCI and RSC learning offers
our students access to a wide array of programmes led
by RSC directors and artists. The 2020-21 festival was
conducted online, bringing the experience to a new,
exciting format and continuing to foster a deeper
understanding and appreciation for Shakespeare’s works.
This year, if the new format remains the same, Year 6
students will be selected to participate in the festival and
will experience exciting RSC workshops as well as the
chance to perform a piece of Shakespeare.
Who can participate?
Students in Year 6 will be invited to participate if
selected by their English and Drama teachers.
Rehearsal Days:
Lunchtimes, TBC
Key Dates:
Performance dates and workshops: TBC

Year 6 student, 2021:
 "This year I was delighted to be chosen to be a part of the
 Shakespeare festival. I still remember my lines
 because of practising so much. I remember putting on
 microphones for the first time ever - it was
 amazing! The night before the filming I couldn't sleep
 because I was so excited. On the big day, I came to school
 in black and went down to the theatre and got my hair
 and costume ready, then after filming, we took pictures –
 those were moments I will never forget."

Students in Year 6 will be invited to participate if selected by
their English and Drama teachers.
2021-2022: Junior School Festivals

JS ISTA Festival
A fun in-house Drama festival working with local ISTA
practitioners on a range of new drama skills.
Who can participate?
Students in Years 3 to 4
Key Dates:
22-24 October
Full details and sign-up information will be shared in August.

DCI MADD Festival
Join us to celebrate all things Music, Art, Dance and Drama!
MADD is a DCI-wide festival which invites students to extend
their skills and knowledge whilst participating in workshops
and performances for their chosen discipline.
More information will follow later in the year.
Who can participate?
All students in Years 5 and 6
Key Dates:
27-29 April

Year 6 MADD drama participant:
 "I loved MADD because it gave me an amazing experience
 and the opportunity to work with people from different
 cultures, even if it was not in person."

Students wishing to participate in either festival should watch out
for the relevant sign-up information to be published.
2021-2022 Diversity Artists

                                                     The Paper Birds Theatre
                                                     Working with IBDP Theatre students
                                                     remotely in January.

Photo by The Paper Birds Theatre Company

        Red Leap Theatre Company
      Working remotely with Year 11
  Drama students from September to
                November and looking
     at their topic of Conflict through
drama with Year 5 students in March.

                                             Photo by Red Leap Theatre Company

                                                    Frantic Assembly
                                                    Working with Ignite! Students
                                                    in February.

Photo by Frantic Assembly

                    …not to mention all the amazing dance and drama work
                           that will continue to take place in lessons!
2021-2022: LAMDA

       LAMDA Examinations offered by Evolve Arts

  Contact to sign up for LAMDA classes
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