Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash - European investment Market fundamentals Outlook - Savills

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Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash - European investment Market fundamentals Outlook - Savills
European Investment – May 2021

Savills Research
                    European Investment

                                                                 Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

                   European investment    Market fundamentals             Outlook
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash - European investment Market fundamentals Outlook - Savills
European Investment

                        The overarching theme in investor preferences is flight to quality.
                       Prime, core assets across sectors will continue to attract multiple bids,
                       and competition will lead to some further yield hardening.

Investors focus on quality
Despite the abundance of capital targeting real estate, first quarter activity was
restricted by the ongoing COVID-19 measures
    The pandemic keeps activity levels                 experienced the steepest falls (over 80%). In       The share of office investment in Q1 dropped
low                                                    Ireland (107%) and Denmark (21%), market            for the first time since Q1 2015 to 27% of the
    Investment activity in the first quarter of        activity was higher than last year, driven          total investment activity, compared to its
2021 has slowed down considerably compared             by high activity in the residential market          five-year average of 35% (Q1). Similarly, retail
to the same quarter last year. This is not             segments.                                           share dropped for the first time below 10%
surprising as most countries were still under             According to RCA, the volume of cross-           to 9%. The share of logistics sector jumped
strict lockdowns, while travel restrictions            border capital invested in Europe dropped by        from a five-year average of 12% to 19%, while
and requirements for quarantines upon entry            almost 31% yoy in Q1 2021. The UK market            the alternatives sector (including living and
have limited mobility and the ability to view          attracted over one third of total, followed by      other sectors) saw a further rise to 44% of
assets. The total volume invested in the 19            Germany at one fifth. France and Denmark            total. These changes in investor priorities
markets we monitor was over €52.7bn, which             accounted for 12% and 11% respectively. The         mirror the certainties and uncertainties
is 41% down vs the same quarter last year              US remained the largest source of capital           caused by the pandemic; the steady rise of
and 18% below the five-year average. The               (40%), despite the fact that it registered a        e-commerce has benefited logistics and
rolling 4-quarter investment volume was                high drop last year (-29% yoy). German and          harmed retail, changing ways of working have
close to €210bn, the lowest since Q3 2014.             Swedish capital accounted for another 13%           made investors more cautious towards offices
It is worth noting that Q1 2020 was a record           each.                                               and the quality of income streams of the
high quarter, and was achieved just before                Overall the share of cross border                living sectors keeps attracting new players in
the World Health Organization declared the             investment declined slightly from 59% to            the sector.
coronavirus outbreak a pandemic in March               57% on average yoy, with the highest drops             The multifamily segment alone accounted
2020.                                                  noted in Czech Republic, Sweden and France.         for about one fifth of the total investment
    Germany was still the largest market               Travel restrictions have constrained the            volume, up from a five year average of 13%.
despite the 52% yoy fall, and captured 30%             activity of overseas investors, especially          A number of markets stand out with historic
of the total, followed by the UK (-34% yoy) at         from Asia, but also the US and even the UK.         high levels of activity. Multifamily captured
25%. France’s share dropped just below 10%             European capital increased its share of cross       a record high of 58% of the total in Ireland,
and annual volumes dropped by -37% yoy.                border investment from a five-year average of       over 50% in Spain, 40% in Finland and 37%
Sweden (-37% yoy) accounted for 8% of the              46% to 52% in Q1 2021.                              in Germany. Numerous new specialty funds
total and Denmark entered for the first time                                                               have been launched and investments have
the top five with a share of 5%.                         Alternatives benefit further from                 been targeting the few stabilised assets and
    Smaller markets relying heavily on                 investment diversification                          mostly new development projects.
cross-border capital such as the Czech                   A marked shift in sector focus has been
Republic, Portugal, Belgium and Luxembourg             recorded over the first quarter of this year.

European investment Q1 2021 by sector







    40%                                                                                                              19%
                                                                                                                     The share of logistics
                                                                                                                     sector, up from a
    20%                                                                                                              five-year average of 12%









                                  Office      Retail   Logistics   Other

                                                                                Source: Savills Research                                                                    2
European Investment

                                                                                                                    Overall Q1 2021 office investment activity
                                                                                                                    was down 32% against the Q1 five-year
                                                                                                                    average, due to a shortage of vendors openly
                                                                                                                    marketing prime assets.

                         European investment Q1 2021 % change vs Q1 20 and vs 5-year average
The total
investment volume
in Q1 was over                   90%
€52.7bn, which is
18% below the five-
year average                    40%


The share of office
investment in Q1
dropped for the                 -110%
first time since Q1

                                                             Czech Republic














2015 to 27% of the
total investment
                                                                                                                          Q1 20-Q1 21               Q1 21 vs 5ya

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Source: Savills Research

                         Fundamentals determined by
Germany was still
the largest market       structural factors
despite the 47%          The future of work, the rise of e-commerce, ageing population and
yoy fall
                         rising demand for rental housing are some of the structural factors
                         affecting real estate fundamentals
                            Mixed picture in the office                                                     Prime CBD headline office                                                   Not enough supply of assets
                         segment                                                                         rents in Q1 remained stable on                                              to meet demand for logistics
                            Despite the role of the future                                               average, with a divergence of falling                                          With regards to logistics, a
                         of the office continuing to divide                                              rents in 42% of the markets and                                             massive shift of investor interest to
                         opinions, investor demand for                                                   the remaining registering stable                                            a market segment that historically
European capital         Europe’s prime CBD offices has                                                  of rising values (annually). Top                                            has not captured more than 12% of
increased its share of   remained resilient. However,                                                    performers were secondary/non-                                              the investment activity, causes a
cross border             overall Q1 2021 office investment                                               capital cities such as Lisbon (8.7%),                                       lot of competition. Yields are down
investment from a        activity was down 32% against                                                   Hamburg (8.3%) and Gothenburg                                               to record low levels, with quality of
five-year average of     the Q1 five-year average, due to                                                (4.2%) and bottom performers were                                           location and strength of covenant
46% to 52% in Q1         a shortage of vendors openly                                                    Dublin (-11.6%), Cologne (-5.1%)                                            driving pricing. Investor confidence
                         marketing prime assets.                                                         and Berlin (-4.3%). The picture                                             is underpinned by the strong
                            Office occupational market is                                                is mixed for good quality offices                                           fundamentals of the sector.
                         still slow, but there are signs of a                                            located in secondary areas, which                                              Vacancy rates are falling across
                         gradual pick-up in tenant demand,                                               in some cases have achieved higher                                          most markets and prime rents are
                         as speculation about the future of                                              rents, due to tenant demand for                                             on the rise. Prime logistics rents
                         offices has receded. Companies                                                  cheaper space for cost efficiency.                                          increased by 1.3% on average last
                         in their majority are expected to                                                  The market segments that                                                 year with strong rises in Hamburg
Multifamily              support flexible and agile working,                                             are likely to suffer more are low                                           (7.0%), Central Poland (5.3%)
accounted for            but they still expect the majority of                                           specification offices, which may                                            and Rotterdam (3.6%). In Q1 the
about one fifth          their staff to be back in office.                                               struggle to find again tenants in                                           positive trend was led by London SE
of the total                The slowdown of leasing activity                                             the long-term. This should lead                                             (9.3%), Dublin and Helsinki (2.3%).
investment volume,       has translated into a rise of the                                               to redevelopment/repurposing                                                The competitive environment has
up from a five year      average vacancy rate to 7.1% from a                                             opportunities, for investors with a                                         already led to record capital values
average of 13%           low of 5.2% in Q4 2019, still below                                             more opportunistic risk profile.                                            and shortage of greenfield land
                         the 9% equilibrium that historically                                                                                                                        around the large cities is expected
                         has led to negative prime rental                                                                                                                            to be the key factor behind rising
                         growth.                                                                                                                                                     rental values.

European Investment

Prime logistics yields have moved in to record low levels

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Investment volume projection
    6.00%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  2021












                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           We anticipate investment

    4.00%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  activity to normalise in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           coming quarters, assuming a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           successful rollout of the
    2.00%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  vaccination programme. This
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           should lead to a return to some
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           degree of normality, allowing
   0.00%                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   travelling and site visits. With
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           no shortage of capital targeting







             Germany top-6







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           real estate we believe

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           investment turnover could
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           reach last year’s levels, which
                                                                                                  Q1 20                Q4 20             Q1 21                                                                                                             was about 10% below five-year
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Source: Savills Research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Yield trend projection 2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           With regards to yields,
   Acceleration of structural                                                     anchored retail schemes and                                                                  rates have remained higher                                                  competition for the best assets
changes in retail                                                                 to a less extent hypermarkets                                                                compared to other property
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           will continue to put pressure on
   The pandemic has brought                                                       attract multiple bids and yields                                                             sectors during the pandemic.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           prime yields. On average we
forward the expected disruption                                                   are moving in. The stability and                                                             Additionally, demand for rental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           project prime CBD office yields
from the rise of ecommerce to                                                     length of income streams is what                                                             is rising in periods of economic
physical shopping and owners                                                      makes this segment desirable                                                                 uncertainty, as people feel less
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to move in by another -10bps
of retail premises face the                                                       especially for investors with                                                                secure about their future finances                                          and prime logistics yields by
pressure to adapt to consumer’s                                                   long-term liabilities. The sector                                                            and mortgage lending for house                                              -25bps, hitting another record
expectations for an omni-                                                         was traditionally capturing                                                                  buyers becomes more strict.                                                 low level. Although prime
channel experience. In some                                                       5-6% of total retail investment.                                                             While PBSA occupancy rates                                                  shopping centre yields in most
cases, units and assets may lose                                                  This jumped to 25% last year,                                                                dropped significantly during the                                            markets are likely to further
their lettability for retail uses                                                 but sourcing product to match                                                                pandemic, rising student numbers                                            correct by up to 25bps in most
indefinitely, with the option to                                                  demand will be a challenge                                                                   and low supply ratios in many                                               markets by the end of the year,
welcome complementary uses,                                                       this year. Supermarkets have                                                                 European university cities, still                                           we may see some exceptions
which can contribute to customer                                                  become the new retail core.(See                                                              drive investor demand. Long-                                                for best in class assets in
experience and enhance the sense                                                  Savills_Spotlight_European Food                                                              term structural changes, such                                               affluent cities.
of placemaking (See Re:Imagining                                                  Sector_April 21)                                                                             as ageing population, shrinking
Retail #2). The location of some                                                                                                                                               household sizes and demand for
void retail assets may also become                                                   Living sectors are a                                                                      affordable housing in combination
attractive for alternative uses,                                                  defensive play                                                                               with shortage of supply of well-
such as services, medical, storage,
dark stores, co-working and
                                                                                     The minimal impact of the
                                                                                  health crisis on investor appetite
                                                                                                                                                                               designed product support the
                                                                                                                                                                               investment case of living sectors.                                                -10%
others.                                                                           for the living sectors is supported
   On the contrary, assets                                                        by their strong fundamentals and                                                                                                                                          Total investment
related to the food sector, such                                                  defensive characteristics. Housing
as discounters, supermarket                                                       is a basic need and rent collection
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            turnover this year is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            expected to be below the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            five-year average

     Investors show confidence in assets related to the food sector, such as
    discounters, supermarkets and supermarket anchored retail schemes
    due to the stability and length of their income streams.                                                                                                                                                                 4
European Investment

Renewed yield compression in Q1
Investor competition for the best assets has led to further yield compression and
record low levels, particularly in the logistics sector
   Prime office yields remain keen          heavily, increased the inflation forecast    defensive play for investment strategies.
   The shock of the pandemic has            in particular for Oslo, Stockholm office     Investors are keen to secure these
brought prime yield compression to a        stock has not traded as actively over        assets which offer stable incomes and
halt last year, but despite the slowdown    the last 12 months, with prime yields        long leases to strong covenants. Prime
of transaction activity due to practical    remaining stable at 3.25%.                   supermarket yields were down by 11%
reasons, investor confidence in the            Secondary office yields have              bps on a quarterly basis and 28bps on a
strength of real estate as an asset class   remained relatively stable on a quarterly    yearly basis to 5.4% in Q1 2021.
has led to renewed yield compression.       basis. The yield gap between prime and
On average prime CBD office yields          secondary yields had reached its lowest         PBSA and Senior housing still
moved in slightly by 4 bps yoy to 3.58%.    point in Q2 last year (68.6 bps) and ever    offer some yield premium
On an annual basis, prime office yields     since it has been gradually widening,           Intense competition has been
have hardened in Oslo by -40bps,            with the Prime achievable CBD vs             pushing yields down over the past few
London WE, Brussels and Milan by            Secondary CBD yield gap at 87.5bps.          years. The average prime multifamily
-30bps and Paris and Hamburg by                                                          yield has compressed by 120 basis
-20bps. Yields have softened in Paris          Logistics yields at record low            points (bps) since 2012 to reach a
La Defense, Warsaw and Manchester           levels                                       record low of 3.24% in 2020. Prime net
by 30bps.                                      The strongest yield compression has       multifamily yields range from 2.4%
   Focussing on the core markets,           been observed in the logistics sector,       in Berlin to 5.0% in Warsaw, although
Paris CBD yields remained stable at         reflecting the impact of large amounts       in the majority of markets command
2.75% during the first quarter, while       of capital competing for limited assets      prime net yields of 3.0% to 3.5%.
Berlin hardened by 10 bps to 2.6%           in the market. Average achievable               Prime net student housing yields
as German investors remain in the           prime industrial yields were at 4.5% in      (PBSA) are at 4.4% on average, stable
market for super-core assets. London        Q1 2020, moved in to 4.3% by the end         on a quarterly basis and range between
still remains at a discount to mainland     of the year and a further 5bps in Q1         3.5% (Copenhagen) and over 4.5%
European core markets, as West End          2021 to 4.25%. These pricing levels are      (Madrid, Lisbon, Warsaw).
yields remain at 3.50% and City yields      unprecedented and set new standards             Prime senior housing yields range
at 4.00%. UK debt rates remain more         for the sector. Prime logistics yields are   between 3.3% and 4% and prime care
expensive than other core markets, with     already below the 4% threshold in the        home yields range between 3.5% and
UK sovereign bonds currently yielding       German cities and Ile-de-France, while       5.75%. This means that senior housing
0.7%, providing a similar yield spread      still at 4% in the Dutch markets. Prime      and care homes offer a yield discount of
to that of the core German and French       achievable yields are at 5% or above only    50 and 90 basis points respectively over
markets. London’s global liquidity          in Helsinki, Copenhagen, and Lisbon.         multifamily assets.
and rental growth expectations will
continue to attract cash-rich buyers.          Retail yields are softening, but          European supermarket yields Q1 2021 by country
   Prime Brussels offices have remained     not for supermarkets
stable at 3.25%, with some resilient           The trend has been different for          9%

demand for ultra-long income outside        prime shopping centre yields which,


non-core markets trading around the         continue to soften. Since the end of last


3% mark.                                    year they were 5.17% on average and in



   Across Southern Europe, prime            Q1 they moved to 5.23%, which is 47bps       6%


yields remain unchanged over the            above Q1 2020. On an annual basis the


course of the pandemic and insurance        strongest corrections were observed in
companies are still bidding aggressively    London (150 bps) Dublin (75bps) and
for strong covenants, although product      the German cities (70bps).                    3%
remains hard to find. Non CBD stock is         Repriced opportunities have started        2%
subsequently taking longer to transact.     attracting investor attention, such
   Investors remain in search for long      as prime UK retail parks, which have
income within the non-core markets,         registered for the first time since Q1       0%








                                                                                                                                                                                               Czech R.



and are more price sensitive to the         2018, an inward yield shift from 6.25%
tenant covenant strength. Since Q3          last year to 6.0% in Q1 2021. Overall
2020, Warsaw prime yields have moved        prime retail warehousing yields have
out 10 bps to 4.6%, although Prague         moved out by 18 bps yoy to 5.15%.
                                                                                                                                               2019        2020                     Q1 21
(4.10%) and Bucharest (7.00%) have             Supermarket yields are a noticeable
held stable.                                exception to the overall retail trend.
   Rising energy prices are forecast        Their strong performance during the
to impact the Nordics markets more          pandemic has established the sector as a                                                                                                                      Source: Savills Research

Major investment transactions in Q1 2021

Country/City                        Sector             Property                 Buyer                  Seller             Price

                               Industrial (company ABP (106 industri-                               Asset Buyout
 Norway                                                                         Balder                                   €900m
                                   acquisition)      al-led assets)                                   Partners

                                                                          Primonial / La Fran- Unibail - Rodamco -
 France/ Issy-les Moulineaux         Office               Shift                                                          €627.4m
                                                                           caise / EDF Invest       Westfield

                                                   Seven retail ware-
 UK                                  Retail                                 Brookfield AM          Hammerson Plc         €382.8m
                                                     house parks

 UK                                 Logistics      Seven warehouses        BentallGreenOak        Morgan Stanley/        €351.5m

                                                      Two logistics
 Germany / Lich, Geiselwind         Logistics                                Tritax Group           Dietz Holding        €291m

                                                                                                  Oaktree / Arpent
                                                                          Gulf Islamic Invest-
 France / Montreuil                  Office            Tour Altais                                 Capital / Maple       €250m
                                                                                                    Knoll Capital

 Spain / Madrid                      Hotels
                                                   Plaza Celenque, 2 -
                                                                       Archer Hotel Capital
                                                                                            Perella (KKH Prop-
                                                                                                                                        4.1% yoy
                                                   The Madrid Edition                         erty Investors)                           GDP growth is forecast
                                                                         Confidential /                                                 (Focus Economics) to
 Portugal / Lisbon                   Offices       Portfolio Navigator Singaporean listed            Rivercrown          €120m          reach 4.1% in 2021 and
                                                                             fund                                                       2022 in the Euro Area
                                                    Arete industrial      Cromwell European
 Czech Republic / Slovakia          Logistics                                                        Arete Invest         €113m
                                                       portfolio               REIT

                                                                                                 Tristan Capital Part-
                                                  Logistic Portfolio (7
 Italy / Milan, Rome                Logistics
                                                                                 GLP             ners / BNP Paribas      >€100m
                                                                                                       REIM SGR

                                                  Paavola Campus ed- Hemsö Fastighets
 Finland / Lahti                   Education                                                         City of Lahti        €85m
                                                   ucational property      AB

                                                    Marina Village,
 Ireland, Wicklow                  Multifamily      Greystones, Co.             Real IS              Glenveagh           €64.5m
                                                                                                             Source: Savills Research

      Outlook                                                                                which should stabilise the level of availability. We expect
                                                                                             this to gather momentum throughout the rest of H1
      The overarching theme in investor preferences is flight                                2021 as businesses begin to contemplate life beyond the
      to quality. Prime, core assets across sectors will                                     pandemic.
      continue to attract multiple bids, and competition will
      lead to some further yield hardening. Supply of assets is                              We believe that the winners will be high quality, well
      restricted, as landlords are cautious about bringing                                   located and connected offices with green credentials,
      product on the market. Value-add opportunities also                                    while older assets will require substantial investment to
      attract interest, with the fundamentals of the micro-                                  upgrade or convert. These assets are already trading at
      location playing the most important role.                                              significant discounts. A significant factor to property
                                                                                             marketability are the ESG credentials of the asset. This
      Office take-up in Q1 was still 25% on average down yoy,                                has become a prerequisite for all investors who are
      which is comparable to the market drop post the Global                                 looking more closely to the energy certification of the
      Financial Crisis (GFC) and in line with 2009 levels. Post                              building, waste management, air quality and open,
      GFC, it took the occupier markets about a year to                                      green or public civic spaces – in case of city centre
      bounce back (30% up in 2010). Are we going to see a                                    buildings.
      similar recovery post-pandemic? Consensus forecasts
      from Focus Economics point to a robust economic                                        Rising e-commerce penetration will continue to drive
      expansion this year. Pent-up spending demand will be                                   demand for logistics space in the coming years.
      supported by expansionary fiscal and monetary policies                                 Forrester forecasts that the share of online shares in
      as well EU recovery funds.                                                             Western Europe will rise from 11.9% in 2019 to 18% in
                                                                                             2021. Most importantly the current supply of space is
      GDP growth is forecast (Focus Economics) to reach                                      limited and the supply of land around the major
      4.1% in 2021 and 2022 in the Euro Area. Unemployment                                   European cities is also restricted or controlled by local
      picked up in 2020 to 8.0% and is predicted to rise                                     planning regulations. This is expected to cause upward
      further to 8.6% this year before start falling again in                                pressure on prime rents in the future, as companies
      2022 to 8.2%. This could mean that we may see a                                        compete for the best locations. We expect smaller
      gradual return to normality in office leasing this year                                warehouses within or closer to urban areas to
      and a pick up next year. Already we observed an                                        outperform. Forward funding deals and partnerships
      improvement in occupier sentiment in the first quarter                                 with developers are often the best route to acquiring
      of 2021, and into Q2 2021. We are seeing more examples                                 assets in this market segment.
      of occupiers removing grey space from the market,
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                              lifecycle of residential, commercial or mixed-use projects. We add value by providing our clients
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Research                                  European Investment
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