Planning Support Program - for small-scale pig and poultry producers Grant Funding Guidelines 2020 - Agriculture Victoria

Page created by Hugh Sims
Planning Support Program - for small-scale pig and poultry producers Grant Funding Guidelines 2020 - Agriculture Victoria
Support Program
      for small-scale pig
   and poultry producers

  Grant Funding Guidelines 2020
Planning Support Program - for small-scale pig and poultry producers Grant Funding Guidelines 2020 - Agriculture Victoria
2 / Small-scale pig and poultry producers

About the program                                                                    3

Applicant eligibility                                                                5

Eligible expenditure                                                                 6

Application process                                                                  8

Assessment of applications                                                           9

Grant agreement and conditions                                                   10

Special considerations                                                           10

Review and amendment                                                             10

Privacy Statement                                                                    11

Further information                                                                  11

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Planning Support Program - for small-scale pig and poultry producers Grant Funding Guidelines 2020 - Agriculture Victoria
Funding Guidelines 2020 / 3

About the program
In September 2018, the Victorian Government introduced significant reforms to
Victoria’s planning system for animal industries. The reforms clarify which animal
industries require a planning permit and introduce new, graduated planning
controls to enable a simplified permit application process for lower-risk farms,
such as low density mobile outdoor pig and poultry farms1.

These reforms are part of the Victorian Government’s Planning for Sustainable
Animal Industries2 (PSAI) program. The PSAI program was introduced in
October 2016 to address land use planning challenges that have arisen from a
rapidly changing animal industries sector. The program provides certainty to
those investing in the sector, helps to protect the environment, and addresses
community amenity needs.

The Planning Support Program will assist small-scale pig and poultry producers
prepare planning permit applications according to the 2018 planning reforms for
animal industries. The support program includes workshops and grants.

Workshops will be delivered across regional Victoria. The workshops will support
new and existing small-scale pig and poultry producers to prepare a planning
permit application. The workshops will also help producers identify grant-eligible
on-farm works, advice or activities that might be required to support their
planning permit application.

Producers must attend a workshop to be eligible for a grant. The workshops are
free to new and existing small-scale pig and poultry producers.

To register for a workshop and find out more, go to:

Grants of up to $3,000 (exclusive of GST) are available to eligible producers for
eligible expenses related to on-farm works, consultancy/advice, or training that
supports preparation of a planning permit application.

The objective of the grant is to support small-scale pig and poultry producers by
assisting them with costs related to obtaining a land use planning permit.

Planning Support Program - for small-scale pig and poultry producers Grant Funding Guidelines 2020 - Agriculture Victoria
4 / Small-scale pig and poultry producers

New producer: a landholder who is intending on establishing a new pig
or poultry farm

Existing producer: a landholder operating an existing pig or poultry farm and
who is seeking a planning permit for their existing operation, a proposed farm
expansion or a proposed upgrade

Landholder: a person who owns, leases or has a share-farming arrangement

Small-scale farm:
• Small-scale pig farms are farms with less than or equal to 150 sows or less
  than or equal to 1,000 Standard Pig Units (SPU)
• Small-scale poultry farms are farms with less than or equal to 5,000 poultry
  (eggs) or less than or equal to10,000 poultry (meat)

Poultry: domesticated fowl, chickens, ducks, geese, turkey, guinea fowl, pigeons,
quail or pheasants, emus or ostriches raised for animal production purposes

Pigs: any pigs raised for animal production purposes

Animal production: Land used to keep or breed farm animals for the production
of livestock, eggs, fibre, meat, milk or other animal products
Funding Guidelines 2020 / 5

Applicant eligibility
Who can apply?
To be eligible, applicants must:

1. be seeking a land use planning permit for an existing or proposed small-scale
   pig or poultry farm located in Victoria

2. be able to demonstrate that the grant will be used directly to assist with costs
   related to obtaining a planning permit

3. complete a PSAI small-scale pig and poultry planning workshop prior to
   applying to the grant program

4. ultimately submit a planning permit application to the relevant responsible
   authority (local government)

5. have a current Australian Business Number (ABN)

6. agree to participate in future program evaluation activities

7. not be receiving funds for the same expenditure from any other funding source
   (e.g. Catchment Management Authority, Landcare, industry, state or federal

Grant amount
Grants of up to $3,000 (exclusive of GST) are available to eligible applicants for
eligible expenses related to obtaining a land use planning permit.

Applicants are not required to contribute to the cost of approved grant activities.
However, applicants will be required to cover all other associated costs with
preparing the planning permit including the planning permit application fees
charged by the responsible authority3.

3 Planning and responsible authorities provide services under the Planning and Environment Act 1987 which
  attract a fee in accordance with the Planning and Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016. The Planning and
  Environment (Fees) Regulations 2016 prescribe the fees to be paid to the Minister, planning authorities and
  responsible authorities for the preparation and consideration of planning scheme amendments, applications
  for planning permits, certificates of compliance and planning certificates. More information on fees can be
  found at:
6 / Small-scale pig and poultry producers

Eligible expenditure
What will be funded?
Grant funding may be used for the types of expenses listed below. The list is not
exhaustive and eligible applicants may propose alternatives.

Eligible expenditure       Examples

On-farm works to           • critical design features that minimise impacts on
address environmental        surface and ground waters, for example, installing
and amenity risks as         vegetated filter strips between production areas and
part of preparing the        watercourses and their catchment areas
planning application       • sediment control structures, for example, vegetation,
                             diversion banks
                           • fencing of native vegetation
                           • riparian fencing
                           • amenity screening including shelter belts
                           • construction of waste management systems.

Consultancy and advice     • site-visits by a planning or industry expert to
to support a planning        provide advice on the suitability of the site (and
permit application           other aspects) for the proposed farm and initial
                             recommendations on the development of the
                             planning application
                           • development of a Nutrient Management Plan for the
                             farm addressing, for example, the nutrient budget,
                             an evaluation of how evenly manure nutrients are
                             spread across the farm, potential nutrient loss
                             pathways, and action plans for managing risks
                           • development of other plans that form part of the
                             planning application where applicable such as
                             operational management plan, contingency plan,
                             site improvement plan

Training programs that address whole farm planning, animal management,
biosecurity, environmental management or industry quality assurance

Ground cover assessments and soil testing for a planning permit application

Suppliers of professional services must be identified in the grant application and
approved by the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (the Department).
You may contact for a list of approved suppliers or to
confirm the eligibility of your supplier.

Applicants will need to meet the cost of any additional and ineligible expenditure.
Funding Guidelines 2020 / 7

What will not be funded?
Grant funding may not be used for any works, activities, or purchases already
undertaken prior to approval of the grant application, or for works, activities or
purchases that are already funded in part or full through another funding source.
Funds may not be used for ‘business-as-usual’ expenses, including:
• fees associated with permits for planning, building works, or annual certification
• wages and wage related costs
• animal feed or costs associated with feed storage
• routine maintenance, boundary fencing or road works
• housing, sheds or other structures that are a standard part of the development
• purchase, lease or acquisition of land, computers and peripherals, vehicles, or
  purchase of livestock or other domestic animals
• administration, legal or insurance costs and other basic professional services
  such as ongoing, routine accounting, tax and legal business requirements,
  licensing, legal/intellectual property costs, financing fees, or costs associated
  with applying for government grants and funding programs
• travel costs and entertainment costs
• any administrative fees or surcharges for administering the expenditures listed
• purchase of permanent or temporary water rights
• any other expenditure the Department determines does not align with the stated

Timing of expenditure
The grant funds may be used by grant recipients according to a timeframe agreed
to by the Department.

Generally, consultancy and advice, training, groundcover assessments and soil
tests will occur prior to submission of a planning permit application. Some on-farm
works may be conditional on and occur following receipt of an approved planning

The Department will not reimburse expenses incurred prior to approval of the
grant application. Reimbursement of eligible expenses will not occur until a grant
agreement has been executed and the Department has received an invoice and
supporting documentation, including evidence a planning permit has been lodged
with (or approved by) the responsible authority.
8 / Small-scale pig and poultry producers

Application process
Applicants must complete a PSAI small-scale pig and poultry planning workshop
prior to applying to the grant program. To register for a workshop and find out
more, visit:

Applications must be submitted online via
industries. Applicants will be required to outline the proposed activities and
expense(s), identify suppliers, provide a breakdown of costs and estimate the
timeframes for completion of the activities.

Applicants must include sufficient evidence to verify the proposed activities and
the associated costs, for example an itemised quotation or formal cost estimate
addressed to the applicant. For training activities, applicants must provide
relevant course details including the training provider, fees and course schedule.

By applying, applicants are deemed to have read and accepted the Grant Funding

Applicants are required to show sufficient evidence that the grant is part of a
genuine intention to submit a planning application. For example, applicants could
present a receipt of lodgment of a planning permit application or evidence of a
pre-meeting with local government before a grant application can be approved.

Receipt of applications will be confirmed via email. Applications for grant funding
will remain open until 31 May 2021, or when the funding allocation is expended,
whichever occurs first.

How to apply for a small-scale pig and poultry producer grant
Register for a      • Check grant eligibility criteria and register for a workshop
workshop              online:
Attend a            • Receive guidance on how to prepare a planning permit
workshop              application
                    • Receive advice regarding activities/further advice that may
                      be required to support the planning permit application
Apply for grant     • Apply for a grant online:
                    • Department assesses application and informs applicant of
Apply for           • Submit planning permit application to local government
planning permit
Submit              • Submit the following to
invoice to            - proof of purchase (e.g. receipts)
Department for
                      - tax invoice made out to the Department of Jobs,
                        Precincts and Regions
                      - proof you have lodged a planning permit application (e.g.
                        email confirmation from local government)
                    • Receive grant funds
Timing of grant activities
The grant funds may be used by grant recipients according to a timeframe agreed
to by the Department. Generally, further advice/testing/training etc. will occur prior
to submission of a planning permit application, whereas on-farm works will be
conditional on and occur following receipt of an approved planning permit.
Funding Guidelines 2020 / 9

Assessment of applications
1. Applications will be assessed by the Department in order of receipt.

2. Each application will be assessed against the eligibility criteria outlined
   in these guidelines.

3. Applicants will be advised of the outcome of their application usually
   within eight weeks of submitting their application, subject to the number
   of applications being received.
10 / Small-scale pig and poultry producers

Grant agreement and conditions
Successful applicants must sign a Grant Agreement that includes a standard set
of terms and conditions, and obligations specific to the eligible expenses to receive
an approved grant.

The Department will enter into one Grant Agreement per eligible producer. Grants
will not be provided for activities or expenses incurred prior to approval of the
grant application.

Payment will be made for eligible expenditure identified in the grant application
and agreed in the Grant Agreement.

Eligible expenditure is to be incurred according to the timeframe agreed to by the
Department. The Department reserves the right to withdraw the offer of funding if
the eligible expenses are not incurred within the agreed timeframe.

Payment of the grant will be made by the Department to the applicant following:
1. the provision of the services, advice or expertise or purchase of eligible

2. the provision of proof of purchase(s) (e.g. receipts)

3. the provision of evidence the applicant has applied for a planning permit

4. receipt of a tax invoice.

Payment will be made via electronic funds transfer to a nominated bank account.
Payment may take up to four weeks to process.

Special considerations
If there are special circumstances (e.g. financial hardship) that would prevent
an applicant from accepting a grant as per these guidelines, the applicant may
contact the Department for advice.

Review and amendment
The Department may review and amend these guidelines at any time.
Funding Guidelines 2020 / 11

Privacy Statement
Any personal information provided by the applicant in an application will be
collected by the Department for the purpose of program administration. This
information may be provided to other Victorian Government bodies for the
purposes of assessing applications. If confidential personal information about
third parties is included in an application, applicants are required to ensure that
the third party is aware of the contents of this Privacy Statement.

Any personal information collected, held, managed, used, disclosed or transferred
will be held in accordance with the provisions of the Information Privacy Act 2000
(VIC) and other applicable laws. The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions,
is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. The Department’s
Privacy Policy can be found online at
Enquiries about access to information should be directed to the Department’s
Privacy Unit by phone on (03) 9651 9749 or email

Further information
Additional information about the Planning Support Program for small-scale pig
and poultry producers can be found online at
animal-industries or by contacting us at

Agriculture Victoria
Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions

T: 136 186

12 / Small-scale pig and poultry producers

        Published by Agriculture Victoria Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
        1 Spring Street Melbourne, Victoria 3000
        Telephone 136 186
        May 2020
        © Copyright State Government of Victoria
        This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except
        in accordance with provisions of the Copyright Act 1968.
        Authorised by the Victorian Government, Melbourne.
        This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its
        employees do not guarantee that the publication is without flaw of any kind or is
        wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability
        for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any
        information in this publication.
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