The thermal inactivation of E. coli in straw and pig manure

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Bioresource Technology 84 (2002) 57–61

        The thermal inactivation of E. coli in straw and pig manure
                                                            Claire Turner             *

                                     Silsoe Research Institute, Wrest Park, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4HS, UK
                     Received 15 November 2001; received in revised form 15 December 2001; accepted 17 December 2001

   Livestock manure may contain pathogenic organisms which pose a risk to the health of animals or humans if the manure is not
adequately treated or disposed of. One possible treatment method is composting. However to ensure that pathogen destruction
occurs, temperatures need to be sufficiently high throughout the heap to ensure that pathogens are inactivated. The temperature
required to inactivate a marker organism, Escherichia coli 11943, has been investigated, and found to depend on substrate com-
position, moisture content and duration of incubation. Results show that temperatures in excess of 55 °C for 2 h are required for
inactivation. Data are presented showing the levels of faecal coliforms in compost heaps where temperatures did not rise above
mesophilic levels (35 °C where samples were taken). Ó 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Composting; Pathogen inactivation; E. coli; Animal waste disinfection

1. Introduction                                                             ranged from 6 days to 3 weeks in manure and 2 days to 5
                                                                            weeks in manure slurry.
   Composting is a traditional way of treating livestock                       The United States Environmental Protection Agen-
manure to make it easier to dispose of on land, and to                      cy’s publication (EPA, 1985) on control of pathogens in
produce an inexpensive fertiliser. However, livestock                       biosolids, part 503, has a minimum time–temperature
manure may contain zoonotic microbial pathogens,                            requirement for in-vessel and aerated static pile com-
including Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157.                        posting methods: the material must maintain a mini-
Composting as a means of treatment has the added                            mum temperature of 55 °C for at least three consecutive
advantage that if it is well managed, thermophilic tem-                     days. For turned windrow composting, at least 55 °C
peratures may be attained, which will inactivate those                      must be maintained for 15 consecutive days with the
pathogens present in the manure, making it safe for land                    material turned at least five times (Wu and Smith, 1999).
spreading. Problems may arise if pathogens have not                         These conditions are very stringent, and are designed to
been inactivated before land spreading, as it is known                      ensure that the composted material will not contain
that some potentially serious microorganisms may sur-                       pathogenic organisms. However, thermal destruction of
vive for a prolonged period in soil or on land. Salmo-                      bacterial pathogens (e.g. E. coli O157) may well depend
nella is known to survive for several months in stored                      on factors other than temperature, e.g. moisture con-
slurry; up to 6 months in cowpats and up to 100 days in                     tent, free ammonia concentration, duration of heat treat-
slurry applied to grass (Mawdsley, 1993). Maule (1998)                      ment and the presence of other microorganisms which
noted that E. coli O157 may survive for more than 56                        may enhance or inhibit pathogen inactivation. For in-
days in fresh cattle faeces, and in cattle slurry at 18 °C                  stance, in an industrial compost, Salmonella and E. coli
for up to 9 days. Kudva et al. (1998) also noted the                        were found to survive for 59 days at about 60 °C, al-
longevity of E. coli O157 in muck – it can survive for 21                   though the pathogens were destroyed during the cooler,
months in a manure pile. Another study (Himathongk-                         curing process (Droffner and Brinton, 1995). In the same
ham et al., 1999) found that survival times of E. coli                      study, survival was different in different composts, which
O157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium in cow manure                            demonstrates that the mechanism for inactivation is
and cow slurry was dependent on temperature, and                            complex, and not solely dependent on temperature and
   Tel.: +44-1525-860-000; fax: +44-1525-861-735.                              This study examines the inactivation of a non-toxic
   E-mail address: (C. Turner).                   marker E. coli strain in sterile straw, sterile pig farmyard

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58                                    C. Turner / Bioresource Technology 84 (2002) 57–61

manure and sterile pig faeces at different temperatures            weighed out into each of several glass bottles and au-
and different moisture contents. Although the marker               toclaved at 121 °C for 15 min.
strain used was not conditioned for the temperatures
encountered during thermophilic composting, the aim of            2.4. Farmyard manure experiments
the study was to determine the minimum requirements
for the inactivation of the marker strain under different             Pig farmyard manure (FYM) composed of straw, pig
conditions, and infer the conditions that are therefore           faeces and urine was obtained from sows fed a propri-
likely to affect inactivation of similar pathogens during          etary brand of dry sow rations from BOCM Pauls, with
composting. Data are also included in this study show-            no specific additives. The FYM used in these experi-
ing the growth of faecal coliforms throughout a compost           ments had a dry matter (DM) content of 26% and an
heap of pig farmyard manure where the composting                  ammoniacal nitrogen content of 2.5 g/kg. Twenty g
temperature was at mesophilic levels, demonstrating the           FYM was weighed out into each of several glass bottles
importance of ensuring that composting is carried out at          and autoclaved at 121 °C for 15 min.
sufficiently high temperatures. If a compost heap does
not reach high enough temperatures, it is possible that           2.5. Experimental protocol for WS, PF and FYM
not only will inactivation not occur, but pathogenic              experiments
bacteria may in fact grow.
                                                                     At the start of each experiment, 1 or 10 ml of E. coli
                                                                  culture broth previously incubated for 16 h was added to
2. Methods                                                        each of the sterile glass bottles containing either straw,
                                                                  pig faeces or pig farmyard manure, and the bottles were
2.1. E. coli cultures                                             shaken thoroughly. Two (i.e. duplicate bottles) were
                                                                  assayed for E. coli titres immediately, two were kept at
   E. coli 11943 was cultivated at 37 °C and at 200 rpm           20 °C for the duration of the experiment, and the re-
in an orbital incubator for 16 h. Cultures were inocu-            maining bottles were put in an incubator at either 50 or
lated from freshly grown nutrient agar plates into six            55 °C. At 1, 2, 5, 24 and 48 h (and in some cases, 72 h),
500 ml conical flasks containing 50 ml sterile nutrient            duplicate flasks were removed from the incubator and
broth (Merck). After incubation and shaking for 16 h,             assayed for E. coli as described below.
the contents of all six flasks were pooled into a single
flask and the number of colonies per ml was measured               2.6. Extraction of E. coli from samples
from the pooled flask. The volume of broth required for
each experiment was removed, and the flask containing                 E. coli was extracted from each of the samples by
the remaining broth was kept unagitated at 20 °C for up           adding 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7, to each
to 72 h. This was to serve as a control for comparison            bottle, the volume added being dependent upon how dry
with experiments where the broth had been added to                the material was (i.e. whether it was WS, PF or FYM,
either straw, pig faeces or pig farmyard manure and               and how much culture broth had been added; in the case
incubated at different temperatures for up to 72 h (see            of straw with 10 ml E. coli broth added, no sodium
below). The ammoniacal nitrogen content of the E. coli            phosphate was needed, but in the case of FYM with
broth was 0.20 g/l.                                               only 1 ml broth, 30 ml was required). The contents of
                                                                  the bottles were mixed thoroughly, and the contents
2.2. Straw experiments                                            decanted and, except in the case of WS samples, were
                                                                  centrifuged at 1700g in an IEC Centra 3E centrifuge
   Wheat straw (WS) used in these experiments had a dry           (IEC, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, UK) for 10 min. The
matter (DM) content of 91% (w/w) and an ammoniacal                supernatants were then assayed for E. coli counts.
nitrogen content of 0 g/kg. One g WS was weighed
out into each of several glass bottles and autoclaved at          2.7. E. coli counts
121 °C for 15 min.
                                                                     E. coli titres or counts (cfu) were measured as follows:
2.3. Pig faeces experiments                                       samples (sodium phosphate extracted for WS; extracted
                                                                  and centrifuged for PF and FYM, and neat for E. coli
   Pig faeces (PF) used in these experiments was ob-              broth samples) were serially diluted by adding 1 ml to
tained from grower pigs fed on a proprietary grower pig           glass bottles containing 9 ml 0.7% NaCl. 100 ll of each
feed (from BOCM Pauls) containing copper, and pre-                dilution was then added to fresh nutrient agar plates,
scription drug additive called Potencil. The faeces had a         and spread with an alcohol sterilised glass spreader. The
dry matter (DM) content of 22% (w/w) and an ammo-                 plates were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h, after which
niacal nitrogen content of 3.2 g/kg. Twenty g PF was              colonies were counted and titres obtained in cfu. In each
C. Turner / Bioresource Technology 84 (2002) 57–61                                       59

case, the titres were calculated back to per ml of culture                   3. Results and discussion
broth to allow direct comparisons to be made between
WS, PF and FYM experiments at different added E. coli                         3.1. Heated wheat straw samples
                                                                                 Results of heating E. coli in WS at 50 and 55 °C with
                                                                             low or high moisture content (i.e. either 1 or 10 ml E.
2.8. Compost heap experiment
                                                                             coli culture broth added) are given in Table 1. E. coli was
                                                                             inactivated within 2 h at 55 °C; however, at 50 °C, it was
   One tonne of pig farmyard manure (from the same
                                                                             still viable after 72 h. The moisture content of the
source as that used in the small scale experiments) was
                                                                             samples also played a role in inactivation. When 10 ml
placed in a specially constructed rig and forcibly aer-
                                                                             E. coli broth was added to the WS, inactivation occurred
ated. The temperature at various points in the material
                                                                             less rapidly than when 1 ml was added at both 50 and 55
was monitored, and kept at mesophilic temperatures
                                                                             °C. In the case where 1 ml was added, the broth soaked
through the cooling effects of aeration. At time intervals
                                                                             into the straw, with no residual liquid, whereas when 10
over 3 weeks, samples were taken from a particular part
                                                                             ml was added, it was a liquid culture.
of the heap and cfu counts on petri dishes containing
nutrient agar and MacConkey agar were taken by
adding 20 or 30 ml 0.1 M sodium phosphate buffer, pH                          3.2. Heated pig faeces samples
7, shaking, centrifuging, serially diluting in 0.7% NaCl
and plating as described above. The temperature of the                          Results of heating E. coli in PF at 50 and 55 °C with
compost heap from where the samples were taken was                           lower or higher moisture content (i.e. either 1 or 10 ml
monitored.                                                                   E. coli culture broth added) are given in Table 2. These

Table 1
Results of E. coli culture (either 1 or 10 ml) added to 1 g straw and incubated at 50 or 55 °C for 72 h
  Time                         50 °C (as log10 cfu/ml)                                    55 °C (as log10 cfu/ml)
                               10 ml broth                   1 ml broth                   10 ml broth                   1 ml broth
  0h                           10                            9.2                          9.3                           9.4
  1h                            8.7                          5.3                          6.8                           0
  2h                            8.3                          2.4                          0                             0
  5h                            3.5                          2.3                          0                             0
  24 h                          3.1                          2.0                          0                             0
  48 h                         nd                            2.4                          0                             0
  72 h                         nd                            3.3                          0                             0
  Control   0h                 10.0                          9.2                          9.1                           9.4
  Control   24 h                9.2                          8.3                          8.9                           8.9
  Control   48 h               nd                            9.0                          8.5                           8.5
  Control   72 h               nd                            8.2                          nd                            8.7
Results for each experiment are averages of two samples; nd ¼ not done; ‘‘control’’ refers to E. coli broth kept unagitated at 20 °C.

Table 2
Results of E. coli culture (either 1 or 10 ml) added to 20 g pig faeces and incubated at 50 or 55 °C for 72 h
  Time                         50 °C (as log10 cfu/ml)                                    55 °C (as log10 cfu/ml)
                               10 ml broth                   1 ml broth                   10 ml broth                   1 ml broth
  0h                           9.4                           8.7                          8.9                           9.0
  1h                           9.0                           8.1                          0                             4.2
  2h                           7.6                           5.0                          0                             0
  5h                           2.3                           3.1                          0                             0
  24 h                         0                             2.9                          0                             0
  48 h                         1.8                           2.3                          0                             0
  72 h                         3.0                           2.8                          0                             0
  Control   0h                 9.4                           9.0                          9.7                           9.1
  Control   24 h               nd                            8.7                          nd                            8.7
  Control   48 h               nd                            8.3                          nd                            nd
  Control   72 h               9.7                           8.4                          8.4                           8.5
Results for each experiment are averages of two samples; nd ¼ not done; ‘‘control’’ refers to E. coli broth kept unagitated at 20 °C.
60                                              C. Turner / Bioresource Technology 84 (2002) 57–61

Table 3
Results of E. coli culture (either 1 or 10 ml) added to 20 g pig farmyard manure and incubated at 50 or 55 °C for 72 h
     Time                        50 °C (as log10 cfu/ml)                                  55 °C (as log10 cfu/ml)
                                 10 ml broth                    1 ml broth                10 ml broth                   1 ml broth
     0h                           8.3                            8.0                       9.6                           8.9
C. Turner / Bioresource Technology 84 (2002) 57–61                                              61

appear to be differences in survival of E. coli at 55 °C,           inactivation of E. coli may depend on the moisture
where E. coli was not detected after 1 h, both when 1 or           content and the nature of the material. However, when
10 ml E. coli broth was added.                                     the temperature is increased to 55 °C, inactivation pro-
                                                                   ceeds rapidly, and in all cases, E. coli was inactivated to
3.4. Pig faeces and farmyard manure at 22 °C                       below detectable levels within 2 h. Although tempera-
                                                                   tures required for inactivation of the lab strain may
   In experiments where either 1 or 10 ml E. coli broth            not be as high as those required for the destruction of
was added to PF or FYM and maintained at 22 °C for                 ‘‘conditioned’’ pathogens, the results indicate that the
72 h, there was no significant loss of titre of E. coli over        inactivation is not merely temperature dependent, but is
that time, and this is shown in Table 4. E. coli broth left        affected by the moisture content and the nature of the
unagitated at 22 °C for 72 h also did not show any                 material. If incomplete inactivation has taken place due
appreciable loss of titre. This can be seen in Tables 2 and        to insufficiently high temperature, recovery and growth
3, where values given for ‘‘controls’’ were of E. coli             of the damaged population may be possible.
broth left at 20 °C.                                                  Results from a composting experiment demonstrated
                                                                   that coliforms grew in the compost heap if the compo-
3.5. Compost experiment                                            sting was conducted at mesophilic temperatures, so care
                                                                   should be taken in maintaining adequate composting of
   The above experiments demonstrate that E. coli                  material, rather than just leaving a heap unmonitored.
would be inactivated in farmyard manure, pig faeces
and straw (the components of muck heaps) if kept at 55
°C for more than 2 h. Fig. 1 shows the results of bac-             References
terial counts from samples taken from a compost heap
at mesophilic temperatures of pig farmyard manure                  EPA: Composting municipal wastewater sludges, 1985, EPA/625/4-85/
grown on both MacConkey agar (for faecal coliforms)                   014, 66 p.
and nutrient agar. The trend of bacterial counts during            Droffner, M.L., Brinton, W.F., 1995. Survival of E. coli and
                                                                      Salmonella populations in aerobic thermophilic composts as mea-
the course of the compost experiment seemed to follow
                                                                      sured with DNA gene probes. Zbl. Hyg. 197, 387–397.
the temperature trend of the area in the compost heap              Himathongkham, S., Bahari, S., Riemann, H., Cliver, D., 1999.
from which the sample was taken. The temperature in                   Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium
the sampled area of the heap reached 35 °C, and this                  in cow manure ad cow manure slurry. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 178,
coincided with the highest total bacterial and faecal                 251–257.
                                                                   Kudva, I.T., Blanch, K., Hovde, C.J., 1998. Analysis of Escherichia
coliform counts. It therefore shows that the composting
                                                                      coli O157:H7 survival in ovine or bovine manure and manure
process will not inactivate coliforms (and thus patho-                slurry. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64 (9), 3166–3174.
gens such as E. coli O157 and Salmonella) at mesophilic            Maule, A., 1998. Environmental survival of Escherichia coli O157:
temperatures.                                                         implications for spread of disease. Paper presented at International
                                                                      Food Hygiene Conference on E. coli O157, October 1998, Paris,
4. Conclusions                                                     Mawdsley, 1993. Pathogenic microorganisms in livestock waste and
                                                                      factors influencing their transport to the aqueous environment.
                                                                      Appendix 1 of: Protozoan, bacterial and virus pathogens, farm
   This work has shown the conditions required for the
                                                                      wastes and water quality protection. Final Report for Ministry of
inactivation of a lab strain of E. coli, acting as a marker           Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Open Contract CSA2064.
for common pathogenic organisms that may be present                Wu, N., Smith, J.E., 1999. Reducing pathogen and vector attraction
in animal manures. Results demonstrated that at 50 °C,                for biosolids. Biocycle (November), 59–61.
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