資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14

資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14

 China Institute of Atomic Energy
China National Nuclear Corporation
資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
1.   Overview about nuclear energy of China
2.   SFR Development
3.   Other Gen-IV Reactor Development
4.   Conclusion

資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
• China primary energy consumption is about 4.18 billion tons of standard coal in 2016, decrease
 • Crude oil, natural gas, and non-coal electricity consumption amount is about 109.8 million tons of
   standard coal. Coal consumption fell by about 143.6 million tons of standard coal.

                    Electricity                Increase
Energy type        generation        Ratio   (compare to
                  (*1012kW.h)                    2015)

Coal              4.3958          74.4%      2.6%

Hydro             1.0518          17.8%      5.9%

Wind              0.2113          3.5%       19.0%

Solar             0.0394          0.7%       33.8%

Nuclear           0.2127          3.6%       24.1%

          Total   5.9111                     4.5%

資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
• The NPPs unites under
  operation is 35 (not include
  Taiwan region) till 31
  December, 2016. And
  another 19 unites are under
• The nuclear capacity is
  33.6GW which is about
  2.04% of total capacity.

資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
• In 2016, China's electricity industry generated a
  total of 5.91 trillion kilowatt-hours, including    Electricity generation in 2016
  212.7 billion kilowatt-hours of nuclear power.
  And the nuclear grows 24.1% from 2015.
• The average utilization of nuclear power plant
  in China has declined for three years. In 2014,
  the average utilization rate of 22 nuclear power
  plants in China was 86.32%. In 2015, the NPP
  units increased to 28, and the average
  utilization rate dropped to 83.3%. In 2016, the
  NPP units reached to 35, but the average
  utilization rate fell to 79.55%. The operation
  time is 6,987 hours a year, which was nearly
  300 hours shorter than the previous year.
• The reason are mainly: the national economy is
  in a period of adjustment; balance of the energy
  resource adjustment.
資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
• Energy policy
  – National Plan for Coping with Climate Change, to guarantee the
    realization of the target of cutting the carbon emission intensity by 40 to
    45 percent by 2020 from the 2005 level.
• Nuclear energy policy
  – The nuclear energy development should be sustainability, safe and with
    high efficiency.
  – Could provide a large scale nuclear power plant capacity in a limited time.
  – The high level radioactive waste should be minimized.
  – The roadmap of the nuclear development is tree steps: thermal reactor,
    fast reactor and fusion.
  – The strategy of nuclear fuel cycle should be : the Closed fuel cycle based
    fast reactor.

資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
• The Electric Power Development “13th
  five years” plan (2016-2020) was
                                             Energy structure in 2050
  issued in 2016. The plan indicate that
  nuclear power will be put into
  operation with the capacity about
  30GW and another 30GW will be                  19%            Coal
  under construction. The total capacity                        Oil
  will reach to 58GW till 2020.                                 Gas
• The studies of the Chinese Academy                            Nuclear
  of Sciences (CAS) show that the                               Renewable
  nuclear power installation will reach    10%
  to 200GW by 2030, and more than
  400GW by 2050.

資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
資料2 - China Institute of Atomic Energy China National Nuclear Corporation 2017-9-14
Experimental Fast Reactor       Demonstration Fast Reactor            Commercial Fast Reactor
             CEFR                           CFR600                              CFR1200

             2011                              ~ 2023                              ~2030

                                      Industry scale to demonstration
safety theory                         the closed fuel cycle
certification                         Safety Verification of large size          Commercial
Scientific certification              SFR                                        operation
Fuel and material study
                                      Master of the large size SFR               Breeding nuclear
                                       design and construction
Training and experience               technology
                                                                                  fuel industrially
feed back                             Economic certification of large            Serially developing
                                       size SFR in China
Phases                   CEFR                      CDFR                          CCFR

 Power(MWe)                    20                        600                          ≥1000
     Coolant                 Sodium                    Sodium                        Sodium
 Primary system               Pool                       Pool                          Pool
      Fuel                                              MOX                           Metal
                       Austenitic stainless   Austenitic stainless steels   Austenitic stainless steels
  Clad material
                             steels                   CN-1515                       (ODS)
   Core outlet
                               530                       540                           550
  Liner power
                               430                       430                           450
 Maximum burn-
                             60-100                    80-120                        120-150
                        Primary storage in    Primary storage in vessel      Primary storage in vessel
Spent fuel storage    vessel and Water pool        and Water pool           and Water pool temporary
                       temporary storage         temporary storage                   storage
                                                 Active and passive             Active and passive
                     Active shutdown system
  Safety system                                  shutdown system                shutdown system
                          Passive DHRS
                                                   Passive DHRS                   Passive DHRS

Engaged in the basic
                          Engaged in the applied    Engaged in the design
 theory of SFR and the
                          technical R&D oriented   and the construction of
principally experiments     to the engineering              CEFR

  Basic technical R&D        Applied technical         Engineering
                                R&D(1987-             technical R&D
    (1965—1987)                    1992)             (1992—2012)

• The SFR technical R&D started from the 1960’of the last century
• 14 facilities about neutron, thermal-hydraulic, sodium, fuel and
  material have been constructed.
• 1970.6.29,DF−VI, the first zero power experiment facility get the
  first criticality

• The R&D of SFR supported by the national high technology program “863”
• 61 programs were carried out by the CIAE and other universities, institutes
  and factories
• More than 20 experiment facilities and loops were constructed
• Some computer code developed

• Supported by the “863”program,focus on constructing an
  experimental sodium fast reactor with 65MW thermal power
  and 20MW electrical power, it is called CEFR

                                       Site of CEFR:South
                                        west of Beijing city
                                            about 45km
Parameter             Unit      Value          Parameter          Unit   Value
Thermal Power            MW          65        Primary Circuit
Electric Power, net      MW          20        Number of Loops               2
Reactor Core                                   Quantity of Sodium     t     260
Height                    cm        45.0       Flow Rate, total      t/h   1328.4
Diameter Equivalent       cm        60.0       Number of IHX per
Fuel                              MOX (first   Secondary Circuit
                                  loading is
Linear Power max.       W/cm         430       Number of Loop                2
Neutron Flux            n/cm2·s   3.7×1015     Quantity of Sodium     t     48.2
Bum-up, first load      MWd/t       60000      Flow Rate
                                                                     t/h   986.4
Inlet/outlet Temp. of     ℃       360/530      Tertiary Circuit
      the Core
Diameter of Main          m         8.010      Steam Temperature
     Vessel(outside)                                                 ℃      480

Design Life               A          30        Steam Pressure       MPa     14
                                               Flow Rate             t/h    96.2

No                            Content                                 date
1                        Project approved                           1995.12.29
2                    Primary design approved                        1997.11.4
3                               FCD                                 2000.5.30
4              Closed of the nuclear island building                2002.8.15
5                       Installation finished                       2008.12.25

6         Satisfy all the requirement for the first loading         2009.9.27

7                      Fist physics criticality                     2010.7.21
8            The B stage commissioning work finished                2010.11.30
     Fit the project target: Connect to the national grid firstly
9                                                                   2011.7.22
     and 40% rated power operation 24 hours
10      Restart carry out the power operation experiment            2014.3.14

11            40% power planed experiment finished                  2014.5.19

12             Achieve the 100% rated power firstly                 2014.12.18

Over power             Load
restart,2 test    Loss of vacuum                                          First time Operation
                                     protection test at   shedding test
 in low power    test at 40% level                                          72h 100% power
                                         50% level         at 75% level

2014.3                                                                           2014.12

Overhaul 2016

Totally operation 3600hr, produce electricity 16.33 million kwh

• CEFR operated 23days at 39MWt level in 2016.
• The main work to CEFR is overhaul include
   – Primary and secondary sodium pump maintains
   – Fuel handling machine maintains
   – Thermal insulation system upgrade
   – Conventional island maintains                      Water side of SG

   – DCS upgrade
   – Maintenance and repair of nuclear island auxiliary system
   – Instrument and industrial television system repair and rectification
   – Radiation monitoring system repair and rectification
   – Electrical system repair and rectification
   – Safety system and reactor protection system rectification

Parameters   Value
Thermal Power, MW         1500
Electricity Power, MW     600
Efficiency                40%
Design load factor        80%
Fuel                      MOX
Burnup (max),MWd/kg       98
BR                        1.15
Circuit Number per loop   2/2
IHX number per circuit    2
1. Try to Fit the GIF Technical Requirement on
   The Safety and reliability
2. So the off-side emergency could be not
   necessary from the design
3. D-rap methodology is used in the design of
4. Ensures good inherent safety.
5. No large positive reactivity insertion at
   operating conditions or accident conditions.
6. Two independent shutdown system with
   one passive additional.
7. Decay heat removal system at operating
   conditions and accident conditions.
8. Primary and secondary Containment design

1. “Suspend liquid” passive shutdown system
2. Passive Decay Heat Removal System
connected with the hot pool
3. Passive Reactor vessel overpressure
protection system
4. “Siphon” device to prevent large amount
primary sodium leak after primary pipe
5. Passive sodium leak stoppage system to
mitigation the large water-sodium reactor

1.    System Transient Analysis Code
2.    Core and Primary Circuit Thermal-Hydraulic Design code
3.    Decay Heat Removal Capability Analysis Code
4.    Severe Accident Analysis Code
5.    Core Damage Evaluation code
6.    Fuel subassembly characteristics evaluation code for the whole
      operation state

Reactor core thermal-                              Core seismic defamation   System dynamic analysis code
                        Inter subassembly nature
  hydraulic analysis                                       analysis
                           circulation flowrate                                                   23
Parameter             Value
  Thermal power,MW          ~2900
   Electric power,MW         1200
    Thermal efficiency      ~41%
     Loading factor         >85%
    Design life,year          60
          Fuel           MOX ( (TRU,U)O2 )
        Cladding             ODS
Maximum burn-up,MWd/kg       150
      Breading ratio          1.2
    Loops per circuit         4/4
Main Technical Features of CCFR
1.    An innovative pool-type advanced
2.    Plant is designed to meet the
     requirements of the Generation IV
     nuclear energy systems.
3.    More design solutions will be
     considered, including supercritical
     CO2 conversion.
4.    The technical selection will be
     consider the continuity with the
                                            CFR1200 diagram based super-critical CO2
5.    More advanced safety design will be

Generally Configuration of the Main Heat Transfer System of

Suggested Design Schedule for CCFR

                              Dec2020                                     Dec2028                       Dec2034
                        Decided to build                                     FCD                        operation

2015                        2020                    2025                        2030                       2035

                                                           Preliminary Design          Jan2029–Dec2034
       Pre-concept Design          Jan2021–Dec2024
                                                                                        Detail Design
                                   Concept Design

• R&D status of Gen-IV

• The Technology Roadmap (2002), defined and planned the necessary R&D and associated
    timelines to achieve these goals and allow deployment of Generation IV energy systems after
    2030. This roadmapping exercise was a two-year effort by more than 100 international experts
    to select the most promising nuclear systems. In 2002, GIF selected the six systems listed below,
    from nearly 100 concepts, as Generation IV systems:

•   gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR);

•   lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR);

•   molten salt reactor (MSR);

•   sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR);

•   supercritical-water-cooled reactor (SCWR);

•   very-high-temperature reactor (VHTR).

SCWRs are high temperature, high-pressure, light water reactors that operate above the
thermodynamic critical point of water (374°C, 22.1 MPa).
The reactor core may have a thermal or a fast-neutron spectrum, depending on the core design.
The concept may be based on current pressure-vessel or on pressure-tube reactors, and thus may
use light water or heavy water as a moderator.
          Parameters                  Value
         Thermal power               2300MW
         Electric power            ~1000MWe
           Efficiency                 ~43%
       Operating pressure             25MPa
        Design pressure              27.5MPa
    Reactor inlet temperature         280℃
   Reactor outlet temperature         500℃
        Reactor flow rate       4284t/h(1190kg/s)
          Loop number                   2
              Cycle             direct once through
       Coolant flow-path            Two-pass            China SCWR design concept with
         Design lifetime             60 years              pressure vessel---CSR1000
     SCWR Main Features
•     High efficiency (up to 48%)
•     Simplification of plant components and layout
•     Design flexibility
     R&D and Chief Designer
• Nuclear Power Institute of China

Key Laboratory for nuclear reactor Key Laboratory for nuclear fuel   Key Laboratory for nuclear
  thermal hydraulic technology             and materials               reactor system design

• MSR Main Features
• MSRs can be divided into two subclasses. In the first subclass, fissile material
  is dissolved in the molten fluoride salt.
• In the second subclass, the molten fluoride salt serves as the coolant of a
  coated particle fuelled core similar to that employed in VHTRs.

• TMSR(Thorium Molten Salt
  Reactor) project
• Aims : Develop Th-Energy, Non-electric
  application of Nuclear Energy based on
  TMSR during coming 20-30 years.
• TMSR-SF(Solid-Fuel), a preliminary
• TMSR-LF(Liquid-Fuel), a conceptual
Power                                     10 MWt
Lifetime                                  20 year
Operation time                            100 EFPD for single batch of fuel
Average power density                     4.0 MW/m3
Fuel element / abundant / 235U load       6cm ball / 17.0% /15.6 kg
Coolant( 1st loop, 2nd loop)              FLiBe( 99.99%Li7), FLiNaK
Structure material                        N alloy, graphite
Reactor coolant inlet temperature         600 ℃
Reactor coolant outlet temperature        650 ℃
Vessel temperature / pressure designed    700C / 0.5MPa (abs.)
Vessel upper cover temperature designed
• LFR Main Features
• LFRs are Pb or Pb-Bi-alloy-cooled reactors operating at atmospheric pressure and at high
  temperature because of the very high boiling point of the coolant (up to 1 743°C).
• The core is characterized by a fast-neutron spectrum due to the scattering properties of lead.
• In China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) started in 2011 a new effort to develop an
  ADS. A new project CiADS(China initiative Accelerator Driven System) is suggested.
• CiADS Design parameters:Beam power250MeV@10mA; Reactor power10MW

CiADS Project
• Milestones                               Owner      Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangzhou Branch
•   2014.06:site identified (Huizhou,
    Guangdong Provence)                    Designer   Institute of Modern Physics, CAS
•   2015.12:Project proved by government
                                           partner    Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
•   2017.04:Feasibility report review
                                                      Hefei Institute of Physical Science, CAS
•   2017.09:Preliminary design review
•   2017.10:Construction permission                   CGN
•   2023.12:Operation                                 ……

              325 MHz @IHEP                            Venus-II: Zero-power facility

• VHRT Main features
• The VHTR is a next step in the evolutionary development of high-temperature gas-
  cooled reactors.
• It is a graphite-moderated, helium-cooled reactor with thermal neutron spectrum.
• It can supply nuclear heat and electricity over a range of core outlet temperatures
  between 700 and 950°C, and potentially more than 1 000°C in the future.

•   HTR-PM project
•   High Temperature Gas-cooled
    Reactor-Pebble bed Modules
•   Designer
•   Institute of Nuclear and New
    Energy Technology(INET) of
    Tsinghua University

Parameters                                                   Design Value
                                                                            Technical features:
Reactor power, MWt/MWe                                       250*2/212
                                                                            ‒   Inherent safety
Reactor pressure vessel inside diameter, mm                  5700
                                                                            ‒   High thermal
Helium pressure of primary loop, MPa                         7.0
Inlet/outlet helium temperature,℃                            250/750
                                                                            ‒   Pebble-bed modular
Number of fuel elements in equilibrium core                  420,000
Main feed-water temperature,℃                                205            ‒   Short construction

Main steam temperature,℃                                     571                period

Main steam pressure, MPa                                     13.9
Feed-water flow rate for one reactor steam generator, kg/s   98

• China needs a significant nuclear energy capacity in future base on the
  forecast of the energy totally needed and the environment challenge.
• Nuclear fuel cycle is determined from the perspective of sustainable
  development of nuclear energy.
• China should develop the closed nuclear fuel cycle based on the fast reactor,
  and it is should be sustainable, safe, and economic.
• The stratagem of the nuclear energy development is thermal reactor, fast
  reactor and fusion reactor.
• The stratagem of the fast reactor development is CEFR, CDFR and CCFR. The
  main tasks of the FR in China are to Raising the utility ration of uranium
  resource and Transmutation of long life radioactive material. All these
  function will support a sustainability nuclear energy.
• Several other Gen-IV reactor type are under developing be different Chinese
  institute or universities.

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