Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments

Page created by Joyce Mills
Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
Planning your Fall 2021 Courses:
Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
June 2021 | Faculty of Engineering

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Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
Land acknowledgment

Even meeting in a virtual environment, we would like to
acknowledge the Indigenous Peoples of all the lands that
we may be separately on today. We do this to reaffirm our
commitment to and responsibility for improving
relationships among nations, and to improving our own
understanding of local Indigenous peoples—the
Haudenosaunee and the Anishinabeg—and cultures.
(Inspired by A guide to acknowledging First Peoples and
traditional land.)
Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
Lead-up to Fall 2021: Expectations have changed

 • Many instructors made changes to their teaching and will keep
   them post-pandemic.
 • Majority of instructors more optimistic about online learning.
 • Flexibility is a key principle moving forward.

Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
Fall 2021 Context

   Online                      Blended                    In-person
   • synchronous
   • asynchronous

        • Teaching and learning activities are a combination of
          online and in-person course components
        • Design decisions maximize benefits of both

Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
How prepared do you feel to teach in Fall 2021?

Can’t bear                             Can’t wait to
the thought                            start—let’s go!

Planning your Fall 2021 Courses: Blended Learning Activities and Assessments
Session outcomes

                   Determine which components of
                   your course should be in person and
                   which should be online

                   Identify the assessment sweet spot
                   in your course

Example of blended
Objective             Activity              Activity Setting   Tools used             Assessment Assessment Setting
Given Pythagorean     Read chapter, watch Online               myCourses Content      1. Develop   1. Presented in person
theory, learners      skateboard videos   asynchronous                                proposal
will design a         Solve word            Online             myCourses Quiz
skateboard ramp       problems              asynchronous                              2. Complete 2. Submitted via
for a specific area                                                                   design      myCourses
                      Share ramp designs    Online             Zoom with peer                     Assignments
                      with peer             synchronous
                      Provide peer          Online             Peer assessment tool
                      feedback on design    asynchronous
                      Share final designs   In person          Classroom projector
                      for feedback

                                                                                (Adapted from McGee & Reis, 2012, p. 12)

Example of blended: Introduction to Signals and
         Systems, ECSE 206, Prof. L. Chen
Objective               Activity                                   Activity Setting   Tools used                      Assessment            Assessment
Characterize            Watch instructional videos and read        Online             myCourses Content
continuous-time         assigned sections from the textbook        asynchronous
signals using           Complete pre-class activities (short       Online             myCourses Assignments           1. Quiz (individual   1. Submitted
appropriate             answer problems and/or multiple            asynchronous       and/or Quiz                     and group)            individually via
mathematical            choice questions)                                                                                                   myCourses
representations         Attend mini-lectures that review           Online             Zoom                                                  Assignments
(e.g., Fourier series   important concepts                         synchronous
                        Practice and feedback: complete            Online             Breakout rooms in Zoom and       2. Problems          2. Submitted via
and Fourier
                        worksheets and in-class activities         synchronous        interactive whiteboard (e.g.,   worksheet             myCourses
                        (individual and group)                                        Visual Classrooms)              (individual)          Assignments
                        Problem solving: design first-order and    In-person          Small group discussions /
                        second-order electrical circuits to                           whiteboard (or interactive
                        perform specific filtering functions on                       whiteboard)
                        different periodic and aperiodic input
                        signals (group)
                        Post electrical circuit designs for peer   Online             Peer assessment tool            3. Circuit design     3. Peer review
                        review                                     asynchronous                                       peer review           submitted via
                                                                                                                      (group work           peer assessment
                        Complete worksheets and design             Online             myCourses Assignments
                        problems                                   asynchronous
Blending an activity

 In person


Questions to guide decision-making

        Sound pedagogy                           Wellness

1.What course content is likely to   1.How much time do I have
  generate a lot of questions and      available to plan my course(s)?
  require extensive explanation?
                                     2.How can I design a course that
2.Which learning activities            has a manageable workload for
  benefit from interaction with        both my students and me?
  me? With peers?


Demonstrate Learning in a Variety of Ways

    Artifact       Interaction       Feedback
Blending an assessment

 In person


Designing assessments: Look for the sweet spot

                        Sound Pedagogy

            Academic                     Assessment
            Integrity                     Security


Supporting academic integrity: Considerations

                           Bretag, T., Harper, R., Burton, M., Ellis, C.,
                           Newton, P., van Haeringen, K., Et al. (2019).
                           Contract cheating and assessment design:
                           exploring the relationship. Assessment &
                           Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(5), 676-691.

Example: Online exam (quiz)
                                                             • Different question types
                                                             • Multiple tries or submissions
                                                             • Real-world problems
                                           Sound Pedagogy

• Honor code acknowledgement                                              • Question/answer randomization
                               Academic                     Assessment
• Personal experience                                                     • Time allotment/constraint
                               Integrity                     Security
• Authentic assessment                                                    • Question bank

                                                             • Time allotment/constraint
                                                             • Multiple tries or submissions
                                                             • Non-predetermined results       16
Example: Essay
                                                             • Multiple drafts or submissions
                                                             • Real-world problems
                                                             • Appropriate content/task
                                           Sound Pedagogy

• Honor code acknowledgement                                                • Topic/question rotation
                               Academic                     Assessment
• Personal experience                                                       • Multiple stages
                               Integrity                     Security
• Multiple stages                                                           • Text-matching

                                                             • Time allotment/constraint
                                                             • Multiple drafts or submissions
                                                             • Non-predetermined results        17
Example of blended: Introduction to Signals and
         Systems, ECSE 206, Prof. L. Chen
Objective               Activity                                   Activity Setting   Tools used                      Assessment            Assessment
Characterize            Watch instructional videos and read        Online             myCourses Content
continuous-time         assigned sections from the textbook        asynchronous
signals using           Complete pre-class activities (short       Online             myCourses Assignments           1. Quiz (individual   1. Submitted
appropriate             answer problems and/or multiple            asynchronous       and/or Quiz                     and group)            individually via
mathematical            choice questions)                                                                                                   myCourses
representations         Attend mini-lectures that review           Online             Zoom                                                  Assignments
(e.g., Fourier series   important concepts                         synchronous
                        Practice and feedback: complete            Online             Breakout rooms in Zoom and       2. Problems          2. Submitted via
and Fourier
                        worksheets and in-class activities         synchronous        interactive whiteboard (e.g.,   worksheet             myCourses
                        (individual and group)                                        Visual Classrooms)              (individual)          Assignments
                        Problem solving: design first-order and    In-person          Small group discussions /
                        second-order electrical circuits to                           whiteboard (or interactive
                        perform specific filtering functions on                       whiteboard)
                        different periodic and aperiodic input
                        signals (group)
                        Post electrical circuit designs for peer   Online             Peer assessment tool            3. Circuit design     3. Peer review
                        review                                     asynchronous                                       peer review           submitted via
                                                                                                                      (group work           peer assessment
                        Complete worksheets and design             Online             myCourses Assignments
                        problems                                   asynchronous
Questions to guide decision-making
      Sound pedagogy                     Wellness                   Academic integrity          Assessment security

1.What course content is        1.How much time do I have      1.How well do students       1.Which technology
  likely to generate a lot of     available to plan my           understand what              strategies (e.g.,
  questions and require           course(s)?                     academic integrity is in     randomizing quiz/exam
  extensive explanation?                                         my discipline and why it     questions; reviewing text-
                                2.How can I design a course      matters?                     matching reports) should
2.Which learning activities       that has a manageable                                       I consider implementing
  benefit from interaction        workload for both my         2.How able are students at     for securing
  with me? With peers?            students and me?               implementing                 assessments?
                                                                 appropriate citation
                                                                 practices in my            2.How can I implement a
                                                                 discipline?                  multi-stage assessment
                                                                                              where students
                                                                                              development over time?

See more questions in the Blended Learning Activities and Assessments Planner                                  19
What other questions
                             might you consider
                             when designing your
                             blended course?

Type responses in the chat

Access resources
Next Steps

             Connect with a colleague

             Book a consultation
What’s your most
                             important take-way
                             from today’s session?

Type responses in the chat

International Centre for Academic Integrity. (2021). The fundamental values of
       academic integrity, (3rd ed.).
Johnson, N., Seaman, J., & Veletsianos, G. (2021). Teaching during a pandemic:
       spring transition, fall continuation, winter evaluation. Bay View Analytics.
McGee, P., & Reis, A. (2012). Blended course design: A synthesis of best
       practices. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 16(4), 7-22.

Image credits

Content by LUTFI GANI AL ACHMAD, ID in the business 1 Collection
Pyramid by Creative Stall, PK Company values by Weltenraser in the Business
ethics and values & code of conduct Collection
Variety by Tippawan Sookruay, TH

Concordia University, Centre for Teaching and Learning. (2021). When to use
   asynchronous/synchronous learning.
Joosten, T., Weber, N., Baker, M., Schletzbaum, A., & McGuire, A. (2021). Planning for a blended
    future: A research-driven guide for educators. [Report] Every Learner Everywhere Network.
    Retrieved from:
Linder, K. E. (2016). The blended course design workbook: A practical guide. Stylus Publishing, LLC.
Rutgers University, see Special advice for open-book assessment in quantitative courses
Stein, J., & Graham, C. R. (2020). Essentials for blended learning: A standards-based guide (2nd ed.).
    Essentials of online learning series. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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