PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA

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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA

  WINTER EDITION | 2021   Accenting Professional Law Enforcement Through Training

Inside this issue
Your Guide for THE 2021
Legislative Session

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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA
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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA

                                                                                                                                           6    President’s Message
                                                                                                                                           8    From The Desk Of The Executive Director
                       FALL EDITION | 2020            Accenting Professional Law Enforcement Through Training
                                                                                                                                           10   Chief Counsel’s Corner

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                        Special Topics & Research
                                                                                                                                           16   Five Reasons Defunding the Police is Not Realistic
                                                                                                                                           20   Comprehensive Police Reform? More Than Policing!
                                                                                                                                           26   Smaller Agencies Setting the Example for Excellence

                  16   GACP’s 2021
                       Legislative                                                          36                  Internal Affairs in 21st
                                                                                                                Century Police Agencies
                                                                                                                                                GACP’s Legislative Platform
                                                                                                                                                Internal Affairs in 21st Century Police Agencies
                                                                                                                                                Line of Duty Death Benefits and Assistance
                       Platform                                                                                                            48   Implementing De-Briefings To Improve Operations

5     FIVE Reasons                                                                                                                         58   Risk Factors Associated with Excited Delirium
                                                                                                                                                Syndrome and Arrest-Related Deaths
      Defunding the
      Police is Not
                                                                                                                46                         62   Georgia’s Colleges and Universities:
                                                                                                                                                Developing Police Officers of the Future
                                                                                                                                           66   GOHS Gearing up for a Busy Winter in 2021

Comprehensive Police
Reform? More Than
                                                                                                                                52         Columns
                                                                                                                                                Around The State
                                                                                                                                           70   Research
                                                                                                                Risk Factors Associated
                                                                                                                with Excited Delirium           Comparison of Law Enforcement Suicides with

20                                                                                                              Syndrome and
                                                                                                                Arrest-Related Deaths
                                                                                                                                                Army and Firefighter Suicides  70

                                                                                                                                                Impact of Precipitation on Motor Vehicle Crashes? 71

                                                                                                                                                Impact of Firearms Removal on Repeat Instances of
Smaller Agencies
Setting the Example
                                                                                                                                56              Domestic Violence  72

                                                                                                                                           GACP Corporate Member Buyers Guide & Advertisers
                                                                                                                                           76   Buyers Guide
                                             INSIGHTS                                                                                      83   Advertisements
                                             How do you develop a                                               Georgia’s Colleges and
                                             positive working

26                     30                    relationship with
                                             elected officials?
                                                                                                                Universities: Developing
                                                                                                                Police Officers of the

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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA

     PRESIDENT'S                                                                                          “ Information identified through this validated
                                                                                                          job analysis technique will be used to restruc-
     MESSAGE                                                                                                                                                            Board & Staff
                                                                                                          ture and update the Chief Executive Training
                                                                                                                                                                        Bruce Hedley, President
                                                                                                          Course (CETC). In addition, the project also                  Janet Moon, 1st Vice President

             Chief Bruce Hedley                                                                                                                                         Alan Rowe, 2nd Vice President
             GACP President & Chief of
                                                                                                          identified classes that should be periodically                Mark Scott, 3rd Vice President
             Lilburn Police Department                                                                    provided for veteran chiefs. It is our hope to                Stoney Mathis, 4th Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                        Wesley Walker, Immediate Past President
                                                                                                          have this program implemented for persons                     Bruce Carlisle, Chair of the District Representatives
             As this year ends, I wanted to recognize the hard work of our Executive Board, GACP
             staff, 22 District Representatives, 19 Committees and their Members, and our mem-            attending the June 2021 class.”                               Richard A. Carothers, General Counsel
             bership. The GACP has been working hard as a team to accomplish so much this                                                                               A. A. Butch Ayers, Executive Director
             year. Our Training Committee will continue to work on improving our training at the                                                                        W. Dwayne Orrick. Assistant Executive Director
             Winter Training Conference and offer more choices so each of you can decide what             an updated and functioning version of our highest             Monica Duran, Training Coordinator
             topics are best for you and your department. Work has already begun for the Annual           governing document.                                           John Whitaker, Special Projects Coordinator
             Summer Training Conference as well. We are committed to providing you with highly                                                                          Mark Bender, State Certification Coordinator
             skilled instructors and state-of-the-art training. With our new investment strategy,         Over the last few months, 19 chiefs from across the State
                                                                                                                                                                        Ellen Cormier, Administrative Manager
             we will soon have the resources to fund and hire some of the most highly sought-af-          participated in an occupational analysis conducted by
                                                                                                                                                                        Cathy Oehler, Member Relations Coordinator
             ter instructors in the country.                                                              the Georgia Public Safety Training Center’s (GPSTC) staff
                                                                                                          for the position of police chief in the State of Georgia.     Keira Bailey, Receptionist

             We have been working on a legislative platform and priority strategy for the upcom-          Information identified through this validated job analysis    Jennifer Sharrow, Public Relations Specialist
             ing legislative session. Some of these topics include, behavioral / mental health,           technique will be used to restructure and update the
             controlled substances, crimes and criminal reform, police operations and tactics, and        Chief Executive Training Course (CETC). In addition, the
             use of force. Please go to: https://gachiefs.com/2021-legislative-platform-priorities/       project also identified classes that should be periodically
             to see the 2021 Legislative Agenda. Our Legislative Committee has been working               provided for veteran chiefs. It is our hope to have this
             hard behind the scenes to insure we have the best legislative approach as they               program implemented for persons attending the June
                                                                                                          2021 class.
                                                                                                                                                                        Contact Info
             represent all of us at the Capitol. I trust when the time is right, we will join forces at
                                                                                                                                                                        Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police
             the Capitol just as we did with last year’s POAB bill. Numbers and visibility make a
             difference!                                                                                  It has been my honor to serve as your President for the       3500 Duluth Park Lane, Suite 700
                                                                                                          past six months, and I wanted to say thank you for allow-     Duluth, GA 30096
             At the November 25th Executive Board Meeting, the Board voted unanimously to                 ing me to serve in this capacity. Serving in this position    Email: gacp@gachiefs.com
             approve the recent amendments to our By-Laws and on December 1st, eight Districts            has been and continues to be an honor of a lifetime.
             voted unanimously to forward the Constitution, as amended, for a vote by the mem-                                                                          Phone: 770.495.9650
             bership at the Winter Training Conference. I would like to thank everyone involved           I wish each of you the very best for the upcoming new         Toll Free: 877.530.4682 outside /770, 404 & 678
             with this project. It has been a massive undertaking to say the least. If 2/3 of the         year and looking forward to seeing each you at the            Fax:       770.495.7872
             membership vote to approve the amended version of our Constitution, we will have             Winter Training Conference!

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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA

                                                                                             “The upcoming 2021 Legislative Session at the Capitol
                                                                                             in Atlanta will be interesting. There are already many
                      FROM THE DESK of the                                                   bills, pre-filed and soon to be introduced, that deal
                                                                                             with various aspects of how we perform our jobs.
                      EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR                                                     I urge all GACP members to pay special attention to
                      A.A Butch Ayers                                                        what is occurring at the Capitol.”
                      GACP Executive Director

                      As we welcome in the new year, let us review the past one.            that the new curriculum and instructors will be ready to roll     >> CLICK HERE TO
                      2020 was a challenging year for all of us, on many different          it out during the Summer. Chief Stacey Cotton is running for      Check out the
                      levels. Controversial police shootings, civil unrest, calls for po-   5th Vice President – IACP and your support will help Georgia
                      lice reform and defunding, COVID-19, election controversies,          have a voice on the national level.                               legislative agenda
                      and the list goes on. While other industries and organizations
                      reduced, if not outright ceased, the delivery of services and         The upcoming 2021 Legislative Session at the Capitol in
                                                                                                                                                              on our website at
                      products, we soldiered on – providing law enforcement ser-            Atlanta will be interesting. There are already many bills,        gachiefs.com
                      vices to our communities.                                             pre-filed and soon to be introduced, that deal with various
                                                                                            aspects of how we perform our jobs. I urge all GACP mem-
                      The By-Laws have been updated and approved, and the up-               bers to pay special attention to what is occurring at the Cap-
                      dated Constitution will be voted upon during the Winter Train-        itol. Simply checking the Georgia General Assembly website
                      ing Conference in Jekyll Island. These updates were much              on a daily, yes – daily, basis will keep you informed. Also,
                      needed, and I want to thank the Constitution and By-Laws              please consider visiting the Capitol and committee meetings
                      Committee and others for their hard work on this project.             to show GACP’s visibility and interest in bills that affect law
                      The GACP staff have been working hard to provide quality ser-                                                                           >>CLICK HERE to learn
                      vices to our membership. Examples can be seen in the addi-            Thank you for your continued support.                             more info about the
                      tional online training opportunities, improved quality of train-
                      ing conferences, increase in the number of certified agencies         Stay Safe!                                                        Chief Executive Training
                      as well as development of the new DOJ Use of Force Certifica-
                      tion program, additional promotional and needs assessments,
                      and improved the quarterly Georgia Police Chief online maga-
                      zine, just to name a few.

                      2021 will be a busy year as well. The Chief Executive Training
                      Course, aka “Chiefs’ School”, is being revamped. We hope

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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA
                                                                                                                 officers are spread out on all     In 2010, the International           Mind.” To join the campaign,
 CHIEF COUNSEL’S CORNER                                                                                          shifts and available for im-
                                                                                                                 mediate dispatch to possible
                                                                                                                                                    Association of Chiefs of Police
                                                                                                                                                    began to work on goals for
                                                                                                                                                                                         law enforcement agencies
                                                                                                                                                                                         must pledge to implement the
                                                                                                                 mental health crises. The          addressing issues with the           four practices over a 12- to
 IMPROVEMENT OF POLICE                                                                                           program also contemplates          mentally ill, and in 2015 issued     36-month time frame. The
 RESPONSE TO PERSONS Richard   A. Carothers
                       General Counsel
                                                                                                                 special training for call takers
                                                                                                                 and dispatchers to identify
                                                                                                                                                    a report entitled “Improving
                                                                                                                                                    Officer Response to Persons
                                                                                                                                                                                         IACP website indicates that
                                                                                                                                                                                         there are over 550 agencies
 WITH MENTAL ILLNESS   Carothers & Mitchell, LLC                                                                 such calls and to obtain further   With Mental Illness and Other        working on or having complet-
                                                                                                                 information from the caller to     Disabilities.” A major part of       ed implementation of the One
                                                                                                                 forward to dispatched officers     this effort resulted in the “One     Mind program, some 45 of
In this year of 2020, all of us      mental health illness treatment        It is simply incorrect to assert                                                                             which are in Georgia.
                                                                                                                 to assist in helping the person    Mind” campaign. The stated
have been overwhelmed by a           and certainly too few institu-         that law enforcement has not
                                                                                                                 and controlling the situation.     purpose of the campaign is to
multitude of social, political and   tions that house and treat the         responded to the acute need                                                                                  In addition to the CIT models
                                                                                                                                                    ensure successful interactions
health issues, taking turns to       mentally ill. In fact, the largest     for programs and training for                                                                                and the training of law en-
                                                                                                                 Other programs evolved from        between police officers and
dominate our individual lives as     three providers of mental health       responding to issues with per-                                                                               forcement officers in mental
                                                                                                                 the Memphis CIT model to im-       people with mental health dis-
well as the headlines. As usual,     services in the United States are      sons with mental illnesses until                                                                             illness responses, there are
                                                                                                                 prove the response to mentally     orders and/or developmental
law enforcement continues its        New York City’s Rikers Island Jail,    recently. Indeed, many police                                                                                alternative emergency re-
                                                                                                                 ill persons. There are numer-      disabilities in crisis situations.
role on the front lines of almost    the Cook County Jail in Chica-         departments in the United States                                                                             sponse models being tried.
                                                                                                                 ous training and research stud-    It promotes a training and
every societal issue and problem.    go, and the Los Angeles County         adopted training programs for                                                                                Some police departments have
                                                                                                                 ies and programs which inform      development program which
The definitions and responsibil-     Jail. Assuming that a significant      crisis intervention teams (CIT)                                                                              employed or partnered with
                                                                                                                 law enforcement agencies           requires the implementation of
ities of “Serve and Protect” are     percentage of the population           based upon a police-based first                                                                              mental health professionals to
                                                                                                                 on responses to people with        four basic strategies: to estab-
ever-increasing. As the bright       have some form of mental illness       responder program of pre-arrest                                                                              work as co-responders, assist-
                                                                                                                 mental illnesses. Three such       lish a defined and sustainable
light of the headlines and outcry    (some have estimated 1 in 5), po-      jail diversion for those in mental                                                                           ing the police in responding to
                                                                                                                 representative publications are    partnership with community
over the shootings and force-re-     lice officers will inevitably come     illness crisis. Such programs,                                                                               incidents involving a person
                                                                                                                 “Crisis Intervention Team Core     mental health organizations;
lated deaths of black men by         in contact with such individuals       using the “Memphis Model” for                                                                                with a mental illness. Other
                                                                                                                 Element,” published by the         the implementation of a mod-
police, other practices with law     every day. It is therefore not         crisis intervention, originated in                                                                           cities rely on mental illness
                                                                                                                 University of Memphis School       el policy addressing police
enforcement have received re-        surprising that some 10% of 911        1987 as a result of a young black                                                                            response models that do not
                                                                                                                 of Urban Affairs and Public        response to persons affected
newed if not continued attention.    calls involve persons with mental      man with a history of mental                                                                                 involve police. In Eugene,
                                                                                                                 Policy in 2007; “Law Enforce-      by mental illness; training and
                                     illness, and that mental illness is    illness being shot and killed in                                                                             Oregon, two person teams
                                                                                                                 ment Responses to People           certification of 100% of the
One of the most significant          a factor in up to half of all police   an encounter where when he                                                                                   consisting of a medic and a cri-
                                                                                                                 with Mental Illnesses: A Guide     agency’s sworn officers and
of these is law enforcement’s        shootings. This year brought           refused to put down a knife.                                                                                 sis worker respond to 911 calls
                                                                                                                 to Research – Informed Policy      selected non-sworn staff in
response to persons with mental      increased public concerns with         After serious protests, the City                                                                             involving a mental health crisis
                                                                                                                 and Practice,” published by the    mental health first aid; and
illness and/or developmental         the police response to persons         of Memphis, in coordination with                                                                             prior to any police response.
                                                                                                                 Council of State Governments,      provision of crisis intervention
disorders. We are all aware that     who are mentally ill and public        the National Alliance on Mental                                                                              The program was successful in
                                                                                                                 Justice Center in 2009; and        team training to a minimum
mental illness is a disease which    and legislative outcry to improve      Illness, the NAACP, law enforce-                                                                             responding to 17% of the de-
                                                                                                                 “Police Response to People         of 20% of the agency’s sworn
is often accompanied by home-        the response. Many of the media        ment, community mental health                                                                                partment’s overall call volume
                                                                                                                 with Mental Illness, Intellectual  officers and staff such as dis-
lessness, domestic violence,         reports negatively focusing on         professionals, and community                                                                                 in 2017 without police officer
                                                                                                                 Disabilities and Substance Use     patchers.
drug and alcohol abuse, the in-      police practices with regard to        groups worked together to find                                                                               involvement.
                                                                                                                 Disorders,” by the California
ability to control one’s behavior,   the mentally ill are taking the        a new approach. That combined
                                                                                                                 Commission on Peace Offi-         The initiative focuses on unit-
and ultimately, to obey the law.     position that this is an issue that    effort led to the CIT program.                                                                               Additional focused CIT training
                                                                                                                 cer Standards and Training in     ing local communities, public
And as well, there is increasingly   simply has been ignored by             Under this approach, special-                                                                                has been successful in jurisdic-
                                                                                                                 2016.                             safety organizations, and
limited availability of              law enforcement agencies and           ly-trained uniform patrol                                                                                    tions that have such programs.
                                                                                                                                                   mental health organizations so
                                     officers.                                                                                                     that the three become of “One
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PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA

But it cannot altogether prevent      Finally the officer said that if he   scene, kept a greater distance,       assisting that person. The          in this area to include courses    health issues, developmental
tragic outcomes. The response         refused the last request, they        and never should have tried to        main purpose of the Bill is for     such as “mental health for first   disabilities and substance
is far more complicated where         would have to take him out of         remove Oakes from the car. The        the officers to be able to assist   responders” (eight hours) and      abuse services and expertise
the subject of the call is violent    the car. After more verbal re-        11th Circuit Court of Appeals         a mentally ill person to receive    “crisis intervention training”     that includes crisis and suicide
and/or in possession of a weap-       quests to Oakes, Oakes reached        characterized these arguments         evaluation and care without         (forty hours).                     intervention, de-escalation,
on. In one of our cases, Oakes v.     between the seat and the con-         and the expert’s opinions as          having to arrest them and thus                                         and needs assessment. The pi-
DeKalb County, (11th Circuit No.      sole in the vehicle. The officers     based on hindsight. “Our task         creating a criminal record.      Georgia police agencies con-          lot program is funded through
11-10803, Oct. 2012) (D.C. Docket     repeatedly shouted that Oakes         is not to evaluate what the offi-                                      tinue to work on improving            the contract with the State and
No. 1:08-cv-01778-MHS), DeKalb        needed to show his hands.             cers could or should have done        In fact, the Legislative Commit- encounters with people with           BHL with limited expense to
County police officers responded      Oakes told the officers that they     in hindsight. The sole inquiry is     tee of the Georgia Association mental illnesses including              those cities and, addressing an
to a 911 call where Oakes was         had better “unsnap” because           whether the officers’ actions, as     of Chiefs of Police at a recent  partnering with mental health         issue that sometimes arises,
in his automobile in a suburban       he “ain’t going down this way.”       taken, were objectively reason-       Executive Board meeting rec-     service provider advocates.           law enforcement officers retain
shopping center parking lot and       Subsequently Oakes jerked his         able under all the circumstanc-       ommended in its 2021 platform Within the last several months,          supervision and control of any
was refusing to get out. The          hand out and starting to move         es.” Unfortunately, in the court of   of legislative priorities a cat- the cities of Brookhaven and          call or scene to which a joint
officers were told by Oakes’ girl-    his arm across his body. Believ-      public opinion and media scruti-      egory of “Behavioral/Mental      Johns Creek have entered into         response is made.
friend Maxwell that he had            ing Oakes was about to fire, one      ny of law enforcement in mental       Health Response” which sup-      contracts with the Behavioral
been drinking for three days and      of the officers fatally shot him.     illness encounters, hindsight is      ports legislation and expanded Health Link, which provides             In a related development,
had threatened suicide. Maxwell       Oakes did not have a gun in           too often the lens through which      treatment of and response to     “Blended Mobile Crisis Re-            President Trump signed in
showed the officer a gun case         his hand, but a loaded gun was        it is viewed.                         mentally ill persons. The rec-   sponse Services” through its          October 2020 a new law which
that she had removed from his         found in the area where he had                                              ommendation is to work with      contract with the State of Geor-      creates the “988” hotline for
car, but it was empty. Maxwell        been reaching. In a subsequent        Law enforcement agencies have         the State to educate the Leg-    gia’s Department of Behavioral        mental health emergencies.
told the officers that Oakes likely   lawsuit, the United States District   also been proactive in seeking        islature on the growing issues Health and Developmental                While there is an existing
had the gun in his car. The offi-     Court found that the officers’        state legislation to assist them      associated with the mentally     Disabilities. BHL and another         National Suicide Prevention
cers repeatedly offered to take       actions were objectively reason-      in their response to these situa-     ill and the increased burdens    provider operate the Georgia          lifeline, it is a normal 10-digit
Oakes to get help, and because        able, that there was no constitu-     tions for the benefit of both the     placed on law enforcement to Crisis and Access Line, provid-           number which is difficult to
of concerns over the weap-            tional violation, and the officers    mentally ill person and the police    respond to the related issues, ing access to crisis services           remember and use. Mental
on, he asked Oakes in a calm          were protected by qualified           officer. In the fall of 2019, well    which include, homelessness, throughout the State on a                 health and suicide prevention
voice to leave the vehicle. They      immunity. The Court concluded         before the scrutiny and criticism     substance abuse, dependen-       24/7 availability. However, the       groups advocated for a simple
continued their requests to let       that it was reasonable for the of-    of law enforcement practices in       cy, and unpredictable and        contracts with Brookhaven and         number which advocates hope
them search the vehicle and he        ficer to fire on Oakes in defense     2020, then immediate GACP Past        harmful behavior. It supports    Johns Creek will provide for          will be easily accepted and
continued to refuse, becoming         of himself, his fellow officers       President Wesley Walker wrote         legislation, specifically House the deployment of mobile cri-          easy to use. It is hoped that
agitated. After 15 minutes of this    and the bystanders. On appeal,        to State Representative Sharon        Bill 760, “to allow law enforce- sis units and professional clini-     this new hotline number may
dialog with Oakes, the officers       the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals     Cooper to recommend House             ment officers to involuntarily   cians specifically to respond to      divert a number of 911 mental
called a supervisor to the scene.     affirmed the District Court.          Bill 760, which would allow po-       transport persons, without       calls for service involving men-      health calls, and provide a
                                      In the Oakes case, the officer did    lice officers to take a person who    making an arrest, to a med-      tal illness or crisis intervention    more clinical response and as-
Upon arrival, the supervisor then     everything in accordance with         presents a substantial risk of do-    ical facility when they have     in those cities in coordination       sistance to the caller or person
began to ask Oakes if he had a        crisis intervention techniques.       ing harm to himself or herself or     probable cause to believe        with their police officers. Cli-      about whom the call is made.
gun and requested that he sit up      The plaintiff in this case, as well   to others to a physician or emer-     that individual is a threat to   nicians will be located in those      The new line and program are
so that the officers could see if     as his expert witness, thought        gency receiving facility and that     themselves or others,” and       cities and will be available at       scheduled to be operational by
he was sitting on a gun. Oakes        that the officers made numerous       such officer to be immune from        supports additional funding      least 40 hours weekly to pro-         July of 2022. >>
refused to respond or comply.         mistakes and should have left the     civil or criminal liability when      for law enforcement training     vide services regarding mental

12   WINTER.2021                                                                                                                                                                                          WINTER.2021        13
PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA
     It can be effectively argued that   what actually occurred within a     50 percent of those agencies
     the overall law enforcement         particular interaction with law     have fewer than 10 officers and
     response to mentally ill and        enforcement and the mental-         75 percent have fewer than 25         Richard “Dick” Carothers is the General Counsel for the
     developmentally challenged          ly ill, it does reflect ongoing     officers. In addition to the limit-   Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police.  A graduate of
     persons has been significantly      problems and the continuing         ed budgets that smaller cities        Emory University School of Law, he has practiced local
     improving in the quality and        need for training and addi-         and counties have, such de-           government law in Georgia for 40 years.  He served as an
                                                                                                                                                                                 Between 2015 and 2018,
     content of the programs and of      tional programs. It is positive     partments also have the prob-
     the training available such as      that in 2019, the University of     lems not only of funding but im-
                                                                                                                   Assistant City Attorney for the City of Atlanta, as County    it has been reported
                                                                                                                   Attorney for Gwinnett County, and has been City Attor-
     with the CIT model. Law en-
     forcement has also partnered
                                         Memphis CIT Center reported
                                         that there were 2,700 active
                                                                             plementing significant amounts
                                                                             of training and the necessary
                                                                                                                   ney for a number of cities over the years.  He is a member    that approximately
                                                                                                                   of the Georgia and Ohio Bar Associations.
     with community health pro-          CIT programs within the United      personnel to have CIT-trained                                                                       1,000 people in the Unit-
     viders, volunteer and contract      States. However, it also noted      officers available for each shift.
     clinicians, street mental illness   that this figure represented less   Even larger departments with
                                                                                                                   Dick also serves as insurance defense counsel for
                                                                                                                   cities and counties including their officers and employees
                                                                                                                                                                                 ed States were fatally
     “triage” operations, community      than twenty percent of the total    more resources have difficulty
     group discussions, and in gen-      number of police agencies.          providing and implementing
                                                                                                                   throughout Georgia in state and federal courts. His firm      shot each year by police
                                                                                                                   is currently defending cases representing numerous law
     eral, the pursuit of more empa-
     thetic and effective approaches
                                         Again, there are numerous
                                         variables as to how to evaluate
                                                                             the training required to make
                                                                             CIT successful. It is difficult to    enforcement officers and first responders.  He is admitted    officers during that
     to the mentally ill. However,       such statistics, but one oft-not-   locate needed state and feder-        to practice in all Georgia appellate courts, the Northern
                                                                                                                   and Middle District federal courts, the 11th Circuit Court
                                                                                                                                                                                 time, and people with
     as we previously addressed in       ed element needed is that           al funding for such programs.
     this article, it has been report-   addressed in House Bill 760,        In fact, the Behavioral Health        of Appeals, and in the United States Supreme Court.  Dick     mental illness were in-
     ed that due to the almost total     under which a police officer        Link program discussed above          has represented a Georgia city in a case and argued before
     breakdown of mental health          has the authority to take some-     has quite limited funds to pro-       the Supreme Court.                                            volved in approximately
     treatment and facilities, in
     the United States the police
                                         one into noncriminal custody
                                         to convey them to a healthcare
                                                                             vide dedicated programs.
                                                                                                                   Dick is the Past President of the Local Government
                                                                                                                                                                                 25% of those fatalities.
     have become responders of           facility and just as importantly,   Two things are certain. The           Section of the State Bar of Georgia and serves as a Special   It also has been esti-
     last resort, and the jails have     that the receiving facility is      responsibility for responding to      Assistant Attorney General for the Georgia Department
     become the mental hospital of       a non-refusal, rapid drop off       calls concerning persons with         of Transportation.  His firm, Carothers & Mitchell, is        mated that a third of
     last resort. Between 2015 and       behavioral health center.           mental illnesses most often           located in Buford, Georgia.
     2018, it has been reported that                                         falls on law enforcement.                                                                           911 calls involve mental
     approximately 1,000 people in
     the United States were fatal-
                                         I must conclude this discussion
                                         with the mention of the pro-        Notwithstanding the needs, it
     ly shot each year by police         verbial pachyderm in the local      is rare for police respondents
     officers during that time, and      government room. There are          to have resources to contin-
     people with mental illness were     almost always limited resourc-      ue to expand the programs.
     involved in approximately 25%       es for the provision of local       The other certainty is that the
     of those fatalities. It also has    government services, including      continuous improvement of
     been estimated that a third of      important law enforcement           law enforcement’s response to
     911 calls involve mental illness.   services. It was estimated that     mentally ill persons is both a
                                         at the end of 2015, there were      goal and a necessity for police
     While none of these statistics      18,000 police agencies in the       agencies in this country and
     is a meaningful indicator of        United States. Approximately        remains a significant challenge.

14      WINTER.2021                                                                                                                                                                         WINTER.2021   15
PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA
3                  Social Service Programs are Funded by the Federal and State Governments,

                                                                                                                                 not the Locals.

                    FIVE Reasons                            we support OUR                                        The delivery of police services in the United States uses a decentralized approach. It is provided and
                                                                                                                  funded by local governments, not a strong centralized government. This service delivery strategy en-
                    Defunding the                                                                                 sures each community provides the services at the level required by local citizens. With exception of the
                                                                                                                  nation’s largest cities, the social services advocated to be improved by defunding the police are provid-

                    Police is Not                                                                                 ed and funded by the State and Federal governments. Nationally, about 4% of state and local funds are
                                                                                                                  spent on local law enforcement. This equates “to about $30 per month per capita.” The amount spent
                                                                                                                  for police services is less than one-tenth of the funding for ‘public welfare benefits’ and re-distributional
                    Realistic                                                                                     social services including mental health, education, and other social programs. Perhaps calls for change
                                                                                                                  should be focused on these organizations providing more streamlined, recipient-focused strategies.

     In recent months, protesters have called for a utopian concept that has no basis in reality
                                                                                                                                    Poor,                                                 If police agencies are defunded, the impact will be most evident in poor
     - defunding and abolishing the police. This kind of extreme rhetoric is a common approach                                                                                            and disadvantaged communities. There will be fewer officers available for
     used by radical groups to draw attention to their organization and push their agenda.                                                                                                services and less resources to investigate serious offenses. There will be
                                                                                                                                    and Marginalized
     It leads one to ask, why would someone want to eliminate the police? How would the                                             Communities                                           increases in actual incidents and fear of crime. Meanwhile, wealthier cit-
     absence of police protecting their communities help its citizens? Police officers are em-                                      Will be Impacted                                      izens, neighborhoods, and communities have more resources to provide
     powered with enormous authority under our Constitution and laws. They should be held                                           the Most                                              security systems, technology, and private personnel to ensure they have
     accountable to ensure they use this authority in a responsible manner. However, it is im-                                                                                            safe environments to live, work, and play.
     portant to note, advocates for ‘defunding the police’ have based their argument on a faulty
     premise which logically leads to a faulty conclusion. Here are just a few reasons why.
                                                                                                              5                   The Majority of Americans Oppose Defunding Efforts
                                                                                                                                  While the media and activists seeking radical change would lead some to believe there is

     1                                               2
                                                                                                                                  massive support to defund and abolish the police, the facts demonstrate otherwise. Surveys
           Police Use of Force is                           Most Problems Police Face are the                                     repeatedly find the public support the police and oppose reducing funding of their opera-
           Extremely Rare                                   Result of Other Organizations’ Failures                               tions. While a GALLUP poll found that 67% of persons survey reported they wanted the “police
                                                                                                                                  presence to remain the same” and “a majority (61%) of black Americans voiced support for the
     Facts matter! Despite what protesters           Police departments are the only public or private                            police.” This same poll reported that 81% of blacks who did not feel they had not been treated
     would lead persons to believe, officers         organization an individual can call at any time of the                       respectfully by an officer wanted the police in their neighborhood “as much or more often”. True,
     very rarely use any type of force. When         day and within a few minutes more than $200,000                              some police officers have acted criminally and failed to uphold their constitutional responsibil-
     they do, it is in response to the aggression    in personnel and equipment will arrive at their lo-                          ities. Police leaders and associations across the United States have publicly denounced these
     applied to them by criminals. In most of        cation to help. The overwhelming majority of calls                           individuals’ and their behavior. Police organizations are not opposed to continuous self-improve-
     these cases the officer is trying to arrest     police officers respond to are not criminally related.                       ment. This is a critical component for any professional organization. But the effort to improve
     the individual or the person is under the in-                                                                                should not be confused with the efforts to reform that some advocates are pushing. The profes-
     fluence of drugs or alcohol. Research from      Unfortunately, many of the issues that officers are                          sional standards for police agencies are well-established and exceed the demands protestors ad-
     the International Association of Chiefs of      forced to address are caused by the rampant failure                          vocate. However, police leaders can only achieve the progress their communities and its leaders
     Police revealed, officers do not use any        of other organizations. These include mental health                          are willing to support. It is incumbent on local leaders to provide their police departments with
     type of force in 99.9639% percent of their      services, social services, education, medical services                       the resources to meet these standards. This includes the finances and other means of support to
     encounters with the public. When force is       and housing. The on-going failures of these organi-                          recruit and retain the quality of staff needed to perform to these standards. As part of this, it is
     employed, officers typically use physical       zations have a compounding effect on individuals                             also critical local leaders provide a safe environment for officers to work and the confidence to
     restraints and less-lethal techniques. All      and communities. In fact, it is the police who often                         know that if they act appropriately, they will be supported. Conversely, those who do not perform
     this could be avoided if individuals simply     the strongest advocates for these programs. Despite                          as expected should be held accountable. Failure of leaders to provide these resources and sup-
     followed lawful directives and not become       the public’s on-going calls for change and improved                          port will inevitably lead to agencies not performing in a manner the public expects.
     aggressive toward or resist the officers.       service delivery, these organizations have maintained    1 International Association of Chiefs of Police, Police Use of Force in America, https://www.theiacp.org/sites/default/files/2018-08/2001useofforce.pdf, Accessed 12/2/2020.

                                                     a bureaucratic model that protects their adminis-        2 Girard Miller, The Misunderstood Math of Defunding the Police, Governing Magazine, October 27, 2020, https://www.governing.com/finance/The-Misunderstood-Math-of-Defunding-the-Police.html , Accessed November 28, 2020.
                                                                                                              3 Jacqueline B. Helfgott, The Movement to Defund the Police is Wrong, and Here’s Why, Seattle Times, June 9, 2020, https://www.seattletimes.com/opinion/the-movement-to-defund-the-police-is-wrong-and-heres-why/ , Accessed: November 28, 2020.
                                                     tration and restricts delivery of direct services to a   4 Pew Research Center, Majority of Public Favors Giving Civilians the Power to Sue Police Officers for Misconduct, July 9, 2020,
                                                                                                                https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2020/07/09/majority-of-public-favors-giving-civilians-the-power-to-sue-police-officers-for-misconduct/        Accessed: December 2, 2020.
                                                     Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 5:00 schedule.                   5 ABC News/Ipsos Poll, June 10 – 11, 2020, https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/news-polls/abc-coronavirus-poll-wave-12 Accessed: December 12, 2020.

16     WINTER.2021
                                                                                                              6 Lydia Saad, “Black Americans Want Police to Retain Presence”, Gallup, August 5, 2020, https://news.gallup.com/poll/316571/black-americans-police-retain-local-presence.aspx
                                                                                                                Accessed: 12/2/2020                                                                                                                                                                                              WINTER.2021                     17
PoliceChief - Inside this issue Your Guide for THE 2021 Legislative Session - THE GEORGIA
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18   WINTER.2021                                                              WINTER.2021   19
Comprehensive                                          By Dr. Robert R. Friedmann
                                                            Founding Director, Georgia International Law

     Police Reform?                                         Enforcement Exchange (GILEE)
                                                            Professor Emeritus of Criminal Justice

     More Than Policing!1                                   Andrew Young School of Policy Studies,
                                                            Georgia State University

     Recent anti-police protests have brought to               Policing is likely the most misunderstood profes-
     the forefront calls and demands for changes in            sion by service recipients and service providers
     policing. Some demand abolishing the police,              alike. Any social service, such as health and
     defunding the police, redirecting its budget to           education, is measured based on the service
     social services, eliminating over-policing, or            provided -- not the problem that calls for the
     going “beyond policing.” Others demand chang-             service. Police are measured on crime figures
     ing “police culture,” improving training, and             -- not on the service provided in connection with
     instituting better supervision. Lists of demands          crime. Police are also (still) assessed based on
     have been posted on the web, submitted as                 the number of tickets and arrests. Yet, police
     petitions, circulated among a coalition of ad-            are only custodians of crime statistics -- not the                      not on the epidemiology of a dis-
     hoc groups, and appeared on signs carried in              producers of crime. It is important to clarify the                      ease (i.e., viral infections, cardio-
     numerous protests around the country. These               role of policing and the implications it has for                        vascular disease). While medical
     demands originate from a mixture of anger,                a meaningful comprehensive police reform, or                            service at the ER is essential, it
     sense of vulnerability, accumulation of grievanc-         better say: reform government social services.                          will do little to impact the epide-
     es, egregious and repeated police brutality, and                                                                                  miology of a disease; that must be
     emotions that are supported by large segments       A very apt description of the role of police in                               done at the community level. It is
     of the community and have become an integral        democratic society is to guarantee freedom of                                 the community’s behavior that will
     part of a growing social movement.                  movement of people and merchandise (Alder-                                    impact the flow of individual cases
                                                         son, 1979). The 180 years of the modern policing                              to the ER. The wider the epidemi-
     Yet, these terms lack a definition, an operational movement have seen several distinct phases:                                    ology of a disease, the larger the
     meaning and a cogent measurable approach,           political phase (1840-1930), reform phase (1930-                              number of incidents that will re-
     that clearly outlines what the problem is, what     1970), community oriented or problems solving                                 quire hospital (ER) treatment. It is
     the solution intends to achieve, how will it do so, phase (1970 and on), community policing phase                                 not different for crime. Police can
     and how will it be measured. There is also a lack (1985 and on), homeland security phase (2001                                    arrest criminals, but the impact on
     of consistency in the demands: does defunding and on) and the current phase is the one at a                                       the overall number of crimes com-
     mean abolishing police departments, fully shut- crossroads of demands for new police reform                                       mitted lies within the community;       I offered it in my 1992 book:
     ting them down? That demand is out there. Does (2020).                                                                            its magnitude or scope will deter-
     it mean redirection of budgets? On June 30th,                                                                                     mine the case load for police.          Community policing is a comprehensive philosophy that
     New York’s Mayor announced a $1 billion reduc- It is important to look at crime not only as a legal                                                                       guides \ policy and strategy aimed at achieving more effective
     tion in NYPD’s budget comprised of savings and concept but also as a behavioral concept. The                                      This was understood by police           and efficient crime control, reduced fear of crime, improved
     shifting responsibilities to other agencies. On     latter can lead to a better understanding of why                              leaders who in the mid-1980s            quality of life, and improved police services and police legiti-
     July 1st, the Los Angeles City Council slashed      crimes are committed. To illustrate: if all criminal                          recommended to stop the revolv-         macy through a proactive reliance on community resources that
     $150 million from LAPD’s budget. Two thirds of      laws are abolished there will be no crime. Yet,                               ing door of criminality by promot-      seeks to change crime causing conditions. This assumes a need
     NYPD’s cut are overtime reduction and moving        there will still be behavior that is considered                               ing community policing. Until the       for greater accountability of police, elected community leaders,
     school policing to the Department of Education. harmful to society. Part I crimes certainly are                                   early 1990s there were sets of          and the community in general, along with greater public share
     It is safe to maintain that such a significant cut  meant to address such behavior. Therefore, it                                 guidelines as to what community         in decision-making through the identification of service needs
     into overtime will also cut into NYPD’s capability is necessary to look at the community as the                                   policing was supposed to offer          and priorities and a greater concern for civil rights and liberties
     to provide adequate police services.                producer of crime and as the controller of crime.                             (Alderson – 1979; Trojanowicz and       (Friedmann 1992).
                                                         Doctors in hospitals are assessed on the quality                              Bucqueroux – 1990) but there was
                                                         of the medical service they provide --                                        no definition.
20     WINTER.2021              1This is an expanded version of the op ed “Build meaningful Police Reform: To do so involves looking
                                to a wide range of social service,” published in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, August 7, 2020.                                                                                               WINTER.2021         21
Comprehensive Police Reform? More Than Policing!
That definition was adopted (with minor modifica-        infrastructure, parks and recreation, voluntary         ties better and gain public trust. They also need to    police reform that aims at more than reforming the
tion) by the IACP in 2019:                               associations, and the private sector. Local gov-        better understand the community they serve. For         police. The goal should be a reform of the entire
                                                         ernment services have as much to do with the            example, what is there to know about the com-           range of social services to result in improving the
Community policing is a comprehensive                    production of crime as the police and typically they    munity beyond crime numbers? Things like demo-          lives of individuals and communities. This reform
philosophy that guides policy and strategy               are absent from any press conference on crime.          graphic characteristics, voluntary associations,        should rely on community input that takes into
aimed at achieving more effective and efficient          Therefore, it behooves local government to offer        economic changes, in-out migration, school drop-        account needs, expectations, experience, iden-
crime control, reduced fear of crime, improved           a comprehensive approach to crime issues and            out, citizens’ expectations, working with private       tification of problems and a genuine seat at the
quality of life, and improved police services            not leave it to police alone (Friedmann 2015). This     security, and how to identify civic force multipliers   planning effort.
and police legitimacy through a proactive re-            is not meant to marginalize police. Rather it is        (Friedmann, 2017).
liance on community resources that seeks to              meant to bring the other service agencies to play                                                               The road does not end there as it is also important
change crime causing conditions. This assumes            a role alongside the police. If a community wants       Initiatives for police reform are not new and the       to consider the prospects of unintended conse-
a need for greater accountability of police,             to minimize police case load it needs to produce        best ones came from within police circles, not from     quences. This is a very demanding challenge that
elected community leaders, and the community             less crime. And that is why it is so important to       politicians. This is certainly an opportunity for po-   requires painstaking perseverance, long-term
in general, along with greater public share in           involve all other service providers to take part in     lice reform but one that emphasizes trust-building      commitment and buy-in from all involved. It will
decision-making through the identification of            this effort.                                            and partnerships, moving away from silo-type dis-       not yield the desired results in the very immediate
service needs and priorities and a greater con-                                                                  connected services, and is based on an overall ap-      future, but it is a road worth taking as it is most
cern for civil rights and liberties (IACP 2019).                                                                 proach that has a departure point of service to the     likely to achieve the desired results.
                                                                                                                 community -- not of penalizing police. Hence any
There are three explicit principles evident in com-                                                              funding of any effort by local government must be       Once on that road, consider that in addition to buy-
munity policing: it is comprehensive, it encourages                                                              guided by a comprehensive data-driven approach          in, it is imperative to invest in nurturing relations,
partnerships, and it is proactive (in addition to, not                                                           that is formulated into clear policy and consistent     maintaining relations, and understanding organi-
instead of, reactive policing). A fourth is the focus                                                            overall strategies to include all municipal services,   zational and community dynamics. Chiefs, officers,
on crime causing conditions. But when it comes to                                                                not only police. That is what should determine the      mayors, city managers, city council members,
crime production, perhaps the most critical prin-                                                                funding level of police (and other services).           community leaders, and social service personnel
ciple is the shift from a society that is police-cen-                                                                                                                    change. Conditions in the community change,
tered, to a society that is service-centered.                                                                    Any discussion of funding should also consider          economies change, and political realities change.
                                                                                                                 raising the salaries of police officers who are dis-    If we want this comprehensive reform to succeed,
                                                         Therefore, any police reform needs to consider          proportionately paid for what is expected of them,      it is necessary to also maintain commitment to
                                                         a far wider reform. Any industry and any service        for what they do, and the risk they take. It is im-     long-term program continuity.
                                                         need a measure of quality control. The quality of       portant to recognize that there are serious crimes
                                                         police services has been typically assessed by          and that the police are the social agents – public       John C. Alderson (1979). Policing Freedom: A Commentary on the
                                                         crime statistics, arrests and tickets. Crime goes       servants -- who are uniquely qualified and trained       Dilemmas of Policing in Western Democracies, Macdonald and Evans.

                                                         down? Police are doing a great job. Crime goes          to deal with such perpetrators. No other services        Robert R. Friedmann (1992). Community Policing: Comparative
                                                                                                                                                                          Perspectives and Prospects, Palgrave Macmillan.
                                                         up? Police are criticized. This is an erroneous ap-     are prepared to deal with this segment of society,
                                                         proach because it focuses on the wrong diagnosis        and it wouldn’t be safe to expect them to do so on       Robert R. Friedmann, “Broken Windows and Policing,”
                                                                                                                                                                          The Police Chief 82 (October 2015): 60–65.
                                                         and it misplaces causal relationships. To change        their own.                                               Robert R. Friedmann (2017). “How can we better protect crowds
                                                         this, there are certainly things police must do                                                                  from terrorism?” The Conversation, June 1.
                                                         internally. For example, recruit officers who fit ex-   It is a historical time that requires shifting from      International Association of Chiefs of Police (2019). Crime Preven-
                                                         pectations, deploy personnel based on data, and         sloganeering to rational, careful, thoughtful,           tion, Domestic Security and Quality of Life: Definition and Significant
                                                                                                                                                                          Value of Community Policing, Community Policing Committee Reso-
                                                         promote department-wide practice of community           grounded policy formulation that is data driven.         lution co-sponsored by 15 IACP committees.
Here police are on the periphery of service pro-         policing including de-escalation techniques. Exter-     It is imperative to understand what the problem          Robert Trojanowicz and Bonnie Bucqueroux (1990). Community
vision along with other service providers such as        nally, police need to work better with other social     is, as that will determine the policy of how to best     Policing: A Contemporary Perspective, Anderson Publishing Co.

health, education, housing, job training, welfare,       service agencies, learn how to coordinate activi-       address it. This is an opportunity for meaningful
22   WINTER.2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              WINTER.2021           23
24 WINTER.2021   WINTER.2021   25
                                                                                                                                                                                             is not Better,
                                         Smaller Agencies Setting                                                                                                                            Better
                                         the Example for Excellence                                                                                                                          is Better
All police agencies, regardless of       In November 2020, the U. S. Department of Justice established          focus on outcomes and culminates with a change in their identity, the        leaders and their staff must
their size, perform the same tasks.      minimum policy requirements for agencies to apply for discre-          alternative is to begin with an identity-based approach. While it may        focus on who they are as
The only difference is frequency and     tionary grants. Once initiated, these processes tend to expand         seem insignificant, focusing on the identity of the person, and in this      individuals and as a collective
availability of resources. Any officer   exponentially. In the next year, police leaders are also likely to     case an organization, has a huge impact on the increased likelihood          group - professional.
deciding to make an arrest, engage       see renewed use of federal consent orders by the U. S. Depart-         of successfully implementing new habits. Clear uses the analogy of
in a pursuit, or respond to aggres-      ment of Justice for identified patterns and practices of unlawful      a person seeking to lose weight. The person with the outcome-based           Heads of agencies argue they
sion by an offender is held to the       behaviors.                                                             approach will set a goal and implement processes. However, they              cannot achieve the standard
same legal and constitutional stan-                                                                             never change their self-perception, so they often fail to meet their         of excellence identified the
dards of performance and expected        Agencies that do not take a proactive approach to managing             goal. Whereas, a person who views themselves as being slim and fit           Georgia Law Enforcement
to act accordingly. For years, at-       their operations in accordance with established standards may          will more likely change their exercise and eating habits to comply with      Certification Program because
tention was focused on mitigating        soon find increased restrictions being forced upon them. What          their self-image to achieve and maintain the desired self-image.             of size, costs, and/or time.
lawsuits resulting from officers’        may be worse are severe limitations on professionally operated                                                                                      While lack of participation in
inappropriate behavior.                  organizations because other agencies are not performing to                                                                                          the program is not limited to
                                         standards. These externally imposed requirements will likely           		                                                                           small agencies, this group
Recently, agencies and their leaders     not consider the individual community’s interests, conditions                                                                                       is the least represented in
are experiencing challenges in other     or needs. They most definitely will not consider the interests of                                                                                   the total number of certified
ways including increased public          its officers, appointed and elected leaders, or the citizens they                                                                                   agencies. Too often it is
criticism through social media, 1st      serve.                                                                                                                                              assumed simply because an
Amendment audits, administrative                                                                                                                                                             agency is larger or located
oversight from state agencies for        The processes to ensure performance is done in a consistent                                                                                         close to a metropolitan area,
complaints (i.e. speed enforcement       manner have been established for years. These include up-to-                                                                                        they are naturally better, have
requirements), and public protests.      date operational procedures, training, on-going supervisory                                                                                         more resources, and time.
Some agencies may begin to ex-           review (appropriately supporting or correcting as needed), and                                                                                      Unfortunately, that is not the
perience increased challenges in         documentation. The Georgia Law Enforcement Certification               The same is true for agencies seeking to achieve certification. When         case. Bigger is not better,
criminal prosecutions for poor or        Program has codified these expectations.                               departments seeking certification simply want to display a plaque on         better is better.
inconsistent operations. In many                                                                                the wall to demonstrate they have arrived as a professional organi-
cases, agencies may be unaware           In his best-selling book Atomic Habits, author James Clear             zation they will have much more difficulty obtaining, and definitely         So why would an agency
of how many cases are not being          describes the best approach for individuals seeking to improve         maintaining, certification. On the other hand, agency heads who see          head from a smaller com-
prosecuted because officers failed       their daily habits. Clear illustrates the three layers of behavioral   themselves and their agencies as being professional will more likely         munity want to certify their
to properly follow establish proce-      change. The first layer is outcomes (what you get), followed by        complete the processes required to obtain certification, which is a          department? The Adel Police
dures or document their actions.         processes (what you do), and identity (what you believe). While        true representation of what they are - a professional organization.          Department has 23 officers
                                         some utilize an outcome-based approach that begins with a              Therefore, in the first step to effectively achieve this milestone, police   and has been certified since

26   WINTER.2021                                                                                                                                                                                        WINTER.2021       27
Smaller Agencies Setting the Example for Excellence
 2011. Chief Chad Castleberry responded, “Two             department 1 ½ years to develop and implement              the department, each of the chiefs agreed it did        Once you get going it is not bad, but you have to
 reasons. When I was hired in 2006, I came from a         the policy and another 1 ½ years to build the files        not. In fact, it helps them. Chief Castleberry from     stay on top of it and not get behind.”
 state certified and CALEA accredited agency. I had       demonstrating compliance.                                  Adel said “No. It only makes it easier. We live and
 seen the benefits of the program. Second, the city                                                                  die by policy and procedure.” Similarly, Chief Esco     Pine Mountain’s Chief Ferrone said, “I don’t see
 manager was familiar with the program and was           Once certified, agencies must demonstrate they              responded, “No it does not. We have a hiring pro-       why they would not consider it. We need to put
 very supportive of us implementing the process”.        continue to follow the establish standards every            cess we follow. It is good because we go through        everyone on consistent playing field. The public
 Similarly, with 15 officers, Montezuma Police Chief     three years. So how hard is it for an agency to             the requirements of state certification, and it helps   expects us to act consistently. We have one person
 Eric Finch obtained certification in 2004. He said      follow the certification requirements? Several              to weed out bad people. Chief Ferrone said “It          who is the certification manager and responsible
 as a new chief “I wanted to know the rules. The         chiefs noted participating in state certification can       actually streamlines everything. Everyone knows         for ensuring everything is in place. You have to
 certification standards directed me as a chief the      be time consuming. Chief Castleberry advised for            what they are supposed to do. If they don’t know,       want to do it right, you have to stay on top of it,
 right ways to do stuff. When I am asked by a coun-      chiefs to not procrastinate, “You have to stay on           they have a rock-hard policy to help them.” Chief       and you have to have one person assigned to
 cil member why do something, I can explain why.”        top of it.” Chief Brinkley said, “I think it is easy. You   Finch said “It guides me when making decisions.         manage it. A lot of the problems that agencies run
 With 11 officers, Pine Mountain is currently the        have to pay attention to deadlines.” Chief Ferrone          I know the standards help me to make good deci-         into will be minimized. Chiefs get complacent and
 smallest state certified agency in the State. Chief     said Pine Mountain is a smaller community so                sions”. Chief Brinkley probably summed it up best       don’t want to do the work or don’t know how to do
 Daniel Ferrone explained he became involved in          “We don’t have a lot of the big city problems with          when he said, “If you are willing to be open, no.”      it. It is better for us and our community. But it takes
 the certification program because “It sets us up        administrative and patrol duties. Everything is low         When asked what they would tell fellow police           a commitment.”
 to a higher standard and we wanted to be more           key with our workload, so it does not make it un-           chiefs interested in becoming involved with the
 professional. As a new chief, I had issues with         manageable.” He added “You have to want to do it            certification program, each was very positive.          Chief Brinkley warned, “The environment we are
 the department’s policy manual. So, as we did a         right and stay on top of it.” Chief Finch reported it       Chief Castleberry responded, “I strongly encour-        working in will never be the same. Officers are
 whole new policy, I knew that certification would       is not difficult, but recommended chiefs from small         age every agency to do this. State certification is     going to be questioned. Agencies need the pro-
 guide that process.”                                    agencies go through the certification manager’s             based on best practices. Why would you not want         cesses in place to ensure they act appropriately. It
                                                         course, so they know what has to be recorded in             to do this? It is another level of protection for the   is not just the police department that benefit from
 Many tend to focus on the difficulties and obsta-       the files. When he sees information that needs to           department and its officers. It helps me sleep a        the program but the city, mayor, and council all
 cles obtaining certification. State certification does be included in the files, he sends it to the manager.        little better.”                                         benefit”
 not dictate how an agency accomplishes a stan-          While some tend to focus on obstacles, what are
 dard’s requirements, just what. Chief Eric Finch        the benefits of participating in the program be-            Chief Esco said, “It takes time to implement. You       Montezuma’s Chief, Eric Finch suggested, “Get
 said, “At the time we could not buy some of the         sides being able to claim the agency is state certi-        have to get the right person as the state certifi-      Involved. It is very important for a chief to know
 required stuff, such as evidence lockers. So, we        fied? Chief Castleberry said, “First it is accountabil-     cation manager. They have to go to the Georgia          the rules, especially when dealing with high
 had to make them. We got some school lockers to ity. Just a sense of accomplishment. I brought the                  Police Accreditation Committee (GPAC) meetings.         liability issues.”
 serve as our temporary evidence lockers.” Chief         staff on board with the program very early and got
 Chad Castleberry said one of the big issues for         their buy-in. So, as we moved through it, every-
 his agency was for officers to develop the right        one was excited about the program and working
 mindset to properly document their actions. Social together. Second was the savings on the insurance
 Circle Chief Willie Brinkley, who leads an agency       premiums.” Similarly, Chief Ferrone reported, “It’s
 with 19 officers, agreed “Getting officers to for-      the way the public sees them, accountability of the
 ward information to the certification manager was officers, and the discounts with insurance premi-
 difficult.” Braselton Police Chief Terry Esco (19 offi- ums.” Chief Brinkley added, “It is how the agency
 cers) also said “It takes a little while to get every-  is viewed. The positive overall development the
 one on board. The hardest thing was getting them agency because we are complying with high stan-
 to do the reports. But now you can get software to dards. We are transparent in how we do it.”
 ensure it is done right.” Chief Daniel Ferrone said     When asked if participating in the program inter-
 his department was certified in 2019. It took the       feres with their decision-making or ability to run

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