Politics, populism and power - Deutsche Bank Research

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Politics, populism and power - Deutsche Bank Research
Politics, populism
   and power
Politics, populism and power   January 2019
Politics, populism and power - Deutsche Bank Research
Cover story
Politics, populism
and power

                 Many investors think of themselves
                 as apolitical, however, recent market
                 turbulence has reinforced just how
                 much politics can affect business and
                 finance. This issue of Konzept offers
                 incisive opinion on some pressing
                 political issues, including the trade
                 war between China and the US,
                 next year’s US presidential election,
                 European populism, technology
                 regulation, Brexit, and more. We also
                 examine how the latest developments
                 in artificial intelligence and machine
                 learning are helping investors forecast
                 the market impact of political events.
Politics, populism and power - Deutsche Bank Research

Editorial                It is hard to pinpoint              Our second feature also looks to history as
                   many times in living memory         a useful guide to show how the current tide of
                   when politics has consumed          populism will change the economic landscape
                   more column inches, investor        in many countries. Indeed, lessons from various
                   energy, and even dinner party       revolutions and uprisings through history show
                   conversation than it does today.    us that populism tends to be rooted in economic
That is why in this fifteenth edition of Konzept,      despair for workers and eventually inspires
Deutsche Bank’s flagship research magazine, we         fiscal expansion that puts upwards pressure on
assess some of the most pressing political issues      inflation. Ironically, we argue that labour is on the
in 2019 and examine their impact on economies,         verge of regaining some of its lost power due to
markets, and society.                                  changing demographics and this could amplify
      We start with the big picture, and examine       the power workers are just beginning to enjoy.
the increasing number of countries using                     We then take a tour of the most politically
infrastructure projects as geopolitical tools.         interesting countries in the world to see what
The US, Russia, China, and Europe are all              2019 has in store. In particular, we interview long-
intertwined in political brinksmanship with new        time Washington insider Frank Kelly who gives
infrastructure for energy, transport, and security     his candid his views on the chance of legislative
purposes. While these projects are often cost          agreement, deficit spending, the 2020 presidential
ineffective, they operate as chess pieces,             election, the relationship between President
sometimes blocking political channels of rival         Trump and the Fed, and US trade policy. From the
countries, while opening channels elsewhere for        other side of the fence, our Chief China Economist
future use. Interestingly, the use of infrastructure   examines China’s changing foreign policy in light
in this way is not a new phenomenon and a look         of the current trade war with the US.
through history helps us understand the motives              In Europe, we consider what Germany will
and potential outcomes.                                look like in the post-Merkel era and, separately,

explore the chance of agreement on the              nor is it linear. If investors can use AI to better
continent’s most crucial issues against the         understand the market impact of political
backdrop of this year’s European elections, at      events it will move political risk from being
which populists are predicted to do well. With      one of the most subjective risks in investing to
the news on Brexit being extremely fluid at         being a quantifiable input that portfolio and risk
present, we speculate on what an outsider might     managers can objectively examine.
see when they tour a post-Brexit Europe and UK            We hope this edition of Konzept gives you
in the future.                                      some clarity on some of the most pressing,
       Our final two pieces are anchored in         changeable, and curious political issues we
technology. The first looks at the whirlwind year   face in the world today. When we look back
technology groups endured in 2018 and explains      on 2019 in years to come, it will be interesting
that political momentum on network neutrality       to see whether we are truly living in a time of
and mergers and acquisitions could reshape          exceptional political instability and fracturing
technology and media companies just as much         or whether the intensity of today’s political
as new laws on data privacy.                        conversations will crescendo further in the
       Our second technology-focussed               years ahead.
piece shows how Deutsche Bank’s artificial
intelligence and machine learning platform,
Alpha-dig, can quantify geopolitical risk. For           Jim Reid
investors, this is a giant leap forward. On              Global Head of Fundamental Credit Strategy
average we find that following a significant              and Thematic Research
political event, equities outperform bonds by
four percentage points over the following two
months. Importantly, this outperformance is
not the result of a sudden jump in markets,

                                                              o send feedback, or to contact any of the
                                                             authors, please get in touch via your usual
                                                             Deutsche Bank representative, or write to
                                                             the team at luke.templeman@db.com

06  Summaries
10  Infrastructure bypasses geopolitical choke points
14  What the history of populism can teach us today
20  Q&A on US politics
28  The trade war and China's foreign policies
34	Quantifying geopolitical risk
40  Germany in the post-Merkel era
46  Media, cable and satellite under the Trump administration
52  No end of history – Europe struggling in a changing world
56  CEEMEA: How the elections of 2019 will shape the region
62  A tour through post-Brexit Europe
6   Konzept


              Konzept 15
Konzept 15 summaries                     7

     Infrastructure bypasses geopolitical 		                 The trade war and China’s foreign policies
      choke points                                            Zhiwei Zhang
      Peter Garber                                            As trade talks between the US and China
      Just as many infrastructure projects              continue, it is notable that China has begun to
through history would never have been built if it       invest considerable resources into its
wasn’t for political conflict, infrastructure is        relationship with Europe, Japan, and other
again a key tool in geopolitics today. Indeed,          countries. This is because although a bilateral
with the US increasingly secure in its oil supply,      trade war is painful, it is much less painful than a
the oversight of the Straits of Hormuz is less          multilateral one. Indeed, the exposure of China’s
necessary. Yet, Middle Eastern oil is still vital for   industrial sector to the US is only five per cent
the EU, Japan, and China, and the latter has            while exports to other countries are five times
responded by incorporating oil security into the        higher. Against the backdrop of free trade
Belt and Road project. Meanwhile, concerns              agreements with various countries, the long-
about relations with Russia, Ukraine, and some          term solution appears to be the Belt and Road
Eastern European countries contributed to the           initiative. However, the question of debt
Nordstream pipelines which deliberately bypass          sustainability in the developing countries may
certain countries. Meanwhile, the annexation of         cause projects to be reviewed.
Crimea led to the bridge across the Kerch Straits,
a project that has been mulled for a century.                  uantifying geopolitical risk
                                                              Andy Moniz, Luke Templeman
       hat the history of populism can teach
      W                                                       Artificial intelligence has now grown to the
      us today                                          point that it can forecast some market effects of
      Jim Reid, Henry Allen, Luke Templeman             political events. Indeed, Deutsche Bank’s
      Far from being unique events, waves of            Alpha-Dig platform uses machine learning to
populism and social unrest have often occurred          identify the extent of various political risks and
through history. As far back as the French              then quantify their intensity. This result is then
Revolution, such episodes were regularly                cross-referenced against markets. On average, in
associated with economic crisis, concerns over          the two months after a key event, equities
national identity, and fundamental dissatisfaction      outperform bonds by four percentage points,
at the governing class. We examine the lessons          however, the return is not linear and
that previous periods of populism hold for today,       understanding this is the key to a profitable
including themes of fiscal stimulus and                 investment strategy amidst political uncertainty.
protectionist economic policies. Looking forward,
as demographic trends boost workers’ bargaining                ermany in the post-Merkel era
power and populists in government begin to                    Barbara Böttcher, Kevin Körner
establish a record they have to defend, some of               Germany’s post-millennials will struggle to
the drivers of unrest should begin to subside.          remember a time before Angela Merkel was
                                                        Chancellor. Following her announcement she
     Q&A on US politics                                 will not contest the next election, we examine
     Peter Hooper with Frank Kelly                      what Merkel’s period in office has meant for
     With the US facing a period of divided             Germany and the implications moving forward.
government following the mid-term elections, we         Although Merkel has been described as having a
interview Washington insider Frank Kelly to             consensual approach to politics, many in
assess the implications. Frank gives his candid         Germany were unhappy with her decisions
thoughts on the partial government shutdown             during the sovereign debt and migration crises
and the chances of legislative success over the         and say these decisions contributed to the
next two years as the Trump administration faces        fragmentation within German politics that has
a Democratic-controlled House of                        made it even harder to build coalitions and reach
Representatives. He also discusses issues such          a policy consensus. Given this domestic
as a possible infrastructure package and ongoing        fragmentation, as well as the changing external
trade disputes. With the 2020 presidential              environment, the next German chancellor may
election in sight, Frank considers how it may           struggle to achieve the major reforms required
affect Washington over the new Congress.                over the coming years.
8                 Konzept

      Media, cable, and satellite under the Trump              A tour through post-Brexit Europe
      administration                                          How will outsiders see Europe after Brexit?
      Bryan Kraft                                       In many cases, the continent will be home to
      While 2018 turned out to be a humbling            more populist parties emboldened by Brexit.
year for technology stocks, the biggest political       Italy’s populist government is openly confronting
changes that affect the industry may be the             the EU, factions in German politics is making
ones away from the spotlight. Changes to the            dialogue difficult, right-wing groups in the
rules governing network neutrality and the              Nordics have traction as they have in the
regulation of pricing have reduced uncertainty          Netherlands. Across the continent, Brexit seems
for the industry and allowed for new pricing            to have widened the ideological gap between
options. Separately, investors expecting more           parties. Oddly, the opposite is true in Britain
lenient scrutiny of consolidation deals under           itself. Rifts within parties themselves are in the
President Trump have been somewhat                      spotlight more than the rifts between them.
disappointed. Any changes to these rules could          Meanwhile, populist parties lost votes at the last
have serious implications for an industry which         election. Yet, with populism in Europe yet to
is currently grappling with privacy issues.             reach peak levels, Britain's political paralysis
                                                        may spread to other countries.
      No end of history – Europe struggling in a
      changing world
      Kevin Körner, Barbara Böttcher
      As Europeans reflect on the thirty-year
anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, they will
go to the ballot box in one of the most fizzing
parliamentary elections in memory. Yet, unlike in
1989, when liberal democracy and capitalism
were in the ascendant and the EU was
confidently expanding, the mood today is very
different. Current projections suggest
Eurosceptic forces will increase their influence in
parliament once again just as the EU has been
buffeted by a series of crises that have led some
to question its future. With the Trump
administration shifting towards an “America
First” stance, and China growing in power,
Europe has to nail down several issues or risk
losing its power on the world stage.

      CEEMEA: How the elections of 2019 will
      shape the region
      Kubilay M. Ozturk
      Several emerging countries go to the polls
this year, including Turkey, South Africa, and
Poland. As governments seek to boost their
election chances, there is the possibility that
some CEEMEA countries will loosen their fiscal
stance, while risks have increased that the
independence of their central banks could
come under pressure. Yet, if populists come to
power, or maintain it in some cases, the flip
side of illiberal control is that their influence
over the judiciary and bureaucracy means they
may actually find it easier to implement
economic reforms.
Konzept 15 summaries   9
10               Konzept

Infrastructure bypasses
geopolitical choke points

      Ever since the advent of steam power,                The list of these projects in history is long.
grand infrastructure projects have dramatically      Take the Suez Canal. Although built by French
reduced the cost of transportation, fostering the    capital against British opposition, the canal
internal development of many countries. Yet,         reduced Britain’s cost of maintaining naval
many such projects—canals, railroads, highways,      dominance and empire on a multi-ocean scale.
ports, pipelines, and airports—included a            Absorbing the lesson, the US reaped the same
geopolitical dimension that was an important or      benefit with the Panama Canal. Meanwhile, the
even dominating impetus. Without this, many          Trans-Siberian railway secured and populated
historical projects may never have been built and    Russia’s Siberian frontiers and projected its
this still is true of many infrastructure projects   power to the Russian Far East. The three US
under construction today.                            transcontinental railroads secured its Pacific
      Indeed, following the end of the Cold War,     coast to its Atlantic seaboard’s power centres and
the game of geopolitically driven infrastructure     forced the construction of the Canadian-Pacific
construction to neutralise choke points has          Railway, likewise to bind British Columbia to the
re-ignited. Some projects reflect competition        Canadian Confederation. In Europe, the Berlin-
among great powers for influence in third            Baghdad Railway aimed to secure a port on the
countries. Offers may be made of cheap               Persian Gulf, gain access to oil, and circumvent
financing in places that are poisonous to private    any potential constriction of the Suez Canal.
sector incentives. Some countries simply follow            Looking forward, geopolitical tensions are
the old colonial business model of tapping           currently driving a number of infrastructure
formerly inaccessible resources by finally           projects and we will briefly examine how these
providing an outlet.                                 link together.
      These projects may have little commercial
rationale other than to provide an alternative             Pipeline interplays with Belt and Road
route in case a key choke point is blocked in an           As the US fracking revolution gathered
economic or even shooting war. In fact, the          momentum, American crude oil production
project itself may deter such a blockage to the      peaked at around 9.5m barrels per day in 2014.
main route. That they are built at all and at high   However, Saudi efforts to boost pumping led to a
cost signals the probability that strategic          price war. American drilling contracted and
planners today attach to conflict scenarios, or at   existing wells were temporarily suspended,
least the seriousness of the tail risk. This must    leading American production to fall to 8.5m
force investors to account for the same risks.       barrels. A subsequent rebound in prices has
                                                     encouraged US crude producers who now pump
                                                     11.5m barrels per day. Much has come from the
Peter Garber                                         continued development of the Bakken shales in
Infrastructure bypasses geopolitical choke points                 11

North Dakota but mostly from the Permian              flow of oil. This mission of positive sea and
shales in West Texas and New Mexico.                  airspace control is far more difficult than would
      Despite the flood of oil, much of the           be a mission merely to interdict traffic through
production capacity already developed has been        the straits, requiring ever-larger naval, air force,
locked away from the market because of a lack         and army deployments and, potentially, war.
of pipeline capacity. That is where new pipelines     However, as the US becomes a significant net
in the Permian and Bakken come in. Coming             exporter over the next decade, its strategic
online over the next two years, they will allow the   burden will shift from requiring the capacity to
movement to market of an additional 2m barrels        exert positive sea control to only needing the
per day. In addition, the Keystone/XL pipeline        capacity to exert sea denial through the straits,
will eventually unlock further oil flow from          the Indian Ocean, and the South China Sea.
Alberta. US petroleum and gas supply will then              Watching this shift closely will be Japan and
originate entirely in North America and               the EU, which are still vitally dependent on Middle
significant net exports will be at hand.              Eastern oil. Japan imports more than four-fifths of
      This is a well-recognised geopolitical          its crude from the Persian Gulf region. If the US
revolution. With no need for the US to import         becomes a large exporter, it can insulate Japan
Middle Eastern or Venezuelan oil, the strategic       and Korea to some degree. Indeed, the US could
imperative to defend long sea lanes for petroleum     use exports from the prospective Arctic National
transport will evaporate, at least from a strictly    Wildlife Refuge production, and its prospective
American perspective.                                 pipeline, although ANWR is rated at only 750,000
      Of course, the laying of these pipelines is a   barrels per day, far less than Japan’s required
commercially profitable program per se but they       imports of 4.5m.
carry profound geopolitical impact. It is
noteworthy that their construction was internally           Belt/Road in the petroleum dimension
politically controversial. It was blocked under the         With its economy growing to challenge that
Obama administration on environmental grounds         of the US, China has increased its dependence on
and restored under the current administration that    foreign oil. Indeed, China’s petroleum production
was more focused on the business and                  has now fallen below 5m barrels per day while its
geopolitical considerations. The spillover            imports have risen to about 8m. More than half of
implications from this decision are considerable.     these imports come from the Middle East. That
                                                      places China in roughly the same strategic
    Persian Gulf commitments                          position as was the US after the late 1960s when
    In the Middle East, the military and              it was invested militarily in the Gulf region. So
geopolitical task of the US for six decades has       now it will be China’s burden to secure petroleum
been to keep the Straits of Hormuz open to the        transport from the region.
12                Konzept

      In part, China already does this via                     There is no need to take a position on
infrastructure. Pipeline deals have been made in         whether this was, at the time, simply a hardnosed
central Asia, through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea        commercial dispute between bilateral
and Iran, and through Myanmar. But it is of              monopolists or a more serious geopolitical
particular interest that China secures                   dispute, although it certainly emerged as the
transportation to the Straits of Hormuz. Indeed,         latter in 2014. The response of Russia and the EU
this is one of the essential geopolitical dimensions     was to open Nordstream 1 in 2011, thereby
of the Belt-Road initiative; and it aligns with the      subtracting an economic weapon from Ukraine
construction of potential bases in Myanmar, Sri          and allowing the EU to adopt a neutral position in
Lanka, Pakistan, and through to Djibouti.                further disputes. That signalled a cut in ties with
                                                         Ukraine while the EU has also launched a policy
      Venezuela                                          of diversifying its supplies away from Russia.
      With waning dependence on foreign oil, it
has now become easier for the US to turn the                   The Crimean bridge
economic screws in Venezuela. This year, the                   This policy comes as the situation between
economic cost to the US of embargoing its                Russia and Ukraine regarding Crimea becomes
750,000 barrels per day of Venezuelan imports            increasingly complex. Since the annexation of the
will be far less burdensome. More damaging to            peninsula in 2014, the impact on the region has
Venezuela, the door will also be open for the US         proved economically costly. Tourism has dried up
to block the export of diluents which are vital for      while Russia has suffered from the imposition of
the production of Venezuela’s produce and export         international sanctions and the need to pick up
of its heavy crude to other potential markets.           pension costs.
      Collaterally, this can also turn into a stepped          On top of the economic costs, infrastructure
up economic war against Cuba, which will now             security has become a key focus. After the
likely receive fewer subsidies from Venezuela for        annexation, Ukraine cut off the supply of water,
supplying President Maduro’s Praetorian guard.           electricity, and transportation across the single
Existing Russian and Chinese geopolitical loans to       land route to the peninsula, forcing Russia to use
Venezuela would then become even more                    more costly sea transportation. The completion of
problematic, so they would have to pay up to             the Crimean Bridge across the Kerch Straits last
maintain this thorn on the flank of the US.              year finally blunted these impacts.
                                                               Interestingly, although the bridge had long
       Bridge and gas pipelines vs Ukraine               been proposed, it was not launched until conflict
       Concerns about Russian politics and               cut the route across the Isthmus of Perekop. The
infrastructure are not just confined to oil.             bridge seems also to have provided an easy
Indeed, Russia supplies about two-fifths of the          means, or at least the signal, to block Ukrainian
EU’s gas imports, which it shipped via pipelines         sea transportation via the Sea of Azov and the
through Poland and Ukraine before Nordstream             Straits. It allowed Russia to implement
1 opened in 2011. Built on the Baltic Sea floor,         burdensome inspections of Ukrainian sea traffic
Nordstream 1 was more costly than a land route           through the Straits. By some estimates, this has
would have been but it, and the future                   reduced traffic by a quarter through the Ukrainian
Nordstream 2, bypass Ukraine and Poland. The             port of Mariupol, itself under occasional attack
Nordstream 2 pipeline itself has been a point of         during the conflict.
contention between different governments,                      If such blockages intensify, the effect will be
even within the EU. While Angela Merkel and              to push Ukrainian goods transportation from its
Vladimir Putin support the pipeline, Donald              threatened south-eastern region onto the roads
Trump is opposed, as are the Polish Prime                and railroads to ports such as Odessa in the
Minister and Ukrainian President.                        west. This will increase costs and possibly lead
       In total, these pipelines have the capacity to    to serious capacity constraints. Thus, at the price
supply a quarter of the EU’s consumption.                of some probably-tolerable new sanctions,
Frequent disputes through 2009 over pricing of           Russia has expanded its economic war against
gas shipments to Ukraine, and transit fees to the        Ukraine and may possibly look for further
rest of the EU, triggered Russia’s cuts in the gas       concessions or territory.
feed into the overland pipelines. Meanwhile,                   Whilst the politics surrounding the
disagreement arose over Ukraine’s diverting to           infrastructure discussed above is complex,
itself gas intended for other countries which            needless to say, little of this type of infrastructure
resulted in shortfalls of deliveries to EU third party   build would have materialised in the first place
countries not involved in the dispute.                   were our planet a geopolitically sweet world.
Infrastructure bypasses geopolitical choke points   13

   Although the bridge
had long been
proposed, it was not
launched until conflict
cut the route across the
Isthmus of Perekop.
14                Konzept

What the history of
populism can teach
us today

      “What is the end of our revolution?”             helped reverse this trend, which was supersized
wondered Robespierre, one of the populist              by China’s reintegration into the world economy
leaders of the French revolution. It was perhaps a     and its own working age demographic overhang.
more insightful question than he realised. After a           This abundant global labour supply over the
decade of revolution proper, waves of populism         past few decades has led to constant downward
surged and retreated as France lurched between         pressure on the price of labour. Indeed, workers
dictatorship, monarchy and democracy.                  in many countries have experienced a near
      The French revolution is just one of many        three-decade freeze in their real wages, just as
historical examples of how populist surges shape       increased home and asset ownership, rising
politics and economies. And while they create          wealth and leverage combined to create a kind of
great uncertainty, the repeating themes within         money illusion. This may not have been felt
make it possible to view today’s populist surge        acutely before the financial crisis, but it certainly
through a tighter lens than many realise. These        was after it hit. At this point, wealth and leverage
themes include economic hardship, issues of            disappeared and workers looked more towards
national identity, and an electorate that feels a      their pay packets. They were increasingly
fundamental dissatisfaction with the incumbent         frustrated with what they saw and the long-term
political class and the state of the country.          under-performance of wages was exposed.
      That these themes are common to most                   Stagnating wages is one thing, but
populist episodes should quell some of the             economic crises tend to leave large numbers of
trepidation many feel today. Economists and            people unemployed and when this occurs, it is
politicians can use learnings from prior episodes      understandable that the population’s growing
to help shape their decisions on issues such as        frustration can be channelled towards a populist
fiscal policy, quantitative easing, protectionism,     agenda. The figures surrounding the financial
and immigration. Meanwhile, investors can use          crisis speak for themselves. Unemployment in
history as a navigational aid as the current tide of   the US peaked at ten per cent while in Europe,
populism changes the landscape.                        things were even more severe. Exacerbated by
                                                       the sovereign debt crisis, about a quarter of the
     Economic crisis                                   Spanish and Greek workforce found themselves
     There is an argument to make that the             out of work. Even in countries where the effects
seeds of today’s populism were first sown in the       were less severe, such as the UK, real wages are
early 1980s. This period marked a key global           barely higher than they were before the crisis.
demographic turning point which coincidently                 Adding to discontent at the economic
occurred with China’s re-integration into the          malaise, was the way in which technology and
global economy for the first time in several           trade were changing the nature of work. This
centuries. Indeed, in 1980 there were very few         sped the decline of old industries, while
workers relative to the overall population and         legislators struggled to keep up with the rise of
they therefore had pricing power. Nearly four          the ‘gig economy’ and its implications for
decades on, the ageing baby boomers have               labour relations.

Jim Reid, Henry Allen & Luke Templeman
What the history of populism can teach us today                 15

      It should therefore not be surprising that       hyperinflation crisis in the early 1920s where the
economic crises have been the overwhelming             destruction in the currency’s value led to the
catalyst for populist revolts through history. Take,   German government defaulting on its reparation
for example, the French Revolution. This               payments. Compounding this, the Great
movement started after a succession of poor            Depression sent unemployment soaring and
harvests that resulted in sharp increases in food      millions were left destitute. By 1933, per capita
prices. On top of this was a fiscal crisis at the      output was no greater than it was two decades
state level as a result of France’s participation in   earlier. The desperation felt by many people was
various wars, as well as general profligacy. Of        seized upon by populists and channelled into the
course, other factors were at play but it was the      Nazi rise to power.
economic crisis and the hardship it inflicted upon
many French citizens that created the conditions             Asserting national identity
for a revolution.                                            The second common theme behind populist
      Later, the 1848 revolutions in Europe also       episodes is the assertion of national identity, and
followed a period of serious economic hardship.        the parallels between the events of today and
While the revolts are generally seen as ‘liberal       those in history are striking. Anti-immigration
revolutions’, where people rose to demand              policies are perhaps the most visible example.
political reform and democratic rights, it is          Indeed, when Donald Trump announced his
notable that the period followed the failure of        candidacy for the presidency, his speech made
potato crops in the 1840s and the associated           waves for its comments on Mexican immigration.
severe famine in much of Europe. One study             His campaign featured strong rhetoric against
showed that the price of wheat in France and
Prussia rose by more than half in the two years to
1847. That price escalation was cataclysmic
given the swathes of the population who lived
close to subsistence1. While the tragedy in
Ireland was the most visible outcome of the
famine, there were also thousands of famine-
related deaths in continental Europe. In turn, as
people spent more on food, manufacturing
began to slump. As a result, unemployment rose
and the continent’s economic woes spiralled into
revolutionary sentiment.
      Economic distress has also led to darker
outcomes, as seen with the Nazi seizure of power
in interwar Germany. The reparations mandated
by the Treaty of Versailles after the first world
war were layered on top of an already fragile
economy. Indeed, by the end of the war, German
economic output had shrunk by 30 per cent on a
per capita basis. This was followed by a
16                Konzept

illegal immigration and on bringing down               agenda. The French King Louis Philippe
immigration generally. In government, Trump has        abdicated and the second French Republic was
raised the idea of ending birth-right citizenship      established (albeit short-lived after Napoleon III’s
and reiterated his desire to build a wall along the    coup in 1851). Prussia also moved in the direction
Mexican border.                                        of a constitutional monarchy, as did Denmark.
      Europe is also dealing with issues of            The Hungarian revolution was suppressed, but
national identity and immigration. Indeed,             eventually led to the Austro-Hungarian
sovereignty and the free movement of people            Compromise of 1867 that established a dual
were key factors behind the Brexit vote, although      monarchy for the countries.
this was intertwined with economic deprivation               In our own time, the revolt in Eastern
and government spending cuts. Similarly, Marine        Europe in 1989 and the recent Arab Spring
Le Pen in France, the League in Italy, the AfD in      protests were strongly driven by a spirit of rising
Germany, and others have attacked the level of         against entrenched rulers to “set the country on
immigration. Some European governments, such           a better path”.
as Hungary and Poland, have even refused to                  This isn’t to say that populism has always
accept asylum seekers.                                 led to more liberal or democratic outcomes. In
      Historically, this is not unusual. In mid-       the interwar period, Hitler and Mussolini led
nineteenth century America, there was                  fascist regimes, while the Bolshevik revolution in
opposition to the immigration of Roman Catholics       Russia resulted in vast repression as communists
from European countries, such as Ireland,              gained control. However, despite the result, all
because of fears it would change the Protestant        these movements arose from deep
culture of the US. Not long after, a backlash          dissatisfaction towards the ruling class and a
against Chinese arrivals led to the Chinese            desire to shake up the status quo.
Exclusion Act of 1882. This policy was partly the
result of fears that Chinese workers were taking             Looking forward
American jobs, a theme starkly prevalent today.              It is ironic that just as populism has taken
      National identity has also raised its head in    root today, the demographic super-cycle that has
other forms. In particular, demonstrations in the      depressed wages since 1980 has recently
mid-1800s in countries such as Germany and             peaked and should slowly reverse, lowering
Hungary were precipitated by a desire for              workforce numbers in more economically
nationhood to be recognised. Looking further           significant countries. That means, left to its own
back, the French Revolution saw the rise of the        devices, labour should begin to regain pricing
mantra of liberté, égalité, fraternité and the         power. This power may be amplified by the fact
Tricolore flag emerged.                                that many populist policies are already helping
                                                       lead labour’s fightback.
      Dissatisfaction at the political class and the         Against the backdrop of improving
state of the country                                   demographics for workers, we can extrapolate
      The third theme that repeats through history     the lessons of populist history to make
is that populism and social unrest have been           predictions about how the future may play out.
driven by dissatisfaction at the governing             Before we do, it is necessary to determine the
powers. Populists tend to desire a system that         direction and brand of populism that societies
favours citizens rather than the establishment.        may face. Taking a step back, it seems strange
Brexit and Trump, though distinct in a number of       that right-wing parties dominate today’s populist
ways, were both rebellions against the political,      agenda. After all, if populism stems from
financial, and media establishments, who were          economic concerns, then one would assume a
mostly opposed to both.                                preference for left-wing parties given their
      The desire to throw out the old ways and         support for greater wealth redistribution to low
start afresh was entrenched in French                  and middle-income households. Yet right-wing
revolutionaries. The Tennis Court Oath of 1789,        pro-business parties dominate.
one of the defining points of the revolution, was            The reason is that people frequently view
framed around the push for constitutional reform       their notion of dignity and respect as more
that eventually led to the overthrow of the French     important than their economic situation and are
monarch and the declaration of the Rights of           willing to sacrifice the latter, at least in the short
Man and of the Citizen.                                term. The political scientist Francis Fukuyama
      Similarly, the 1848 revolutions in Europe        recently argued this stems from the desire for
shared a desire to progress a liberal democratic       isothymia, which can be simplistically translated
What the history of populism can teach us today   17

   It is ironic that just as
populism has taken root
today, the demographic
super-cycle that has
depressed wages since
1980 has recently
peaked and should
slowly reverse...
18                Konzept

as “a desire to be respected as an equal”.             may be unpopular with the population. However,
Fukuyama noted that in recent times, significant       there is a possibility that central banks could
portions of the population in several developed        deploy unconventional monetary policy through
countries have viewed the established                  other methods. These could include creating new
government as giving some groups priority and          money to fund fiscal spending or delivering it
ignoring others. This feeling of unequal treatment     directly to the population to encourage spending
or disrespect opened a void that right-wing            in the real economy. Although inflationary, this
populists filled with promises to restore a ‘better’   would provide a way to achieve higher spending
past and a greater sense of dignity.                   in the short term.
      However, it would be wrong to completely               To bolster the notion of identity and control,
dismiss the emergence of left-wing populists.          we can expect populists to continue to promote
Indeed, left-wing parties have been left reeling by    protectionism, both of trade and immigration,
the recent swing towards right-wing groups and         despite the evidence that free trade and
they will surely react. If they can satiate voter      immigration provide significant economic
desires on issues of national identity, and also       benefits. President Trump’s imposition of tariffs
offer their traditional policies of economic           on Chinese imports, and the renegotiation of
redistribution, the pendulum could quickly swing       NAFTA into the USMCA are just two examples of
their way as it did in Greece and might do in the      policies other countries seem likely to pursue.
UK. In that case, economies can expect higher          The countries that take this route should expect
taxes on the wealthy and corporations, as well as      higher consumer prices as tariffs are imposed,
the nationalisation of high-profile organisations      and a restriction of consumer choice.
and infrastructure.                                          Regarding immigration, the reduction
      Another consistent theme of history is that      promised by many populists will almost certainly
populists enact fiscal expansion. Already in the       hurt public finances and exacerbate the problem
US and Italy there are signs of this, while the        of ageing populations in many western countries.
French government has proposed higher                  Immigrants tend to be younger workers who pay
spending and tax breaks for bonuses and                taxes and consume less state healthcare and
working overtime in response to recent protests.       pensions. Without immigration, the working
Markets should therefore prepare for the likely        population of western countries will bear an
consequences: overheating economies,                   increasingly large tax burden to support an
inflationary pressures, higher debt increasing         ageing population.
bond yields, and an eventual slowdown as the                 To determine where the immigration
economy fails to sustain above-trend growth.           policies of western nations are heading, we can
      The mechanism for fiscal stimulus has            look to Japan, a country long resistant to
historically been a large-scale military buildup,      immigration. More than a quarter of the
usually driven by a desire to “restore the             Japanese population is now aged over 65 and
dignity” of a nation. Today however, military          the total population is shrinking. Although this
clout is less important compared to the desire to      situation has been known for decades, it is only
improve living standards. Hence populists              in recent years that the country is examining
promise more secure jobs, higher disposable            proposals to allow more foreign workers.
incomes and a notion that the country’s identity             That bodes ill for Europe. Over the next two
is intact. As a result, we can expect more             decades, Germany, France, and Italy are all
economic policies to revolve around income tax         forecast to reach the point at which a quarter of
cuts, infrastructure spending, and in some             their populations will reach 65 years of age. If
cases, universal basic income.                         Japan is only now dealing with the problem,
      If these policies slow the economy,              other countries may also kick the can down the
investors should expect central banks to react         road until the problem becomes more serious.
differently compared with their actions in the         However, by that point, the damage of labour
past. This is because much of the recent populist      shortages will already be forcing either higher
anger has centred on widening inequality,              taxes or greater government borrowing to
something that was exacerbated by quantitative         maintain existing levels of spending for the
easing. With populist politicians in several           elderly with a working population in decline.
countries already exerting pressure on central               The historical lessons of our third theme,
banks, it will be difficult in future slowdowns for    the dissatisfaction at the political classes, is more
central bankers not to consider that quantitative      nuanced. That is because prior periods of
easing and other policies that boost asset prices      populism and revolution went hand-in-hand with
What the history of populism can teach us today                  19

the desire for liberal constitutional change. Yet, in   the medium term as changing demographics
most developed countries today, a wide-ranging          helps labour regain some of its pricing power.
liberal democracy is well established.                  More immediately, though, it has already
Accordingly, today’s populists have generally not       become apparent that some of the bold
opposed the constitutional system in which they         promises made by populist parties cannot be
seek to govern and, in most cases, have not             implemented. Furthermore, populism is far from
upended other institutions of government.               universally popular. Indeed, the recent US
      Instead, populist political reform has tended     midterm election result that saw the Democrats
to focus on bringing citizens closer to government      capture the House of Representatives was partly
and this will likely continue. For example,             driven by the electorate voicing its displeasure at
supporters of Brexit want to shift various EU           President Trump.
competencies back to the UK. Even pro-EU                      If and when the current populist tide
politicians have echoed this sentiment. For             recedes, it will leave behind a changed political
example, French President Emmanuel Macron               landscape. Fundamental left-right questions
has proposed the idea of democratic conventions         about the size and reach of government are
of citizens that would advise on policy.                complex and ongoing, as are questions of the
      A consequence of this political shift could       appropriate level at which sovereign power
well be the greater fragmentation of political          should rest. Nevertheless, looking at other
systems and nation states. The rise of separatist       waves of unrest in the developed world over the
movements in Scotland, Catalonia, and Quebec            last two centuries, we can expect this period to
show the desire of some regions to chart their          eventually subside and for stability to return, as
own path, while regions within countries have           happened in previous episodes in Europe and
pushed for greater devolution of power from             the US.
their respective central governments. The                     While talk centres on how political parties
consequence is greater policy divergences both          should react to populist voters, the underlying
within and between allied countries. Barriers to        social and economic problems in many countries
trade will emerge as each set their own laws            remain unaddressed. Fukuyama notes it is far
and regulations.                                        easier to pay lip service to under-privileged
      Similarly, we can expect to see continued         groups by funding token projects than it is to
attacks on supranational institutions and a             enact real change. With that in mind, legislators
renewed emphasis on the importance of the               must enact wholesale programmes that offer
nation state as the appropriate platform for            marginalised people the skills that provide
policymaking. This is already happening in the          opportunity. With opportunity comes the
US, Italy, Poland, and Hungary. It is also              gratification of respect and that is the key theme
interesting to consider that the fragmentation          that history tells us prevents populist uprisings.
of politics in some areas may actually
encourage integration in others. For example, in
response to some of the polarising voices in
Europe, many pro-EU leaders are banding
closer together. In particular, the German and
French leaders are advocating further
integration through various channels.
      Fragmentation at a national level could
easily trickle down to the corporate level where
workers could demand more say in their
organisation. Already, Germany operates works
councils and in Britain there have been similar
calls for workers to be placed on company
boards. Given low unemployment in many
economically significant countries, and the fact
that they are beginning to see their working
population peak, workers’ bargaining power
should improve and support for these
arrangements will likely gain momentum.
      The current populist tide could rise further
in the near future but we expect it to recede over      1 Berger and Spoerer (2001)
20               Konzept

Q&A on
US politics

     The following is an interview taken by Peter    macroeconomic implications, such as
Hooper, Deutsche Bank’s global head of               infrastructure investment, spending caps, and
economic research, who sat down with the head        pharmaceutical prices. If and when the
of Deutsche Bank’s Office of Government Affairs      government does get back to more normal
in Washington, Francis J (Frank) Kelly.              functioning, will a split Congress, conflict over a
     A long-time Washington insider, Frank           wall, and investigations mean that gridlock
began his career as a White House writer for         prevails in Washington, or will progress be made
Presidents Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush.         on issues where many can agree there is need?
He went on to head up public affairs for the
Department of Justice and then the Securities               1. Frank, as we go to print, the government
and Exchange Commission, after which he              shutdown is now more than three weeks old.
established a Washington office for Charles          How do you see this ending, and what impacts
Schwab & Co. He opened the office for Deutsche       will it have?
Bank in 2003. Over the years since, Frank has               It was extraordinary to watch in early
been a regular participant in many of Deutsche       December as President Trump “took on the
Bank’s higher-profile client conferences that        mantle” of a government shutdown unless he
touch on the political scene in Washington.          received funding for his US-Mexico border wall. I
                                                     have never seen anything like it. And it has gone
      Recent events in Washington have been          on much, much longer than most observers
fascinating and fraught. During its first two        would have expected – a new record for a
years, the current administration has shaken         shutdown. But it plays strongly to the President’s
Washington to the core on many fronts. Now, it       voter base – many of whom think large portions
faces the results of a significant public backlash   of the US government are wasteful and needless.
in the outcome of the midterm elections and a        Still, a majority of Americans do not support the
paralysis largely of its own making in the form of   idea of a wall and are blaming President Trump
a partial government shutdown. While President       directly for the shutdown.
Trump’s Republican party may enjoy an increase              Now we have a real mess. While it could
in its slim majority in the Senate, the House of     end at any time, more likely it will drag on well
Representatives has swung solidly to a               into the current two-week pay period recently
Democratic party that has been champing at the       begun, and potentially a good while longer.
bit to take the reins on investigation and review.   Pressure will build for a resolution as more
Many critical issues are up in the air, including    services are impacted. The increase in waiting
regulatory reforms, immigration reform, trade        times in security lines at airports are only one
policy, investigations driven by the Special         indication. As your own analysis has suggested
Counsel, and other legislation with                  Peter, given reduced hours worked, as well as
                                                     reduced spending by both the 800,000
                                                     government workers affected and a potentially
Peter Hooper with Frank Kelly                        even larger number of private workers on
QA on US politics                  21

government contracts not receiving pay checks,          poisoned the waters in a significant way between
the loss in GDP could exceed 0.1 per cent for           the President and Pelosi and Schumer. So, expect
every two weeks that goes by. Much of this will         Democrats to be highly cautious going into all
be made up after the issue is settled and workers       deals going forward.
are paid retroactively. But there will be longer-            But what overshadows all of this are
term negative effects on issues ranging from the        congressional investigations that are coming into
ability of the government to recruit talent to the      both the Trump Administration and the
public’s confidence in its ability to provide           President’s businesses. I suspect the
important services. The Fed and the markets will        developments here will be quite rough.
be flying half blind for a while due to delays in the
production of key data.                                       3. What is your view of the new leadership
                                                        on Capitol Hill?
      2. Let me return to the question I was                  It is, in some respect, back to the future:
originally going to ask you at the outset:              Nancy Pelosi is again Speaker of the House
      How has the outcome of the midterm                following her stint from 2007 to 2011. She is the
elections affected prospects for the functioning of     first woman to serve. Steny Hoyer is the House
the government—can we expect gridlock or                Majority Leader and James Clyburn is the
agreement (and on what)? How do you see                 Majority Whip. Both served in the same roles
working relations between the administration and        back in the 2007-2011 period. And Pelosi, Hoyer
Capitol Hill and within Congress?                       and Clyburn are, respectively, 78, 79, and 78
      We were offered a sneak preview on live           years of age.
television over the holiday period when the                   What is different is, while this trio returns to
incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and          leadership, they are making accommodations to
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer went to            foster younger leadership to step up in the next
the White House to meet with the President. It          two to four years. And that younger Democratic
was a long, loud and intense debate on funding          leadership is seen as more progressive or
the border wall that was beamed around the              left-wing than current leadership. That will
world live. That meeting and the government             definitely have an impact on the House legislative
shutdown that ensued pretty much set the tone           agenda and, I suspect, will be quite market
for what we can expect to see in policy debates.        relevant as it will go to tax, environmental, and
      Fundamentally, President Trump prides             health policy issues. And they have agreed to
himself on being a deal maker. And he seems to          term limiting themselves after four years.
actually enjoy bargaining with opponents. So,                 In the Senate, it will be exactly as we saw it
with Democrats in control of the House of               for the last few years: Mitch McConnell will be
Representatives for 2019-2020, I would expect           Majority Leader and will set the legislative
intense public debate between the President and         agenda for the next two years. However, in 2020,
Democratic leadership over a host of issues. But I      28 Republican seats will be up for re-election and
also believe the US shutdown has potentially            potential primary contests, as many as six to
22                Konzept

seven in Democratic-leaning states. This will            that created the Department of Homeland
impact the behaviour of those senators and how           Security policies around immigration interdiction?
they vote. The popularity of President Trump will              There is nothing unusual here. Opposing
also have an impact on their views and voting            political parties in control of either the House or
decisions. One key moderate Republican senator           Senate have done this sort of thing since the
has already announced his retirement in 2020,            creation of Congress. Nevertheless, they can be
meaning he could be less constrained in his              market-moving, significantly impacting whole
voting. With others possibly following, McConnell        sectors so investors must watch carefully.
could face some challenges in controlling his
relatively slim three-vote majority in the Senate.             5. Legislation vs investigation, where is the
       4. What does the legislative calendar look              This is the first big challenge to incoming
like—key dates, what to look for in coming weeks,        Speaker Pelosi. She has to find a balance here
months, and year?                                        and that will not be easy as political emotions
       We can expect Democrats to be quite               within the Democratic Caucus are sky-high.
energetic about a number of legislative priorities             For example, there are, reportedly, more
ranging from healthcare reform, to looking at            than 80 separate requests from senior House
re-writes of the recently passed tax bill, to            Democrats wanting to open specific lines of
infrastructure reform.                                   investigation. If Pelosi allows this – effectively
       Also, the President will be giving his State of   allowing every committee to launch their own
the Union Address to Congress in late January.           line of investigation – the risk becomes that
This is important because he will be laying out          actual legislation is side-lined and the American
his legislative agenda for 2019. And it will be here     public looks at Democrats as incapable of
that we will be looking for where and how there          actually governing.
can be any bipartisan issues – infrastructure,                 That would potentially be impactful to not
healthcare, tax, etc.                                    only the Democrats’ chances of holding onto
       And remember, the debt ceiling issue will         control of the House in 2020 but also winning
quickly re-emerge. But will House Democrats              control of the Senate and White House in 2020.
demand some legislative deal in return for a                   What to do? I suspect Pelosi will either
positive vote? We will have to watch for that but        funnel all the investigative issues into a special
there is no way Congress will let the government         committee for investigations or ask one or two
fall into default, no matter how ugly the politics       committees to manage them. Balance – she will
are by then.                                             insist on balance.
       While we think the election season just
finished, we are going to go quickly into the 2020             6. What are the chances of any major
presidential campaigns. This will diminish the           legislative initiatives, and what would they be?
energy in Congress in 2020 – meaning, don’t                    I think a number of legislative initiatives
expect anything major to be done then. That              have hope. Infrastructure spending is a top
means Congress is going to have to work hard in          priority for both House Democrats and President
2019 and it’s going to be a short, intense               Trump. The big question here is how to pay for it.
calendar to work within.                                 Senate Republicans are likely to be hesitant
       We also expect House Democrats                    because of the cost – and impact on the already
immediately to launch a number of letters of             – ballooning federal deficit. However, the
inquiry (and more than a few subpoenas) flying           Democrats want to revise the recently enacted
out of committees to government agencies and             tax bill. So, a new tax bill could emerge, which
departments as they inquire into how and why             could pay for at least a portion of the
the Trump Administration made any number of              infrastructure bill. President Trump may have to
policy decisions.                                        swallow a tax change/increase if he is going to
       For example, how and why did the                  get an infrastructure package. Barring that, the
Environmental Protection Agency relax                    Democrats would have to go along with more
regulations around coal? What was the process            deficit spending.
QA on US politics   23

   We can expect
Democrats to be quite
energetic about a
number of legislative
priorities ranging from
healthcare reform, to
looking at re-writes of
the recently passed tax
bill, to infrastructure
24                Konzept

     Also, President Trump and House                    cent to annual growth of economic output over a
Democrats are aligned on finding a way to cap           number of years – even less if it is tax financed.
pharmaceutical pricing. But, again, Senate              With the economy already operating at beyond
Republicans will be resistant to doing this and         full employment, this would only help if the
President Trump will have to find a way to              economy is already slowing.
convince them to support whatever emerges.                    Gary Cohn drafted a proposal before he left
     Also, immigration reform will be revisited         the White House, but we think that was only a
but a comprehensive solution is unlikely.               starting point. There are many possibilities but no
                                                        definitive plans at this point.
       7. But doesn’t this beg that question: Does            Also, there is the prospect of foreign
anyone in Washington care about deficit                 investment. We know Japan is looking to invest
spending, the growing size of budget deficits and       billions in the US. Similar discussions apparently
the ballooning federal debt? Will these concerns        have taken place with Saudi Arabia. Chinese
have any impact?                                        President Xi and President Trump actually
       I am sure there is someone here who does         discussed Chinese investment in infrastructure
care. But he or she is an awfully lonely person         when he visited the US in 2017. Congress will
– among elected officials, no one seems willing         debate whether to go along with foreign
to step up, shout it out loud that the deficit is out   investment and there are a lot of possibilities.
of control and push to get it under control. By the           This being Washington, everything is
way, whatever happened to Social Security               election related and 2020 is going to be a big
reform and other entitlement reform? All of this        year for both parties. Economic growth – or
has, for the time being, slipped off the political      shrinkage – will be a key determinant for voters.
radar screen.
       But this brings us back to your last question          9. With 2020 in mind, is there anything else
and chances of an infrastructure spending               that could add significant fiscal stimulus to the
package. How to pay for it with the deficit so out      picture in the next couple years?
of control? I alluded to Democrats pushing for at             Aside from a possible infrastructure bill,
least modifications to the recently enacted tax         appropriation bills and a possible tax revision bill
bill. Perhaps that could put at least a small dent      along with Obamacare fixes are on the docket.
in the deficit beyond helping to pay for part of an     As I mentioned earlier, House Democrats are
infrastructure package. But beyond this, the only       sure to work up some sort of tax bill – likely to
way is cutting government spending in some              focus on raising corporate tax rates slightly to
meaningful way.                                         restore the state and local tax deductions that
                                                        were taken away in the 2017 tax bill. I would also
       8. So let’s focus a little more on the           expect efforts to cut middle-class taxes as well.
prospects for an infrastructure spending package        The challenge will be cutting a deal with the
and what it might look like.                            Republican Senate.
       You raise some multi-trillion dollar
questions. How big? How is it funded? Do                      10. What about the prescription drug
Democrats go along with public/private                  program and pricing? Could this have a significant
partnerships? Will Senate Republicans go along          impact on consumer prices?
with more debt spending to pay for it? And what               Absolutely. With Boomers coming to the
will they spend it on? Potholes and rusting             age where prescription drug prices really mean
bridges or building highways for electric cars and      something to them, it has become quite a
driverless trucks? New ports for growing oil and        populist issue. President Trump hears it and
gas exports?                                            agrees. And Democrats have long made the
       Whatever is done and however it is paid for,     same case. President Trump has formulated
it will be a multiyear plan – not one giant lump        several plans to force prices lower. In October, he
sum. As you have noted in our recent discussions,       rolled out a plan aimed at lowering Medicare
a package would be a boost to the economy but           drug prices. He was criticised by fellow
probably limited to only several tenths of a per        Republicans for going too far while Democrats
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