POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee

Page created by Justin Reynolds
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
                                                                                                                         AND SUPPORTERS,
                                                                                                                         In this 80th year of UUSC’s work in the world, we learned
                                                                                                                         things we didn’t realize we needed to know, faced
                                                                                                                         challenges we weren’t expecting, and responded to the
                                                                                                                         intersecting impacts of inequity that create the current
                                                                                                                         crises of displacement and criminalization. Always rooted in
                                                                                                                         partnership, we strengthened our resolve to uproot causes of
                                                                                                                         oppression and foster equitable alternatives.
                                                                                                                                                                                        MARY KATHERINE MORN
                                                                                                                         The COVID-19 crisis has compelled many to awaken to            President and CEO
                                                                                                                         something that Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities
                                                                                                                         have always known: our dominant systems have been
                                                                                                                         designed to protect the advantage of the few at the expense
                                                                                                                         of the many. We have a moral obligation to do what we can to
                                                                                                                         transform these systems.

                                                                                                                         We continue to affirm the clear connection between long-
                                                                                                                         term grassroots organizing and change that builds enduring
                                                                                                                         equity. Grounded in our deep belief in the dignity and power
                                                                                                                         of all people, UUSC’s mission is to advance human rights and
                                                                                                                         dismantle systems of oppression. Our partners in the U.S.
                                                                                                                         and around the world are creating solutions for their own
                                                                                                                                                                                        NED WIGHT
                                                                                                                         communities that are producing lasting change.                 Board Chair

                                                                                                                         Here are just a few of the stories from UUSC partners who
                                                                                                                         are leading the way to a more just and humane world
                                                                                                                         — removing barriers to migration, overcoming climate
                                                                                                                         challenges through self-determination, promoting long-term
                                                                                                                         crisis recovery grounded in equity. To learn more and dig
                                                                                                                         deeper, please visit our website at uusc.org and catch up on
                                                                                                                         our blogs and action updates.

                                                                                                                         To all of you who have invested your time, energy, money,
                                                                                                                         and heart to make this work possible, thank you.
                                                                                                                         Together, we can — and will — continue to change the world.

Above: Volunteers and staff from UUSC partner Foro de Mujeres came together to paint a public mural in Honduras, using
street art as a powerful educational tool.

Cover: UUSC partner FM4 Paso Libre group photo with several people in migration who are staying in the shelter that
UUSC helps to fund.
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
American Samoa
The Bahamas
                                                               Marshall Islands
                                                                                     Puerto Rico
                                                                                     Solomon Islands
                                                                                                            United Kingdom
                                                                                                            United States         MISSION
Bangladesh            Colombia              Indonesia          Palau                 Switzerland                                  UUSC advances human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those
Bolivia               Ecuador               Kiribati           Panama                Thailand                                     who confront unjust power structures and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies.
Brazil                El Salvador           Malaysia           Peru                  Tuvalu                                       Our work is grounded in the belief that all people have inherent power and dignity.

                                                                                                                                  Human rights abuses can invariably be traced back
UUSC STA FF                                                                                                                       to entrenched power structures — built to advantage a
                                                                                                                                  select few by systematically denying the
EXECUTIVE                        DEVELOPMENT                   PROGRAMS, ADVOCACY, & ACTION                                       rights of many. Our mission obligates us
Mary Katherine Morn              Cassandra Ryan                Rachel Freed                      Hannah Hafter                    to uproot the deepest causes of
President and                    Vice President and Chief      Vice President and Chief          Senior Grassroots Organizer
                                                               Program Officer
                                                                                                                                  oppression and foster equitable
Chief Executive Officer          Development Officer                                             Lindsey Hoemann
Brittney Rose                    Katherine Friedman            Danielle Fuller-Wimbush           Senior Partnership Officer for   alternatives. If we were to address the
Senior Executive Assistant       Associate Director of         Director of Partner Support       Migrant Justice
& Special Events Project         Development for Major Gifts   and Grantmaking                   Kathryn Ingegneri                harms without holding the systems
Manager                          Karen Klett                   Kathleen McTigue                  Digital Strategist for
                                                               Director of Activism and
                                                                                                                                  accountable for creating the harms in the
                                 Associate Director of                                           Mobilization and Engagement
                                 Development for Membership    Justice Training                  Deva Jones                       first place, we would effectively be
                                 Laura Randall                 Michael Givens                    Senior Associate for Volunteer
ADMINISTRATION                                                 Associate Director of Strategic   Placements                       incentivizing the root causes of injustice
                                 Associate Director
                                 of Development for            Communications                    Angela Kelly
Mack Davidson                                                  Michael Kourabas
                                                                                                                                  to persist. Dismantling systems of
                                 Congregation Relations                                          Senior Associate for Justice
Vice President and Chief         Elizabeth Auwood              Associate Director for            Education                        oppression and replacing them with just,
Administration Officer           Development Department &      Grantmaking and Impact            Josh Leach
Carol Cahalane                   Events Coordinator            Amber Moulton                     Policy Analyst                   equitable, and regenerative alternatives is
Director of Finance              Carly Cronon                  Associate Director for            Suhra Nahib
Quang Nguyen                                                   Research
                                                                                                                                  essential to preventing the human rights abuses
                                 Senior Associate for                                            Associate for Communications
Director of Human                Congregational Support        David Angeles                     and Research                     of the future.
Resources                        Eric Grignol                  Senior Partnership Officer for    Salote Soqo
Ethan Adams                      Senior Digital Fundraising    Crisis Response                   Senior Partnership Officer
Facility and Operations          & Membership Engagement       Gina Collignon                    for Climate Justice & Crisis
Manager                                                        Senior Associate for
                                                                                                                                  This report illustrates just some of the ways we have achieved
                                 Officer                                                         Response
Giao Doan                        Susan Mosher                  Immersion Learning                Leonardo Valenzuela Perez        remarkable gains during a time when a majority of those currently
Staff Accountant                 Associate for Donor and       Programs                          Researcher
(Winnie) Chau Nguyen             Member Services               Abigail Crum                      Heather Vickery                  in positions of power choose to wield it in an authoritarian way:
Accountant                       Hannah Moy                    Associate for Administration      Coordinator for
Adelaide Vonleh                                                and Enrollment
                                                                                                                                  by attacking the foundations of a democratic
                                 Associate for Major Gifts                                       Congregational Activism
Human Resources                  Jennifer O’Rourke             Ana Maria De La Rosa                                               society and the ties that bind
Assistant                        Associate for Marketing and   Senior Grassroots Organizer
Mohamed Zine abidine             Membership                    Meghan Finn                                                        communities together.
Senior Financial Analyst                                       Associate for Partner Support
                                                               and Grantmaking

                                                                                                                                  T H E K E Y T O O U R E F F E C T I V E N E SS :
UUSC B OA RD O F T RU ST EES                                                                                                      B U I L D I N G G R A S S R O O T S P OW E R .
Rev. Ned Wight             Cynthia Totten       Rev. Jacqueline Brett       Lynn Miyamoto                  Sarah Dreier
Board Chair                Secretary            Barbara Du Mond             Joseph Parsons                 Anthony Pinn
Rev. Brock Leach           Jim Smith            Rohit Menezes               Lyssa Jenkens                  Peter Fenn
Vice Chair                 Treasurer            April Nishimura             Maria Pignataro Nielsen
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
REMOVING BARRIERS TO MIGRATION                                                                                                                         “While we seek to transform the policies that permit these
Around the world, governmental immigration systems impose laws and policies meant to discriminate against and punish those who have
been forced to migrate from their homes and to deter them from seeking refuge across borders. The resulting harsh and dehumanizing
                                                                                                                                                     injustices, having access to a lawyer is one of the best defenses
treatment prevents refugees and immigrants from living safely, moving freely, finding sustainable work, and attending school, among other                 available to refugees seeking survival and solutions.”
constraints. We believe that migration is a human right — because when families seeking safety can rebuild their lives surrounded by a                                   — UUSC PARTNER ASYLUM ACCESS MEXICO
welcoming community, we can all thrive in a system of shared abundance together.

In response to the complete                     (aged 36), Manuel (20), and                                                                 M IGR ATIO N IS A HU M AN RIGHT
dismantling of the U.S. asylum                  Eduardo (22) who sought
system, our partner, Asylum                     support from the AAMX team to                                                               It must take unbelievable courage to abandon the only home you’ve ever known and set out on a perilous
Access Mexico (AAMX), has                       help them file their applications                                                           journey with no promise of safety. But that’s exactly what so many families from El Salvador, Guatemala,
been helping transform Mexico                   for asylum. After their status was                                                          and Honduras do every single day — forced to migrate to escape pervasive violence and widespread
from a refugee “transit” country                granted, AAMX connected them                                                                human rights violations in their home countries. Upon reaching the U.S. southern border to apply for
– one through which people in                   with a private sector partner,                                                              asylum, the barriers to freedom and safety continue.
migration pass, en route to the                 Lavinia’s Framing, who provided
U.S. – to a country of permanent                jobs for all three brothers. Osmin                                                          UUSC’s partners and members are pushing back against unlawful detention of asylum seekers; the cruel
stay for those fleeing danger in                now works in carpentry, Manuel                                                              separation of parents and children at the U.S. border; destruction of food, water, and other life-saving
Central America. By providing                   paints the frames, and Eduardo                                                              humanitarian supplies placed along desert migration routes; and other acts meant to punish those on the
the support and services needed                 frames portraits and paintings.                                                             move.
to navigate the Mexican asylum                  For the three young brothers,
process, they equip families on                 their legal status and ability                  UUSC funding helped Espacio Migrante        When COVID-19 began to spread across the United States and the Southern border was effectively
                                                                                                build a shelter and community space
the migration path to rebuild                   to work has facilitated a new                   for families arriving at the Tijuana-San    closed off, UUSC quickly provided an emergency grant that helped our partner Al Otro Lado transition to
their lives and live in freedom.                beginning.                                      Diego border.                               providing services online instead of in-person. This also enabled them to engage experienced attorneys
                                                                                                                                            who may not have the time or resources to travel to the California-Mexico border to deliver critical
Thanks to the support of UUSC                   Asylum cases in Mexico are often                can begin to put roots down in              education and assistance, reaching even more asylum-seeking families with services.
and additional co-funders,                      hard-fought, and UUSC’s support                 Mexico, plan for their futures,
AAMX was able to reach                          helps our partner continue the                  and contribute to their new                 Learn more at uusc.org/impact about how the networks of support built by UUSC and our partners
over 6,286 people with legal                    work over the long haul. For                    community. When families like               are changing lives.
assistance and services during                  example, in the fall of 2019, Nina,             Nina’s get the refugee status they
this year from seven locations                  a Honduran mother and her                       deserve and are able to secure
in Mexico: Tenosique, Palenque,                 three children finally received                 long-term residence permits,
Villahermosa, Acayucan, Mexico                  refugee status after 3 years and                they can begin rebuilding their
City, Monterrey, and Tijuana.                   5 months of legal support and                   lives in Mexico instead of living
                                                ongoing pressure on the Mexican                 with feelings of uncertainty
Among those were three                          government. With their new                      about tomorrow.
Salvadoran brothers, Osmin                      legal status, Nina and her family

                                 M IG R AN T JUS T I C E
        6                              $
                                         2.37M                              $
                                                                              434,865                                          23                                 UUSC partners Asylum Access Mexico recently gathered together in El Ceibo,
 COU N TRIE S                   PROGRAM INVESTMENT                           DI REC T G R A NT S                          PA RTN E R S                                             just across the border from Guatemala.
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
OVERCOMING CLIMATE CHALLENGES                                                                                                                                                              RE SPEC TI NG THE
W IT H SE L F -D E T ERMI NAT I O N                                                                                                                                                        IN HER ENT SOVER EI GNT Y
                                                                                                                                                                                           O F COMMUNI T Y-LED
“I grew up in Dulac, Louisiana, on a strip of land called Shrimpers Row,                                                                                                                   ADAP TATI ON
                                                                                                                                                                                           DE C I SI ONS
part of a community where nearly everyone knew each other or were related to
                                                                                                                                                                                           UUSC’s work relies on cultivating
one another. It was our own little world, and it was, in every sense, magical.”                                                                                                            deep, long-term relationships with
                                                                                                                                                                                           communities bearing the worst
                                                                                                                                                                                           burdens of climate change.
                                                                                                                 Members of Minga Indígena speak at the U.N.’s COP25 climate conference.   So when our partner Alaska Institute
                                                                                                                 The poster behind reads: “Traditional knowledge at the service of
“But climate change has severely     increments, within a generation     Human Rights of Internally Dis-         humanity in the face of climate change.” (Photo: Agustin Zamudio)         for Justice (AIJ) first reported that
battered our physical community,     Indigenous Peoples — especial-      placed Peoples. The Tribes seek                                                                                   communities facing environmental
and our traditional way of life is   ly in Alaska, the Gulf Coast, and   to hold the U.S. government ac-                                                                                   hazards have great difficulty
disappearing with it. In the lower   Pacific islands — have seen an-     countable for committing serious                WITH YOUR SUPPORT, OUR                                            accessing the funding and assistance
parts of our bayou communities,      cestral homelands vanish before     human rights violations: failing            COLLECTIVE EFFORTS ARE PUSHING                                        they need to ensure their well-being,
the southeasterly winds bring in     their eyes, sacred burial sites     to protect them from the devasta-
water multiple times a year and      destroyed and families’ health,     tion to their homes, culture, and             GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEMS TO                                             we listened.
the flood water soaks our land       food security, and livelihoods      lifeways due to the effects of cli-           PROVIDE NEW FUNDING FOR
for days.”                           threatened.                         mate change, while also ignoring                                                                                  UUSC funding to AIJ resulted in
                                                                         the immense damage oil and gas               RESTORING TRIBAL LANDS AND                                           the development of assessment
The profound loss that Shire-        However, Native Tribes and          companies are doing their land.             HUNTING AND FISHING AREAS, TO                                         tools for land erosion, monitoring
ll Parfait-Dardar, chief of the      Indigenous communities who
                                                                                                                    ASSIST TRIBES CURRENTLY FIGHTING                                       temperature fluctuations, and other
Grand Caillou/Dulac Band of          have been caring for the earth      Chief Shirell Parfait-Dardar’s                                                                                    impacts from extreme weather
Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe,     for centuries have the experience   Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe             TO STAY IN THEIR HOMES, AND TO
                                                                                                                                                                                           and climate change that directly
describes — as told in a series of   and wisdom to create sustainable    is named in the groundbreaking             AID THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN FORCED
articles about UUSC’s partners in    ways of existing in harmony with    case that demands the recog-                                                                                      affect the health and well-being of
Cultural Survival magazine — is      the planet and each other. UUSC     nition of their human right to              TO RELOCATE TO DO SO IN A WAY                                         Alaska Native communities. This
not uncommon for Indigenous          and its Climate Justice partners    self-determination. She warns:             THAT PRESERVES CULTURE, RESPECTS                                       commitment to sustained support
families. “My ancestors lived here   are on the forefront of an ap-      “We know the world [our chil-                                                                                     for our partners ensures we build on
and were buried in Shrimpers         proach to solving environmental     dren] will inherit if we fail to act,           DIGNITY, AND PROMOTES
                                                                                                                                                                                           gains made toward environmental
Row…The flooding is washing          problems that centers the voices    and it will be poorer, in every                   SELF-DETERMINATION.                                             justice — strengthening networks
them away, too…It is only a          of Indigenous Peoples.              sense, than the one we once
                                                                                                                                                                                           between impacted communities
matter of time before our sacred                                         knew. I often think of the trees
burial ground is permanently         In the words of one of our part-    and wild berries that surrounded                                                                                  and facilitating inroads with other
submerged in the floodwaters,        ners, UUSC “provided the founda-    me when I grew up. My kids can’t                                                                                  agencies who hold access to power
with us unable to visit the ceme-    tion” for the collaboration         see that. Instead what they see                                                                                   (such as HUD, FEMA, NOAA, and
tery in anything but a boat.”        between five Tribes to take the     are dead trees, just waiting to fall.                                                                             others).
                                     unprecedented step of filing a      We owe it to my children — and
While much of the world mea-         formal complaint with the U.N.      all of our children — to preserve                                                                                 The outcome: communities who must
sures climate change in slow         Special Rapporteurs on the          what is left.”
                                                                                                                                                                                           make difficult decisions can do so
                                                                                                                                                                                           in an informed and dignified way —
                           CL IM AT E JUS T I C E                                                                                                                                          building community support for the
                                                                                                                                                                                           hard steps of developing protections

      7                       $
                                  1.92M                   $
                                                            390,868                               13                Elevated houses in Louisiana are essential adaptation measures to
                                                                                                                    mitigate flooding damage from climate change effects.
                                                                                                                                                                                           for staying in place or, when
                                                                                                                                                                                           necessary, relocating to new homes.
 COU N TRIE S           PROGRAM INVESTMENT                 DI REC T G R A NT S                PA RTN E R S
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
As climate change continues to cause an increasing number of destructive storms, the demand on humanitarian assistance is intensifying.
No matter the type of crisis, those who were already experiencing injustice, oppression, or human rights issues have the most limited access
to aid in the wake of any disaster. Your steadfast generosity ensures UUSC and our partners can also buoy those who must navigate the
compounding effects of human-caused disasters and political crises.

                                                                B UR M A :
After decades of brutal ethnic and religious persecution, hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims
were forced to flee their homeland and seek asylum throughout Asia and the Pacific region when violence
toward them intensified in 2017. Drawing upon more than 25 years of work in Burma, UUSC continues to
assist families who are facing unimaginable threats to their existence simply because of who they are.

                                                                                           Adolescent girls studying at one of our partner’s   One of our Burma crisis response partners delivering food aid for Rohingya refugees who have fled violence and persecution.
                                                                                                                        community centers.

                                                                                                                                               This year, we added eight new                For example, UUSC funding helps              UUSC’s history is rooted in our
                                                                                                                                               partners to meet the urgent                  maintain community centers                   founders’ response to Nazi
                                                                                                                                               needs of the Rohingya, who have              that are integral to healing,                Germany’s attempt to annihilate
                                                                                                                                               been stripped of citizenship and             health, and wellness inside the              the Jewish people — the most
                                                                                                                                               subjected to continual attempts to           camps. One space designed for                well-known modern genocide. As
                                                                                                                                               erase their personhood. Our long             and run by women in the Cox’s                people of faith and conscience,
                                                                                                                                               history and strong connections               Bazar camp focuses on providing              we are called to work together
                                                                                                                                               in the region provide trusted                places of peace and privacy for              again to oppose and prevent
                                                                                                                                               support to organizations under               breastfeeding, showering in                  contemporary genocides
                                                                                                                                               constant scrutiny and attack                 privacy, and quiet reflection. Other         wherever they occur. Our
                                                                                                                                               while working on campaigns that              community centers we support                 members continue to advance our
                                                                                                                                               call attention to the Burmese                focus on educational programs so             partners’ advocacy campaigns
                                                                                                                                               government’s human rights                    Rohingya children can receive the            urging the U.S. State Department
                                                                                                                                               violations. Their courage is                 basic education from which they              to declare the sustained attacks
                                                                                                                                               powerful testimony to the reality            have been banned in Burma.                   on the Rohingya people by the
                                                                                                                                               of the genocide — as well as the                                                          Burmese military a genocide,
                                                                                                                                               strength and endurance of the                Displaced Rohingya families                  which would legally obligate
                                                                                                                                               Rohingya people.                             in Malaysia face heavy or                    them to hold accountable its
                                                                                                                                                                                            complete restrictions on their               perpetrators.
                                                                                                                                               UUSC’s approach seeks to address             employment, access to health
                                                                                                                                               the immediate needs of those                 care, education, and other                   Thank you for your part in helping
                                                                                                                                               living in the world’s largest                services — all harsh difficulties to         UUSC to mount relief efforts that
                                                                                                                                               refugee camp in Bangladesh,                  overcome in providing for their              rebuild lives, provide resources
                                   C R IS IS RESP O NSE                                                                                        while also supporting the long-
                                                                                                                                               term fight for accountability and
                                                                                                                                                                                            families. To address these needs,
                                                                                                                                                                                            UUSC partners with grassroots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         for families to overcome the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         trauma they’ve experienced, fuel

        7                                  1.06M                                 227,773                                        15
                                       $                                     $                                                                 justice for the Rohingya.                    organizations in Kuala Lumpur                grassroots empowerment, and
                                                                                                                                                                                            that provide education, skills               honor people’s dignity.
                                                                                                                                                                                            building, and livelihood support.
 COU N TRIE S                   PROGRAM INVESTMENT                            DI REC T G R A NT S                          PA RTN E R S
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
                                                                                                                             B O LSTE RIN G RE S ILIE NCE DU RIN G THE COVID-19 PAND EMI C
                                                                                                                             This year, the coronavirus pandemic opened the world’s eyes to the truth about the deep inequities that people of color, immigrants,
                                                                                                                             Indigenous Peoples, and other disadvantaged communities must navigate — complex systems that intentionally disfavor individuals in
                                                                                                                             obtaining assistance and services to recover from tragedy while magnifying already existing injustice they have been experiencing.
                                                 TH E BA H A M AS :
                              HURRICANE DORIAN
Category 5 Hurricane Dorian              and food vouchers to people                 and will now use UUSC support                    “It’s important to remember now that we need to continue to put
leveled The Bahamas in
August 2019 — regarded as
                                         facing food insecurity.                     to lift up the continued unmet
                                                                                     needs of undocumented and                        people’s health and well-being first and foremost, especially in
the worst natural disaster in
the country’s history. UUSC
                                         On the island of Eleuthera, the
                                         One Eleuthera Foundation
                                                                                     unregistered Creole-speaking
                                                                                     Haitian evacuees across the                     how we recover from this to create stronger communities and build
members responded quickly
and generously, allowing us to
                                         (OEF) welcomed evacuees and
                                         provided them with emergency
                                                                                     island — many of whom have
                                                                                     been left out of any official                                        solidarity across borders.”
establish three partnerships             short-term housing and food.                response efforts.
                                                                                                                                                       — FENTON LUTUNATABUA , PACIFIC MANAGING DIRECTOR
in the region to provide food,           With UUSC support, OEF focused
                                                                                                                                                             FOR 350.ORG, A LOCAL ADVISOR TO UUSC
shelter, and social support in the       its efforts on economic recovery            In times of crisis, UUSC’s initial
storm’s wake and the funding to          and social integration for                  response provides relief to those       When the global health crisis                   military imposed a curfew,                       source of truth and accurate
accomplish the rebuilding work           displaced families, developing              who are left out of traditional         began, our partners across                      causing lack of food, water,                     information for the public.
ahead.                                   long-term solutions for housing,            disaster response efforts. And,         the globe mobilized quickly                     and other services. With                         Their work has saved lives by
                                         employment, health and wellness,            when the news cycle and other           to address the needs of                         UUSC’s support, Fundación                        disseminating information
In New Providence, Hands for             and small business needs.                   mainstream agencies have moved          communities at risk. In response,               San Alonso Rodríguez (FSAR)                      about the impact of the virus
Hunger used UUSC support in                                                          on, we remain committed to a            we encouraged our partners to                   was able to deliver emergency                    and the government’s response,
the months after the storm to            Equality Bahamas has wrapped                truly sustainable recovery, rooted      repurpose our funding to meet                   relief packages with food and                    demanding accountability from
provide fresh food, pantry items,        up its six-month food distribution          in justice.                             their most pressing needs. For                  cleaning products to families                    the government, and galvanizing
                                                                                                                             some, that meant purchasing                     who during the pandemic                          advocacy to stop the inequitable
                                                                                                                             soap, masks, and food for the                   have been denied relief by the                   distribution of aid.
                                                                                                                             communities they serve. For                     Honduran government on a
                                                                                                                             others, our support went toward                 political basis. Our partner                     We are incredibly grateful to our
                                                                                                                             building handwashing stations or                identified 580 households led by                 donors whose generosity and
                                                                                                                             was used to shift their services                women and primarily belonging                    support shape UUSC’s ability to
                                                                                                                             to online platforms. Additionally,              to Indigenous communities to                     act quickly in times of difficulty.
                                                                                                                             UUSC provided several                           receive assistance. In addition                  You play a vital role in helping
                                                                                                                             emergency grants to address                     to addressing immediate needs,                   to maintain our flexibility — a
                                                                                                                             particularly extreme hardships                  partners like Radio Progreso                     critical component in hearing
                                                                                                                             arising from the pandemic.                      leveraged opportunities to                       and responding to exactly what
                                                                                                                                                                             continue building grassroots                     those on the frontlines of justice
                                                                                                                             For example, In Honduras, at                    power and community                              work need to fortify resilient
                                                                                                                             the height of the outbreak, the                 connections by being a                           communities.

                                                                                                                                    C OVID-19 E ME RGE N CY F U NDIN G
                                                                                                                                                 9                                   $
                                                                                                                                                                                         120,621                                                23
     UUSC staff Danielle Fuller-Wimbush and David Angeles with Hands for Hunger Executive Director Keisha Ellis in Nassau.                CO U N TR I E S                             D I R E C T GR AN T S                                 PARTNE R S
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
                                                                                                                                                   Helen Ambuel               Jane Brown                 Donna Curtis                Robin and Martha            James Helmuth
                                                                                                                                                   David Andrew               Richard Brown and Linda    John and Hannelore              Fletcher                June and Cliff Henderson
                                                                                                                                                   John Andrews                  Jean Bonk                  Daniel                   Barbara Flitcroft           Kathleen Henry
OF ANN UA L FU ND MA JO R D O N OR S                                                                                                               Robert and Marianne
                                                                                                                                                                              Carol Brull
                                                                                                                                                                              Linda Brundage and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sheryll and Stephen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RoseAnne Fogarty and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Perry Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Cynthia Hiatt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Douglas Hibshman
UUSC recognizes and thanks those who have contributed unrestricted and restricted support                                                          Judy Appelt                   Ralph Kron              Ira Dash                    Gina Foringer and Laura     John Hickey and Robin
                                                                                                                                                   Joan Armstrong             Jeffrey and Jane Brune     Dorothy Gae Davis               Laing                      Tartaglia
during the fiscal year July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020.                                                                                               Dale Arnink                Sharon Brunink and         Susan Day                   Elizabeth Fortin            Marilyn Hill
                                                                                                                                                   Victor and Janet Ashear       Anthony Ricci           Virginia deLima             Kathy Fosnaugh and John     William and Kathleen
                                                                                                                                                   Jonathan and Deanne        Christie Brunson           Mike Dean and Margaret          Commeree                   Branson Hillegas
MARTHA AND                    REV. CARLETON                  Janet Prince and              Peter and Alison Fenn      Judith and Richard              Ater                    Bruce Bryant                  Lazzari                  Melody Foti                 Bruce Hirsch
WAITSTILL SHARP               FISHER SOCIETY                    Peter Bergh                Glen and Pamela               Ottman                    Russell Atha               Paul Buehrens              Walter and Lillian Dean     Clinton Foulk               Bob and Jane Hite
SOCIETY                       ($10,000– $24,999)             Suzanne Reitz and                Frederick               Mary Paxton                  John and Jamie Atkins      Frank Buffum and Kathy     Debbie Degener and          Harrison and Anne Frahn     Robert Hodapp and
($50,000 and over)            Carleton Fisher served as         William Kenney             Jane and Joseph Gano       Paul and Nancy Pinson        Paul and Carolyn              Gehlken                    Nathan Frye              Ruth Anne and Bob              Elisabeth Dykens
UUSC founders Martha          the first executive director   John and Valerie Roper        Carol and Bill Gardner     Don and Lois Porter             Atkinson                Barbara Bunkle             Linda DeLap                     Fraley                  Bunny Hodas
and Waitstill Sharp led       of the Unitarian               William Spears and            Florence Gelo              William and Roberta          Michael and Hilary         Charles and Joan           Alice and Julian Dewell     Brian and Susan             Deborah and William
the first Unitarian relief    Service Committee                 Robin MacIlroy             Peter and Dell Gerster        Potsic                       Attfield                   Burleigh                Pamela DiLavore                 Frederick-Gray             Holden
efforts, aimed at helping     and supervised post-           Lee Sullivan                  John Gibbons and Sue       Renie Randall                Susan Avery                William N. Butler and      Jen Dillinger and           Jan Garbosky                John and Margaret Holl
victims of persecution and    WWII relief efforts in         Martin Vanderlaan                Baldauf                 Christopher Romaine          Eric Ayers                    Maida Wright               Jonathan Claridge        Gary and Pamela Gates       Romer and Deming
genocide in WWII Europe.      the Netherlands. He            Philippe and Katherine        Michael Grady and Ellen    Ronald and Pat Schaeffer     Anne Baele and John        James and Anne Cadwell     Denise Donato-              Frances Gaver                  Holleran
Anonymous (3)                 was instrumental in               Villers                       Grimm                   Katherine Schneider             Kouns                   James and Dorothy             McConnell and Patrick    Martin and Janneane         Stephen Holmes
Bert Harrop and family        coordinating early             Susan Weaver and Eric         Nancy Greenleaf            Douglas Simons and           William and Samera            Caldiero                   McConnell                    Gent                    Mary-Ella Holst and Guy
Peter Hendee                  cooperation between               Isaacson                   Ann Hailey and John           Ellen Richey                 Baird                   Susan Call                 Linda Dove                  Archie George                  Quinlan
Victoria and John Rizzi       the Universalist Service       Eric Wojcikiewicz and            Dunsheath               Margaret Simonsen            Madeleine Baker            Alice Carlson              John and Sheryl Downing     Robert and Fran German      Jean Holz
Lucia Santini Field and       Committee and the                 Jamie Berndt               Beverly Harju and          Jim Smith and Betsy          Thomas Baldwin             Ernest and Marion          Peter and Marian Downs      Hyman and Mary Gillman      Jim and Karen Horton
   Bruce Field                Unitarian Service                                               Thomas Long                Gardella                  Edward and Martha Ban         Carlson                 Brian and Leela Duncan      Phil and Marcia Giudice     Ellen Howard
Mike Shonsey and 		           Committee.                     DR. ARY BORDES                Richard and Lonna          Betty and Tom Stapleford     Cheryl Barget              Catherine Carpenter        Mary DuPree                 Carol R. Glass              John and Elizabeth
   Kathryn Jenkins            Anonymous (7)                  SOCIETY                          Harkrader               Arnold and Emily Stoper      Janet Bartels              Larry and Christine        Marilyn Durbin              Gary and Karen Gonzalez        Howell
Erik and Kerriann Tavzel      Mary Anne Anderson             ($5,000–$9,999)               Lois Henson                Marian Stuart                Angelyn Bassinger             Carsman                 Bruce and Donna Dye         Dorothy Goodman             George and Sytske
                              Gail Barr                      For more than a decade,       Sandra Hochel              Ann Throop                   Mary Baughman              Alan and Janan Carter      Merle Easton                David and Kristine             Humphrey
ELEANOR CLARK                 Laura Blackwood                Ary Bordes worked             Nancy Hoecker              Stephen Tiwald and           Gordon and Elizabeth       Robert Cary and Janet      Robert and Dona Eaton           Gordon                  Susan Hungerford
FRENCH SOCIETY                Trevor Bond                    with UUSC to establish        David Hunter and Kerry        Karen Hutt                   Bawden                     Nussmann                Roland Eavey                Kerrie Gorrell and          John Hunting
($25,000–$49,999)             Robert Bonner and              progressive healthcare           Mueller                 Carol Tomioka                Jeri Bayer                 Annette Casparis           Philippe Eberhard               Christopher Hogg        Daniel and Kathleen
Eleanor Clark French was          Laura Lester               programs for the people       Jean Inglehart             Laura Trout                  Nancy Bechtolt             Elaine and Steve Castles   Erica Eddy and Stuart       Melissa Graf-Evans and         Huxley
director of the Unitarian     Brach Family                   of Haiti. His vision helped   Daniel Jackoway            Richard and Marjorie         Reinier and Nancy          Carolyn Chambers              Hansen                       Jonathan Evans          Diane Jackson
Service Committee’s           Brad and Julie Bradburd        thousands of children         Kathy Kaufmann                Veleta                       Beeuwkes                Joanne Chase               John and Judith             Allen Greenleaf             Laura Jackson
post-WWII refugee rest        Wayne and Cynthia              with food and medical         Martha Ketelle             Susan Vinicor                Holly Bell and Matthew     Robert Choplin and            Eisenhauer               Georgina Gregory            Vernon and Dorrit Jacob
home at Monnetier,                Bullaughey                 services.                     R. Bruce and Sandra        Kenneth and Jerusha             Kaufmann                   Marjorie Bowman         Donna Ekstrand              Julia Gregory               Allen Jacobson and Lila
France, which served ref-     John and Irene Bush            Anonymous (4)                    Kirkman                    Vogel                     Juliana Bell and Lynn      Stanley and Elin           Larry and Katherine         Jean Grem                      Daut
ugees as a place for com-     Stephen Charles                Robert Alto                   Jay Klemme and Anne        Janet Werkman and               Poshephny                  Christianson               Eldridge                 Bernard and Evelyn Griga    Richard and Bonnie
radeship, food, and rest to   Dave and Mary Colton           David and Melinda                Wilson                     Stephen Rudnick           Theodore and Sandy         Earl and Marlene           Thomas and Judith Ellis     Linda Grove                    Jensen
help in their recovery.       Doyle Dobbins                     Anderson                   Graham Kreicker            Edward Wight                    Benttinen                  Clairmont               Walter Engel                Jeffrey and Paula Gural     Bethany and Joshua
Anonymous (1)                 Sally Donner and 		            Elizabeth and James           Adam and Christine Lally   Louise Wilkinson             Leon and Marcia            Mary Ann Clark and Art     Richard and Martha          W. Mark and Marian             Johnson
Philip Altbach                    Kenneth Briers                Armour                     Debra Lane                 Mike and Jane Winter            Bernstein                  Gorski                     England                      Gutowski                Gary Johnson
Martha Easter-Wells           Charles and Barbara            Robert Avery                  Brock and Julie Leach      Teri Wiss                    Jonah Berquist             D. Elwood Clinard          Elisa and Richard           Robert Hagge                Joyce and David Johnson
Carol and Richard Fencl           Du Mond                    Deborah Bailly                Neil and Patricia          Ralph Wyman                  Don and Sue Bialostosky    Gail Cobe                     Erickson                 Henry Hall                  Timothy and Jo Johnson
Judy Hartman and              Sue Edelstein and Bill         Susan and Ben Baxt               Lichtman                A. Lee and Margaret          Muriel Bingley             Bill and Andrea Coburn     Claire Ernhart              George Halsey               Stephen Jones
   Craig Beyler                   Spence                     Beverley Baxter               Joan Lund and Gene            Zeigler                   Mark and Kathleen          Carl Coffman and Cheryl    Gloria Ann and Carl         Aaron and Sally             Todd and Allison Jones
Carol and David Holstein      Ebe Emmons                     David Beach and                  Pizzo                                                   Binnig                     Stearns                    Evans                        Hamburger               Dan Joslyn
Matthew Huber                 Jane and Gary Facente             Carmen Rigau               Stewart Macaulay           HANS DEUTSCH                 Janice Bird and R. Scott   Carolyn and John Collins   James and Patricia Evans    Rose Marie Hamilton         Mary Anne Joyce and
Judith Jesiolowski and        Maria Geigel and               David and Kitty Bessey        Michael and Kay            SOCIETY                         Eden                    Michael and Kathleen       Ellen Ewing                 Dorothy Hammett and            Catha Loomis
   David Thompson                 Stephen Weyer              James and Linda                  MacLaury                ($1,000–$4,999)              Christine Bishop              Comber                  June Fair                       Bradley Kosiba          Nelson Kading
Robert Johnson and            Josefine Heim-Hall                Bodycomb                   Robert and Elisabeth       When the Nazis invaded       Janet Blanchfield          Joan Connacher             James and Fran Falender     Laura Hanby and Gil         Robert and Margaret
   Linda Klein                Todd and Lorella Hess          Daniel Boyce                     McGregor                Paris, Austrian artist       Thomas and Heli Blum       Katherine Connolly and     David Fandel and                Golden                     Kaeser
Kevin Kroeker and             John and Rusty Jaggers         Lynn Broaddus and             David Mentz and Pam        Hans Deutsch abandoned       Steven and Mary Bolton        Alan Gardner               Heather Sherman          Bruce Hansen                Richard and Jocelynn
   Lynn Miyamoto              Holly Kerr                        Marc Gorelick                 Smith Mentz             all he had there and fled    James and Deanne           Sarah Connolly             David and Jean Farmelo      Robert and Janet Hanson        Kaiser
Bennet Manvel                 Ramanujachary 		               Gaia Brown and Lloyd          Bruce Mickey and           to Portugal, where he was       Bonnar                  Megan and Christopher      David and Susan Feltus      John and Patricia Haresch   Julie Kant
Constance Murray                  Kumanduri and                 Rogers                        Barbara Schultz         assisted by the Unitarian    Gary and Sharon Borg          Contakes                David Fenner and Pauline    Charles Harris              Lawrence and Denise
Jeff Peierls                      Cristina Romero            John and Gwen Buehrens        Ina Miller                 Service Committee’s early    Lee Bory                   Joseph Cook                   Leukhardt                Mark and Heather Hart          Kaplan
John and Sandra 		            Terry and Constance            Robert Cartwright             Nicholas Miller            relief efforts. He later     Clayton and Nuna Bosler    Carolyn Cooper             Neal Ferris                 Janet Hartley               Martin and Carolyn
   Reschovsky                     Marbach                    Linda Casey and Richard       Suzanne Miller and         became an agent of the       John Boyd                  Davalene Cooper            Ted and Jane Fetter         Kevin and June Hartley         Karcher
William and Kathleen          Gary and Karen Martin             Williams                      Walter vom Saal         USC and designed its logo,   Winfred Boyer              Janice Cooper              Jon and Julie Feuerbach     Jill Hartman                Richard Kark
   Rousseau                   Thomas and Eva Marx            Thomas Clewe                  Paul and Laura Milne       the flaming chalice.         Janet Bradford and Chris   David and Linda Corliss    Richard Feuerborn and       Mark and Karen Hartman      Sarah Karstaedt
John and Aline Schwob         Janet Mitchell and             Sheila and Tom Cullen         Mary Katherine Morn        Anonymous (12)                  Hudson                  Charlotte and Harry           Valez Bird               Kevan Hartshorn and         Guy Kay
Diana Strassmann and              Jerry Cromwell             David Dierdorff and              and John Rakestraw      Kathleen Adams               Richard and Claire            Corrigan                Richard Fifield                 Ruth Kandel             Patsy Keever
   Jeffrey Smisek             Allen and Mary Mossman            Madeleine Lefebvre         Makanah and Bob            Susan Alden                     Bradley                 Darrell and Mary           Tomas Firle and Joan        John and Norma Lee          Jeffery Keffer and
Oliver and Helen Wolcott      Howard and Jan Oringer         Stephen and Karen                Morriss                 Nicholas and Jeanne          Bonnie Brae                   Courtley                   Cudhea                       Havens                     Suzanne Costello
                              Lois Pettinger and 		             Dornseif                   Rob and Quincy Northrup        Aldrich                  Margaret Brennan           Eric Cox                   Erik Fisher and Nowell      Allen and Pamela Hays       Roxanne Kellam and
                                  Dianne Erickson            Duane and Vera Dowell         Nancy and Leonard          Mark Allison and Ann         Debra Bright               Lowell Croll                  King                     Theresa and Stephen            Leslie Brandt
                              Susan and Leslie Polgar        Elizabeth Earle                  Nowak                       Perry                    Martine Brizius            Cathy and Chris Crosby-    W. Burns and Ellen Fisher       Healey                  David and Joanne
                              Doug Poutasse and              Andrew and Barbara            Gerda Ottman               Eric and Nancy Almquist      Katherine Brobeck             Schmidt                 Sally Fisk                  Catherine Healy                Kelleher
                                  Elaine Mittell                Eaton                                                 Jeanne Altmann               Daniel and Julia Brody     Roy and Leora Cummings                                 Alan and Gloria Heath       Amika Kemmler-Ernst
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Frank Kendall               Michael and Bonnie          David and Mary Overton    Philip Roudebush            Cyrus and Joanne           Henry Whiteside             FLAMING                     Robert and Katherine      John Gibbons and Sue      John Keevert
Mary Lee Kilgore and           McDaniel                 Mary Palmer               Constance Row                  Spurlino                Margaret and John           CHALICE CIRCLE                 Clark                     Baldauf                Amika Kemmler-Ernst
   Laura Trudeau            Joseph and Deirdre          Anne and Bill Parker      Eugene Rubin and            Stephen Starkey               Williams                 Recognizes supporters       Thomas Clewe              Douglas Gibson            Andrew Kennedy and
John and Virginia Kimball      McEachern                Henry Parker                 Dorothy Kinscherf        Bill Stefanech             Diane Wilson and Kay        who include UUSC in their   Gordon Clint and          Jennifer Gilchrist           Lois Wesener
Paul Kimball                Nancy McGirr                John Parker               Randy and Renee             Hans Stege                    Richter                  estate plans or who have       Barbara Leighton       Carrie Gillespie and      Holly Kerr
John and Sylvia King        Helen McGranahan            Elizabeth and Douglas        Ruchotzke                Lowell and Janice          Leon and Emily              made a planned gift to      Deirdre Cochran and          Krishna Kaushik        R. Bruce and Sandra
Edward and Nancy            Richard McKnight and            Pasto-Crosby          Julie Ruckstuhl                Steinbrenner               Winstrom                 UUSC.                          Daniel Couch           Ken Gjemre                   Kirkman
   Kingsbury                   William Schuyler         Richard Paull             Jacqueline Russell and      Dr. Saul Sternberg         Benjamin and Patricia       Anonymous (22)              Davalene Cooper           Mac and Susan Goekler     Margaret Klock
Peter Klassen               Donald McLaren              Karen Peake                  Jane Miller              Myron Steves and              Withers                  Susan Alden                 Marianne Cornish          Laura Golod               Mary Koziar
Judith Kleen and Robert     Alice McLellan              Gerald Pearson            John and Maggie Russell        Rowena Young            Jonathan and Donna          Scott Alexander and         Mary Beth Coulson         Donna Gonzalez            Nan Kritzler
   Mills                    Douglas and Susan           David Pelto and Judith    Nancy Russell               Robert Stewart and            Witte                       Harry Collins Mikesell   Anne Cowan                Michael Goodman           Karen Krueger
Emily Klenin                   McLeod                       Anderegg              Liz and Stan Salett            Barbara Barnett-        Bert Wolfson                Jane Ames                   Lowell Croll              Luana Goodwin             Ramanujachary
Anita and David Knechel     David and Michela           James Peters              Linda and Stephen              Stewart                 Harvey Wood                 David and Melinda           Carol Davis               Barbara B. Gordon            Kumanduri and
Chris Knowlton                 McMahon                  Carl Peterson                Sander                   Jeffrey Stocker and Mary   Jordan Wood and David          Anderson                 Theadora Davitt-Cornyn    Barbara J. Gordon            Cristina Romero
Paul and Anne Koeppe        Mark and Diana McNabb       William Petricone         Charles Sandmel and            Spyropoulos                Leppik                   Eileen and Joseph           Walter and Lillian Dean   Michael Grady and Ellen   David Lacoss
Peter and Hannah            Joyce and Roger McNeil      Maria Pignataro Nielsen      Barbara Simonetti        Frances Storey             Judith Wood and Calvin         Andrews                  Rod and Jeannette Debs       Grimm                  Burritt Lacy
   Kramer                   Teresa McShane              Diane Pinkham             Brett Santoli and Steven    Michael Stryker               Van Zee                  Walter and Melinda          Harriet Denison           Beth Graham and William   James and Mary Louise
George Krumme and           Barbara Meislin             F. Xavier and Penelope       Howley                   Woodruff and Jennifer      Peter and Carolyn              Andrews                  Susan Dentinger and          Schulz                    Landfried
   Aldean Newcomb           Dawn Meredith                   Pi-Sunyer             Jon and Margie Saphier         Sutton                     Woodbury                 Betty Jo Armstead              Mark Hill              Richard Graham            Carol Jean Larsen
Richard and Becky           John Metzger                Demyn Plantenberg and     Louis and Nadine            Walter and Margaret        Peter and Katherine         Judith Arrowood             Judith and Marshall       David Gray and Nancy      William Latta
   Krumwiede                Dean Metzner                    Susan Englert            Sapirman                    Swain                      Wyckoff                  Martha Atherton                Deutsch                   Bateman                Brock and Julie Leach
Arthur and Janet Kuller     Daniel Meyer and Eileen     Paul Popenoe              Ellen Sarkisian             Barbara Swan               Mary Wylie                  Hilde Bacharach             Frances Dew               Trystan Greist            Gretchen Leavitt
Robert and Jane Ladner         Kelly-Meyer              David Poppe and Cherie    Lowell and Ellen Satre      Aimee Tattersall           Robert Wynn                 Eugene Balaguer and         Alice and Julian Dewell   Sara Grindlay             James Lee and Terri
James and Mary Louise       Nancy and Chad                  Henderson             Al Scheider                 Catherine Taylor           Lydia Yanak                    Elizabeth Gray           Frank Dickson             Avery and Kristin Guest      Wilkerson
   Landfried                   Michaelis                Cricket Potter            Paul and Cheryl             James and Joni Tedesco     Ann and Ken Yeo             James and Sandra Bardes     Patricia Diem             Nan Guptill-Crain         Nathaniel Leon and Anne
Tony Larsen                 Ann Miller                  Thomas and Noreen            Schlenker                Melita Teichert and        Alan Zeppa                  William and Patricia        Robert Dollison           Catherine Gutmann            Jones
John and Cecelia Latham     Margaret Miller                 Powers                Adrian and Carol               William Sabine          William Zinn                   Bardes                   Stephen and Karen         Carl and Carol Haag       Pamela Leonard
Joshua Leach                Frank Millheim              Shelley Powsner and          Schmidhauser             Janet Tharp                Ruth Zook                   Barbara Barratt                Dornseif               Richard and Denise        Bonnie Lepoff
Cecilia Ross and Thomas     Don Milmore                     Stephen Skrovan       Peggy Schubert              Barbara Thomas                                         Brian Barrett               Dennis Downing               Haight                 Laura Lesch
   Jackson Lee              Melanie and James           Benjamin Pratt            Helen and Peter Schulze     Thomas Thomas              ESTATE DONORS               George Bauer                Imogene Draper            Yvonne Hammerquist        Justin and Phyllis Lewis
Alice Lesney                   Milner                   Janet Prehn               Martha Schumacher           Mary Ann Thompson          UUSC honors individuals     Beverley Baxter             Eleanor Drew              Robert Hanson             Joseph Lipton and Donna
Janet Leversee              Susan Mitchel               Edward Prestemon          Edward and Darlene          Donald Thornberry and      whose realized estate       Holly and Margaret          Charles and Barbara       Judy Harper                  Monturo
John and Janice Limb        Ronald and Barbara          Robert and Louise Quick      Scott                       Barbara Gardner         bequests exceeded              Becker                      Du Mond                Richard and Catharine     Margaret Lloyd
Gertrude Lindener-             Moline                   Peter and Linda Quinn     Kent and Eva Scott          Anne and Tom Thorward      $25,000 or more.            James and Gloria            Craig Dusenberry             Harris                 Neal Lockwood
   Stawski                  Sonya Montana               Kenneth and Nancy         Robert and Helen Secor      Bill Tobey                 Anonymous (1)                  Beckstrom                Elizabeth Earle           Bert Harrop               Adelma Loprest
Neal Lockwood               James and Carol                 Ragland               Richard Seibert             Steven and Heidi Todd      Estate of Patricia Flynn    Alan Benford                Martha Easter-Wells       Charles Harshbarger       Martha Loustaunau
Arthur and Peggy Long          Montgomery               Richard Railsback         Perry and Dianne Seiffert   Howard and Nina Tolley     Estate of E. Louise         Norma Bishop                Andrew and Barbara        Catherine Healy           Eunice Lovejoy
George and Karen            Robert Moore and Paula      Helen Raiser              Charles Sharpe and          Robert Treitman and           Frederick                Laurel Blossom                 Eaton                  Christopher and           Terry Lowman and Mark
   Longstreth                  Henthorn                 Alan and Ruth Ramsey         Celestine Armenta           Leslie Fisher           Estate of Peggy French      Michael Boblett             Camellia El-Antably          Margaret Heinrichs        Kassis
Mr. and Mrs. George         William Morkill             Susan Ranney and Lee      Sarah Sharpe                Paul Tremblay and          Estate of John and Eileen   Kathleen and John           Lisbeth Eng               Jean Hellmuth             Ginger Luke
   Loper                    John Morn                       Edlefsen              Stephen Shefsky                Declan Cook                Hamlin                      Bohstedt                 Claire Ernhart            Warner and Barbara        Richard Lyman
Francis and Victoria        Ruth Morton                 Arlene and Larry Reeves   David and Gayle             Donald Tucker and          Estate of Ingeborg Lock     James and Rosalie Bole      Ellen Ewing                  Henderson              Linda Mack
   Lowell                   John and Barbara            James Reid and Julie         Sheppard                    Charlene Galarneau      Estate of Arlynn and        Rebecca Bontempo and        Joyce Faber               Todd and Lorella Hess     Jack and Sandra Maniloff
Fran Lyman                     Moschner                     Prandi                Stephen Shick and Jo Ann    Frances Turner                James Lyle                  Richard Mersitz          Marylou and Herb Faris    John and DD Hilke         Bennet Manvel
Dusan and Janet Lysy        Georgia Moulton             Alex and Diane Resly         Mulready-Shick           Adelbert and Sally         Rene and Helen Oehler       Ruth Booman                 Gretchen Faulstich        Bunny Hodas               Thomas and Eva Marx
John MacLeod                Fred and Mary Munson        Mary Rhodes               Robert and Virginia            Tweedie                    Living Estate            George Borst                Carol and Richard Fencl   Donna Hoffman and         Ervin and Becky Ann
Jane Makela and John        Ranganath and Sandra        Betty Richards               Shiller                  Constance Valk             Estate of Dr. Nancy         Daniel Boyce                Martha and John Ferger       Richard Dum               Mausolf
   Vogt                        Nayak                    Jennifer Richards         John and Rebecca            Don VandeWalle                Roman                    Melinda Brisben             Neal Ferris               Michelle Hofmann          Jo Maxon
Caroline Malde              Carol Neff and Ernie Hall   Mary Richards                Shockley                 Jane VanSant               Estate of Helen True        Daniel and Julia Brody      Ted and Jane Fetter       Deborah and William       Rochelle McAdam
Laura Maltby                Franklin and D. Joan Neff   Frances Rieser            Ellen Showell               Gerry Veeder               Estate of Joan Viener       Catherine Brown             Tomas Firle and Joan         Holden                 Catherine McConkie
Katherine Manker and        Judith Neilson              Warren Riley and          Lisa Sinclair               Martha Sue Villa-Lovoz                                 Gaia Brown and Lloyd           Cudhea                 Mary-Ella Holst and Guy   Dolores McKellar
   Bruce Gardner            John and Marianne               Margery Abel          Dan Smith                   Moritz Wagner              FOUNDATIONS                    Rogers                   Christopher and Mary         Quinlan                Linda McKim-Bell and
Clarence and Judy              Nelson                   Thomas and Martha         Darien Smith                Martha and Edward          The following foundations   Carol Browning                 Flanagan               Gary and Susan Holstrom      Curt Bell
   Manning                  Linnea and Ted Nelson           Rimmer                Graham and Ann Smith           Wallace                 made grants to UUSC of      John and Gwen Buehrens      Rose Fleischner           Bernard and Nancy Hoop    Alice McLellan
Deborah Maranville          Allen Neustadt              Lori and Bob Rittle       Kathryn Smith and           Kenneth and Mary Ellen     $1,000 or more.             Helen Burke Thomas          Elizabeth Ford            Anders Hörnblad and       Barbara McMahon and
Barry and Barbara Marrs     Janet Newman                Carol Roan and Jim           Family                      Walsh                   Alice Rowan Swanson         John and Irene Bush         Anne and David Forsyth       Emily Melcher             Eric Spelman
Frances Martin              Nancy Nichols and               Schewe                Sherry Smith                Elaine Warner                 Foundation               William N. Butler           Frederick and Bonnie      Lu Horner and James       Deborah McPherson
Mary Mason and Randy           Michael O’Connor         Diane Roberts             Marvin and Colleen          Larry Warren               Bertha Z. Ellis Private     Margaret Cain                  Forte                     Miller                 Mary McPherson
   Rush                     Eric and Elizabeth          William and Cynthia          Smitherman               Joel and Linda Watson         Foundation               Donald and Kathé Cairns     Glen and Pamela           Gabriella Horvay          David Mentz and Pam
Owen Masters and               Nordgren                     Roberts               James Smollen and           Susan Watts                Boston Foundation           James and Dorothy              Frederick              Bob and Ruth Hucks           Smith Mentz
   Jocelyn Butler           Ann Nugent                  Mary Johnson and Kirk        Barbara Schwartz         Cecile Weaver              Dudley Foundation              Caldiero                 Edward and Marilyn        Lucy Ijams                Andrew Mertz and Anne
Peter Mathers and           Sarah Nuss-Warren and           Robey                 Cheryl Snell                Stephen Wellons            Ellen D. Cholerton Fund     Ken and Lois Carpenter         Fremouw                William and Yoma             Pierpoint Mertz
   Bonnie Beavers              Christopher              Christine Robinson and    Leslie Snow                 Gertrude Wendt                at the Boston            Marjorie Carsen             Ronald and Sara              Ingraham               Donald and Mary Miles
Joan Mathews                   Nakamura                     William Baker         Ben Sommers and             Steven Wentworth              Foundation               Richard Cassel                 Friederich             Judith Jesiolowski and    Dolores Milholland
Keith Mathews               Phyllis Olin                Teresa Rodriguez             Melissa Wachterman       Mary Werner                Margaret Evans Tuten        Linda Chadwick and          Richard and Hillary          David Thompson         Betty Mill
Susan Mathews and           Judy Olson                  Gordon and Patsy Roe      Jordan and Melissa          Carol West                    Foundation                  William Byrn                Fuhrman                Joan Johnson              Jo Anne Miller
   Christopher Gilkerson    Anita Orlikoff              Michael Roehm                Sonnenblick              Dorothy and Gerald         Omnia Foundation            Evelyn Chidester            Stephanie Garber and      Paul Johnson and Carol    Tom and Yvonne Miller
Ninarose C. Mayer           Carol Orme-Johnson          Marion Rosa               Mary Speare                    Wheeler                 Papanek Family              Jane Chirurg                   David Collins             Rowan                  Don Milmore
Joseph McCaskey             Neal and Celia Ortenberg    Ann Ross                  Shirley Speyer              Al and Nancy White            Foundation               Elizabeth Clark             William and Pauline       Barry and Ellen           Paul and Laura Milne
Michael and Martha          Judy and Charles Ortman     Kenneth Ross and Jean     Daidee Springer and         Alexander and Anne         Peierls Foundation, Inc.    Malcolm Clark                  Gardiner                  Johnson-Fay            James and Carol
   McCoy                    Priscilla and Franklin          Chan                     Steven Hollingsworth        White                   Sacajawea Foundation        Mary Ann Clark and Art      Mary Geissman             Todd and Allison Jones       Montgomery
John and Alice McCrary         Osgood                   Terry and Alyce Rossow                                Stephen White              UU Veatch Program at           Gorski                   Molly Gerbaz              Kathy Kaufmann            Robert Moore
                                                                                                                                            Shelter Rock
POWER BUILDING UUSC - Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
We are especially grateful for a truly loyal partner that has done so much to support our mission over
many decades: the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock (UUCSR) in Manhasset, N.Y.
UUSC has always been able to count on our friends at UUCSR for their extraordinary commitment to
our mission in ways large and small. We especially want to recognize how UUCSR models steadfastness,
compassion, and generosity by providing a dollar-for-dollar match for our members each year —
multiplying the impact we make together.

Virginia Moore              Christian Peterson          Warren and Martha           Thomas and Elinore        Susan Vinicor              STEWARDSHIP                Dave and Mary Colton         Carol and David Holstein   Suzanne Miller and         John and Aline Schwob
Vida Morley                 Eleanor Peterson               Salinger                    Sommerfeld             Spiro and Marion Vrusho    CIRCLE                     Karen Combs and Lynn         David Hunter and Kerry         Walter vom Saal        Sarah Sharpe
Patricia Moyer and Steve    Lois Pettinger and          Ronald Sampson and          Susan Spaven and Daniel   Melanie Walter-Mahoney     Over 300 highly generous      Wegener                      Mueller                 Ina Miller                 Mike Shonsey and
   Bottorff                    Dianne Erickson             Vern Isakson                Neagley                Robert Warfield            individual donors          Davalene Cooper              John and Rusty Jaggers     Paul and Laura Milne          Kathryn Jenkins
Leigh and Thomas            Paul and Nancy Pinson       Betty Sanders               Charles Spence and Neil   Allan and Kathryn          participated in UUSC’s     John and Hannelore           Lyssa Jenkens and          Janet Mitchell and Jerry   Margaret Simonsen
   Mundhenk                 Carolyn Pozzini             Lucia Santini Field and        Kennedy                   Warrior                 Stewardship Circle —          Daniel                       Patricia Houck              Cromwell               Patric and Reba
Judith Murphy               William and Lillis Raboin      Bruce Field              Mara Sprain and John      Judith Watson and Sue      a core of committed        David Dierdorff and          Judith Jesiolowski and     James and Carol               Siniscalchi
Constance Murray            Brian Ramsey                Jeanne Saunders                Bates                     Matranga-Watson         supporters who share          Madeleine Lefebvre           David Thompson              Montgomery             Kathryn Smith and
Edward Nauss                Sherry Rapport              Ronald and Pat Schaeffer    Daidee Springer and       David and Edna Weigel      their insights and ideas   Doyle Dobbins                Mary Jane Jessop           Makanah and Bob               Family
Franklin and D. Joan Neff   Peter and Christina         John and Ardath Schaibly       Steven Hollingsworth   Leslie Weinberg            to provide and expand      Sally Donner and             Timothy and Jo Johnson         Morriss                Jim Smith and Betsy
Janis Neff                     Raskin                   Claire Scheuren and         Diane St John             Janet Werkman and          support for UUSC.             Kenneth Briers            Robert Johnson and         Allen and Mary Mossman        Gardella
Elsa New                    Katharine Rathmann             Nathaniel Schwartz       Jane Stallman                Stephen Rudnick         Anonymous (8)              Duane and Vera Dowell           Linda Klein             F. Kevin and Rachael       Aubrey and Billye Smith
Sandra Noll                 John and Sandra             Robert Schmidt and          R. Rhoads Stephenson      Herb and Myrna Adams       David and Melinda          Charles and Barbara          David and Laura                Murphy                 Betty and Tom Stapleford
Vivian Nossiter                Reschovsky                  Patricia Weber-          Jack and Nancy Stiefel       West                       Anderson                   Du Mond                      Johnston                Constance Murray           Arnold and Emily Stoper
Suzanne and James Null      Judith Reynard                 Schmidt                  Diana Strassmann and      Lois and Robert Whealey    Robert Alto                Elizabeth Earle              Lawrence and Denise        Rob and Quincy Northrup    Diana Strassmann and
Mary Ann and Godfrey        Lorri Reynard               Katherine Schneider            Jeffrey Smisek         Robert Whitney             Elizabeth and James        Martha Easter-Wells             Kaplan                  Nancy and Leonard             Jeffrey Smisek
   Oakley                   Mildred Reynolds            Dorcas Jane Schoppe         Lee Sullivan              Dorothy Wicker                Armour                  Andrew and Barbara           Kathy Kaufmann                 Nowak                  Lee Sullivan
Vernon Olson                Regine Reynolds-Cornel      Lee and Raymond             Barbara Swan              Edward Wight               Deborah Bailly                Eaton                     Jeffery Keffer and 		      Howard and Jan Oringer     Erik and Kerriann Tavzel
G. Timothy and Francene     Betty Richards                 Schreurs                 Hertha Sweet Wong         Annette Wilcox             Beverley Baxter            Sue Edelstein and Bill          Suzanne Costello        Judith and Richard         Ann Throop
   Orrok                    David Riley                 Robert Schuessler           Aimee Tattersall          Madeline Williams          David Beach and Carmen        Spence                    Holly Kerr                     Ottman                 Stephen Tiwald and
Anne Osborne                Victoria and John Rizzi     John and Aline Schwob       Susan Thompson            Jeffrey and Marguerite        Rigau                   Ebe Emmons                   Martha Ketelle             Gerda Ottman                  Karen Hutt
Priscilla and Franklin      Terrance and Barbara        Richard and Jill Scobie     Thomas and Susan             Wilson                  Sarah Berel-Harrop         Jane and Gary Facente        R. Bruce and Sandra        David and Mary Overton     Martin Vanderlaan
   Osgood                      Robinson                 George and Patricia Scott      Thomson                Teri Wiss                  Laura Blackwood            Carol and Richard Fencl         Kirkman                 Joseph and Colette         Don VandeWalle
Judith and Richard          Joseph and Lou Jean         John and Elizabeth          James Thornton            Jonathan and Donna         Timothy Blodgett           Peter and Alison Fenn        Jay Klemme and Anne            Parsons                Susan Vinicor
   Ottman                      Rohling                     Searight                 Anne and Tom Thorward        Witte                   James and Linda            Glen and Pamela                 Wilson                  John and Janet Pattillo    Kenneth and Jerusha
David and Mary Overton      Mary Rose and Len           Marion Seymour              Margaret Tilford-Miller   Oliver and Helen Wolcott      Bodycomb                   Frederick                 Graham Kreicker            Mary Paxton                   Vogel
Carolyn and Thomas             Pellettiri               Neil and Lillie Shadle      R. Steven Tipps and       Peter and Carolyn          Robert Bonner and Laura    Priscilla and Jason Gaines   Kevin Kroeker and Lynn     Lois Pettinger and         Brooke Walker and
   Owen-Towle               Steven Rosen and            Ruth Shapin                    Rebecca Poplin            Woodbury                   Lester                  Jane and Joseph Gano            Miyamoto                    Dianne Erickson           Forrest Conrath
Emily (Morse) Palmer           Carolyn Hayek            Enid Sharp                  Howard and Nina Tolley    Richard Woodham            Daniel Boyce               Florence Gelo                Ramanujachary              Paul and Nancy Pinson      Susan Weaver and Eric
Erdman Palmore              Jean Roxburgh               Martha Shepard and          Maralyn Toman             Diane Woods                Brad and Julie Bradburd    Peter and Dell Gerster          Kumanduri and           Susan and Leslie Polgar       Isaacson
Roy Parks                   Arlin and Sarita Roy           Rodney Jackson           D. Marilyn Tyrrell        Richard Wright             Victoria and Thomas        John Gibbons and Sue            Cristina Romero         Don and Lois Porter        Richard and Barbara
Eugene Parvin               David Rubin                 Sulochana Sherman           Arthur and Arliss Ungar   John Wurr                     Broadie                    Baldauf                   Robert and Jane Ladner     William and Roberta           Weiss
Dorothy and Tracy           Randy and Renee             Joan Shkolnik               David Van Wye             Judith Zacek               Gaia Brown and Lloyd       Phil and Marcia Giudice      Brock and Julie Leach          Potsic                 Janet Werkman and
   Patterson                   Ruchotzke                Lisa Sinclair               Richard and Marjorie      Ann Zawaski and Helena        Rogers                  Michael Grady and Ellen      Neil and Patricia          Doug Poutasse and             Stephen Rudnick
Laurence Paxson Eggers      Judith Rudolph              Sherry Smith                   Veleta                    Lee                     John and Gwen Buehrens        Grimm                        Lichtman                    Elaine Mittell         Henry Whiteside
Burt Peachy                 John and Maggie Russell     Lenore Snodey               Piero Verro               Sara Zimmerman             Wayne and Cynthia          Nancy Greenleaf              Michael and Kay            Janet Prince and           Edward Wight
A. Diana Peters             Nancy Ryder                 Gloria Snyder               Philippe and Katherine                                  Bullaughey              Tom and Suzanne Gross           MacLaury                    Peter Bergh            Louise Wilkinson
                                                                                       Villers                                           John and Irene Bush        Ken and Bonnie Gross         Clarence and Judy          Renie Randall              Mike and Jane Winter
                                                                                                                                         William N. Butler and      Ann Hailey and John             Manning                 Susan Ranney and Lee       Teri Wiss
                                                                                                                                            Maida Wright               Dunsheath                 Bennet Manvel                  Edlefsen               Jonathan and Donna
                              “As a Unitarian Universalist, I am proud to support UUSC for giving me                                     James and Anne Cadwell
                                                                                                                                         Donald and Kathé Cairns
                                                                                                                                                                    Bert Harrop
                                                                                                                                                                    Judy Hartman and Craig
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Terry and Constance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Suzanne Reitz and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                William Kenney
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Eric Wojcikiewicz and
                               the opportunity to put my UU ideals into tangible action, on the ground,                                  Wesley Callender and
                                                                                                                                            Patricia Davis
                                                                                                                                                                    Josefine Heim-Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Gary and Karen Martin
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Thomas and Eva Marx
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            John and Sandra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Jamie Berndt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Ralph Wyman
                              supporting local partners in their transformational work. What better way                                  Ken and Lois Carpenter
                                                                                                                                         Robert Cartwright
                                                                                                                                                                    Peter Hendee
                                                                                                                                                                    Todd and Lorella Hess
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Robert and Elisabeth
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Victoria and John Rizzi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Ann Ross
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A. Lee and Margaret

                             to represent our faith than honoring all our principles, from every individuals’                            Linda Casey and Richard
                                                                                                                                                                    Lawrence and Suzanne
                                                                                                                                                                                                 David Mentz and Pam
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Smith Mentz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lucia Santini Field and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bruce Field
                                                                                                                                                                    John Hickey and Robin        Bruce Mickey and           Ronald and Pat Schaeffer
                                    intrinsic worth all the way through to our interdependent world.”                                    Stephen Charles
                                                                                                                                         Geoffrey and Martha           Tartaglia                    Barbara Schultz         Katherine Schneider
                                                                                                                                            Clark                   Sandra Hochel                Donald and Mary Miles      Daniel and Janet
                                                                                                                                                                    Bunny Hodas                                                 Schneider
                                                    — MARIA PIGNATARO NIELSEN, SPHR, SWP
                             South Park UU
                                                          Community UU Church
                                                                                       Old Ship Church First
                                                                                          Parish in Hingham
                                                                                                                    North UU Congregation
                                                                                                                    Southwest UU Church
                                                                                                                                                                             UU Church of Hagerstown
                                                                                                                                                                             UU Fellowship of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Joseph Priestley UU               UUSC NEEDS
SUPPORT                        Fellowship                 Manatee UU Fellowship        Theodore Parker              UU Church of Blanchard      GIVING AWARDS                  Southern Maryland              Fellowship
These awards recognize
congregations whose          Washington
                                                          River of Grass UU
                                                                                          Unitarian Universalist
                                                                                                                    UU Fellowship of Athens     James Luther                 Massachusetts
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Main Line Unitarian
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Church                        YOUR SUPPORT!
members support human        Kittitas Valley UU           Tri-County Unitarian         UU Parish of Monson                                      Adams Awards                 First Church in Belmont
rights and social justice
through exemplary levels
                                Congregation                 Universalists
                                                          Unitarian Universalist
                                                                                       UU Church of Wakefield
                                                                                       UU Society of
                                                                                                                    Church of the
                                                                                                                                                Honors congregations
                                                                                                                                                for their generous gift
                                                                                                                                                                             First Church in Sterling
                                                                                                                                                                             First Parish Church of
                                                                                                                                                                                                           First UU Church of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ESPEC I ALLY I N
of UUSC membership.          Wisconsin
                             Blue Hills UU Fellowship
                                                             Church of Pensacola
                                                          UU Church of Tampa
                                                                                          Martha’s Vineyard            Restoration, UU
                                                                                                                    First Unitarian Church of
                                                                                                                                                from their annual budget
                                                                                                                                                of at least $1 per church
                                                                                                                                                                             First Parish in Cohasset
                                                                                                                                                                                                           UU Church of Tullahoma                 UNC ERTAI N TI MES.
Vision of Justice                                         UU Congregation of           Michigan                        Oklahoma City            member.                      First Parish in Wayland
Banner Societies             Creating Justice                Cocoa                     Beacon UU Congregation                                                                First Parish of               Texas                            For 80 years, our supporters have
Celebrates congregations     Banner Societies             UU Fellowship of Vero        UU Community Church of       Oregon                      California                      Watertown UU Church        Emerson UU Church
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            shown a profound commitment to
                             Celebrates congregations        Beach                       Southwest Michigan         Rogue Valley UU             Mt. Diablo UU Church         Harvard UU Church             First UU Church of San
with 50–74% UUSC
membership.                  with 25–49% UUSC                                          UU Congregation of Flint       Fellowship                The UU Church in             Old Ship Church First            Antonio                       justice. We are deeply honored that
                             membership.                  Georgia                      UU Congregation of                                                                       Parish in Hingham          Unitarian Fellowship of
                                                          Georgia Mountains UU           Petoskey                   Pennsylvania
                                                                                                                                                                             First Parish in Weston           Houston                       our members consistently invest
Arkansas                                                                                                                                        UU Church of Palo Alto
UU Fellowship of             Alaska                         Church                                                  Joseph Priestley UU         UU Congregation of Marin     Unitarian Church                                               their time, energy, and resources
                             Juneau UU Fellowship         Unitarian Universalists of   Minnesota                       Fellowship                                               Marlborough and            Virginia
                                                            Coastal Georgia            Northwoods UU                Main Line Unitarian
                                                                                                                                                UU Fellowship of Los
                                                                                                                                                                                Hudson                     Accotink UU Church               into our programs that propel
California                   Arizona                                                       Fellowship                  Church                                                UU Fellowship of              UU Fellowship of                 human rights forward. This year
                             Prescott UU Fellowship       Illinois                     Pilgrim House UU             Thomas Paine UU             Connecticut                     Falmouth                      Fredericksburg
South Bay Unitarian
                                                          DuPage UU Church                 Fellowship                  Fellowship                                                                                                           has been an incredibly challenging
  Fellowship                                                                                                                                    Unitarian Fellowship of
UU Congregation of           Arkansas                     UU Fellowship of DeKalb      St. Cloud UU Fellowship      Unitarian Congregation        Storrs                     Minnesota                     Washington                       one for those on the frontlines who
                             Eureka UU Fellowship         UU Congregation of           UU Church of Minnetonka         of West Chester                                       UU Church of Willmar          Bellingham Unitarian
                             UU Church of Hot Springs         Columbus                 White Bear UU Church         UU Church of the                                         UU Fellowship of                Fellowship                     are building grassroots movements
Colorado                     UU Village Church                                                                         Restoration              UUs of Southern                Mankato                     Community UU Church              for change. The global uncertainty
                                                          Indiana                      Missouri                                                                              UU Fellowship of Winona       Edmonds Unitarian
First Unitarian Society of
                             California                   UU Congregation of           UU Fellowship of Rolla       Texas
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Universalist Church            in this moment weighs heavily on
                             Berkeley Fellowship            Columbus                                                Community UU Church         Florida                      Missouri                      University Unitarian             more and more families struggling
                                of UU’s                                                New Hampshire                Spindletop Unitarian                                     UU Fellowship of Rolla          Church
                             First UU Society of San      Iowa                         Durham UU Fellowship            Church
                                                                                                                                                Manatee UU Fellowship
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Woodinville UU Church            to achieve equitable systems
Unitarian Fellowship of                                                                                                                         River of Grass UU
  Storrs                        Francisco                 Cedar Valley Unitarian       UU Congregation in           Thoreau Woods UU               Congregation              New Jersey                                                     where all can live in safety and
                             Humboldt UU Fellowship         Universalists                Milford                       Church                                                UU Congregation of            Wisconsin
Unitarian Universalist
                             Mission Peak UU                                           Walpole Unitarian            UU Church of the Hill
                                                                                                                                                Unitarian Universalists of
                                                                                                                                                                               Monmouth County             Bradford Community               freedom. They are counting on
  Church in Meriden                                                                                                                                Clearwater
UU Society in Brooklyn          Congregation              Kansas                         Church                        Country                  UU Church of Tarpon                                           Church                        each of us to maintain our support,
                             Napa Valley UU               UU Congregation of                                        UU Fellowship of                                         New Mexico                    First Unitarian Society of
                                                            Lawrence                   New Jersey                      Longview
                                                                                                                                                                             Sacramento Mountains             Milwaukee                     so that together our impact can
                             Sepulveda UU Society                                                                                               UU Fellowship of Vero
Florida                      Sierra Foothills UU’s                                     UU Ocean County              UU Fellowship of Tyler         Beach                        UU Fellowship              Northwoods UU                    be great. Please use the enclosed
                             Unitarian Universalists of   Kentucky                     Congregation at Murray       UU of New Braunfels                                      Unitarian Congregation           Fellowship
UU United Fellowship
                                                          UU Church of Bowling           Grove                                                                                  of Taos                                                     envelope to make a gift today in
                                Petaluma                                                                                                        Georgia
Georgia                      Universalist Unitarian         Green                                                   Virgin Islands              High Street UU Church                                      Guest at Your                    support of our life-saving work.
UU Church of Valdosta           Church of Santa Paula                                  New Mexico                   UU Fellowship of St Croix                                New York                      Table Special                    You can also contribute online at
                             UU Church in Livermore       Maine                        Albuquerque UU                                           Illinois                     All Souls Bethlehem           Recognition
Michigan                     UU Church of Palo Alto       First Universalist Church       Fellowship                Virginia                    North Shore Unitarian           Church                     Honors members of                uusc.org/donate or contact us at
                             UU Community of                 of Dexter                 San Juan Unitarian           First Unitarian Church of                                Community Church of           these congregations who
New Hope UU
                                                          First Universalist Church       Fellowship                   Lynchburg
                                                                                                                                                                                New York UU                                                 development@uusc.org.
  Congregation                  Cambria                                                                                                                                                                    contributed a total of
UU Fellowship of Central     UU Fellowship of Kern           of Norway                 UU Fellowship of             UU Church of                Indiana                      Hornell Alfred UU Society     $5,000 or more to UUSC’s         Thank you!
                                County                    Universalist Unitarian          Silver City                  Shenandoah Valley        UU Congregation of           May Memorial UU Society       work for justice through
                             UU Fellowship of Laguna         Church of Waterville                                                                 Columbus                   Unitarian Universalist        Guest at Your Table.
                                Beach                                                  New York                     Washington                  UU Church of                    Church of Utica
                             UU Fellowship of Visalia     Maryland                     Brockport UU Fellowship      Bellingham Unitarian          Bloomington                UU Congregation of            California
UU Fellowship of
                             UUs of Santa Clarita         Towson UU Church             First Universalist Society     Fellowship                                                Northern Chautauqua        First Unitarian Church of
  Jefferson City
                                Valley                    UU Congregation of              of Central Square         San Juan UU Fellowship      Kansas                       UU Fellowship of                 Oakland
                                                            Columbia                   Unitarian Church of                                      UU Fellowship of                Huntington                 UU Fellowship of
                             Colorado                     UU Congregation of the          Staten Island             West Virginia                 Manhattan                  UU Church of Blanchard           Sunnyvale
Glacier UU Fellowship
                             Pagosah UU Fellowship          Chesapeake                 UU Church of                 UU Fellowship of                                            Valley
                             Unitarian Universalist       UU Fellowship Greater           Middletown                  Morgantown                Kentucky                                                   Delaware
New Hampshire
                               Church of Greeley            Cumberland                 UU Congregation of                                       Thomas Jefferson             Oklahoma                      First Unitarian Church of
Kearsarge UU Fellowship
                             UU Fellowship of                                             Queens                    Wisconsin                     Unitarian Church           First Unitarian Church of        Wilmington
                               Durango                    Massachusetts                UU Congregation of the       Bradford Community                                          Oklahoma City
New Jersey
                                                          First Church Unitarian,         Catskills                    Church                   Maine                                                      Florida
UU Fellowship of Sussex
                             Connecticut                     Littleton                 UU Congregation of the       Prairie UU Society          First Universalist Church    Ohio                          UU Fellowship of Vero
                             Mattatuck UU Society         First Parish Church UU of       Great South Bay           UU Fellowship of Door          of Dexter                 UU Fellowship of Wayne           Beach
                             UU Society of New               Bridgewater               UU Fellowship at Stony          County                   UU Congregation of             County
New York
                               Britain                    First Parish in Cambridge       Brook                                                    Castine                                                 Minnesota
UU Congregation of
                                                          First Parish of                                           Paris                                                    Oregon                        White Bear UU Church
  Northern Chautauqua
                             Delaware                        Watertown UU Church       Ohio                         UU Fellowship of Paris      Maryland                     Central Coast UU
UU Congregation of the
                             First Unitarian Church of    First Universalist Church    First Unitarian Church of                                River Road UU                  Fellowship
  South Fork
                                Wilmington                   of Orange                    Cincinnati                                               Congregation
                             UUs of Southern              Harvard UU Church            First Universalist Church
North Dakota
                                Delaware                                                  of New Madison
Grand Forks UU
  Fellowship                                                                                                                                    UUSC membership awards are calculated by church size, as reported by the UUA. If         UUSC partner Espacio Migrante is a lifeline of
                                                                                                                                                your congregation has been omitted or listed incorrectly, please accept our apologies!   support, providing shelter, food, and other assistance
                                                                                                                                                Please notify us of an error or obtain more information about congregational support     for families who are migrating and arrive at the
                                                                                                                                                for UUSC by contacting us at 800-766-5236 or development@uusc.org.                       U.S.-Mexico border.
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