Pre-Marital Counseling Effectiveness In Building Happy Muslim Families

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International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law and Society
Vol. 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021                                                                                 41

Pre-Marital Counseling Effectiveness In Building
Happy Muslim Families

Mohammad Nasir1*, Zainal Abdin 2, Lukman S. Thahir3

1 Islamic Family Law Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu
2 Islamic Family Law Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu
3 Islamic Family Law Department, Postgraduate, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palu

ABSTRACT                                                                          ARTICLE

This study discusses the effectiveness of premarital guidance and                 Keywords:
counseling in building sakinah families at the Office of Religious
Affairs (KUA) of Parigi District, Parigi Moutong Regency. The study               Ore-Married,
used qualitative methods and the data was gathered through                        counselling,
observation, indepth interviews and written material. The data                    happiness, Muslim
analysis was analyzed through reduction process, then the data was                families
presented in a table, and it was also verified, and finally the
discussion was built based on the data. The results showed that (1)
Guidance and premarital counseling in KUA Parigi District has been
effectively carried out through premarital counseling and
counseling programs carried out through two stages namely the
pre-implementation stage and the implementation stage by
increasing the role of the counselor in handling divorce, and
guidance and pre-marital counseling with procedures that have
been determined based on the existing schedule and comprehensive
pre-marital guidance materials guided by KUA Employees and
several other relevant agencies.

                                                                                          e-ISSN: 2715-4580
                                                                                          p-ISSN: 2715-8268
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law and Society
Vol. 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021                                                                         42

1. Introduction                                               The general provisions are that
        Counseling        and      therapy           pre-marriage counseling course are
approaches in premarital education have              carried out for the Muslim prospective
the greatest impacts in positive changes             bride and groom who reached at least 19
in the couple’s relationship. The couples            years old for male and 16 years for
who voluntarily attend premarital                    female. Most of them are young couples
counseling are more united, tend to                  who want to get married, both male and
avoid divorce, and feel satisfaction in              female, and have registered with KUA.
marriage relationship.                               However, in principle, pre-marriage
        The family is established through            course is open to prospective brides and
a legal marriage process. In fact, not a             grooms, either those who have failed to
few people who already have a                        build a household with their partner, or
prospective husband/wife, are of                     those who have not yet wished to get
sufficient age, are already earning, but             married. As a form of support for their
also don't have the courage to get                   children who are getting married,
married because they are not ready.                  parents are also expected to accompany
Premarital guidance is needed as a                   their children in participating in the
preventive measure so that there are no              program.
disputes in the household.1                                   The facilities for organizing
        Basically, everyone wants to have            premarital guidance include learning
a harmonious and happy household                     facilities, which consist of syllabus,
(sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah). A family              modules, and other teaching materials
which has full of happiness, love,                   needed for learning. The syllabus and
comfort and inner and outer well-being               modules are prepared by the Ministry of
will certainly have an great influence on            Religion to be used as a reference by the
the formation of a harmonious society.2              organizers of pre-marital guidance. The
But in reality, not all couples are able to          materials presented include marriage
achieve it. Building a household is not as           procedures, religious knowledge, laws
easy as turning the palm of the hand, but            and regulations in the field of marriage
it takes effort and struggle, because                and family.
various problems will arise in family life.                   Basically the marriage is carried
It could be that problems that arise can             out forever until the death of one of the
be resolved together with deliberation,              husbands or wives. This is what Islam
but not a few also end it in divorce.                really wants. However, in certain
                                                     circumstances, there may be certain
        1Ahmad     Zaini, “Membentuk Keluarga        things that require the dissolution of the
Sakinah Melalui Bimbingan dan Konseling              marriage; in a sense that if the marital
Pernikahan” Konseling Religi, Volume 6, Nomor 1      relationship continues, damage and harm
(June 2015), 89-106.
         2 See Rusli Rusli, “The Role of Family in
                                                     will occur.3 In this case, Islam justifies the
Preventing Social Conflict in Society From Islamic
Perspectives,” HUNAFA: Jurnal Studia Islamika 17,           3Yunus, Haerunnisa, Rusli, Rusli, &
no. 1 (2020): 108–122.                               Abidin, Abidin. (2020). The Concept of A
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termination of marriage as the last step in         the ways that can be adopted in
continuing the household. Divorce is a              overcoming marital problems.6
good solution and option in overcoming                     The reduction in emotional
irreconcilable domestic disputes.                   tension means that marriage counseling
       Many couples who, in their first             is usually carried out when both parties
years of marriage, have begun to waver              are in a very emotional situation. With
in the ark of their household, because              counseling, couples can make ventilation,
they do not understand the meaning and              by opening their emotional channels to
wisdom of marriage. Divorce nowadays                the emotional pressures they have faced
seems to have become a common                       so far. The one who directs is called the
phenomenon in society.4 Many factors                counselor. The councelor is not the
may cause divorce including immaturity              subject, because he only helps. The
between husband and wife, economic                  subject is the client, while the object is the
problems, the presence of third parties in          problem they face. What can be done by
the household, and domestic violence.5              a counselor is, among others, helping
                                                    clients to understand themselves,
2. Literature Review                                measure their abilities, know their
                                                    readiness and tendencies, clarify their
2.1 Definition of Marriage Counseling               orientations, motivations and aspirations,
       Willis    considered     marriage            and know the difficulties and problems
counseling as a counseling organized as             of the environment in which they live, as
an educational method to reduce                     well as the opportunities that are open to
emotional tension, which helps married              them.7
couples to solve problems and determine
better problem solving patterns. It is said         2.2. Marriage Counseling Area
to be an educational method because                        Problems around marriage or
marriage counseling provides insights               family life usually revolve around the
and knowledge to the couples who                    difficulty of choosing a mate, insufficient
consult about themselves, their partners,           economy, sharp differences in character
and marital problems they face as well as           between        husband       and       wife,
                                                    dissatisfaction in sexual relations, and
                                                    inadequate       relationships     between
                                                    extended families.  8

                                                           Marriage counseling was initially
Marriage Agreement in the Compilation of
Islamic Law International Journal Of Contemporary
                                                    carried out not because of the initiative of
Islamic Law And Society, 2(2), 35-45.               professionals, but the needs and requests
         4 For more details about this issue, see   of the couple. They have a number of
Rusli Rusli, “Hermeneutical Reading of Ṭalāq,”
HUNAFA: Jurnal Studia Islamika 12, no. 2 (2016):
209–229.                                                   6Sofyan   S. Wilis, Konseling Keluarga
         5Abdul Ghani Abud, Keluarga Muslim dan     (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2009), 56.
Berbagai Masalahnya (Bandung: Perpustakaan                 7Ibid.

Salman, 2008), 104.                                        8Ibid.

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Vol. 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021                                                                     44

problems related to their marriage, and      one another, it is impossible for the two
want to consult the problem with a           individuals to be able to unite well,
counselor. Marriage counseling has           especially at a young age of marriage,
several terms, among others, couples         turmoil often occur in the family.
counseling, marriage counseling, and
marital counseling. These terms can be       2.4 The Purpose of Marriage Counseling
used interchangeably and have the same               In detail, the long-term goals of
meaning.                                     marriage counseling according to Huff
                                             and Miller9 are as follows:
2.3 The Role of Psychological Factors in     a. Increase self-awareness and mutual
    Marriage                                    empathy between partners.
       Psychological factor in marriage is   b. Raise awareness about each other's
an important element in marriage. Many          strengths and potential
unexpected things happen in the family       c. Increase mutual openness
due to the following factors:                d. Promote a more intimate relationship
a. Maturity of Emotions and Thoughts         e. Develop communication, problem
        Emotional maturity and thought          solving and conflict management skill.
will be closely intertwined. Someone               Some assumptions that underlie the
who has matured emotionally can              implementation of marriage counseling
usually think clearly, and undergo clear,    include the following:
good, and objective consideration steps.     a. Marriage counseling emphasizes more
Individuals who are married are legally         on the couple’s relationship, not on the
adults, so they can see the problems that       personality of each partner.
exist in the family well.                    b. The problem faced by both parties is
                                                urgent, so marriage counseling is
b. Developing an attitude of tolerance          carried out with a direct approach to
        Emotional maturity and a person’s       solving problems.
mindset will make a person able to           c. The problems that couples face are
develop an attitude of tolerance between        normal     problems,     not    extreme
husband and wife. Being tolerant means          pathological cases.
developing an attitude of accepting each     d. Marriage counseling problems related
other’s shortcomings and strengths, and         to types of marriage such as 1)
respecting their partner. The attitude of       concurrent marital counseling; 2)
tolerance illustrates that each husband         collaborative Marital counseling; 3)
and wife must be ready and willing to
sacrifice for the interests of the family
they have fostered. Cultivating an
attitude of tolerance is not an easy
matter; however, this needs to be
                                                     9  Cited in Brammer, L.M & Shostrom,
implemented. Of course, this requires
                                             E.L. (1982). Therapeutic Psychology: Fundamentals
mutual understanding from each party.
                                             of Counseling and Psychotherapy (Englewood Cliffs,
Without an attitude of tolerance between     New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.), 348-349.
                                                                               e-ISSN: 2715-4580
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Vol. 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021                                                                         45

  conjoint marital counseling; 4) couples                 The       premarital     counseling
  group counseling.10                              procedure is similar to that of marriage
                                                   counseling. What is emphasized in this
2.5 Difficulties and Advantages of                 pre-marital counseling is that it is more
     Marriage Counseling                           anticipatory,     which      means     self-
        Marriage counseling, in its                preparation to make the right choice in
implementation, is not easy, for several           relation to the wedding plan. Meanwhile,
reasons. First, the person being dealt             Family Counseling is a systematic and
with is problematic, and the problem               professional process of counceling for the
concerns the relationship between one              members, by helping them to develop
another.11 The counselor must be able to           themselves, connecting the reality of the
give equal attention to both. Another              family with the purpose of its existence,
reason that is often an obstacle in family         and developing it towards the most
counseling is that counselors need special         suitable for the family and society in
skills to handle married couples                   relation to the environment in general.14
compared to individual counseling.                        This definition is based on a
Marriage counseling requires the ability           concept that applies to small groups,
to pay attention, manage conversations,            especially primary groups. The family is
confrontation skills, and other counseling         not just a collection of individuals, but a
skills.                                            distinctive small group, which is
        Premarital counseling is the               sociologically included in the primary
counseling held for unmarried parties, in          group, or small cell in a multicultural
connection with their marriage plans.              society.15
They usually come to the counselor to                     Family guidance needs to pay
make their decisions to be more stable             attention to the distinctive elements of
and can make better adjustments in the             the family as a small group. The
future.12 Aspects that need to be assessed         dynamics and mastery of the family
and understood by the counselors when              counselor will determine the success or
conducting pre-marital counseling are              failure of the assistance process. Based on
the history of introductions, comparisons          this definition, it can be stated that the
of the couple’s background, the attitude           definition contains five essential points in
of the two families, planning for                  the family, which include acceptance,
marriage,     and     psychological    and         permissive attitude, functional dynamics,
personality factors.13                             intimate openness, and comprehensive

         10Pujosuwarno Sayekti, Bimbingan Dan

Konseling Keluarga (Yogyakarta: Menara Mas
Offset, 1994), 98.                                        14Bimo,  Bimbingan, 70.
         11Ibid, 99.                                      15Ibid,   66; See also Rusli Rusli,
         12Walgito Bimo, Bimbingan dan Konseling   “Multikulturalisme Dalam Wacana Alquran,”
Perkawinan. (Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, 2004), 65.   HUNAFA: Jurnal Studia Islamika 9, no. 1 (2012):
         13Ibid.                                   105–120.
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3. Methodology                                         4. Result and Discussion
       This study uses qualitative
approach16 investigating Islamic Law                   4.1 The Effectiveness of Pre-Marriage
Perspectives on Settlement of inheritance                  Guidance and Counseling in Building
disputes. This research was carried out in                 Harmonious Family
Office of Religious Affairs (KUA),                             The Indonesian state, which is
subdistrict of Parigi in the District of               based on “the Belief in One God”, as the
Parigi Moutong.                                        first pillar of Pancasila, only recognizes
       Data were collected through                     that legal marriage is established
observation, indepth interview with                    according to religious law as the basis for
married counselors and couples who                     the formation of a family. Therefore, the
want to get married and written                        Government through related institutions
material17.    Data analysis consists of               is required to be more proactive in the
several procedures: reduction and                      efforts to strengthen the existence of
verification techniques with various data              marriage institutions and preserve the
sources.18 The reduced data is then                    values of marriage.
analyzed reflecting on theoretical                             The method of government efforts
concepts used in this study19.                         in order to improve the quality and value
                                                       of marriage in a family is to establish a
                                                       marriage advisory institution that can
         16 Nurdin, N., & Yusuf, K. (2020).            find solutions to the problems that often
Knowledge management lifecycle in Islamic              arise in the family. The advisory agency
bank: the case of syariah banks in Indonesia.          is more familiarly known as the
International Journal of Knowledge Management          Advisory Board for the Development
Studies,                 11(1),               59-80.
                                                       and Preservation of Marriage (BP4).; See
also Rusli Rusli, “Pendekatan Fenomenologi                     The Office of Religious Affairs of
Dalam Studi Agama Konsep, Kritik Dan                   Parigi District always tries to create a
Aplikasi,” Islamica: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 2, no. 2   happy marriage and establish a
(2008): 141–153.                                       harmonious family. This is in accordance
         17 Nurdin, Nurdin. (2019). Knowledge
                                                       with the vision of BP4 in general, namely
Integration Strategy in Islamic Banks. In Almeida
Helena & Sequeira Bernardete (Eds.), The Role of       to enhance the quality of marriage in
Knowledge Transfer in Open Innovation (pp. 118-        order to create a sakinah family according
138). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.                    to Islamic teachings in achieving a
         18 Muslih, Imam, Nurdin, Nurdin, &
                                                       prosperous Indonesian society and
Marzuki, Marzuki. (2020). Effectiveness of
                                                       nation both materially and spiritually.
Marriage Services Through Information System
Management (SIMKAH) at Palu City Religious                     One of the efforts made by the
Court      International Journal Of Contemporary       government, in this case, the Ministry of
Islamic Law And Society, 2(1), 20-35.                  Religion, is the struggle to produce
         19 Iqbal, M., Rusli, R., & Musyahidah, M.
                                                       Marriage Law Number 1 of 1974 and
(2019). Management Strategies of Professional
                                                       establish an institution called BP4. In
Zakat Funds for Mustahiq Family Welfare By
Amil Zakat Body International Journal Of               accordance with Statute of BP4 Article 4,
Contemporary Islamic Law And Society, 1(1), 39-51.     BP4 aims to enhance the value of
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marriage and create a prosperous and                of high quality, both in terms of
eternal family in accordance with the               knowledge and moral quality.
teachings of Islam. To achieve this goal,                    Let alone religious instructors
the task of The Office of Religious Affairs         whose job is to enlighten the soul so that
of Parigi District is to carry out                  clients are able to implement religious
counseling to prospective couples, based            teachings.        In   addition, religious
on the Marriage Law.                                instructors also have the task of
        Meanwhile, several efforts were             providing information and moral
made by the KUA Parigi Subdistrict as               development to the community through
one of its programs includes upgrading              religious language so that religious
or providing guidance to prospective                people can actively participate in the
brides.                                             moral development process so that a
1. Delivering      summons        to     the        sakinah family can be realized in which
   prospective marriage couples who                 it is full of Islamic nuances.
   have registered to take part in the                       The next method used by the
   guidance event.                                  KUA of Parigi Sub-District is to make a
2. Doing pre-marital guidance by the                breakthrough to change the counseling
   KUA Parigi District once a month                 method in such a way, not only with a
   which is located at the Office of                religious approach, but also providing
   Religious Affairs of Parigi District.            guidance with all kinds of disciplines. In
3. Conducting       personal       marriage         addition, religious instructors have been
   guidance (face to face) for the bride            more proactive, for example by holding
   and groom who did not have time to               workshops on marriage, and guidance
   attend at the appointed time.                    for teenagers, or doing activities for
4. Giving a prosperous family book or               young family groups to provide
   magazine to the bride and groom                  knowledge and insight that marriage is
   published by BP4.                                sacred and religious, so it must be
5. Providing guidance for a prosperous              properly cared for. This noble task is
   family.20                                        always carried out by all KUAs in
        In principle, the duties and                Indonesia, which include the KUA of
objectives of the KUA of Parigi Sub-                Parigi District in particular, as well as
District are to reduce the divorce rate             improving the quality of marriage and
and create a sakinah family by preventing           family by developing the sakinah family
early marriage and providing guidance               movement and religious education in the
to prospective marriage couples and the             family environment.
community to establish a prosperous                          Based on an interview with the
and happy family. Meanwhile, the task               officer of KUA in Parigi Subdistrict,
of religious instructors is a tough task            Muhammad Fadli, who said:
that requires religious instructors to be                 “The implementation of guidance
                                                          has been carried out by BP4 for a
       20Documents     of the Office of Religious         long time, some being carried out in
Affairs of Parigi Subdistrict, 2019.
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    groups, and others personally (face         their environment in harmony, and able
    to face); or, using the group or            to practice, appreciate, and deepen the
    personal method, both involve               values of faith, piety and noble character
    several components from the                 in social life.
    BKKBN, the Health Office, and local                Pre-marital guidance (suscatin) is
    Ulama. If there is anything to do           given conditionally considering the
    with domestic violence cases, the           number of prospective brides for one
    police must be involved police. So,         month. Pre-marital guidance itself can be
    the purpose in just one; that is, to        done individually or in groups
    create a sakinah family”21                  depending on the number of couples
                                                who register. For prospective brides who
        One example is pre-marital
                                                do not have the opportunity to take part
guidance, which is usually carried out in
                                                in the suscatin program, they can do
the form of course program for the
                                                individual guidance. And, the role of the
marriage couples (Suscatin). Suscatin is
                                                KUA in Parigi Sub-district in pre-marital
providing knowledge, insights, and
                                                guidance and counseling in order to to
skills, and raising awareness to
                                                build a sakinah family in Parigi District
adolescents of marriage age and
                                                KUA is to increase the counselor’s role in
prospective brides about domestic and
                                                dealing with divorce.
family life. Suscatin is usually done one
                                                       BP4 is an abbreviation of the
month before the two couples get
                                                Advisory Board for the Development
married,      and     is    carried    out
                                                and Preservation of Marriage, which
simultaneously for prospective brides.
                                                functions as the duty bearer and partner
        So,     the    guidance-providing
                                                of the Ministry of Religion in realizing a
process carried out during pre-wedding
                                                sakinah family. BP4 is an official
is from individual to a group, and the
                                                consulting agency that is part of the
purpose of implementing this guidance
                                                Ministry of Religion which acts as an
or suscatin is to equalize the perception
                                                advisory body for marriage guidance,
of the institution regarding the substance
                                                especially for people who will carry out
and mechanism of organizing pre-
marital courses for teenagers and or
                                                       In particular, BP4 only deals with
prospective brides.
                                                the marriage problems of Muslim people,
        Here, what is expected is the
                                                because they need solutions to problems
realization of a sakinah family; that is, a
                                                in marriage. Husband and wife often
family that is fostered by a legal
                                                come to the KUA if they have the
marriage, able to meet spiritual and
                                                problem to ask for a solution.
material needs in a proper and balanced
way, filled with an atmosphere of
                                                4.2 Premarital Guidance and Counseling
affection between family members and
                                                     The implementation of marriage
                   with Muhammad Fadli,
officer of KUA, Parigi Subdistrict, 4 October   guidance at KUA in Parigi Subdistrict is
2019.                                           focused on the prospective bride and
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groom through pre-marital guidance                     register themselves and their partners for
activities so that they have sufficient                marriage. Good direction from the Kua
knowledge and skills to face family life.              in Parigi Subd-district made the stages or
      Based on the interviews conducted                processes run well without any
with several couples of prospective                    shortcomings.
brides, regarding the stages carried out by                   Although the requirements are
the bride and groom before carrying out                quite a lot to be fulfilled, such as a
pre-marriage guidance at the KUA in                    marriage certificate from the village, a
Parigi Subdistrict, one of them said:                  letter from parents, without good
     “As far as I remember, before doing               guidance from the KUA, the prospective
     pre-marital counseling I had to fill              bride and groom will certainly be
     out the form provided by the KUA                  confused      about      meeting       the
     officer. After that, I met other                  requirements for taking pre-marital
     requirements, including a marriage                guidance. The pre-marriage guidance
     certificate from the village, birth               carried out by the KUA of Parigi
     certificate, approval letter for the              Subdstrict aims to provide provisions for
     two prospective brides, a letter from             prospective brides to be able to create a
     the village about parents, and                    family that is happy and harmonious
     photo. After all the requirements                 (sakinah mawadah warahmah).
     are complete and registered by the
     KUA, then I just need to wait for the             a. Premarital Guidance Material
     invitation letter that I will take                       The material that will be used by
     premarital guidance at the KUA”22                 the supervisor in conducting guidance
                                                       process is related to domestic life,
      The same is also true for the
couples who have taken premarital                      marriage law, marriage wisdom, rights
guidance, such as Ismy Sofyan23 and                    and obligations of husband and wife, the
                                                       way to form a sakinah family and to
Ismy Syahrul Ramadhan.24
                                                       maintain the integrity of the household
      From the statements coming from
                                                       to avoid divorce.
three couples who have attended pre-
marital guidance at KUA in Parigi                             The materials presented in
                                                       premarital guidance at the KUA in Parigi
Subdistrict, it can be concluded that the
                                                       Subdistrict include:
stages that have been arranged are
running properly, and are quite effective              1. Marriage Law and Islamic Laws on
for prospective brides who want to                        marriage (fiqh al-munakahat)
                                                              In the Marriage Law of the
        22Interview   with Ali Akbar, prospective      Republic of Indonesia Number 1 Year
bride, KUA office, Parigi Subdistrict, 11 October
                                                       1947 reads, “Marriage is an inner and
        23Interview with Ismy Sofyan, citizen,         outer bond between a man and a woman,
KUA office, Parigi Subdistrict, 11 October 2019.       as husband and wife with the aim of
        24Interview      with     Ismy      Syahrul    forming a happy and eternal family
Ramadhan,       citizen,   KUA      office,   Parigi   (household) based on the Belief on One
Subdistrict, 11 October 2019.
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God”. This statement, at the same time,       contraceptives, among others, the pill is
provides direction so that the married        usually    for     mothers    who    are
couple should be able to form a safe,         breastfeeding, injections (1 month and 3
peaceful, and happy family.                   months), implants, IUD (Intrauterine
                                              Contraceptive Devices), condoms and
2). Family planning
       Family planning is one of the          tubectomy.
efforts to realize family happiness and       3). Harmonious family
prosperity. Family planning (Keluarga                 The purpose of marriage in the
Berencana, KB) is a movement to form a        spiritual aspect is to achieve peace in life
healthy and prosperous family by              that can foster a bond of love (mawaddah)
limiting births. Giving marriage advice       and affection (rahmah) among family
regarding family planning programs is         members. In realizing the stability of the
one of the efforts to help families plan      prospective bride and groom to form a
their family life well so that they can       sakinah family, the bride and groom must
achieve quality families. Based on the        know the guidelines on how to form a
interview with the head of KUA in Parigi      sakinah family according to Islam.
Subdistrict, it is said:                            The material presented by the
    “The national family planning             supervisor at the KUA in Parigi
    movement strived to make the              Subdistrict when compared to the
    community more civilized and              guidelines for organizing the prospective
    independent          through      the     bride and groom course did not contain
    implementation of the Family              the materials psychology of marriage and
    Planning (KB) counseling program.         family, child protection law, domestic
    By improving the quality and              violence law. The counselors at KUA,
    convenience of services, while still      admitted that the material on psychology
    paying attention to the health of         of marriage and family is not available at
    family planning, and is not               KUA because no one has mastered this
    contradictory with the religious          field and there has been no collaboration
    values that exist in society, families    between KUA and the authority of this
    are made happy and live in                field of psychology. Limited facilities and
    harmony”25                                infrastructure is one factor in the absence
                                              of materials on marriage and family
        This kind of counseling material is
                                              psychology in the implementation of
intended so that the bride and groom can
                                              premarital guidance at KUA in Parigi
prepare and plan as early as possible
their desire to have children, and also to
                                                    The statement from the Head of
assist them in choosing a family planning
                                              KUA       in   Parigi    Subdistrict    was
device that suits the condition of the
                                              strengthened by the statement of one of
wife’s body. As for several types of
                                              his employees as follows:
                                                   “In facilitating the process of
      25Interview   with Jumading, Head of         delivering     premarital    guidance
KUA, Parigi Subdistrict, 14 October 2019.
                                                                          e-ISSN: 2715-4580
                                                                          p-ISSN: 2715-8268
International Journal of Contemporary Islamic Law and Society
Vol. 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021                                                                            51

     materials, a method is needed to                     with each other, learning to solve
     support the process of implementing                  problems and managing conflict.
     premarital guidance for prospective                  This skill is clearly very important in
     brides. The method used by the                       one’s household life. Young couples
     supervisor at KUA in Parigi                          really need guidance especially to
     Subdistrict is the method of lecture                 clarify their expectations for their
     and the discussion or question and                   marriage      and     strengthen   the
     answer method”26                                     relationship before marriage. The
        The media used in pre-marital                     role of premarital guidance is closely
guidance at KUA in Parigi District                        related to the purpose of marriage, to
include oral media and certificates                       realize a sakinah family in accordance
behind which there is a summary of the                    with Islamic religious guidance.”27
material that has been submitted by the
                                                             The process of implementing
counselor. Although oral media is
                                                     marriage guidance for brides and
simple, the material presented is still              grooms at KUA Parigi Subdistrict has
easily understood by the participants of             run well and effectively. This is
premarital guidance course. Competent
                                                     evidenced when researchers go into the
supervisors also support this oral media,
                                                     field, the process of marriage guidance
making it easier for participants to                 activities goes smoothly.
understand the material presented. Polite
speech and vocabulary chosen by the                  5. Conclusions
supervisor in conveying the material are                   The research concludes that pre-
also easy for participants to understand.            marital guidance and counseling at the
        Premarital guidance is very                  KUA in Parigi Subdistrict has been
important given to the bride and groom               effectively implemented through the pre-
with the aim that thy can strengthen the             marital     guidance  and    counseling
relationship after marriage. Premarital              program carried out in two stages,
guidance has several benefits including              namely the pre-implementation stage
running toward a more focused future,                and the implementation stage by
reducing the risk of relationship                    increasing the role of the counselor in
fractures, facilitating the unification of           dealing with divorce, and pre-marital
vision, and mutual understanding of the              counseling with procedures that have
couple’s family. This is based on the                been determined based on the existing
researcher's interview with one of the               schedule and comprehensive pre-marital
KUA employees of Parigi Subdistrict,                 guidance materials guided by KUA
who said,                                            employees and several other relevant
      “Premarital guidance is very                   agencies.
     important as a vehicle for guiding
     two different people to communicate                             REFERENCES

        26Interview  with Miskiah, officer of KUA,           27Interview   with Iwan, officer of KUA,
Parigi Subdistrict, 25 October 2019.                 Parigi Subdistrict, 25 October 2019.
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Vol. 3 No. 1 Tahun 2021                                                                    52

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