Prednisolone With vs Without Pentoxifylline and Survival of Patients With Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis A Randomized Clinical Trial

Page created by Lori Shelton

                  Original Investigation

                  Prednisolone With vs Without Pentoxifylline
                  and Survival of Patients With Severe Alcoholic Hepatitis
                  A Randomized Clinical Trial
                  Philippe Mathurin, MD; Alexandre Louvet, MD; Alain Duhamel, PhD; Pierre Nahon, MD; Nicolas Carbonell, MD;
                  Jérôme Boursier, MD; Rodolphe Anty, MD; Emmanuel Diaz, MD; Dominique Thabut, MD; Romain Moirand, MD;
                  Didier Lebrec, MD; Christophe Moreno, MD; Nathalie Talbodec, MD; Thierry Paupard, MD; Sylvie Naveau, MD;
                  Christine Silvain, MD; Georges-Philippe Pageaux, MD; Rodolphe Sobesky, MD; Valérie Canva-Delcambre, MD;
                  Sébastien Dharancy, MD; Julia Salleron, PhD; Thong Dao, MD

                                                                                                                                   Editorial page 1029
                     IMPORTANCE Prednisolone or pentoxifylline is recommended for severe alcoholic hepatitis, a                    Supplemental content at
                     life-threatening disease. The benefit of their combination is unknown.                              

                                                                                                                                   CME Quiz at
                     OBJECTIVE To determine whether the addition of pentoxifylline to prednisolone is more
                     effective than prednisolone alone.                                                                            CME Questions 1070

                     DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Multicenter, randomized, double-blind clinical trial con-
                     ducted between December 2007 and March 2010 in 1 Belgian and 23 French hospitals of 270
                     patients aged 18 to 70 years who were heavy drinkers with severe biopsy-proven alcoholic hepa-
                     titis, as indicated by recent onset of jaundice in the prior 3 months and a Maddrey score of at least
                     32. Duration of follow-up was 6 months. The last included patient completed the study in October
                     2010. None of the patients were lost to follow-up for the main outcome.

                     INTERVENTION Patients were randomly assigned to receive either a combination of 40 mg of
                     prednisolone once a day and 400 mg of pentoxifylline 3 times a day (n=133) for 28 days, or
                     40 mg of prednisolone and matching placebo (n=137) for 28 days.

                     MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Six-month survival, with secondary end points of
                     development of hepatorenal syndrome and response to therapy based on the Lille model,
                     which defines treatment nonresponders after 7 days of initiation of treatment.

                     RESULTS In intention-to-treat analysis, 6-month survival was not different in the pentoxifylline-
                     prednisolone and placebo-prednisolone groups (69.9% [95% CI, 62.1%-77.7%] vs 69.2% [95%
                     CI; 61.4%-76.9%], P = .91), corresponding to 40 vs 42 deaths, respectively. In multivariable analy-
                     sis, only the Lille model and the Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score were independently
                     associated with 6-month survival. At 7 days, response to therapy assessed by the Lille model was
                     not significantly different between the 2 groups (Lille model score, 0.41 [95% CI, 0.36-0.46] vs
                     0.40 [95% CI, 0.35-0.45], P = .80). The probability of being a responder was not different in both
                     groups (62.6% [95% CI, 53.9%-71.3%] vs 61.9% [95% CI, 53.7%-70.3%], P = .91). The cumulative
                     incidence of hepatorenal syndrome at 6 months was not significantly different in the
                     pentoxifylline-prednisolone and the placebo-prednisolone groups (8.4% [95% CI, 4.8%-14.8%]
                     vs 15.3% [95% CI, 10.3%-22.7%], P = .07).

                     CONCLUSION AND RELEVANCE In patients with alcoholic hepatitis, 4-week treatment with
                     pentoxifylline and prednisolone, compared with prednisolone alone, did not result in
                     improved 6-month survival. The study may have been underpowered to detect a significant
                     difference in incidence of hepatorenal syndrome, which was less frequent in the group                    Author Affiliations: Author
                     receiving pentoxifylline.                                                                                affiliations are listed at the end of this

                     TRIAL REGISTRATION Identifier: NCT01214226.                                           Corresponding Author: Philippe
                                                                                                                              Mathurin, MD, Service des Maladies
                                                                                                                              de l’Appareil digestif, Hôpital Huriez,
                                                                                                                              rue Polonovski, 59037 Lille CEDEX,
                                                                                                                              France (philippe.mathurin
                     JAMA. 2013;310(10):1033-1041. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.276300                                     


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Research Original Investigation                                                  Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis

                       reatment of severe forms of alcoholic hepatitis, as defined    23 French hospitals between December 2007 and September
                       by a Maddrey discriminant function of at least 32, is ex-      2010 (last patient randomized in March 2010). Patients were
                       tremely challenging because of the poor outcome.1,2 Com-       eligible for the study if they were aged 18 to 70 years and were
               pelling data have shown that corticosteroids improve short-term        heavy drinkers (>40 g/d of alcohol for women and >50 g/d of
               survival compared with placebo,2-6 while pentoxifylline has been       alcohol for men) with severe biopsy-proven alcoholic hepati-
               shown to be more effective than placebo in a double-blind, ran-        tis, as indicated by the recent onset of jaundice within the past
               domized clinical trial.7 Two other studies have evaluated pentoxi-     3 months and a Maddrey score of at least 32. The definition for
               fylline in alcoholic hepatitis, in smaller cohorts, and without        alcoholic hepatitis described by Lucey et al2 was used. Alco-
               histological confirmation of alcoholic hepatitis. In a study of a      hol intake was estimated based on a discussion between the
               comparison of pentoxifylline with corticosteroids,8 a benefit in       physician and the patient. Transjugular liver biopsy was per-
               survival in the pentoxifylline group was observed. In that study,      formed in all patients according to routine French and Bel-
               although the primary end point was 3-month survival, treatment         gian diagnostic practices for diagnosis and histological con-
               allocation was revealed after 4 weeks. In a second study,9 in which    firmation of alcoholic hepatitis was based on the following
               a combination of pentoxifylline and corticosteroids was compared       findings: ballooned hepatocytes, Mallory bodies, and infiltra-
               with corticosteroids alone, no difference in survival was found;       tion of polymorphonuclear neutrophils.
               however, this study was not double-blind in design. European and             Exclusion criteria included the presence of hepatitis B sur-
               US guidelines for alcoholic liver disease recommend the use of         face antigen, hepatitis C virus or human immunodeficiency vi-
               prednisolone or pentoxifylline in patients with severe alcoholic       rus antibodies, pregnancy, breastfeeding, concomitant or pre-
               hepatitis.10,11 Nevertheless, a substantial proportion of patients     vious history of hepatocellular carcinoma, evolutive neoplasia
               continue to die at 6 months regardless of first-line therapy.1,2       likely to threaten 1-year outcome, uncontrolled bacterial in-
                     The mechanisms involved in the effects of corticosteroids        fection within 7 days, concomitant or previous history of fun-
               and pentoxifylline seem to differ under experimental condi-            gal, viral, or parasitic infection, severe associated disease (car-
               tions. In vitro, pentoxifylline and corticosteroids are known to       diac failure, severe pulmonary disease, neoplastic disease,
               be anti-inflammatory molecules.12,13 On the other hand, in hu-         severe psychiatric disorders), portal thrombosis, acute pan-
               mans, pentoxifylline seems to have a protective effect against         creatitis, type 1 hepatorenal syndrome, and serum creatinine
               the hepatorenal syndrome, but with no significant effect on pro-       at randomization of more than 2.5 mg/dL (>221 μmol/L).
               inflammatory cytokines or liver tests.7 Prednisolone improves                At admission, systematic screening for infection in-
               liver function and inhibits proinflammatory cytokines and poly-        cluded chest radiograph, blood and urine cultures, and cul-
               morphonuclear neutrophil activation.14 Because of the poten-           ture of ascites fluid. Before randomization, antibiotics were ad-
               tial synergistic action of these 2 compounds, a randomized clini-      ministered to patients with sepsis in relation to the site of
               cal trial comparing their combination with prednisolone alone          infection (ie, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, urinary tract
               or pentoxifylline alone may be warranted.                              infection, or bacteremia, excluding other types of infection).
                     Early improvement in liver function with prednisolone is         Antibiotic treatment was considered to be effective based on
               highly predictive of short-term survival. After 7 days of treat-       international and French guidelines, and patients could be in-
               ment, physicians can identify responders to medical therapy            cluded in the study once the infection was under control.16 In
               using the Lille model.15 The Lille model is highly predictive of       the case of gastrointestinal bleeding, patients were excluded
               death at 6 months, and a score of more than 0.45 predicted 75%         from the study in the presence of shock, transfusion of more
               of deaths. At present, it is necessary to evaluate the effect of       than 3 units of blood, or if the Maddrey function was less than
               new strategies on the improvement of liver function with spe-          32 at admission and increased to 32 or more due to the sever-
               cific tools targeting severe alcoholic hepatitis.                      ity of bleeding. Patients who had been treated with cortico-
                     To improve the management of patients with severe alco-          steroids, immunosuppressants, budesonide, pentoxifylline, or
               holic hepatitis, therapeutic strategies must be developed that         thalidomide in the year before the study were also excluded.
               address the main mechanisms involved in the death of pa-                     Written informed consent was obtained from all partici-
               tients, and early improvement in liver injury is an important goal     pants. Approval was given by a relative in the case of severe
               in this regard. The work presented herein is original because it       encephalopathy. Encephalopathy was measured by a routine
               assumes that the assessment of the efficacy of a new therapeu-         clinical examination for confusion and asterixis. The study was
               tic strategy must include an evaluation of its early effect on liver   approved by the institutional review board or ethics commit-
               injury. Based on this approach, the goal of this randomized clini-     tee and adhered to Good Clinical Practice guidelines, the Dec-
               cal trial was to evaluate the efficacy of a combination of pred-       laration of Helsinki, and local laws. The study was registered
               nisolone and pentoxifylline compared with prednisolone alone           under European policy number EudraCT 2006-006944-78.
               in patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis.
                                                                                      Study Design
                                                                                      Eligible patients were randomly assigned at a 1:1 ratio to re-
                                                                                      ceive either 40 mg of prednisolone once a day and 400 mg of
               Methods                                                                pentoxifylline 3 times a day or 40 mg of prednisolone and a
               Patient Selection                                                      matching placebo 3 times a day. All patients were scheduled
               This multicenter, randomized, double-blind placebo-                    to receive the allocated treatment for 28 days, regardless of
               controlled clinical trial was performed in 1 Belgian hospital and      treatment response evaluated by the Lille model on day 7. Ran-

        1034   JAMA September 11, 2013 Volume 310, Number 10                                                                                    

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Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis                                         Original Investigation Research

                  domization was centralized and patients were assigned in               model. The potential heterogeneity in the treatment effect ac-
                  blocks of 6 by a computerized procedure to achieve a balance           cording to different study centers was tested by adding an in-
                  between the 2 groups, with stratification according to center.         teraction center × treatment in the Cox proportional hazards
                       In the case of drug-related adverse effects, treatment was        regression model. Potential risk factors were first tested by the
                  interrupted or reduced by up to 2 doses, as decided by a phy-          Cox proportional hazards regression model in bivariable analy-
                  sician. Adherence was assessed by pill count and patients’ di-         sis. The linearity assumption for quantitative variables was
                  ary entries.                                                           checked by the martingale residual. When this assumption
                       The following variables were assessed at baseline: age, sex,      was not verified, the variable was dichotomized according to
                  alcohol intake, presence of encephalopathy, ascites, serum bil-        the median value. The proportional hazards assumption was
                  irubin level, prothrombin time, international normalized ra-           checked by Schoenfeld residuals and the test proposed by
                  tio (INR), serum albumin, aspartate aminotransferase, so-              Therneau and Grambsch.21 Prognostic variables with a signifi-
                  dium, creatinine and urea, blood cell count, and C-reactive            cance level of less than .10 in bivariable analyses were in-
                  protein. Clinical follow-up and laboratory tests were per-             cluded in a multivariable Cox proportional hazards regres-
                  formed weekly from day 0 to day 28, then monthly for the next          sion model. The variables included in the Cox proportional
                  5 months.                                                              hazards regression model analyses were treatment alloca-
                       Maddrey discriminant function4,17 and the Model for End-          tion, male sex, age, prothrombin time, bilirubin at day 0,
                  Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score18,19 were calculated at base-         Maddrey score at day 0, MELD score at day 0, serum creati-
                  line, and the Lille model15 was calculated 7 days after treat-         nine at day 0, serum sodium, albumin at day 0, aspartate ami-
                  ment had begun. The formulas for the scores were as follows:           notransferase at day 0, white blood cell count at day 0, Lille
                  Maddrey discriminant function = {4.6 × [patient prothrom-              model, presence of ascites, and presence of encephalopathy.
                  bin time −control prothrombin time (in seconds)] + serum bil-          Factors included in a composite score were not included in mul-
                  irubin (in mg/dL)}; MELD score = [9.57 × loge creatinine (in mg/       tivariable analysis to avoid bias related to the effect of colin-
                  dL) + 3.78 × loge bilirubin (in mg/dL) + 11.20 × loge INR + 6.43];     earity. A complete case analysis was performed because miss-
                  Lille score = {Exp(−R)/[1+Exp(−R)]}, where R = [3.19                   ing data did not exceed 10%.22
                  −0.101 × age (in years) + 0.147 × albumin (in g/L) + 0.0165 × evo-          The hepatorenal syndrome was defined as such if it oc-
                  lution (in bilirubin, μmol/L) −0.206 × renal insufficiency             curred within 180 days. Death without hepatorenal syn-
                  −0.0065 × bilirubin (in μmol/L) −0.0096 × prothrombin time             drome was considered to be a competing event. The cumula-
                  (in seconds)].                                                         tive incidence of the hepatorenal syndrome was calculated by
                                                                                         using the Kalbfleisch and Prentice method, and was com-
                  Study Outcome Measures                                                 pared using the Gray test.23
                  The primary outcome was survival at 6 months after the ini-                 All statistical analyses were performed in the intention-
                  tiation of allocated treatment. Secondary outcomes included            to-treat population. The sample size was calculated based on
                  response to therapy and the incidence of the hepatorenal syn-          the following hypotheses. With an expected survival rate of
                  drome. Response to therapy was based on the results of the             64% at 6 months in the placebo-prednisolone group,15 an im-
                  Lille model after 7 days of allocated treatment. Hepatorenal           provement in survival of 78% in the pentoxifylline-
                  syndrome was defined according to recommended interna-                 prednisolone group,7 a type I error rate of 5%, and a power of
                  tional criteria.20                                                     80%, at least 242 patients were required for the study using a
                                                                                         2-sided test. All statistical analyses were performed by using
                  Statistical Analysis                                                   NCSS 2007 (version 07) and SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute). The
                  Assumption of normality was assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test.         significance level was set at .05 with a 2-sided test.
                  Comparisons were made with the Wilcoxon or t test for con-
                  tinuous variables according to the normality of distribution,
                  and the χ2 test or Fisher exact test for qualitative variables. All
                  results of continuous variables were expressed as means and
                  95% CIs for continuous variables and as the frequencies, per-          Patients
                  centages, and 95% CIs for categorical variables. The primary           A total of 278 patients were randomized between December
                  results presented for all analyses were unadjusted. Fol-               2007 and March 2010. An independent committee including
                  low-up time was defined as the period from the first day of            2 external experts not involved in the study recommended that
                  treatment to 180 days after initiation of the assigned treat-          7 patients who did not meet criteria for the definition of se-
                  ment. Data for patients without events of interest were cen-           vere alcoholic hepatitis be excluded from the statistical analy-
                  sored at the date of the last follow-up visit. The status (alive       sis (ie, absence of jaundice despite histological lesions sug-
                  or dead) of patients lost to follow-up was assessed by tele-           gesting alcoholic hepatitis [n = 4], absence of histological
                  phoning a family member, general practitioner, or both, or by          confirmation of the diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis [n = 2], and
                  contacting the death registry at the patient’s birthplace.             Maddrey discriminant function
Research Original Investigation                                                               Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis

               Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Patients Included in Intention-to-Treat Analysis
                                                   Pentoxifylline-                              Placebo-
                                                 Prednisolone Group     Missing Data,      Prednisolone Group          Missing Data,
                Characteristics                      (n = 133)             No. (%)             (n = 137)                  No. (%)
                Age, mean (95% CI), y            51.5 (49.9-53.1)            0             51.8 (50.4-53.2)                  0
                Male sex, No./Total No. (%)       83/133 (62.4)              0               80/137 (58.4)                   0
                [95% CI]                           [54.1-70.8]                                [50.0-56.8]
                Ascites, No./Total No. (%)        88/131 (67.2)            2 (1.5)           104/136 (76.5)               1 (0.7)
                [95% CI]                           [59.0-75.3]                                [69.2-83.7]
                Encephalopathy, No./Total           9/132 (6.8)            1 (0.7)           18/135 (13.3)                2 (1.5)
                No. (%) [95% CI]                    [2.5-11.2]                                [7.5-19.1]
                Leukocytes, mean                      11 562               2 (1.5)               12 169                   1 (0.7)
                (95% CI), /μL                    (10 375-12 749)                            (11 110-13 228)
                Neutrophil count, mean        9521 (7830-11 212)         31 (23.3)         8147 (7136-9157)              39 (29.3)
                (95% CI), /μLa
                Prothrombin time, mean           20.5 (19.8-21.2)            0             21.2 (20.1-22.3)               1 (0.7)
                (95% CI), s                                                                                                               Abbreviations: AST, aspartate
                                                                                                                                          aminotransferase; INR, international
                INR, mean (95% CI)                1.9 (1.8-2.0)              0               2.0 (1.9-2.1)                1 (0.7)
                                                                                                                                          normalized ratio; MELD, Model for
                Bilirubin, mean (95% CI),        15.3 (13.4-17.2)            0             16.1 (14.3-17.9)                  0            End-Stage Liver Disease.
                                                                                                                                          SI conversion factors: To convert
                Urea, mean (95% CI),             12.0 (10.6-13.2)          5 (3.8)         12.9 (11.2-14.8)               3 (2.2)
                                                                                                                                          albumin to g/L, multiply by 10; to
                                                                                                                                          convert bilirubin to μmol/L, multiply
                Serum creatinine, mean           0.81 (0.75-0.87)            0             0.85 (0.78-0.91)                  0
                                                                                                                                          by 17.104; to convert creatinine to
                (95% CI), mg/dL
                                                                                                                                          μmol/L, multiply by 88.4; to convert
                Serum sodium, mean            133.3 (132.4-134.1)          2 (1.5)        132.7 (131.9-133.4)             2 (1.5)         urea nitrogen to mmol/L, multiply by
                (95% CI), mEq/L
                Albumin, mean (95% CI),          2.55 (2.45-2.65)            0             2.52 (2.42-2.62)                  0            a
                g/dL                                                                                                                          Twenty-six percent of the data for
                AST, mean (95% CI), U/L          118 (108-128)             3 (2.3)          120 (111-129)                 4 (2.9)             the neutrophil count was missing
                                                                                                                                              (23.3% and 29.3%, respectively), a
                Maddrey function, mean           54.4 (50.8-58.1)            0             58.6 (53.1-64.2)               1 (0.7)             variable that represents a
                (95% CI)
                                                                                                                                              percentage of the leukocytes and
                MELD score, mean                 23.2 (22.4-24.0)            0             23.9 (23.0-24.7)               1 (0.7)             therefore cannot be dissociated
                (95% CI)
                                                                                                                                              from leukocytes. Only leukocytes
                Biopsy-proven cirrhosis,          122/133 (91.7)             0               129/137 (94.2)                  0                were considered in the statistical
                No./Total No. (%) [95% CI]         [87.0-96.5]                                [90.2-98.1]

               (see eFigure in the Supplement). Baseline characteristics of the               prednisolone group received liver transplantation for nonre-
               270 patients are shown in Table 1. The time between the date                   sponse to medical treatment after 31 days (Lille score of
               of screening and the start of treatment was 4.5 days (95% CI,                  0.982).24 Data for this patient were censored at transplanta-
               2.2-6.7 days). Overall, 25.8% of patients relapsed regarding al-               tion. Mean time until death was 49.7 (95% CI, 35.6-63.7) days
               cohol use within 6 months of follow-up and 74.2% did not re-                   and 51.4 (95% CI, 38.2-64.7) days in each group, respectively
               lapse. However, the percentage of alcohol relapse was not sig-                 (P = .85).
               nificantly different between the pentoxifylline-prednisolone                        Ten variables were significantly associated with 6-month
               group and the placebo-prednisolone group (30.7% vs 21.3%,                      survival in bivariable Cox proportional hazards regression
               respectively; P = .11).                                                        analysis (Table 2). Exploratory multivariable analysis using a
                                                                                              Cox proportional hazards regression model identified the MELD
               Efficacy                                                                       and Lille scores as independent prognostic variables of
               Overall 6-Month Survival                                                       overall 6-month survival (Table 2). After adjustment for treat-
               Assessment of mortality was 100% at 6 months. Eighty-two                       ment allocation in the multivariable Cox proportional
               deaths occurred in the 2 groups during the 6-month follow-                     hazards regression model, the Lille score (HR, 12.55; 95% CI,
               up, due to complications from liver failure in 67 cases (81.7%)                5.19-30.34) and MELD score (HR, 1.11; 95% CI, 1.03-1.19) re-
               and other causes including gastrointestinal bleeding in 15 cases               mained independent factors.
               (18.3%). There was no significant difference in causes of death                     Per-protocol analysis was performed after exclusion of 9
               between the 2 groups (see eTable in the Supplement). There                     patients (6 patients who did not meet inclusion criteria [ie, aged
               was no difference in 6-month survival between the 2 groups                     >70 years {n = 2}, treatment with corticosteroids in the previ-
               according to intention-to-treat analysis and with a bivariable                 ous year {n = 1}, type 1 hepatorenal syndrome {n = 1}, and jaun-
               Cox proportional hazards regression model (69.9% [95% CI,                      dice evolving for >3 months {n = 2}]; nonblinded administra-
               62.1%-77.7%] in the pentoxifylline-prednisolone group [cor-                    tion of pentoxifylline by the general practitioner during the
               responding to 40 deaths] vs 69.2% [95% CI, 61.4%-76.9%] in                     treatment period [n = 1]; treatment with anticoagulants mak-
               the placebo-prednisolone group [corresponding to 42 deaths];                   ing it impossible to calculate the Maddrey discriminant func-
               P = .91) (Figure 1). There was no significant difference in treat-             tion [n = 1]; or complete lack of adherence [n = 1]). Per-
               ment effect by center as assessed by the center × treatment                    protocol analysis did not show any significant difference in
               interaction test (P = .59). One patient in the placebo-                        6-month survival between the pentoxifylline-prednisolone and

        1036   JAMA September 11, 2013 Volume 310, Number 10                                                                                                  

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Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis                                                                                   Original Investigation Research

                  Figure 1. Probability of 6-Month Survival According to Treatment Allocation



                                                        Survival, %
                                                                                                                                                                    There was no difference in 6-month
                                                                                                                                                                    survival between the
                                                                                                                                                                    pentoxifylline+prednisolone and
                                                                       25                                                                                           placebo+prednisolone groups
                                                                                Pentoxifylline + prednisolone                                                       according to intention-to-treat
                                                                                Placebo + prednisolone                                                              analysis (69.9% [95% CI,
                                                                                                                                                                    62.1%-77.7%] vs 69.2% [95% CI,
                                                                            0   30           60           90             120             150      180               61.4%-76.9%], P = .91). Comparison
                                                                                                        Time, d                                                     of hazard ratio using the Cox
                                                    No. at risk                                                                                                     proportional hazards regression
                                Pentoxifylline + prednisolone 133               119         102          98              96              96        93               model was 0.98 (95% CI, 0.63-1.51;
                                      Placebo+ prednisolone 137                 120         108          102             99              95        94               P = .91). The combination therapy
                                                                                                                                                                    lasted 28 days.

                  Table 2. Factors Predicting 6-Month Survival in Bivariable and Multivariable Analysesa

                                                                                               Bivariable Analysis                                                   Multivariable Analysis
                      Covariateb                                                Hazard Ratio (95% CI)                          P Value                  Hazard Ratio (95% CI)                     P Value
                      Treatment allocation                                       0.98 (0.63-1.51)                               .91
                      Male sex                                                   0.94 (0.60-1.46)                               .76
                      Age, yc                                                    1.03 (1.00-1.05)                               .03
                      Prothrombin time at day 0, sc                              1.06 (1.03-1.08)
Research Original Investigation                                                                   Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis

               Figure 2. Probability of 6-Month Survival According to the Pattern of Response to Treatment in the Pentoxifylline+Prednisolone and
               Placebo+Prednisolone Groups

                                                                                                                     Complete response

                                                                                                                       Partial response

                                                                Survival, %

                                                                                                                        Null response


                                                                                    0   30    60         90           120          150         180
                                                                                                       Time, d
                                                         No. at risk
                                                 Complete response 70                    70   60         66            65          65          63
                                                   Partial response 110                 104   95         89            88          86          83
                                                     Null response 77                    61   43         40            37          35          34

               Pattern of response was based on previously proposed cutoffs that classified        did not significantly differ between the pentoxifylline-prednisolone and
               patients as complete (Lille score of ⱕ0.16), partial (0.16
Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis                                                                                 Original Investigation Research

                  Figure 3. Cumulative Incidence of Hepatorenal Syndrome in the Pentoxifylline+Prednisolone and
                  Placebo+Prednisolone Groups Estimated by the Kalbfleisch and Prentice Method


                                       Cumulative Incidence of Hepatorenal Syndrome, %
                                                                                         20                                                                        At the 6-month follow-up, the
                                                                                                                                                                   difference in cumulative risk of
                                                                                                                         Placebo + prednisolone                    hepatorenal syndrome was not
                                                                                         15                                                                        observed in patients treated with a
                                                                                                                                                                   combination of pentoxifylline and
                                                                                                                                                                   prednisolone (8.4% [95% CI,
                                                                                         10                           Pentoxifylline + prednisolone                4.8%-14.8%] in the
                                                                                                                                                                   pentoxifylline+prednisolone group vs
                                                                                                                                                                   15.3% [95% CI, 10.3%-22.7%] in the
                                                                                         5                                                                         placebo+prednisolone group,
                                                                                                                                                                   corresponding with 11 vs 21
                                                                                                                                                                   occurrences, respectively; P = .07).
                                                                                         0                                                                         Comparison of cumulative incidence
                                                                                              0   30   60     90      120          150         180                 was performed by using the Gray
                                                                                                            Time, d                                                test. The combination therapy lasted
                                                                                                                                                                   28 days.

                  oped hepatorenal syndrome between the pentoxifylline-                                                         sea. One patient randomized in the placebo-prednisolone group
                  prednisolone and placebo-prednisolone groups (0.62 [95% CI,                                                   took only 2 pills per day of the experimental treatment be-
                  0.41-0.82] vs 0.71 [95% CI, 0.59-0.83], P = .37). Patients who de-                                            cause the patient misunderstood the directions from the in-
                  veloped hepatorenal syndrome had more severe liver disease                                                    vestigator.
                  at day 1 of therapy than those who did not develop hepatore-
                  nal syndrome (serum creatinine levels: 0.99 [95% CI, 0.83-
                  1.14] vs 0.79 [95% CI, 0.76-0.84] mg/dL, P = .005; prothrom-
                  bin time: 23.2 [95% CI, 21.4-24.9] vs 20.5 [95% CI, 19.8-21.2]
                  seconds, P = .01; INR: 2.2 [95% CI, 2.0-2.5] vs 1.9 [95% CI, 1.8-                                             This double-blind, randomized clinical trial in 270 patients with
                  2.0], P = .002; serum sodium: 129.9 [95% CI, 127.6-132.2] vs 133.4                                            biopsy-proven, severe alcoholic hepatitis showed that the ad-
                  [95% CI, 132.8-133.9] mEq/L, P < .001; serum bilirubin: 21.3 [95%                                             dition of pentoxifylline with prednisolone did not improve sur-
                  CI, 17.2-25.5] vs 14.9 [95% CI, 13.6-16.2] mg/dL, P = .001; Mad-                                              vival compared with prednisolone alone. As assessed using the
                  drey score: 71.9 [95% CI, 63.1-80.7] vs 54.4 [95% CI, 50.8-                                                   Lille model, the 2 groups demonstrated the same magnitude
                  57.9], P < .001; and MELD score: 27.1 [95% CI, 25.4-28.8] vs 23.0                                             of response to treatment. Because of the lack of difference in
                  [95% CI, 22.4-23.6], P < .001).                                                                               survival, our study does not support the use of a combination
                                                                                                                                of pentoxifylline and prednisolone for severe alcoholic hepa-
                  Safety                                                                                                        titis.
                  No deaths were considered to be attributable to treatment al-                                                      The pathways involved in severe alcoholic hepatitis ap-
                  location by clinicians. Temporary (13 vs 13 cases) and definite                                               pear to be more complex than originally believed.1 The ratio-
                  (3 vs 6 cases) treatment withdrawal was not significantly more                                                nale behind our study was to combine the 2 molecules that tar-
                  frequent in the pentoxifylline-prednisolone or placebo-                                                       get different mechanisms that cause death in severe alcoholic
                  prednisolone groups, respectively. In the pentoxifylline-                                                     hepatitis. The main protective pathway of pentoxifylline is the
                  prednisolone group, definite withdrawal was related to infec-                                                 prevention of the hepatorenal syndrome,7 although predniso-
                  tion (2 cases) and the patient’s decision (1 case). Definite                                                  lone induces early improvement in liver function, the main fac-
                  treatment withdrawal was related to infection (4 cases) and                                                   tor contributing to short-term survival.14,26 Our data do not sup-
                  neurological disorders (2 cases) in the placebo-prednisolone                                                  port this strategy. However, these results cannot be considered
                  group. In the pentoxifylline-prednisolone group, temporary                                                    as evidence that pentoxifylline is not effective for severe al-
                  withdrawal was related to infection (8 cases), gastrointesti-                                                 coholic hepatitis. Indeed, the study supporting the use of pen-
                  nal bleeding (2 cases), pruritus (1 case), and other causes (2                                                toxifylline compared this drug with a placebo.7 Our study de-
                  cases). Temporary treatment withdrawal was related to infec-                                                  sign did not include a study group receiving pentoxifylline
                  tion in 13 cases in the placebo-prednisolone group. Adher-                                                    treatment alone. Future molecules that target other impor-
                  ence was considered to be inadequate in 18 and 11 cases in the                                                tant pathways such as those involved in liver regeneration
                  pentoxifylline-prednisolone and placebo-prednisolone groups,                                                  should be explored.
                  respectively. Pruritus, diarrhea, and nausea were reported in                                                      A recent randomized study in patients with liver disease
                  6, 8, and 10 cases, respectively, in the pentoxifylline-                                                      classified as Child-Pugh C reported that pentoxifylline re-
                  prednisolone group, and in 3, 4, and 5 cases, respectively, in                                                duced the risk of renal failure with no significant difference
                  the placebo-prednisolone group. These adverse events led to                                                   in 6-month survival between the pentoxifylline and placebo
                  a decrease in treatment dose in 3 patients in the pentoxifylline-                                             groups.27 Sensitivity analysis restricted to patients with alco-
                  prednisolone group because of pruritus, diarrhea, and nau-                                                    holic hepatitis led to the same conclusions. Nevertheless, this

                                                                                                                                    JAMA September 11, 2013 Volume 310, Number 10       1039

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Research Original Investigation                                                                 Prednisolone and Pentoxifylline in Patients With Alcoholic Hepatitis

               improvement in renal function did not lead to an improve-                          survival. Our results are somewhat disappointing regarding the
               ment in survival at 1 or 6 months.                                                 probability of response, because only 62.3% of the patients were
                    Our results should be interpreted in light of the study limi-                 classified as responders. Because of the strong link between
               tations. Assessment of response to therapy at 1 week may be                        response to therapy and short-term outcome, the goal of fu-
               less suitable in patients treated with pentoxifylline and pred-                    ture treatments should be to improve liver function early on
               nisolone than in those treated with prednisolone alone. It may                     in these patients. Shifting the pattern of response from a par-
               be more effective to continue pentoxifylline therapy beyond                        tial to a complete response might be another strategy to de-
               28 days, depending on the mean time until death, and be-                           crease short-term mortality.
               cause the effect of pentoxifylline may depend on the pattern                            Our study design integrates recent insights in the man-
               of response. Moreover, our study was powered to detect sur-                        agement of patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis, and the
               vival as the primary outcome; therefore, it was probably un-                       findings are applicable to patients observed in clinical prac-
               derpowered to detect a difference in secondary outcomes re-                        tice. The results may be useful in helping physicians ratio-
               lated to the occurrence of the hepatorenal syndrome. Indeed,                       nally evaluate the therapeutic strategy of combining pentoxi-
               345 patients would have been needed per group to show a 50%                        fylline and prednisolone, and adapt their management of
               decrease in the incidence of the hepatorenal syndrome in pa-                       patients based on reliable tools.
               tients treated with pentoxifylline in relation to an incidence
               of 15% in patients receiving the standard of care (with a type I
               error of 5% and a power of 80%). Therefore, the difference in
               the incidence of the hepatorenal syndrome in our study should
               not be interpreted as being null and a larger study is neces-                      Four weeks of treatment with a combination of pentoxifylline
               sary to evaluate this issue.                                                       and prednisolone did not improve 6-month survival com-
                    In our study, there was an effect on short-term survival due                  pared with prednisolone alone in patients with alcoholic hepa-
               to early improvement in liver function as assessed by the Lille                    titis. The study may have been underpowered to detect a sig-
               model. The importance of early improvement was confirmed                           nificant difference in the incidence of the hepatorenal syndrome,
               because the Lille model was the strongest predictor of out-                        which was numerically less frequent in the pentoxifylline group.
               come in multivariable analysis. The treatment effect on this                       Future studies with an appropriate design are needed to pro-
               end point was not significantly different in either study group,                   vide robust data for developing new strategies to improve the
               which may partially explain the lack of difference in 6-month                      outcome of patients with this life-threatening disease.1,2

               ARTICLE INFORMATION                                   Saint-Eloi, CHU de Montpellier, France (Pageaux);        Conflict of Interest Disclosures: All authors have
               Author Affiliations: Service des Maladies de          Centre Hépato-Biliaire, Hôpital Paul Brousse,            completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for
               l’Appareil digestif, Hôpital Huriez, Lille, France    Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Villejuif,        Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest and
               (Mathurin, Louvet, Canva-Delcambre, Dharancy);        France (Sobesky); Service                                none were reported.
               Unité INSERM 995, Lille, France (Mathurin, Louvet,    d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, CHU de Caen, France          Funding/Support: This work was supported by a
               Dharancy); Unité de Biostatistiques, CHU de Lille,    (Dao).                                                   Hospital-Based Clinical Research Program, a grant
               France (Duhamel, Salleron); Service                   Author Contributions: Drs Mathurin and Louvet            from the French Minister of Health. Pentoxifylline
               d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, Hôpital Jean-Verdier,     had full access to all of the data in the study and      and its matching placebo were both supplied by
               Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Bondy,         take responsibility for the integrity of the data and    Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals.
               France (Nahon); Service d’Hépatologie, Hôpital        the accuracy of the data analysis. Drs Mathurin and      Role of the Sponsor: The funding sponsors had no
               Saint-Antoine, Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de        Louvet contributed equally to the manuscript.            role in the design and conduct of the study;
               Paris, Paris, France (Carbonell); Service             Study concept and design: Mathurin, Louvet,              collection, management, analysis, and
               d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, CHU d’Angers, France      Duhamel.                                                 interpretation of the data; and preparation, review,
               (Boursier); Service d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie,       Acquisition of data: Mathurin, Louvet, Nahon,            or approval of the manuscript.
               CHU de Nice, France (Anty); Service                   Carbonell, Boursier, Anty, Diaz, Thabut, Moirand,
               d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, Béthune, France           Lebrec, Moreno, Talbodec, Paupard, Naveau,               Study Investigators and Centers: A.-B.
               (Diaz); Service d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, Hôpital   Silvain, Pageaux, Sobesky, Canva-Delcambre,              Marks-Brunel, MD (Centre Hospitalier de
               de la Pitié-Salpétrière, Assistance                   Dharancy, Dao.                                           Valenciennes, France); J.-P. Bronowicki, MD (CHU
               Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France (Thabut);   Analysis and interpretation of data: Mathurin,           de Nancy, France); C. Duvoux, MD (Hôpital Henri
               Service des Maladies du Foie, Hôpital Pontchaillou,   Louvet, Duhamel, Salleron.                               Mondor, Créteil, France); T. Davion, MD (Centre
               Rennes, France (Moirand); Inserm Unité 773, Centre    Drafting of the manuscript: Mathurin, Louvet,            Hospitalier de Lens, France); F. Guillemot, MD
               de Recherche Biomédicale Bichat Beaujon, Paris        Duhamel, Salleron.                                       (Centre Hospitalier de Roubaix, France); P. Sogni,
               and Service d'Hépatologie, Hôpital Beaujon, Clichy,   Critical revision of the manuscript for important        MD (Hôpital Cochin, Paris, France); J.-F. Cadranel,
               France (Lebrec); Service de Gastroentérologie et      intellectual content: Mathurin, Louvet, Duhamel,         MD (Centre Hospitalier de Creil, France).
               d’Hépato-Pancréatologie, Hôpital Erasme,              Nahon, Carbonell, Boursier, Anty, Diaz, Thabut,          Previous Presentations: Presented as an abstract
               Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium     Moirand, Lebrec, Moreno, Talbodec, Paupard,              in the following meetings: American Association for
               (Moreno); Service d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie,         Naveau, Silvain, Pageaux, Sobesky,                       the Study of Liver Diseases; November 6, 2011; San
               Tourcoing, France (Talbodec); Service                 Canva-Delcambre, Dharancy, Salleron, Dao.                Francisco, California; European Association for the
               d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, Hôpital de                Statistical analysis: Mathurin, Louvet, Duhamel,         Study of the Liver; April 21, 2012; Barcelona, Spain;
               Dunkerque, France (Paupard); Service                  Salleron.                                                and Journées Francophones d’Hépato-
               d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, Hôpital Béclère,          Obtained funding: Mathurin.                              gastroentérologie et d’Oncologie Digestive; March
               Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris, Clamart,       Administrative, technical, or material support:          15, 2012; Paris, France.
               France (Naveau); Service                              Mathurin, Louvet, Duhamel, Salleron.                     Additional Contributions: We thank Aurélie
               d’Hépato-Gastroentérologie, CHU de Poitiers,          Study supervision: Mathurin, Louvet, Duhamel,            Gozdziaszek (clinical research assistant,
               France (Silvain); Service d’Hépatologie, Hôpital      Salleron.                                                Direction à la Recherche Clinique et à l’Innovation,

        1040   JAMA September 11, 2013 Volume 310, Number 10                                                                                                   

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